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a guest
Apr 13th, 2011
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  1. /*
  2. Navicat MySQL Data Transfer
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  10. Target Server Version : 50091
  11. File Encoding : 65001
  13. Date: 2011-04-13 08:46:20
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  38. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:10289261', '', 'NovaVenta', '1299542254', '1299629152', '12', '4004430249', 'Noah Calson', '11534');
  39. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:10895574', '', 'sTs Cybershot', '1299549026', '1302668516', '76', '1731315943', 'John Mcbailey', '166983');
  40. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:11526186', '', 'Pvt. Ritzer [3rd RB]', '1299436637', '1299781898', '12', '2801164041', 'Mark Ritzer', '30350');
  41. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:11691755', '', 'Zack', '1299457178', '1299646416', '16', '1003145558', 'Dante Miles', '58674');
  42. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:12429561', '', '»S.O.N.I.C', '1299468020', '1299774604', '12', '360989806', 'Sonic Smith', '42724');
  43. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:13638346', '', 'Greg The Spider', '1299465971', '1299466254', '2', '2401469496', 'Greg Spider', '913');
  44. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:13651331', '', '-[ĦÅẌ]- ßĻØØĎҜĮήG', '1299452411', '1299965619', '20', '4079168709', 'John Hunter', '48913');
  45. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:13926110', '', 'Motu', '1299559366', '1299559366', '1', '1816936845', 'Jordyn Reynolds', '810');
  46. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:14452133', '', '[ECG] Sacmo', '1302631793', '1302633860', '2', '3911216167', 'Joobie Doe', '2690');
  47. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:14774318', '', '[FH][A]Meankookoo', '1299554523', '1299981940', '6', '290527183', 'Duke Nukem', '9706');
  48. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:14807885', '', 'GHOST 4.0', '1299553788', '1299981668', '38', '1618510325', 'Ricky Martin', '57363');
  49. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:15069796', '', 'JayAre', '1299548316', '1299972555', '3', '2091978370', 'James Sharp', '6165');
  50. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:15303527', '', '|UFO| Awesome Dug', '1302444295', '1302620605', '6', '2777125873', 'Adison Power', '20143');
  51. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:15400373', '', 'GRIMM', '1299535496', '1299535496', '1', '1641357215', 'Mike Sullins', '438');
  52. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:15975228', '', 'Doritos¿#TopHat', '1299451190', '1299935503', '13', '484050338', 'Tom Jones', '56864');
  53. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:16202479', '', '[DivineWEB] Blademaster', '1299770597', '1299867272', '2', '484383971', 'Chris Mills', '2006');
  54. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:16718557', '', 'SoD Mr.Zion', '1299630738', '1299633227', '2', '1876029834', 'Zion Tool', '1355');
  55. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:16790264', '', 'BIG Waffle Man', '1299548468', '1299885105', '13', '3351986654', 'Philip Sharp', '42221');
  56. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:16985139', '', '-zAAAAK \'', '1299908818', '1299908818', '1', '763727990', 'Hard Core', '957');
  57. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:17014259', '', '(Teo) + [GoÐ] Redz', '1299436551', '1299601253', '11', '3725122178', 'Jack Candox', '34671');
  58. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:17028200', '', 'Mista Smith', '1299378309', '1299562983', '3', '584021999', 'Jackie Chan', '3632');
  59. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:17478873', '', 'Storm', '1299958223', '1299958223', '1', '919435295', 'Jacob Storm', '2466');
  60. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:17483969', '', 'xFG| Omen_1010011010', '1302505509', '1302638351', '2', '1953178680', 'Trevor Hunt', '572');
  61. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:17487909', '', 'Cafe', '1302491977', '1302491977', '1', '258274699', 'Gaylord Doe', '1344');
  62. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18256608', '', 'Demochi', '1302456445', '1302456445', '1', '4193066073', 'Demo Diaz', '246');
  63. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18257033', '', 'wakeboarderCWB', '1299438444', '1302029955', '71', '425855265', 'Ryan Wake', '14493');
  64. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18463428', '', 'Yomankeenan livestreaming', '1299375971', '1299981712', '23', '1632157692', 'Keenan Akit', '45380');
  65. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18492683', '', 'Dannymyman', '1299376888', '1299442919', '2', '3462830159', 'Daniele Vaccarella', '13827');
  66. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18632974', '', 'Big Bad Brontosaurus', '1299714153', '1299714923', '2', '2676076988', 'James Hafferty', '3446');
  67. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18994612', '', 'Godlike', '1299535242', '1299535242', '1', '3914682166', 'Bob Smith', '3267');
  68. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:19446723', '', 'P.L.U.R.', '1299977325', '1299978751', '2', '3473017271', 'Paul Doe', '1963');
  69. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:19807101', '', 'wD. Dr. Doctor', '1299559166', '1299907189', '4', '228296475', 'Joe Lotps', '6610');
  70. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:19890669', '', 'Daft |brb.u|', '1299551336', '1299981703', '31', '2156023625', 'Malcolm Wallop', '109397');
  71. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:20203286', '', 'Icyhot', '1299632450', '1299793903', '3', '574514571', 'Kenzie Treyton', '2009');
  72. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:20818702', '', 'Ghost [NOR]', '1299531898', '1299535112', '4', '2523067988', 'Mark Macmillan', '4134');
  73. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:21367377', '', '[RG]Roflmonkeys!!!! <3', '1299980885', '1299981727', '2', '420942963', 'Jesus Christ', '1325');
  74. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:21459978', '', 'Frag0Matic', '1299626858', '1302668463', '65', '1514026548', 'Dhordidian Ferye', '69991');
  75. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:21987225', '', 'Franchie', '1302489496', '1302489496', '1', '805705857', 'Franchie Mccrackhead', '183');
  76. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:22041897', '', 'Jesus Tapdancing Christ', '1299799579', '1299799579', '1', '1068494672', 'Dylan Cadavar', '300');
  77. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:22076136', '', '[ЯтR]Nowhere Man', '1299472562', '1299552623', '5', '2709846065', 'Jacob Rodgers', '2960');
  78. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:22794306', '', '[=$=] Killer', '1299547205', '1299934738', '10', '1301826872', 'Alex Johanson', '22061');
  79. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:23484356', '', 'pnut butter 576', '1302422556', '1302668596', '13', '2677904685', 'John Wood', '69702');
  80. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:23640708', '', '|TNS-M| TwoFace', '1299533900', '1299538319', '3', '2703570594', 'Ryan Connors', '5363');
  81. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:24089195', '', '๖ۣۜ|*DG|Skyline', '1299596477', '1299596477', '1', '3690421628', 'Chris Wilder', '2747');
  82. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:24148734', '', '[CC] [D3] [LrS] Starfflame', '1299699315', '1299981678', '19', '419547933', 'Frinke Brown', '72107');
  83. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:24494937', '', '「CT」coffeeaddict1969', '1299625577', '1299625577', '1', '663502697', 'Jordan Crow', '144');
  84. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:24673942', '', 'Johanan', '1299629498', '1299635969', '2', '1554585457', 'Johanan Strangeman', '4759');
  85. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:24819311', '', '[HG] TheCakeLord', '1299479048', '1299479048', '1', '2377816530', 'John Doe', '42');
  86. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:24859230', '', 'Dr.Green', '1299434123', '1299976850', '25', '13660296', 'John Thornton', '25911');
  87. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:25202539', '', 'DrJazz', '1299638564', '1299980597', '19', '1356248196', 'Zach Smith', '55123');
  88. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:25597773', '', 'La te ra lus', '1299542717', '1299553438', '2', '2922711662', 'Danny Carrey', '1109');
  89. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:25826074', '', 'SteezyGhost', '1299872256', '1299900130', '4', '615903962', 'Sadir Marwan', '7076');
  90. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:26060999', '', 'xFG| X { V1 Fallen - -;', '1299754434', '1299761537', '2', '4187350901', 'Charles Jones', '7475');
  91. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:26422407', '', 'Gunnerstrip7', '1299963935', '1299963935', '1', '3875385142', 'Markus Torres', '2682');
  92. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:26568231', '', '[RB] Ginja Ninja [UK]', '1299691381', '1299919748', '4', '1697524944', 'Roo Thorp', '5858');
  93. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:26708350', '', 'Rockie', '1299433836', '1299461920', '8', '1897352369', 'David Smith', '4459');
  94. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:27328276', '', 'Zer\'atai', '1299708615', '1299708907', '2', '367767271', 'Simmons Denver', '473');
  95. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:27856424', '', 'sTs SubZer0', '1299624423', '1302497105', '9', '2046092952', 'Eifersucht Betrugen', '19282');
  96. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:27923857', '', 'inocence', '1302387395', '1302655372', '7', '3777325024', 'Joe-e Rock', '12005');
  97. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:27926398', '', 'Sixty-Nine_Me', '1299436074', '1299696426', '13', '1145652691', 'Robert Perry', '9467');
  98. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:28367280', '', 'Jake', '1299561388', '1299561388', '1', '836322164', 'Jake Wolf', '3491');
  99. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:28784002', '', 'Subsonicmonk', '1299615253', '1299975999', '40', '2682665110', 'Bill Falling', '42793');
  100. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:29005501', '', 'Ludus', '1301882478', '1301882828', '4', '598675517', 'Hunter Payne', '2559');
  101. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:29063030', '', 'Soldirt', '1299461077', '1299461228', '2', '700555398', 'Jeremy Porsche', '241');
  102. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:29173972', '', 'sTs JAL1230', '1302371050', '1302617381', '17', '2325122008', 'Garrett Nelson', '29720');
  103. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:29431839', '', 'XG XENOPREDATOR', '1302455514', '1302455514', '1', '973677344', 'Jack Diablo', '1667');
  104. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:30456939', '', 'Killer(Mr.B)', '1299939340', '1299972778', '4', '3473290118', 'Bob Powell', '1987');
  105. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:30874082', '', '<madkassen>', '1299442200', '1299615970', '6', '2069246238', 'Jesper Doe', '16816');
  106. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:31383819', '', 'elvo36', '1299546188', '1299977859', '13', '1006931906', 'Brad Sharp', '21001');
  107. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:31790526', '', 'Ashley ♥', '1299644300', '1299644300', '1', '1073200533', 'Ashley Malzahar', '92');
  108. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:31946473', '', 'xFG| Saturn', '1302628547', '1302653511', '5', '998435339', 'Jabe Brannan', '5899');
  109. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:32055570', '', 'DizAznPho', '1299968804', '1299968804', '1', '1488814363', 'Jak Mitchell', '69');
  110. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:32280962', '', 'TR Msg. HsRodkey', '1299701428', '1299701428', '1', '1608364715', 'Hunter Ryker', '1656');
  111. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:32908886', '', '[FSU=P] Bfranx', '1299901431', '1299957673', '2', '3331097399', 'Brandon Franks', '3502');
  112. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:33144693', '', 'Blackwolf', '1299622897', '1299622897', '1', '3788019309', 'Lorenzo Mecacci', '655');
  113. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:33250526', '', 'Barely EP!K', '1299949154', '1299950963', '2', '641351080', 'Johnny Feelgood', '819');
  114. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:33485085', '', 'Shrooms', '1299377136', '1299786580', '3', '2497009832', 'Joe Antentala', '2648');
  115. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:33916701', '', 'Blimpie', '1299542158', '1299542158', '1', '3911864935', 'Tom Severn', '442');
  116. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:34138230', '', 'Tsumakiii', '1299442398', '1299554511', '5', '233118496', 'Jon Doe', '4011');
  117. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:34407015', '', '=O= Mr.Joe =O=', '1302374131', '1302460673', '6', '1063463740', 'Garret Johnson', '16894');
  118. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:34731259', '', 'ozzy01 love GM [nor]', '1299811618', '1302023126', '21', '422550867', 'Norway Doe', '42379');
  119. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:37295053', '', 'Ryan', '1299448620', '1299552644', '6', '4285864619', 'Jimmy Walker', '3203');
  120. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:38365865', '', 'brandon_s249', '1299630963', '1299779174', '10', '1321066664', 'Brandon Chew', '20971');
  121. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:38446195', '', 'Schpasm', '1302374994', '1302374994', '1', '4232992408', 'Logan Comstock', '124');
  122. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:5661784', '', '^2sTs Bunny', '1299699239', '1299702854', '5', '2874762501', 'Bob Charlie', '5298');
  123. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:625761', '', 'RAWCG MadMan!', '1299485207', '1299485207', '1', '786755781', 'Bob Sanchez', '565');
  124. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:7138355', '', 'Xyphious', '1299981408', '1299981653', '2', '3439882884', 'Saxon Rill', '1863');
  125. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:7192399', '', 'Tool', '1299454785', '1299699321', '15', '2006868923', 'Benito Mussolini', '22713');
  126. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:7303892', '', 'Austin.', '1299537738', '1299537830', '2', '1570122848', 'John Mcman', '435');
  127. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:74290', '', 'Colonel. P4UXX [MxF]', '1299971038', '1299975386', '5', '3266339672', 'Promethius Stoner', '3833');
  128. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:8012390', '', 'lil_killa', '1299433787', '1299981672', '44', '1057192010', 'Zane Law', '109342');
  129. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:8598769', '', '[SwissMade] White Tigerâ„¢ (CH)', '1299908385', '1299908385', '1', '1724441523', '', '0');
  130. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:8996978', '', 'DoomKnight', '1299537971', '1299538415', '2', '1863664735', 'Bobb Assd', '1313');
  131. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:9316639', '', 'Slugger', '1299922556', '1299922556', '1', '2054606138', 'John Doe', '600');
  132. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:9846645', '', 'Mark #TopHat', '1299451963', '1299974777', '20', '1211448875', 'Ricky Cole', '69185');
  133. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:10298197', '', 'Revolver Ocelot', '1299638830', '1299640473', '4', '2018159013', 'Jack Shale', '4857');
  134. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:10437097', '', 'STB x Venom', '1299456597', '1299973459', '31', '2810474411', 'Damien Burns', '42361');
  135. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:10457218', '', 'vizioN', '1299435900', '1299436825', '2', '1144036528', 'Dick Saget', '1300');
  136. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:10733754', '', 'wingboy_', '1302647069', '1302647069', '1', '2684749098', 'Jaman Blackmon', '1320');
  137. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:10845491', '', 'Stranger', '1299767370', '1299767370', '1', '1645254981', 'John Galt', '2562');
  138. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:11340452', '', 'jaycedog', '1299376071', '1302371517', '69', '2331640302', 'Bob Read', '146347');
  139. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:11671940', '', 'H.Drescher', '1299645549', '1299975361', '19', '3278027283', 'Hans Drescher', '27639');
  140. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:11981985', '', 'Bl4cksun', '1299730148', '1299954414', '33', '936737373', 'Holly Mills', '38826');
  141. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:12292124', '', 'Derik?#TopHat', '1299440104', '1299982903', '29', '3182082089', 'Sarah Palin', '109020');
  142. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:123226', '', 'Szpock', '1299701327', '1299701327', '1', '3493951548', 'Johnny Chinstoni', '716');
  143. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:12554276', '', 'Mike', '1299434822', '1299532701', '2', '164217024', 'Josh Epps', '10444');
  144. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:1257807', '', 'Boy W0nd3r', '1299473940', '1299630913', '9', '1513602111', 'Hurricane Ditka', '16670');
  145. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:12808689', '', 'Angry Cats', '1299588666', '1299616004', '2', '912557590', 'Jacob Almind', '6204');
  146. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:12868307', '', 'XG Loksley sTs AKA ICARUS', '1302371527', '1302656913', '15', '1885938384', 'Caleb Johnson', '57897');
  147. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:12910935', '', 'aMity. BOOM! Papa Jay Lil Chef', '1299704295', '1299705878', '2', '302702800', 'Jamal Blacky', '4308');
  148. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:13432814', '', 'Motorbike, Herald of the Titans', '1299554908', '1299622530', '7', '3491601741', 'Sam Perryman', '6228');
  149. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:13599878', '', 'Kodex', '1299606510', '1299606510', '1', '2436336420', 'Jones Smith', '216');
  150. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:14094529', '', 'Zlay', '1299911480', '1299911480', '1', '2489929497', '', '146');
  151. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:14975527', '', 'maskinenlol :)', '1299866063', '1299866063', '1', '1810405367', 'Donald Trump', '385');
  152. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:15093718', '', 'Vinny', '1299562462', '1299562573', '2', '215524887', 'Jake Gay', '1637');
  153. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:15365193', '', 'Awaken', '1299452196', '1299452196', '1', '3196949145', 'Jayson Grey', '2246');
  154. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:15939252', '', 'Fishstick', '1299867234', '1299867234', '1', '1597736157', 'John Doe', '52');
  155. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:16920207', '', 'Doostinator', '1299536762', '1299545560', '4', '301991377', 'Devin Roberson', '4099');
  156. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17041504', '', '[TMG]|Nibblez|', '1299777648', '1299981646', '11', '1053378001', 'Nathan Johnson', '9493');
  157. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17043916', '', 'High experianced', '1299622923', '1299782753', '6', '1241347512', 'Robert Johnson', '37775');
  158. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17068251', '', 'Derek', '1299533825', '1299533825', '1', '189745285', 'Derek Smith', '2639');
  159. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17344323', '', 'EpiX', '1299951665', '1299951665', '1', '1681055351', 'John Doe', '600');
  160. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17388163', '', 'Sgt. J. Jordan [9th ID] Ret.', '1299433864', '1302320913', '20', '1282778759', 'John Jordan', '67134');
  161. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17450988', '', 'sh4rpsh00t3r', '1299635668', '1299956026', '8', '77343733', 'Henrik Sedin', '14117');
  162. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17469771', '', 'ŦheMastodoŊ™[T]', '1299436907', '1299455329', '5', '3671707886', 'Frank Poolos', '947');
  163. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17485407', '', 'MrLittleman007 |#1|', '1299434388', '1299948745', '18', '422336970', 'Tobias Mitchell', '55820');
  164. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17767414', '', 'russian', '1299545415', '1299638282', '4', '2372001866', 'Walter Buoy', '412');
  165. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:17893800', '', 'Westy #TopHat', '1299466308', '1299943672', '20', '3128387512', 'Westhimer Miller', '63992');
  166. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:1816051', '', 'SofaKing!', '1299554258', '1299982979', '42', '3975962926', 'Nick Geers', '59151');
  167. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:19031070', '', '[ TBH ] Mini', '1302026510', '1302026510', '1', '1196074639', 'Steve Mini', '86');
  168. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:19624868', '', 'wD.Littlêman', '1302651316', '1302651316', '1', '3192222478', 'Tyrone Dick', '2954');
  169. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:19722723', '', 'ROCKING RICKY FOX', '1299485408', '1299485408', '1', '423215459', 'Maybach Fox', '327');
  170. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:19851805', '', 'Sandtorv', '1299537027', '1299609177', '6', '1397793631', 'Juma Kipperberg', '6580');
  171. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20027677', '', '̶h̶̶o̶̶p̶̶e̶', '1299535155', '1299538706', '3', '3326674244', 'Dian Marqez', '3229');
  172. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20097622', '', 'Pvt. Zatraer [3rd RB]', '1299537761', '1299621985', '2', '1679648336', 'Zack Zatraer', '4952');
  173. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20152636', '', 'Sgt. Conner [9th ID]', '1299436696', '1299983261', '35', '3304322588', 'Conner Cole', '79318');
  174. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20175444', '', '', '1299901726', '1299901726', '1', '378567295', 'Mike Hans', '556');
  175. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20180045', '', 'sgt.grunt', '1299797235', '1299866076', '7', '3198509575', 'Frank Henry', '8712');
  176. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20259030', '', '[QRP]Defiance', '1299652174', '1299800294', '2', '206250722', 'Adilf Hatler', '1101');
  177. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20304525', '', 'Fatbay', '1299954650', '1302666893', '6', '1752437044', 'Artyom Verestrei', '6558');
  178. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20318952', '', '✞ √ιтσ ✞', '1299627353', '1299627353', '1', '994795276', 'Candy Main', '794');
  179. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20499990', '', 'A1C Thug Life', '1299933834', '1299934879', '4', '1161889614', 'Chet Walters', '2190');
  180. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20607397', '', 'generalen', '1299597538', '1299597538', '1', '411784289', 'Ole Jakob', '1661');
  181. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:20667228', '', '(teo+ra) hasse basse', '1299443868', '1299448973', '2', '973844228', 'Hasse Basse', '8734');
  182. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:21006704', '', 'Kush (No Sound)', '1299908608', '1299908608', '1', '2786116328', 'Rav Smith', '152');
  183. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:2116819', '', 'Hidden DiMsUm | Drygonfire 点ï', '1299470284', '1299470284', '1', '1997496372', 'Zhou Hidden', '152');
  184. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:21478434', '', 'Maskan Rill', '1299981510', '1299984705', '4', '1613949406', 'Maskan Rill', '2220');
  185. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:21623588', '', 'EpicN9NE x775x', '1302496500', '1302496500', '1', '4068067018', '', '300');
  186. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:21893610', '', 'Legendary Pedobear', '1299469157', '1299977775', '4', '702626110', 'Matthias Madigan', '5202');
  187. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:22068751', '', 'Ğħôşŧ|| ΪҁєϺӓӥ', '1299434143', '1299963948', '4', '608793715', 'Alex Doobieman', '9091');
  188. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:22110511', '', '[TMG] AceS|', '1299779263', '1299984153', '9', '2991595653', 'Nick Johnson', '4861');
  189. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:22513056', '', 'Palaraka', '1299537867', '1299538692', '2', '3872285918', 'Shmurt Smhomas', '1038');
  190. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:2253856', '', 'VenoM', '1299635266', '1299942946', '31', '890489658', 'Mike Bryant', '69325');
  191. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:22757940', '', 'Abusive Muffin', '1299902404', '1299931552', '3', '2268676373', 'Jose Smith', '3800');
  192. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:22758301', '', '.::๖ۣۜSpenceя :D::.:', '1299467731', '1299885084', '18', '2648101695', 'Spencer Doe', '23178');
  193. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:23173344', '', 'Zob', '1299451275', '1299984211', '38', '2205336830', 'Josef Stalin', '81305');
  194. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:23387980', '', '(=K-A-C=)Haxx\'s Don\'t Use Haxx', '1299722243', '1299872412', '13', '1810007031', 'Tyler Oliver', '16577');
  195. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:23847828', '', 'Price', '1299978738', '1299978738', '1', '4198558606', 'Bill Ding', '817');
  196. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:24505757', '', 'xKillerMattx', '1302388609', '1302658940', '9', '3776149216', 'Matthew Remington', '25371');
  197. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:24543451', '', 'Saving Pvt. Shinto', '1299949014', '1299965799', '2', '2775998546', 'Andrew Doe', '3164');
  198. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:24871252', '', 'Daznay', '1302403662', '1302573938', '7', '2311445820', 'Joshua Herring', '35696');
  199. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:24967229', '', 'Aizou', '1299925947', '1299977034', '17', '1424336842', 'Aizou Danath', '35230');
  200. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:25127314', '', 'Panda', '1299470868', '1299470868', '1', '4196602302', 'John Alexander', '226');
  201. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:25203623', '', 'BORK! BORK! BORK!', '1299907824', '1299907824', '1', '4286504399', 'John Redcorn', '705');
  202. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:25382860', '', 'AJxg', '1299549402', '1299641001', '8', '1084797395', 'Andrew Sharp', '15279');
  203. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:25624721', '', 'Dlink', '1299954102', '1299954102', '1', '1145417246', 'Ron Walker', '1314');
  204. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:26048051', '', 'Mikeguy1', '1299450491', '1299957851', '4', '1921180620', 'Smith Roger', '2294');
  205. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:26533092', '', '∫LRG∫ Pure Galas', '1299619909', '1299619909', '1', '3885152655', 'Vgaming Gaming', '250');
  206. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:26617998', '', 'ArtOfHacking', '1299539681', '1299618548', '21', '549918600', 'Join Doe', '20986');
  207. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:26647117', '', 'Robbie', '1299437943', '1299908386', '2', '3966222358', 'Johnafw Doe', '712');
  208. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:26851761', '', 'Deeeek', '1299805604', '1299961003', '6', '3402452721', 'Boe Doe', '18012');
  209. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:27082144', '', '(Teo)King Midas-Party Wth Hitle', '1299436726', '1299602326', '4', '2944256212', 'Midas Petrych', '2394');
  210. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:27479595', '', '[AntiQue]Stifler@L.A.N.', '1299861086', '1299865313', '2', '4060823116', 'Abraham Lincoln', '6347');
  211. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:28875790', '', 'AZNbass', '1299774959', '1299888779', '10', '1484959128', 'Seymore Bentley', '11273');
  212. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:29323968', '', 'Agito', '1299948893', '1299948893', '1', '1674296683', 'Dixie Normas', '1130');
  213. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:29347165', '', 'pieeater5', '1299549150', '1299976814', '31', '1339214415', 'Justin Sharp', '56054');
  214. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:29586616', '', '^8s^1T^8s^4Malibu', '1299623246', '1299701812', '6', '1887497848', 'Nipple Pincher', '10409');
  215. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:30630721', '', 'phoenix', '1299378343', '1299980294', '21', '1527225879', 'Phoenix Freeman', '44147');
  216. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:31521760', '', 'xmathewx75', '1302644215', '1302644215', '1', '2863203171', 'Hunter Smith', '1727');
  217. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:31728304', '', 'Roarek', '1299540190', '1302326504', '68', '2322878167', 'Mikhail Faustin', '106821');
  218. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:32025539', '', 'sTsBunnyMcSnuggles', '1299647427', '1302498762', '9', '124172493', 'Pete Broham', '6704');
  219. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:320518', '', 'Killabeat', '1299433751', '1299759602', '38', '1965389692', 'Kiki Trumpet', '36624');
  220. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:32748917', '', 'iSkillzzZzZ', '1299538928', '1299703071', '4', '694311275', 'Chris Marston', '8369');
  221. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:32851381', '', '† £ V!L xǤ MIND3Ð †', '1299548915', '1299550536', '2', '638176572', 'Joseph Rodriguez', '4233');
  222. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:33343335', '', '✞ M&M\'s ✞', '1299556508', '1299896420', '37', '3893989166', 'Skippy Flixer', '60644');
  223. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:33573521', '', 'thingkiller', '1302025939', '1302124248', '2', '1909959869', 'Bob Marly', '152');
  224. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:3382836', '', '[HZ]GOA.killslick', '1299529822', '1299558357', '2', '2140692354', 'Kev Moore', '691');
  225. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:34628735', '', 'Sticks', '1299553466', '1302383176', '12', '531353203', 'Rosa Parks', '27604');
  226. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:37034035', '', 'BlackVoid', '1299518217', '1299518217', '1', '2441696936', 'Daniel Bryant', '42');
  227. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:37236575', '', 'Ted Bundey', '1299963870', '1299975067', '3', '2376947828', 'Michael Patterson', '2230');
  228. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:37475407', '', 'High', '1302440419', '1302440651', '2', '2556490407', 'Jake Satchel', '800');
  229. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:37515785', '', '[CI-RP-O] SoulRicky', '1299963862', '1299972404', '3', '1436098183', 'Karrina Fenderson', '10277');
  230. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:37548052', '', 'Amazing Goldfish', '1299442048', '1299981718', '27', '82623891', 'Jonathan Curtis', '69604');
  231. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:3786683', '', 'ĻïĻ ĵ', '1299433782', '1299981684', '47', '2889845454', 'Jake Daniels', '112483');
  232. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:38598443', '', 'Disciple02', '1302485329', '1302485329', '1', '1890582284', 'Disciple Joe', '3760');
  233. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:38890748', '', 'CHESSE HOT DOG', '1302425407', '1302427265', '2', '3818562451', 'Jack Andrews', '1882');
  234. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:39350787', '', 'Zannith', '1299887712', '1299947318', '3', '1144110696', 'Shan Clark', '23536');
  235. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:39941980', '', 'Wobnog', '1302636540', '1302667265', '4', '471819797', 'Sam Verra', '1737');
  236. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:4584592', '', 'Moriim', '1299461931', '1299981972', '19', '4106392675', 'Kaelin Ring', '68273');
  237. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:5247800', '', 'Skull', '1299538766', '1299539699', '3', '44115042', 'Shawn Payne', '497');
  238. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:5464200', '', 'Lt.Dan', '1299948657', '1299981758', '7', '2750243694', 'Dan Taylor', '8973');
  239. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:5981367', '', 'Kyle', '1302392454', '1302676110', '15', '3436947216', 'Ender Obrian', '29685');
  240. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:6084474', '', 'Drew', '1299938185', '1299981731', '6', '3953603337', 'Drew Doblert', '22395');
  241. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:6452530', '', 'xFG| Mac', '1299756573', '1299761475', '2', '4280328412', 'Snake Plissken', '5379');
  242. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:7018832', '', '420Mafia|SGT.Wolfie', '1299434073', '1299984574', '32', '2074284047', 'Carlos Cardinal', '114136');
  243. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:7453489', '', 'Smiley', '1299751485', '1299751485', '1', '1997630824', 'Johnny Cash', '1824');
  244. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:8653418', '', 'Doctor Who', '1299535656', '1299596781', '4', '490740599', 'Steve Dennis', '2617');
  245. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:8730215', '', 'xXTrenchRatXx', '1299727875', '1299869639', '4', '3650037742', 'David Freeman', '14596');
  246. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:9743426', '', '[=$= super combine commander', '1299549782', '1299887270', '3', '2385275255', 'Jackson Doe', '900');
  247. INSERT INTO `ip_intel` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:9903811', '', 'Tyler', '1299469702', '1299719680', '13', '1863400973', 'Tyler Nycz', '29560');
  249. -- ----------------------------
  250. -- Table structure for `perp_bname`
  251. -- ----------------------------
  252. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `perp_bname`;
  253. CREATE TABLE `perp_bname` (
  254. `name` text NOT NULL
  257. -- ----------------------------
  258. -- Records of perp_bname
  259. -- ----------------------------
  260. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Mohamed Maldag');
  261. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jonathan Curtis');
  262. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jonathan Markus');
  263. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jonatha Curtis');
  264. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jonatha Curtis');
  265. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jonatha Curtis');
  266. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Johny Ynhoj');
  267. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jake Daniels');
  268. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Sadam Hussain');
  269. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Zane Law');
  270. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Kiki David');
  271. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Bin Ladin');
  272. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Bin Laden');
  273. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Vladimir Kurza');
  274. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Sadam Hussain');
  275. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jake Daniels');
  276. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Chang Dechong');
  277. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Benz Laden');
  278. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Nova Venta');
  279. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Bin Lindin');
  280. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Ben Laden');
  281. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Ben Ladin');
  282. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Kiki Ferrari');
  283. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Iwanta Ferrari');
  284. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Ali Mohammed');
  285. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Micheal Jackson');
  286. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Bin Laden');
  287. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Vladimir Moscow');
  288. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Ryan Wake');
  289. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Papa Enzo');
  290. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Mohammed Khan');
  291. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Mohammed Khan');
  292. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Giggles Theclown');
  293. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Alofa Fagina');
  294. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jake Daniels');
  295. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Vladimire Stallin');
  296. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jerome Burns');
  297. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Macock Ezbig');
  298. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Voltage Gaming');
  299. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Rob Unknown');
  300. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Robert Unknown');
  301. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Joseph Stalin');
  302. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Ryan Wake');
  303. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Robert Lee');
  304. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jake Daniels');
  305. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Kevin Yrjovaara');
  306. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('George Bush');
  307. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Roger Ermey');
  308. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Joseph Stalin');
  309. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jake Daniels');
  310. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Zane Law');
  311. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Sadam Hussain');
  312. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Joseph Stalin');
  313. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Bin Ladin');
  314. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Rick James');
  315. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Hunter Payne');
  316. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jack Payne');
  317. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Arrington Bradford');
  318. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Niko Bellic');
  319. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Nikola Tesla');
  320. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Dimitri Petrinko');
  321. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Dimitri Petrinkovich');
  322. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Garrett Nelson');
  323. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Hairy Penis');
  324. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Hairy Penis');
  325. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Hugh Miles');
  326. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Hugh Mile');
  327. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Hugh Miles');
  328. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Dorsidhion Freyr');
  329. INSERT INTO `perp_bname` VALUES ('Jabe Brannon');
  331. -- ----------------------------
  332. -- Table structure for `perp_fuel`
  333. -- ----------------------------
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  337. `1` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  338. `2` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  339. `3` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  340. `4` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  341. `5` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  342. `6` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  343. `7` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  344. `8` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  345. `9` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  346. `10` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  347. `11` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  348. `12` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  349. `13` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  350. `14` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  351. `15` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  352. `16` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  353. `17` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  354. `18` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  355. `19` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  356. `20` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  357. `21` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  358. `22` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  359. `23` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  360. `24` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  361. `25` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  362. `26` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  363. `27` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  364. `28` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  365. `29` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  366. `30` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  367. `31` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  368. `32` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  369. `33` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  370. `34` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  371. `35` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  372. `36` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  373. `37` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
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  522. -- ----------------------------
  523. -- Table structure for `perp_organization`
  524. -- ----------------------------
  525. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `perp_organization`;
  526. CREATE TABLE `perp_organization` (
  527. `name` text NOT NULL,
  528. `motd` text NOT NULL,
  529. `owner` text NOT NULL,
  530. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  531. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  534. -- ----------------------------
  535. -- Records of perp_organization
  536. -- ----------------------------
  537. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('J\'s Militia', 'Help People gfto of jail', 'STEAM_0:1:3786683', '70');
  538. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Ben Laden', 'No Current MOTD', 'STEAM_0:0:7192399', '71');
  539. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('E Pluribus Unum', 'One out of many', 'STEAM_0:1:12292124', '72');
  540. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Sons of the Covenant', 'No Current MOTD', 'STEAM_0:1:30630721', '73');
  541. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Synergy', 'Welcome To Synergy', 'STEAM_0:0:12429561', '74');
  542. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Wiggers', 'Us Wiggers beat down on dem Nigs yo\'', 'STEAM_0:1:17485407', '75');
  543. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('WATCHA GOT THUR GUIS', 'GETONMYLEVELNIG', 'STEAM_0:1:20027677', '76');
  544. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('The Unstoppable', 'We work alone.Fuck all the others.', 'STEAM_0:1:32748917', '77');
  545. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Bitches \'N Cream ', 'Bitches \'N Cream *V2.0* Orignal Owner: Gnarwhal New Owner: Evilminded', 'STEAM_0:1:32851381', '78');
  546. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Master Thief', 'No Current MOTD', 'STEAM_0:1:12808689', '80');
  547. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('=The Family=', 'Welcome', 'STEAM_0:1:23387980', '85');
  548. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Paranoid Citizens', 'Loiter as much as possible, thats what we do.', 'STEAM_0:1:28875790', '87');
  549. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('N.W.A', 'FUCK the police!', 'STEAM_0:1:8730215', '88');
  550. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('The Russian Immigran', 'You are a group of russians united! Work together for the best result.', 'STEAM_0:1:31728304', '92');
  551. INSERT INTO `perp_organization` VALUES ('Crimson Caravan', 'Start Building up a stock of weapons and drugs to merchant.', 'STEAM_0:0:10895574', '93');
  553. -- ----------------------------
  554. -- Table structure for `perp_system`
  555. -- ----------------------------
  556. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `perp_system`;
  557. CREATE TABLE `perp_system` (
  558. `key` text NOT NULL,
  559. `value` text NOT NULL,
  560. PRIMARY KEY (`key`(15))
  563. -- ----------------------------
  564. -- Records of perp_system
  565. -- ----------------------------
  566. INSERT INTO `perp_system` VALUES ('date_year_1', '6');
  567. INSERT INTO `perp_system` VALUES ('date_month_1', '3');
  568. INSERT INTO `perp_system` VALUES ('date_day_1', '1');
  569. INSERT INTO `perp_system` VALUES ('date_year_2', '1');
  570. INSERT INTO `perp_system` VALUES ('date_month_2', '1');
  571. INSERT INTO `perp_system` VALUES ('date_day_2', '1');
  573. -- ----------------------------
  574. -- Table structure for `perp_users`
  575. -- ----------------------------
  576. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `perp_users`;
  577. CREATE TABLE `perp_users` (
  578. `uid` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
  579. `id` text NOT NULL,
  580. `steamid` text NOT NULL,
  581. `blacklists` text NOT NULL,
  582. `rp_name_first` text NOT NULL,
  583. `rp_name_last` text NOT NULL,
  584. `time_played` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  585. `cash` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  586. `model` text NOT NULL,
  587. `items` text NOT NULL,
  588. `skills` text NOT NULL,
  589. `genes` text NOT NULL,
  590. `formulas` text NOT NULL,
  591. `organization` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  592. `bank` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  593. `vehicles` text NOT NULL,
  594. `ringtones` text NOT NULL,
  595. `ammo_pistol` int(11) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '00000000000',
  596. `ammo_rifle` int(11) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '00000000000',
  597. `ammo_shotgun` int(11) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '00000000000',
  598. `ringtone` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  599. `last_played` text NOT NULL,
  600. `fuelleft` int(11) NOT NULL default '10000',
  601. `lastcar` text NOT NULL,
  602. PRIMARY KEY (`uid`,`id`(15),`steamid`(15))
  605. -- ----------------------------
  606. -- Records of perp_users
  607. -- ----------------------------
  608. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1632157692', 'STEAM_0:0:18463428', 'STEAM_0:0:18463428', '', 'Keenan', 'Akit', '60764', '1687', '1_2_1', '3,50,1;4,2,1;5,64,1;6,13,10;7,49,1;8,14,1;9,83,8;10,37,1;11,9,1;12,12,1;14,13,2;', '1508;2960;0;871;0;1292.93990767;25;64;2058;0;95;0;60;', '0;0;4;2;0;2;0;', '5;11;12;9;7;', '0', '21173', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '8', '1299984851', '10000', '');
  609. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2331640302', 'STEAM_0:1:11340452', 'STEAM_0:1:11340452', '', 'Bob', 'Read', '184586', '716', '1_7_8', '1,33,1;3,31,2;5,13,2;', '892;0;7;514;10;1881.076171875;50;20;42;168;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '73', '82891904', 'a,1,1,0,0;C,1,1,0,0;b,1,1,0,0;e,1,1,0,0;d,1,1,0,0;g,1,1,0,0;F,1,1,0,0;i,1,1,0,0;h,1,1,0,0;k,1,1,0,0;j,1,1,0,0;m,1,1,0,0;l,1,1,0,0;o,1,1,0,0;n,1,1,0,0;q,1,1,0,0;p,1,1,0,0;s,1,1,0,0;r,1,1,0,0;t,1,1,0,0;E,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;G,1,1,0,0;A,1,1,0,0;D,1,1,0,0;c,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302371760', '4356', 'p');
  610. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3462830159', 'STEAM_0:0:18492683', 'STEAM_0:0:18492683', '', 'Daniele', 'Vaccarella', '13726', '0', '1_7_1', '3,36,1;4,36,1;5,50,1;', '126;80;0;305;0;12.65625;0;0;60;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '28220', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299454502', '10000', '');
  611. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2497009832', 'STEAM_0:0:33485085', 'STEAM_0:0:33485085', '', 'Joe', 'Antentala', '3528', '939', '1_4_1', '11,42,1;7,48,1;3,97,2;12,15,1;4,13,1;', '156;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;0;1;', '', '0', '1903', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299787502', '10000', '');
  612. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('584021999', 'STEAM_0:0:17028200', 'STEAM_0:0:17028200', '', 'Jackie', 'Chan', '3601', '6211', '1_1_1', '3,18,2;4,44,2;5,22,2;14,43,3;', '91;100;0;31;0;1.4325931668282;75;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '475', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299564398', '10000', '');
  613. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1527225879', 'STEAM_0:1:30630721', 'STEAM_0:1:30630721', '', 'Phoenix', 'Freeman', '45877', '4669', '1_9_8', '3,2,1;4,28,1;5,36,1;6,36,1;7,36,1;8,36,1;9,50,1;10,97,3;11,27,5;12,83,11;13,36,1;14,36,1;15,47,1;16,12,1;', '1724;1780;45;1361;0;1429.0103891972;0;120;1516;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;1;2;0;', '5;11;12;', '73', '13398', 'r,8,1,1,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000090', '00000000000', '00000000000', '21', '1299980556', '6185', 'r');
  614. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1965389692', 'STEAM_0:1:320518', 'STEAM_0:1:320518', '', 'Kiki', 'Trumpet', '50775', '259', '1_1_8', '5,13,4;4,27,2;3,1,1;', '911;0;0;1851;80;167.0625;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '1;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '71', '14678', '0,1,1,0,0;e,1,1,0,0;G,1,1,0,0;F,5,4,1,1;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299762757', '7798', 'F');
  615. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2889845454', 'STEAM_0:1:3786683', 'STEAM_0:1:3786683', '', 'Jake', 'Daniels', '136948', '6882857', '1_9_5', '3,18,10;4,28,1;5,28,1;6,19,10;7,18,10;8,18,4;9,31,1;10,18,10;11,18,10;12,18,10;13,31,5;14,31,5;15,31,5;16,18,10;17,28,1;18,28,1;19,19,10;20,19,10;21,19,8;22,19,5;23,25,2;24,25,20;25,25,20;26,31,5;27,31,5;28,31,5;29,18,10;30,31,5;31,12,1;78,16,1;80,1,1;65,84,1;67,2,1;66,3,1;79,32,2;', '8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;8200;', '6;3;4;5;5;2;5;', '11;12;9;4;8;6;5;7;', '70', '97429795', 'A,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;C,1,2,0,0;E,4,2,0,1;D,1,2,0,1;G,1,1,0,0;F,6,3,0,3;s,7,9,0,0;k,1,1,0,0;t,7,9,0,1;m,3,2,0,1;l,1,1,0,0;o,2,5,0,1;n,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000143', '00000000000', '1', '1299984674', '16368', 't');
  616. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1057192010', 'STEAM_0:0:8012390', 'STEAM_0:0:8012390', '', 'Zane', 'Law', '132977', '196956', '1_4_8', '3,13,10;4,34,1;5,31,5;6,36,1;7,19,1;8,34,1;9,28,1;10,26,1;11,49,5;12,34,1;13,12,1;14,1,1;15,2,1;16,31,3;17,37,1;18,13,6;29,13,10;', '2551;4240;52;1997;720;795.88640116481;75;192;1230;686;0;1634;0;', '0;0;2;5;0;2;0;', '5;11;12;4;', '70', '28237', '0,1,1,0,0;k,1,1,0,0;D,1,1,0,0;A,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984556', '11890', 'A');
  617. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1897352369', 'STEAM_0:0:26708350', 'STEAM_0:0:26708350', '', 'David', 'Smith', '3269', '11000', '1_7_8', '', '219;0;0;47;0;42.1875;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '3851', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299462420', '10000', '');
  618. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1282778759', 'STEAM_0:1:17388163', 'STEAM_0:1:17388163', '', 'John', 'Jordan', '94340', '0', '1_7_8', '1,37,1;2,34,1;3,2,1;5,12,1;6,14,9;7,23,5;9,23,2;10,35,1;11,96,3;12,96,5;13,14,10;15,14,1;16,15,5;17,13,10;18,13,10;19,15,4;21,30,5;23,1,1;27,43,1;', '2243;1320;0;2211;0;691.91103093699;50;74;396;0;635;0;0;', '0;1;3;3;0;2;0;', '11;8;5;', '70', '3344', 'm,8,3,0,3;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '19', '1302325045', '9857', 'm');
  619. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2074284047', 'STEAM_0:1:7018832', 'STEAM_0:1:7018832', '', 'Carlos', 'Cardinal', '119913', '0', '1_2_1', '3,50,1;4,12,1;5,2,1;6,1,1;7,1,1;8,44,2;11,34,1;12,36,1;13,36,1;14,36,1;15,36,1;30,83,6;66,86,1;68,13,10;40,47,1;80,85,1;42,15,5;43,15,3;78,49,10;27,30,8;65,49,5;67,86,1;69,13,8;28,30,10;53,96,2;54,55,3;55,14,4;79,85,1;29,83,20;41,97,3;', '2270;6280;8;3256;0;456.50390625;0;100;14;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;2;2;0;2;1;', '5;', '75', '58786', 'b,3,12,1,1;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '16', '1299984777', '9681', 'b');
  620. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('13660296', 'STEAM_0:0:24859230', 'STEAM_0:0:24859230', '', 'John', 'Thornton', '27230', '2026', '1_1_1', '3,2,1;4,13,7;', '770;0;30;971;0;1308.10546875;0;84;50;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '1685', 'b,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299977850', '9308', 'b');
  621. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('608793715', 'STEAM_0:1:22068751', 'STEAM_0:1:22068751', '', 'Alex', 'Doobieman', '8963', '100', '1_7_1', '5,1,1;6,14,8;4,16,1;3,2,1;', '510;0;0;281;0;82.96875;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '75', '22921', '0', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299964570', '10000', '');
  622. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1145652691', 'STEAM_0:0:27926398', 'STEAM_0:0:27926398', '', 'Robert', 'Perry', '10126', '8755', '1_1_3', '3,14,6;4,15,5;5,12,1;12,12,1;', '264;180;0;0;0;42.1875;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '48', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299698180', '10000', '');
  623. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('422336970', 'STEAM_0:1:17485407', 'STEAM_0:1:17485407', '', 'Tobias', 'Mitchell', '66436', '496', '1_7_6', '3,86,1;4,86,1;5,86,1;6,55,5;7,85,1;8,85,1;9,85,1;10,96,3;11,85,1;12,55,5;13,85,1;14,85,1;15,85,1;16,86,1;21,85,1;77,15,5;66,83,10;18,86,1;78,13,9;67,15,5;19,85,1;17,86,1;79,13,10;68,44,4;20,85,1;55,2,1;65,14,6;80,13,10;', '1159;1700;3;924;0;71.71875;0;96;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;2;2;0;0;1;', '', '75', '1415', '0,1,1,0,0;B,1,1,0,0;b,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000035', '00000000000', '00000000000', '19', '1299950798', '5164', 'B');
  624. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('164217024', 'STEAM_0:1:12554276', 'STEAM_0:1:12554276', '', 'Josh', 'Epps', '10391', '4360', '1_1_1', '3,83,20;4,36,1;5,23,1;6,18,2;7,12,1;8,20,1;9,13,10;10,83,17;11,15,1;13,13,5;16,83,20;', '70;500;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '76', '10447', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299539026', '10000', '');
  625. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1144036528', 'STEAM_0:1:10457218', 'STEAM_0:1:10457218', '', 'Dick', 'Saget', '1282', '7755', '1_1_1', '2,36,1;', '78;20;0;0;0;16.875;0;0;40;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '800', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299437351', '10000', '');
  626. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3725122178', 'STEAM_0:0:17014259', 'STEAM_0:0:17014259', '', 'Jack', 'Candox', '34480', '29879', '1_1_8', '3,2,1;4,50,1;5,30,2;6,45,1;7,17,1;8,15,5;11,14,8;14,14,10;35,62,2;38,14,10;39,12,1;40,18,8;41,23,3;43,20,5;44,24,1;', '789;1240;0;0;0;45;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '74', '357', '0', '', '00000000020', '00000000000', '00000000000', '19', '1299605396', '10000', '');
  627. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2801164041', 'STEAM_0:0:11526186', 'STEAM_0:0:11526186', '', 'Mark', 'Ritzer', '34232', '0', '1_7_6', '2,34,1;3,2,1;4,30,7;5,12,1;6,53,1;7,14,10;8,15,5;9,15,3;10,36,1;11,36,1;14,13,10;15,13,10;66,13,10;27,13,10;54,13,10;41,13,10;67,13,10;79,13,10;53,13,10;40,13,10;80,13,10;28,13,10;78,13,9;', '1768;2640;3;179;20;0;0;150;148;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;1;', '5;', '70', '46300', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '11', '1299782284', '10000', '');
  628. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3304322588', 'STEAM_0:1:20152636', 'STEAM_0:1:20152636', '', 'Conner', 'Cole', '83988', '0', '1_9_5', '3,28,1;4,31,1;5,29,1;6,36,1;7,97,2;8,2,1;64,13,10;9,96,5;18,9,1;19,84,1;10,56,1;76,13,7;78,13,10;21,28,1;22,15,4;23,15,3;65,13,10;67,14,10;80,14,10;77,13,10;79,14,10;66,14,10;20,16,1;', '867;1640;31;1161;10;850.47081238031;0;38;72;0;0;326;0;', '0;0;1;1;1;0;2;', '', '70', '35700', 'C,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '9', '1299983423', '4053', 'C');
  629. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2944256212', 'STEAM_0:1:27082144', 'STEAM_0:1:27082144', '', 'Midas', 'Petrych', '2264', '6750', '1_1_8', '3,83,3;4,14,1;5,1,1;', '75;0;0;40;0;146.25;0;32;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '74', '2374', '0', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299603966', '10000', '');
  630. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3671707886', 'STEAM_0:1:17469771', 'STEAM_0:1:17469771', '', 'Frank', 'Poolos', '559', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '400', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299455426', '10000', '');
  631. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1211448875', 'STEAM_0:0:9846645', 'STEAM_0:0:9846645', '', 'Ricky', 'Cole', '73081', '860', '1_1_8', '2,34,1;4,2,1;5,30,4;6,55,3;7,43,5;9,55,4;11,13,9;12,83,9;13,43,5;14,97,1;16,36,1;18,12,1;', '1664;660;10;2858;0;698.39726303517;0;44;96;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '72', '21070', 'd,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '7', '1299976362', '6989', 'd');
  632. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('890489658', 'STEAM_0:1:2253856', 'STEAM_0:1:2253856', '', 'Mike', 'Bryant', '73124', '31564', '1_1_8', '3,33,1;4,33,1;5,13,2;6,2,1;7,13,10;8,15,5;9,14,6;10,13,10;11,50,1;12,43,1;13,36,1;14,15,2;15,28,1;16,33,1;17,33,1;20,43,5;21,43,5;22,43,3;24,28,1;25,42,4;27,43,1;29,33,1;30,33,1;32,31,2;37,28,1;36,43,5;38,28,1;', '1580;800;0;2223;0;1603.881595023;100;0;1124;126;0;204;0;', '0;3;1;2;0;2;2;', '11;12;', '0', '208573', 'c,5,11,0,0;B,1,1,0,0;E,6,5,0,0;t,1,1,0,0;A,6,10,0,1;F,3,3,0,1;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299944341', '4682', 'F');
  633. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1997630824', 'STEAM_0:1:7453489', 'STEAM_0:1:7453489', '', 'Johnny', 'Cash', '1772', '8600', '1_2_1', '3,26,5;4,26,1;5,39,1;', '23;0;0;0;0;0;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '1500', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299753309', '10000', '');
  634. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3966222358', 'STEAM_0:1:26647117', 'STEAM_0:1:26647117', '', 'Johnafw', 'Doe', '701', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '78;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '646', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299908483', '10000', '');
  635. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3182082089', 'STEAM_0:1:12292124', 'STEAM_0:1:12292124', '', 'Sarah', 'Palin', '119458', '1325', '2_1_5', '3,2,1;4,14,10;5,14,10;6,14,10;7,14,10;8,14,3;10,56,1;11,13,9;12,15,3;13,85,1;14,85,1;17,56,1;18,36,1;19,36,1;20,36,1;21,37,1;22,36,1;23,30,1;24,20,4;27,1,1;28,61,2;32,13,10;', '1705;1360;17;1879;10;2112.3202514648;0;58;120;0;50;0;0;', '0;2;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '72', '20497', 'B,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '10', '1299984836', '17995', 'B');
  636. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('82623891', 'STEAM_0:1:37548052', 'STEAM_0:1:37548052', '', 'Jonathan', 'Curtis', '88195', '287', '1_1_1', '10,33,1;25,23,1;26,14,10;14,15,5;4,15,5;8,15,3;7,28,1;9,31,5;5,2,1;19,36,1;27,14,4;6,12,1;12,36,1;3,13,4;', '1900;4000;184;2779;0;847.125;0;142;1788;910;0;0;0;', '0;2;2;3;0;3;0;', '5;11;12;4;', '73', '16129', 'A,4,5,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984808', '2761', 'A');
  637. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2069246238', 'STEAM_0:0:30874082', 'STEAM_0:0:30874082', '', 'Jesper', 'Doe', '16633', '500', '1_9_1', '3,50,1;4,97,1;5,55,1;7,14,8;8,30,1;9,36,1;10,25,2;11,27,1;13,15,5;14,13,10;15,13,1;27,13,10;28,13,10;36,15,5;', '115;500;4;636;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;2;0;0;0;', '', '74', '27631', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299617064', '10000', '');
  638. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('233118496', 'STEAM_0:0:34138230', 'STEAM_0:0:34138230', '', 'Jon', 'Doe', '3954', '7855', '1_9_1', '3,1,1;4,15,5;', '95;0;0;0;0;33.75;0;58;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '937', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299556011', '10000', '');
  639. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('973844228', 'STEAM_0:1:20667228', 'STEAM_0:1:20667228', '', 'Hasse', 'Basse', '8711', '1075', '1_1_5', '3,15,5;4,15,5;5,2,1;6,14,10;7,53,1;', '77;0;0;77;40;14.0625;0;124;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '4685', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '3', '1299452916', '10000', '');
  640. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4285864619', 'STEAM_0:0:37295053', 'STEAM_0:0:37295053', '', 'Jimmy', 'Walker', '3130', '0', '1_1_1', '3,30,3;4,36,1;', '149;0;0;0;0;16.875;0;94;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '8133', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299553229', '10000', '');
  641. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1921180620', 'STEAM_0:1:26048051', 'STEAM_0:1:26048051', '', 'Smith', 'Roger', '2204', '10060', '1_1_1', '', '161;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '337', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299958118', '10000', '');
  642. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('484050338', 'STEAM_0:0:15975228', 'STEAM_0:0:15975228', '', 'Tom', 'Jones', '65329', '831', '1_7_8', '6,15,5;7,56,1;3,2,1;4,13,1;10,36,1;', '945;220;25;2278;20;478.828125;0;164;160;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;3;2;0;1;0;', '', '72', '18127', '0,1,1,0,0;r,1,1,0,0;b,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '24', '1299936806', '7803', 'b');
  643. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2205336830', 'STEAM_0:1:23173344', 'STEAM_0:1:23173344', '', 'Josef', 'Stalin', '85624', '31424', '1_7_1', '3,35,1;4,2,1;5,6,1;6,13,10;7,12,1;8,6,1;9,6,1;10,33,1;11,66,1;12,68,1;13,68,1;14,68,1;15,68,1;16,69,8;17,68,1;18,48,1;19,37,1;20,13,2;', '3246;5100;83;2253;0;2304.3846969604;0;224;2084;0;525;0;150;', '0;0;4;4;0;2;0;', '5;11;12;9;7;8;6;', '70', '22972', 'A,1,1,1,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984464', '3967', 'A');
  644. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4079168709', 'STEAM_0:0:13651331', 'STEAM_0:0:13651331', '', 'John', 'Hunter', '49237', '0', '1_7_8', '3,27,5;4,27,1;5,13,3;6,56,1;7,36,1;', '1255;0;0;1428;0;161.66015625;0;38;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '10987', 'i,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299966081', '6037', 'i');
  645. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3196949145', 'STEAM_0:1:15365193', 'STEAM_0:1:15365193', '', 'Jayson', 'Grey', '2149', '2950', '1_1_1', '3,36,1;4,36,1;5,36,1;6,36,1;7,36,1;8,36,1;9,36,1;', '48;140;0;0;0;0;0;42;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '1200', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299454450', '10000', '');
  646. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1144110696', 'STEAM_0:1:39350787', 'STEAM_0:1:39350787', '', 'Shan', 'Clark', '23515', '39356', '1_1_5', '3,13,10;4,15,5;5,2,1;6,14,2;7,13,10;8,13,10;9,13,10;10,42,1;11,1,1;', '0;100;32;673;0;411.65625;0;166;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '4', '1299950991', '10000', '');
  647. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2006868923', 'STEAM_0:0:7192399', 'STEAM_0:0:7192399', '', 'Benito', 'Mussolini', '26680', '8329', '1_1_8', '3,1,1;4,2,1;5,43,5;6,15,5;7,97,5;8,43,3;9,12,1;10,55,5;11,27,2;12,87,1;13,96,5;14,66,1;15,97,8;16,3,1;17,13,1;', '904;380;0;264;0;82.125;0;8;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;2;1;0;0;0;', '', '71', '6785', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '16', '1299699818', '10000', '');
  648. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2436336420', 'STEAM_0:1:13599878', 'STEAM_0:1:13599878', '', 'Jones', 'Smith', '162', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '25;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '0', '86', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299606736', '10000', '');
  649. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2810474411', 'STEAM_0:1:10437097', 'STEAM_0:1:10437097', '', 'Damien', 'Burns', '51180', '104', '1_1_8', '3,3,1;4,56,1;5,4,4;6,27,5;7,56,1;8,2,1;9,33,1;10,13,1;11,36,1;12,27,4;13,36,1;14,36,1;', '1301;120;82;1137;0;73.858368009329;0;76;18;120;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;1;0;0;', '', '0', '11328', 'b,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299979878', '4729', 'b');
  650. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1003145558', 'STEAM_0:0:11691755', 'STEAM_0:0:11691755', '', 'Dante', 'Miles', '73117', '0', '1_3_5', '2,27,5;3,2,1;4,1,1;5,14,10;6,13,10;7,13,10;8,15,5;9,13,10;10,14,4;11,15,2;', '805;480;0;2130;210;239.953125;0;48;2;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;2;2;0;1;1;', '5;', '73', '58248', '', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '6', '1299653435', '809', 'd');
  651. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4106392675', 'STEAM_0:1:4584592', 'STEAM_0:1:4584592', '', 'Kaelin', 'Ring', '79905', '1557', '1_9_3', '14,32,1;4,12,1;67,14,1;2,36,1;9,14,1;5,12,1;3,2,1;80,6,1;15,10,2;10,37,1;', '793;2680;23;3661;10;1080.3811759949;0;44;120;0;40;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '72', '4271', '0,1,1,0,0;m,1,1,0,0;b,2,1,0,0;', '', '00000000004', '00000000000', '00000000000', '4', '1299984807', '6695', 'm');
  652. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('700555398', 'STEAM_0:0:29063030', 'STEAM_0:0:29063030', '', 'Jeremy', 'Porsche', '178', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '22;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '0', '144', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299461415', '10000', '');
  653. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1997496372', 'STEAM_0:1:2116819', 'STEAM_0:1:2116819', '', 'Zhou', 'Hidden', '143', '10000', '1_5_1', '', '1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '74', '100', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299470436', '10000', '');
  654. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2523067988', 'STEAM_0:0:20818702', 'STEAM_0:0:20818702', '', 'Mark', 'Macmillan', '4102', '0', '1_7_1', '3,2,1;4,34,1;', '170;0;0;127;0;37.5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;1;2;0;0;0;', '', '0', '34490', '0', '', '00000000043', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299536568', '10000', '');
  655. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2401469496', 'STEAM_0:0:13638346', 'STEAM_0:0:13638346', '', 'Greg', 'Spider', '891', '750', '1_1_8', '', '53;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '7752', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299466933', '10000', '');
  656. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3128387512', 'STEAM_0:1:17893800', 'STEAM_0:1:17893800', '', 'Westhimer', 'Miller', '68415', '17937', '1_7_8', '2,36,1;3,13,2;4,12,1;5,30,3;6,18,6;7,23,5;8,18,10;9,27,1;10,23,5;11,29,1;12,29,5;13,29,5;14,2,1;15,20,5;16,20,5;17,20,5;', '1413;1680;10;283;0;462.5322227478;0;56;166;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '72', '423', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299945146', '10000', '');
  657. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2648101695', 'STEAM_0:1:22758301', 'STEAM_0:1:22758301', 'i,1299974726;', 'Spencer', 'Doe', '23369', '0', '1_1_1', '3,13,6;', '555;0;0;611;0;42.1875;0;82;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '73', '25962', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299889793', '10000', 'a');
  658. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('360989806', 'STEAM_0:0:12429561', 'STEAM_0:0:12429561', '', 'Sonic', 'Smith', '46491', '4864', '1_1_8', '3,2,1;4,83,4;5,36,1;6,36,1;7,29,1;8,56,1;68,43,5;10,13,3;69,43,1;9,50,1;', '276;1520;2;1043;0;300.9375;1725;48;18;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '74', '4947', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '12', '1299775931', '10000', '');
  659. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('702626110', 'STEAM_0:1:21893610', 'STEAM_0:1:21893610', '', 'Matthias', 'Madigan', '5074', '0', '1_1_1', '3,13,2;4,2,1;', '62;0;0;0;0;33.75;0;44;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;1;0;1;0;1;', '', '74', '12938', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299977954', '10000', '');
  660. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1863400973', 'STEAM_0:1:9903811', 'STEAM_0:1:9903811', '', 'Tyler', 'Nycz', '28024', '0', '1_2_1', '3,2,1;4,16,1;5,13,1;', '334;0;36;496;0;56.25;0;8;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;1;2;0;1;0;', '', '73', '43495', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299721600', '10000', '');
  661. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4196602302', 'STEAM_0:1:25127314', 'STEAM_0:1:25127314', '', 'John', 'Alexander', '217', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '200', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299471094', '10000', '');
  662. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2709846065', 'STEAM_0:0:22076136', 'STEAM_0:0:22076136', '', 'Jacob', 'Rodgers', '2859', '75', '1_7_1', '', '162;0;0;0;0;59.0625;0;54;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;5;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '11730', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299553443', '10000', '');
  663. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1513602111', 'STEAM_0:1:1257807', 'STEAM_0:1:1257807', '', 'Hurricane', 'Ditka', '16584', '2450', '1_8_8', '3,2,1;2,56,1;', '388;0;11;152;0;33.75;0;16;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;0;2;1;0;0;', '', '73', '16729', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '6', '1299633688', '10000', '');
  664. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('490740599', 'STEAM_0:1:8653418', 'STEAM_0:1:8653418', '', 'Steve', 'Dennis', '2528', '10000', '1_2_1', '3,27,2;', '104;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '2169', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299597503', '10000', '');
  665. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2377816530', 'STEAM_0:0:24819311', 'STEAM_0:0:24819311', '', 'John', 'Doe', '29', '10000', '', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299479090', '10000', '');
  666. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('786755781', 'STEAM_0:0:625761', 'STEAM_0:0:625761', '', 'Bob', 'Sanchez', '554', '10000', '1_2_1', '', '65;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '250', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299485772', '10000', '');
  667. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('423215459', 'STEAM_0:1:19722723', 'STEAM_0:1:19722723', '', 'Maybach', 'Fox', '319', '10000', '1_2_1', '', '35;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '125', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299485736', '10000', '');
  668. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2441696936', 'STEAM_0:1:37034035', 'STEAM_0:1:37034035', '', 'Daniel', 'Bryant', '37', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '25', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299518259', '10000', '');
  669. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2140692354', 'STEAM_0:1:3382836', 'STEAM_0:1:3382836', '', 'Kev', 'Moore', '680', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '50;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;1;1;1;1;1;', '', '0', '588', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299558709', '10000', '');
  670. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('411784289', 'STEAM_0:1:20607397', 'STEAM_0:1:20607397', '', 'Ole', 'Jakob', '1653', '3000', '1_7_1', '3,14,10;4,15,5;5,14,6;6,13,10;7,13,3;8,15,5;', '22;160;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '1750', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299599200', '10000', '');
  671. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('189745285', 'STEAM_0:1:17068251', 'STEAM_0:1:17068251', '', 'Derek', 'Smith', '2625', '10000', '1_7_1', '', '21;0;0;56;0;0;0;20;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '76', '2016', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299536714', '10000', '');
  672. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2703570594', 'STEAM_0:0:23640708', 'STEAM_0:0:23640708', '', 'Ryan', 'Connors', '5337', '30050', '1_1_1', '3,27,1;', '79;0;0;247;0;42.1875;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '6365', '0', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299539824', '10000', '');
  673. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3914682166', 'STEAM_0:0:18994612', 'STEAM_0:0:18994612', '', 'Bob', 'Smith', '3263', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '40;0;0;0;0;45;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '76', '3394', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299538793', '10000', '');
  674. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3326674244', 'STEAM_0:1:20027677', 'STEAM_0:1:20027677', '', 'Dian', 'Marqez', '3181', '5000', '2_1_1', '3,27,1;', '77;0;0;0;0;33.75;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '76', '2236', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299538769', '10000', '');
  675. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3872285918', 'STEAM_0:1:22513056', 'STEAM_0:1:22513056', 'c,1299625725;', 'Shmurt', 'Smhomas', '671', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '22;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '693', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299539350', '10000', '');
  676. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1641357215', 'STEAM_0:0:15400373', 'STEAM_0:0:15400373', '', 'Mike', 'Sullins', '387', '10000', '1_7_1', '', '25;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '258', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299536007', '10000', '');
  677. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1397793631', 'STEAM_0:1:19851805', 'STEAM_0:1:19851805', '', 'Juma', 'Kipperberg', '6523', '0', '1_1_1', '3,30,2;4,23,1;5,8,1;6,29,1;7,18,2;8,12,1;', '168;0;0;0;0;70.875;0;6;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;2;2;1;0;', '', '0', '12527', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299612069', '10000', '');
  678. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3911864935', 'STEAM_0:0:33916701', 'STEAM_0:0:33916701', '', 'Tom', 'Severn', '416', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '27;0;0;0;0;70.875;0;70;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '77', '336', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299542600', '10000', '');
  679. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('301991377', 'STEAM_0:1:16920207', 'STEAM_0:1:16920207', '', 'Devin', 'Roberson', '4063', '0', '1_2_1', '3,1,1;', '133;0;0;88;0;0;0;54;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '8712', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299548478', '10000', '');
  680. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('549918600', 'STEAM_0:1:26617998', 'STEAM_0:1:26617998', '', 'Join', 'Doe', '20837', '15569', '1_1_5', '3,2,1;4,13,10;5,13,10;6,14,2;7,30,1;8,1,1;9,13,10;10,13,10;11,13,10;12,13,10;13,36,1;14,15,5;15,12,1;16,13,10;17,13,3;', '1154;580;0;108;20;16.875;0;42;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '0', '1170', '0', '', '00000000094', '00000000000', '00000000000', '13', '1299620610', '10000', '');
  681. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1679648336', 'STEAM_0:1:20097622', 'STEAM_0:1:20097622', '', 'Zack', 'Zatraer', '4884', '10837', '1_1_1', '3,2,1;', '39;100;0;0;0;0;0;14;0;0;0;0;0;', '2;0;1;1;0;0;1;', '', '70', '3858', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299626554', '10000', '');
  682. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1570122848', 'STEAM_0:0:7303892', 'STEAM_0:0:7303892', '', 'John', 'Mcman', '401', '9422', '1_1_1', '3,2,1;', '41;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;3;0;0;0;', '', '0', '86', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299538294', '10000', '');
  683. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1863664735', 'STEAM_0:0:8996978', 'STEAM_0:0:8996978', '', 'Bobb', 'Assd', '1182', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '32;0;0;0;0;33.75;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '1122', '0', '', '00000000043', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299539379', '10000', '');
  684. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('44115042', 'STEAM_0:1:5247800', 'STEAM_0:1:5247800', '', 'Shawn', 'Payne', '480', '10344', '1_7_1', '', '10;0;0;0;0;54;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '44', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299539894', '10000', '');
  685. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('694311275', 'STEAM_0:1:32748917', 'STEAM_0:1:32748917', '', 'Chris', 'Marston', '8193', '2895', '1_7_8', '6,14,2;7,14,10;8,13,6;3,2,1;12,36,1;4,15,3;', '79;0;0;2;0;163.6875;0;64;40;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;1;0;0;', '', '77', '864', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '5', '1299703636', '10000', '');
  686. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2322878167', 'STEAM_0:1:31728304', 'STEAM_0:1:31728304', '', 'Mikhail', 'Faustin', '111052', '4312', '1_5_8', '20,31,3;17,28,1;18,28,1;6,18,4;16,28,1;5,22,1;', '2352;2520;192;2870;20;288.19921875;0;36;2510;755;0;1175;0;', '0;0;4;3;0;2;1;', '5;4;11;12;6;9;', '92', '59', '0,1,1,0,0;r,7,1,0,0;', '', '00000000072', '00000001317', '00000000000', '5', '1302327506', '2133', 'r');
  687. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4004430249', 'STEAM_0:0:10289261', 'STEAM_0:0:10289261', '', 'Noah', 'Calson', '11462', '10', '1_2_1', '3,43,1;', '435;0;0;350;0;0;0;8;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;5;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '24140', '0', '', '00000000035', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299629905', '10000', '');
  688. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2922711662', 'STEAM_0:0:25597773', 'STEAM_0:0:25597773', '', 'Danny', 'Carrey', '1068', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '45;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;0;1;1;0;0;', '', '74', '624', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299553694', '10000', '');
  689. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2372001866', 'STEAM_0:1:17767414', 'STEAM_0:1:17767414', '', 'Walter', 'Buoy', '378', '10000', '1_3_1', '', '3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '294', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299638307', '10000', '');
  690. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1006931906', 'STEAM_0:0:31383819', 'STEAM_0:0:31383819', '', 'Brad', 'Sharp', '25420', '3653', '1_1_1', '3,15,5;4,28,1;5,83,13;6,34,1;7,15,3;8,13,2;', '424;0;0;722;0;150.9375;0;22;42;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '74', '33039', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299978073', '10000', '');
  691. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1301826872', 'STEAM_0:0:22794306', 'STEAM_0:0:22794306', '', 'Alex', 'Johanson', '24032', '0', '1_7_1', '3,83,20;4,83,8;5,87,1;6,53,1;7,46,1;8,17,1;9,13,1;', '867;0;0;503;0;0;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;0;1;', '', '74', '17297', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '20', '1299949711', '10000', '');
  692. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3351986654', 'STEAM_0:0:16790264', 'STEAM_0:0:16790264', '', 'Philip', 'Sharp', '44608', '1806', '1_4_1', '3,2,1;4,36,1;5,13,10;6,50,1;7,13,10;8,64,2;9,12,1;10,13,10;11,13,10;12,30,1;13,13,10;14,14,10;15,13,10;16,3,1;17,43,3;18,13,10;19,13,10;20,13,10;21,13,10;22,22,1;23,13,10;24,36,1;25,34,1;26,32,2;27,36,1;28,13,5;29,13,10;30,15,5;31,15,1;34,83,5;', '427;940;1;1231;10;840.78285776079;150;100;394;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;2;0;', '11;', '0', '6052', 'b,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299890305', '4516', 'b');
  693. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2091978370', 'STEAM_0:0:15069796', 'STEAM_0:0:15069796', '', 'James', 'Sharp', '6118', '1918', '1_3_1', '3,13,3;', '130;0;0;314;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;2;0;0;2;0;', '', '0', '2310', 'l,2,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299977752', '8672', 'l');
  694. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2750243694', 'STEAM_0:1:5464200', 'STEAM_0:1:5464200', '', 'Dan', 'Taylor', '32943', '0', '1_7_1', '3,13,10;4,28,1;5,13,10;7,13,10;', '316;0;48;1103;0;2834.4332836904;0;42;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;2;2;0;0;0;', '', '0', '18454', 'b,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984836', '0', 'b');
  695. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('638176572', 'STEAM_0:1:32851381', 'STEAM_0:1:32851381', '', 'Joseph', 'Rodriguez', '5364', '5000', '1_4_1', '', '272;0;0;0;0;0;0;10;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '78', '4970', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299554776', '10000', '');
  696. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1731315943', 'STEAM_0:0:10895574', 'STEAM_0:0:10895574', '', 'John', 'Mcbailey', '222091', '100', '1_4_8', '3,12,1;4,10,5;5,10,5;6,10,1;7,50,1;8,12,1;9,49,6;10,13,17;11,1,1;12,36,1;13,34,1;14,56,2;15,12,1;16,83,10;17,14,13;18,14,5;19,15,5;20,15,5;21,12,1;22,6,1;23,2,1;29,13,20;', '2562;6100;1;2439;90;739.88450050354;0;266;1516;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;3;5;1;1;0;', '5;11;12;', '93', '2439660', 'p,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000075', '00000000300', '00000000000', '1', '1302680829', '7093', 'p');
  697. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4232992408', 'STEAM_0:0:38446195', 'STEAM_0:0:38446195', '', 'Logan', 'Comstock', '119', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '21;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '96', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302375119', '10000', '');
  698. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1339214415', 'STEAM_0:1:29347165', 'STEAM_0:1:29347165', '', 'Justin', 'Sharp', '64392', '2361', '1_7_4', '3,6,1;4,12,1;5,3,1;6,2,1;7,64,1;8,14,2;9,13,1;10,15,1;11,15,5;12,18,1;13,67,3;14,27,1;15,29,1;16,24,3;17,36,1;', '1108;3500;5;910;10;1834.6770612529;0;224;430;50;0;0;60;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;11;', '0', '1439', 'n,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299977984', '7398', 'n');
  699. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1084797395', 'STEAM_0:1:25382860', 'STEAM_0:1:25382860', '', 'Andrew', 'Sharp', '15957', '6965', '1_1_8', '3,14,10;4,15,5;5,15,5;6,2,1;7,3,1;8,84,1;9,36,1;10,20,5;11,20,1;12,23,1;13,30,1;', '314;400;0;148;0;28.125;0;0;26;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '', '0', '12286', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299643364', '10000', '');
  700. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2156023625', 'STEAM_0:0:19890669', 'STEAM_0:0:19890669', '', 'Malcolm', 'Wallop', '122781', '9000', '1_7_8', '3,28,1;4,28,1;5,31,5;6,31,5;7,31,5;8,31,5;9,31,5;10,31,5;11,31,5;12,31,5;13,31,4;16,33,1;71,27,1;80,96,4;68,12,1;70,2,1;29,36,1;30,36,1;69,1,1;', '3266;8200;74;3640;0;798.56897720695;50;76;2402;709;700;2436;30;', '0;0;4;4;0;2;0;', '5;11;12;9;7;8;6;4;', '0', '195572', 'D,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299982205', '8448', 'D');
  701. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3975962926', 'STEAM_0:1:1816051', 'STEAM_0:1:1816051', '', 'Nick', 'Geers', '71884', '68090', '1_7_3', '3,1,1;4,1,1;6,57,4;7,97,1;8,30,3;9,49,4;10,26,5;11,4,6;12,62,4;13,45,3;14,27,5;15,21,2;16,1,1;18,49,10;19,1,1;20,59,2;21,50,2;23,26,5;24,26,5;25,26,5;26,26,5;27,27,3;28,49,10;29,1,1;30,45,1;31,1,1;32,1,1;33,14,2;34,1,1;35,13,10;36,13,4;37,1,1;38,49,10;39,56,1;41,87,1;42,3,1;43,2,1;44,87,1;', '2184;0;29;1158;0;1610.6740632973;0;104;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;2;2;1;1;2;', '', '0', '22588', 'i,2,11,1,1;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984847', '9198', 'i');
  702. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('994795276', 'STEAM_0:1:20318952', 'STEAM_0:1:20318952', '', 'Candy', 'Main', '782', '10000', '1_7_1', '', '25;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;2;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '624', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299628151', '10000', '');
  703. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('531353203', 'STEAM_0:1:34628735', 'STEAM_0:1:34628735', '', 'Rosa', 'Parks', '27484', '659', '2_3_1', '2,36,1;3,83,14;4,20,4;5,30,2;6,12,1;7,23,5;8,18,3;63,36,1;15,64,4;17,15,2;28,27,1;56,36,1;58,36,1;60,36,1;9,13,2;64,28,1;10,25,3;55,36,1;57,36,1;59,36,1;62,36,1;', '1130;1900;0;697;0;702.8487200588;0;8;794;0;0;191;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;11;12;', '0', '552', 'k,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302384867', '0', 'k');
  704. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1618510325', 'STEAM_0:0:14807885', 'STEAM_0:0:14807885', '', 'Ricky', 'Martin', '58540', '119783', '2_1_1', '2,36,1;3,43,1;4,13,10;5,15,3;6,14,4;7,12,1;8,15,5;9,13,10;10,13,10;11,13,10;12,30,2;13,13,3;14,15,5;15,30,4;16,29,2;17,19,1;18,24,2;19,26,4;20,27,5;21,27,5;22,13,10;23,15,4;24,27,3;25,62,1;26,12,1;27,43,1;28,12,1;64,28,1;80,32,5;79,32,4;', '1865;8200;41;1786;0;1855.0118404627;1425;122;2738;535;585;311;0;', '0;3;3;2;0;2;0;', '5;11;12;9;7;8;6;4;', '0', '29451', 'h,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000004', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299982297', '18992', 'h');
  705. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1697524944', 'STEAM_0:0:26568231', 'STEAM_0:0:26568231', '', 'Roo', 'Thorp', '5800', '1871', '1_8_1', '2,56,1;3,2,1;4,16,1;5,83,3;6,15,5;7,15,5;8,15,5;9,15,5;', '133;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;2;0;0;0;2;', '', '75', '100', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299922741', '10000', '');
  706. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3893989166', 'STEAM_0:1:33343335', 'STEAM_0:1:33343335', '', 'Skippy', 'Flixer', '63030', '808318', '1_7_3', '3,13,10;4,18,3;5,34,1;6,13,10;7,35,1;8,56,1;9,36,1;10,36,1;11,43,1;12,12,1;13,62,3;14,62,8;15,32,1;16,20,5;17,31,1;19,29,1;20,18,10;21,13,6;22,23,5;23,23,5;24,33,1;25,23,4;26,18,10;27,34,1;29,37,1;50,28,1;', '1563;6020;14;1318;0;1456.534236908;25;70;2364;596;655;1055;0;', '0;0;4;4;0;2;0;', '11;12;5;9;7;8;6;4;', '0', '198367', 'E,6,3,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299901203', '45589', 'E');
  707. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('215524887', 'STEAM_0:1:15093718', 'STEAM_0:1:15093718', '', 'Jake', 'Gay', '1616', '0', '1_1_1', '', '32;0;0;20;0;14.0625;0;24;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '650', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299564132', '10000', '');
  708. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1356248196', 'STEAM_0:0:25202539', 'STEAM_0:0:25202539', '', 'Zach', 'Smith', '64524', '6425', '1_7_1', '3,13,10;4,13,10;5,14,6;6,13,10;7,15,4;8,13,9;', '1607;200;32;1649;60;954.67430830002;0;224;0;60;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;0;1;', '', '0', '147638', 'A,5,4,0,1;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299980934', '6548', 'A');
  709. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('228296475', 'STEAM_0:0:19807101', 'STEAM_0:0:19807101', '', 'Joe', 'Lotps', '6517', '14702', '1_7_1', '4,15,4;5,27,1;6,14,4;8,16,1;', '73;0;0;0;0;0;0;126;0;0;0;0;0;', '4;0;1;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '96', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299910309', '10000', '');
  710. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1554585457', 'STEAM_0:0:24673942', 'STEAM_0:0:24673942', '', 'Johanan', 'Strangeman', '4739', '600', '1_9_2', '3,7,1;4,50,1;5,12,1;6,23,3;7,18,3;8,1,1;', '104;0;0;0;0;14.0625;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;0;0;1;3;0;', '', '0', '3991', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299637068', '10000', '');
  711. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('836322164', 'STEAM_0:0:28367280', 'STEAM_0:0:28367280', '', 'Jake', 'Wolf', '3474', '0', '1_8_1', '', '61;0;0;51;0;28.125;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '18117', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299564880', '9992', 'a');
  712. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1816936845', 'STEAM_0:0:13926110', 'STEAM_0:0:13926110', '', 'Jordyn', 'Reynolds', '740', '10000', '1_6_1', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '600', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299560177', '10000', '');
  713. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('912557590', 'STEAM_0:1:12808689', 'STEAM_0:1:12808689', '', 'Jacob', 'Almind', '6188', '5337', '1_1_8', '3,36,1;4,55,1;5,13,10;6,14,5;7,15,5;8,15,3;', '50;240;17;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '80', '6422', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299617074', '10000', '');
  714. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3690421628', 'STEAM_0:0:24089195', 'STEAM_0:0:24089195', '', 'Chris', 'Wilder', '2741', '0', '1_7_1', '', '46;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '13450', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299599224', '10000', '');
  715. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4280328412', 'STEAM_0:1:6452530', 'STEAM_0:1:6452530', '', 'Snake', 'Plissken', '5366', '-181906950', '1_1_1', '3,14,6;16,15,5;17,15,5;4,13,1;', '21;200;0;0;0;14.0625;0;218;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;1;0;1;', '', '0', '2550', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299762013', '10000', '');
  716. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('574514571', 'STEAM_0:0:20203286', 'STEAM_0:0:20203286', '', 'Kenzie', 'Treyton', '1572', '10000', '1_1_1', '3,13,1;', '37;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '842', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299794352', '10000', '');
  717. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2682665110', 'STEAM_0:0:28784002', 'STEAM_0:0:28784002', '', 'Bill', 'Falling', '48128', '1232', '1_1_1', '3,1,1;4,2,1;5,15,4;6,15,4;7,39,2;8,36,1;9,13,3;10,28,1;11,33,1;12,27,1;13,12,1;14,83,3;15,22,4;16,49,6;', '1762;1280;59;1482;0;628.59375;0;112;440;125;0;69;0;', '1;0;3;2;0;2;0;', '5;11;', '70', '8711', 'n,3,3,0,1;0,1,1', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '4', '1299976899', '4834', 'n');
  718. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3885152655', 'STEAM_0:1:26533092', 'STEAM_0:1:26533092', '', 'Vgaming', 'Gaming', '217', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '17;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '188', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299620160', '10000', '');
  719. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('302702800', 'STEAM_0:1:12910935', 'STEAM_0:1:12910935', '', 'Jamal', 'Blacky', '4231', '558', '1_1_8', '2,36,1;3,84,1;4,2,1;5,66,1;6,12,1;7,25,1;8,13,10;9,13,10;10,14,10;11,15,5;12,14,10;14,14,10;15,14,10;16,13,10;17,13,10;18,66,1;19,13,10;21,18,1;23,15,5;24,24,4;25,67,2;26,13,10;28,13,10;29,14,3;30,13,2;', '71;360;0;0;0;109.6875;0;0;44;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '0', '676', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299709106', '10000', '');
  720. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1887497848', 'STEAM_0:1:29586616', 'STEAM_0:1:29586616', '', 'Nipple', 'Pincher', '10255', '1178', '1_1_1', '7,15,2;30,13,10;2,43,1;16,13,10;17,13,10;5,2,1;55,13,10;6,15,5;42,13,10;29,13,10;', '256;400;0;32;0;244.6875;75;128;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;1;', '', '0', '6991', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299704173', '10000', '');
  721. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3788019309', 'STEAM_0:0:33144693', 'STEAM_0:0:33144693', '', 'Lorenzo', 'Mecacci', '643', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '528', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299623553', '10000', '');
  722. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1241347512', 'STEAM_0:1:17043916', 'STEAM_0:1:17043916', '', 'Robert', 'Johnson', '42771', '0', '1_1_2', '3,2,1;4,43,1;5,3,1;6,13,6;7,15,5;8,83,4;9,1,1;10,59,1;11,53,1;12,17,1;', '167;40;0;630;130;430.3125;0;100;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;1;1;1;1;2;', '', '0', '22788', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299783147', '10000', '');
  723. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('663502697', 'STEAM_0:0:24494937', 'STEAM_0:0:24494937', '', 'Jordan', 'Crow', '98', '10000', '1_7_1', '', '3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '48', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299625721', '10000', '');
  724. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2046092952', 'STEAM_0:0:27856424', 'STEAM_0:0:27856424', '', 'Eifersucht', 'Betrugen', '19876', '3329', '1_4_1', '78,14,1;80,15,5;68,13,14;70,13,9;79,15,5;71,13,20;69,13,10;3,56,1;', '358;360;0;464;0;685.95703125;0;28;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '21076', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302497720', '10000', '');
  725. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1514026548', 'STEAM_0:0:21459978', 'STEAM_0:0:21459978', '', 'Dhordidian', 'Ferye', '95787', '148419', '1_8_6', '3,15,7;4,13,20;5,13,20;6,18,2;7,37,1;8,22,2;9,13,17;10,44,2;11,12,1;12,43,2;13,56,1;14,89,1;16,14,13;18,35,1;29,14,6;', '2803;1700;0;1662;110;1655.5716247559;25;304;3178;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;5;', '11;12;9;7;5;', '87', '384190', '0,1,1,0,0;s,5,1,1,0;r,2,7,1,1;E,2,12,1,1;t,5,2,1,0;G,3,9,1,1;f,2,1,1,0;h,2,1,1,0;C,1,1,0,0;F,4,1,1,0;a,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000075', '00000000300', '00000000000', '1', '1302669877', '2296', 'r');
  726. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1597736157', 'STEAM_0:1:15939252', 'STEAM_0:1:15939252', '', 'John', 'Doe', '41', '10000', '', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '50', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299867286', '10000', '');
  727. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1876029834', 'STEAM_0:0:16718557', 'STEAM_0:0:16718557', '', 'Zion', 'Tool', '1321', '0', '1_1_1', '', '29;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '11000', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299633983', '10000', '');
  728. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2874762501', 'STEAM_0:0:5661784', 'STEAM_0:0:5661784', '', 'Bob', 'Charlie', '5187', '11548', '1_7_1', '3,56,1;', '145;80;0;0;0;24.609375;0;16;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;1;0;0;', '', '0', '576', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299705735', '10000', '');
  729. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1321066664', 'STEAM_0:0:38365865', 'STEAM_0:0:38365865', '', 'Brandon', 'Chew', '22860', '1560', '1_9_1', '3,13,8;6,36,1;4,15,2;5,2,1;', '395;120;0;483;0;70.3125;0;40;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;0;0;2;', '', '0', '33105', '0', '', '00000000162', '00000000000', '00000000000', '20', '1299779417', '10000', '');
  730. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('77343733', 'STEAM_0:1:17450988', 'STEAM_0:1:17450988', '', 'Henrik', 'Sedin', '14038', '0', '1_1_8', '3,14,10;4,39,1;5,2,1;6,44,5;7,36,1;8,22,5;9,18,5;10,43,3;11,43,1;12,26,5;13,15,5;14,15,5;15,56,1;16,14,10;17,14,10;18,29,1;19,16,1;20,26,1;21,23,1;22,28,1;23,28,1;25,14,2;', '383;260;0;117;0;185.625;600;84;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;1;', '', '0', '6918', 'b,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299956793', '8567', 'b');
  731. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2018159013', 'STEAM_0:1:10298197', 'STEAM_0:1:10298197', '', 'Jack', 'Shale', '4809', '5', '1_7_1', '3,56,1;4,2,1;', '92;0;0;22;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;3;0;2;0;', '', '0', '15697', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '13', '1299643956', '10000', '');
  732. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1073200533', 'STEAM_0:0:31790526', 'STEAM_0:0:31790526', '', 'Ashley', 'Malzahar', '22', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '25', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299644393', '10000', '');
  733. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3278027283', 'STEAM_0:1:11671940', 'STEAM_0:1:11671940', '', 'Hans', 'Drescher', '45006', '2301', '1_1_1', '3,5,1;4,87,1;7,15,2;9,24,10;10,33,1;11,67,3;12,2,1;13,12,1;14,16,1;15,14,1;', '782;80;15;1582;20;1688.9023751458;0;64;18;41;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '0', '10080', 'b,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '10', '1299975518', '4435', 'b');
  734. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('124172493', 'STEAM_0:1:32025539', 'STEAM_0:1:32025539', '', 'Pete', 'Broham', '6831', '0', '1_4_1', '3,13,4;', '194;0;0;497;0;20.909107446671;0;32;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;3;2;0;0;0;', '', '0', '2524', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302499323', '3080', 'a');
  735. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('367767271', 'STEAM_0:0:27328276', 'STEAM_0:0:27328276', '', 'Simmons', 'Denver', '383', '10000', '1_2_1', '', '23;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '319', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299709279', '10000', '');
  736. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('419547933', 'STEAM_0:0:24148734', 'STEAM_0:0:24148734', '', 'Frinke', 'Brown', '80553', '1789', '1_1_5', '3,13,10;4,16,1;5,2,1;6,53,1;7,27,5;8,83,20;9,12,1;10,26,2;11,27,2;12,97,4;13,23,2;14,45,3;15,13,5;16,87,1;18,29,1;19,50,1;20,20,4;21,25,2;22,24,5;23,83,18;24,12,1;25,67,6;27,61,2;', '537;320;0;4578;60;955.171875;0;24;80;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;1;', '5;', '0', '39970', '0,1,1,0,0;b,5,8,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '14', '1299984808', '1567', 'b');
  737. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3198509575', 'STEAM_0:1:20180045', 'STEAM_0:1:20180045', '', 'Frank', 'Henry', '8485', '0', '1_2_1', '3,13,4;', '253;0;0;419;0;204.375;0;84;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;2;1;0;0;', '', '87', '5880', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299866932', '4713', 'a');
  738. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('206250722', 'STEAM_0:1:20259030', 'STEAM_0:1:20259030', '', 'Adilf', 'Hatler', '1075', '5050', '1_8_5', '3,43,2;6,13,1;4,12,1;5,83,5;', '44;60;0;0;0;14.0625;50;12;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '790', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299801227', '10000', '');
  739. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3493951548', 'STEAM_0:1:123226', 'STEAM_0:1:123226', '', 'Johnny', 'Chinstoni', '706', '9480', '1_1_8', '', '25;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '96', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299702141', '10000', '');
  740. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1608364715', 'STEAM_0:0:32280962', 'STEAM_0:0:32280962', '', 'Hunter', 'Ryker', '1649', '7329', '1_1_1', '3,13,1;4,15,2;', '61;20;0;0;0;28.125;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '1296', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299703275', '10000', '');
  741. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2676076988', 'STEAM_0:0:18632974', 'STEAM_0:0:18632974', '', 'James', 'Hafferty', '3410', '11400', '1_7_8', '3,13,2;', '53;0;0;0;0;42.1875;0;78;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '0', '450', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299717755', '10000', '');
  742. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1068494672', 'STEAM_0:0:22041897', 'STEAM_0:0:22041897', '', 'Dylan', 'Cadavar', '292', '6734', '1_4_1', '3,36,1;6,12,1;4,18,2;5,23,2;', '14;20;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '230', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299799880', '10000', '');
  743. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2385275255', 'STEAM_0:1:9743426', 'STEAM_0:1:9743426', '', 'Jackson', 'Doe', '453', '8334', '1_1_1', '3,29,1;4,20,1;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '384', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299887887', '10000', '');
  744. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1810007031', 'STEAM_0:1:23387980', 'STEAM_0:1:23387980', '', 'I\'ma SQL Injector', 'who\'s been caught', '26524', '0', '1_7_3', '', '1261;4060;0;1149;0;417.861328125;0;30;2160;311;600;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;11;12;9;7;8;6;', '85', '500', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '129987428\r\n', '8446', 'o\r\n');
  745. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1424336842', 'STEAM_0:1:24967229', 'STEAM_0:1:24967229', '', 'Aizou', 'Danath', '38599', '1563', '1_7_4', '3,2,1;2,36,1;14,56,3;', '898;60;2;365;0;927.94921875;75;158;50;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;0;5;0;', '', '0', '85129', '0', '', '00000000022', '00000000000', '00000000000', '6', '1299977448', '10000', '');
  746. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1145417246', 'STEAM_0:1:25624721', 'STEAM_0:1:25624721', '', 'Ron', 'Walker', '1302', '0', '1_3_1', '', '44;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '1056', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299955417', '10000', '');
  747. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4060823116', 'STEAM_0:1:27479595', 'STEAM_0:1:27479595', '', 'Abraham', 'Lincoln', '6300', '6100', '1_2_1', '3,2,1;4,1,1;', '73;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;1;1;1;1;1;', '', '0', '4009', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299869949', '10000', '');
  748. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('422550867', 'STEAM_0:0:34731259', 'STEAM_0:0:34731259', '', 'Norway', 'Doe', '42592', '9005', '1_7_5', '3,13,10;13,4,4;4,13,4;12,2,1;', '1037;0;0;1324;0;164.625;0;202;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '1433', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '5', '1302023639', '7479', 'a');
  749. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3650037742', 'STEAM_0:1:8730215', 'STEAM_0:1:8730215', '', 'David', 'Freeman', '14558', '4233', '1_1_8', '3,33,1;4,33,1;5,32,1;6,31,4;7,39,1;8,30,1;9,12,1;10,13,10;11,14,10;12,26,1;13,5,1;14,13,10;15,3,1;16,2,1;17,7,1;18,49,5;19,56,1;20,15,4;21,13,4;22,2,1;23,33,1;24,33,1;25,22,2;26,44,2;27,27,3;28,18,1;', '166;0;0;592;0;157.5;0;70;120;345;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '88', '64571', 'p,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299871996', '9694', 'p');
  750. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1674296683', 'STEAM_0:1:29323968', 'STEAM_0:1:29323968', '', 'Dixie', 'Normas', '1114', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '21;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '864', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299950024', '10000', '');
  751. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('936737373', 'STEAM_0:1:11981985', 'STEAM_0:1:11981985', '', 'Holly', 'Mills', '37260', '4007', '2_1_1', '3,13,10;4,2,1;5,36,1;6,12,1;8,43,4;', '1011;1060;0;954;0;2693.578125;25;310;28;0;50;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '85', '1056', 'b,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299956014', '4945', 'b');
  752. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4187350901', 'STEAM_0:0:26060999', 'STEAM_0:0:26060999', '', 'Charles', 'Jones', '7446', '-14070750', '1_1_1', '3,14,6;4,15,1;5,84,1;6,14,1;7,13,2;8,50,1;', '24;80;0;0;0;61.875;0;106;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;1;1;0;0;3;', '', '0', '2100', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299762023', '10000', '');
  753. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1645254981', 'STEAM_0:1:10845491', 'STEAM_0:1:10845491', '', 'John', 'Galt', '2557', '1940', '2_1_1', '2,56,1;4,62,1;5,2,1;', '40;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;5;0;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '789', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299769933', '10000', '');
  754. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('484383971', 'STEAM_0:0:16202479', 'STEAM_0:0:16202479', '', 'Chris', 'Mills', '1979', '0', '1_9_1', '3,13,2;', '64;0;0;14;0;33.75;0;8;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '85', '11590', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299867489', '10000', '');
  755. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1810405367', 'STEAM_0:1:14975527', 'STEAM_0:1:14975527', '', 'Donald', 'Trump', '352', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '180', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299866448', '10000', '');
  756. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1053378001', 'STEAM_0:1:17041504', 'STEAM_0:1:17041504', '', 'Nathan', 'Johnson', '13991', '2475', '1_7_1', '3,53,1;5,30,2;6,36,1;7,97,2;8,53,1;9,28,1;10,15,5;11,15,4;12,36,1;13,2,1;', '415;280;0;69;0;3729.609375;50;180;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;1;1;0;2;1;', '', '0', '16328', '0', '', '00000000022', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984833', '10000', '');
  757. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('615903962', 'STEAM_0:0:25826074', 'STEAM_0:0:25826074', '', 'Sadir', 'Marwan', '6975', '1177', '1_2_1', '3,2,1;5,15,3;', '64;0;0;0;0;0;0;6;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '', '0', '144', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299900412', '10000', '');
  758. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2991595653', 'STEAM_0:1:22110511', 'STEAM_0:1:22110511', '', 'Nick', 'Johnson', '5825', '22342', '1_7_1', '3,36,1;4,12,1;5,13,10;6,15,5;7,30,2;8,15,3;9,64,1;10,14,3;11,36,1;12,50,1;13,13,3;14,25,1;18,1,1;19,56,1;17,2,1;', '312;300;0;0;0;106.875;0;46;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '5037', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984829', '10000', '');
  759. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1484959128', 'STEAM_0:1:28875790', 'STEAM_0:1:28875790', '', 'Seymore', 'Bentley', '8447', '4484', '1_9_8', '3,15,5;', '170;0;0;0;0;0;0;16;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;1;0;0;', '', '87', '8450', '0', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299890220', '10000', '');
  760. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3875385142', 'STEAM_0:0:26422407', 'STEAM_0:0:26422407', '', 'Markus', 'Torres', '2640', '4500', '1_2_1', '3,36,1;4,66,1;5,8,1;6,61,1;7,67,1;8,40,1;9,23,1;10,24,1;11,20,1;12,18,1;13,19,1;14,56,1;', '29;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '70', '1993', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299966619', '10000', '');
  761. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('425855265', 'STEAM_0:0:18257033', 'STEAM_0:0:18257033', '', 'Ryan', 'Wake', '1451', '0', '1_7_1', '3,2,1;4,3,1;', '66;0;0;14;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;1;1;0;0;1;', '', '0', '10840', '0', '', '00000000055', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302030201', '10000', '');
  762. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3402452721', 'STEAM_0:1:26851761', 'STEAM_0:1:26851761', '', 'Boe', 'Doe', '17750', '157765', '1_1_1', '3,26,5;4,13,10;5,13,7;6,26,5;7,26,5;8,26,5;9,27,5;10,27,3;11,26,1;', '111;0;0;204;0;258.75;0;284;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;1;0;0;1;1;', '', '0', '7278', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299963424', '10000', 'a');
  763. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1613949406', 'STEAM_0:1:21478434', 'STEAM_0:1:21478434', '', 'Maskan', 'Rill', '2361', '7475', '1_7_3', '3,13,1;4,2,1;', '136;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '1924', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984842', '10000', '');
  764. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('378567295', 'STEAM_0:1:20175444', 'STEAM_0:1:20175444', '', 'Mike', 'Hans', '473', '9000', '1_1_8', '', '37;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '384', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299902283', '10000', '');
  765. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3331097399', 'STEAM_0:0:32908886', 'STEAM_0:0:32908886', '', 'Brandon', 'Franks', '3472', '0', '1_1_5', '2,56,1;', '95;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;0;1;', '', '0', '7204', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299959227', '10000', '');
  766. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2786116328', 'STEAM_0:1:21006704', 'STEAM_0:1:21006704', '', 'Rav', 'Smith', '144', '0', '1_4_1', '', '3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '10144', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299908760', '10000', '');
  767. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2268676373', 'STEAM_0:1:22757940', 'STEAM_0:1:22757940', '', 'Jose', 'Smith', '3768', '10335', '1_1_1', '3,2,1;4,56,1;5,15,5;', '188;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '250', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '6', '1299932167', '10000', '');
  768. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2775998546', 'STEAM_0:1:24543451', 'STEAM_0:1:24543451', '', 'Andrew', 'Doe', '3139', '8443', '1_2_1', '', '121;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '0', '517', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299967062', '10000', '');
  769. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2376947828', 'STEAM_0:1:37236575', 'STEAM_0:1:37236575', '', 'Michael', 'Patterson', '2195', '10000', '1_4_1', '3,13,1;', '45;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;2;1;0;2;', '', '0', '1741', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299975174', '10000', '');
  770. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4286504399', 'STEAM_0:1:25203623', 'STEAM_0:1:25203623', '', 'John', 'Redcorn', '696', '10000', '1_7_1', '', '30;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '576', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299908529', '10000', '');
  771. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('763727990', 'STEAM_0:0:16985139', 'STEAM_0:0:16985139', '', 'Hard', 'Core', '951', '7521', '1_1_1', '3,15,5;4,14,5;', '27;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '624', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299909775', '10000', '');
  772. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3953603337', 'STEAM_0:1:6084474', 'STEAM_0:1:6084474', '', 'Drew', 'Doblert', '25956', '97', '1_9_5', '3,13,2;4,6,1;6,2,1;7,12,1;8,23,1;9,1,1;10,18,3;11,29,2;12,87,1;13,46,2;14,64,1;15,53,1;48,4,16;35,83,1;54,36,1;67,37,1;17,27,3;49,5,6;20,31,2;21,7,5;80,33,1;36,8,5;', '259;400;0;0;0;741.85546875;0;84;0;60;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '48', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299984624', '10000', '');
  773. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3473290118', 'STEAM_0:0:30456939', 'STEAM_0:0:30456939', '', 'Bob', 'Powell', '12473', '5633', '1_2_1', '3,13,3;4,49,9;', '132;0;43;387;0;1764.375;0;94;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;0;3;0;0;', '', '0', '23418', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299981563', '10000', '');
  774. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1436098183', 'STEAM_0:1:37515785', 'STEAM_0:1:37515785', '', 'Karrina', 'Fenderson', '12608', '900', '2_2_1', '3,13,10;4,15,5;5,14,10;6,13,10;7,13,10;8,15,5;9,13,10;10,13,10;11,13,10;12,14,3;13,13,9;', '78;320;15;217;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;1;0;0;', '', '0', '21179', '0', '', '00000000047', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299978407', '10000', '');
  775. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2054606138', 'STEAM_0:0:9316639', 'STEAM_0:0:9316639', '', 'John', 'Doe', '593', '10000', '', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '450', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299923156', '10000', '');
  776. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1161889614', 'STEAM_0:1:20499990', 'STEAM_0:1:20499990', '', 'Chet', 'Walters', '2149', '65000', '1_8_1', '3,13,3;', '139;0;0;0;0;0;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '0', '1896', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299936263', '10000', '');
  777. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1752437044', 'STEAM_0:1:20304525', 'STEAM_0:1:20304525', '', 'Artyom', 'Verestrei', '19878', '2874', '1_4_8', '2,35,1;3,14,6;4,15,5;5,26,4;6,23,1;7,29,5;8,27,4;9,19,1;10,36,1;11,29,5;12,1,1;13,64,3;15,36,1;16,36,1;18,36,1;19,2,1;20,36,1;22,23,4;23,29,5;24,29,2;25,16,1;26,13,6;27,36,1;28,36,1;29,36,1;30,18,7;31,27,1;36,20,5;37,20,5;38,20,5;39,30,7;33,56,1;35,20,5;40,27,1;', '327;1100;34;520;0;1263.4168052673;25;120;260;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;3;2;0;4;0;', '5;11;', '0', '226069', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;p,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302667524', '9978', 'p');
  778. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('641351080', 'STEAM_0:0:33250526', 'STEAM_0:0:33250526', '', 'Johnny', 'Feelgood', '801', '10000', '1_5_1', '', '17;0;0;0;0;0;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;5;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '672', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299951183', '10000', '');
  779. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1681055351', 'STEAM_0:1:17344323', 'STEAM_0:1:17344323', '', 'John', 'Doe', '595', '10000', '', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '480', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299952265', '10000', '');
  780. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('919435295', 'STEAM_0:0:17478873', 'STEAM_0:0:17478873', '', 'Jacob', 'Storm', '2447', '0', '1_1_1', '3,13,3;68,28,1;29,12,1;4,15,5;', '38;0;0;0;0;42.1875;0;26;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '5109', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299960693', '10000', '');
  781. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3473017271', 'STEAM_0:0:19446723', 'STEAM_0:0:19446723', '', 'Paul', 'Doe', '1934', '13500', '1_8_3', '3,2,1;4,13,10;', '39;0;0;11;0;0;0;18;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '1650', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299979592', '10000', '');
  782. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3266339672', 'STEAM_0:0:74290', 'STEAM_0:0:74290', '', 'Promethius', 'Stoner', '5065', '11966', '1_1_1', '2,56,1;3,12,1;4,13,3;5,2,1;6,56,1;', '97;0;0;14;0;423.251953125;25;22;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;1;1;1;0;0;', '', '0', '1429', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299976412', '10000', '');
  783. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1488814363', 'STEAM_0:0:32055570', 'STEAM_0:0:32055570', '', 'Jak', 'Mitchell', '58', '10000', '1_7_1', '', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '47', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299968874', '10000', '');
  784. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('420942963', 'STEAM_0:0:21367377', 'STEAM_0:0:21367377', '', 'Jesus', 'Christ', '1963', '8525', '1_7_5', '3,2,1;4,13,1;', '19;0;0;0;0;661.8310546875;0;6;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;0;0;2;', '', '0', '2156', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '7', '1299983053', '10000', '');
  785. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4198558606', 'STEAM_0:1:23847828', 'STEAM_0:1:23847828', '', 'Bill', 'Ding', '807', '0', '1_3_1', '3,13,1;', '22;0;0;0;0;73.125;0;56;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '10650', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299979556', '10000', '');
  786. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('290527183', 'STEAM_0:0:14774318', 'STEAM_0:0:14774318', '', 'Duke', 'Nukem', '4309', '10625', '1_7_1', '', '55;0;0;0;0;976.40625;0;24;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '0', '3984', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299983262', '10000', '');
  787. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3439882884', 'STEAM_0:0:7138355', 'STEAM_0:0:7138355', '', 'Saxon', 'Rill', '2037', '8475', '1_7_5', '3,2,1;', '26;0;0;0;0;0;0;16;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '1788', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1299983516', '10000', '');
  788. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('598675517', 'STEAM_0:0:29005501', 'STEAM_0:0:29005501', '', 'Hunter', 'Payne', '2518', '9000', '1_7_5', '3,37,1;', '75;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '2439', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1301885208', '10000', '');
  789. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1909959869', 'STEAM_0:1:33573521', 'STEAM_0:1:33573521', '', 'Bob', 'Marly', '138', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '11;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;3;2;0;0;0;', '', '0', '96', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302124304', '10000', '');
  790. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2325122008', 'STEAM_0:0:29173972', 'STEAM_0:0:29173972', '', 'Garrett', 'Nelson', '36189', '0', '1_4_8', '2,56,1;3,50,1;4,49,8;6,2,1;7,15,5;8,83,13;10,56,2;11,14,1;', '713;880;0;1230;0;123.75;0;284;68;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;1;', '5;', '0', '22890', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '6', '1302617935', '10000', '');
  791. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1196074639', 'STEAM_0:1:19031070', 'STEAM_0:1:19031070', '', 'Steve', 'Mini', '78', '10000', '1_4_1', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '48', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302026596', '10000', '');
  792. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1885938384', 'STEAM_0:1:12868307', 'STEAM_0:1:12868307', '', 'Caleb', 'Johnson', '74076', '504', '1_1_6', '3,36,1;4,36,1;5,36,1;6,13,9;', '1254;820;30;8193;0;121.21279090643;0;548;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;3;0;', '5;', '0', '1920', '0,1,1,0,0;h,5,1,0,0;b,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302664550', '6810', 'h');
  793. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1063463740', 'STEAM_0:0:34407015', 'STEAM_0:0:34407015', '', 'Garret', 'Johnson', '19287', '1440', '1_1_1', '3,15,1;4,13,9;5,2,1;', '244;0;12;296;0;0;0;92;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;1;0;', '', '0', '3336', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302464168', '10000', '');
  794. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('805705857', 'STEAM_0:0:21987225', 'STEAM_0:0:21987225', '', 'Franchie', 'Mccrackhead', '178', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;0;0;0;0;5;', '', '0', '150', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302489680', '10000', '');
  795. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3777325024', 'STEAM_0:0:27923857', 'STEAM_0:0:27923857', '', 'Joe-e', 'Rock', '12803', '18191', '1_2_1', '3,10,2;4,14,5;5,15,4;7,36,1;8,23,1;9,18,1;10,20,1;', '370;640;0;10;0;0;0;26;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '936', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302659320', '10000', '');
  796. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3776149216', 'STEAM_0:1:24505757', 'STEAM_0:1:24505757', '', 'Matthew', 'Remington', '25683', '0', '1_7_1', '3,13,3;', '372;0;60;894;0;121.5;0;278;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;1;1;1;0;1;', '', '0', '12765', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302664881', '10000', '');
  797. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3436947216', 'STEAM_0:1:5981367', 'STEAM_0:1:5981367', '', 'Ender', 'Obrian', '29668', '7120', '1_4_1', '3,36,1;4,36,1;5,36,1;6,56,1;7,8,5;8,5,5;9,7,5;10,4,15;11,6,1;12,13,2;13,12,1;14,2,1;15,16,1;16,36,1;17,36,1;18,36,1;30,36,1;31,36,1;43,36,1;68,36,1;42,36,1;55,36,1;69,36,1;56,36,1;', '538;300;2;1732;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;2;0;', '5;', '0', '2328', '0', '', '00000000255', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302676763', '10000', '');
  798. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2677904685', 'STEAM_0:0:23484356', 'STEAM_0:0:23484356', '', 'John', 'Wood', '94908', '16042', '1_7_5', '3,9,4;4,10,5;5,12,1;6,6,1;7,12,1;', '1134;740;112;4988;10;283.03733062744;0;550;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;3;2;1;1;0;0;', '', '0', '3216', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;b,4,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '5', '1302675317', '4137', 'b');
  799. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2311445820', 'STEAM_0:1:24871252', 'STEAM_0:1:24871252', '', 'Joshua', 'Herring', '35635', '64', '1_6_1', '2,56,1;3,2,1;4,13,1;5,44,1;6,22,1;7,10,1;8,73,1;9,12,1;', '740;160;0;1864;40;13.791346140206;0;50;0;0;0;0;30;', '0;1;1;1;0;0;3;', '', '0', '2130', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302574518', '3930', 'a');
  800. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3818562451', 'STEAM_0:1:38890748', 'STEAM_0:1:38890748', '', 'Jack', 'Andrews', '1866', '1422', '1_7_1', '3,20,5;4,20,1;5,15,2;', '81;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '3;0;1;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '8488', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302427896', '10000', '');
  801. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2556490407', 'STEAM_0:1:37475407', 'STEAM_0:1:37475407', '', 'Jake', 'Satchel', '782', '6950', '1_6_1', '3,83,20;4,83,17;5,12,1;', '38;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;3;0;0;0;', '', '0', '624', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302441334', '10000', '');
  802. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2777125873', 'STEAM_0:0:15303527', 'STEAM_0:0:15303527', '', 'Adison', 'Power', '21202', '5160', '1_7_5', '2,56,1;3,13,3;5,15,5;6,2,1;7,50,1;8,14,20;9,14,20;10,14,10;', '375;320;0;964;0;14.0625;0;198;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;1;2;1;0;0;1;', '', '0', '13193', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302621492', '10000', '');
  803. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('4193066073', 'STEAM_0:0:18256608', 'STEAM_0:0:18256608', '', 'Demo', 'Diaz', '172', '10000', '1_1_1', '', '0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '144', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302456692', '10000', '');
  804. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('973677344', 'STEAM_0:0:29431839', 'STEAM_0:0:29431839', '', 'Jack', 'Diablo', '1654', '7425', '1_1_8', '3,89,1;', '29;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '1344', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302457185', '10000', '');
  805. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('258274699', 'STEAM_0:0:17487909', 'STEAM_0:0:17487909', '', 'Gaylord', 'Doe', '1327', '8500', '1_1_1', '3,12,1;4,13,1;', '20;0;0;0;0;42.1875;0;18;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '1100', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302493326', '10000', '');
  806. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1890582284', 'STEAM_0:1:38598443', 'STEAM_0:1:38598443', '', 'Disciple', 'Joe', '3753', '772', '1_4_8', '3,14,10;', '79;80;0;0;0;0;0;12;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;1;0;2;0;', '', '0', '2600', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302489092', '10000', '');
  807. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('998435339', 'STEAM_0:0:31946473', 'STEAM_0:0:31946473', '', 'Jabe', 'Brannan', '6644', '0', '1_8_6', '2,56,1;3,13,16;4,89,1;5,89,1;6,89,1;7,89,1;8,89,1;9,89,1;10,89,1;11,89,1;12,89,1;13,89,1;14,89,1;15,89,1;16,35,1;21,89,1;22,89,1;23,89,1;24,89,1;25,89,1;26,89,1;27,89,1;28,89,1;', '141;0;0;378;0;0;0;32;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;1;0;0;', '', '0', '4112', 'a,1,1,0,0;0,1,1,0,0;', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302657543', '5520', 'a');
  808. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('1953178680', 'STEAM_0:0:17483969', 'STEAM_0:0:17483969', '', 'Trevor', 'Hunt', '555', '9000', '1_1_8', '', '52;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '480', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302638757', '10000', '');
  809. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3911216167', 'STEAM_0:0:14452133', 'STEAM_0:0:14452133', '', 'Joobie', 'Doe', '2681', '5415', '1_1_3', '3,26,5;4,26,1;', '46;0;0;0;0;0;0;54;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;2;2;1;0;0;0;', '', '0', '2160', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302634507', '10000', '');
  810. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('471819797', 'STEAM_0:1:39941980', 'STEAM_0:1:39941980', '', 'Sam', 'Verra', '1689', '10528', '1_4_1', '', '88;0;0;36;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '816', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302667375', '10000', '');
  811. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2863203171', 'STEAM_0:1:31521760', 'STEAM_0:1:31521760', '', 'Hunter', 'Smith', '1721', '0', '1_9_1', '3,13,2;4,15,2;', '60;60;0;74;0;53.320512771606;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '', '0', '8854', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302645948', '10000', '');
  812. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('2684749098', 'STEAM_0:1:10733754', 'STEAM_0:1:10733754', '', 'Jaman', 'Blackmon', '1304', '8891', '1_1_1', '3,36,1;', '12;20;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '0;0;2;2;0;1;0;', '5;', '0', '1056', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302648390', '10000', '');
  813. INSERT INTO `perp_users` VALUES ('3192222478', 'STEAM_0:1:19624868', 'STEAM_0:1:19624868', '', 'Tyrone', 'Dick', '2932', '7532', '1_1_1', '3,13,9;4,4,1;5,1,1;6,39,1;', '37;0;0;186;0;16.875;0;78;0;0;0;0;0;', '5;0;0;0;0;0;0;', '', '0', '1552', '0', '', '00000000000', '00000000000', '00000000000', '1', '1302654272', '10000', '');
  815. -- ----------------------------
  816. -- Table structure for `server_bans`
  817. -- ----------------------------
  818. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `server_bans`;
  819. CREATE TABLE `server_bans` (
  820. `steamid` text NOT NULL,
  821. `unban_time` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  822. `banner_name` text NOT NULL,
  823. `reason` text NOT NULL,
  824. `banned_name` text NOT NULL,
  825. PRIMARY KEY (`steamid`(20))
  826. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  828. -- ----------------------------
  829. -- Records of server_bans
  830. -- ----------------------------
  831. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:15618264', '0', 'ĻïĻ ĵ', 'Still getting banned...', 'Jack <3\'s Vee');
  832. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:16764526', '0', 'ĻïĻ ĵ', 'Random Deathmatch', '҉ eddee');
  833. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:17945069', '0', 'Pk191', 'Rule 6. Rule 12. Admin Disrespect and Racism. Several Warnings were given.', '[??? ????] Chronic');
  834. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18530428', '0', 'Karnyth', 'Spamming infected links', 'Mikey|APB Guest Passes');
  835. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:18994612', '0', 'Tool', 'Random Deathmatch', 'Godlike');
  836. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:19248793', '0', 'Karnyth', 'Not welcome in our community. (Tourtage)', 'Burt');
  837. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:19921990', '1314239893', 'Random Admin', 'Admin disrespect, threats to DDos', 'Water');
  838. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:20313005', '0', 'Venom', 'Disrespect Of Admin', '-=YGZ=- L4D2_Camkinz (Canada)');
  839. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:21044944', '0', 'Karnyth', 'Cannot and/or refuses to RP. You are no longer welcome here.', 'TPunk STL FO SHO');
  840. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:21079108', '1316396199', 'Random Admin', 'Speedhacking', 'Kapatch');
  841. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:28425458', '0', 'Chris', 'Constantly not roleplaying, Fails to RP, at anytimes.', 'D3luX');
  842. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:31383819', '0', 'ĻïĻ ĵ', 'Hax', 'elvo36');
  843. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:7192399', '0', 'jaycedog', 'Get Off of NOVA Go play with whales n badgers', 'Tool');
  844. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:13100739', '0', 'Karnyth', 'Not welcome in our community.', 'cc. LuD RuST');
  845. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:13432814', '0', 'ĻïĻ ĵ', 'Total Nub, 3rd time', 'Motorbike, Herald of the Titans');
  846. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:13800802', '0', 'Karnyth', 'Alt of Delux', 'Joey Moe');
  847. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:14778175', '0', 'jaycedog', '', 'Epinephrine');
  848. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:23387980', '0', 'lil_killa', 'SQL Injection Detected', '(=K-A-C=)Haxx\'s Don\'t Use Haxx');
  849. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:26533092', '0', 'ĻïĻ ĵ', 'Total Nub, 3rd time', '∫LRG∫ Pure Galas');
  850. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:31657942', '1316301504', 'Random Admin', 'Unwilling to stop being retarded', 'JOE');
  851. INSERT INTO `server_bans` VALUES ('STEAM_0:1:4464147', '0', 'Chris', 'Not welcome here.', 'Beta-');
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