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a guest
Jan 29th, 2020
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  1. on quit:
  2. remove player from {ChefruleQueue::*}
  3. send "&7%player% &cleft the queue!" to player
  5. command /playchefrules:
  6. aliases: /pcf
  7. trigger:
  8. joinChefrules(player)
  10. on load:
  11. set {ChefRules::info} to "How Chef Rules work: Make food for the chef and get xp to be 1st So good luck and make lots and lots of food for the chef and custormers (Tip: Once you have 50 gold make sure its in a single slot)"
  12. set {ChefRules::name} to "Chef Rules"
  13. set {ChefRules::min} to 3
  14. set {ChefRules::max} to 10
  16. function joinChefrules(p: player):
  17. if {ChefruleQueue::*} contains {_p}:
  18. send "&cLeaving the queue!" to {_p}
  19. remove {_p} from {ChefruleQueue::*}
  20. else:
  21. if size of {ChefruleQueue::*} is greater than {ChefRules::max}:
  22. send "&cThe game is currently full! Please wait until a new game starts!" to {_p}
  23. else:
  24. add {_p} to {ChefruleQueue::*}
  25. make console execute command "/minecraft:tag {_p} add ChefRulesGame"
  26. send "&aYou have joined the Chef Rules&a queue" to {_p}
  27. broadcast "&7%{_p}% &ejoined the game! (&b%size of {ChefruleQueue::*}%&e/&b%{ChefRules::max}%&e)"
  28. if size of {games::ChefruleQueue::*} is {ChefRules:min}:
  29. startChefRules()
  30. else:
  31. remove {_p} from {ChefruleQueue::*}
  32. if size of {ChefruleQueue::*} is {_required}-1:
  33. clear {starting::Chefrule}
  35. function startChefRules():
  36. set {_name} to {ChefRules::name}
  37. set {_info} to {ChefRules:info}
  38. {starting::Chefrule} is not set
  39. set {starting::Chefrule} to true
  40. loop 30 times:
  41. if {starting::Chefrule} is not true:
  42. send "&3&lChef Rule &7The queue does not have enough players! &7[Requires %{_min}%&7]" to all players where [{ChefruleQueue::*} contains input]
  43. stop
  44. send "&3&lChef Rule &7Game starts in &a%31 - loop-value% &asecond(s)&7!" to all players where [{ChefruleQueue::*} contains input] if (31 - loop-value) is 30 or 20 or 15 or 10 or 5 or 3 or 2 or 1
  45. wait a second
  46. delete {ChefruleQueue::*}
  47. if {starting::Chefrule} is true:
  48. send "&a____________________________________________________", " &3&l%{_name}%", "", "&e%{_info}%" and "&a____________________________________________________" to all players where [{ChefruleQueue::*} contains input]
  49. loop 120 times:
  50. send "&3&l%{_name}% &7Game ends in &a%121 - loop-value% &asecond(s)&7!" to all players where [{ChefruleQueue::*} contains input] if (121 - loop-value) is 60 or 30 or 20 or 15 or 10 or 5 or 3 or 2 or 1
  51. wait a second
  52. set block at location(-468, 4, 99, world("ul_ChefRules")) to redstone torch
  53. delete {starting::Chefrule}
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