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das PM2012 frënz! ~♥~, PM2012

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Sep 15th, 2011
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  2. Hash: SHA1
  5. Re: Article about WikiLeaks in the next Phrack magazine. REQUEST action.
  8. From: Julian Assange <> Add contact
  9. To:
  10. Cc:
  11. Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 06:18:15 +0200
  12. This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed.
  13. Warning: This message may be forged. The return path ( does not match the from address.
  14. You made me smile, thanks.
  16. On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 01:54:45PM +0100, wrote:
  17. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
  18. > Hash: SHA1
  19. >
  20. >
  21. > Hi Julian,
  22. >
  23. > 1. I support you to incarceration or death if necessary. Yes,
  24. > really.
  25. >
  26. > 2. I have nothing to hide. I have no fear. If you require so in
  27. > order to trust my identity or if you want to speak with me about
  28. > this Project, I'm available to meet you somewhere in Europe in a
  29. > place of your choice.
  30. >
  31. > 3. Phrack staff fully support WikiLeaks and your work.
  32. > I am sending you the draft for an article I have written for the
  33. > next Phrack, due very soon.
  34. > Phrack staff is keen to publish it.
  35. > But first I would like to hear your opinion about this.
  36. > Please, let me know what do you think. Thanks.
  37. >
  38. > 4. Read this: 'Reality', by Peter Kingsley.
  39. > "Stunningly original, Peter Kingsley's work is momentous in its
  40. > implications."
  41. > Huston Smith.
  42. > Professor of Philosophy at MIT from 1958???1973. While at MIT he
  43. > participated in some of the experiments with entheogens that
  44. > professors Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert conducted at Harvard
  45. > University.
  46. > Described as 'the best and most important book of this century.'
  47. > Explains 'magic'. Yes. I sense you'd enjoy it.
  48. >
  49. > 5. E-S-I-Z-K-U-R = IRK ZEUS.
  51. >
  52. >
  53. > Best,
  54. >
  55. > j.
  56. >
  57. >
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  104. >
  105. >
  106. >
  107. > ==Phrack Inc.==
  108. >
  109. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  110. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  111. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  112. > |=-------------------=[ Project Mayhem 2012 ]=-------------------=|
  113. > |=-------------------=[ 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012 ]=-------------------=|
  114. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  115. > |=-------------------=[ TYLER: ]=-------------------=|
  116. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  117. > |=---------------=[ Massively Distributed Uncensorable ]=--------------=|
  118. > |=--------=[ Collaborative Wiki-P2P Cipherspace Structure ]=--------=|
  119. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  120. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  121. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  122. > |=--------=[ ?Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?? ]=--------=|
  123. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  124. > |=--------=[ ?Pulchrum est Splendor Veritatis.? ]=--------=|
  125. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  126. > |=--------=[ ?During times of universal deceit, telling ]=--------=|
  127. > |=--------=[ the truth becomes a revolutionary aCt.? ]=--------=|
  128. > |=--------=[ George Orwell ]=--------=|
  129. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  130. > |=--------=[ ?Everyone has the right to freedom of ]=--------=|
  131. > |=--------=[ opinion and expression; ]=--------=|
  132. > |=--------=[ this right includes freedom to hold opinions ]=--------=|
  133. > |=--------=[ withouth interference and to seek, receive ]=--------=|
  134. > |=--------=[ and impart information and ideas through any ]=--------=|
  135. > |=--------=[ media and regardless of frontiers.? ]=--------=|
  136. > |=--------=[ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948. ]=--------=|
  137. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  138. > |=--------=[ ?Whenever any Form of Government becomes ]=--------=|
  139. > |=--------=[ destructive of these Ends, it is the Right ]=--------=|
  140. > |=--------=[ of the People to alter or abolish it, and ]=--------=|
  141. > |=--------=[ to institute a new Government, laying its ]=--------=|
  142. > |=--------=[ Foundation on such Principles, and ]=--------=|
  143. > |=--------=[ organizing its Powers in such Form, as to ]=--------=|
  144. > |=--------=[ them shall seem most likely to effect their ]=--------=|
  145. > |=--------=[ Safety and Happiness.? ]=--------=|
  146. > |=--------=[ United States Declaration of Independence. ]=--------=|
  147. > |=--------=[ July 4, 1776. ]=--------=|
  148. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  149. > |=--------=[ ?When the People fear their Government, ]=--------=|
  150. > |=--------=[ there is tyranny; ]=--------=|
  151. > |=--------=[ When the Government fears the People, ]=--------=|
  152. > |=--------=[ there is liberty.? Thomas Jefferson ]=--------=|
  153. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  154. > |=--------=[ ?The ideally non-violent state ]=--------=|
  155. > |=--------=[ will be an ordered anarchy.? M. Gandhi ]=--------=|
  156. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  157. > |=--------=[ ?Only cONNEct.? E.M. Forster ]=--------=|
  158. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  159. > |=--------=[ ?I have never looked upon ease and happiness ]=--------=|
  160. > |=--------=[ as ends in themselves ?this critical basis ]=--------=|
  161. > |=--------=[ I call the ideal of a pigsty. ]=--------=|
  162. > |=--------=[ The ideals that have lighted my way, and ]=--------=|
  163. > |=--------=[ time after time have given me new COURAGE ]=--------=|
  164. > |=--------=[ to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, ]=--------=|
  165. > |=--------=[ Beauty and Truth.? Albert Einstein ]=--------=|
  166. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  167. > |=--------=[ ?I'm not a man. I'm DYNAMITE.? F. Nietzsche ]=--------=|
  168. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  169. > |=--------=[ ?All great ideas are dangerous.? Oscar Wilde ]=--------=|
  170. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  171. > |=--------=[ ?Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.? F.Perdurabo ]=--------=|
  172. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  173. > |=--------=[ ?Mom, Dad, where were you when IT happened?? ]=--------=|
  174. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  175. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  176. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  177. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  178. > |=-------------------=[ iMAGIne. aCt. ]=-------------------=|
  179. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  180. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  181. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  182. >
  183. >
  184. >
  185. >
  186. > - - - - --------[ Index
  187. >
  188. >
  189. > 0.- Foreword.
  190. > 1.- WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in great danger
  191. > 2.- Project Mayhem 2012: TYLER
  192. > 3.- Epilogue
  193. >
  194. >
  195. >
  196. > - - - - --------[ 0.- Foreword
  197. >
  198. >
  199. > "I know this, because Tyler knows this."
  200. > Fight Club, 1999.
  201. >
  202. > "Power is afraid of Internet."
  203. > Manuel Castells. World's foremost-cited communications scholar, 2000-2009.
  204. > 'The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age', co-author.
  205. >
  206. > "These philes may include articles on telcom (phreaking/hacking),
  207. > ANARCHY or kracking."
  208. > Taran King. Phrack Volume One, Issue One, Phile 1 of 8, November 17, 1985.
  209. >
  210. > "A few years ago, while visiting or, rather, rummaging about Notre-Dame,
  211. > the author of this book found, in an obscure nook of one of the towers,
  212. > the following word, engraved by hand upon the wall:
  213. > ANAGKE
  214. > It is upon this word that this book is founded."
  215. > Victor Hugo. Preface to 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. March, 1831.
  216. >
  217. >
  218. > "Courage is contagious."
  219. > Daniel Ellsberg, 1972. WikiLeaks motto.
  220. >
  221. >
  222. > "Start seriously engaging with the modern perception of the world can be
  223. > hard to find, because it is only satisfied by creating ideas or inventions
  224. > that have a global impact. Perhaps I have found one, and there's others out
  225. > there, but for most people of your character a combination of eschewing
  226. > knowledge of those parts of the world they can't change, and robust
  227. > engagementwith the parts they can is probably optimal.
  228. >
  229. > Do not be concerned about when one is to do good, who defines good, etc.
  230. > Act in the way you do because to do otherwise would to be at odds with
  231. > yourself. Being on a path true to your character carries with it a state of
  232. > flow, where the thoughts about your next step come upon waking, unbidden,
  233. > but welcome.
  234. >
  235. > I support similarly minded people, not because they are moral agents, but
  236. > because they have common cause with my own feelings and dreams."
  237. > 'Everyone and no one wants to save the world'.
  238. > Julian Assange, 16 Jun 2007.
  239. >
  240. > ?What does censorship reveal? It reveals FEAR.
  241. >
  242. > If people shoot truth at each other, then after the bodies are cleared
  243. > away, all that remains is bullets of truth in the historical record,
  244. > and we can get somewhere.?
  245. > Julian Assange at 26C3 Conference in Berlin, December 2009.
  246. >
  247. > "Information wants to be free."
  248. > Stewart Brand at the first Hackers' Conference, 1984.
  249. >
  250. > "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
  251. > John Gilmore's Law, Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder.
  252. >
  253. > "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society."
  254. > John Fitzgerald Kennedy, April 27, 1961.
  255. >
  256. > "The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a
  257. > democracy should be the weapon of openness."
  258. > Niels Bohr. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
  259. >
  260. > "WikiLeaks can't be put back into the bottle, so is a reminder that we must
  261. > now learn to live with technology tools that WE CANNOT CONTROL."
  262. > The Wall Street Journal. June 14, 2010.
  263. >
  264. > "Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
  265. > If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full
  266. > of shit."
  267. > Robert Anton Wilson.
  268. >
  269. > Neo: What does that mean?
  270. > Cypher: It means fasten your seat belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going
  271. > bye-bye.
  272. >
  273. >
  274. >
  275. > - - - - --------[ 1.- WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in great danger
  276. >
  277. >
  278. > At the time of writing this (June 15, 2010), Wikileaks Founder Julian
  279. > Assange is being hunted by Pentagon over a possibly massive 260.000
  280. > diplomatic cables leak, after snitcher Adrian Lamo reported it to the FBI
  281. > and Kevin Poulsen broke the very 1st rule of journalism on Wired.
  282. >
  283. > Daniel Ellsberg, who gained fame when he leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971
  284. > in hopes of ending the Vietnam War, told MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan that he not
  285. > only sees a parallel between himself and the person who recently leaked a
  286. > video of an assault by US forces on Iraqi civilians but also fears for the
  287. > safety of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who published the video.
  288. >
  289. > ?What if WikiLeaks was a sort of Wiki-BitTorrent, served by thousands of
  290. > people around the world running a background process on their computers,?
  291. > mused Edward Benson, a Ph.D. student at the MIT Computer Science and
  292. > Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
  293. >
  294. > ?No fundraising needed here, it?s all P2P. And if the Wiki is maintained
  295. > Wikipedia style, then we no longer need to pay for a centralized staff to
  296. > curate it. Plus, there?s no centralized staff to kill or jail. It can be a
  297. > decentralized, collaborative process.?
  298. >
  299. > WikiLeaks has started to serve Magnet links, yet the role of the Editor
  300. > (Julian) is maintained in order to supervise and to assign priorities
  301. > to what is leaked and what is not. Unfortunately, this puts the role of the
  302. > Editor in great danger and it dramatically slows down the release process.
  303. >
  304. >
  305. >
  306. > - - - - --------[ 2.- Project Mayhem 2012: TYLER.
  307. >
  308. >
  309. > Time has come for Phrack to encourage COURAGE and to issue a CALL TO ARMS
  310. > for PROJECT MAYHEM 2012:
  311. >
  312. > A Worldwide joint challenge for the very top hacktivists, coders,
  313. > cryptoanarchists, cypherpunks and non-violent Civil Rights activists
  314. > everywhere to collaborate to develop TYLER:
  315. >
  316. > TYLER is a massively distributed and decentralized Wikipedia-style P2P
  317. > cipherspace structure impregnable to censorship.
  318. >
  319. > TYLER will implement a distributed and crowdsourced karma-based TRUST
  320. > 'Authority' in order to prioritize leaks relevance and visibility while
  321. > minimizing information poisoning.
  322. >
  323. > TYLER will gather an unprecedented number of the best hackers and coders
  324. > ever to develop its structure from scratch, from the lessons learned from
  325. > the Freenet, TOR, GNUnet, eMule, BitTorrent, Tribler and related projects.
  326. >
  327. > TYLER will end its betatesting phase and the Game will go wild on the net
  328. > on 12-12-2012, massively flashmob style.
  329. >
  330. > Machines are usually hacked via 'interlink bugs'.
  331. > Humans are usually hacked via their limbic system.
  332. > This date has been purposely chosen to PLAY with the 2012 meme:
  333. > the best way to predict the future is to create it.
  334. >
  335. > On the 10 days that go from 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012, the World will see an
  336. > unprecedented amount of Corporate, Financial, Military and State leaks that
  337. > will have been secretly gathered by millions of citizens and insiders
  338. > worldwide, dormant members of a global 'Fight Club' from all countries,
  339. > waiting for the time to swarm in synchrony.
  340. >
  341. > Once TYLER be on the wild:
  342. >
  343. > 1. You DO ask questions.
  344. > 2. You DO ask questions.
  345. > 3. No excuses.
  346. > 4. No lies.
  347. > 5. You HAVE to trust Tyler.
  348. >
  349. >
  350. > The tag for Project Mayhem 2012 on social networks is: MAYHEM2012
  351. >
  352. > To this effect, Phrack role in Project Mayhem 2012, as the consensed voice
  353. > of the hacking community since 1985, is exclusively limited to publishing
  354. > this 'CALL TO ARMS'.
  355. >
  356. > Phrack will just point towards a passionated, iMAGInaCKtive, hard workingly
  357. > playful, creative, joy free and fnord free, open, transparent, independent,
  358. > non-profit, apolitical but chaotically fnOrdered while dynamically
  359. > Sampo-Adhocratic, non-violent, autonomous, self-sustainedand sharing
  360. > community board that will begin to brainstorm ideas to coordinate
  361. > volunteers everywhere in the development of TYLER.
  362. >
  363. >
  364. >
  365. > - - - - --------[ 3.- Epilogue
  366. >
  367. >
  368. > "I believe in the right of the people to rule. I believe the majority of the
  369. > plain people of the United States will, day in and day out, make fewer
  370. > mistakes in governing themselves than any smaller class or body of men, no
  371. > matter what their training, will make in trying to govern them.
  372. >
  373. > Friends, our task as Americans is to strive for social and industrial
  374. > justice, achieved through the genuine rule of the people. This is our end,
  375. > our purpose. The methods for achieving the end are merely expedients, to be
  376. > finally accepted or rejected according as actual experience shows that they
  377. > work well or ill. But in our hearts we must have this lofty purpose, and we
  378. > must strive for it in all earnestness and sincerity, or our work will come
  379. > to nothing.
  380. >
  381. > In order to succeed we need leaders of inspired idealism, leaders to whom
  382. > are granted great visions, who dream greatly and strive to make their
  383. > dreams come true; who can kindle the people with the fire from their own
  384. > burning souls. The leader for the time being, whoever he may be, is but an
  385. > instrument, to be used until broken and then to be cast aside; and if he is
  386. > worth his salt he will care no more when he is broken than a soldier cares
  387. > when he is sent where his life is forfeit in order that the victory may be
  388. > won. In the long fight for righteousness the watchword for all of us is
  389. > spend and be spent. It is of little matter whether any one man fails or
  390. > succeeds; but the cause shall not fail, for it is the cause of mankind."
  391. >
  392. > 'The Right of the People to Rule' by Theodore Roosevelt. March 20, 1912.
  393. >
  394. >
  395. > "Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine
  396. > minds and machine hearts.
  397. > You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!
  398. > You have the love of humanity in your hearts!
  399. > You don't hate - only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural.
  400. >
  401. > Soldiers! - don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty!
  402. >
  403. > YOU THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER, the power to CREATE MACHINES, the power to
  404. > create happiness!
  405. >
  406. > SOLDIERS! in the name of democracy, LET US ALL UNITE!"
  407. >
  408. > Final Speech of "The Great Dictator".
  409. > Charlie Chaplin, 1940.
  410. >
  411. > ?When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
  412. > the world will know peace."
  413. > Jimi Hendrix
  414. >
  415. >
  416. > "Goodbye," he said.
  417. > "Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
  418. >
  419. > It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.
  420. > What is essential is invisible to the eye."
  421. >
  422. > "What is essential is invisible to the eye," the Little Prince repeated,
  423. > so that he would be sure to remember.
  424. >
  425. > "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so
  426. > important."
  427. >
  428. > "It is the time I have wasted for my rose--" said the Little Prince, so
  429. > that he would be sure to remember.
  430. >
  431. > "Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox.
  432. > "But you must not forget it.
  433. > You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
  434. > You are responsible for your rose..."
  435. >
  436. > "I am responsible for my rose," the Little Prince repeated, so that he
  437. > would be sure to remember.
  438. >
  439. > Antoine de Saint-Exupery. 'The Little Prince', 1943.
  440. >
  441. > Trinity: Neo... nobody has ever done this before.
  442. > Neo: That's why it's going to work.
  443. >
  444. > "And it was given unto the BEASTS to MAKE WAR with the Sat'ns, and
  445. > to overcome them: and POWER was given THEM over all kindreds, and tongues,
  446. > and Nations."
  447. > Re-Ev[e-o]L[a-V]Zions 13:7
  448. >
  449. >
  450. > |=-------------------=[ iMAGIne. aCt. ]=-------------------=|
  451. >
  452. >
  453. >
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  463. > =9jTl
  464. > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  469. =================================================================
  472. Re: Article about WikiLeaks in Phrack. UPDATE.
  475. From: Julian Assange <> Add contact
  476. To:
  477. Cc:
  478. Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 17:10:34 +0200
  479. This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed.
  480. Warning: This message may be forged. The return path ( does not match the from address.
  481. This is also handy:
  483. The human factors are tricky. there's no clear "right way to do it". Should reputation
  484. matrixes be inside the system or outside it? It is not clear. Perhaps the
  485. warez scene points the way, but that is a simpler problem.
  487. Single systems which try to solve too much, may be unsolvable.
  489. Freenet is politically inconsequential. People need to show courage,
  490. not just technology. In a way, technology is often just a cipher
  491. to get people to drop their existing understandings, which are based
  492. on illusory fears. Illusory fear is enough for control.
  494. On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 03:05:04AM +0100, wrote:
  495. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
  496. > Hash: SHA1
  497. >
  498. >
  499. >
  500. > Hi Julian,
  501. >
  502. > As I know your time is limited, I'll go straight to the point.
  503. >
  504. > 1. I have updated the article to include a section with some very powerful
  505. > quotes taken from some thoughts you wrote on your blog.
  506. >
  507. > It's section 4, titled:
  508. >
  509. > - - - - --------[ 4.- Julian Assange: ARISE SERPENTS!
  510. >
  511. >
  512. >
  513. > You represent the hacking ethics and values at its core more than anyone
  514. > I've ever met during my almost two decades on the scene.
  515. >
  516. > Bravery, commitment and blind faith in your own Soul applied to better and
  517. > liberate the world and the Human Being through technology.
  518. >
  519. > People admire you all over the world. You are a Lighthouse in the sea of
  520. > Time.
  521. >
  522. > What you are doing is moving hearts everywhere: above all, you are
  523. > injecting Beauty in the system. And giving people Hope. True Hope. Real
  524. > Hope.
  525. >
  526. > Julian, people need to see who you are.
  527. >
  528. > If you really want to inject Courage, if you really want to see others
  529. > losing fear and rising love, don't be ashamed of showing the real you to
  530. > the world: within you lies the alchemical gold that the alchemist gets
  531. > after he pisses in the dragon's cave.
  532. >
  533. > Those thoughts reflect your personal philosophy before you became well
  534. > known worldwide and they are powerful enough to set an army on fire. They
  535. > are worth to be included.
  536. >
  537. >
  538. > * Question #1: Are you fine with this?
  539. >
  540. >
  541. > 2. A place has to be found to host and coordinate the community and the
  542. > development.
  543. >
  544. >
  545. > * Question #2: Would you be interested in officially advocating for this
  546. > project as a natural offspring of WikiLeaks or you'd rather focus on
  547. > WikiLeaks for now?
  548. >
  549. > * Question #3: In that case, would you be prepared to host the project on
  550. > WikiLeaks servers or would you advise to host it somewhere else?
  551. >
  552. > * Question #4: Otherwise, whom would you recommend to contact as
  553. > people/groups who might be interested in hosting such a project?
  554. >
  555. >
  556. >
  557. > Thanks,
  558. >
  559. > j.
  560. >
  561. >
  562. > "It is the one orderly product our middling race has produced. It is the
  563. > cry of a thousand sentinels, the echo from a thousand labyrinths; it is the
  564. > lighthouse which cannot be hidden the best evidence we can give of our
  565. > dignity."
  566. > E. M. Forster
  567. >
  568. >
  569. > p.s.: oh. Joshua/J'SUA - Joshua was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses
  570. > to explore the land of Canaan. Although the Catholic Church has never
  571. > cannonized Joshua, due to his association with espionage, convention has
  572. > him the Patron Saint of spies and intelligence professionals. ha.
  573. >
  574. >
  575. >
  576. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
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  588. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
  589. > Hash: SHA1
  590. >
  591. >
  592. >
  593. >
  594. > ==Phrack Inc.==
  595. >
  596. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  597. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  598. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  599. > |=-------------------=[ Project Mayhem 2012 ]=-------------------=|
  600. > |=-------------------=[ 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012 ]=-------------------=|
  601. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  602. > |=-------------------=[ TYLER: ]=-------------------=|
  603. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  604. > |=---------------=[ Massively Distributed Uncensorable ]=--------------=|
  605. > |=--------=[ Collaborative Wiki-P2P Cipherspace Structure ]=--------=|
  606. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  607. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  608. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  609. > |=--------=[ ?Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?? ]=--------=|
  610. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  611. > |=--------=[ ?Pulchrum est Splendor Veritatis.? ]=--------=|
  612. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  613. > |=--------=[ ?During times of universal deceit, telling ]=--------=|
  614. > |=--------=[ the truth becomes a revolutionary aCt.? ]=--------=|
  615. > |=--------=[ George Orwell ]=--------=|
  616. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  617. > |=--------=[ ?Everyone has the right to freedom of ]=--------=|
  618. > |=--------=[ opinion and expression; ]=--------=|
  619. > |=--------=[ this right includes freedom to hold opinions ]=--------=|
  620. > |=--------=[ withouth interference and to seek, receive ]=--------=|
  621. > |=--------=[ and impart information and ideas through any ]=--------=|
  622. > |=--------=[ media and regardless of frontiers.? ]=--------=|
  623. > |=--------=[ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948. ]=--------=|
  624. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  625. > |=--------=[ ?Whenever any Form of Government becomes ]=--------=|
  626. > |=--------=[ destructive of these Ends, it is the Right ]=--------=|
  627. > |=--------=[ of the People to alter or abolish it, and ]=--------=|
  628. > |=--------=[ to institute a new Government, laying its ]=--------=|
  629. > |=--------=[ Foundation on such Principles, and ]=--------=|
  630. > |=--------=[ organizing its Powers in such Form, as to ]=--------=|
  631. > |=--------=[ them shall seem most likely to effect their ]=--------=|
  632. > |=--------=[ Safety and Happiness.? ]=--------=|
  633. > |=--------=[ United States Declaration of Independence. ]=--------=|
  634. > |=--------=[ July 4, 1776. ]=--------=|
  635. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  636. > |=--------=[ ?When the People fear their Government, ]=--------=|
  637. > |=--------=[ there is tyranny; ]=--------=|
  638. > |=--------=[ When the Government fears the People, ]=--------=|
  639. > |=--------=[ there is liberty.? Thomas Jefferson ]=--------=|
  640. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  641. > |=--------=[ ?The ideally non-violent state ]=--------=|
  642. > |=--------=[ will be an ordered anarchy.? M. Gandhi ]=--------=|
  643. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  644. > |=--------=[ ?Only cONNEct.? E.M. Forster ]=--------=|
  645. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  646. > |=--------=[ ?I have never looked upon ease and happiness ]=--------=|
  647. > |=--------=[ as ends in themselves ?this critical basis ]=--------=|
  648. > |=--------=[ I call the ideal of a pigsty. ]=--------=|
  649. > |=--------=[ The ideals that have lighted my way, and ]=--------=|
  650. > |=--------=[ time after time have given me new COURAGE ]=--------=|
  651. > |=--------=[ to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, ]=--------=|
  652. > |=--------=[ Beauty and Truth.? Albert Einstein ]=--------=|
  653. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  654. > |=--------=[ ?A revolution without DANCING is a ]=--------=|
  655. > |=--------=[ revolution not worth having.? ]=--------=|
  656. > |=--------=[ Emma Goldman ]=--------=|
  657. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  658. > |=--------=[ ?I'm not a man. I'm DYNAMITE.? F. Nietzsche ]=--------=|
  659. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  660. > |=--------=[ ?All great ideas are dangerous.? Oscar Wilde ]=--------=|
  661. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  662. > |=--------=[ ?Ideas are bulletproof.? V ]=--------=|
  663. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  664. > |=--------=[ ?Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.? F.Perdurabo ]=--------=|
  665. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  666. > |=--------=[ ?Mom, Dad, where were you when IT happened?? ]=--------=|
  667. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  668. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  669. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  670. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  671. > |=-------------------=[ iMAGIne. aCt. ]=-------------------=|
  672. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  673. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  674. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  675. >
  676. >
  677. >
  678. >
  679. > - - - - - --------[ Index
  680. >
  681. >
  682. > 1.- Foreword.
  683. > 2.- WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in great danger
  684. > 3.- Project Mayhem 2012: TYLER
  685. > 4.- Julian Assange: ARISE SERPENTS!
  686. > V.- Epilogue
  687. >
  688. >
  689. >
  690. >
  691. > - - - - - --------[ 1.- Foreword
  692. >
  693. >
  694. > "I know this, because Tyler knows this.
  695. >
  696. > The people you are after are the people you depend on.
  697. > We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive
  698. > your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep.
  699. > DO NOT FUCK WITH US."
  700. > Fight Club, 1999.
  701. >
  702. > "Power is afraid of Internet."
  703. > Manuel Castells. World's foremost-cited communications scholar, 2000-2009.
  704. > Taught to Daniel Cohn-Bendit, student leader of the May '68 Revolution.
  705. > 'The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age', co-author.
  706. >
  707. > "These philes may include articles on telcom (phreaking/hacking),
  708. > ANARCHY or kracking."
  709. > Taran King. Phrack Volume One, Issue One, Phile 1 of 8, November 17, 1985.
  710. >
  711. > "A few years ago, while visiting or, rather, rummaging about Notre-Dame,
  712. > the author of this book found, in an obscure nook of one of the towers,
  713. > the following word, engraved by hand upon the wall:
  714. > ANAGKE
  715. > It is upon this word that this book is founded."
  716. > Victor Hugo. Preface to 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. March, 1831.
  717. >
  718. >
  719. > "Courage is contagious."
  720. > Daniel Ellsberg, 1972. WikiLeaks motto.
  721. >
  722. >
  723. > "Start seriously engaging with the modern perception of the world can be
  724. > hard to find, because it is only satisfied by creating ideas or inventions
  725. > that have a global impact. Perhaps I have found one, and there's others out
  726. > there, but for most people of your character a combination of eschewing
  727. > knowledge of those parts of the world they can't change, and robust
  728. > engagementwith the parts they can is probably optimal.
  729. >
  730. > Do not be concerned about when one is to do good, who defines good, etc.
  731. > Act in the way you do because to do otherwise would to be at odds with
  732. > yourself. Being on a path true to your character carries with it a state of
  733. > flow, where the thoughts about your next step come upon waking, unbidden,
  734. > but welcome.
  735. >
  736. > I support similarly minded people, not because they are moral agents, but
  737. > because they have common cause with my own feelings and dreams."
  738. > 'Everyone and no one wants to save the world'.
  739. > Julian Assange, 16 Jun 2007.
  740. >
  741. > ?What does censorship reveal? It reveals FEAR.
  742. >
  743. > If people shoot truth at each other, then after the bodies are cleared
  744. > away, all that remains is bullets of truth in the historical record,
  745. > and we can get somewhere.?
  746. > Julian Assange at 26C3 Conference in Berlin, December 2009.
  747. >
  748. > "Information wants to be free."
  749. > Stewart Brand at the first Hackers' Conference, 1984.
  750. >
  751. > "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
  752. > John Gilmore's Law, Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder.
  753. >
  754. > "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society."
  755. > John Fitzgerald Kennedy, April 27, 1961.
  756. >
  757. > "The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a
  758. > democracy should be the weapon of openness."
  759. > Niels Bohr. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
  760. >
  761. > "WikiLeaks can't be put back into the bottle, so is a reminder that we must
  762. > now learn to live with technology tools that WE CANNOT CONTROL."
  763. > The Wall Street Journal. June 14, 2010.
  764. >
  765. > "Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
  766. > If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full
  767. > of shit."
  768. > Robert Anton Wilson.
  769. >
  770. > Neo: What does that mean?
  771. > Cypher: It means fasten your seat belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going
  772. > bye-bye.
  773. >
  774. >
  775. >
  776. >
  777. > - - - - - --------[ 2.- WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in great danger
  778. >
  779. >
  780. > At the time of writing this (June 15, 2010), Wikileaks Founder Julian
  781. > Assange is being hunted by Pentagon over a possibly massive 260.000
  782. > diplomatic cables leak, after snitcher Adrian Lamo reported it to the FBI
  783. > and Kevin Poulsen broke the very 1st rule of journalism on Wired.
  784. >
  785. > Daniel Ellsberg, who gained fame when he leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971
  786. > in hopes of ending the Vietnam War, told MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan that he not
  787. > only sees a parallel between himself and the person who recently leaked a
  788. > video of an assault by US forces on Iraqi civilians but also fears for the
  789. > safety of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who published the video.
  790. >
  791. > ?What if WikiLeaks was a sort of Wiki-BitTorrent, served by thousands of
  792. > people around the world running a background process on their computers,?
  793. > mused Edward Benson, a Ph.D. student at the MIT Computer Science and
  794. > Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
  795. >
  796. > ?No fundraising needed here, it?s all P2P. And if the Wiki is maintained
  797. > Wikipedia style, then we no longer need to pay for a centralized staff to
  798. > curate it. Plus, there?s no centralized staff to kill or jail. It can be a
  799. > decentralized, collaborative process.?
  800. >
  801. > WikiLeaks has started to serve Magnet links, yet the role of the Editor
  802. > (Julian) is maintained in order to supervise and to assign priorities
  803. > to what is leaked and what is not. Unfortunately, this puts the role of the
  804. > Editor in great danger and it dramatically slows down the release process.
  805. >
  806. >
  807. >
  808. >
  809. > - - - - - --------[ 3.- Project Mayhem 2012: TYLER.
  810. >
  811. >
  812. > Time has come for Phrack to encourage COURAGE and to issue a CALL TO ARMS
  813. > for PROJECT MAYHEM 2012:
  814. >
  815. > A Worldwide joint challenge for the very top hacktivists, coders,
  816. > cryptoanarchists, cypherpunks and non-violent Civil Rights, Internet
  817. > Censorship and Freedom of Speech activists everywhere to collaborate to
  818. > develop TYLER:
  819. >
  820. > TYLER is a massively distributed and decentralized Wikipedia-style P2P
  821. > cipherspace structure impregnable to censorship.
  822. >
  823. > TYLER will implement a distributed and crowdsourced karma-based TRUST
  824. > 'Authority' in order to prioritize leaks relevance and visibility while
  825. > minimizing information poisoning.
  826. >
  827. > TYLER will gather an unprecedented number of the best hackers and coders
  828. > ever to develop its structure from scratch, from the lessons learned from
  829. > the Freenet, TOR, GNUnet, eMule, BitTorrent, I2P, Tribler and related
  830. > projects.
  831. >
  832. > TYLER will end its betatesting phase and the Game will go wild on the net
  833. > on 12-12-2012, massively flashmob style.
  834. >
  835. > Machines are usually hacked via 'interlink bugs'.
  836. > Humans are usually hacked via 'limbic system bugs'.
  837. > This date has been purposely chosen to PLAY with the 2012 meme, because,
  838. > as everybody knows, Magick does *NOT* exist...
  839. > The best way to predict the future is to CREATE IT.
  840. >
  841. > On the 10 days that go from 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012, the World will see an
  842. > unprecedented amount of Corporate, Financial, Military and State leaks that
  843. > will have been secretly gathered by millions of citizens and insiders
  844. > worldwide, dormant members of a global 'Fight Club' from all countries,
  845. > waiting for the time to swarm in synchrony.
  846. >
  847. > Once TYLER be on the wild:
  848. >
  849. > 1. You DO ask questions.
  850. > 2. You DO ask questions.
  851. > 3. No excuses.
  852. > 4. No lies.
  853. > 5. You HAVE to trust Tyler.
  854. >
  855. >
  856. > The tag for Project Mayhem 2012 on social networks is: MAYHEM2012
  857. >
  858. > To this effect, Phrack role in Project Mayhem 2012, as the consensed voice
  859. > of the hacking community since 1985, is exclusively limited to publishing
  860. > this 'CALL TO ARMS'.
  861. >
  862. > Phrack's mission is just to point towards a passionated, iMAGInaCKtive,
  863. > hard workingly playful, creative, Groucho Marxist, joy free and fnord free,
  864. > open, transparent, independent, non-profit, apolitical but chaotically
  865. > fnOrdered while dynamically Sampo-Adhocratic, non-violent, autonomous,
  866. > self-sustained and sharing community board that will begin to brainstorm
  867. > ideas to coordinate volunteers everywhere in the development of TYLER.
  868. >
  869. >
  870. >
  871. >
  872. > - - - - - --------[ 4.- Julian Assange: ARISE SERPENTS!
  873. >
  874. >
  875. > Source:
  876. >
  877. > ?Insofar as we can affect the world, let it be to utterly eliminate guilt
  878. > and fear as a motivator of man and replace it cell for cell with LOVE for
  879. > one another and the PASSION of CREATION.?
  880. >
  881. > Julian Assange, 26 Feb 2007: The right thing to do.
  882. >
  883. >
  884. > ?If we have brains or COURAGE, then we are blessed and called on not to
  885. > frit these qualities away, standing agape at the ideas of others, winning
  886. > pissing contests, improving the efficiencies of the neocorporate state, or
  887. > immersing ourselves in obscuranta, but rather to prove the vigor of our
  888. > talents against the strongest opponents of LOVE we can find.?
  889. >
  890. > Julian Assange, 03 Jan 2007: Witnessing.
  891. >
  892. >
  893. > ?The DOUBLE LIFE STRATEGY might even be called the genius ploy, as many
  894. > geniuses in history have worked at menial tasks in order to free themselves
  895. > for more important work. Socrates, you will remember was a stone mason,
  896. > Spinoza was a lens grinder, and even Jesus was a carpenter.?
  897. >
  898. > Julian Assange, 23 Sep 2006 : William James Sidis
  899. >
  900. >
  901. > "Bertrand Russell introduced the second volume of his autobiographical work
  902. > with the following:
  903. >
  904. > 'I saw a chapel all of gold that none did dare to enter in, and many
  905. > weeping aloud without, weeping, mourning, worshipping. I saw a serpent
  906. > rise between the white pillars of the door, and he forced and forced
  907. > and forced, till down the golden hinges tore; And along the pavement
  908. > sweet set with pearls and rubies bright, all his shining length he
  909. > drew, ? till upon the altar white, vomited his poison out on the bread
  910. > and on the wine. So I ran into a sty, and laid me down among the swine.'
  911. > William Blake, The Defiled Sanctuary
  912. >
  913. > IQ.ORG also used this quote, till discovering it in Russell. This seems to be
  914. > one of Blake?s least popular poems, but like many of his later less lyrical
  915. > works has strength in the darkness of the vision. One can see how Blake?s
  916. > insight here resonated with Russell?s desired self perception. But what if
  917. > Russell not only flees from desecration revealed but is the dramatic figure
  918. > of causation and revelation? Russell is the actor of change. Russell is the
  919. > serpent and vomiting out his poison into the transubstantiated body of
  920. > Christ, an interpretation that would have pleased both Russell and his
  921. > enemies in the British and American theocracies.
  922. >
  923. > Now I say unto you ?
  924. >
  926. >
  927. > Tear the hinges from their doors, stand above the alter white and
  928. >
  930. >
  931. > till deceit crumbles and sets free the doVe."
  932. >
  933. > Julian Assange, 26 Sep 2006: The Defiled Sanctuary.
  934. >
  935. >
  936. >
  937. >
  938. > - - - - - --------[ V.- Epilogue
  939. >
  940. >
  941. > "I believe in the right of the people to rule. I believe the majority of the
  942. > plain people of the United States will, day in and day out, make fewer
  943. > mistakes in governing themselves than any smaller class or body of men, no
  944. > matter what their training, will make in trying to govern them.
  945. >
  946. > Friends, our task as Americans is to strive for social and industrial
  947. > justice, achieved through the genuine rule of the people. This is our end,
  948. > our purpose. The methods for achieving the end are merely expedients, to be
  949. > finally accepted or rejected according as actual experience shows that they
  950. > work well or ill. But in our hearts we must have this lofty purpose, and we
  951. > must strive for it in all earnestness and sincerity, or our work will come
  952. > to nothing.
  953. >
  954. > In order to succeed we need leaders of inspired idealism, leaders to whom
  955. > are granted great visions, who dream greatly and strive to make their
  956. > dreams come true; who can kindle the people with the fire from their own
  957. > burning souls. The leader for the time being, whoever he may be, is but an
  958. > instrument, to be used until broken and then to be cast aside; and if he is
  959. > worth his salt he will care no more when he is broken than a soldier cares
  960. > when he is sent where his life is forfeit in order that the victory may be
  961. > won. In the long fight for righteousness the watchword for all of us is
  962. > spend and be spent. It is of little matter whether any one man fails or
  963. > succeeds; but the cause shall not fail, for it is the cause of mankind."
  964. >
  965. > 'The Right of the People to Rule' by Theodore Roosevelt. March 20, 1912.
  966. >
  967. >
  968. > "Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine
  969. > minds and machine hearts.
  970. > You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!
  971. > You have the love of humanity in your hearts!
  972. > You don't hate - only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural.
  973. >
  974. > Soldiers! - don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty!
  975. >
  976. > YOU THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER, the power to CREATE MACHINES, the power to
  977. > create happiness!
  978. >
  979. > SOLDIERS! in the name of democracy, LET US ALL UNITE!"
  980. >
  981. > Final Speech of "The Great Dictator".
  982. > Charlie Chaplin, 1940.
  983. >
  984. > ?When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
  985. > the world will know peace."
  986. > Jimi Hendrix
  987. >
  988. >
  989. > "Goodbye," he said.
  990. > "Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
  991. >
  992. > It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.
  993. > What is essential is invisible to the eye."
  994. >
  995. > "What is essential is invisible to the eye," the Little Prince repeated,
  996. > so that he would be sure to remember.
  997. >
  998. > "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so
  999. > important."
  1000. >
  1001. > "It is the time I have wasted for my rose--" said the Little Prince, so
  1002. > that he would be sure to remember.
  1003. >
  1004. > "Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox.
  1005. > "But you must not forget it.
  1006. > You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
  1007. > You are responsible for your rose..."
  1008. >
  1009. > "I am responsible for my rose," the Little Prince repeated, so that he
  1010. > would be sure to remember.
  1011. >
  1012. > Antoine de Saint-Exupery. 'The Little Prince', 1943.
  1013. >
  1014. > Trinity: Neo... nobody has ever done this before.
  1015. > Neo: That's why it's going to work.
  1016. >
  1017. > "And it was given unto the BEASTS to MAKE WAR with the Sat'ns, and
  1018. > to overcome them: and POWER was given THEM over all kindreds, and tongues,
  1019. > and Nations."
  1020. > Re-Ev[e-o]L[a-V]Zions 13:7
  1021. >
  1022. >
  1023. > |=-------------------=[ iMAGIne. aCt. ]=-------------------=|
  1024. >
  1025. >
  1026. >
  1027. >
  1028. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
  1029. > Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (MingW32)
  1030. >
  1032. > 0HxJfE8GeujVqsWKQJeUxXRBG0rOCIUCI8G8M46dJF0bjVDmvDvqeqlIs2JsYxko
  1033. > kojJ8Eh5JYZw6Cq9MDHZK+BVSC2R8aJofaOzbMqJuZGzopNllUVzJRLPf8HePVph
  1034. > LivSfSp7vmUB1lasfjkrF0lBxpCoQP+Z6wnrcw38zh48ikzkF5N6A4UiuQK8jCX2
  1035. > /CmSGqlOEFYBFXrMye9QeetRod87dBqDwoFeMVozYA1G+k+1P/6+kR2ppUPDpi04
  1036. > cDWsj+9yL4HF3KrqMbwYRF0K/BGvtg6HtO813IeZvGU8atsXcy+5/GGkJUIKE08=
  1037. > =aaNA
  1038. > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  1043. |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1046. Re: Article about WikiLeaks in Phrack. UPDATE.
  1049. From: Julian Assange <> Add contact
  1050. To:
  1051. Cc:
  1052. Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 17:10:34 +0200
  1053. This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed.
  1054. Warning: This message may be forged. The return path ( does not match the from address.
  1055. This is also handy:
  1057. The human factors are tricky. there's no clear "right way to do it". Should reputation
  1058. matrixes be inside the system or outside it? It is not clear. Perhaps the
  1059. warez scene points the way, but that is a simpler problem.
  1061. Single systems which try to solve too much, may be unsolvable.
  1063. Freenet is politically inconsequential. People need to show courage,
  1064. not just technology. In a way, technology is often just a cipher
  1065. to get people to drop their existing understandings, which are based
  1066. on illusory fears. Illusory fear is enough for control.
  1068. On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 03:05:04AM +0100, wrote:
  1069. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
  1070. > Hash: SHA1
  1071. >
  1072. >
  1073. >
  1074. > Hi Julian,
  1075. >
  1076. > As I know your time is limited, I'll go straight to the point.
  1077. >
  1078. > 1. I have updated the article to include a section with some very powerful
  1079. > quotes taken from some thoughts you wrote on your blog.
  1080. >
  1081. > It's section 4, titled:
  1082. >
  1083. > - - - - --------[ 4.- Julian Assange: ARISE SERPENTS!
  1084. >
  1085. >
  1086. >
  1087. > You represent the hacking ethics and values at its core more than anyone
  1088. > I've ever met during my almost two decades on the scene.
  1089. >
  1090. > Bravery, commitment and blind faith in your own Soul applied to better and
  1091. > liberate the world and the Human Being through technology.
  1092. >
  1093. > People admire you all over the world. You are a Lighthouse in the sea of
  1094. > Time.
  1095. >
  1096. > What you are doing is moving hearts everywhere: above all, you are
  1097. > injecting Beauty in the system. And giving people Hope. True Hope. Real
  1098. > Hope.
  1099. >
  1100. > Julian, people need to see who you are.
  1101. >
  1102. > If you really want to inject Courage, if you really want to see others
  1103. > losing fear and rising love, don't be ashamed of showing the real you to
  1104. > the world: within you lies the alchemical gold that the alchemist gets
  1105. > after he pisses in the dragon's cave.
  1106. >
  1107. > Those thoughts reflect your personal philosophy before you became well
  1108. > known worldwide and they are powerful enough to set an army on fire. They
  1109. > are worth to be included.
  1110. >
  1111. >
  1112. > * Question #1: Are you fine with this?
  1113. >
  1114. >
  1115. > 2. A place has to be found to host and coordinate the community and the
  1116. > development.
  1117. >
  1118. >
  1119. > * Question #2: Would you be interested in officially advocating for this
  1120. > project as a natural offspring of WikiLeaks or you'd rather focus on
  1121. > WikiLeaks for now?
  1122. >
  1123. > * Question #3: In that case, would you be prepared to host the project on
  1124. > WikiLeaks servers or would you advise to host it somewhere else?
  1125. >
  1126. > * Question #4: Otherwise, whom would you recommend to contact as
  1127. > people/groups who might be interested in hosting such a project?
  1128. >
  1129. >
  1130. >
  1131. > Thanks,
  1132. >
  1133. > j.
  1134. >
  1135. >
  1136. > "It is the one orderly product our middling race has produced. It is the
  1137. > cry of a thousand sentinels, the echo from a thousand labyrinths; it is the
  1138. > lighthouse which cannot be hidden the best evidence we can give of our
  1139. > dignity."
  1140. > E. M. Forster
  1141. >
  1142. >
  1143. > p.s.: oh. Joshua/J'SUA - Joshua was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses
  1144. > to explore the land of Canaan. Although the Catholic Church has never
  1145. > cannonized Joshua, due to his association with espionage, convention has
  1146. > him the Patron Saint of spies and intelligence professionals. ha.
  1147. >
  1148. >
  1149. >
  1150. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
  1151. > Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (MingW32)
  1152. >
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  1156. > ClZXChhMvvAAtVoiGsSpEgDghIDr92qFI9eEwhDmjNWRrnCF7QUAn+A5s9VBGc6n
  1157. > 0HDKnzucndkroJOUejFxH6fdmj/MHusz4BjQjLV6DrSkUH7uR/ccqWK1m2w+PZ84
  1158. > ISO0VtEVpQ14nAid7pOUE77MExnS8ODu33EwKQxfRxkBlkO+kmsRH+SexQJEV+I=
  1159. > =Rade
  1160. > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  1162. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
  1163. > Hash: SHA1
  1164. >
  1165. >
  1166. >
  1167. >
  1168. > ==Phrack Inc.==
  1169. >
  1170. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1171. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1172. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  1173. > |=-------------------=[ Project Mayhem 2012 ]=-------------------=|
  1174. > |=-------------------=[ 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012 ]=-------------------=|
  1175. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  1176. > |=-------------------=[ TYLER: ]=-------------------=|
  1177. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  1178. > |=---------------=[ Massively Distributed Uncensorable ]=--------------=|
  1179. > |=--------=[ Collaborative Wiki-P2P Cipherspace Structure ]=--------=|
  1180. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1181. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1182. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1183. > |=--------=[ ?Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?? ]=--------=|
  1184. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1185. > |=--------=[ ?Pulchrum est Splendor Veritatis.? ]=--------=|
  1186. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1187. > |=--------=[ ?During times of universal deceit, telling ]=--------=|
  1188. > |=--------=[ the truth becomes a revolutionary aCt.? ]=--------=|
  1189. > |=--------=[ George Orwell ]=--------=|
  1190. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1191. > |=--------=[ ?Everyone has the right to freedom of ]=--------=|
  1192. > |=--------=[ opinion and expression; ]=--------=|
  1193. > |=--------=[ this right includes freedom to hold opinions ]=--------=|
  1194. > |=--------=[ withouth interference and to seek, receive ]=--------=|
  1195. > |=--------=[ and impart information and ideas through any ]=--------=|
  1196. > |=--------=[ media and regardless of frontiers.? ]=--------=|
  1197. > |=--------=[ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948. ]=--------=|
  1198. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1199. > |=--------=[ ?Whenever any Form of Government becomes ]=--------=|
  1200. > |=--------=[ destructive of these Ends, it is the Right ]=--------=|
  1201. > |=--------=[ of the People to alter or abolish it, and ]=--------=|
  1202. > |=--------=[ to institute a new Government, laying its ]=--------=|
  1203. > |=--------=[ Foundation on such Principles, and ]=--------=|
  1204. > |=--------=[ organizing its Powers in such Form, as to ]=--------=|
  1205. > |=--------=[ them shall seem most likely to effect their ]=--------=|
  1206. > |=--------=[ Safety and Happiness.? ]=--------=|
  1207. > |=--------=[ United States Declaration of Independence. ]=--------=|
  1208. > |=--------=[ July 4, 1776. ]=--------=|
  1209. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1210. > |=--------=[ ?When the People fear their Government, ]=--------=|
  1211. > |=--------=[ there is tyranny; ]=--------=|
  1212. > |=--------=[ When the Government fears the People, ]=--------=|
  1213. > |=--------=[ there is liberty.? Thomas Jefferson ]=--------=|
  1214. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1215. > |=--------=[ ?The ideally non-violent state ]=--------=|
  1216. > |=--------=[ will be an ordered anarchy.? M. Gandhi ]=--------=|
  1217. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1218. > |=--------=[ ?Only cONNEct.? E.M. Forster ]=--------=|
  1219. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1220. > |=--------=[ ?I have never looked upon ease and happiness ]=--------=|
  1221. > |=--------=[ as ends in themselves ?this critical basis ]=--------=|
  1222. > |=--------=[ I call the ideal of a pigsty. ]=--------=|
  1223. > |=--------=[ The ideals that have lighted my way, and ]=--------=|
  1224. > |=--------=[ time after time have given me new COURAGE ]=--------=|
  1225. > |=--------=[ to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, ]=--------=|
  1226. > |=--------=[ Beauty and Truth.? Albert Einstein ]=--------=|
  1227. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1228. > |=--------=[ ?A revolution without DANCING is a ]=--------=|
  1229. > |=--------=[ revolution not worth having.? ]=--------=|
  1230. > |=--------=[ Emma Goldman ]=--------=|
  1231. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1232. > |=--------=[ ?I'm not a man. I'm DYNAMITE.? F. Nietzsche ]=--------=|
  1233. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1234. > |=--------=[ ?All great ideas are dangerous.? Oscar Wilde ]=--------=|
  1235. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1236. > |=--------=[ ?Ideas are bulletproof.? V ]=--------=|
  1237. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1238. > |=--------=[ ?Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.? F.Perdurabo ]=--------=|
  1239. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1240. > |=--------=[ ?Mom, Dad, where were you when IT happened?? ]=--------=|
  1241. > |=--------=[ ]=--------=|
  1242. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1243. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1244. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  1245. > |=-------------------=[ iMAGIne. aCt. ]=-------------------=|
  1246. > |=-------------------=[ ]=-------------------=|
  1247. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1248. > |=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=|
  1249. >
  1250. >
  1251. >
  1252. >
  1253. > - - - - - --------[ Index
  1254. >
  1255. >
  1256. > 1.- Foreword.
  1257. > 2.- WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in great danger
  1258. > 3.- Project Mayhem 2012: TYLER
  1259. > 4.- Julian Assange: ARISE SERPENTS!
  1260. > V.- Epilogue
  1261. >
  1262. >
  1263. >
  1264. >
  1265. > - - - - - --------[ 1.- Foreword
  1266. >
  1267. >
  1268. > "I know this, because Tyler knows this.
  1269. >
  1270. > The people you are after are the people you depend on.
  1271. > We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive
  1272. > your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep.
  1273. > DO NOT FUCK WITH US."
  1274. > Fight Club, 1999.
  1275. >
  1276. > "Power is afraid of Internet."
  1277. > Manuel Castells. World's foremost-cited communications scholar, 2000-2009.
  1278. > Taught to Daniel Cohn-Bendit, student leader of the May '68 Revolution.
  1279. > 'The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age', co-author.
  1280. >
  1281. > "These philes may include articles on telcom (phreaking/hacking),
  1282. > ANARCHY or kracking."
  1283. > Taran King. Phrack Volume One, Issue One, Phile 1 of 8, November 17, 1985.
  1284. >
  1285. > "A few years ago, while visiting or, rather, rummaging about Notre-Dame,
  1286. > the author of this book found, in an obscure nook of one of the towers,
  1287. > the following word, engraved by hand upon the wall:
  1288. > ANAGKE
  1289. > It is upon this word that this book is founded."
  1290. > Victor Hugo. Preface to 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. March, 1831.
  1291. >
  1292. >
  1293. > "Courage is contagious."
  1294. > Daniel Ellsberg, 1972. WikiLeaks motto.
  1295. >
  1296. >
  1297. > "Start seriously engaging with the modern perception of the world can be
  1298. > hard to find, because it is only satisfied by creating ideas or inventions
  1299. > that have a global impact. Perhaps I have found one, and there's others out
  1300. > there, but for most people of your character a combination of eschewing
  1301. > knowledge of those parts of the world they can't change, and robust
  1302. > engagementwith the parts they can is probably optimal.
  1303. >
  1304. > Do not be concerned about when one is to do good, who defines good, etc.
  1305. > Act in the way you do because to do otherwise would to be at odds with
  1306. > yourself. Being on a path true to your character carries with it a state of
  1307. > flow, where the thoughts about your next step come upon waking, unbidden,
  1308. > but welcome.
  1309. >
  1310. > I support similarly minded people, not because they are moral agents, but
  1311. > because they have common cause with my own feelings and dreams."
  1312. > 'Everyone and no one wants to save the world'.
  1313. > Julian Assange, 16 Jun 2007.
  1314. >
  1315. > ?What does censorship reveal? It reveals FEAR.
  1316. >
  1317. > If people shoot truth at each other, then after the bodies are cleared
  1318. > away, all that remains is bullets of truth in the historical record,
  1319. > and we can get somewhere.?
  1320. > Julian Assange at 26C3 Conference in Berlin, December 2009.
  1321. >
  1322. > "Information wants to be free."
  1323. > Stewart Brand at the first Hackers' Conference, 1984.
  1324. >
  1325. > "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
  1326. > John Gilmore's Law, Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder.
  1327. >
  1328. > "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society."
  1329. > John Fitzgerald Kennedy, April 27, 1961.
  1330. >
  1331. > "The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a
  1332. > democracy should be the weapon of openness."
  1333. > Niels Bohr. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
  1334. >
  1335. > "WikiLeaks can't be put back into the bottle, so is a reminder that we must
  1336. > now learn to live with technology tools that WE CANNOT CONTROL."
  1337. > The Wall Street Journal. June 14, 2010.
  1338. >
  1339. > "Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
  1340. > If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full
  1341. > of shit."
  1342. > Robert Anton Wilson.
  1343. >
  1344. > Neo: What does that mean?
  1345. > Cypher: It means fasten your seat belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going
  1346. > bye-bye.
  1347. >
  1348. >
  1349. >
  1350. >
  1351. > - - - - - --------[ 2.- WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in great danger
  1352. >
  1353. >
  1354. > At the time of writing this (June 15, 2010), Wikileaks Founder Julian
  1355. > Assange is being hunted by Pentagon over a possibly massive 260.000
  1356. > diplomatic cables leak, after snitcher Adrian Lamo reported it to the FBI
  1357. > and Kevin Poulsen broke the very 1st rule of journalism on Wired.
  1358. >
  1359. > Daniel Ellsberg, who gained fame when he leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971
  1360. > in hopes of ending the Vietnam War, told MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan that he not
  1361. > only sees a parallel between himself and the person who recently leaked a
  1362. > video of an assault by US forces on Iraqi civilians but also fears for the
  1363. > safety of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who published the video.
  1364. >
  1365. > ?What if WikiLeaks was a sort of Wiki-BitTorrent, served by thousands of
  1366. > people around the world running a background process on their computers,?
  1367. > mused Edward Benson, a Ph.D. student at the MIT Computer Science and
  1368. > Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
  1369. >
  1370. > ?No fundraising needed here, it?s all P2P. And if the Wiki is maintained
  1371. > Wikipedia style, then we no longer need to pay for a centralized staff to
  1372. > curate it. Plus, there?s no centralized staff to kill or jail. It can be a
  1373. > decentralized, collaborative process.?
  1374. >
  1375. > WikiLeaks has started to serve Magnet links, yet the role of the Editor
  1376. > (Julian) is maintained in order to supervise and to assign priorities
  1377. > to what is leaked and what is not. Unfortunately, this puts the role of the
  1378. > Editor in great danger and it dramatically slows down the release process.
  1379. >
  1380. >
  1381. >
  1382. >
  1383. > - - - - - --------[ 3.- Project Mayhem 2012: TYLER.
  1384. >
  1385. >
  1386. > Time has come for Phrack to encourage COURAGE and to issue a CALL TO ARMS
  1387. > for PROJECT MAYHEM 2012:
  1388. >
  1389. > A Worldwide joint challenge for the very top hacktivists, coders,
  1390. > cryptoanarchists, cypherpunks and non-violent Civil Rights, Internet
  1391. > Censorship and Freedom of Speech activists everywhere to collaborate to
  1392. > develop TYLER:
  1393. >
  1394. > TYLER is a massively distributed and decentralized Wikipedia-style P2P
  1395. > cipherspace structure impregnable to censorship.
  1396. >
  1397. > TYLER will implement a distributed and crowdsourced karma-based TRUST
  1398. > 'Authority' in order to prioritize leaks relevance and visibility while
  1399. > minimizing information poisoning.
  1400. >
  1401. > TYLER will gather an unprecedented number of the best hackers and coders
  1402. > ever to develop its structure from scratch, from the lessons learned from
  1403. > the Freenet, TOR, GNUnet, eMule, BitTorrent, I2P, Tribler and related
  1404. > projects.
  1405. >
  1406. > TYLER will end its betatesting phase and the Game will go wild on the net
  1407. > on 12-12-2012, massively flashmob style.
  1408. >
  1409. > Machines are usually hacked via 'interlink bugs'.
  1410. > Humans are usually hacked via 'limbic system bugs'.
  1411. > This date has been purposely chosen to PLAY with the 2012 meme, because,
  1412. > as everybody knows, Magick does *NOT* exist...
  1413. > The best way to predict the future is to CREATE IT.
  1414. >
  1415. > On the 10 days that go from 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012, the World will see an
  1416. > unprecedented amount of Corporate, Financial, Military and State leaks that
  1417. > will have been secretly gathered by millions of citizens and insiders
  1418. > worldwide, dormant members of a global 'Fight Club' from all countries,
  1419. > waiting for the time to swarm in synchrony.
  1420. >
  1421. > Once TYLER be on the wild:
  1422. >
  1423. > 1. You DO ask questions.
  1424. > 2. You DO ask questions.
  1425. > 3. No excuses.
  1426. > 4. No lies.
  1427. > 5. You HAVE to trust Tyler.
  1428. >
  1429. >
  1430. > The tag for Project Mayhem 2012 on social networks is: MAYHEM2012
  1431. >
  1432. > To this effect, Phrack role in Project Mayhem 2012, as the consensed voice
  1433. > of the hacking community since 1985, is exclusively limited to publishing
  1434. > this 'CALL TO ARMS'.
  1435. >
  1436. > Phrack's mission is just to point towards a passionated, iMAGInaCKtive,
  1437. > hard workingly playful, creative, Groucho Marxist, joy free and fnord free,
  1438. > open, transparent, independent, non-profit, apolitical but chaotically
  1439. > fnOrdered while dynamically Sampo-Adhocratic, non-violent, autonomous,
  1440. > self-sustained and sharing community board that will begin to brainstorm
  1441. > ideas to coordinate volunteers everywhere in the development of TYLER.
  1442. >
  1443. >
  1444. >
  1445. >
  1446. > - - - - - --------[ 4.- Julian Assange: ARISE SERPENTS!
  1447. >
  1448. >
  1449. > Source:
  1450. >
  1451. > ?Insofar as we can affect the world, let it be to utterly eliminate guilt
  1452. > and fear as a motivator of man and replace it cell for cell with LOVE for
  1453. > one another and the PASSION of CREATION.?
  1454. >
  1455. > Julian Assange, 26 Feb 2007: The right thing to do.
  1456. >
  1457. >
  1458. > ?If we have brains or COURAGE, then we are blessed and called on not to
  1459. > frit these qualities away, standing agape at the ideas of others, winning
  1460. > pissing contests, improving the efficiencies of the neocorporate state, or
  1461. > immersing ourselves in obscuranta, but rather to prove the vigor of our
  1462. > talents against the strongest opponents of LOVE we can find.?
  1463. >
  1464. > Julian Assange, 03 Jan 2007: Witnessing.
  1465. >
  1466. >
  1467. > ?The DOUBLE LIFE STRATEGY might even be called the genius ploy, as many
  1468. > geniuses in history have worked at menial tasks in order to free themselves
  1469. > for more important work. Socrates, you will remember was a stone mason,
  1470. > Spinoza was a lens grinder, and even Jesus was a carpenter.?
  1471. >
  1472. > Julian Assange, 23 Sep 2006 : William James Sidis
  1473. >
  1474. >
  1475. > "Bertrand Russell introduced the second volume of his autobiographical work
  1476. > with the following:
  1477. >
  1478. > 'I saw a chapel all of gold that none did dare to enter in, and many
  1479. > weeping aloud without, weeping, mourning, worshipping. I saw a serpent
  1480. > rise between the white pillars of the door, and he forced and forced
  1481. > and forced, till down the golden hinges tore; And along the pavement
  1482. > sweet set with pearls and rubies bright, all his shining length he
  1483. > drew, ? till upon the altar white, vomited his poison out on the bread
  1484. > and on the wine. So I ran into a sty, and laid me down among the swine.'
  1485. > William Blake, The Defiled Sanctuary
  1486. >
  1487. > IQ.ORG also used this quote, till discovering it in Russell. This seems to be
  1488. > one of Blake?s least popular poems, but like many of his later less lyrical
  1489. > works has strength in the darkness of the vision. One can see how Blake?s
  1490. > insight here resonated with Russell?s desired self perception. But what if
  1491. > Russell not only flees from desecration revealed but is the dramatic figure
  1492. > of causation and revelation? Russell is the actor of change. Russell is the
  1493. > serpent and vomiting out his poison into the transubstantiated body of
  1494. > Christ, an interpretation that would have pleased both Russell and his
  1495. > enemies in the British and American theocracies.
  1496. >
  1497. > Now I say unto you ?
  1498. >
  1500. >
  1501. > Tear the hinges from their doors, stand above the alter white and
  1502. >
  1504. >
  1505. > till deceit crumbles and sets free the doVe."
  1506. >
  1507. > Julian Assange, 26 Sep 2006: The Defiled Sanctuary.
  1508. >
  1509. >
  1510. >
  1511. >
  1512. > - - - - - --------[ V.- Epilogue
  1513. >
  1514. >
  1515. > "I believe in the right of the people to rule. I believe the majority of the
  1516. > plain people of the United States will, day in and day out, make fewer
  1517. > mistakes in governing themselves than any smaller class or body of men, no
  1518. > matter what their training, will make in trying to govern them.
  1519. >
  1520. > Friends, our task as Americans is to strive for social and industrial
  1521. > justice, achieved through the genuine rule of the people. This is our end,
  1522. > our purpose. The methods for achieving the end are merely expedients, to be
  1523. > finally accepted or rejected according as actual experience shows that they
  1524. > work well or ill. But in our hearts we must have this lofty purpose, and we
  1525. > must strive for it in all earnestness and sincerity, or our work will come
  1526. > to nothing.
  1527. >
  1528. > In order to succeed we need leaders of inspired idealism, leaders to whom
  1529. > are granted great visions, who dream greatly and strive to make their
  1530. > dreams come true; who can kindle the people with the fire from their own
  1531. > burning souls. The leader for the time being, whoever he may be, is but an
  1532. > instrument, to be used until broken and then to be cast aside; and if he is
  1533. > worth his salt he will care no more when he is broken than a soldier cares
  1534. > when he is sent where his life is forfeit in order that the victory may be
  1535. > won. In the long fight for righteousness the watchword for all of us is
  1536. > spend and be spent. It is of little matter whether any one man fails or
  1537. > succeeds; but the cause shall not fail, for it is the cause of mankind."
  1538. >
  1539. > 'The Right of the People to Rule' by Theodore Roosevelt. March 20, 1912.
  1540. >
  1541. >
  1542. > "Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine
  1543. > minds and machine hearts.
  1544. > You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!
  1545. > You have the love of humanity in your hearts!
  1546. > You don't hate - only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural.
  1547. >
  1548. > Soldiers! - don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty!
  1549. >
  1550. > YOU THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER, the power to CREATE MACHINES, the power to
  1551. > create happiness!
  1552. >
  1553. > SOLDIERS! in the name of democracy, LET US ALL UNITE!"
  1554. >
  1555. > Final Speech of "The Great Dictator".
  1556. > Charlie Chaplin, 1940.
  1557. >
  1558. > ?When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
  1559. > the world will know peace."
  1560. > Jimi Hendrix
  1561. >
  1562. >
  1563. > "Goodbye," he said.
  1564. > "Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
  1565. >
  1566. > It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.
  1567. > What is essential is invisible to the eye."
  1568. >
  1569. > "What is essential is invisible to the eye," the Little Prince repeated,
  1570. > so that he would be sure to remember.
  1571. >
  1572. > "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so
  1573. > important."
  1574. >
  1575. > "It is the time I have wasted for my rose--" said the Little Prince, so
  1576. > that he would be sure to remember.
  1577. >
  1578. > "Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox.
  1579. > "But you must not forget it.
  1580. > You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
  1581. > You are responsible for your rose..."
  1582. >
  1583. > "I am responsible for my rose," the Little Prince repeated, so that he
  1584. > would be sure to remember.
  1585. >
  1586. > Antoine de Saint-Exupery. 'The Little Prince', 1943.
  1587. >
  1588. > Trinity: Neo... nobody has ever done this before.
  1589. > Neo: That's why it's going to work.
  1590. >
  1591. > "And it was given unto the BEASTS to MAKE WAR with the Sat'ns, and
  1592. > to overcome them: and POWER was given THEM over all kindreds, and tongues,
  1593. > and Nations."
  1594. > Re-Ev[e-o]L[a-V]Zions 13:7
  1595. >
  1596. >
  1597. > |=-------------------=[ iMAGIne. aCt. ]=-------------------=|
  1598. >
  1599. >
  1600. >
  1601. >
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  1616. ========================================================================
  1618. jelou eguein yulian! jau ar llu? it's bin a rili jard year, rait?
  1620. we rilly felt sorry for you, but güi yast güonted tu let llu nou that, after what güi jaf sin caming from llur güei dis past lliar, güi güdent bi pripeird to go tu lleil or
  1622. incarcireishion bicos of yu.
  1625. llu got clirly a nais soul, for you laik el principito.
  1627. bat llu canot let llur güaild said overraid llur jart, diud!
  1629. enigüey, we jaf bin güorking on dis PASSIONATELY over de last jol lliar.
  1631. aur problem chail shud bi readi for das ÜberLULlizazion fery sun! :D
  1633. güi güil let llu now.
  1635. incindentally, haj llu jad de taim tu riz Peter Kingsley's Reality?????????
  1637. go on man, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's Das ÜBerShyte!!!!!!!! RILI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1639. llu can jack de matrixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx güiz güat ji seis about EMPEDOCLES ünd PARMENIDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!
  1641. 11:11:!!"!"!"!"!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1644. #GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1646. luv & lvlz,
  1648. ~♥~, PM2012
  1650. ou... pi es:
  1652. if yu kip on eiming at perferkshion tu bild a sistem laik tailer, you will keep on feiling as llu jaf failed ol of as with WL.
  1654. yassssssssssssss du de lulzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and don't care much, for laif is good und...
  1658. =======================
  1662. Re: Article in the next issue of the hacking magazine Phrack. Request.
  1665. From: Douglas Rushkoff <> Add contact
  1666. To:
  1667. Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 03:07:51 +0200
  1668. This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed.
  1669. Crazy.
  1671. On Aug 29, 2011, at 9:21 AM, wrote:
  1673. >
  1674. > Hi Doug,
  1675. >
  1676. > While exploring magic(k) and ARG narrative techniques for Project
  1677. > Mayhem 2012, I just came across this article. I think it might very
  1678. > well be of your interest.
  1679. >
  1680. > Giordano Bruno, William S. Burroughs, Alfred Korzybski and DARPA:
  1681. >
  1682. > Vivisecting Verses - DARPA Investigates the Neurobiology of
  1683. > Narratives
  1684. >
  1685. > investigates.html
  1686. >
  1687. > Narrative Networks (N2): The Neurobiology of Narratives
  1688. >
  1689. > RPA-SN-11-25.pdf
  1690. >
  1691. > "So what’s new here? What secrets of the narrative art will be
  1692. > unveiled in this quantitative analysis?
  1693. >
  1694. > For all the money they spent on remote viewing tests, Russel Targ,
  1695. > one of the lead scientists during the SRI tests, admits that it's
  1696. > fairly easy to do, and that the most telling instruction manual
  1697. > they still have on the subject is a centuries old yogic training
  1698. > manual from India. "
  1699. >
  1700. >
  1701. > C'mon, have DARPA approach you, meta-hack their quasi-meta-brains
  1702. > inside out and give'em a narrative they won't be able to refuse! };-
  1703. > D
  1704. >
  1705. >
  1706. > From the mediterranean seaside, love from Gabriel and me!
  1707. >
  1708. > LVLZYPHER
  1709. >
  1710. > On Wed, 03 Aug 2011 21:34:55 +0200 Douglas Rushkoff
  1711. > <> wrote:
  1712. >> mazel tov!
  1713. >>
  1714. >> On Aug 3, 2011, at 2:15 PM, wrote:
  1715. >>
  1716. >>>
  1717. >>>
  1718. >>>
  1719. >> 2012#97610
  1720. >>>
  1721. >>> It's done.
  1722. >>>
  1723. >>> Love and Light,
  1724. >>>
  1725. >>> Gabriel & LVLZYPHER
  1726. >>>
  1727. >>>
  1728. >>>
  1729. >>> On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 04:52:43 +0200
  1730. >> wrote:
  1731. >>>> Hey!
  1732. >>>>
  1733. >>>> Don't worry Douglas, I see you are extremely active, which is
  1734. >>>> good.
  1735. >>>>
  1736. >>>> I'm very happy to let you know that the magick in the ARG is
  1737. >>>> flowing like there's no tomorrow. Bob's spirit lives on in
  1738. >>>> Operation Mindfuck, and trust me when I tell you that I'm being
  1739. >> as
  1740. >>>>
  1741. >>>> mindfucked by the game as anyone! lol
  1742. >>>>
  1743. >>>> First of all, Anonymous has catched on the concept of the "Hive
  1744. >>>> Mind".
  1745. >>>>
  1746. >>>> I really really wanted to 'inject' this idea, so that Anonymous
  1747. >>>> keeps on resonating with the concept of the Bees and the honey-
  1748. >>>> making. Such a powerful concept esoterically speaking, you
  1749. >> know...
  1750. >>>>
  1751. >>>> I photoshopped this picture of an 'Initiate' (the Bees, the
  1752. >>>> 'wedjat' or left eye of Horus, the hood, you can even see the
  1753. >>>> three
  1754. >>>> dots of the Adept if you pay close attention to the hood just
  1755. >>>> above
  1756. >>>> the eye... ;)
  1757. >>>>
  1758. >>>>
  1759. >>>>
  1760. >>>> Well, to my big surprise, the admins have just re-designed the
  1761. >>>> site
  1762. >>>> to make it look like a Beehive, which is now part of the logo!
  1763. >> The
  1764. >>>>
  1765. >>>> colour scheme is that of Honey and they are featuring the
  1766. >> 'Hooded
  1767. >>>> Hive Mind' in the front page! :D
  1768. >>>>
  1769. >>>> I was afraid that the most 'rational' and 'logical' types would
  1770. >>>> find it a bit suspicious, with all the references to Chaos
  1771. >> Magick,
  1772. >>>>
  1773. >>>> Grant Morrison, RAW, Aleister Crowley, Alan Moore, Tim Leary,
  1774. >> to
  1775. >>>> the DisinfoCon 2000 videos, to yourself... but, again to my
  1776. >>>> surprise, the exact opposite has happened, they not only are
  1777. >> not
  1778. >>>> questioning it but are actually absorbing information with so
  1779. >> much
  1780. >>>>
  1781. >>>> enthusiasm!
  1782. >>>>
  1783. >>>> Just a quick sample from the last comments:
  1784. >>>>
  1785. >>>> -----------------------------------------
  1786. >>>> this thread is fucking full of mindfuck and SO MUCH
  1787. >> information,
  1788. >>>> extremely good job! I think that the purpose of project mayhem
  1789. >> was
  1790. >>>>
  1791. >>>> to hide many clues and let us lurk as much as possible,
  1792. >>>> unregardinly of the conclusions.
  1793. >>>> -----------------------------------------
  1794. >>>> it took me 3 days to read it, and still i didnt watch all of
  1795. >> the
  1796. >>>> videos and stuff. I had never heard of magick before this, but
  1797. >>>> somehow once or twice in my life when i really desired
  1798. >> something i
  1799. >>>>
  1800. >>>> got this strange feeling for just some intense seconds, and
  1801. >> then
  1802. >>>> it
  1803. >>>> happened. Cant describe the feeling in the moments of "desire".
  1804. >>>>
  1805. >>>> Second, a quote i found while lurking, as an answer to the
  1806. >>>> question
  1807. >>>> "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it,
  1808. >> does
  1809. >>>>
  1810. >>>> it make a sound? "
  1811. >>>>
  1812. >>>> "even a rock is consciousness, at a much deeper level than you"
  1813. >>>>
  1814. >>>> and third, for you logical and rational anons (like me):
  1815. >>>> WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Huuuge confusion in my mind,
  1816. >>>> only the lulz will save us
  1817. >>>> -----------------------------------------
  1818. >>>> noname66 wrote:
  1819. >>>> this thread makes me want to jump off a cliff. it truly is a
  1820. >>>> mindfuck
  1821. >>>> -----------------------------------------
  1822. >>>> Perhaps... Project Mayhem is trying to... impregnate our minds!
  1823. >>>>
  1824. >>>> ... Okay, that's just hype, but it certainly fits in with the
  1825. >>>> whole
  1826. >>>> imagination, creativity, paradigm shift, hypersigil stuff going
  1827. >> on
  1828. >>>>
  1829. >>>> here.
  1830. >>>> -----------------------------------------
  1831. >>>>
  1832. >>>>
  1833. >>>>
  1834. >>>>
  1835. >>>> The 'logical and rational' anons are beginning to wonder if
  1836. >> magick
  1837. >>>>
  1838. >>>> could actually WORK...and if that's the case, HOW, they wanna
  1839. >>>> KNOW!
  1840. >>>> Can you believe that? :D
  1841. >>>>
  1842. >>>> Ok, so this is the 'reasoning' behind the game. This is the
  1843. >> idea
  1844. >>>> that is giving people -even 'rational' ones- soooooo much
  1845. >>>> mindfucks! lol
  1846. >>>>
  1847. >>>> -----------------------------------------
  1848. >>>>
  1849. >>>> "We are speculating that this discordian Operation Mindfuck be
  1850. >>>> about affecting Global Consciousness for the better with Art &
  1851. >>>> memetics & Chaos Magick as weapons. As crazy as it sounds, Alan
  1852. >>>> Moore (he wrote V for Vendetta and Watchmen), a self-declared
  1853. >>>> chaos
  1854. >>>> magician, is well aware that Art can be used to change
  1855. >> societies
  1856. >>>> and human beings. Are WE -ANONYMOUS as an Egregor- witnessing
  1857. >> the
  1858. >>>> effects of his hypersigil? We can't deny that he HAS AFFECTED
  1859. >>>> 'Reality' with his comic, right?
  1860. >>>>
  1861. >>>> So, Aleister Crowley's Consciousness helped to feed the
  1862. >>>> Consciousness of the Egregor and he influenced chaos magicians
  1863. >> to
  1864. >>>> create V for Vendetta, Grant Morrison's The Invisibles -whose
  1865. >>>> storyline is set to finish by 12.21.2012-, Alan Moore's V for
  1866. >>>> Vendetta & Watchmen & Douglas Rushkoff's Cyberia to actually
  1867. >>>> IMMANENTIZE THE ESCHATON = the REVELATION = the end to all LIES
  1868. >> =
  1869. >>>> on 12.21.2012 11:11?
  1870. >>>>
  1871. >>>> Ok, so... did you know that there IS a link between Aleister
  1872. >>>> Crowley and the Church of Scientology?
  1873. >>>>
  1874. >>>> YES, Aleister Crowley got to through Jack Parsons (rocket
  1875. >>>> scientist
  1876. >>>> at NASA), to reach our much beloved Ron L. Hubbard no less...
  1877. >> in
  1878. >>>> order TO TRICK THEM to perform the Babalon Ritual for him,
  1879. >> maybe!?
  1880. >>>>
  1881. >>>> Isn't it fscking funny that Anonymous' first global hacktion
  1882. >> was
  1883. >>>> PROJECT CHANOLOGY, initiated precisely to fight AGAINST the
  1884. >> Church
  1885. >>>>
  1886. >>>> of Scientology?
  1887. >>>>
  1888. >>>> Sooo... did Aleister Crowley plan to summon 'The Beast' in the
  1889. >>>> figure of this Egregor, this COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, this
  1890. >> Hive
  1891. >>>> Mind called Anonymous by 2012?"
  1892. >>>>
  1893. >>>> -----------------------------------------
  1894. >>>>
  1895. >>>>
  1896. >>>>
  1897. >>>>
  1898. >>>> Eeeevil, I know, but what can I do... I can't help it! };-DD I
  1899. >>>> think it's scaring everybody so much because it just... makes
  1900. >>>> sense! o_O
  1901. >>>>
  1902. >>>> Now I'm showing them how to create sigils and hypersigils -
  1903. >> someone
  1904. >>>>
  1905. >>>> tested charging a sigil for the first time in his life and he
  1906. >> told
  1907. >>>>
  1908. >>>> the community that it worked for him, that his desire has been
  1909. >>>> accomplished, in less than one week!!!- and now I have been
  1910. >>>> instructing them about 'Active Imagination' as a powerful tool
  1911. >> to
  1912. >>>> play with Consciousness, in the jungian and alchemical context.
  1913. >> I
  1914. >>>> have proposed them the first collective magickal assignment and
  1915. >>>> they have begun to draw paintings of what they IMAGINE that
  1916. >> they
  1917. >>>> would like to see happening on 12.21.2012, using the four
  1918. >> colours
  1919. >>>> of Alchemy, black, white, red and yellow. Sounds exciting,
  1920. >> right?
  1921. >>>> :D
  1922. >>>>
  1923. >>>>
  1924. >>>> Ok, so following with the Aleister Crowley hypothesis that he
  1925. >>>> might
  1926. >>>> have actually summoned Anonymous as an Egregor to lift all
  1927. >> veils
  1928. >>>> on
  1929. >>>> the corrupt world, I would like to ask you a favour:
  1930. >>>>
  1931. >>>> You told me that Richard Metzger is quite an expert in Aleister
  1932. >>>> Crowley, right? Would you mind to introduce me to Richard so
  1933. >> that
  1934. >>>> I
  1935. >>>> could ask him for some info regarding the Jack Parsons-Ron L.
  1936. >>>> Hubbard affair? Please let him know there's a quick overview of
  1937. >>>> the
  1938. >>>> Crowley-Parsons-Scientology hypothesis in this comment:
  1939. >>>>
  1940. >> 2012#57191
  1941. >>>>
  1942. >>>> That's all for now!
  1943. >>>>
  1944. >>>> Gabriel sends regards. We are happyly enjoying the summertime,
  1945. >>>> soon by the mediterranean sea.
  1946. >>>> We are sending you the best of vibes Douglas!
  1947. >>>>
  1948. >>>> LVLZYPHER
  1949. >>>
  1950. >>
  1951. >> -------------------
  1952. >> Douglas Rushkoff
  1953. >>
  1954. >> twitter: rushkoff
  1955. >>
  1956. >> Support my latest books
  1957. >> Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age -
  1958. >>
  1959. >>
  1960. >> Life Inc: How Corporatism Conquered the World and How to Take it
  1961. >> Back
  1962. >>
  1963. >
  1968. ~♥~ from llunou ju ;)
  1971. =======================================================================================
  1973. Re: Article in the next issue of the hacking magazine Phrack. Request.
  1976. From: David Pearce <> Add contact
  1977. To:
  1978. Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2011 23:27:44 +0200
  1979. This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed.
  1980. Brilliant!
  1981. Congratulations PM
  1982. Dave
  1984. At 22:06 07/08/2011, you wrote:
  1986. >Hi David.
  1987. >
  1988. >It's done.
  1989. >
  1990. >'Left brain':
  1991. >'Right brain':
  1992. >
  1993. >
  1994. >
  1995. >Let me know what do you think about it.
  1996. >
  1997. >pm
  1998. >
  1999. >On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 11:12:17 +0200 David Pearce
  2000. ><> wrote:
  2001. > >Hi P.M.
  2002. > >Many thanks.
  2003. > >It's a superb idea.
  2005. =======================================================================================
  2007. David!!!!
  2009. We've PHInally been given the GREEN LIGHTS to ackt FULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL POWAH!!!
  2011. Greetings to you know who...! };-D
  2013. ~♥~ from llunou ju ;)
  2014. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
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