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Aug 20th, 2019
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  1. 15:35:55:/tmp/requirements$ diff -y upstream downstream
  2. adal adal
  3. > ansible
  4. > ansible-runner
  5. apache-libcloud apache-libcloud
  6. appdirs appdirs
  7. applicationinsights applicationinsights
  8. argcomplete argcomplete
  9. asn1crypto asn1crypto
  10. azure-cli-core azure-cli-core
  11. azure-cli-nspkg azure-cli-nspkg
  12. azure-common azure-common
  13. azure-graphrbac azure-graphrbac
  14. azure-keyvault azure-keyvault
  15. azure-mgmt-authorization azure-mgmt-authorization
  16. azure-mgmt-batch azure-mgmt-batch
  17. azure-mgmt-cdn azure-mgmt-cdn
  18. azure-mgmt-compute azure-mgmt-compute
  19. azure-mgmt-containerinstance azure-mgmt-containerinstance
  20. azure-mgmt-containerregistry azure-mgmt-containerregistry
  21. azure-mgmt-containerservice azure-mgmt-containerservice
  22. azure-mgmt-cosmosdb azure-mgmt-cosmosdb
  23. azure-mgmt-devtestlabs azure-mgmt-devtestlabs
  24. azure-mgmt-dns azure-mgmt-dns
  25. azure-mgmt-hdinsight azure-mgmt-hdinsight
  26. azure-mgmt-keyvault azure-mgmt-keyvault
  27. azure-mgmt-loganalytics azure-mgmt-loganalytics
  28. azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering
  29. azure-mgmt-monitor azure-mgmt-monitor
  30. azure-mgmt-network azure-mgmt-network
  31. azure-mgmt-nspkg azure-mgmt-nspkg
  32. azure-mgmt-rdbms azure-mgmt-rdbms
  33. azure-mgmt-redis azure-mgmt-redis
  34. azure-mgmt-resource azure-mgmt-resource
  35. azure-mgmt-servicebus azure-mgmt-servicebus
  36. azure-mgmt-sql azure-mgmt-sql
  37. azure-mgmt-storage azure-mgmt-storage
  38. azure-mgmt-trafficmanager azure-mgmt-trafficmanager
  39. azure-mgmt-web azure-mgmt-web
  40. azure-nspkg azure-nspkg
  41. azure-storage azure-storage
  42. > Babel
  43. backports.ssl-match-hostname backports.ssl-match-hostname
  44. > bambou
  45. bcrypt bcrypt
  46. boto boto
  47. boto3 boto3
  48. botocore botocore
  49. cachetools cachetools
  50. certifi certifi
  51. cffi cffi
  52. chardet chardet
  53. > cloud-init
  54. colorama colorama
  55. > configobj
  56. cryptography cryptography
  57. decorator decorator
  58. > deprecation
  59. > dnspython
  60. docutils docutils
  61. dogpile.cache dogpile.cache
  62. enum34 | ethtool
  63. futures | file-magic
  64. > funcsigs
  65. > future
  66. google-auth google-auth
  67. > gpg
  68. > gssapi
  69. humanfriendly humanfriendly
  70. idna idna
  71. > iniparse
  72. > insights-client
  73. > ipaclient
  74. ipaddress ipaddress
  75. > ipalib
  76. > ipaplatform
  77. > ipapython
  78. > isc
  79. iso8601 iso8601
  80. isodate isodate
  81. jinja2 | Jinja2
  82. jmespath jmespath
  83. jsonpatch jsonpatch
  84. jsonpointer jsonpointer
  85. > jsonschema
  86. > jwcrypto
  87. keystoneauth1 keystoneauth1
  88. knack knack
  89. > lockfile
  90. lxml lxml
  91. markupsafe | MarkupSafe
  92. > mock
  93. monotonic monotonic
  94. msrest msrest
  95. msrestazure msrestazure
  96. munch munch
  97. ncclient ncclient
  98. netaddr netaddr
  99. netifaces netifaces
  100. ntlm-auth ntlm-auth
  101. oauthlib oauthlib
  102. openstacksdk openstacksdk
  103. os-service-types os-service-types
  104. ovirt-engine-sdk-python ovirt-engine-sdk-python
  105. packaging packaging
  106. paramiko paramiko
  107. pbr pbr
  108. > pciutils
  109. > perf
  110. pexpect pexpect
  111. > ply
  112. > prettytable
  113. psutil psutil
  114. ptyprocess ptyprocess
  115. pyasn1 pyasn1
  116. pyasn1-modules pyasn1-modules
  117. > pycairo
  118. pycparser pycparser
  119. pycurl | Pygments
  120. pygments | pygobject
  121. pyjwt | pyinotify
  122. > PyJWT
  123. pykerberos pykerberos
  124. pynacl | pylxca
  125. pyopenssl | PyNaCl
  126. > pyOpenSSL
  127. pyparsing pyparsing
  128. > pyserial
  129. > PySocks
  130. > python-augeas
  131. > python-daemon
  132. python-dateutil python-dateutil
  133. > python-dmidecode
  134. > python-ldap
  135. > python-linux-procfs
  136. > python-yubico
  137. > pytz
  138. > pyudev
  139. > pyusb
  140. pyvmomi pyvmomi
  141. pywinrm[kerberos] | pywinrm
  142. pyyaml | PyYAML
  143. > qrcode
  144. requests requests
  145. requests-credssp requests-credssp
  146. requestsexceptions requestsexceptions
  147. requests-kerberos requests-kerberos
  148. requests-ntlm requests-ntlm
  149. requests-oauthlib requests-oauthlib
  150. rsa | requests-toolbelt
  151. > rhnlib
  152. > rpm
  153. s3transfer s3transfer
  154. > schedutils
  155. selectors2 selectors2
  156. > sepolicy
  157. > setools
  158. > setroubleshoot
  159. six six
  160. > slip
  161. > slip.dbus
  162. > SSSDConfig
  163. stevedore stevedore
  164. > subscription-manager
  165. > syspurpose
  166. > systemd-python
  167. tabulate tabulate
  168. typing <
  169. urllib3 urllib3
  170. wheel | vspk
  171. xmltodict xmltodict
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