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Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.ComponentModel;
  4. using System.Data;
  5. using System.Drawing;
  6. using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
  7. using System.Linq;
  8. using System.Text;
  9. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  10. using System.Windows.Forms;
  12. namespace Lab_015_Clock_Animation
  13. {
  14. public partial class Form1 : Form
  15. {
  16. public Form1()
  17. {
  18. InitializeComponent();
  19. this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
  20. this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
  21. this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
  22. }
  24. private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
  25. {
  26. Graphics objGraphics= e.Graphics;
  27. Rectangle objRectangle = new Rectangle(80, 20, 200, 200);
  28. LinearGradientBrush objLinearGradiantBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(objRectangle, Color.DarkGreen, Color.Blue, 90);
  29. objGraphics.FillEllipse(objLinearGradiantBrush, objRectangle);
  30. objLinearGradiantBrush.LinearColors = new Color[] { Color.DarkOrange, Color.Black };
  31. objGraphics.FillEllipse(objLinearGradiantBrush, 90, 30, 180, 180);
  32. SolidBrush objbrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
  33. Font objFont = new Font("Times new Roman", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
  34. objGraphics.DrawString("XII", objFont, objbrush, 170, 40);
  35. objGraphics.DrawString("XI", objFont, objbrush, 125, 50);
  36. objGraphics.DrawString("X", objFont, objbrush, 100, 80);
  37. objGraphics.DrawString("IX", objFont, objbrush, 100, 120);
  38. objGraphics.DrawString("VIII", objFont, objbrush, 110, 150);
  39. objGraphics.DrawString("VII", objFont, objbrush, 138, 175);
  40. objGraphics.DrawString("VI", objFont, objbrush, 170, 190);
  41. objGraphics.DrawString("V", objFont, objbrush, 210, 180);
  42. objGraphics.DrawString("IV", objFont, objbrush, 235, 150);
  43. objGraphics.DrawString("III", objFont, objbrush, 245, 120);
  44. objGraphics.DrawString("II", objFont, objbrush, 240, 80);
  45. objGraphics.DrawString("I", objFont, objbrush, 215, 50);
  46. objGraphics.TranslateTransform(120, 120);
  47. int hour = DateTime.Now.Hour;
  48. int min = DateTime.Now.Minute;
  49. int sec = DateTime.Now.Second;
  50. Pen hourPen = new Pen(Color.White, 2);
  51. Pen minPen = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 2);
  52. Pen secPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
  53. double secondAngle = 2.0 * Math.PI * sec / 60.0;
  54. double minuteAngle = 2.0 * Math.PI * (min + sec / 60.0) / 60.0;
  55. double hourAngle = 2.0 * Math.PI * (hour + min / 60.0) / 12.0;
  56. Point center = new Point(60, 7);
  57. Point hourHand = new Point((int)(10 * Math.Sin(hourAngle)),
  58. (int)(-10 * Math.Cos(hourAngle)));
  59. objGraphics.DrawLine(hourPen, center, hourHand);
  61. Point minHand = new Point((int)(15 * Math.Sin(minuteAngle)),
  62. (int)(-15 * Math.Cos(minuteAngle)));
  63. objGraphics.DrawLine(minPen, center, minHand);
  65. Point secHand = new Point((int)(5 * Math.Sin(secondAngle)),
  66. (int)(-5 * Math.Cos(secondAngle)));
  67. objGraphics.DrawLine(secPen, center, secHand);
  68. }
  70. private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  71. {
  72. Invalidate();
  73. }
  74. }
  75. }
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