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Dec 13th, 2016
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  1. Here's what to send:
  3. to: the relevant admins at your university
  5. cc: [optional :)]
  7. subject: FERPA Access Request
  10. Message content:
  12. To whom it may concern:
  14. Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g), I write to request access to and a copy of the following:
  16. - All documents held by the [department name], including without limitation [specifics from department]; any e-mails, notes, memoranda, video, audio, or other documentary material maintained by the [department name]; [this part optional if part of student group being investigated] and any and all information pertaining to my participation or membership in any student group, including but not limited to the [group being investigated], including but not limited to any notes, lists, rosters, emails, texts, findings, case notes, OCB, OCS, Title IX and other disciplinary, administrative, or other process documents, minutes, and recordings, and emails sent between any and all University officials and persons employed, retained, or contracted by the University, pertaining or referring to me directly or indirectly to me and any and all other information that Stanford maintains on this matter.[/optional part]
  18. FERPA prohibits the imposition of a fee to review documents (per 34 CFR Sec. 99.11(b)).
  20. If you choose to redact any portion of any documents responsive to this request, please provide a written explanation for the redaction including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.
  22. As per 34 CFR Sec. 99.10(b), these records must be made available for my inspection within 45 days of this request.
  24. Per [college name] Notification of Rights Under FERPA, found under the University Policies and Statements section of the [college website], FERPA requests must be submitted to the 'Registrar, Dean, chair of the department, or other appropriate University official'. I am contacting you since you are the most senior and/or relevant department members locatable via online University resources. Please be aware that if you do not maintain the records requested, it is your responsibility to advise me of the advise me of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  26. I look forward to receiving a full response within 45 calendar days.
  28. Please be advised that a failure to provide access to these records within the statutory time limit will result in a complaint to the Office of Postsecondary Education. The penalty for an intentional failure to comply with FERPA's terms is the loss of all federal education funds, as per 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g(a)(2).
  30. Additionally, please be advised that this FERPA request is my way of protesting the University’s recent suspension of the [group name]. My fellow students have valiantly attempted to be heard in other forums to no avail, so I am forced to resort to FERPA activism.
  32. [Your custom message]
  34. [this part optional if part of student group being investigated]I shall consider withdrawing my FERPA request if and only if the [college name] administration indicates publicly their intention to revoke [group name]'s suspension and allow [whatever you want].[/optional]
  36. Thank you.
  38. -- [Your Name]
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