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Jun 27th, 2019
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  1. r"""
  2. Markov switching vector autoregressive model
  4. Parameters
  5. ----------
  6. endo: pandas DataFrame
  7. The endogenous variables.
  8. order: integer
  9. The order of MSVAR. Default to auto-selection according to information criteria.
  10. regime: integer
  11. The number of regimes. Default is 2.
  12. switch_omega: boolean
  13. Whether or not there is regime-specific heteroskedasticity, i.e.
  14. whether or not the error term has a switching variance. Default is
  15. False.
  16. """
  18. def __init__(self, endo, regime=2, order=None, switch_omega=False):
  19. self.endo = endo; self.regime = regime; self.order = order
  20. self.vars = len(self.endo.T)
  21. self._base_model = VAR(self.endo)
  22. lags_to_select = np.array(list(self._base_model.select_order().selected_orders.values()))
  23. mod = mode(lags_to_select); min = lags_to_select.min()
  24. if self.order is None:
  25. self.order = mod[0][0] if mod[0][0] < 12 * (len(self.endo)/100)**0.25 and mod[1][0] > 1 else min
  26. self.switch_omega = switch_omega
  28. # Sanity checks
  29. if not isinstance(self.endo, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):
  30. raise TypeError('Use pandas DataFrame with rows as observations and columns as variables.')
  31. if self.regime < 2:
  32. raise ValueError('Must have at least 2 regimes.')
  33. if len(self.endo) <= self.order:
  34. raise ValueError('Must have more observations than the order of the MSVAR.')
  35. if not isinstance(self.switch_omega, bool):
  36. raise ValueError('Switching options must be boolean.')
  38. def _initial_values(self):
  39. # Initial regime transition probability
  40. P = np.random.rand(self.regime, self.regime)
  41. P_cols = np.array([sum(P[:, j]) for j in range(len(P))])
  42. for j, k in zip(range(len(P)), P_cols):
  43. for i in range(len(P)):
  44. P[i, j] = P[i, j] / k
  45. P[-1] = 1 - sum(P[:-1])
  46. '''you could check the initP for if it's good or bad, maybe could find something.'''
  47. self.initP = P
  48. # Initial unconditional regime probability
  49. rho = np.ones(self.regime) / self.regime
  50. rho[-1] = 1 - sum(rho[:-1])
  51. # Initial parameter values
  52. omega = np.tile(self.endo.cov().values.flatten(), self.regime).reshape(self.regime, self.vars, self.vars)
  53. res =
  54. params = np.tile(res.params.T.values.flatten(), self.regime)
  55. .reshape(self.regime, self.vars, self.order * self.vars + 1)
  56. self.__P = P; self.__omega = omega; self.__params = params; self.__rho = rho
  57. return self.__P, self.__omega, self.__params, self.__rho
  59. def _filtered_prob(self):
  60. filtered = []; filtered1 = []; likelihood = []
  61. self.__boundary = (1e-06, 1-1e-06)
  62. lagged = lagmat(self.endo, self.order, use_pandas=True)
  63. lagged.insert(0, 'intercept', 1)
  64. self.__lagged = lagged
  65. for i in range(len(self.endo)):
  66. if i < self.order:
  67. # TODO use unconditional
  68. kstt = self.__rho; kst1t = self.__rho
  69. filtered.append(kstt); filtered1.append(kst1t); # likelihood.append(sum(dens))
  70. else:
  71. dens = np.array([density.pdf(self.endo.iloc[i, :], self.__params[j].dot
  72. (np.array(lagged.iloc[i, :].T)), self.__omega[j]) for j in range(self.regime)])
  73. kstt = (kst1t * dens) / sum(kst1t * dens)
  74. for i in range(len(kstt)):
  75. if kstt[i] < min(self.__boundary):
  76. kstt[i] = min(self.__boundary)
  77. elif kstt[i] > max(self.__boundary):
  78. kstt[i] = max(self.__boundary)
  79. kst1t =
  80. for i in range(len(kst1t)):
  81. if kst1t[i] < min(self.__boundary):
  82. kst1t[i] = min(self.__boundary)
  83. elif kst1t[i] > max(self.__boundary):
  84. kst1t[i] = max(self.__boundary)
  85. filtered.append(kstt); filtered1.append(kst1t); likelihood.append(np.sum(kst1t * dens));
  86. self.__filtered = np.array(filtered); self.__filtered1 = np.array(filtered1)
  87. self.__log_likelihood = np.sum(np.array([np.log(i) for i in likelihood]))
  88. print('The log-likelihood is {}.'.format(self.__log_likelihood))
  89. assert len(self.__filtered[self.__filtered >= 1]) is 0
  90. assert len(self.__filtered[self.__filtered <= 0]) is 0
  91. assert len(self.__filtered1[self.__filtered1 >= 1]) is 0
  92. assert len(self.__filtered1[self.__filtered1 <= 0]) is 0
  93. return self.__filtered, self.__filtered1, self.__log_likelihood, self.__lagged
  95. def _smoothed_prob(self):
  96. smoothed = []
  97. smoothed.append(self.__filtered[::-1][0])
  98. for i, j in zip(self.__filtered[::-1][1:], self.__filtered1[::-1][1:]):
  99. kstT = i * ([-1] / j))
  100. for i in range(len(kstT)):
  101. if kstT[i] < min(self.__boundary):
  102. kstT[i] = min(self.__boundary)
  103. elif kstT[i] > max(self.__boundary):
  104. kstT[i] = max(self.__boundary)
  105. smoothed.append(kstT)
  106. self.__smoothed = np.array(smoothed[::-1])
  107. assert len(self.__smoothed[self.__smoothed >= 1]) is 0
  108. assert len(self.__smoothed[self.__smoothed <= 0]) is 0
  109. return self.__smoothed
  111. def _em(self):
  112. # Estimate regime transition probability
  113. new_P = self.__P.copy()
  114. for i in range(self.regime):
  115. for j in range(self.regime):
  116. new_P[i, j] = np.sum(self.__filtered[self.order:][:, i] * self.__P[i, j] *
  117. self.__smoothed[self.order:][:, j] / self.__filtered1[self.order:][:, j]) /
  118. np.sum(self.__smoothed[self.order:][:, i])
  119. if new_P[i, j] > max(self.__boundary):
  120. new_P[i, j] = max(self.__boundary)
  121. elif new_P[i, j] < min(self.__boundary):
  122. new_P[i, j] = min(self.__boundary)
  123. '''I think this is where the problem at. If I remove the add up to 1 constraint, it yields different results
  124. at least in the first several recursion. This implies somehow, the 1 - distorts the converging path.
  125. I don't know if this formula should be theoretically in (0, 1) which can be proven
  126. analytically with every element of it is in (0, 1). '''
  127. new_P[-1] = 1 - sum(new_P[:-1])
  128. print(new_P)
  129. # assert len(new_P[new_P >= 1]) is 0
  130. # assert len(new_P[new_P <= 0]) is 0
  131. # Estimate unconditional regime probability
  132. new_rho = self.__rho.copy()
  133. for i in range(self.regime):
  134. '''According to Hamilton, we should update it with the self.orderth smooth prob (which
  135. in python is self.order-1 cuz python counts from 0). If the plausible P and params I get is somehow resonable,
  136. then this one is completely rubbish with value like near 0 for one state and near 1 for another.'''
  137. new_rho[i] = self.__smoothed[0, i]
  138. assert len(new_rho[new_rho >= 1]) is 0
  139. assert len(new_rho[new_rho <= 0]) is 0
  140. for i in range(len(new_rho)):
  141. if new_rho[i] < min(self.__boundary):
  142. new_rho[i] = min(self.__boundary)
  143. elif new_rho[i] > max(self.__boundary):
  144. new_rho[i] = max(self.__boundary)
  145. print(new_rho)
  146. # Estimate parameters
  147. '''These are estimated using the weighted OLS which maximizes the prob w.r.t smoothed prob (the expectation of EM
  148. ). Hamilton gives a scalar valued example in his book. I just changed it into the vector version. His 1990 paper gives
  149. vector version examples but with no autoregressive dynamics. Anyway, it's just weighted OLS estimator.'''
  150. new_params = self.__params.copy()
  151. for i in range(self.regime):
  152. new_params[i] = np.array(
  153. sum([(np.mat(self.endo.iloc[j, :].values).T * self.__smoothed[j, i]**0.5) *
  154. (np.mat(self.__lagged.iloc[j, :].values) * self.__smoothed[j, i]**0.5)
  155. for j in range(len(self.endo))]) * np.linalg.inv(
  156. sum([(np.mat(self.__lagged.iloc[j, :].values).T * self.__smoothed[j, i]**0.5) *
  157. (np.mat(self.__lagged.iloc[j, :].values) * self.__smoothed[j, i]**0.5)
  158. for j in range(len(self.endo))]))
  159. )
  160. residuals = np.array([(self.endo.T.values - new_params[i].dot(self.__lagged.T.values)).T
  161. for i in range(self.regime)])
  162. new_omega = self.__omega.copy()
  163. if self.switch_omega:
  164. for i in range(self.regime):
  165. new_omega[i] = sum([np.outer(residuals[i][j], residuals[i][j]) * self.__smoothed[j, i]
  166. for j in range(len(self.endo))]) /
  167. sum(self.__smoothed[:, i])
  168. else:
  169. for i in range(self.regime):
  170. new_omega[i] = sum([np.outer(residuals[i][j], residuals[i][j]) for j in range(len(self.endo))]) /
  171. len(self.endo) - self.order
  172. self.__new_P = new_P; self.__new_rho = new_rho; self.__new_params = new_params; self.__new_omega = new_omega
  173. self.__residuals = residuals
  174. # assert sum(new_P[:, 0]) == 1
  175. # assert sum(new_P[:, 1]) == 1
  176. return self.__new_P, self.__new_rho, self.__new_params, self.__new_omega, self.__residuals
  178. def fit(self):
  179. self._initial_values()
  180. self._filtered_prob()
  181. self._smoothed_prob()
  182. self._em()
  183. convergence_criteria = 1e-06
  184. P_conditions = np.array([abs(self.__new_P - self.__P) > convergence_criteria]).flatten().all()
  185. rho_conditions = np.array([abs(self.__new_rho - self.__rho) > convergence_criteria]).flatten().all()
  186. params_conditions = np.array([abs(self.__new_params - self.__params) > convergence_criteria]).flatten().all()
  187. omega_conditions = np.array([abs(self.__new_omega - self.__omega) > convergence_criteria]).flatten().all()
  188. conditions = P_conditions or rho_conditions or params_conditions or omega_conditions
  189. while conditions:
  190. '''When the conditions are printed, it turns out the P never satisfies the criteria. This is to say even
  191. the local maximum is achieved, the P do not converge. I think that's something
  192. related to the 1- constraint. By the way, you could get the mle result if you set the convergence criteria to
  193. self.__log_likelihood < 'some specific value depends on your data', many of the times you could end the iteration.'''
  194. print(P_conditions, rho_conditions, params_conditions, omega_conditions)
  195. self.__P = self.__new_P; self.__rho = self.__new_rho
  196. self.__params = self.__new_params; self.__omega = self.__new_omega
  197. self._filtered_prob()
  198. self._smoothed_prob()
  199. self._em()
  200. else:
  201. self.P = self.__new_P; self.rho = self.__new_rho
  202. self.params = self.__new_params; = self.__new_omega; self.residuals = self.__residuals
  203. self.filtered, non1, self.log_likelihood, non2 = self._filtered_prob()
  204. self.smoothed = self._smoothed_prob()
  205. return MSVARResult
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