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a guest
Feb 12th, 2019
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  1. shinyApp(
  2. ui = basicPage(
  3. mainPanel(
  4. numericInput("model_input", label = h5("Total Budget"), value = 9000000),
  5. numericInput("iterations", label = h5("Iterations"), value = 900),
  6. actionButton("run", "Run"),
  7. actionButton("reset", "reset"),
  8. tableOutput("view")
  9. )
  10. ),
  11. server = function(input, output) {
  12. runcar<- reactive({
  13. mtcars %>% mutate(new = mpg * input$model_input +input$iterations)
  14. })
  15. output$view <- renderTable({
  16. mtcars
  17. })
  18. }
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