
AEB Present 1.5 Log 36

Mar 30th, 2015
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  2. Avara has connected.
  3. Kaorin Sakura has connected.
  4. Trulhammaren has connected.
  5. DNA has connected.
  6. Chloe has connected.
  7. Kaorin Sakura: Hello guys.
  8. Kaorin Sakura: Would anyone want to recap?
  9. Eclipse: We said our goodbyes to Cerulean City, stocked up, and made our way south to Snowmeadow, where not one, but two jobs await us.
  10. Eclipse: It's late at night, but we think we found the perpetrator that 1 of the jobs spoke of - responsible for some ruckus in the graveyard. Going against a slew of advanced vampyr Ice-types, due to some unlucky rolls we are being forced into an odd spot, but will we make a comeback!?
  11. Eclipse: We'd damn well better or I'll ragequit twice.
  12. Rochette: Rochette loses 0 hit points.
  13. Avara: fixed ro's health and injuries to account for new day, bandages.
  14. Kaorin Sakura: Drop Rochette on Battlefield - somewhere between G-129 and K-125
  15. Trulhammaren: I totally just mentally called a super potion a hi-potion just now
  16. DNA: wololo
  17. * Kaorin Sakura pats Trul.
  18. DNA: I read that as Hi-Cannon
  19. Kaorin Sakura: Ava?
  20. Avara: um... the spot you specified on battlefield. is... like. empty.
  21. Avara: no map.
  22. DNA: it's negative 129
  23. Avara: ah. Thanks.
  24. DNA: np
  25. Avara: ok. i'm here now.
  26. Natasha: Hai~
  27. Kaorin Sakura: You are free to release a Pokemon before I continue.
  28. Rochette 2: Initiative = 23
  29. Trulhammaren: god damnit!I was just about to tell ro to release her scyther
  30. Chloe: the plan was to gradually shift upward, keeping them from mobbing us
  31. Trulhammaren: my brain is everywhere today
  32. Avara: Jotunn says hello
  33. Jotunn: Initiative = 3
  34. DNA: Does Jotunn have any AOE Ice-moves? just curious.
  35. Chronicler: Okay, Rochette then Jotunn may act prior to the next round.
  36. Trulhammaren: if I am ever not flinch-locked I might switch out to Domino
  37. Avara: jotunn doesn't have any ice moves. but he does have a ranged blast 3 rock type move.
  38. Rochette 2 has received initiative.
  39. Eclipse: Ah, noted.
  40. Trulhammaren: avalugg gets like maybe 3 ice moves
  41. Avara: does anyone want to have any of these not deadsplode?
  42. Trulhammaren: in general
  43. Eclipse: I don't want any, no.
  44. Trulhammaren: not wanting any
  45. Trulhammaren: I have to many ice types as is
  46. Avara: rob, last chance for input on wants
  47. Chloe: None of them. Take them out as efficient as possible.
  48. * Jotunn says hello to Strange-Looking Ice Types 2, 4 and 7 (snorunt, vanillites). With a slide of rocks amongst the hail. 6 vs physical
  49. Jotunn: 46 rock physical damage
  50. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 activates a blessing!
  51. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 loses 37 hit points.
  52. Chloe: oh yes, note our blessings
  53. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 retaliates against Jotunn!
  54. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 disables the Move Jotunn just used!
  55. Avara: waiting for the rest to resolve before ro's turn
  56. Strange Looking Ice Type 7: Strange Looking Ice Type 7 activates a blessing!
  57. Strange Looking Ice Type 7: Strange Looking Ice Type 7 loses 41 hit points.
  58. Strange Looking Ice Type 7: (( Oh wait ))
  59. Strange Looking Ice Type 7: Strange Looking Ice Type 7 is healed and gains 10 hit points.
  60. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 is healed and gains 10 hit points.
  61. Strange Looking Ice Type 2: Strange Looking Ice Type 2 activates a blessing!
  62. Strange Looking Ice Type 2: Strange Looking Ice Type 2 loses 31 hit points.
  63. Strange Looking Ice Type 2: (( Forgot they were vampires for a second ))
  64. Avara: anyone faint?
  65. Chronicler: None fainted.
  66. Rochette: (( next question, hopefully last. do i have to move in a straight line for a Pass attack? ))
  67. Chronicler: Yes.
  68. Chronicler: And you can only move up to 4-meters after the first target.
  69. Chloe: You can move freely to place yourself, then Pass.
  70. DNA is disconnected.
  71. DNA is disconnected.
  72. Chronicler: What Chloe said is true - but you cannot exceed your movement capability.
  73. Chloe: But once the Move is activated, you go in a straight line, cannot exceed total movement and end at 4 meters regardless of remaining movement.
  74. * Rochette runs forward, drawing her quickdraw dagger as a Swift action and swiping three times.
  75. Rochette: vs #7 17 vs physical
  76. Chronicler: Oh.
  77. Chronicler: No you can only target those you Move through.
  78. Chronicler: Pass isn't like it was in PTA.
  79. Avara: have to move -through- their square? ok
  80. Chronicler: Yes.
  81. Rochette must wait 11.195 seconds before it may move again!
  82. Chronicler: You can move your token
  83. Avara: trying to plan the move. i can't move through more than one enemy as-is.
  84. Avara: eh... i'll keep that one. may i keep the roll as well?
  85. Chronicler: Yes.
  86. Avara: which, with Slash, was a crit
  87. Avara: 56 normal physical on Ice Type 7
  88. Strange Looking Ice Type 7: Strange Looking Ice Type 7 loses 41 hit points.
  89. Avara: that's all my actions
  90. Strange Looking Ice Type 7: The injury lowered the Accuracy stat!
  91. Strange Looking Ice Type 7: Strange Looking Ice Type 7 has had it's Accuracy modified by -1 stages.
  92. Rochette has received initiative.
  93. Chronicler: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  94. DNA has connected.
  95. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 sprays a burst of wind at Vorpal! 16 vs. SDEF Eva!
  96. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( Oh yes - if Rochette is not immune to hail damage, she suffers hail damage from acting. ))
  97. Avara: percentage?
  98. DNA: 1/10
  99. DNA: @ start of its turn
  100. Trulhammaren: from existing*
  101. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( Thankuu trul ))
  102. Rochette: Rochette loses 7 hit points.
  103. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: 35 Special Piercing Ice Damage & -1 SPE CS.
  104. DNA: (If you wish, you can use a Mist to cancel the speed loss.)
  105. Rochette has received initiative.
  106. Trulhammaren: ((also the Glaile has double team ex'd))
  107. Trulhammaren: ((just fyi))
  108. Chronicler: Hail damage Rochette.
  109. Chloe: Vorpal cares not about speed
  110. DNA: Very well
  111. Rochette: Rochette loses 7 hit points.
  112. Chronicler: Please apply the -1 CS then.
  113. Trulhammaren: you spelled Valerie wrong :P
  114. Chronicler: Because it just may change initiative order.
  115. Chronicler: And it lowers your mobility when reduced enough.
  116. Vorpal 1: Vorpal 1 loses 23 hit points.
  117. Avara: is it allowed to move after attacking?
  118. Chronicler: Yes.
  119. Chronicler: Before or after. But only once.
  120. Vorpal 1: Set
  121. Chronicler: Eh? Did you use the macros or just manually change the speed?
  122. * Rochette attacks Type 2. 4 vs physical
  123. Vorpal 1: I just changed init on the init table
  124. Chronicler: Ah, okay.
  125. Rochette: 3 fivestrike
  126. Rochette: 29 normal physical
  127. Strange Looking Ice Type 2: Strange Looking Ice Type 2 loses 15 hit points.
  128. Avara: done.
  129. Strange Looking Ice Type 2: The injury lowered the Attack stat!
  130. Strange Looking Ice Type 2: Strange Looking Ice Type 2 has had it's Attack modified by -1 stages.
  131. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 holds out a present to Rochette! 4 vs. DEF Eva!
  132. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: 31 Physical Normal Damage!
  133. The box explodes at Rochette!
  134. * Rochette is given an explosive present!
  135. Trulhammaren: (shecking)
  136. Rochette: Rochette loses 10 hit points.
  137. Rochette: Rochette loses 2 hit points.
  138. Eclipse: I believe you can use a swift to exchange locations...?
  139. Trulhammaren: (was checking CatMB actually)
  140. Avara: ?
  141. DNA: (Shield plotting)
  142. Trulhammaren: (come at me bro, the free action one)
  143. Avara: ah
  144. Avara: doing the thing?
  145. Strange Looking Ice Type 1: (( If you're gonna use it lemme know before SLIT1 goes. ))
  146. * Trulhammaren taunts the Delibird! 8 Guile vs your Focus
  147. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( Oh geez Focus is so required in AEB ))
  149. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 succeeds - but just barely!
  150. Strange Looking Ice Type 1: Strange Looking Ice Type 1 moves just northwest of Chloe and...
  151. Strange Looking Ice Type 1: Strange Looking Ice Type 1 loses 65 hit points.
  152. Avara: d=
  153. DNA: Now be like the Regice.
  154. Avara: D=
  155. Strange Looking Ice Type 1: Strange Looking Ice Type 1 inhales deeply as it suddenly explodes! An explosion bigger than your typical self-destruct! 0 vs. DEF Eva!
  156. Vorpal 1: checking something
  158. Strange Looking Ice Type 1: ...LOL
  159. DNA: TRUL ^5
  160. Trulhammaren: o7
  161. Avara: =D
  162. Trulhammaren: now all we need is another to wiff and we will be tied!
  163. Chloe Blanchett: "Th-that was scary..."
  164. DNA: my magical powers are kicking in
  165. Strange Looking Ice Type 1: Strange Looking Ice Type 1 deals 104 Normal Physical Bludgeon Damage one.
  166. Avara: TO THE GROUND
  167. DNA: I said it was the Regice, so it became the Regice
  168. Natasha has received initiative.
  169. * Natasha blew a raspberry at the not-so-special snowflake!
  170. Trulhammaren: no more nat 1's no more! dun dun dun dun
  171. Natasha: "Ik heb er genoeg van! En deze keer, zal ik niet missen!"
  172. Strange Looking Ice Type 1: (( Critical hit explosions are scary. ))
  173. Natasha: Natasha, pushed on by her anger, spewed a flaming jet due east of her! 4 vs Special Evasion!
  174. Trulhammaren: yay!
  175. Natasha: 35 Special Fire-type damage to Mamoswine and Snorunt! Berries? What are those?
  176. Natasha: Low roll, but it hit, so I'll take it!
  177. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: Strange Looking Ice Type 5 activates a blessing!
  178. Trulhammaren: obviously all the nat 1's from last session where ava's fault
  179. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: Strange Looking Ice Type 5 loses 21 hit points.
  180. Trulhammaren: because one more in the init pile!
  181. Trulhammaren: >.>
  182. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 activates a blessing!
  183. Chloe Blanchett: "Dar ga je, Natasha!"
  184. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 loses 20 hit points.
  185. Chloe Blanchett whispers: THere you go Natasha!
  186. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 whimpers at the loss of its Lum Berry.
  187. Saturn Rosewell has received initiative.
  188. * Saturn Rosewell watched the bits of hail scatter away from her.
  189. Natasha: Oh right, Hail. nuuuuuuuu
  190. Natasha: Natasha lost 8 HP!
  191. * Saturn Rosewell leapt back, scooting away from her prior position, to get a bit of distance. Holding a ring in her hand into the air, it launched forth a fireball at the Snorunt! 5 vs Special Evasion!
  192. Saturn Rosewell: 27 Special Fire Pierce damage; Snorunt loses 1 SpAtk combat stage!
  193. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 spins, avoiding the attack entirely!
  194. Natasha: "Ooh, vrij..."
  195. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  196. DNA: An ability, or is there something else I don't see here?
  197. DNA: Either way, that is all for my turn
  198. Chronicler: Nothing that you can see that would do that. So it's something with that Snorunt.
  199. DNA: Okay.
  200. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: Strange Looking Ice Type 5 rushes west and stomps the ground frantically! 12 vs. DEF Eva!
  201. Vorpal 1: Sucker Punch.
  202. Vorpal 1: 11 DEF Eva!
  203. Vorpal 1: 52 Physical Dark
  204. Vorpal 1: Vorpal 1 loses 6 hit points.
  205. Vorpal 1: Takes one injury
  206. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: Strange Looking Ice Type 5 loses 31 hit points.
  207. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: Strange Looking Ice Type 5 is struck in the face, its tusks grinding against the tree then the ground as it collapses under its own weight, sprawling onto the floor.
  208. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: The injury lowered the Speed stat!
  209. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: Strange Looking Ice Type 5 has had it's Speed modified by -1 stages.
  210. Chloe Blanchett has received initiative.
  211. Natasha: "Mijn hart sprong bijna uit mijn borst!"
  212. Vorpal 1: Roll one Injury for me
  213. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe used a Potion on Vorpal!
  214. Strange Looking Ice Type 5: The injury lowered the Special Defense stat!
  215. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe Blanchett loses 8 hit points.
  216. Vorpal 1 has received initiative.
  217. Vorpal 1: Vorpal 1 is healed and gains 20 hit points.
  218. Vorpal 1: Vorpal's turn was spent
  219. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 chucks a ball of aura that collects the hail around it at Valerie! 3 vs. SDEF Eva!
  220. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 whiffs the ball attack!
  221. Ülang has received initiative.
  222. Alsine has received initiative.
  223. Mãya has received initiative.
  224. * Ülang burrows deeper
  225. Alsine: Alsine loses 6 hit points.
  226. Ülang: Ülang goes down 2 meter(s).
  227. * Mãya shoots out the power of the ancient earth at Glaile-2. 15 v sdef
  228. Strange Looking Ice Type 3-2: Strange Looking Ice Type 3-2 is struck!
  229. Mãya: 29 Rock Special
  230. Mãya: Bludgeoning I assume
  231. Strange Looking Ice Type 3-2: Strange Looking Ice Type 3-2 loses 8 hit points.
  232. Strange Looking Ice Type 3-2: Strange Looking Ice Type 3-2 fades away from being struck!
  233. Valerie Ylsef has received initiative.
  234. Valerie Ylsef : ((did we level last session?))
  235. DNA: yeah, 12.2
  236. Valerie Ylsef : ((ah thats why my max hp's aren't syncing
  237. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef loses 10 hit points.
  238. Valerie Ylsef : "Oh no you don't!"
  239. * Valerie Ylsef sends out a fireball at the escaping snorunt! 7 v sdef
  240. Valerie Ylsef : 26 Fire Special
  241. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 loses 46 hit points.
  242. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: The injury lowered the Speed stat!
  243. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 has had it's Speed modified by -1 stages.
  244. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -3 stages.
  245. Strange Looking Ice Type 4: Strange Looking Ice Type 4 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  246. Jotunn has received initiative.
  247. Jotunn must wait 26.342 seconds before it may move again!
  248. Jotunn: Jotunn makes its way over to Glaliepire and bites into it. 7 vs physical.
  249. Jotunn: 38 Dark Physical.
  250. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 loses 16 hit points.
  251. HAIL: HAIL continues to spray across the area!
  252. Chronicler: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  253. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 is healed and gains 8 hit points.
  254. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 is healed by the hail.
  255. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 emits a pulse of darkness at Jotunn! 18 vs. SDEF Eva!
  256. DNA: (Don't forget, we have Light Screen up if you want it)
  257. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: 51 Dark Bludgeon Special Damage & Flinch!
  258. Avara: light screen does what. half?
  259. DNA: Resist it 1 step further
  260. Avara: yes, i think i will do that.
  261. Jotunn: Jotunn loses 21 hit points.
  262. Alsine: ((Fight is almost over, might as well))
  263. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( Unless Jotunn has a way to ignore Flinch. It is Flinched. ))
  264. Rochette has received initiative.
  265. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( Dat Hail ))
  266. Rochette: Rochette loses 7 hit points.
  267. Rochette: The injury lowered the Speed stat!
  268. * Rochette recalls Jotunn and sends out Biter.
  269. Avara: which, iirc, is a Standard.
  270. DNA: Yes, that's correct
  271. Biter: Initiative = 16
  272. Avara: done.
  273. Rochette has received initiative.
  274. Alsine: ((ice thing 6 was skipped))
  275. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 draws out a Ritual Knife from 0 and, stepping swiftly toward Valerie, strikes at her with it! 13 vs. DEF Eva!
  276. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( 0 is somewhere. ))
  277. DNA: Ritual Knife is totally reminding me of Betrayal at House on the Hill
  278. Avara: a Ritual Knife, huh... interesting.
  279. * Valerie Ylsef is struck
  280. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: 29 Physical Normal Slashing Damage & 1/16th of your HP is lost.
  281. Valerie Ylsef : 6.25
  282. Biter has received initiative.
  283. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef loses 7 hit points.
  284. * Biter uses Flame Charge! -1 vs physical
  285. Avara: aw. nat1.
  286. Avara: end
  287. Biter: Biter loses 7 hit points.
  288. Natasha has received initiative.
  289. Trulhammaren: is snorunt actually not fainted or just unlabeled?
  290. Natasha: "Ik kom eraan!" Natasha zipped about the tree and took to the air, matching the Glalie's elevation.
  291. Natasha: Natasha goes up 2 meter(s).
  292. Avara: probably not fainted
  293. Natasha: Then, she let out a flaming jet against it! 15 vs Special Evasion!
  294. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn Rosewell spent 1 AP!
  295. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( It fained. Whoops ))
  296. Avara: ah
  297. Natasha: 41 Special Fire Piercing NO BERRIES FOR YOU
  298. Natasha: Natasha lost 8 HP!
  299. Natasha: Then, as a Swift Action, she huddled up in her little jacket, causing her to heal off the hail damage!
  300. Natasha: Natasha recovered 24 HP!
  301. Natasha: That's all from me this turn.
  302. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 activates the final blessing.
  303. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 loses 20 hit points.
  304. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 loses a Sitrus Berry.
  305. Saturn Rosewell has received initiative.
  306. * Saturn Rosewell couldn't do much this turn, so she moved to the side and shot a rainbow laser at the Delibird! 5 vs Special Evasion!
  307. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn Rosewell spent 1 AP!
  308. Saturn Rosewell: 33 Special Ice Pierce damage!
  309. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 loses 17 hit points.
  310. Chloe Blanchett has received initiative.
  311. Avara: hmm.
  312. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 flips the Ritual Knife in its hands.
  313. Avara: glalie + vampire. glampire.
  314. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( Vampyre. >_> ))
  315. Avara: glampyre.
  316. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( Sounds like a light. ))
  317. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe moved to Valerie and gave her a hug to warm up! ((heals 25% HP))
  318. DNA: Glampyre = watching glitter at a funeral
  319. Trulhammaren: wait we put David Bowie to torch?
  320. DNA: trul ^5
  321. Trulhammaren: ^5
  322. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe Blanchett loses 8 hit points.
  323. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( Val got healz ))
  324. Vorpal 1 has received initiative.
  325. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef is healed and gains 25 hit points.
  326. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( 25% of your HP is 25? ))
  327. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( Friggin noice ))
  328. Valerie Ylsef : ((100 HP exactly baby!))
  329. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( 101 for abuse. ))
  330. Avara: verah noice
  331. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( Or is it 103? I forget ))
  332. Valerie Ylsef : ((any odd number))
  333. DNA: 128
  334. DNA: er, that's too high
  335. Vorpal 1: Vorpal flew forward and thrust her stinger like a lance! But it was the second one to watch out for, Feint Attack! 4 crit check
  336. Vorpal 1: 37 Physical Dark
  337. Vorpal 1: Vorpal 1 loses 6 hit points.
  338. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 loses 15 hit points.
  339. Ülang has received initiative.
  340. Alsine has received initiative.
  341. Mãya has received initiative.
  342. * Ülang feels safe at this distance
  343. * Mãya attempts to Drain the life force of the Delibird! 13 v spec
  344. Mãya: 27 Grass Special
  345. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: [s" 27-sp.defense]
  346. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( NOOOO ))
  347. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 loses 11 hit points.
  348. Valerie Ylsef has received initiative.
  349. * Valerie Ylsef blasts Delibird with fire after scooching over a little. 9 v spec
  350. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef loses 10 hit points.
  351. Valerie Ylsef : ((stupid hail and injuries...)
  352. Valerie Ylsef : 24 Fire Special
  353. Valerie Ylsef : (Peircing I think))
  354. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 loses 16 hit points.
  355. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 winces, the fires are supereffectively tearing at its flesh - though its flesh is quit durable.
  356. HAIL: HAIL continues!
  357. Chronicler: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  358. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 is healed and gains 8 hit points.
  359. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 is healed by the hail.
  360. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( I imagine Vorpal is actually elevation 1. ))
  361. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( Since 2 puts it too high to strike Glalie - unless it has Reach? ))
  362. DNA: Glalie is at elevation 2
  363. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( Oh, nvm. Glalie is 2. ))
  364. Vorpal 1: ((I'll keep that in mind, I had forgotten where I left her.))
  365. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 moves northwest and blows an icy wind to the west, possibly tagging both Natasha and Vorpal! 3 vs. SDEF Eva!
  366. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: 37 Ice Special Piercing Damage & -1 SPE CS
  367. Vorpal 1: Vorpal takes a Light Screen.
  368. Natasha: Natasha takes in a Mist!
  369. Natasha: Natasha lost 9 HP!
  370. Vorpal 1: Vorpal 1 loses 12 hit points.
  371. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 looks about and knows its defeat is inevitable! To the death! Strange Looking Ice Type 6 strikes at Valerie again with its Ritual Knife! 17 vs. DEF Eva!
  372. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: 39 Normal Slashing Physical Damage & 1/8th of your Max HP is lost.
  373. Rochette has received initiative.
  374. * Rochette slashes at Delibird! 0 vs physical.
  375. Valerie Ylsef : 12.5
  376. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 parries the strike!
  377. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef loses 13 hit points.
  378. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( Not a real parry ))
  379. Avara: ... 'k.
  380. Biter has received initiative.
  381. DNA: I'd recommend standing west of it instead
  382. DNA: as that will flank it.
  383. Biter must wait 12.882 seconds before it may move again!
  384. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: (( It's too high to be flanked by Biter ))
  385. * Biter moves 1 square forward and jumps 1 square up, before attempting another burning body-to-body. 16 vs physical.
  386. Biter: 40 fire physical. Biter gains +1 speed stage. Glampire gains +1 Burn, +1 injury.
  387. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 loses 36 hit points.
  388. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: The injury lowered the Special Attack stat!
  389. Biter: Biter loses 7 hit points.
  390. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 has had it's Sp.Attack modified by -1 stages.
  391. Natasha has received initiative.
  392. Saturn Rosewell: Even though we're on different inits, can I choose to go now, then go back to Natasha, since we're next to each other in Init?
  393. DNA: Or do our Inits need to be the same for that?
  394. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( You can have Natasha hold action - but her initiative will permanently remain whatever it is. ))
  395. DNA: Eh, not really worth it, then.
  396. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: (( But for swaps like that, yes. Initiatives need to be the same. ))
  397. Avara: delay to init 12. they can trade around.
  398. Natasha: Natasha shot another jet of fire at the vampire goalie mask! 6 vs Special!
  399. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn Rosewell spent 1 AP!
  400. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 is struck!
  401. Natasha: 35 Special Fire Pierce!
  402. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 loses 28 hit points.
  403. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: The injury lowered the Defense stat!
  404. Strange Looking Ice Type 3: Strange Looking Ice Type 3 has had it's Defense modified by -1 stages.
  405. Natasha: Fainted? Still up?
  406. Chronicler: The battle is won. All the vampyric creatures are defeated. The hail also stops this round.
  407. Valerie Ylsef : ((delibird))
  408. Chronicler: (( Oh yes, it is still alive and kicking ))
  409. Saturn Rosewell has received initiative.
  410. Saturn Rosewell: 10 vs Special Evasion against the Delibird!
  411. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn Rosewell spent 1 AP!
  412. Saturn Rosewell: 24 Special Fire Pierce - You lose 1 SpAtk CS!
  413. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 loses 16 hit points.
  414. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: The injury lowered the Special Defense stat!
  415. DNA: Wow, I used 5 AP to buff accuracy. I feel so accomplished.
  416. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: The injury lowered the Accuracy stat!
  417. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 has had it's Accuracy modified by -1 stages.
  418. Strange Looking Ice Type 6: Strange Looking Ice Type 6 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -1 stages.
  419. * Rochette will pick up the pointy knife, if init is now over.
  420. Valerie Ylsef : "Stupid shank hurt..."
  421. * Valerie Ylsef chugs a super potion
  422. Saturn Rosewell: "Val, you all right?"
  423. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef is healed and gains 35 hit points.
  424. Valerie Ylsef : "I'll be fine
  425. Valerie Ylsef : ((never did roll my additional injury, or I missed it))
  426. Natasha: "Missie volbracht! Goed werk, team!"
  427. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe searched the battlefield more thoroughly, curious about what had happened here. Eye For Safety makes it a swift action.
  428. Chloe Blanchett: *shift action
  429. Rochette: "Hm... an interesting bit of metalwork."
  430. Saturn Rosewell: "It's possible the others were carrying other things on them as well. We should check the rest."
  431. Valerie Ylsef : The injury lowered the Defense stat!
  432. * Saturn Rosewell goes to check the 2 Vanillish. Do I need to make a check for that?
  433. * Natasha does the same with the Glalie.
  434. Rochette: "The extra blood-spill it did on you wasn't magic, Valerie."
  435. Chronicler: It is a search check to check bodies (Perception). But you can make it a routine check without rolling.
  436. DNA: Routine it is. Remind me what the roll for that is? Treating all dice as 3s, right?
  437. Chloe Blanchett: Already rolled mine
  438. * Valerie Ylsef returns Maya
  439. * Ülang returns to the surface
  440. Chronicler: I'm actually judging your roll, Chloe, as not a search for items - as you're specifying the battlefield for clues.
  441. Ülang: Ülang goes up 6 meter(s).
  442. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe would go on to search everything individually, once she notices other people starting. I can roll for each if you need it.
  443. * Valerie Ylsef releases Domino
  444. Valerie Ylsef : "Domino, if you would search these bodies for anything useful that would be handy."
  445. Saturn Rosewell: "Wait a minute, wasn't th-"
  446. Chronicler: You don't need to roll for body searches in situations like this. There's no rush.
  447. Saturn Rosewell: "!! Rochette! I remembered something!"
  448. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe whispers between herself and Alsine, speaking in Hoennese.
  449. Saturn Rosewell: "This way!"
  450. Domino : "Multa...."
  451. * Domino will search the corpses
  452. Saturn Rosewell: "I saw her right before the fight broke out... she looked already dead, but..."
  453. Rochette: "Okay... there's a body. Why are you showing me a body?"
  454. Alsine: Alsine reaches down to the corpse and begins to Absorb the remaining life energy.
  455. Alsine: Coup de Grace, if there are rules.
  456. Saturn Rosewell: "I mean, there might be clues on where she's from, right?" She looked a bit panicked.
  457. Saturn Rosewell: er, sounded.
  458. Chronicler: (( There are coup de grace rules. ))
  459. * Ülang will assist with the body searches
  460. * Natasha darts about for a bit, keeping one eye on the bodies and one eye on the rest of the field.
  461. Alsine: (( Not sure where to find them, but Alsine takes such an action, likely as the others are walking up. As they walked up while I was typing the initial action))
  462. * Rochette searches the body for a wallet, purse, etc.
  463. Natasha: (And searching when necessary, starting with Glalie.)
  464. Chronicler: Just give me a moment to collect lootz.
  465. Chronicler: Blackened Cloak: Grants 10 DR to Dark Type attacks.
  466. Speed Focus
  467. Unsettling Incense
  468. Assault Vest
  469. Belt of Battling
  470. Potion x2
  471. Antidote
  472. Burn Heal
  473. Lum Berry
  474. Sitrus Berry
  475. Super Potion
  476. Chronicler: Oh, and Fancy Clothes (Beauty) on the woman.
  477. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe insists that she keeps the clothes.
  478. DNA: dat assault vest
  479. Avara: anything that'd contain any identifying bits?
  480. Natasha: "Misschien kon ik schaduwrijke en mysterieus te zijn ... Ehehehehe..."
  481. Trulhammaren: ((adding to lootz))
  482. Chloe Blanchett: "Het zou leuk uitzien op je , Natalia."
  483. Chloe Blanchett: *Natasha
  484. Chloe Blanchett: >.
  485. Natasha: hehehe
  486. Chloe Blanchett whispers: It would look cute on you, Natasha.
  487. * Natasha will pick up the cloak for her own use. Dark DR is something she could really use.
  488. DNA: Waiting to see if there's any ID on the victim
  489. Chronicler: Oh no.
  490. Chronicler: All she has is her clothes.
  491. DNA: Ah.
  492. Saturn Rosewell: "N-Nothing...?"
  493. Saturn Rosewell: "Do you think we could bring her to Snowmeadow? see if anyone recognizes her?"
  494. Valerie Ylsef : "Wouldn't hurt."
  495. * Rochette continues to search on the ground around the body, for a trail or something of the like. 17
  496. Rochette: (( forgot to GM it ))
  497. Chronicler: (( Ah, the portrait is too big. ))
  498. Chloe Blanchett: "We have a lot of distance to cover left, and it's still freezing out. It's only going to get colder and harder to walk as we go."
  499. Chronicler: (( Paint can reduce an images size, right? ))
  500. DNA: I believe so, though you just scale the image to be smaller
  501. Valerie Ylsef : "Won't bother me any, this cloak is amazing at keeping me warm."
  502. Chronicler: Awesome, there we go.
  503. Rochette: "Hmm." She follows a dragging trail southward.
  504. Rochette must wait 27.277 seconds before it may move again!
  505. Rochette must wait 25.104 seconds before it may move again!
  506. Rochette: "If anyone has a way to carry the body, it would be good to establish that now."
  507. Valerie Ylsef : "I can do it, no worries."
  508. Valerie Ylsef : "Just my ribs bruised up a little, nothing I haven't dealt with before."
  509. Saturn Rosewell: "D-...Do you need help?"
  510. Valerie Ylsef : "I'll be fine, all I need is a little time."
  511. Chloe Blanchett: "I'm surprised to see you get hurt. Normally you shrug it off like nothing, I guess that fight was pushing your limits?"
  512. Valerie Ylsef : "Me and bad weather do not make cozy bed fellows."
  513. Chronicler: You guys just let me know when you're on the move again or doing other stuff.
  514. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe pushes on forward as soon as the others are ready.
  515. Valerie Ylsef : "Not to mention that wonky dagger..."
  516. * Rochette waits for the others to finish looting, opting to keep the Ritual Knife for now.
  517. * Domino returns himself
  518. Rochette: "It's more like a sword, honestly."
  519. Valerie Ylsef : "It hurt, that's all I really care about."
  520. * Valerie Ylsef brushes herself off and heads over to pick up the lady's corpse.
  521. DNA is disconnected.
  522. DNA is disconnected.
  523. * Valerie Ylsef applied a bandage while the others where doing stuff.
  524. * Rochette will walk along the trail made by dragging the body, but will endeavor to stay in view of the others if they stick to the main road.
  525. Chronicler: So, just to be sure: Folks are moving toward Snowmeadow?
  526. Saturn Rosewell: Yes, afaik
  527. * Valerie Ylsef will head down the road to Snowmeadow with the body as soon as everyone is ready
  528. Chloe Blanchett: Yes
  529. Chronicler: And before I forget: The woman was coup de grace'd. Were there any others?
  530. * Natasha was humming a tune on the way there. She felt a warm, fuzzy feeling, that just came along after the fight concluded. It was magical!
  531. DNA has connected.
  532. Chloe Blanchett: Oh, they didn't destroy like other constructs/undead
  533. Trulhammaren: Did I not say Domino was going to make certain that the vamps stayed dead?
  534. Chloe Blanchett: I don't know why I thought they would.
  535. Trulhammaren: I might not have, but that was my intention.
  536. Chronicler: Okay so: Domino is coup de gracing all the other vampyres?
  537. Chronicler: I'm glad I asked.
  538. Trulhammaren: yarp
  539. Chronicler: As you all move out of the battlefield where you fought all the vampyre things - you continue southward through the frigid cold toward Snowmeadow.
  540. Chronicler: Your trek remains uneventful though long as the weariness of the day begins to get to you. Three hours pass before you see a town come into view. The town has high walls surrounding all it claims and one large door at from the road. What you can see to be the only entrance on this side of town.
  541. Chloe Blanchett: "Whew, I didn't think we'd make it in just one day... those are high walls though..."
  542. Chronicler: It is now 03:15 by the time you reach the town gate and just as you get close enough you see several red dots move over your bodies.
  543. Chloe Blanchett: Gen ed to know about this town and any laws.
  544. Valerie Ylsef : "Don't shoot! Just travelers!"
  545. Natasha: Gen ed to know what the hell those red dots are!
  546. Natasha: (yes, DNA knows, but in-character rolling and whatnot)
  547. Guard whispers: The sights from fire arms.
  548. * Rochette makes sure all her weapons are put away. Gen Ed for the same.
  549. * Natasha speaks hurriedly to Saturn, who puts her chakram away.
  550. * Valerie Ylsef is making a leaping assumption based strickly on the fact of the weaponry her uncle used when she was growing up
  551. Chloe Blanchett: "We might want to camp out and wait until morning. This is a pretty strict town, approaching at night is probably a bad idea."
  552. Rochette: "Understood. It shouldn't be too long until dawn."
  553. Chronicler: You hear the sounds of a man's voice emit from somewhere at the base of the gate.
  554. Saturn Rosewell: "A- All right..."
  555. Guard: "Travelers, you approach Snowmeadow in the dead of night carrying with you injured. Where do you hail?"
  556. Saturn Rosewell: Intuition sensing the guard's intent, 5d6+1 .
  557. Valerie Ylsef : "Cerulean."
  558. Rochette: "We came along the road from Cerulean, and found on the way this woman, dragged from here."
  559. Chloe Blanchett: "We are Winter Lotus, we were coming from Cerulean, but our members are from many places."
  560. Guard whispers: From voice influctions alone it appears he's doing his duty.
  561. Saturn Rosewell: "I...I'm with them... We mean no harm; we're here about a job."
  562. Chloe Blanchett: "If you have a job board, you could probably look us up. We do have signet rings to prove our identity."
  563. Guard: "To gain entry to Snowmeadow you will need to pass through The Fringe. There you will be searched and scanned. It is probably best to make anything unusual about your group known. Our town does not take kindly to unwanted surprises. Be you Undead, inhuman or whatever else - we will not harm you and, at worst, ask that you leave town. If you do not go kindly, we will remove you ourselves. Depending on what you are we will treat the situation differently and accordingly but we welcome some and turn away others."
  564. Saturn Rosewell: "If I can ask, what is The Fringe?"
  565. Alsine: Alsine shifted uncomfortably.
  566. Valerie Ylsef : "Define unusual?"
  567. Guard: "The Fringe is the fringes of Snowmeadow. If you are wishing to gain entry to Snowmeadow approach the gate with your weapons holstered."
  568. Guard: "Not Human. Not Pokémon."
  569. Valerie Ylsef : "Well between the bunch of us we have a few species of pokemon you very well might not recognize."
  570. Valerie Ylsef : "If it would make things easier to wait until daylight I'm sure we would be willing to accomidate."
  571. Chloe Blanchett: "Is the Fringe heated? Because it is very cold out..."
  572. Chloe Blanchett: "If it is, I would like to get there quickly."
  573. Natasha: Natasha floated over to Rochette, and whispered to her, in the native Pokemon tongue.
  574. Natasha whispers: This sounds like Esterhedge. Do you think we should take our chances?
  575. Guard: "The Fringe is in town. If you are wishing to gain entry to Snowmeadow approach the gate with your weapons holstered."
  576. * Rochette approaches the gate.
  577. Chloe Blanchett: This is easy enough for Chloe and Alsine. The closest either of them had to a weapon was a single wand in Chloe's belt and a net on her back.
  578. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn wasn't quite sure. The strong xenophobia reminded her a lot of other places in Kanto that had been a bit forceful before. She began to wonder if trying to gain entry to Snowmeadow was worth it, even if the pay was promising.
  579. * Valerie Ylsef looks to her companions, before holstering Jordy.
  580. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe decided to put her wand in her backpack, just to be sure.
  581. Chronicler: So I have a Rochette and Chloe at the gate.
  582. Valerie Ylsef : "Stick close Ülang."
  583. * Ülang nods
  584. * Valerie Ylsef approaches the gate with Ülang following close behind.
  585. Saturn Rosewell: "... ..."
  586. Chloe Blanchett: "Saturn?"
  587. * Saturn Rosewell really didn't want to go through with this, as she had a really bad feeling about it. But she was part of the team, so she took up her chakram again and walked up to the gate.
  588. Saturn Rosewell: "I'll go."
  589. * Natasha nodded, and floated at Saturn's side.
  590. Rochette: "If the town is as bad as Esterhedge was, then we can move on to the next after a brief rest. If we're turned away at the door, we can make our way around without being shot at for suspicious activity."
  591. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe smiled. "Ik denk dat ik weet wat je zorgen over bent . Niet afriad zijn, als ze gewoon je accepteert dan samen vertrekken we."
  592. Chloe Blanchett whispers: I think I know what you're worried about. Don't be afriad, if they wont accept you then we leave together.
  593. Saturn Rosewell: "Chloe, waar heb je het over?"
  594. Saturn Rosewell whispers: Chloe, what are you talking about?
  595. Chronicler: There's a loud clanking as the colossal gate rises 4-meters from the ground.
  596. Guard: "Quickly, make entry."
  597. * Rochette enters the town.
  598. * Valerie Ylsef enters
  599. * Saturn Rosewell rushed in, though she was behind the others, so she was the last in. Natasha zipped in also.
  600. Chloe Blanchett: "I think I know what you're worried about. Don't be afriad, if they wont accept you then we leave together." Chloe said before turning to hurry along.
  601. Chloe Blanchett: *paste error*
  602. Chloe Blanchett: "Opmerken van dingen is mijn specialiteit ... Ik wilde niet om iets te zeggen , totdat je hem opgevoed zelf wel."
  603. Avara: hm. question! is the darkhidden ring activated on command, or static?
  604. Chloe Blanchett whispers: Noticing things is my specialty... I didn't want to say anything until you brought it up yourself though.
  605. Saturn Rosewell: "Chloe, ik begrijp nog steeds niet. Ik ben bang dat we zullen worden behandeld slecht alsof we in Esterhedge. Ik wil niet dat een herhaling van daar."
  606. Saturn Rosewell whispers: "Chloe, I still don't understand. I'm afraid that we will be treated poorly like we were in Esterhedge. I don't want a repeat of there."
  607. Valerie Ylsef : ((static))
  608. Avara: then is ro hidden from view by the darkness of night? we haven't been hit with any lights except the sniper rifles' aiming lasers
  609. Saturn Rosewell: "Ik ben ook bang voor Alsine. Ik wil niet dat ze gekwetst te worden door deze mensen."
  610. Saturn Rosewell whispers: I am also afraid for Alsine. I don't want her to be hurt by these people.
  611. Alsine: "I'm fine."
  612. Guard: (( Yes. If you're hiding. ))
  613. Guard: (( Which you aren't as far as I know. ))
  614. Avara: alright. not hiding, so visible.
  615. Saturn Rosewell: "...okay."
  616. Avara: just wasn't sure how it interacted with it being night.
  617. Chronicler: Hmm, nope. There's no moonlight tonight.
  618. Chloe Blanchett: "Where do we head first?" Chloe asked the guard.
  619. Chronicler: As you enter town, the gate shuts behind you and you see a second wall, one just like the initial wall though only larger in height. The wall is roughly 10-meters away from the first wall and you can see boxes, crates, small armoury's and several guards walking around and interacting with each other or the equipment. The area is warm and counteracts the weather. The second gate appears to be a pair of large metal doors and there's a female guard standing in front of it motioning you to her.
  620. * Rochette approaches the female guard, careful to put a little noise in her step to avoid surprising anyone.
  621. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe follows, with Alsine behind her.
  622. * Valerie Ylsef follows people
  623. * Saturn Rosewell brings up the rear, walking along the ground. Her shoes crunch against the soil.
  624. Guard 1: "Nice to meet you folks. This is The Fringe of Snowmeadow. Behind me leads you into town itself but first I need to check you out and make sure you aren't intending to do anything unethical or unsafe." Guard 1 nods to you all, "So, what're your names and is there anything I should know before giving you all the pat-down and examining your inventories?"
  625. Rochette: "Rochette Higsby of the Winter Lotus. Adventurer. Nothing to declare."
  626. Valerie Ylsef : "Like I stated earlier, we have several species of pokemon that you will likely not recognize, as well as a few crystals that I'm not completely familiar with."
  627. Valerie Ylsef : "And I am Valerie Ylsef of the same group."
  628. Chloe Blanchett: "My name is Chloe. I grow berries, dabble a little in magic I guess. I have gems for crafting items..." She thinks, "I'm a pokemon trainer, but I don't have any specialty yet. I'm still new at it."
  629. Valerie Ylsef : "And don't ask about the corpse I'm hucking around, we don't know. That's why we brought her."
  630. Guard 1: Guard 1 looks up, "A corpse huh? Okay."
  631. Saturn Rosewell: "...I'm just Saturn. I'm with them. There's nothing really special about me. The one sitting on my hat right now is Natasha."
  632. Natasha: "Hallo!" Natasha waved from her seat.
  633. Alsine: "Alsine. Former human. I was turned into a succubus and do my best to ignore it, thank you very much."
  634. Guard 1: Guard 1 begins fingering the air, "Alright. A corpse, Winter Lotus..." Guard 1 she appears to be typing in the information into...something in the air.
  635. Ülang: (speaking for all the Shilall that are out but not mentioned!)
  636. Ülang: "We are companions of these ladies, one of the unknown species I believe."
  637. Guard 1: Guard 1 then holds out her hand to all of you, "Alright. I'm going to scan you and all that you own. If you could stand still. I'd rather not have to do this more than once."
  638. * Rochette waits.
  639. Chronicler: There's a brief flash of light.
  640. Guard 1: "A few crafting supplies. Unusual Pokémon. A dead woman - from town looks like. Ah, Mari Halse. She's been missing all day. Drained of blood and some flesh." Guard 1 looks at all of you briefly, "If any of you are Vampyres it's probably best to make that known. Our resident Vampyre wouldn't like to have to share her hunting ground."
  641. Guard 1: Guard 1 continues typing into the air and waves a few times, almost as if she's brushing something aside.
  642. Rochette: "We are not, though we had to battle some unusual pokemon near where we found her. They may have been."
  643. Chloe Blanchett: "They were vampyres."
  644. Guard 1: "Alright. Looks like all of you clear." Guard 1 nods and holds out a few badges, "Wear these while you're in town. It'll allow us to identify you as official visitors. Without it and our guards will question or attack you - depending on where you are in town."
  645. Chloe Blanchett: "Thank you." Chloe smiled.
  646. * Rochette equips Visitor Badge.
  647. Guard 1: "Before you step into Snowmeadow, you should know that we offer asylum to many and that we welcome what others would consider unusual or worse."
  648. * Saturn Rosewell accepts the badge with a 'thanks'.
  649. Rochette: "As was suggested by the fact that you permit a vampire to 'hunt' in your town."
  650. Guard 1: "Try not to stare if you encounter something new and be respectful of those you meet. Violence is not tolerated here unless given authorization."
  651. * Valerie Ylsef would totally take one,but is currently limited by lack of more than two arms
  652. Chloe Blanchett: "O-okay. I don't like fighting anyway..."
  653. * Rochette equips Valerie with Visitor Badge.
  654. Guard 1: Guard 1 chuckles at Rochette's comment, "It was a figure of speech. But we allow a Vampyre to live in town and feed on those who don't mind. In return, she notifies us of other Vampyres within the area if she notices any and keeps us well informed about her kind and the ways to defend against them."
  655. Saturn Rosewell: "Wonder what this place will be like..."
  656. Guard 1: "She follows the same rules as everyone else."
  657. * Ülang will pass out badges to the other Shialall
  658. Rochette: "Interesting. Would it be acceptable if I visit her, on my own time?"
  659. Guard 1: "If you're here about something from the job board, you'll want to meet up with Svea, our gravekeeper. Though she won't be up at this hour. Instead, you can visit the Tilted Lantern, our inn. I'll let them know to give you the first night free. It's almost over anyhow."
  660. Chloe Blanchett: "Oh, thank you!"
  661. Valerie Ylsef : "My ribs appreciate it."
  662. Rochette: "Understood. I suppose there is no Pokemon Center, then?"
  663. Guard 1: Guard 1 opens the gate behind her. You can hear it clank and whirr - obviously a mechanical door.
  664. Guard 1: Guard 1 shakes her head to the Pokemon Center comment.
  665. Saturn Rosewell: "I appreciate it too. It'd be nice after having to walk almost all day..."
  666. Chloe Blanchett: "And if it is an Inn, maybe we can sleep late."
  667. Guard 1: "Why wouldn't you be able to sleep late?" Guard 1 asks tilting her head.
  668. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe laughed, "Pokemon Centers. That's how it worked in Cerulean."
  669. Chloe Blanchett: "Up at 8, doesn't matter when you went to sleep."
  670. Guard 1: "Now that's just wrong."
  671. Chronicler: Alright. It's almost midnight for me.
  672. Avara: *hugs kaorin*
  673. Chronicler: I'll allow you to make it to Tilted Lantern and sleep for as long as all of you need to.
  674. Avara: yay~
  675. Natasha: "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."
  676. Trulhammaren: yay!, take that stupid injuries!
  677. Chronicler: All of you will just need to come up with an hour you all want to wake.
  678. Avara: could i get another bandage?
  679. Trulhammaren: yes
  680. Chronicler: The Kolberg's are the owners of Tilted Lantern.
  681. Chronicler: Barak and Micaela Kolberg.
  682. Chloe Blanchett: Lum Berry Roll 2
  683. Trulhammaren: Val will wake around 8:30
  684. Chloe Blanchett: Ros Berry Matured
  685. Avara: i'd like to sleep in long enough for a full rest and bandage heal.
  686. Avara: so, i'll be in bed for 6 hours
  687. Trulhammaren: because damn those internal clocks
  688. Chronicler: You'll make it to the inn at 3:35.
  689. Chloe Blanchett: Sleeping until 10.
  690. Trulhammaren: but Val won't be up and about until 9:35
  691. Saturn Rosewell: 9.30 for us
  692. Avara: 9:35 sounds good.
  693. Saturn Rosewell: or 9.35, that works, not a big differences
  694. Avara: so we'll all be out and about by 10-ish at the latest?
  695. Rochette: Rochette is healed and gains 41 hit points.
  696. Jotunn: Jotunn is healed and gains 21 hit points.
  697. Biter: Biter is healed and gains 14 hit points.
  698. * Natasha just heals off that last little bit of damage in her sleep, and is good to go!
  699. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef is healed and gains 36 hit points.
  700. Avara: yay~! i almost never get to be without any injuries!
  701. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef has had it's Defense modified by -1 stages.
  702. Valerie Ylsef : Valerie Ylsef has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -1 stages.
  703. Chronicler: Each member gains 178 XP for their Pokemon from the previous combat scenario.
  704. DNA: And it must be to participants, correct?
  705. Chronicler: Yes.
  706. Natasha: om nom nom
  707. Chronicler: Trainers gain 3 XP.
  708. Chronicler: Saving campaign and log~
  709. Avara: 12.5?
  710. Natasha: 12.5, yes
  711. Chloe is disconnected.
  712. Trulhammaren is disconnected.
  713. DNA is disconnected.
  714. Kaorin Sakura is disconnected.
  715. You have disconnected.
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