Guest User


a guest
Sep 14th, 2018
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  1. showOffItems: true
  2. useWorldWhitelist: false
  3. confirmTransactions: true
  4. useBuyPrompt: true
  5. worldWhitelist:
  6. - mall
  7. messages:
  8. shopName: shop
  9. price: '&4&nPrice:&r'
  10. sales: ' | &2&nSales:&r'
  11. saleInfo: '{0} @ &e{1}&r. {2} available'
  12. noPrice: '&cThis shop is not open for sale yet! &6If you are the owner, use /setprice
  13. <price> to open this shop!'
  14. noStock: '&cThis shop is out of stock!'
  15. noMoney: '&cTransaction canceled: Insufficient /money. Try again with a smaller
  16. quantity?'
  17. noSpace: '&cWarning: &cYou might not have enough inventory space to store this item.'
  18. noShopSelected: '&eSelect a shop via left-clicking its chest.'
  19. shopModified: '&cTransaction canceled: Shop was modified. Please try again.'
  20. transactionCanceled: '&cTransaction canceled.'
  21. transactionCompleted: You bought {0} {1} for &c{2}
  22. transactionCompletedWindow: You bought {0} {1} for &c{2}
  23. applyPrice: '&bOpen the shop to apply your shiny new price.'
  24. setPriceCanceled: '&c/setprice canceled: opened chest is not a shop. To make this
  25. chest a shop, rename it in an anvil with the name: shop'
  26. priceApplied: Price updated to &a{0}
  27. collectRevenue: Collected &a{0} in sales from this shop
  28. tooFar: '&cYou''re too far away from this shop'
  29. noShopThere: '&cThis shop has been moved or destroyed'
  30. buyPrompt: '&cAspiria ChestShop &3&l»&f&l» &rHow many {0} &rwould you like to buy?'
  31. TotalCost: for a total cost of &a{0}
  32. currentBalanceAndCost: You have &a{0} and will have &c{1} after confirming.
  33. shopCommand: |-
  34. To create a shop, place a chest named: &oshop&r
  35. Tip: You can use an anvil to rename a chest.
  36. Use /setprice to a set a price.
  37. Use /buy to buy from a shop.
  38. Confirm: '&2[Confirm]'
  39. Cancel: '&4[Cancel]'
  40. tips:
  41. saleInfo: Hover for item details. Click to /buy
  42. noStock: If you are the owner, take note that shops must only contain the same item
  43. in its inventory.
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