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Apr 19th, 2019
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  1. # To make a table, we first need column names. On the start of a screen, every table must be blank.
  2. # In, inside the load() method of your screen, make a simple SELECT query and get all of the columns you need.
  3. # Don't worry about filtering data for now, we just need the column names:
  4. """
  5. cursor.execute(f"SELECT CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) AS Name, COUNT(*) As NumShifts FROM "
  6. f"assignto JOIN user on assignto.StaffUsername = user.Username GROUP BY Name")
  7. staff = cursor.fetchall()
  8. """
  10. # cursor.fetchall() returns a list of dictionaries. For this example, the variable staff would look like:
  11. # [{'Name': 'James Smith', 'NumShifts': 3}, {'Name': 'Staff 1', 'NumShifts': 2} {'Name': 'Staff 2', 'NumShifts': 5}]
  13. # However, we want only the column names. To do this, I simply replace all of the
  14. # values in each dictionary with empty strings.
  15. """
  16. for i in staff:
  17. for key in i:
  18. i[key] = ""
  19. """
  21. # In order for the table to accept data, it needs to be in the form of
  22. # {1: {ColName: Value, ColName2: Value2}, 2: {ColName: Value, ColName2: Value2}} where 1, 2, 3... are the numbers of the rows.
  24. # And, in this case, Value1, Value2, Value3... will always be an empty string.
  25. # We only need one row to fill the table with (since all the values are empty and we only need column names),
  26. # and we need it in the form (like I said above) {RowNum: {ColName: Value}}, so we do the following line:
  28. """
  29. staff = {1: staff[0]}
  30. """
  32. # And now the variable staff looks like : {1: {'Name': '', 'NumShifts': ''}}.
  33. # We return this, along with anything else we need (for instance, a list of sites for a dropdown, etc).
  35. # Now, back in,
  36. # You make a table this this, inside the display() method of your screen.
  37. """
  38. staff = self.SQL.load()
  39. self.resultTable = TableCanvas(self, editable=True, data=staff,
  40. read_only=True, rowheaderwidth=15, maxcellwidth=200, cellwidth=150,
  41. rows=len(staff), thefont=('Helvetica', 10), autoresizecols=1,
  42. width=150 * len(list(staff.values())[0]), height=25 * 7)
  44. """
  45. # Excellent, now we have a blank table. Whenever the user presses the filter button, inside the filter() method,
  46. # we will get all of the stuff to filter with (i.e. price, date range, etc) from all of the boxes/dropdowns on the screen.
  48. # This is inside the filter() method in
  49. # Here, we get all of the info the user can input.
  50. """
  51. site, fname, lname, d1, d2 =, self.fname.get(), self.lname.get(), self.d1.get(), self.d2.get()
  52. """
  53. #Next, you'd want to check to make sure all of these are the right kinds of values.
  54. #For instance, check if dates are actually dates, check if prices are actually floats, etc etc
  57. # Then, we want to convert any blank values, or any dropdowns with the value 'Any', to None. This is important because,
  58. # in, if a value is None, then we do not include it in a WHERE clause.
  59. """
  60. conv = {'': None, 'Any': None}
  61. site, fname, lname, d1, d2 = conv.get(site, site), conv.get(fname, fname), conv.get(lname, lname), conv.get(d1, d1), conv.get(d2, d2)
  62. """
  63. # .get() is a method for dictionaries. Basically, we look up a value in the dict, and if it isn't there then we return a default.
  64. # Like this: .get(ItemToFind, Value to Return if Item Isn't In There).
  65. # So, for example, we conv.get(site, site), which looks for an entry in conv. If site is '' or 'Any', it returns None,
  66. # but if site is anything else, then we return the default value, site.
  68. # Now, all of our values are either None, which implies the user didn't input anything, or they are something that the user input.
  70. # By default, the table should be sorted by the first sortable column, so if sort wasn't defined, we make it 'Name',
  71. # which in this case is the first sortable column.
  72. """
  73. if sort is None:
  74. sort = 'Name'
  75. """
  76. # Now, we call self.SQL.filter() with all of the data, some of which is None, and some of which is actual user input.
  77. """
  78. staff = self.SQL.filter(site, fname, lname, d1, d2, sort)
  79. """
  81. # Inside, in the filter() method for your screen, you'd do the following:
  82. """
  83. query = "SELECT CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) AS Name, COUNT(*) As NumShifts FROM " \
  84. "assignto JOIN user on assignto.StaffUsername = user.Username WHERE 1=1 "
  86. if site:
  87. query += f"AND SiteName = '{site}'"
  88. if fname:
  89. query += f"AND FirstName LIKE '%{fname}%' "
  90. if lname:
  91. query += f"AND LastName LIKE '%{lname}%' "
  92. if d1 and d2:
  93. query += f"AND StartDate BETWEEN {d1} AND {d2} "
  94. elif d1:
  95. query += f"AND StartDate >= {d1} "
  96. elif d2:
  97. query += f"AND StartDate <= {d2} "
  99. query += f"GROUP BY Name ORDER BY {sort}"
  100. """
  101. # This is why it was important to change the values to None, because we can easily say
  102. # if Value:
  103. # query += WHERE CLAUSE
  105. # At the end of constructing our where statement, we will add a GROUP BY clause if necessary, and ORDER BY whatever sort we passed in.
  106. # Then, we execute the query and do .fetchall()
  107. """
  108. staff = cursor.fetchall()
  110. for i in staff:
  111. for key in i:
  112. i[key] = str(i[key])
  113. """
  114. # The for loop here converts everything to a String, which might not be necessary, but I do it just to be safe
  115. # Since I don't know how the Table will display certain values.
  117. # Remember, the Table accepts data in the format {RowNum: {ColName: Value}},
  118. # and fetchall() returns a list of dictionaries. So, let's fix that.
  119. """
  120. staff = {i + 1: staff[i] for i in range(len(staff))}
  122. return staff
  123. """
  124. # Now, back in, we have a list of staff. We clear the table completely, and reimport the data.
  125. """
  126. self.resultTable.model.deleteRows(range(0, self.resultTable.model.getRowCount()))
  127. self.resultTable.model.importDict(staff)
  128. self.resultTable.redraw()
  129. """
  132. # Okay, perfect, the table works. What if we want to select a row from the data (for example, stuff like Event/Site Detail)?
  133. # Just do something the following:
  134. """
  135. row = self.resultTable.model.getData()[self.resultTable.getSelectedRow() + 1]
  136. user_name, user_type, status = row['Username'], row['UserType'], row['Status']
  138. if any([user_name == '', user_type == '', status == '']):
  139. messagebox.showwarning('Error', 'No user selected. Make sure to click on the non-empty '
  140. 'row number to select which transit you are taking.')
  141. return
  142. """
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