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a guest
Feb 22nd, 2019
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  1. //Fills your resets
  2. @removelist 'Amount'
  3. @removelist 'MaterialGraphic'
  4. @removelist 'MaterialButton'
  5. @removelist 'MaterialHue'
  6. @removelist 'GumpCat'
  7. @removelist 'GumpSel'
  8. @removelist 'ToolType'
  9. @removelist 'Graphic'
  10. @removelist 'Destination'
  11. @removelist 'NotIron0'
  12. @removelist 'Leather'
  13. @removelist 'Plain'
  14. @createlist 'Amount'
  15. @createlist 'MaterialGraphic'
  16. @createlist 'MaterialButton'
  17. @createlist 'MaterialHue'
  18. @createlist 'GumpCat'
  19. @createlist 'GumpSel'
  20. @createlist 'ToolType'
  21. @createlist 'Graphic'
  22. @createlist 'Destination'
  23. @createlist 'NotIron0'
  24. @createlist 'Leather'
  25. @createlist 'Plain'
  26. //gift box for restock west of goza and trash can SW of goza
  27. @setalias 'Restock' 0x40c86f89
  28. @setalias 'RestockIron' 0x42d4deb4
  29. @setalias 'RestockCloth' 0x42d4deb3
  30. @setalias 'RestockLeather' 0x42d4deb5
  31. @setalias 'Trash BODs Destination' 0x40c86f89
  32. @setalias 'Trash Barrel' 0x4313db26
  33. @clearjournal
  34. if not hidden 'self'
  35. useskill 'hiding'
  36. endif
  37. //autofind books if one filled and one empty
  38. if serial 'filledbods' == serial 'emptybods'
  39. @unsetalias 'filledbods'
  40. @unsetalias 'emptybods'
  41. endif
  42. if not @findobject 'FilledBods' 'any' 'backpack' or not @findobject 'EmptyBods' 'any' 'backpack'
  43. clearignorelist
  44. clearjournal
  45. @unsetalias 'FilledBods'
  46. @unsetalias 'EmptyBods'
  47. if counttype 0x2259 'any' 'backpack' == 2
  48. while @findtype 0x2259 'any' 'backpack'
  49. waitforproperties 'found' 5000
  50. if @property 'Deeds in Book' 'found' == 0
  51. setalias 'FilledBods' 'found'
  52. else
  53. setalias 'EmptyBods' 'found'
  54. endif
  55. ignoreobject 'found'
  56. endwhile
  57. else
  58. sysmsg 'You need 2 bod books, you have more or less!' 34
  59. stop
  60. endif
  61. clearignorelist
  62. //if you arent starting with an empty book
  63. if not @findobject 'FilledBods' 'any' 'backpack' or not @findobject 'EmptyBods' 'backpack'
  64. @unsetalias 'FilledBods'
  65. @unsetalias 'EmptyBods'
  66. @unsetalias 'book1'
  67. @unsetalias 'setaside'
  68. clearjournal
  69. if counttype 0x2258 'any' 'backpack' <= 1
  70. if @findtype 0x2258 'any' 'backpack'
  71. @setalias 'setaside' 'found'
  72. moveitemoffset 'setaside' 'ground' (0 1 0)
  73. pause 1000
  74. endif
  75. if counttype 0x2259 'any' 'backpack' == 2
  76. while @findtype 0x2259 'any' 'backpack'
  77. waitforproperties 'found' 5000
  78. if not @findalias 'book1'
  79. @setalias 'book1' 'found'
  80. useobject 'book1'
  81. waitforgump 0x54f555df 1500
  82. replygump 0x54f555df 1
  83. waitforgump 0x968739db 1500
  84. replygump 0x968739db 3
  85. waitforgump 0x968739db 1500
  86. replygump 0x968739db 0
  87. waitforgump 0x54f555df 1500
  88. replygump 0x54f555df 5
  89. waitforgump 0x54f555df 1500
  90. while @findtype 0x2258 'any' 'backpack'
  91. waitforproperties 'found' 5000
  92. pause 550
  93. useobject 'found'
  94. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 1500
  95. replygump 0x5afbd742 2
  96. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 1500
  97. pause 1000
  98. if @injournal 'maximum amount of requested items'
  99. @setalias 'FilledBods' 'book1'
  100. moveitem 'found' 'Filledbods'
  101. pause 550
  102. else
  103. @setalias 'EmptyBods' 'book1'
  104. moveitem 'found' 'Emptybods'
  105. pause 550
  106. endif
  107. ignoreobject 'found'
  108. endwhile
  109. ignoreobject 'book1'
  110. else
  111. @setalias 'book2' 'found'
  112. if not @findalias 'FilledBods'
  113. @setalias 'FilledBods' 'book2'
  114. elseif not @findalias 'EmptyBods'
  115. @setalias 'EmptyBods' 'book2'
  116. endif
  117. endif
  118. @canceltarget
  119. ignoreobject 'found'
  120. endwhile
  121. endif
  122. clearignorelist
  123. if @findalias 'setaside'
  124. pause 550
  125. moveitem 'setaside' 'backpack'
  126. pause 550
  127. endif
  128. endif
  129. endif
  130. endif
  131. //if you didnt get both set automatically, then prompt
  132. if not @findalias 'FilledBods' or not @findalias 'EmptyBods'
  133. if @findtype 0x2258 'any' 'backpack'
  134. sysmsg 'Get loose bods out of pack before starting' 34
  135. stop
  136. endif
  137. @unsetalias 'FilledBods'
  138. @unsetalias 'EmptyBods'
  139. endif
  140. if not @findobject 'EmptyBods'
  141. sysmsg 'Target the bod book that needs filling' 34
  142. promptalias 'EmptyBods'
  143. endif
  144. if not @findobject 'FilledBods'
  145. sysmsg 'Target the bod book for completed bods' 34
  146. promptalias 'FilledBods'
  147. endif
  148. if @injournal 'world will save'
  149. while not @injournal 'world save complete'
  150. endwhile
  151. @clearjournal
  152. endif
  153. if not @property 'Filled Bods' 'filledbods'
  154. pause 1000
  155. waitforcontext 'filledbods' 0 15000
  156. waitforprompt 15000
  157. promptmsg 'Filled Bods'
  158. endif
  159. if not @property 'EmptyBods' 'emptybods'
  160. pause 1000
  161. waitforcontext 'emptybods' 0 15000
  162. waitforprompt 15000
  163. promptmsg 'EmptyBods'
  164. endif
  165. //center goza
  166. if not x == 1176 and y == 2790
  167. sysmsg 'stand on the goza'
  168. stop
  169. endif
  170. // Search for a BOD to fill
  171. if @findtype 0x2258 'any' 'backpack' and @property 'small' 'found'
  172. // Reset craft state
  173. @unsetalias 'crafting'
  174. @clearjournal
  175. // Define and open new BOD
  176. @setalias 'bod' 'found'
  177. useobject! 'bod'
  178. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 15000
  179. pause 550
  180. if @injournal 'wait'
  181. @setalias 'bod' 'found'
  182. useobject! 'bod'
  183. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 15000
  184. pause 550
  185. endif
  186. // Combine items
  187. if not targetexists 'server'
  188. replygump 0x5afbd742 2
  189. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 2500
  190. waitfortarget 5000
  191. if @injournal 'The maximum amount of requested items'
  192. clearjournal
  193. moveitem 'bod' 'FilledBods'
  194. endif
  195. endif
  196. //set your talismans
  197. if not listexists 'Talismans'
  198. @createlist 'Talismans'
  199. @pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f58
  200. @pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f59
  201. @pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f5a
  202. @pushlist 'Talismans' 0x2f5b
  203. endif
  204. //forget tally if they are registering off another char
  205. if not @findobject 'tailortally' 'any' 'backpack' and not @findobject 'smithtally' 'any' 'backpack'
  206. unsetalias 'smithtally'
  207. unsetalias 'tailortally'
  208. @unsetalias 'warning'
  209. endif
  210. //auto set talismans
  211. if not @findalias 'smithtally' or not @findalias 'tailortally'
  212. clearignorelist
  213. if not @findalias 'warning'
  214. if @findlayer 'self' 9
  215. pause 550
  216. @moveitem 'found' 'backpack'
  217. pause 550
  218. endif
  219. for 0 to 'Talismans'
  220. while @findtype Talismans[] 0 'backpack'
  221. waitforproperties 'found' 5000
  222. if @property 'Blacksmithing Bonus' 'found' > 0 or @property 'Blacksmithing Exceptional Bonus' 'found' > 0
  223. @setalias 'smithtally' 'found'
  224. elseif @property 'Tailoring Bonus' 'found' > 0 or @property 'Tailoring Exceptional Bonus' 'found' > 0
  225. @setalias 'tailortally' 'found'
  226. endif
  227. ignoreobject 'found'
  228. endwhile
  229. endfor
  230. if not @findalias 'smithtally'
  231. sysmsg 'You should get a Smith Bonus/Ex tally. Clear active objects after' 34
  232. endif
  233. if not @findalias 'tailortally'
  234. sysmsg 'You should get a Tailor Bonus/Ex tally. Clear active objects after' 34
  235. endif
  236. @setalias 'warning' 'self'
  237. endif
  238. endif
  239. //equip talisman
  240. if color 'bod' == 1102 and @findobject 'smithtally' 'any' 'backpack'
  241. if @findlayer 'self' 9
  242. pause 550
  243. @moveitem 'found' 'backpack'
  244. pause 550
  245. endif
  246. if findobject 'smithtally' 'any' 'backpack'
  247. pause 550
  248. equipitem 'smithtally' 9
  249. pause 550
  250. endif
  251. elseif color 'bod' == 1155 and @findobject 'tailortally' 'any' 'backpack'
  252. if @findlayer 'self' 9
  253. pause 550
  254. @moveitem 'found' 'backpack'
  255. pause 550
  256. endif
  257. if findobject 'tailortally' 'any' 'backpack'
  258. pause 550
  259. equipitem 'tailortally' 9
  260. pause 550
  261. endif
  262. endif
  263. //equip ASH hammers
  264. if @property 'platemail tunic' 'bod' or @property 'platemail legs' 'bod'
  265. if not @findlayer 'self' 1
  266. @setalias '15hammerstash' 0x42338d9c
  267. useobject '15hammerstash'
  268. pause 550
  269. waitforcontents '15hammerstash' 5000
  270. if @findtype 0x13e4 1154 '15hammerstash'
  271. @setalias '15hammer' 'found'
  272. if not @findlayer 'self' 1
  273. equipitem '15hammer' 1
  274. pause 550
  275. endif
  276. endif
  277. endif
  278. elseif @property 'plate helm' 'bod' or @property 'platemail arms' 'bod'
  279. if not @findlayer 'self' 1
  280. @setalias '15hammerstash' 0x42338d9c
  281. useobject '15hammerstash'
  282. pause 550
  283. waitforcontents '15hammerstash' 5000
  284. if @findtype 0x13e4 1154 '15hammerstash'
  285. @setalias '15hammer' 'found'
  286. if not @findlayer 'self' 1
  287. equipitem '15hammer' 1
  288. pause 550
  289. endif
  290. endif
  291. endif
  292. elseif @findlayer 'self' 1
  293. clearhands 'both'
  294. pause 550
  295. if @findtype 0x13e4 1154 'backpack'
  296. moveitem 'found' '15hammerstash'
  297. pause 550
  298. endif
  299. elseif @findtype 0x13e4 1154 'backpack'
  300. moveitem 'found' '15hammerstash'
  301. pause 550
  302. endif
  303. // Craft
  304. while targetexists 'server'
  305. if @property 'Contents' 'backpack' >= 124 or @property 'Stones' 'backpack' >= 525
  306. sysmsg 'Something went wrong! Pack full! Abort! Abort!' 34
  307. stop
  308. endif
  309. if @injournal 'world will save'
  310. while not @injournal 'world save complete'
  311. endwhile
  312. @clearjournal
  313. endif
  314. if @injournal 'world will save'
  315. while not @injournal 'world save complete'
  316. endwhile
  317. @clearjournal
  318. endif
  319. if not @findalias 'crafting'
  320. // Leather
  321. if @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather gorget'
  322. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  323. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  324. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13c7
  325. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  326. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  327. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather cap'
  328. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  329. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  330. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1db9
  331. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  332. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  333. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather gloves'
  334. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  335. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  336. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13c6
  337. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  338. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  339. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather sleeves'
  340. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  341. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 44
  342. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13cd
  343. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  344. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  345. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather leggings'
  346. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  347. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 51
  348. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13cb
  349. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  350. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  351. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather tunic'
  352. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  353. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 58
  354. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13cc
  355. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  356. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  357. // Studded
  358. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded gorget'
  359. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  360. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  361. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13d6
  362. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  363. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  364. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded gloves'
  365. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  366. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  367. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13d5
  368. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  369. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  370. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded sleeves'
  371. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  372. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  373. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13dc
  374. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  375. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  376. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded leggings'
  377. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  378. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  379. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13da
  380. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  381. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  382. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded tunic'
  383. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  384. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  385. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13db
  386. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  387. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  388. // Female Armor
  389. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather shorts'
  390. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  391. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  392. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1c00
  393. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  394. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  395. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather skirt'
  396. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  397. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  398. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1c08
  399. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  400. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  401. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather bustier'
  402. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  403. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  404. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1c0a
  405. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  406. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  407. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded bustier'
  408. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  409. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  410. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1c0c
  411. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  412. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  413. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'female leather armor'
  414. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  415. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  416. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1c06
  417. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  418. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  419. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded armor'
  420. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  421. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  422. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1c02
  423. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  424. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  425. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'thigh boots'
  426. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  427. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 51
  428. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1711
  429. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  430. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  431. if @ingump 0x5afbd742 'barbed' or @ingump 0x5afbd742 'horned'
  432. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'spined'
  433. else
  434. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 6
  435. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 0
  436. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  437. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  438. @pushlist 'Plain' 'yep'
  439. endif
  440. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'shoes'
  441. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  442. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  443. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x170f
  444. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  445. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  446. if @ingump 0x5afbd742 'barbed' or @ingump 0x5afbd742 'horned'
  447. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'spined'
  448. else
  449. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 6
  450. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 0
  451. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  452. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  453. @pushlist 'Plain' 'yep'
  454. endif
  455. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'sandals'
  456. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  457. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  458. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x170d
  459. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  460. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  461. if @ingump 0x5afbd742 'barbed' or @ingump 0x5afbd742 'horned'
  462. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'spined'
  463. else
  464. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 6
  465. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 0
  466. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  467. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  468. @pushlist 'Plain' 'yep'
  469. endif
  470. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'boots'
  471. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  472. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 44
  473. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x170b
  474. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  475. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  476. if @ingump 0x5afbd742 'barbed' or @ingump 0x5afbd742 'horned'
  477. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'spined'
  478. else
  479. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 6
  480. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 0
  481. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  482. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  483. @pushlist 'Plain' 'yep'
  484. endif
  485. // Hats
  486. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'skullcap'
  487. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  488. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  489. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1544
  490. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  491. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  492. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'bandana'
  493. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  494. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  495. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1540
  496. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  497. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  498. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'floppy hat'
  499. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  500. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  501. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1713
  502. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  503. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  504. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'cap'
  505. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  506. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  507. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1715
  508. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  509. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  510. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'wide-brim hat'
  511. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  512. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  513. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1714
  514. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  515. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  516. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'tall straw hat'
  517. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  518. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 44
  519. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1716
  520. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  521. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  522. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'straw hat'
  523. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  524. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  525. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1717
  526. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  527. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  528. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 "wizard's hat"
  529. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  530. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 51
  531. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1718
  532. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  533. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  534. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'bonnet'
  535. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  536. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 58
  537. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1719
  538. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  539. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  540. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'feathered hat'
  541. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  542. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 65
  543. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x171a
  544. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  545. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  546. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'tricorne hat'
  547. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  548. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 72
  549. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x171b
  550. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  551. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  552. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'jester hat'
  553. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  554. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 79
  555. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x171c
  556. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  557. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  558. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'flower garland'
  559. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  560. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 86
  561. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x2306
  562. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  563. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  564. // Shirts
  565. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'doublet'
  566. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  567. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  568. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1f7b
  569. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  570. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  571. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'fancy shirt'
  572. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  573. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  574. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1efd
  575. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  576. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  577. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'formal shirt'
  578. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  579. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 86
  580. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x2310
  581. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  582. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  583. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'shirt'
  584. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  585. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  586. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1517
  587. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  588. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  589. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'surcoat'
  590. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  591. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  592. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1ffd
  593. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  594. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  595. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'plain dress'
  596. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  597. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  598. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1f01
  599. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  600. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  601. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'fancy dress'
  602. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  603. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 44
  604. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1f00
  605. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  606. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  607. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'cloak'
  608. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  609. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 51
  610. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1515
  611. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  612. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  613. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'robe'
  614. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  615. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 58
  616. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1f03
  617. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  618. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  619. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'jester suit'
  620. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  621. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 65
  622. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1f9f
  623. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  624. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  625. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'fur cape'
  626. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  627. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 72
  628. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x230a
  629. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  630. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  631. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'gilded dress'
  632. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  633. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 79
  634. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x230e
  635. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  636. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  637. // Pants
  638. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'short pants'
  639. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  640. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  641. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x152e
  642. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  643. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  644. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'long pants'
  645. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  646. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  647. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1539
  648. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  649. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  650. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'kilt'
  651. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  652. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  653. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1537
  654. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  655. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  656. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'skirt'
  657. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  658. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  659. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1516
  660. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  661. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  662. // Miscellaneous
  663. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'body sash'
  664. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  665. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  666. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1541
  667. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  668. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  669. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'half apron'
  670. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  671. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  672. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x153b
  673. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  674. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  675. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'full apron'
  676. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  677. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  678. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x153d
  679. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  680. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  681. // Footwear
  682. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'fur boots'
  683. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  684. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  685. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x2307
  686. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  687. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  688. // Ringmail
  689. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'ringmail gloves'
  690. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  691. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  692. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13eb
  693. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  694. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  695. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'ringmail leggings'
  696. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  697. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  698. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13f0
  699. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  700. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  701. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'ringmail sleeves'
  702. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  703. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  704. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13ee
  705. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  706. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  707. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'ringmail tunic'
  708. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 1
  709. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  710. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13ec
  711. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  712. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  713. // Chainmail
  714. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'chainmail coif'
  715. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  716. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  717. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13bb
  718. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  719. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  720. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'chainmail leggings'
  721. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  722. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  723. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13be
  724. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  725. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  726. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'chainmail tunic'
  727. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  728. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  729. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13bf
  730. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  731. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  732. // Platemail
  733. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'platemail arms'
  734. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  735. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  736. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1410
  737. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  738. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  739. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'platemail gloves'
  740. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  741. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  742. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1414
  743. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  744. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  745. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'platemail gorget'
  746. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  747. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  748. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1413
  749. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  750. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  751. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'platemail legs'
  752. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  753. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  754. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1411
  755. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  756. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  757. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'platemail tunic'
  758. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  759. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  760. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1415
  761. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  762. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  763. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'female plate'
  764. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 15
  765. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  766. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1c04
  767. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  768. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  769. // Helmets
  770. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'bascinet'
  771. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  772. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  773. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x140c
  774. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  775. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  776. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'close helmet'
  777. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  778. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  779. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1408
  780. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  781. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  782. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'helmet' and not @ingump 0x5afbd742 'bone'
  783. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  784. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  785. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x140a
  786. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  787. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  788. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'norse helm'
  789. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  790. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  791. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x140e
  792. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  793. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  794. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'plate helm'
  795. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 22
  796. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  797. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1412
  798. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  799. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  800. // Shields
  801. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'buckler'
  802. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  803. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  804. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1b73
  805. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  806. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  807. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'bronze shield'
  808. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  809. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  810. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1b72
  811. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  812. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  813. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'heater shield'
  814. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  815. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  816. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1b76
  817. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  818. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  819. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'metal shield'
  820. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  821. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  822. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1b7b
  823. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  824. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  825. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'metal kite shield'
  826. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  827. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  828. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1b74
  829. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  830. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  831. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'tear kite shield'
  832. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 29
  833. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  834. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1b79
  835. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  836. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  837. // Bladed
  838. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'broadsword'
  839. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  840. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  841. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf5e
  842. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  843. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  844. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'cutlass'
  845. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  846. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  847. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1441
  848. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  849. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  850. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'dagger'
  851. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  852. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  853. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf52
  854. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  855. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  856. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'katana'
  857. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  858. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  859. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13ff
  860. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  861. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  862. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'kryss'
  863. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  864. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 44
  865. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1401
  866. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  867. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  868. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'longsword'
  869. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  870. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 51
  871. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf61
  872. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  873. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  874. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'scimitar'
  875. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  876. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 58
  877. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13b6
  878. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  879. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  880. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'viking sword'
  881. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 36
  882. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 65
  883. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13b9
  884. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  885. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  886. // Axes
  887. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'large battle axe'
  888. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  889. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  890. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13fb
  891. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  892. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  893. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'double axe'
  894. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  895. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  896. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf4b
  897. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  898. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  899. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 "executioner's axe"
  900. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  901. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  902. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf45
  903. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  904. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  905. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'battle axe'
  906. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  907. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  908. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf47
  909. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  910. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  911. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'two handed axe'
  912. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  913. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  914. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1443
  915. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  916. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  917. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'war axe'
  918. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  919. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 44
  920. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x13b0
  921. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  922. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  923. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'axe'
  924. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 43
  925. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  926. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf49
  927. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  928. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  929. // Polearms
  930. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'bardiche'
  931. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  932. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  933. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf4d
  934. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  935. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  936. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'halberd'
  937. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  938. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  939. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x143e
  940. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  941. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  942. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'short spear'
  943. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  944. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 44
  945. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1403
  946. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  947. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  948. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'spear'
  949. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  950. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 58
  951. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf62
  952. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  953. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  954. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'war fork'
  955. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 50
  956. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 65
  957. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1405
  958. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  959. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  960. // Bashing
  961. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'war mace'
  962. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 57
  963. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 30
  964. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1407
  965. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  966. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  967. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'hammer pick'
  968. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 57
  969. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 2
  970. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x143d
  971. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  972. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  973. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'mace'
  974. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 57
  975. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 9
  976. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0xf5c
  977. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  978. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  979. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'maul'
  980. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 57
  981. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 16
  982. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x143b
  983. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  984. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  985. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'war hammer'
  986. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 57
  987. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 37
  988. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1439
  989. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xfbb
  990. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  991. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'tunic'
  992. @pushlist 'GumpCat' 8
  993. @pushlist 'GumpSel' 23
  994. @pushlist 'Graphic' 0x1fa1
  995. @pushlist 'ToolType' 0xf9d
  996. @pushlist 'Destination' 'FilledBods'
  997. else
  998. break
  999. endif
  1000. // Define resource
  1001. if @ingump 0x5afbd742 'barbed'
  1002. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 27
  1003. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2129
  1004. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  1005. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  1006. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'horned'
  1007. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 20
  1008. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2117
  1009. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  1010. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  1011. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'spined'
  1012. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 13
  1013. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2220
  1014. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  1015. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  1016. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'leather' or @ingump 0x5afbd742 'studded'
  1017. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 6
  1018. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 0
  1019. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1081
  1020. @pushlist 'Leather' 'yep'
  1021. @pushlist 'Plain' 'yep'
  1022. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'valorite'
  1023. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 62
  1024. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2219
  1025. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1026. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1027. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'verite'
  1028. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 55
  1029. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2207
  1030. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1031. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1032. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'agapite'
  1033. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 48
  1034. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2425
  1035. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1036. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1037. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'gold'
  1038. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 41
  1039. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2213
  1040. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1041. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1042. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'bronze ingots'
  1043. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 34
  1044. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2418
  1045. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1046. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1047. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'shadow iron'
  1048. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 20
  1049. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2406
  1050. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1051. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1052. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'dull copper'
  1053. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 13
  1054. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2419
  1055. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1056. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1057. elseif @ingump 0x5afbd742 'copper'
  1058. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 27
  1059. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 2413
  1060. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1061. @pushlist 'NotIron0' 'yep'
  1062. elseif color 'bod' == 1102
  1063. @pushlist 'MaterialButton' 6
  1064. @pushlist 'MaterialHue' 0
  1065. @pushlist 'MaterialGraphic' 0x1bf2
  1066. else
  1067. //cloth
  1068. endif
  1069. endif
  1070. //unload bone
  1071. while @counttype 0xf7e 0 'backpack' > 0
  1072. movetype 0xf7e 'backpack' 'restock'
  1073. pause 1000
  1074. endwhile
  1075. for 3
  1076. // Check for cut cloths and ingots if using cloth
  1077. if list 'MaterialHue' == 0
  1078. if @counttype 0x1bf2 0 'backpack' < 50
  1079. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 200
  1080. pause 750
  1081. else
  1082. useobject 'RestockIron'
  1083. pause 550
  1084. waitforcontents 'RestockIron' 5000
  1085. for 2
  1086. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 100
  1087. pause 750
  1088. endif
  1089. endfor
  1090. for 3
  1091. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 25
  1092. pause 750
  1093. endif
  1094. endfor
  1095. for 5
  1096. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 5
  1097. pause 750
  1098. endif
  1099. endfor
  1100. for 10
  1101. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 1
  1102. pause 750
  1103. endif
  1104. endfor
  1105. @canceltarget
  1106. if @counttype 0x1bf2 0 'RestockIron' == 0
  1107. sysmsg 'Out of Ingots' 34
  1108. @canceltarget
  1109. pause 600000
  1110. @playmacro 'CraftFill'
  1111. endif
  1112. endif
  1113. endif
  1114. //unload colored ingots
  1115. while counttype 0x1bf2 2219 'backpack' > 0
  1116. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2219
  1117. pause 550
  1118. endwhile
  1119. while counttype 0x1bf2 2207 'backpack' > 0
  1120. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2207
  1121. pause 550
  1122. endwhile
  1123. while counttype 0x1bf2 2425 'backpack' > 0
  1124. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2425
  1125. pause 550
  1126. endwhile
  1127. while counttype 0x1bf2 2213 'backpack' > 0
  1128. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2213
  1129. pause 550
  1130. endwhile
  1131. while counttype 0x1bf2 2418 'backpack' > 0
  1132. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2418
  1133. pause 550
  1134. endwhile
  1135. while counttype 0x1bf2 2406 'backpack' > 0
  1136. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2406
  1137. pause 550
  1138. endwhile
  1139. while counttype 0x1bf2 2419 'backpack' > 0
  1140. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2419
  1141. pause 550
  1142. endwhile
  1143. while counttype 0x1bf2 2413 'backpack' > 0
  1144. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2413
  1145. pause 550
  1146. endwhile
  1147. //cloth
  1148. if @counttype 0x1766 'any' 'backpack' < 50 and @counttype 0x1767 'any' 'backpack' < 50
  1149. if @movetype 0x1766 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 500 or @movetype 0x1767 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 500
  1150. pause 750
  1151. else
  1152. useobject 'RestockCloth'
  1153. pause 550
  1154. waitforcontents 'RestockCloth' 5000
  1155. for 5
  1156. if @movetype 0x1766 'Re'RestockCloth' stock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 100 or @movetype 0x1767 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 100
  1157. pause 750
  1158. endif
  1159. endfor
  1160. for 5
  1161. if @movetype 0x1766 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 50 or @movetype 0x1767 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 50
  1162. pause 750
  1163. endif
  1164. endfor
  1165. for 2
  1166. if @movetype 0x1766 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 25 or @movetype 0x1767 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 25
  1167. pause 750
  1168. endif
  1169. endfor
  1170. for 5
  1171. if @movetype 0x1766 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 5 or @movetype 0x1767 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 5
  1172. pause 750
  1173. endif
  1174. endfor
  1175. for 5
  1176. if @movetype 0x1766 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 1 or @movetype 0x1767 'RestockCloth' 'backpack' 0 0 0 'any' 1
  1177. pause 750
  1178. endif
  1179. endfor
  1180. if @counttype 0x1767 0 'RestockCloth' == 0 and @counttype 0x1767 0 'RestockCloth' == 0
  1181. sysmsg 'Out of Cloth' 25
  1182. @canceltarget
  1183. pause 600000
  1184. @playmacro 'CraftFill'
  1185. endif
  1186. endif
  1187. endif
  1188. else
  1189. if list 'Leather' >= 1
  1190. //unload colored ingots
  1191. while counttype 0x1bf2 2219 'backpack' > 0
  1192. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2219
  1193. pause 550
  1194. endwhile
  1195. while counttype 0x1bf2 2207 'backpack' > 0
  1196. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2207
  1197. pause 550
  1198. endwhile
  1199. while counttype 0x1bf2 2425 'backpack' > 0
  1200. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2425
  1201. pause 550
  1202. endwhile
  1203. while counttype 0x1bf2 2213 'backpack' > 0
  1204. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2213
  1205. pause 550
  1206. endwhile
  1207. while counttype 0x1bf2 2418 'backpack' > 0
  1208. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2418
  1209. pause 550
  1210. endwhile
  1211. while counttype 0x1bf2 2406 'backpack' > 0
  1212. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2406
  1213. pause 550
  1214. endwhile
  1215. while counttype 0x1bf2 2419 'backpack' > 0
  1216. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2419
  1217. pause 550
  1218. endwhile
  1219. while counttype 0x1bf2 2413 'backpack' > 0
  1220. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 2413
  1221. pause 550
  1222. endwhile
  1223. if @counttype MaterialGraphic[0] MaterialHue[0] 'backpack' < 50
  1224. //unload all leather types
  1225. while @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'backpack' 'RestockLeather' 0 0 0 0
  1226. pause 750
  1227. endwhile
  1228. while @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'backpack' 'Restock'
  1229. pause 750
  1230. endwhile
  1231. //try to restock 250 leather
  1232. if list 'Plain' >= 1
  1233. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'RestockLeather' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 250
  1234. pause 750
  1235. else
  1236. useobject 'RestockLeather'
  1237. pause 550
  1238. waitforcontents 'RestockLeather' 5000
  1239. for 4
  1240. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'RestockLeather' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 50 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 400
  1241. pause 750
  1242. endif
  1243. endfor
  1244. for 4
  1245. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'RestockLeather' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 25 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 475
  1246. pause 750
  1247. endif
  1248. endfor
  1249. for 5
  1250. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'RestockLeather' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 5 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 500
  1251. pause 750
  1252. endif
  1253. endfor
  1254. for 5
  1255. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'RestockLeather' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 1 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 500
  1256. pause 750
  1257. endif
  1258. endfor
  1259. @canceltarget
  1260. if @counttype MaterialGraphic[0] MaterialHue[0] 'RestockLeather' == 0
  1261. sysmsg 'Out of Plain Leather' 25
  1262. @canceltarget
  1263. pause 60000
  1264. @playmacro 'CraftFill'
  1265. endif
  1266. endif
  1267. else
  1268. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 250
  1269. pause 750
  1270. else
  1271. useobject 'Restock'
  1272. pause 550
  1273. waitforcontents 'Restock' 5000
  1274. for 4
  1275. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 50 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 400
  1276. pause 750
  1277. endif
  1278. endfor
  1279. for 4
  1280. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 25 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 475
  1281. pause 750
  1282. endif
  1283. endfor
  1284. for 5
  1285. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 5 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 500
  1286. pause 750
  1287. endif
  1288. endfor
  1289. for 5
  1290. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 1 and @property 'Stones' 'backpack' < 500
  1291. pause 750
  1292. endif
  1293. endfor
  1294. @canceltarget
  1295. if @counttype MaterialGraphic[0] MaterialHue[0] 'restock' == 0
  1296. sysmsg 'Out of Colored Leather' 25
  1297. @canceltarget
  1298. pause 600000
  1299. @playmacro 'CraftFill'
  1300. endif
  1301. endif
  1302. endif
  1303. if @counttype 0x1bf2 0 'backpack' < 20
  1304. if movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 50
  1305. pause 550
  1306. else
  1307. useobject 'RestockIron'
  1308. pause 550
  1309. waitforcontents 'RestockIron' 5000
  1310. for 4
  1311. movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 10
  1312. pause 550
  1313. endfor
  1314. for 4
  1315. movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 4
  1316. pause 550
  1317. endfor
  1318. for 5
  1319. movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 1
  1320. pause 550
  1321. endfor
  1322. endif
  1323. endif
  1324. if @property 'Stones' 'backpack' >= 525
  1325. movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'backpack' 'restock' (0 0 0) 'any' 50
  1326. pause 550
  1327. endif
  1328. endif
  1329. elseif list 'NotIron0' >= 1
  1330. //unload leather
  1331. while counttype 0x1081 0 'backpack' > 0
  1332. movetype 0x1081 'backpack' 'RestockLeather'
  1333. pause 550
  1334. endwhile
  1335. while counttype 0x1081 'any' 'backpack' > 0
  1336. movetype 0x1081 'backpack' 'restock'
  1337. pause 550
  1338. endwhile
  1339. if @counttype MaterialGraphic[0] MaterialHue[0] 'backpack' < 50
  1340. //unload all ingots types
  1341. while @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'backpack' 'RestockIron' (0 0 0) 0
  1342. pause 750
  1343. endwhile
  1344. while @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'backpack' 'Restock'
  1345. pause 750
  1346. endwhile
  1347. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 1000
  1348. pause 750
  1349. else
  1350. useobject 'Restock'
  1351. pause 550
  1352. waitforcontents 'Restock' 5000
  1353. for 4
  1354. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 250
  1355. pause 750
  1356. endif
  1357. endfor
  1358. for 5
  1359. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 50
  1360. pause 750
  1361. endif
  1362. endfor
  1363. for 2
  1364. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 25
  1365. pause 750
  1366. endif
  1367. endfor
  1368. for 5
  1369. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 5
  1370. pause 750
  1371. endif
  1372. endfor
  1373. for 5
  1374. if @movetype MaterialGraphic[0] 'Restock' 'backpack' 0 0 0 MaterialHue[0] 1
  1375. pause 750
  1376. endif
  1377. endfor
  1378. @canceltarget
  1379. if @counttype MaterialGraphic[0] MaterialHue[0] 'restock' == 0
  1380. sysmsg 'Out of Colored Iron' 25
  1381. @canceltarget
  1382. pause 600000
  1383. @playmacro 'CraftFill'
  1384. endif
  1385. endif
  1386. if @counttype 0x1bf2 0 'backpack' < 20
  1387. if movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 50
  1388. pause 550
  1389. else
  1390. useobject 'RestockIron'
  1391. pause 550
  1392. waitforcontents 'RestockIron' 5000
  1393. for 4
  1394. movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 10
  1395. pause 550
  1396. endfor
  1397. for 4
  1398. movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 4
  1399. pause 550
  1400. endfor
  1401. for 5
  1402. movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 1
  1403. pause 550
  1404. endfor
  1405. endif
  1406. endif
  1407. endif
  1408. else
  1409. //iron restock
  1410. if @counttype 0x1bf2 0 'backpack' < 200
  1411. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 1000
  1412. pause 750
  1413. else
  1414. useobject 'RestockIron'
  1415. pause 550
  1416. waitforcontents 'RestockIron' 5000
  1417. for 3
  1418. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 250
  1419. pause 750
  1420. endif
  1421. endfor
  1422. for 2
  1423. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 100
  1424. pause 750
  1425. endif
  1426. endfor
  1427. for 3
  1428. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 25
  1429. pause 750
  1430. endif
  1431. endfor
  1432. for 5
  1433. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 5
  1434. pause 750
  1435. endif
  1436. endfor
  1437. for 10
  1438. if @movetype 0x1bf2 'RestockIron' 'backpack' 0 0 0 0 1
  1439. pause 750
  1440. endif
  1441. endfor
  1442. @canceltarget
  1443. if @counttype 0x1bf2 0 'RestockIron' == 0
  1444. sysmsg 'Out of Iron Ingots' 34
  1445. pause 600000
  1446. @playmacro 'CraftFill'
  1447. endif
  1448. endif
  1449. endif
  1450. endif
  1451. endif
  1452. endfor
  1453. if @property 'Contents' 'backpack' >= 124 or @property 'Stones' 'backpack' >= 525
  1454. sysmsg 'Something went wrong! Pack full! Abort! Abort!' 34
  1455. stop
  1456. endif
  1457. // Check for tools
  1458. // make tinker tools
  1459. if @counttype 0x1eb8 0 'backpack' < 2
  1460. pause 550
  1461. @unsetalias 'warning'
  1462. while @counttype 0x1eb8 0 'backpack' < 2
  1463. usetype! 0x1eb8
  1464. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1465. replygump 0x38920abd 7
  1466. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1467. replygump 0x38920abd 6
  1468. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1469. @replygump 0x38920abd 8
  1470. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1471. @replygump 0x38920abd 23
  1472. pause 1000
  1473. endwhile
  1474. endif
  1475. //make kits
  1476. if @counttype 0xf9d 0 'backpack' < 3 and color 'bod' == 1155
  1477. pause 550
  1478. while @counttype 0xf9d 0 'backpack' < 3
  1479. usetype! 0x1eb8
  1480. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1481. replygump 0x38920abd 7
  1482. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1483. replygump 0x38920abd 6
  1484. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1485. @replygump 0x38920abd 8
  1486. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1487. @replygump 0x38920abd 44
  1488. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1489. pause 1000
  1490. endwhile
  1491. endif
  1492. //make hammers
  1493. if @counttype 0xfbb 0 'backpack' < 3 and color 'bod' == 1102
  1494. pause 550
  1495. while @counttype 0xfbb 0 'backpack' < 3
  1496. usetype! 0x1eb8
  1497. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1498. replygump 0x38920abd 7
  1499. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1500. replygump 0x38920abd 6
  1501. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1502. @replygump 0x38920abd 8
  1503. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1504. @replygump 0x38920abd 86
  1505. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1506. pause 1000
  1507. endwhile
  1508. endif
  1509. // Search for existing items
  1510. while @findtype Graphic[0] 'any' 'backpack'
  1511. if @property 'Contents' 'backpack' >= 124 or @property 'Stones' 'backpack' >= 525
  1512. sysmsg 'Something went wrong! Pack full! Abort! Abort!' 34
  1513. stop
  1514. endif
  1515. target! 'found'
  1516. waitfortarget 1000
  1517. if not targetexists 'server' and @injournal 'must be exceptional' 'system'
  1518. // Recycle this item
  1519. @clearjournal
  1520. if color 'bod' == 1102
  1521. replygump 0x38920abd 14
  1522. waitfortarget 5000
  1523. target! 'found'
  1524. pause 750
  1525. else
  1526. if usetype! 0xf9f
  1527. waitfortarget 5000
  1528. target! 'found'
  1529. pause 750
  1530. endif
  1531. endif
  1532. // Unable to recycle, trash item
  1533. if @findobject 'found'
  1534. @moveitem! 'found' 'Trash Barrel'
  1535. pause 750
  1536. endif
  1537. elseif not targetexists 'server' and @injournal 'the maximum amount of requested items'
  1538. // Recycle this item
  1539. if color 'bod' == 1102
  1540. replygump 0x38920abd 14
  1541. waitfortarget 5000
  1542. target! 'found'
  1543. pause 750
  1544. else
  1545. if usetype! 0xf9f
  1546. waitfortarget 5000
  1547. target! 'found'
  1548. pause 750
  1549. endif
  1550. endif
  1551. // Unable to recycle, trash item
  1552. if @findobject 'found'
  1553. @moveitem! 'found' 'Trash Barrel'
  1554. pause 750
  1555. endif
  1556. elseif not targetexists 'server'
  1557. replygump 0x5afbd742 2
  1558. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 2500
  1559. waitfortarget 1000
  1560. endif
  1561. endwhile
  1562. // Craft new items if necessary
  1563. if targetexists 'server'
  1564. if @property 'Contents' 'backpack' >= 124 or @property 'Stones' 'backpack' >= 525
  1565. sysmsg 'Something went wrong! Pack full! Abort! Abort!' 34
  1566. stop
  1567. endif
  1568. // Swap resource and category only once per BOD
  1569. if not @findobject 'crafting' 'any' 'backpack'
  1570. @setalias 'crafting' 'bod'
  1571. // Resource
  1572. if not list 'MaterialHue' == 0
  1573. usetype! ToolType[0] 0
  1574. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1575. replygump 0x38920abd 7
  1576. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1577. replygump 0x38920abd MaterialButton[0]
  1578. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1579. endif
  1580. // Category
  1581. pause 550
  1582. usetype! ToolType[0] 0
  1583. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1584. replygump 0x38920abd GumpCat[0]
  1585. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1586. endif
  1587. if not @gumpexists 0x38920abd or @injournal 'replygump: gump id not found'
  1588. usetype! ToolType[0] 0
  1589. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1590. @clearjournal
  1591. elseif not @ingump 0x38920abd 'Bone Armor' and not @ingump 0x38920abd 'Dragon Scale Armor'
  1592. usetype! ToolType[0] 0
  1593. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1594. endif
  1595. replygump 0x38920abd GumpSel[0]
  1596. waitforgump 0x38920abd 2000
  1597. pause 50
  1598. if counttype Graphic[0] 'any' 'backpack' == 0 or counttype Graphic[0] 'any' 'backpack' > 2
  1599. @unsetalias 'crafting'
  1600. pause 550
  1601. @playmacro 'CraftFill'
  1602. endif
  1603. endif
  1604. endwhile
  1605. // BOD is complete, move to destination
  1606. if not targetexists 'server' and @injournal 'the maximum amount of requested items'
  1607. while @findtype Graphic[0] 'any' 'backpack'
  1608. if color 'bod' == 1102
  1609. replygump 0x38920abd 14
  1610. waitfortarget 5000
  1611. target! 'found'
  1612. pause 750
  1613. else
  1614. if usetype! 0xf9f
  1615. waitfortarget 5000
  1616. target! 'found'
  1617. pause 750
  1618. endif
  1619. endif
  1620. // Unable to recycle, trash item
  1621. if @findobject 'found'
  1622. @moveitem! 'found' 'Trash Barrel'
  1623. pause 750
  1624. endif
  1625. replygump 0x5afbd742 2
  1626. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 2500
  1627. waitfortarget 5000
  1628. clearjournal
  1629. endwhile
  1630. clearjournal
  1631. @moveitem 'bod' Destination[0]
  1632. pause 750
  1633. // Trash BOD or missing definitions
  1634. elseif not targetexists 'server'
  1635. replygump 0x5afbd742 2
  1636. waitforgump 0x5afbd742 2500
  1637. waitfortarget 1000
  1638. elseif not @findalias 'crafting'
  1639. @moveitem 'bod' 'Trash BODs Destination'
  1640. pause 750
  1641. endif
  1642. elseif not @property 'Deeds in Book: 0' 'EmptyBods'
  1643. useobject! 'EmptyBods'
  1644. waitforgump 0x54f555df 2500
  1645. replygump 0x54f555df 5
  1646. waitforgump 0x54f555df 2500
  1647. pause 750
  1648. else
  1649. sysmsg 'Out of bods to fill.' 64
  1650. @canceltarget
  1651. while counttype 0x1081 0 'backpack' > 0
  1652. movetype 0x1081 'backpack' 'RestockLeather'
  1653. pause 550
  1654. endwhile
  1655. while counttype 0x1081 'any' 'backpack' > 0
  1656. movetype 0x1081 'backpack' 'restock'
  1657. pause 550
  1658. endwhile
  1659. while counttype 0x1bf2 0 'backpack' > 0
  1660. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'RestockIron' (0 0 0) 0
  1661. pause 550
  1662. endwhile
  1663. while counttype 0x1bf2 'any' 'backpack' > 0
  1664. movetype 0x1bf2 'backpack' 'restock'
  1665. pause 550
  1666. endwhile
  1667. while counttype 0x1766 'any' 'backpack' > 0
  1668. movetype 0x1766 'backpack' 'RestockCloth'
  1669. pause 550
  1670. endwhile
  1671. while counttype 0x1767 'any' 'backpack' > 0
  1672. movetype 0x1767 'backpack' 'RestockCloth'
  1673. pause 550
  1674. endwhile
  1675. @playmacro 'Take New Book'
  1676. stop
  1677. endif
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