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Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. # These first 6 aren't configurable
  2. issues: ""
  3. wiki: ""
  4. date: "9 Aug 2019 22:00:00 GMT"
  5. build: ""
  6. commit: ""
  7. platform: "bukkit"
  8. # Options: cn, de, es, fr, it, nl, ru, tr
  9. # Create a PR to contribute a translation:
  10. language: "nl"
  11. # Send anonymous usage statistics
  12. metrics: false
  13. # Set true to enable WorldEdit restrictions per region (e.g. PlotSquared or WorldGuard).
  14. # To be allowed to WorldEdit in a region, users need the appropriate
  15. # fawe.<plugin> permission. See the Permissions page for supported region plugins.
  16. region-restrictions: true
  17. # FAWE will skip chunks when there's not enough memory available
  18. prevent-crashes: false
  19. # FAWE will cancel non admin edits when memory consumption exceeds this %
  20. # - Bypass with `/wea` or `//fast` or `fawe.bypass`
  21. # - Disable with 100 or -1.
  22. max-memory-percent: 95
  24. clipboard:
  25. # Store the clipboard on disk instead of memory
  26. # - Will be slightly slower
  27. # - Uses 2 bytes per block
  28. use-disk: true
  29. # Compress the clipboard to reduce the size:
  30. # - TODO: Buffered random access with compression is not implemented on disk yet
  31. # - 0 = No compression
  32. # - 1 = Fast compression
  33. # - 2-17 = Slower compression
  34. compression-level: 1
  35. # Number of days to keep history on disk before deleting it
  36. delete-after-days: 1
  38. lighting:
  39. # If packet sending should be delayed until relight is finished
  40. delay-packet-sending: true
  41. async: true
  42. # The relighting mode to use:
  43. # - 0 = None (Do no relighting)
  44. # - 1 = Optimal (Relight changed light sources and changed blocks)
  45. # - 2 = All (Slowly relight every blocks)
  46. mode: 1
  47. # If existing lighting should be removed before relighting
  48. remove-first: false
  50. # Generic tick limiter (not necessarily WorldEdit related, but useful to stop abuse)
  51. tick-limiter:
  52. # Enable the limiter
  53. enabled: false
  54. # The interval in ticks
  55. interval: 20
  56. # Max falling blocks per interval (per chunk)
  57. falling: 64
  58. # Max physics per interval (excluding redstone)
  59. physics-ms: 10
  60. # Max item spawns per interval (per chunk)
  61. items: 256
  62. # Whether fireworks can load chunks
  63. # - Fireworks usually travel vertically so do not load any chunks
  64. # - Horizontal fireworks can be hacked in to crash a server
  65. fireworks-load-chunks: false
  67. web:
  68. # Should download urls be shortened?
  69. # - Links are less secure as they could be brute forced
  70. shorten-urls: false
  71. # The web interface for clipboards
  72. # - All schematics are anonymous and private
  73. # - Downloads can be deleted by the user
  74. # - Supports clipboard uploads, downloads and saves
  75. url: ""
  76. # The web interface for assets
  77. # - All schematics are organized and public
  78. # - Assets can be searched, selected and downloaded
  79. assets: ""
  81. extent:
  82. # Don't bug console when these plugins slow down WorldEdit operations
  83. # - You'll see a message in console if you need to change this option
  84. allowed-plugins: []
  85. # Should debug messages be sent when third party extents are used?
  86. debug: false
  88. # Experimental options, use at your own risk
  89. # - UNSAFE = Can cause permanent damage to the server
  90. # - SAFE = Can be buggy but unlikely to cause any damage
  91. experimental:
  92. # [UNSAFE] Directly modify the region files. (OBSOLETE - USE ANVIL COMMANDS)
  94. anvil-queue-mode: false
  95. # [SAFE] Dynamically increase the number of chunks rendered
  96. # - Requires Paper:
  97. # - Set your server view distance to 1 (spigot.yml,
  98. # - Based on tps and player movement
  99. # - Note: If entities become hidden, increase the server view distance to 3
  100. dynamic-chunk-rendering: -1
  101. # Allows brushes to be persistent (default: true)
  102. persistent-brushes: true
  103. # Disable using native libraries
  104. disable-natives: false
  105. # [SAFE] Keep entities that are positioned in non-air blocks when editing an area
  106. # Might cause client-side FPS lagg in some situations
  107. keep-entities-in-blocks: false
  108. # [SAFE] Experimental scripting support for Java 9
  109. # -
  110. modern-craftscripts: false
  111. # [SAFE] Experimental freebuild region restrictions
  112. # - PERM: fawe.freebuild
  113. # - PERM: fawe.freebuild.<plugin>
  114. freebuild: false
  116. # This relates to how FAWE places chunks
  117. queue:
  118. # This should equal the number of processors you have
  119. # - Set this to 1 if you need reliable `/timings`
  120. parallel-threads: 12
  121. progress:
  122. # Display constant titles about the progress of a user's edit
  123. # - false = disabled
  124. # - title = Display progress titles
  125. # - chat = Display progress in chat
  126. display: "false"
  127. # How often edit progress is displayed
  128. interval: 1
  129. # Delay sending progress in milliseconds (so quick edits don't spam)
  130. delay: 5000
  131. # When doing edits that effect more than this many chunks:
  132. # - FAWE will start placing before all calculations are finished
  133. # - A larger value will use slightly less CPU time
  134. # - A smaller value will reduce memory usage
  135. # - A value too small may break some operations (deform?)
  136. target-size: 64
  137. # Force FAWE to start placing chunks regardless of whether an edit is finished processing
  138. # - A larger value will use slightly less CPU time
  139. # - A smaller value will reduce memory usage
  140. # - A value too small may break some operations (deform?)
  141. max-wait-ms: 1000
  142. # Increase or decrease queue intensity (ms) [-50,50]:
  143. # 0 = balance of performance / stability
  144. # -10 = Allocate 10ms less for chunk placement
  145. # Too high will can cause lag spikes (you might be okay with this)
  146. # Too low will result in slow edits
  147. extra-time-ms: 0
  148. # Loading the right amount of chunks beforehand can speed up operations
  149. # - Low values may result in FAWE waiting on requests to the main thread
  150. # - Higher values use more memory and isn't noticeably faster
  151. preload-chunks: 32
  152. # Discard edits which have been idle for a certain amount of time (ms)
  153. # - E.g. A plugin creates an EditSession but never does anything with it
  154. # - This only applies to plugins improperly using WorldEdit's legacy API
  155. discard-after-ms: 60000
  157. history:
  158. # Should history be saved on disk:
  159. # - Frees up a lot of memory
  160. # - Persists restarts
  161. # - Unlimited undo
  162. # - Does not affect edit performance if `combine-stages`
  163. use-disk: true
  164. # Use a database to store disk storage summaries:
  165. # - Enables inspection and rollback
  166. # - Does not impact performance
  167. use-database: true
  168. # Record history with dispatching:
  169. # - Much faster as it avoids duplicate block checks
  170. # - Slightly worse compression since dispatch order is different
  171. combine-stages: true
  172. # Higher compression reduces the size of history at the expense of CPU
  173. # 0 = Uncompressed byte array (fastest)
  174. # 1 = 1 pass fast compressor (default)
  175. # 2 = 2 x fast
  176. # 3 = 3 x fast
  177. # 4 = 1 x medium, 1 x fast
  178. # 5 = 1 x medium, 2 x fast
  179. # 6 = 1 x medium, 3 x fast
  180. # 7 = 1 x high, 1 x medium, 1 x fast
  181. # 8 = 1 x high, 1 x medium, 2 x fast
  182. # 9 = 1 x high, 1 x medium, 3 x fast (best compression)
  183. # NOTE: If using disk, do some compression (3+) as smaller files save faster
  184. compression-level: 3
  185. # The buffer size for compression:
  186. # - Larger = better ratio but uses more upfront memory
  187. # - Must be in the range [64, 33554432]
  188. buffer-size: 531441
  189. # The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a chunk to load for an edit.
  190. # (50ms = 1 server tick, 0 = Fastest).
  191. # The default value of 100 should be safe for most cases.
  192. #
  193. # Actions which require loaded chunks (e.g. copy) which do not load in time
  194. # will use the last chunk as filler, which may appear as bands of duplicated blocks.
  195. # Actions usually wait about 25-50ms for the chunk to load, more if the server is lagging.
  196. # A value of 100ms does not force it to wait 100ms if the chunk loads in 10ms.
  197. #
  198. # This value is a timeout in case a chunk is never going to load (for whatever odd reason).
  199. # If the action times out, the operation continues by using the previous chunk as filler,
  200. # and displaying an error message. In this case, either copy a smaller section,
  201. # or increase chunk-wait-ms.
  202. # A value of 0 is faster simply because it doesn't bother loading the chunks or waiting.
  203. chunk-wait-ms: 1000
  204. # Delete history on disk after a number of days
  205. delete-after-days: 7
  206. # Delete history in memory on logout (does not effect disk)
  207. delete-on-logout: true
  208. # If history should be enabled by default for plugins using WorldEdit:
  209. # - It is faster to have disabled
  210. # - Use of the FAWE API will not be effected
  211. enable-for-console: true
  212. # Should redo information be stored:
  213. # - History is about 20% larger
  214. # - Enables use of /redo
  215. store-redo: true
  216. # Assumes all edits are smaller than 4096x256x4096:
  217. # - Reduces history size by ~10%
  218. small-edits: false
  220. # Paths for various directories
  221. paths:
  222. tokens: "tokens"
  223. # Put any minecraft or mod jars for FAWE to be aware of block textures
  224. textures: "textures"
  225. heightmap: "heightmap"
  226. history: "history"
  227. # Multiple servers can use the same clipboards
  228. # - Use a shared directory or NFS/Samba
  229. clipboard: "clipboard"
  230. # Each player has their own sub directory for schematics
  231. per-player-schematics: true
  232. commands: "commands"
  234. # Region restriction settings
  235. region-restrictions-options:
  236. # What type of users are allowed to WorldEdit in a region
  237. # - MEMBER = Players added to a region
  238. # - OWNER = Players who own the region
  239. mode: "MEMBER"
  241. # Enable or disable core components
  242. enabled-components:
  243. commands: true
  244. # The "default" limit group affects those without a specific limit permission.
  245. # To grant someone different limits, copy the default limits group
  246. # and give it a different name (e.g. newbie). Then give the user the limit
  247. # permission node with that limit name (e.g. fawe.limit.newbie )
  248. limits:
  249. default:
  250. # Max actions that can be run concurrently (i.e. commands)
  251. max-actions: 1
  252. # Max number of block changes (e.g. by `//set stone`).
  253. max-changes: 50000000
  254. # Max number of blocks checked (e.g. `//count stone` which doesn't change blocks)
  255. max-checks: 50000000
  256. # Number of times a change can fail (e.g. if the player can't access that region)
  257. max-fails: 500000
  258. # Allowed brush iterations (e.g. `//brush smooth`)
  259. max-iterations: 1000
  260. # Max allowed entities (e.g. cows)
  261. max-entities: 0
  262. # Blockstates include Banner, Beacon, BrewingStand, Chest, CommandBlock,
  263. # CreatureSpawner, Dispenser, Dropper, EndGateway, Furnace, Hopper, Jukebox,
  264. # NoteBlock, Sign, Skull, Structure
  265. max-blockstates: 13370
  266. # Maximum size of the player's history in Megabytes:
  267. # - History on disk or memory will be deleted
  268. max-history-mb: -1
  269. # Maximum time in milliseconds //calc can execute
  270. max-expression-ms: 50
  271. # Cinematic block placement:
  272. # - Adds a delay to block placement (ms/block)
  273. # - Having an artificial delay will use more CPU/Memory
  274. speed-reduction: 0
  275. # Place chunks instead of individual blocks:
  276. # - Disabling this will negatively impact performance
  277. # - Only disable this for compatibility or cinematic placement
  278. fast-placement: true
  279. # Should WorldEdit use inventory?
  280. # 0 = No inventory usage (creative)
  281. # 1 = Inventory for removing and placing (freebuild)
  282. # 2 = Inventory for placing (survival)
  283. inventory-mode: 0
  284. # Should large edits require confirmation (>16384 chunks)
  285. confirm-large: true
  286. # List of blocks to strip nbt from
  287. strip-nbt: []
  288. builder:
  289. # Max actions that can be run concurrently (i.e. commands)
  290. max-actions: 1
  291. # Max number of block changes (e.g. by `//set stone`).
  292. max-changes: 50000000
  293. # Max number of blocks checked (e.g. `//count stone` which doesn't change blocks)
  294. max-checks: 50000000
  295. # Number of times a change can fail (e.g. if the player can't access that region)
  296. max-fails: 50000000
  297. # Allowed brush iterations (e.g. `//brush smooth`)
  298. max-iterations: 1000
  299. # Max allowed entities (e.g. cows)
  300. max-entities: 1337
  301. # Blockstates include Banner, Beacon, BrewingStand, Chest, CommandBlock,
  302. # CreatureSpawner, Dispenser, Dropper, EndGateway, Furnace, Hopper, Jukebox,
  303. # NoteBlock, Sign, Skull, Structure
  304. max-blockstates: 1337
  305. # Maximum size of the player's history in Megabytes:
  306. # - History on disk or memory will be deleted
  307. max-history-mb: -1
  308. # Maximum time in milliseconds //calc can execute
  309. max-expression-ms: 50
  310. # Cinematic block placement:
  311. # - Adds a delay to block placement (ms/block)
  312. # - Having an artificial delay will use more CPU/Memory
  313. speed-reduction: 0
  314. # Place chunks instead of individual blocks:
  315. # - Disabling this will negatively impact performance
  316. # - Only disable this for compatibility or cinematic placement
  317. fast-placement: true
  318. # Should WorldEdit use inventory?
  319. # 0 = No inventory usage (creative)
  320. # 1 = Inventory for removing and placing (freebuild)
  321. # 2 = Inventory for placing (survival)
  322. inventory-mode: 0
  323. # Should large edits require confirmation (>16384 chunks)
  324. confirm-large: true
  325. # List of blocks to strip nbt from
  326. strip-nbt: []
  327. rank:
  328. # Max actions that can be run concurrently (i.e. commands)
  329. max-actions: 1
  330. # Max number of block changes (e.g. by `//set stone`).
  331. max-changes: 50000000
  332. # Max number of blocks checked (e.g. `//count stone` which doesn't change blocks)
  333. max-checks: 50000000
  334. # Number of times a change can fail (e.g. if the player can't access that region)
  335. max-fails: 50000000
  336. # Allowed brush iterations (e.g. `//brush smooth`)
  337. max-iterations: 1000
  338. # Max allowed entities (e.g. cows)
  339. max-entities: 0
  340. # Blockstates include Banner, Beacon, BrewingStand, Chest, CommandBlock,
  341. # CreatureSpawner, Dispenser, Dropper, EndGateway, Furnace, Hopper, Jukebox,
  342. # NoteBlock, Sign, Skull, Structure
  343. max-blockstates: 1337
  344. # Maximum size of the player's history in Megabytes:
  345. # - History on disk or memory will be deleted
  346. max-history-mb: -1
  347. # Maximum time in milliseconds //calc can execute
  348. max-expression-ms: 50
  349. # Cinematic block placement:
  350. # - Adds a delay to block placement (ms/block)
  351. # - Having an artificial delay will use more CPU/Memory
  352. speed-reduction: 0
  353. # Place chunks instead of individual blocks:
  354. # - Disabling this will negatively impact performance
  355. # - Only disable this for compatibility or cinematic placement
  356. fast-placement: true
  357. # Should WorldEdit use inventory?
  358. # 0 = No inventory usage (creative)
  359. # 1 = Inventory for removing and placing (freebuild)
  360. # 2 = Inventory for placing (survival)
  361. inventory-mode: 0
  362. # Should large edits require confirmation (>16384 chunks)
  363. confirm-large: true
  364. # List of blocks to strip nbt from
  365. strip-nbt: []
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