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Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. > EVI.all
  2. class : RasterLayer
  3. band : 1 (of 12 bands)
  4. dimensions : 771, 735, 566685 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
  5. resolution : 0.002245788, 0.002245788 (x, y)
  6. extent : 76.22654, 77.8772, 9.861256, 11.59276 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
  7. coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
  8. data source : E:DataEVIMOD13Q1_EVI_AllYears.tif
  9. names : MOD13Q1_EVI_AllYears
  11. e <- raster::extract(EVI.all,trial)
  12. > e
  13. [1] 2924.38889 2924.38889 3157.33333 3952.00000 3336.97222 4052.77778 3169.19444 4226.27778 3621.52778 2732.41667
  14. [11] 3695.94444 4306.08333 4306.08333 4136.55556 3695.94444 4484.30556 3494.05556 3494.05556 2032.00000 2032.00000
  15. [21] 3559.08333 2113.13889 1991.50000 4580.52778 4580.52778 2538.41667 4319.08333 3725.72222 3342.61111 3952.00000
  16. [31] 4473.05556 4473.05556 3503.63889 4106.33333 -56.80556 -56.80556 -56.80556 4120.36111 3342.61111 2922.44444
  17. [41] 3100.75000 3100.75000 4152.94444 4399.16667 4399.16667 4399.16667 4399.16667 4399.16667 4399.16667 4399.16667
  18. [51] 4399.16667 2405.08333 2405.08333 2924.38889 4310.52778 4293.22222 4237.13889 4237.13889 4237.13889 3180.02778
  19. [61] 4037.60000 3823.72222 3191.41667 3191.41667 3330.66667 3961.25000 3952.52778 2732.41667 2732.41667 4894.86111
  20. [71] 3156.52778 3156.52778 3156.52778 3156.52778 3156.52778 3278.13889 3278.13889 3278.13889 4794.66667 4530.25000
  21. [81] 4530.25000 4530.25000 4530.25000 2873.11111 3775.69444 2574.47222 2574.47222 3510.13889 2713.02778 4129.50000
  22. [91] 3130.11111 4987.25000 3098.25000 3663.02778 3521.02778 4285.11111 3225.80556 2311.11111 2311.11111 2337.00000
  23. [101] 2460.13889 4058.44444 4019.41667 3357.08333 3960.83333 4539.58333 3336.00000 3336.00000 3336.00000 2239.50000
  24. [111] 2239.50000 628.22222 3506.36111 3859.11111 3900.97222 3900.97222 3900.97222 3900.97222 3191.41667 4226.44444
  25. [121] 3409.91667 3278.13889 4719.30556 3414.27778 3414.27778 2749.94444 2036.25000 3015.63889 2600.97222 3156.52778
  26. [131] 4070.55556 4207.44444 4207.44444 4207.44444 2640.52778 2640.52778 2309.33333 2390.16667 2390.16667
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