
CS296 L1 Lynching SilverScript Aug 14 2017

Aug 14th, 2017
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  1. CS296 L1 Lynching SilverScript Aug 14 2017
  3. L1 Digital Lynching - Fictionalist Jake Tapper's singling out journalist Lee Stranahan and the call for an FBI investigation into Stranahan's activities are nothing short of modern day McCarthyism. This is the digital equivalent of a lynching.
  7. livechat
  9. Transcript
  10. 0:27
  11. and we are live YouTube is kind of not
  12. 0:33
  13. live here we go I think it will be great
  14. 0:39
  15. okay hello everybody
  16. 0:42
  17. good to see you we've got George and
  18. 0:45
  19. Trish here on skype George how's the
  20. 0:48
  21. Bronx I hear the rumbling of the
  22. 0:50
  23. elevated train in the background we're
  24. 0:54
  25. chillin the t25 Jason we're chillin the
  26. 0:57
  27. to two to five right here marble hill
  28. 0:59
  29. it's real for Street for Street it's
  30. 1:02
  31. really truly the only person who can
  32. 1:05
  33. spend like a portion of a day somewhere
  34. 1:07
  35. and have the accent of that place and
  36. 1:10
  37. the whole so we're calling this episode
  38. 1:17
  39. of digital lynching because basically of
  40. 1:20
  41. what has happened to George what
  42. 1:22
  43. happened with Lee Stranahan we're not
  44. 1:24
  45. gonna have Lee with us tonight but of
  46. 1:26
  47. course last night we were talking about
  48. 1:27
  49. the insanity of the fake yapper on CNN
  50. 1:33
  51. mr. Jake snapperhead Thank You CNN
  52. 1:36
  53. vikner CNN exactly we we sort of wanted
  54. 1:41
  55. to reach out to our friend Donny but I
  56. 1:43
  57. mean maybe we didn't do such a good job
  58. 1:45
  59. of that what would be making fun of him
  60. 1:47
  61. for like two months solid then just like
  62. 1:50
  63. going and bum-rushing his office but
  64. 1:54
  65. what you want to say about that truth to
  66. 1:55
  67. power baby
  68. 1:56
  69. to go on your east lead show I didn't I
  70. 1:59
  71. didn't go down let me start right I
  72. 2:04
  73. didn't go on I would add you Treece lead
  74. 2:08
  75. show for one reason because she I'm
  76. 2:11
  77. sorry Trish shush
  78. 2:13
  79. she told truth to power Sun Sun City Sun
  80. 2:17
  81. City Sun Brooklyn represent I'm sorry
  82. 2:20
  83. I'm not down on with their with the
  84. 2:22
  85. Brooklyn homies tonight I'm up here in
  86. 2:24
  87. the Bronx but she told the truth the
  88. 2:26
  89. park and so what we're not we're not
  90. 2:28
  91. gonna play we're not playing we're gonna
  92. 2:30
  93. tell truth to power telling truth to
  94. 2:33
  95. power we're not gonna you know be you
  96. 2:35
  97. know hand-wringing and saying oh maybe
  98. 2:37
  99. this maybe that will give you one chance
  100. 2:39
  101. to be a gentleman
  102. 2:41
  103. if not then we're gonna bring it we're
  104. 2:42
  105. gonna bring the lawsuit so when you say
  106. 2:46
  107. I mean I don't know if you're telling
  108. 2:47
  109. something to somebody but what lawsuit
  110. 2:50
  111. are you bringing now you're talking a
  112. 2:51
  113. CNN lawsuit yeah well I think you know
  114. 2:54
  115. if you tell if you have a chance to tell
  116. 2:56
  117. the truth if you are given the full
  118. 2:58
  119. presentation of the facts if you ignore
  120. 3:00
  121. all the facts and then you just go with
  122. 3:03
  123. whatever narrative that you decided to
  124. 3:05
  125. do with your producer then that is not
  126. 3:07
  127. it's not a miscarriage of journalism
  128. 3:10
  129. it's lying and you are characterizing
  130. 3:12
  131. somebody as a terrorist when someone is
  132. 3:15
  133. actually it someone who's trying to
  134. 3:17
  135. present facts to focus the public with a
  136. 3:21
  137. clear presentation of facts and then let
  138. 3:24
  139. the public decide that's the key you
  140. 3:26
  141. know go through all the different things
  142. 3:28
  143. that we went through and then say you
  144. 3:29
  145. decide okay don't just say you know what
  146. 3:32
  147. it doesn't agree with us and so I'm
  148. 3:35
  149. Donnie and I'm gonna say he's a
  150. 3:36
  151. terrorist that's the new method at CNN
  152. 3:38
  153. you know terrorist labeling it's almost
  154. 3:40
  155. like those people that used to run
  156. 3:41
  157. around with stickers
  158. 3:42
  159. you know those happy face stickers only
  160. 3:44
  161. now cNN has bunch of interns they just
  162. 3:47
  163. run around with terrorist stickers just
  164. 3:48
  165. stick it on anything they don't agree
  166. 3:50
  167. with well okay that makes sense
  168. 3:54
  169. you know dan Halen has Doug disinfo
  170. 3:56
  171. Donny Donny cash or Sullivan so I guess
  172. 4:01
  173. he's cashing in what are we looking at
  174. 4:02
  175. there well I just want to say you know
  176. 4:07
  177. these are Bronx stories okay
  178. 4:08
  179. so so this this place right here
  180. 4:11
  181. spanish-speaking couple owns it and they
  182. 4:15
  183. let me speak Spanish to him they didn't
  184. 4:16
  185. laugh too much and down there that one
  186. 4:19
  187. on the corner he's a guy from Jordan he
  188. 4:21
  189. wants to move to California or Florida
  190. 4:24
  191. because he wants to get back to the nice
  192. 4:26
  193. warmth of Jordan but he's like doing the
  194. 4:28
  195. thing while he can't you know there's so
  196. 4:31
  197. many stories down here these are the
  198. 4:33
  199. real people you know Tony my home's
  200. 4:34
  201. right over here you know he's 21 he
  202. 4:36
  203. wants to get the Pittsburgh and you know
  204. 4:37
  205. wants to get out of the Bronx I talked
  206. 4:40
  207. to another lady right here she's 47
  208. 4:43
  209. years old she wants a little bit more
  210. 4:45
  211. light in the neighborhood and a little
  212. 4:46
  213. bit more police presence you know it
  214. 4:48
  215. takes two seconds Donny two seconds to
  216. 4:51
  217. come down here and
  218. 4:53
  219. talk to the real people and do real
  220. 4:55
  221. stories you're in la-la land
  222. 4:57
  223. well but you're your love I mean it the
  224. 5:00
  225. whole problem though as we know starting
  226. 5:03
  227. back at least with operation Mockingbird
  228. 5:06
  229. that the entire mainstream media has
  230. 5:10
  231. been co-opted and not only have they
  232. 5:13
  233. been doing it covertly for decades they
  234. 5:17
  235. made it legal in 2013 to spew propaganda
  236. 5:23
  237. and that's what that is
  238. 5:24
  239. that's literally what that is ludo wolf
  240. 5:27
  241. Cod he's the former German editor who
  242. 5:31
  243. died suddenly in January after outing
  244. 5:35
  245. the mainstream media for regularly
  246. 5:38
  247. publishing CIA stories as news and craft
  248. 5:45
  249. totally crazy yeah now I do I do want to
  250. 5:49
  251. be a little bit fair towards Donnie
  252. 5:51
  253. there wasn't exactly an appointment with
  254. 5:54
  255. him today you just sort of showed up and
  256. 5:57
  257. wanted to talk to well he had two months
  258. 6:00
  259. we came two months and he didn't decide
  260. 6:03
  261. to especially after Zanesville when the
  262. 6:06
  263. facts came out that yes the you know FBI
  264. 6:09
  265. was hunting me down jtf was hunting me
  266. 6:11
  267. down they may have gone into my phone
  268. 6:14
  269. and got the contacts of deep uranium and
  270. 6:17
  271. the deep eerie uranium five they may
  272. 6:19
  273. have got deep blackberry it may have got
  274. 6:21
  275. deep with bad loan so all my contacts
  276. 6:24
  277. now and then they destroyed my phone so
  278. 6:27
  279. I don't have any more phone I mean I
  280. 6:30
  281. felt it Trish has been on the other end
  282. 6:33
  283. of this as well when they took her
  284. 6:36
  285. account over and now with Lee that was
  286. 6:40
  287. just the last straw for me and I said
  288. 6:41
  289. you know what I'm not waiting another
  290. 6:42
  291. day I'm not waiting another day I'm
  292. 6:44
  293. standing up for Lee I'm going down there
  294. 6:46
  295. I I'm not gonna do anything violent
  296. 6:48
  297. obviously I just want to make my
  298. 6:50
  299. position known that this is bullshit and
  300. 6:53
  301. I know I don't swear very often like
  302. 6:55
  303. Trish says the B word more that I do but
  304. 6:58
  305. let me really in a little bit here big G
  306. 7:01
  307. because there's a couple things how do
  308. 7:03
  309. we know that they got your contacts out
  310. 7:05
  311. of the phone we saw these Ames
  312. 7:07
  313. police report that said they ping the
  314. 7:08
  315. phone and that's a stingray kind of dirt
  316. 7:12
  317. box sort of a thing to geo-located but
  318. 7:14
  319. how do you know that they downloaded
  320. 7:16
  321. content from the phone well we're gonna
  322. 7:18
  323. find out from a legal process and those
  324. 7:21
  325. are your fundamental rights your one
  326. 7:23
  327. through ten is fundamental right and you
  328. 7:25
  329. have the state needs to prove a pole the
  330. 7:29
  331. standard of strict scrutiny which is
  332. 7:31
  333. discovery we can discover the
  334. 7:33
  335. conversations that they had between JTTF
  336. 7:36
  337. and the local police we can discover
  338. 7:38
  339. those phone calls that I took from the
  340. 7:39
  341. court those three calls I said do
  342. 7:41
  343. standard testing don't do anything out
  344. 7:43
  345. of the ordinary
  346. 7:44
  347. only on the diplomatic containers right
  348. 7:46
  349. and only if they are wand brothers
  350. 7:48
  351. transport so that's going to come out
  352. 7:51
  353. eventually and that was very specific
  354. 7:55
  355. that's true all right
  356. 7:57
  357. that's truth to power right there that's
  358. 8:00
  359. truth to power that's a train to truth
  360. 8:01
  361. coming through that's truth to power
  362. 8:03
  363. right so George what makes you believe
  364. 8:06
  365. that they downloaded your contacts well
  366. 8:11
  367. I don't know I mean I do know that I was
  368. 8:14
  369. either either someone my second contact
  370. 8:17
  371. that I was going out to meet either was
  372. 8:18
  373. a real meeting or I was I was spooked
  374. 8:21
  375. you know who spent who spoof that said
  376. 8:23
  377. rich files who spoofed me out of the
  378. 8:25
  379. hotel I don't know I mean we'll know by
  380. 8:28
  381. but that's why I you know we should have
  382. 8:30
  383. this kind of recourse as citizens to say
  384. 8:34
  385. that to protect our fundamental rights
  386. 8:35
  387. we get to discover what JTTF is doing in
  388. 8:38
  389. the background we can't just say oh you
  390. 8:39
  391. know we're the where the state we get to
  392. 8:42
  393. stomp all over your your fundamental
  394. 8:44
  395. rights that's our new thing no it isn't
  396. 8:47
  397. your new thing that there's something
  398. 8:49
  399. called the Constitution and you got it
  400. 8:50
  401. play by those rules well speaking of the
  402. 8:54
  403. JTTF and the work that they have been
  404. 8:59
  405. doing I mean this dates back to is it
  406. 9:04
  407. five seven years for you George in
  408. 9:06
  409. Portland where they carried out an
  410. 9:09
  411. operation to stage a terrorist event and
  412. 9:14
  413. I saw some research late yesterday about
  414. 9:20
  415. the the Charlottesville event and how
  416. 9:27
  417. also there was this helicopter crash on
  418. 9:31
  419. the same day I don't know if you saw
  420. 9:33
  421. that and people are trying to find out
  422. 9:36
  423. who was on the helicopter because it
  424. 9:38
  425. really makes you wonder if they were
  426. 9:40
  427. trying to pull off you know a big move
  428. 9:44
  429. covering the little move kind of
  430. 9:47
  431. scenario there is that this low heat
  432. 9:50
  433. about the Charlottesville Virginia 82nd
  434. 9:55
  435. airborne contractors yes yeah I think so
  436. 9:59
  437. dirt boxing George what were they doing
  438. 10:02
  439. no I I don't know anything about the
  440. 10:04
  441. helicopter I know is Rolls Royce engine
  442. 10:06
  443. that's about all I know but what I do
  444. 10:08
  445. know is that we had one of my context as
  446. 10:11
  447. a matter of fact it was steep Zanesville
  448. 10:13
  449. the first guy I was meeting with when I
  450. 10:14
  451. was taking the calls for the port he was
  452. 10:16
  453. the one who sent me that he ran the
  454. 10:18
  455. plate of a guy who actually did that
  456. 10:19
  457. when he run ran those people over right
  458. 10:21
  459. yeah and he was the first guy I broke
  460. 10:24
  461. that story through deep Zanesville
  462. 10:25
  463. nobody has given us any credit
  464. 10:27
  465. crowdsource the truth yet we ran that
  466. 10:29
  467. story he was from mommy Ohio
  468. 10:31
  469. that's when they had a confession what I
  470. 10:35
  471. sent you yesterday Jace look at look at
  472. 10:37
  473. the Twitter look at the Twitter feed we
  474. 10:39
  475. got a number was there I just put it
  476. 10:41
  477. there yep we were number one we reported
  478. 10:44
  479. the story that the runner daughter guy
  480. 10:47
  481. whatever you want to call it was from
  482. 10:50
  483. mommy Ohio and we ran the fact that he
  484. 10:53
  485. was a very big anti-trump guy of course
  486. 10:55
  487. they respond that narratives you know
  488. 10:57
  489. he's some kind of white supremacist now
  490. 11:00
  491. the thing is we're going to mommy
  492. 11:03
  493. Ohio I'm gonna go there I'm gonna ask
  494. 11:05
  495. all the people around him and this story
  496. 11:08
  497. the school play is gonna fall apart like
  498. 11:09
  499. a cheap suit you've seen the suits I
  500. 11:12
  501. wear I don't wear him but if I did you
  502. 11:14
  503. know they'd be cheap and you know they
  504. 11:16
  505. would fall apart that's the story that
  506. 11:18
  507. they presented they keep doing this why
  508. 11:20
  509. did they do this it's so obvious well I
  510. 11:23
  511. mean Lee blew the thing away as well
  512. 11:29
  513. well how did Lee blow it away I don't
  514. 11:31
  515. know I I know he did
  516. 11:33
  517. a lot of great reporting but how did he
  518. 11:35
  519. blow that story 100 with the Nazi thing
  520. 11:37
  521. with it yeah blood and soil the soil was
  522. 11:40
  523. great listen to me or the whole thing he
  524. 11:42
  525. was doing yesterday showed that it was
  526. 11:44
  527. basically the same exact tactics see we
  528. 11:46
  529. gotta be coordinated here she died yes
  530. 11:49
  531. how do I know what no no I'm listening
  532. 11:50
  533. I'm listening I mean I remember that he
  534. 11:53
  535. did the blood and soil and that was a
  536. 11:54
  537. Soros thing yes color revolution I heard
  538. 11:56
  539. I heard Trish last night that was that
  540. 11:59
  541. was very very good reporting by Lee
  542. 12:02
  543. Lionel apparently was praising us on his
  544. 12:05
  545. channel earlier that was very nice of
  546. 12:06
  547. him I'll have to check that out I really
  548. 12:08
  549. was funny he's hilarious there was such
  550. 12:11
  551. a funny video that we did with Lionel
  552. 12:13
  553. and really came out great having him
  554. 12:16
  555. there and in the restaurant and
  556. 12:17
  557. everything
  558. 12:18
  559. do you realize Jason that he quoted
  560. 12:20
  561. Sullivan versus New York Times in that
  562. 12:23
  563. meeting that we had yeah do you remember
  564. 12:26
  565. that why don't you remind me well you
  566. 12:30
  567. are the editor extraordinaire it was one
  568. 12:33
  569. of the most beautifully cut it looked
  570. 12:35
  571. like right out of the Godfather I think
  572. 12:37
  573. I think you know constantly consigliere
  574. 12:41
  575. or whatever the heck I wish I could do
  576. 12:42
  577. my SEIU Tony I mean literally Coppola
  578. 12:46
  579. was calling say why didn't I get this
  580. 12:49
  581. guy as my student photographer you know
  582. 12:51
  583. I mean I know it was so beautiful the
  584. 12:54
  585. old Italian restaurant everybody's been
  586. 12:55
  587. telling me you know
  588. 12:57
  589. JC Goodman you know he should have been
  590. 12:58
  591. on The Godfather but anyway the the the
  592. 13:02
  593. point being that he talks about Sullivan
  594. 13:05
  595. versus he does it so funny that it makes
  596. 13:08
  597. it kind of fun and light but he talks
  598. 13:10
  599. about Sullivan versus New York Times and
  600. 13:12
  601. he says hey the standard where the
  602. 13:15
  603. Sullivan raised the bar way way way way
  604. 13:17
  605. high and said oh you know you got a you
  606. 13:20
  607. know absence of malice and you really
  608. 13:21
  609. have to go after somebody really bad you
  610. 13:24
  611. know in order to get a defamation case
  612. 13:26
  613. oh yes what he's saying do remember that
  614. 13:28
  615. he was yeah yeah yeah you cut it at 3:00
  616. 13:33
  617. a.m. in the morning 18 nights in a row
  618. 13:35
  619. so that's why you don't remember haha
  620. 13:37
  621. but anyway you worked so hard on that it
  622. 13:39
  623. was such a beautiful job but but what he
  624. 13:41
  625. said was hey now it's not that's not the
  626. 13:46
  627. way it is any more apps
  628. 13:47
  629. some malice is only for a very very
  630. 13:49
  631. well-known public figure like Princess
  632. 13:51
  633. Diana or whatever and it's a tragedy
  634. 13:54
  635. even there where they just you know
  636. 13:56
  637. pilloried her in the press when you go
  638. 13:59
  639. after a George Webb
  640. 14:00
  641. that's a peon that's a bug right that is
  642. 14:03
  643. not Diana that is not princess or Prince
  644. 14:07
  645. Charles right so the standard for
  646. 14:09
  647. defamation is much lower because it's a
  648. 14:12
  649. very powerful entity versus a very
  650. 14:16
  651. disempowered entity now I'm not saying
  652. 14:18
  653. I'm a 21 year old guy looking for a job
  654. 14:21
  655. in Pennsylvania trying to get out of the
  656. 14:23
  657. Bronx I'm not I'm not exactly where
  658. 14:25
  659. Tony's at but the the standard if you
  660. 14:28
  661. listen to what Lionel says is the
  662. 14:30
  663. standard is lower for defamation you
  664. 14:34
  665. can't just take you can't Smith Mont
  666. 14:37
  667. somebody just because they're getting
  668. 14:39
  669. 40,000 followers on YouTube you can't
  670. 14:42
  671. you know release all the AI bots and and
  672. 14:46
  673. do this kind of character assassination
  674. 14:47
  675. look what they did to Trish look what
  676. 14:49
  677. they did to Trish at 12,000 followers
  678. 14:52
  679. Trish talked about that because I don't
  680. 14:54
  681. think people know what they did here but
  682. 14:56
  683. the thing is we we say hey let's just
  684. 14:58
  685. let's just keep it keep it straight
  686. 15:00
  687. because if we say they we don't know
  688. 15:01
  689. exactly who targeted Trish that seemed
  690. 15:04
  691. to be that woman Beth and possibly other
  692. 15:06
  693. you know well my accounts got suspended
  694. 15:09
  695. originally like so there were two
  696. 15:12
  697. iterations but originally my original
  698. 15:14
  699. account and the original news account
  700. 15:17
  701. both got suspended at the same time just
  702. 15:20
  703. out of the blue and I down the news
  704. 15:24
  705. account I had just started using it
  706. 15:26
  707. about three weeks before but I had
  708. 15:28
  709. tweeted something about the Secret
  710. 15:30
  711. Service agent being incompetent who had
  712. 15:34
  713. lost control of the laptop with the
  714. 15:38
  715. Trump Tower plans and all that and just
  716. 15:42
  717. BAM I they were suspended that's it and
  718. 15:46
  719. I Drive it I Drive around with Anthony
  720. 15:48
  721. Weiner's laptop in my back you know a
  722. 15:51
  723. little little fanny pack of my
  724. 15:52
  725. motorcycle motors oh okay around
  726. 15:55
  727. Brooklyn all the time I mean that's
  728. 15:57
  729. that's what I do
  730. 15:59
  731. I mean if you don't do that you're not
  732. 16:00
  733. living
  734. 16:01
  735. in Brooklyn you know and oh oh it's it's
  736. 16:04
  737. a first story that comes out it's a
  738. 16:06
  739. Secret Service
  740. 16:07
  741. oh it's Secret Service oh it's Secret
  742. 16:09
  743. Service and then everybody in a car to
  744. 16:11
  745. their original reports yeah yeah it was
  746. 16:14
  747. in a car was in a secured car then one
  748. 16:16
  749. reporter one one goes up there to et NY
  750. 16:19
  751. out there and says well you know I mean
  752. 16:22
  753. this isn't really adding up you know
  754. 16:24
  755. oh the cross streets are like and they
  756. 16:26
  757. said well yeah I guess you're right it
  758. 16:28
  759. is a loretta lynch flunky
  760. 16:30
  761. you know Deputy Attorney out of Edie NY
  762. 16:33
  763. Eastern District of New York that laptop
  764. 16:37
  765. in the back where doesn't it tell you
  766. 16:39
  767. ves in its sky Oh ride so I get point
  768. 16:48
  769. normally I get prompted a in Manhattan I
  770. 16:51
  771. get props going by but yeah it's a
  772. 16:52
  773. little different but I mean really you
  774. 16:55
  775. know those little fanny packs they have
  776. 16:57
  777. on the back you know that like me battle
  778. 16:59
  779. their six-year-old a six-year-old
  780. 17:01
  781. literally with the penny a six-year-old
  782. 17:04
  783. with a little penny twist little penny
  784. 17:05
  785. twist little penny twist can pop that
  786. 17:08
  787. thing open that's how they got Anthony
  788. 17:10
  789. Weiner's laptop really it's a little
  790. 17:13
  791. ridiculous to presume that they would
  792. 17:15
  793. even move evidence around if it's
  794. 17:17
  795. involved in an investigation so boys so
  796. 17:21
  797. hokey and you know what I said was
  798. 17:24
  799. either she was wholly incompetent or
  800. 17:27
  801. facilitated the theft because it it was
  802. 17:30
  803. one or the other I mean the way that
  804. 17:32
  805. that whole thing oh yeah the way they
  806. 17:34
  807. described it and I guess that just went
  808. 17:37
  809. too far that is interesting to see
  810. 17:41
  811. what's being done you know censorship on
  812. 17:44
  813. Google and YouTube and Twitter and
  814. 17:46
  815. that's certainly certainly real I want
  816. 17:49
  817. us to try to not go overboard George I
  818. 17:51
  819. think that well okay as ironic because I
  820. 17:54
  821. was about to say I think the failure of
  822. 17:56
  823. George's phone was just literally a
  824. 17:57
  825. hardware failure from plugging the thing
  826. 18:00
  827. in and unplugging it so many times
  828. 18:02
  829. George really you know uses the phone
  830. 18:05
  831. about 7,000 percent more than anybody
  832. 18:08
  833. else but the FBI did
  834. 18:14
  835. target and destroy the phone that'd be
  836. 18:17
  837. interesting to know about I don't want
  838. 18:19
  839. to just you know make that accusation
  840. 18:21
  841. without some basis hey George so I was
  842. 18:28
  843. just saying there's no doubt that
  844. 18:30
  845. Twitter and Google and YouTube obviously
  846. 18:34
  847. they did something to Lee's account
  848. 18:36
  849. somebody shut down leaves account and he
  850. 18:38
  851. was just reporting on that stuff so I
  852. 18:40
  853. don't know why they would do that but in
  854. 18:42
  855. the case of your phone I really do
  856. 18:43
  857. believe that was a hardware failure that
  858. 18:45
  859. caused the phone to fail you plug it in
  860. 18:47
  861. and unplug it about you know 50 million
  862. 18:49
  863. times more than most normal people do
  864. 18:51
  865. and I just think that the charging port
  866. 18:53
  867. failed I think you could still fix that
  868. 18:55
  869. phone and get the information out of it
  870. 18:56
  871. I should be I don't want to be cast
  872. 19:00
  873. aspersions what I like to do is use the
  874. 19:04
  875. testimony of the peat of the state
  876. 19:06
  877. themselves because then I'm like Your
  878. 19:09
  879. Honor I mean I won't say the girl's name
  880. 19:12
  881. but the attorney in this case said Your
  882. 19:15
  883. Honor the vehicle was running and that I
  884. 19:18
  885. said Your Honor may I read from officer
  886. 19:21
  887. blanks statement the vehicle was shut
  888. 19:24
  889. off yeah I just read it I'm just reading
  890. 19:28
  891. from your people statements well your
  892. 19:31
  893. honor the probable cause was established
  894. 19:33
  895. Your Honor may I read from you know
  896. 19:36
  897. Auster Comstock statement I received a
  898. 19:38
  899. call from Chris Whitaker at JTTF and
  900. 19:41
  901. then I proceeded an electronic pursuit
  902. 19:43
  903. of blah blah blah that's the craziest I
  904. 19:46
  905. mean that's the evidence right there I
  906. 19:47
  907. mean I don't even I did not even get a
  908. 19:51
  909. chance to present my name as evidence I
  910. 19:53
  911. just presented officer Comstock I
  912. 19:57
  913. shouldn't say the name off-duty officer
  914. 19:59
  915. Winant role officer
  916. 20:01
  917. well I okay I will and Whittaker you
  918. 20:03
  919. know Whittaker all these people are
  920. 20:05
  921. caught in the crossfire
  922. 20:06
  923. they are great career professionals
  924. 20:08
  925. being being you know controlled and and
  926. 20:14
  927. intimidated by this David Petraeus
  928. 20:17
  929. construct that we've used for dominating
  930. 20:20
  931. other countries with political military
  932. 20:22
  933. officers and now we're doing that in the
  934. 20:24
  935. United States actually been doing it
  936. 20:25
  937. since 9/11 that's an important part of
  938. 20:27
  939. it
  940. 20:28
  941. and that's the part you've gotten to
  942. 20:29
  943. solid evidence from their own admission
  944. 20:32
  945. we need these police officers the people
  946. 20:34
  947. that are involved in JTTF stuff like
  948. 20:37
  949. that to come forward and say we're not
  950. 20:39
  951. going to do this now I've got a surprise
  952. 20:43
  953. phone interview that I don't want to
  954. 20:44
  955. talk too much about until I release it
  956. 20:46
  957. I'm gonna try to get it out later
  958. 20:48
  959. tonight I was working on it up until the
  960. 20:50
  961. moment we began this broadcast and it
  962. 20:52
  963. wasn't ready I gotta get you a tripod
  964. 20:54
  965. there George but weather we're having
  966. 20:57
  967. shakes here and yeah I think I know the
  968. 21:00
  969. cause basically what I'm talking about
  970. 21:04
  971. is we've got an interview that's gonna
  972. 21:06
  973. be coming out hopefully tonight that I
  974. 21:08
  975. hope will inspire law enforcement and
  976. 21:12
  977. you know the true patriots the honest
  978. 21:14
  979. and and and you know constitution minded
  980. 21:20
  981. individuals that work for the NYPD the
  982. 21:22
  983. FBI the JTTF or whatever to come forward
  984. 21:27
  985. and say hey this isn't right we
  986. 21:28
  987. shouldn't be pinging George's cell phone
  988. 21:31
  989. to go chase him down just because we
  990. 21:33
  991. have the capability that's that's an
  992. 21:34
  993. abuse of local law enforcement power
  994. 21:36
  995. when they don't have just cause right a
  996. 21:39
  997. probable cause they didn't have probable
  998. 21:40
  999. cause to search your car or track you
  1000. 21:43
  1001. down well and again I'd like to contrast
  1002. 21:46
  1003. that with the ax wands being caught
  1004. 21:51
  1005. hacking right members of Congress
  1006. 21:55
  1007. long investigation and nobody was
  1008. 22:00
  1009. arrested no charges have been brought
  1010. 22:02
  1011. I'm you know you well what a comparison
  1012. 22:07
  1013. yeah there's a lot of parent comparisons
  1014. 22:11
  1015. between me and my you know coming fast
  1016. 22:13
  1017. and furious now I I do want to say I was
  1018. 22:17
  1019. chasing a story here about a female
  1020. 22:19
  1021. police officer that was killed in a
  1022. 22:21
  1023. command post what it is is it it's about
  1024. 22:24
  1025. the size of two of these cars right here
  1026. 22:27
  1027. so it's a big command post and what they
  1028. 22:29
  1029. try to do is put in these neighborhoods
  1030. 22:30
  1031. to show a police presence there's
  1032. 22:32
  1033. cameras and so forth and this woman was
  1034. 22:35
  1035. inside there running the command post
  1036. 22:37
  1037. this is to go into a high crime area she
  1038. 22:40
  1039. was at one 85th
  1040. 22:41
  1041. and press it sorry we are at Marble Hill
  1042. 22:46
  1043. anyway that's where she was murdered but
  1044. 22:49
  1045. you know talking to Bronx police
  1046. 22:51
  1047. officers tonight they worked in
  1048. 22:52
  1049. narcotics beat they said that was a bad
  1050. 22:54
  1051. area one of the officers was from that
  1052. 22:57
  1053. area right and these officers know these
  1054. 23:01
  1055. people and they they do put their lives
  1056. 23:04
  1057. on the line and they do care about their
  1058. 23:06
  1059. neighborhoods they're from these
  1060. 23:08
  1061. neighborhoods I can't I'm getting
  1062. 23:11
  1063. another Oh stone mountain I'm not sure
  1064. 23:13
  1065. why I'm getting still none I'm gonna
  1066. 23:15
  1067. have to hang up on student mug okay
  1068. 23:18
  1069. there goes George I mean the thing I was
  1070. 23:21
  1071. trying to get to is that people are
  1072. 23:23
  1073. asking questions like you know Jason you
  1074. 23:25
  1075. still yeah we're still there are you
  1076. 23:27
  1077. back George are we still there yeah okay
  1078. 23:30
  1079. I'm sorry
  1080. 23:30
  1081. some call came in I got dropped Stone
  1082. 23:32
  1083. Mountain Georgia or nice on you though
  1084. 23:35
  1085. no video sorry no when I what I hear
  1086. 23:38
  1087. still in Mountain Georgia I think is
  1088. 23:39
  1089. Cynthia McKinney how about that oh there
  1090. 23:43
  1091. I am
  1092. 23:43
  1093. oh boy so slow down for a second charge
  1094. 23:47
  1095. because we got to deal with a couple of
  1096. 23:48
  1097. things so people are saying in the
  1098. 23:50
  1099. comments here that it seems like things
  1100. 23:52
  1101. with the wands are at a stalemate yes
  1102. 23:53
  1103. they arrested Imran but we haven't heard
  1104. 23:56
  1105. anything else about it there's nothing
  1106. 23:57
  1107. going on there that's something we
  1108. 23:59
  1109. should talk about well there's the next
  1110. 24:01
  1111. there's a hearing coming out when is
  1112. 24:03
  1113. that like August 30th or September 1st I
  1114. 24:07
  1115. don't know if the dates been decided but
  1116. 24:09
  1117. it was going to be moved to one of those
  1118. 24:11
  1119. dates last I heard we should definitely
  1120. 24:14
  1121. try to go to that
  1122. 24:16
  1123. tonight tonight way in here yeah I hey
  1124. 24:21
  1125. Scott
  1126. 24:21
  1127. I put in I published on Twitter the
  1128. 24:26
  1129. possible BlackBerry Enterprise Server at
  1130. 24:28
  1131. the port of cuss of Karachi okay I
  1132. 24:33
  1133. published all the metadata for that
  1134. 24:35
  1135. today I published a CG which is in the
  1136. 24:38
  1137. Annapolis consulting group right that
  1138. 24:42
  1139. was at his location I published Jamal a
  1140. 24:49
  1141. wants information and and the Francini
  1142. 24:52
  1143. ad in Richmond Virginia in Florida I
  1144. 24:55
  1145. published Natalia so bus' friends in
  1146. 24:58
  1147. Richmond Virginia and Florida Tampa
  1148. 25:01
  1149. Florida I published Hina all these all
  1150. 25:04
  1151. of her contacts on Twitter all this
  1152. 25:07
  1153. information you know like like cheryl
  1154. 25:10
  1155. atkinson says this George web guy
  1156. 25:12
  1157. bonnets this information the reason why
  1158. 25:14
  1159. I put it out there is so that other
  1160. 25:16
  1161. journalists across the world can look at
  1162. 25:18
  1163. it and go oh hey I can make some
  1164. 25:20
  1165. connections out of this anyone anyone
  1166. 25:22
  1167. who says that the Awan brothers story is
  1168. 25:26
  1169. somehow still is is just not looking at
  1170. 25:30
  1171. the information need that's not what
  1172. 25:32
  1173. that was said that's not over ii
  1174. 25:33
  1175. certainly no one's accusing you of not
  1176. 25:35
  1177. following up oh right right I believe
  1178. 25:37
  1179. what Keith meant is you know for 294 how
  1180. 25:42
  1181. many days is it now Oh 295 296 I mean
  1182. 25:48
  1183. you've just been pounding on it for two
  1184. 25:49
  1185. hundred ninety six days in Ron's been
  1186. 25:52
  1187. arrested but yet people feel like
  1188. 25:53
  1189. nothing's really happening why haven't
  1190. 25:55
  1191. they arrested any of these other people
  1192. 25:57
  1193. you're talking about
  1194. 25:57
  1195. why haven't they you know this court
  1196. 26:00
  1197. date everybody is just feeling like it's
  1198. 26:02
  1199. you know and the same thing with
  1200. 26:04
  1201. sessions there's nothing happening he's
  1202. 26:06
  1203. like you know we got ray coming ins the
  1204. 26:08
  1205. same old same old foot dragging why
  1206. 26:11
  1207. isn't Debbie wasserman-schultz you know
  1208. 26:12
  1209. removed from Congress and get a grand
  1210. 26:14
  1211. jury going on her
  1212. 26:15
  1213. we've got plea deals for Hillary and all
  1214. 26:18
  1215. kinds of things well that's why you know
  1216. 26:21
  1217. when you consider for example George's
  1218. 26:24
  1219. strategy of the lawsuits we have then we
  1220. 26:28
  1221. also have the
  1222. 26:29
  1223. the backs with their lawsuit the DNC
  1224. 26:32
  1225. fraud lawsuit Bob Petraeus has the
  1226. 26:37
  1227. Edison media lawsuit going in Ohio I
  1228. 26:42
  1229. think you know I know Charles or towel
  1230. 26:46
  1231. is working very hard with people to see
  1232. 26:49
  1233. you know what special points they can
  1234. 26:52
  1235. exert themselves on mm-hmm you know you
  1236. 26:56
  1237. just have to keep going at it from every
  1238. 26:59
  1239. different angle and you know it it
  1240. 27:02
  1241. furthers it one way or another because
  1242. 27:04
  1243. each time just like with you George
  1244. 27:07
  1245. you know they reveal a little bit more
  1246. 27:09
  1247. about themselves and the activities that
  1248. 27:14
  1249. they've been up to so you know you you
  1250. 27:17
  1251. forced their hand to a certain extent by
  1252. 27:20
  1253. using Ewing to push like yes yes yes and
  1254. 27:24
  1255. you know what I'm thinking right now as
  1256. 27:25
  1257. you guys are talking about it George
  1258. 27:26
  1259. instead of doing a confab in in a in a
  1260. 27:30
  1261. you know and day 365 maybe we should
  1262. 27:33
  1263. just do lawsuit of Palooza
  1264. 27:34
  1265. and get all these different lawyers
  1266. 27:36
  1267. together and sue everybody well you know
  1268. 27:40
  1269. I always say injunctive relief I'm not
  1270. 27:43
  1271. trying to get money I made that very
  1272. 27:46
  1273. clear I don't want money
  1274. 27:47
  1275. yeah now I might have to have money in
  1276. 27:50
  1277. the damages for the attorneys that are
  1278. 27:53
  1279. involved that are volunteering their
  1280. 27:54
  1281. time I do not want money I want money
  1282. 27:57
  1283. for crowdsource the truth I want money
  1284. 27:59
  1285. for people like yourselves that are
  1286. 28:01
  1287. doing great things that are really out
  1288. 28:03
  1289. there telling people's stories and
  1290. 28:04
  1291. telling and telling truth to power
  1292. 28:05
  1293. that's that's awesome
  1294. 28:07
  1295. I don't want money what I do want is
  1296. 28:10
  1297. true what I do want is injunctive relief
  1298. 28:12
  1299. I want these people these these
  1300. 28:14
  1301. journalists to tell the truth and I want
  1302. 28:17
  1303. these powers these JTTF folks you know
  1304. 28:21
  1305. 10 DoD 10 10 Army Navy Coast Guard unit
  1306. 28:26
  1307. n DoD 25 federal and then 3 3 sheriff
  1308. 28:32
  1309. organizations to show show you all is
  1310. 28:35
  1311. great that JTTF your folks
  1312. 28:41
  1313. local sheriff's see my bad call
  1314. 28:44
  1315. yeah yeah no yeah am i back you're back
  1316. 28:48
  1317. so no really yeah so that's the thing
  1318. 28:50
  1319. I've been out in my backyard yeah no
  1320. 28:53
  1321. video no video okay hold on obviously I
  1322. 28:58
  1323. don't know what I'm doing okay sorry
  1324. 29:01
  1325. well I just everyday a little bit more
  1326. 29:07
  1327. like like Trisha said it's it's a puzzle
  1328. 29:09
  1329. it's kind of like a very complex 10,000
  1330. 29:12
  1331. piece puzzle and everybody gets a chance
  1332. 29:15
  1333. to look at all the pieces and people
  1334. 29:16
  1335. want to work on different corners and
  1336. 29:18
  1337. that's just how this thing works every
  1338. 29:20
  1339. day we try a little bit more put one or
  1340. 29:22
  1341. two more pieces someday weeds
  1342. 29:32
  1343. you
  1344. 29:34
  1345. we've got a caller right here I made a
  1346. 29:36
  1347. mistake of not turning off the phone I
  1348. 29:39
  1349. don't know if this person wants to be
  1350. 29:41
  1351. live on air Charles how are you I'm all
  1352. 29:46
  1353. right but I think that I've made a huge
  1354. 29:50
  1355. mistake that may have caused this call
  1356. 29:54
  1357. to knock out the stream let me just yeah
  1358. 29:58
  1359. that was my bed do you want to be on the
  1360. 30:00
  1361. show right now Charles or no yeah no no
  1362. 30:05
  1363. no I'm good I'm good let me let me kill
  1364. 30:07
  1365. the call here and that was my fault I'm
  1366. 30:09
  1367. sorry about that Charles but no because
  1368. 30:13
  1369. when that happens it screws it up badly
  1370. 30:32
  1371. [Applause]
  1372. 30:34
  1373. oh it's you got nothing going here you
  1374. 30:38
  1375. want me to drop off Jason hang on for a
  1376. 30:44
  1377. second George okay yeah
  1378. 30:53
  1379. stream is dead
  1380. 30:56
  1381. I'm early I think it I think it's gonna
  1382. 30:59
  1383. come back I think it's gonna come back
  1384. 31:01
  1385. was my bad
  1386. 31:06
  1387. Jason is working to get the video back
  1388. 31:09
  1389. on we lost it when he answered a call so
  1390. 31:13
  1391. we just gotta get it well well Jason's
  1392. 31:17
  1393. doing that I just want to say this
  1394. 31:19
  1395. chipping away thing you know Berlin Wall
  1396. 31:22
  1397. I don't know if you guys remember that
  1398. 31:24
  1399. but everybody went out there with little
  1400. 31:26
  1401. tiny hammers and you know little kids
  1402. 31:28
  1403. were out there you know and they were
  1404. 31:31
  1405. like little tiny tiny tiny tiny chips
  1406. 31:34
  1407. that they were making when these kids in
  1408. 31:38
  1409. Berlin you know four and five years old
  1410. 31:40
  1411. took their little toy hammers out to the
  1412. 31:42
  1413. wall even though that was like thirty
  1414. 31:46
  1415. years ago or late got 35 years ago I'm
  1416. 31:49
  1417. so old now that we're back we're back
  1418. 31:53
  1419. it's okay but let me let me just do my
  1420. 31:56
  1421. chipping away thing there was this there
  1422. 31:58
  1423. was a song that came out chip called
  1424. 32:00
  1425. chipping away and and in Berlin they
  1426. 32:02
  1427. were chipping the vestiges of the Berlin
  1428. 32:05
  1429. Wall and a lot of the German people went
  1430. 32:09
  1431. to the Brandenburg Gate and went to the
  1432. 32:11
  1433. wall and I had visited a lot of times
  1434. 32:13
  1435. before the wall found I know you guys
  1436. 32:15
  1437. are too young to remember this but they
  1438. 32:17
  1439. would take their little kids out there
  1440. 32:18
  1441. and chip away at the wall with little
  1442. 32:20
  1443. hammers and yeah and and and it was
  1444. 32:25
  1445. important for the people of both East
  1446. 32:29
  1447. Germany and West Germany to be a part of
  1448. 32:32
  1449. that process because they knew freedom
  1450. 32:34
  1451. was on the other side of that wall both
  1452. 32:36
  1453. sides knew that freedom was on the other
  1454. 32:38
  1455. side of that wall that's really what
  1456. 32:41
  1457. we're doing maybe it seems slow at times
  1458. 32:45
  1459. maybe it seems too pressing maybe it
  1460. 32:47
  1461. seems like it's just too hard but I can
  1462. 32:51
  1463. assure you that that wall doesn't come
  1464. 32:53
  1465. down there isn't anything better coming
  1466. 32:55
  1467. if we don't take the wall down there's
  1468. 32:57
  1469. nothing better that's coming I will
  1470. 32:59
  1471. certainly get worse still worse and
  1472. 33:01
  1473. worse look what happened to lead look
  1474. 33:04
  1475. what happened to lead
  1476. 33:04
  1477. that's all I can say is after that thing
  1478. 33:06
  1479. happened with Lee with the tent wiping
  1480. 33:08
  1481. out ten years of his work
  1482. 33:10
  1483. this is no longer just targeting
  1484. 33:12
  1485. somebody this is wiping out their life
  1486. 33:14
  1487. estate well let's put that in check for
  1488. 33:17
  1489. a second as well because I
  1490. 33:19
  1491. if it did happen that way it is terrible
  1492. 33:23
  1493. but there is still the possibility that
  1494. 33:26
  1495. Lee can get that material back I got a
  1496. 33:28
  1497. lot of emails from a lot of people
  1498. 33:30
  1499. talking about YouTube bans and how you
  1500. 33:34
  1501. can you know undo it and answer the
  1502. 33:37
  1503. right but Jason the I mean he it doesn't
  1504. 33:42
  1505. appear that he did anything to violate
  1506. 33:45
  1507. the rules and he was targeted in the
  1508. 33:47
  1509. sense that they suspended his channel
  1510. 33:49
  1511. certainly I mean so I'm not saying he
  1512. 33:54
  1513. wasn't targeted I'm just saying he can
  1514. 33:55
  1515. still get the stuff back he might leave
  1516. 33:57
  1517. this yeah YouTube is not the government
  1518. 34:00
  1519. that's important also and the thing that
  1520. 34:04
  1521. we want to talk about doing is you know
  1522. 34:06
  1523. not necessarily like the way to handle
  1524. 34:08
  1525. that is say screw YouTube and take those
  1526. 34:12
  1527. videos and put them over on Vimeo put
  1528. 34:14
  1529. them on vid me put them on bitch shoes
  1530. 34:17
  1531. yeah put them on and all these other
  1532. 34:18
  1533. things it's good to shine a light on it
  1534. 34:20
  1535. and it's good to say hey we don't want
  1536. 34:22
  1537. this is why we don't want to monetize on
  1538. 34:24
  1539. YouTube because it gives them too much
  1540. 34:26
  1541. power over the message like we've seen
  1542. 34:28
  1543. people like David Seaman going off of
  1544. 34:30
  1545. YouTube for this reason and Paul Joseph
  1546. 34:33
  1547. Watson going off of YouTube for this
  1548. 34:35
  1549. reason I think this is a good time for
  1550. 34:37
  1551. us all to remember that we need to
  1552. 34:39
  1553. utilize the technology that we're using
  1554. 34:42
  1555. right here social media YouTube is just
  1556. 34:45
  1557. a brand so if YouTube does stuff that we
  1558. 34:47
  1559. don't like we need to talk about it and
  1560. 34:48
  1561. we need to find out why Leigh's stuff
  1562. 34:52
  1563. got removed and take it over to a
  1564. 34:54
  1565. platform where they can't do that or
  1566. 34:55
  1567. spread it out over multiple platforms to
  1568. 34:58
  1569. secure against it
  1570. 35:00
  1571. well I think there's something much more
  1572. 35:02
  1573. insidious happening here I think it's
  1574. 35:05
  1575. it's calling it's kind of like a
  1576. 35:07
  1577. Minister of truth Jake trapper you know
  1578. 35:09
  1579. calling and pointing and saying get them
  1580. 35:12
  1581. get them get them sick I'm sick I'm sick
  1582. 35:13
  1583. um and this electronic posse just
  1584. 35:17
  1585. devoured you know kind of like a lynch
  1586. 35:19
  1587. mob the you know just descended on his
  1588. 35:22
  1589. videos looking for any
  1590. 35:23
  1591. that may be because he reported on Syria
  1592. 35:27
  1593. before Syria was Syria and because he
  1594. 35:30
  1595. reported on al-qaeda before we knew the
  1596. 35:32
  1597. real problems that were coming in Syria
  1598. 35:35
  1599. because Lee was ahead of the story again
  1600. 35:38
  1601. he ends up getting all of his 10 years
  1602. 35:41
  1603. life a state wiped out
  1604. 35:45
  1605. I mean if whether it's recoverable or
  1606. 35:48
  1607. not does it doesn't save doesn't
  1608. 35:53
  1609. exculpate anyone for the attack this is
  1610. 35:56
  1611. the same thing for me as I I think I go
  1612. 36:01
  1613. back to I know I know people the civil
  1614. 36:03
  1615. rights movement are gonna get really bad
  1616. 36:04
  1617. when I say this but it's marking and
  1618. 36:08
  1619. dragging Martin Luther King out of a
  1620. 36:12
  1621. church and taking them to a jail in
  1622. 36:17
  1623. Birmingham and I remember how I'm trying
  1624. 36:20
  1625. to say George is I think I want to be
  1626. 36:22
  1627. careful about conflating CNN with
  1628. 36:25
  1629. YouTube with the FBI I'm not saying that
  1630. 36:29
  1631. they're not doing it specifically
  1632. 36:32
  1633. towards Lee and in concert but until we
  1634. 36:35
  1635. know that we should be careful about
  1636. 36:36
  1637. saying that it is possible that
  1638. 36:38
  1639. something that Lee put on there even
  1640. 36:41
  1641. though it was journalism YouTube is a
  1642. 36:42
  1643. private company and they say if you put
  1644. 36:44
  1645. a jihad flag our website we have the
  1646. 36:48
  1647. right to take your video channel down
  1648. 36:49
  1649. they might say that I don't know I want
  1650. 36:51
  1651. to find out I want to talk to Lee some
  1652. 36:53
  1653. more I want to see if he's also a
  1654. 36:55
  1655. legitimate journalists though Jason so a
  1656. 36:57
  1657. lot of that stuff I mean I hear you you
  1658. 37:01
  1659. definitely more to the story
  1660. 37:03
  1661. be careful all of us getting to outside
  1662. 37:06
  1663. the realm of what's accurate and making
  1664. 37:08
  1665. claims that we don't okay hold on what
  1666. 37:10
  1667. is accurate is that it is censorship I
  1668. 37:13
  1669. mean that was censorship I don't think
  1670. 37:15
  1671. he got any warning I think he just you
  1672. 37:18
  1673. know was shut down we don't have we
  1674. 37:21
  1675. gotta ask him he told me oh oh that he
  1676. 37:23
  1677. couldn't stream because of one warning
  1678. 37:25
  1679. and then there were other warnings I'm
  1680. 37:28
  1681. just saying I don't think it's right to
  1682. 37:29
  1683. take these videos downs I just want to
  1684. 37:31
  1685. make sure I was really sure we know what
  1686. 37:33
  1687. we're talking about like when George
  1688. 37:35
  1689. tells me that the FBI took all of his
  1690. 37:37
  1691. car
  1692. 37:37
  1693. tax out of his phone if that's true I
  1694. 37:39
  1695. want to know about it but how do we know
  1696. 37:41
  1697. that and if the FBI blew up the phone I
  1698. 37:43
  1699. want to know about that but I was here
  1700. 37:45
  1701. when the phone failed and I'm not sure
  1702. 37:46
  1703. that that's what happened well I'm not
  1704. 37:48
  1705. saying the phone failed because of that
  1706. 37:49
  1707. I'm not saying that I am saying that I
  1708. 37:51
  1709. am worried about the contacts because
  1710. 37:54
  1711. freedom of the press you know if you can
  1712. 37:57
  1713. dirt box somebody and you could stingray
  1714. 37:59
  1715. them here on this street right here then
  1716. 38:01
  1717. what's the next step well yeah why not
  1718. 38:04
  1719. I mean he's journalists he's got to have
  1720. 38:05
  1721. context right let's find out who all
  1722. 38:07
  1723. those contacts are I think they're gonna
  1724. 38:09
  1725. know from WikiLeaks from vault 7 from
  1726. 38:12
  1727. Edward Snowden from all this stuff every
  1728. 38:14
  1729. single contact all of us have that goes
  1730. 38:16
  1731. in Google that goes in your iPhone that
  1732. 38:18
  1733. gets synced to anything they have all
  1734. 38:20
  1735. that they have it the question and the
  1736. 38:22
  1737. important topic that you bring up is
  1738. 38:24
  1739. that when the JTTF gets involved and the
  1740. 38:28
  1741. Zanesville police can access the same
  1742. 38:30
  1743. data that the FBI the CIA the NSA have
  1744. 38:33
  1745. that's the dangerous point for us to
  1746. 38:35
  1747. focus on and I don't want to get Dee
  1748. 38:37
  1749. focused by conflating things that may or
  1750. 38:39
  1751. may not be related and then having
  1752. 38:41
  1753. people saying oh you guys are making
  1754. 38:43
  1755. inaccurate claims that's all I'm saying
  1756. 38:45
  1757. okay so let me give you a parallel that
  1758. 38:49
  1759. the Alabama State Police my mother was
  1760. 38:51
  1761. from Birmingham and so she we remember
  1762. 38:54
  1763. when Martin Luther King was dragged into
  1764. 38:56
  1765. the jail at Birmingham okay and there
  1766. 38:59
  1767. was the city of Birmingham police that
  1768. 39:01
  1769. were directed by George Wallace who was
  1770. 39:03
  1771. the governor of the of the Alabama State
  1772. 39:06
  1773. Police and they used the same kind of
  1774. 39:08
  1775. oppressive powers on the city of
  1776. 39:10
  1777. Birmingham police to pull Martin Luther
  1778. 39:12
  1779. King in jail I think if you look at the
  1780. 39:14
  1781. records Martin Luther King was pulled
  1782. 39:16
  1783. into jail by the city of Birmingham
  1784. 39:18
  1785. police you would have said oh hey George
  1786. 39:21
  1787. Wallace had nothing to do with this
  1788. 39:22
  1789. George Wallace was squeaky as clean and
  1790. 39:25
  1791. as can be but how did how did Martin
  1792. 39:28
  1793. Luther King react to that he wrote
  1794. 39:29
  1795. letter from Birmingham jail he said he
  1796. 39:33
  1797. took the words of the founding fathers
  1798. 39:35
  1799. and turned the words of the founding
  1800. 39:36
  1801. fathers back and he said we hold these
  1802. 39:39
  1803. truths to be self-evident that all men
  1804. 39:41
  1805. are created equal right and he went in
  1806. 39:43
  1807. and he talked about the constitutional
  1808. 39:45
  1809. protections he didn't react to the city
  1810. 39:48
  1811. of Birmingham police he didn't react
  1812. 39:50
  1813. - George Wallace he reacted he took our
  1814. 39:53
  1815. own words and reminded us of what we
  1816. 39:57
  1817. said we stood for okay that's all I'm
  1818. 40:00
  1819. doing
  1820. 40:01
  1821. that's all I'm doing YouTube says that
  1822. 40:04
  1823. there are a place for free interchange
  1824. 40:05
  1825. of ideas right I don't know that I think
  1826. 40:09
  1827. they say they're about video sharing
  1828. 40:11
  1829. site owned by Google and if you break
  1830. 40:13
  1831. the rules they can take your channel
  1832. 40:14
  1833. down I don't know what the rules are I
  1834. 40:15
  1835. don't know what Lee put there I don't
  1836. 40:17
  1837. know what happened what is this a White
  1838. 40:19
  1839. House League it is a White House
  1840. 40:21
  1841. credential journalist with over 20 years
  1842. 40:24
  1843. experience
  1844. 40:25
  1845. he's got five kids Lee is one of the
  1846. 40:29
  1847. most responsible journalists in
  1848. 40:31
  1849. Washington if I agree I agree with I
  1850. 40:33
  1851. know we get to the details that's what
  1852. 40:38
  1853. people are honest about is that we've
  1854. 40:39
  1855. got to be careful about the details
  1856. 40:41
  1857. that's all I'm trying to say it helps I
  1858. 40:44
  1859. agree with Tricia more I greet wish
  1860. 40:45
  1861. though because when you take somebody's
  1862. 40:47
  1863. livelihood because it's like Shakespeare
  1864. 40:49
  1865. and now you're totally mad Jake Tapper
  1866. 40:51
  1867. and I agree with you on that he's a
  1868. 40:53
  1869. scumbag who should be called out no no
  1870. 40:55
  1871. I'm not what I'm saying is Lee's wealth
  1872. 40:57
  1873. of the last ten years has been those
  1874. 41:00
  1875. videos that's like Shakespeare's folios
  1876. 41:02
  1877. that'd be like me take these
  1878. 41:03
  1879. Shakespeare's folios and then just
  1880. 41:05
  1881. throwing them out on the water right and
  1882. 41:07
  1883. letting them sink to the bottom and
  1884. 41:09
  1885. going hey you know somebody in in you
  1886. 41:13
  1887. know Seattle had an issue with something
  1888. 41:16
  1889. you said about al Qaeda a year and a
  1890. 41:17
  1891. half ago and we're gonna throw away
  1892. 41:19
  1893. everything you've done because of that
  1894. 41:21
  1895. now if they want to strike one video
  1896. 41:23
  1897. they want to strike one video and say
  1898. 41:25
  1899. you know what you said something about
  1900. 41:27
  1901. al-qaeda they're about you know DoD
  1902. 41:30
  1903. supplying al-qaeda and strike that video
  1904. 41:33
  1905. fine then then we can go back and answer
  1906. 41:36
  1907. that video but to just throw all of
  1908. 41:39
  1909. Shakespeare's folios out into the water
  1910. 41:41
  1911. and let an exact link to the bottom and
  1912. 41:43
  1913. then saying oh by the way we're not
  1914. 41:45
  1915. gonna have any technical support to help
  1916. 41:47
  1917. you you're on your own buddy they never
  1918. 41:50
  1919. said that he made I'm no no I got a
  1920. 41:52
  1921. bunch of emails today from people who
  1922. 41:54
  1923. had a lot of suggestions for how to
  1924. 41:56
  1925. appeal to YouTube to get the channel
  1926. 41:57
  1927. reactivating to get two videos back
  1928. 41:59
  1929. that's not we should find out from him
  1930. 42:02
  1931. if there are in any developments
  1932. 42:04
  1933. sure but yeah so well you know and
  1934. 42:08
  1935. Katie's Johnstone has been getting
  1936. 42:11
  1937. targeted Glenn Greenwald got targeted
  1938. 42:14
  1939. for you know calling out the crazy
  1940. 42:17
  1941. Russia stuff you know anyone who speaks
  1942. 42:21
  1943. out gets targeted and I think the other
  1944. 42:24
  1945. point is that while Lee is a much more
  1946. 42:27
  1947. higher profile and very well established
  1948. 42:31
  1949. journalist you know you don't have to be
  1950. 42:34
  1951. terribly important anymore for tax
  1952. 42:37
  1953. dollars to be spent harassing you and
  1954. 42:40
  1955. you know doing it in just not just
  1956. 42:43
  1957. annoying ways but in ways that undermine
  1958. 42:46
  1959. your ability to make a living and you
  1960. 42:49
  1961. know without those videos people who
  1962. 42:51
  1963. want to find out about Lee it's gonna be
  1964. 42:54
  1965. much harder and they you know I agree
  1966. 42:56
  1967. with that completely Trish I agree with
  1968. 42:59
  1969. that completely but the thing that we've
  1970. 43:01
  1971. got to be straight up about and that
  1972. 43:03
  1973. we've got to be honest with ourselves
  1974. 43:04
  1975. and we've got to be honest with the
  1976. 43:06
  1977. viewers is that YouTube is not a
  1978. 43:08
  1979. function of the United States government
  1980. 43:10
  1981. it's a private company and if they
  1982. 43:12
  1983. decided tomorrow that they're going out
  1984. 43:13
  1985. of business
  1986. 43:14
  1987. all of our videos would be deleted and
  1988. 43:16
  1989. erased and we would have nothing to do
  1990. 43:18
  1991. about it so we've got to back him up and
  1992. 43:20
  1993. I mean you know if that's certainly a
  1994. 43:23
  1995. lesson in this lesson there but this is
  1996. 43:27
  1997. censorship and that's a problem I never
  1998. 43:29
  1999. I never said that there was a government
  2000. 43:32
  2001. connection I just said that there was a
  2002. 43:34
  2003. CNN connection I said that that the
  2004. 43:38
  2005. clarion call went out by Jake Tapper
  2006. 43:40
  2007. death said this is a bad guy he's he's a
  2008. 43:44
  2009. you know Sputnik and he's a bad guy and
  2010. 43:46
  2011. then a legion of you know psychic injury
  2012. 43:51
  2013. wounded you know trolls went out and
  2014. 43:55
  2015. looked for everything possible on his
  2016. 43:57
  2017. website to strike him to give him three
  2018. 43:59
  2019. strikes to eliminate everything that
  2020. 44:01
  2021. he's worked on for the last ten years it
  2022. 44:03
  2023. was an electronic lynching I don't hire
  2024. 44:05
  2025. CNN give him strikes on YouTube George
  2026. 44:08
  2027. because we don't have evidence that
  2028. 44:11
  2029. conflates this thing with YouTube this
  2030. 44:14
  2031. Jake Tapper's a jerk and what he said
  2032. 44:16
  2033. we're wrong
  2034. 44:17
  2035. let's talk about that hold on you have a
  2036. 44:19
  2037. public responsibility as a journalist I
  2038. 44:22
  2039. don't go out and say Jake Tapper should
  2040. 44:24
  2041. be investigated tonight and have a raid
  2042. 44:26
  2043. an FBI raid on his family tonight do you
  2044. 44:30
  2045. hear me saying that no I don't say that
  2046. 44:32
  2047. George dad isn't home Jake Tapper did
  2048. 44:35
  2049. something wrong but it has nothing to do
  2050. 44:36
  2051. with YouTube and all I'm trying to do is
  2052. 44:38
  2053. keep it straight so we're not a few no
  2054. 44:39
  2055. no no no no what I'm saying is that he
  2056. 44:43
  2057. incited a mob and that is against the
  2058. 44:46
  2059. law you cannot incite a mob he incited a
  2060. 44:49
  2061. mob and they went out and they mobbed
  2062. 44:52
  2063. his web site
  2064. 44:53
  2065. they gave him three strikes they wiped
  2066. 44:54
  2067. out all of his videos for ten years now
  2068. 44:57
  2069. you can you can make apologies or
  2070. 44:59
  2071. whatever but that's what happened and
  2072. 45:01
  2073. that's I'm done I'm not making apologies
  2074. 45:04
  2075. I'm trying to find out what happened no
  2076. 45:08
  2077. that's what he should have him back on
  2078. 45:10
  2079. we should have that's what happened see
  2080. 45:11
  2081. what happens that's what happened he
  2082. 45:13
  2083. came out and said the FBI needs to
  2084. 45:15
  2085. investigate Lee Stranahan
  2086. 45:17
  2087. that's what Jake Tapper said and did
  2088. 45:19
  2089. that lead to the YouTube videos being
  2090. 45:21
  2091. taken down because Lee told me that that
  2092. 45:23
  2093. happened days ago when I said to him
  2094. 45:25
  2095. last night I heard this just happened he
  2096. 45:27
  2097. said no it happened a few days ago
  2098. 45:29
  2099. Friday so I don't think the two things
  2100. 45:31
  2101. were directly related in the way that
  2102. 45:33
  2103. you are representing them right here
  2104. 45:35
  2105. well I'm not trying to represent him
  2106. 45:37
  2107. that way I thought there was a
  2108. 45:38
  2109. connection between the two he had
  2110. 45:40
  2111. already about what I want to drill down
  2112. 45:42
  2113. to is finding out if there was before we
  2114. 45:44
  2115. start getting very you know hysterical
  2116. 45:47
  2117. about it being there you know what I you
  2118. 45:50
  2119. know a being passionate should never be
  2120. 45:51
  2121. equated with being hysterical if we
  2122. 45:54
  2123. don't if we're not passionate then we're
  2124. 45:55
  2125. not worth anything we have to we have to
  2126. 45:57
  2127. you know video there please George
  2128. 45:59
  2129. passionate is fine but accuracy is more
  2130. 46:01
  2131. important right here that's what I get
  2132. 46:03
  2133. that I agree I agree with that I grew a
  2134. 46:05
  2135. ton okay there was people getting off
  2136. 46:09
  2137. the train so I didn't want a user I say
  2138. 46:13
  2139. okay no III didn't realize that his site
  2140. 46:18
  2141. was already down to me he characterized
  2142. 46:20
  2143. that last night was the Tapper thing was
  2144. 46:22
  2145. the proximate cause if that's not true
  2146. 46:25
  2147. then I got a whole call today
  2148. 46:28
  2149. from a detective from the Amtrak police
  2150. 46:31
  2151. and he was super pissed off at you and
  2152. 46:36
  2153. me really we got to be very careful
  2154. 46:40
  2155. about the accuracy of what we say okay
  2156. 46:44
  2157. at the end of the phone call I got the
  2158. 46:47
  2159. detective around to being an ally and
  2160. 46:49
  2161. hopefully an asset in the future and
  2162. 46:52
  2163. what he said he said that we were
  2164. 46:54
  2165. trespassing and that he had it on video
  2166. 46:57
  2167. and I said I thought we were in public
  2168. 46:59
  2169. areas that were like where people could
  2170. 47:00
  2171. get on the trains and stuff just Florida
  2172. 47:03
  2173. yeah yeah okay yeah I remember saying
  2174. 47:07
  2175. hey let's not spill him but I mean no no
  2176. 47:10
  2177. no no wait a minute
  2178. 47:11
  2179. let's not talk too much about it until I
  2180. 47:13
  2181. get that I had so much phone time is
  2182. 47:16
  2183. this where we walked up is this where we
  2184. 47:18
  2185. walked up to the Train to film the guy
  2186. 47:19
  2187. by the end well that was I mean that I
  2188. 47:22
  2189. guess but to me that seemed like a
  2190. 47:23
  2191. public train station where people could
  2192. 47:25
  2193. get on of and off of the train maybe if
  2194. 47:27
  2195. you don't have a train ticket you're
  2196. 47:29
  2197. trespassing I don't know I'm just saying
  2198. 47:31
  2199. the guy was super pissed
  2200. 47:33
  2201. he said that we made claims that cars
  2202. 47:36
  2203. were coming off the trains going on the
  2204. 47:38
  2205. trains I don't know by the end of the
  2206. 47:39
  2207. phone call he was calm down I told him
  2208. 47:42
  2209. that we were working with Bill Warner
  2210. 47:44
  2211. that we had VIN numbers for stolen cars
  2212. 47:46
  2213. he thought we had accused Amtrak of
  2214. 47:49
  2215. being complicit with the auto theft ring
  2216. 47:52
  2217. so all I'm trying to do is dial us back
  2218. 47:54
  2219. a notch like if we're at 10 on the
  2220. 47:57
  2221. passion and eight on the accuracy let's
  2222. 48:00
  2223. go to nine on both or ten on accuracy
  2224. 48:03
  2225. enough so so let me tell you about the
  2226. 48:05
  2227. two two two detectives that and their
  2228. 48:08
  2229. reaction to the Bronx cop being shot I
  2230. 48:12
  2231. said well I'm following this New Jersey
  2232. 48:15
  2233. and Bronx theft ring and these 90 cars
  2234. 48:19
  2235. and I started asking all these questions
  2236. 48:21
  2237. and they said oh yeah okay well there's
  2238. 48:24
  2239. probably a thousand cars I said that
  2240. 48:26
  2241. were stolen and all if they've recovered
  2242. 48:27
  2243. ninety they said yeah that's him about
  2244. 48:29
  2245. right about a thousand I said well where
  2246. 48:31
  2247. do you think those cars are he goes oh
  2248. 48:32
  2249. they sent them all overseas I go you
  2250. 48:36
  2251. guys how long you been on the force one
  2252. 48:38
  2253. guy said ten years Bronx
  2254. 48:41
  2255. props you know right right from where
  2256. 48:43
  2257. the car ring was the other one said Oh
  2258. 48:45
  2259. 16 years where they go oh I'm go to West
  2260. 48:49
  2261. Africa I don't know I mean these are
  2262. 48:53
  2263. guys that it's not my words there were a
  2264. 48:56
  2265. scrunch that's truth train you know I
  2266. 49:00
  2267. mean I'm just repeating what people on
  2268. 49:03
  2269. the street are saying okay I I don't
  2270. 49:06
  2271. know I haven't been a Bronx police
  2272. 49:08
  2273. officer for 16 years
  2274. 49:09
  2275. I'm just saying what they said this is
  2276. 49:11
  2277. what they said there though those are
  2278. 49:13
  2279. being said over seats you never gonna
  2280. 49:14
  2281. find those we're not even gonna look for
  2282. 49:17
  2283. him they're gone they're gone they're
  2284. 49:19
  2285. overseas
  2286. 49:20
  2287. okay well how'd they get there they well
  2288. 49:24
  2289. a lot of them go down to Washington DC
  2290. 49:27
  2291. okay a lot of go down to New Jersey okay
  2292. 49:30
  2293. you know how do they know that I don't
  2294. 49:32
  2295. know but I'm just asking the people on
  2296. 49:34
  2297. the street and that's what they say some
  2298. 49:37
  2299. go to Florida maybe they do maybe they
  2300. 49:40
  2301. don't but here's how they would go if
  2302. 49:42
  2303. they did it would be on the auto train
  2304. 49:44
  2305. you know Imran Wong in Lorton Virginia
  2306. 49:47
  2307. has lotto train in his backyard now I'm
  2308. 49:50
  2309. not saying he put all the cars on the
  2310. 49:52
  2311. auto train I'm just telling people that
  2312. 49:54
  2313. there is an auto train in in Lorton
  2314. 49:56
  2315. Virginia and there is one in Sanford
  2316. 49:59
  2317. Florida you know I am NOT the guy who
  2318. 50:03
  2319. put all the the you know computers all
  2320. 50:06
  2321. around Congress for Wi-Fi help you know
  2322. 50:10
  2323. did you see that Luke Rosie act added to
  2324. 50:15
  2325. his list of congressional members who
  2326. 50:18
  2327. employed the ax wands he has an eye I
  2328. 50:22
  2329. sent it through port all the pacing to
  2330. 50:24
  2331. you in an email yesterday I did see that
  2332. 50:26
  2333. it's a good I definitely I want to go
  2334. 50:29
  2335. over that just to close out on the
  2336. 50:31
  2337. Amtrak detective by the end of the call
  2338. 50:34
  2339. we were having a berry pleasant
  2340. 50:36
  2341. conversation he's interested in
  2342. 50:39
  2343. following up with us and learning more
  2344. 50:41
  2345. about Bill Warner about the information
  2346. 50:44
  2347. that we were getting on VIN numbers the
  2348. 50:47
  2349. guy said to me no stolen cars are
  2350. 50:50
  2351. on that train which I hope he's right
  2352. 50:53
  2353. but perhaps what we can do now is make
  2354. 50:56
  2355. him a member of the crowd source
  2356. 50:58
  2357. community and utilize his unique
  2358. 51:02
  2359. position as an Amtrak detective to help
  2360. 51:04
  2361. us learn more about the auto train use
  2362. 51:07
  2363. the power of our curb source community
  2364. 51:09
  2365. to give him information that maybe he
  2366. 51:11
  2367. doesn't have he didn't know anything
  2368. 51:13
  2369. about Bill Warner he didn't know
  2370. 51:14
  2371. anything about Alfa jello he didn't know
  2372. 51:17
  2373. anything about any of these guys so I'm
  2374. 51:18
  2375. just saying I want to make sure we all
  2376. 51:21
  2377. you know keep our information as
  2378. 51:24
  2379. accurate as we can keep it that we don't
  2380. 51:26
  2381. misspeak that we don't get overzealous
  2382. 51:27
  2383. and categorize things you know lump
  2384. 51:31
  2385. things together that maybe shouldn't be
  2386. 51:33
  2387. and I just want to be real careful about
  2388. 51:35
  2389. how we approach this stuff Jase and I
  2390. 51:38
  2391. have got two hundred ninety six days for
  2392. 51:42
  2393. Gutenberg Bibles of sources and
  2394. 51:45
  2395. citations okay so if that's not good
  2396. 51:48
  2397. enough for people and add some more do
  2398. 51:51
  2399. some worker Google searches yourself do
  2400. 51:53
  2401. some more compound searches yourself
  2402. 51:55
  2403. mostly Pulitzer Prize winners George not
  2404. 52:00
  2405. all those pages don't mean the FBI blow
  2406. 52:03
  2407. up your phone the charging port bro I
  2408. 52:07
  2409. never said the FBI blew up my phone I
  2410. 52:08
  2411. just said we can't we have to have a fun
  2412. 52:13
  2413. when you're fundamental rights are being
  2414. 52:15
  2415. violated all I said was when you're
  2416. 52:16
  2417. fundamental rights are being violated
  2418. 52:17
  2419. the Constitution calls for strict
  2420. 52:20
  2421. scrutiny which means we need to be able
  2422. 52:23
  2423. to discover what the FBI is doing and
  2424. 52:26
  2425. the JTTF is doing that's all I've ever
  2426. 52:27
  2427. said okay I didn't accuse the FBI of
  2428. 52:30
  2429. blowing up my phone I said once you do
  2430. 52:33
  2431. once it's a slippery slope what I did
  2432. 52:35
  2433. say is it's a slippery slope now their
  2434. 52:37
  2435. own documents say they pegged me now
  2436. 52:39
  2437. it's a slippery slope when they you can
  2438. 52:42
  2439. read the contacts I said that uber
  2440. 52:45
  2441. collected your collected a plethora of
  2442. 52:48
  2443. information and this is a slippery slope
  2444. 52:51
  2445. because once you once you start paying
  2446. 52:53
  2447. somebody for a location the next step is
  2448. 52:55
  2449. who are their contacts this is you know
  2450. 52:58
  2451. this is what
  2452. 52:59
  2453. well law enforcement quote-unquote out
  2454. 53:02
  2455. of control does so this is a
  2456. 53:04
  2457. constitutional protection this isn't you
  2458. 53:07
  2459. know running off then attacking somebody
  2460. 53:09
  2461. at the you know first of all I never
  2462. 53:12
  2463. talk to anybody on that that auto train
  2464. 53:14
  2465. you know so I I just filmed it where it
  2466. 53:18
  2467. was or so what we what we really have to
  2468. 53:22
  2469. focus on is the state and the state's
  2470. 53:25
  2471. power the state's power and the state
  2472. 53:28
  2473. secrets about its powers and we have we
  2474. 53:31
  2475. have to check those powers okay that's
  2476. 53:34
  2477. what that's all I'm saying
  2478. 53:36
  2479. so I'm not going to fall over over
  2480. 53:38
  2481. myself to try to apologize you know if
  2482. 53:41
  2483. somebody gets their nose out of joint on
  2484. 53:43
  2485. a train somewhere when what I'm saying
  2486. 53:46
  2487. just no no no I'm not okay with you guys
  2488. 53:49
  2489. knows getting out of joint on a train
  2490. 53:51
  2491. it's got to do with speaking accurately
  2492. 53:54
  2493. about what we know I know I I know but
  2494. 53:56
  2495. this is the same thing that I heard
  2496. 53:59
  2497. where I was making things up about the
  2498. 54:01
  2499. smashed hard drives right it is not
  2500. 54:04
  2501. George no no no I heard this I heard
  2502. 54:07
  2503. this before you made it up
  2504. 54:09
  2505. you make a okay and the blackberries
  2506. 54:11
  2507. remember where are we no wait just wait
  2508. 54:15
  2509. the blackberries are coming very good
  2510. 54:25
  2511. okay I think George just hung up the
  2512. 54:27
  2513. phone good night everybody
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