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a guest
Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. ROM:080007CC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  2. ROM:080007CC
  3. ROM:080007CC
  4. ROM:080007CC speedModifierEnabler ; CODE XREF: sub_8000F50:loc_800105Cp
  5. ROM:080007CC ; sub_8000F50+134p ...
  6. ROM:080007CC PUSH {R4-R6,LR}
  7. ROM:080007CE LDR R0, =byte_2000014 ; Speed Modifier (Set to non-zero value)
  8. ROM:080007D0 LDRB R0, [R0] ; Speed Modifier (Set to non-zero value)
  9. ROM:080007D2 CMP R0, #0 ; Checks 0x02000014 and sees if it equals zero
  10. ROM:080007D4 BEQ loc_8000804 ; Checks if previous statement returned true or false
  11. ROM:080007D4 ;
  12. ROM:080007D4 ; True: disable speed modifier, jump to 08000804.
  13. ROM:080007D4 ; False: enable speed modifier, go to instructions below [Otherwise unused].
  14. ROM:080007D6 LDR R5, =dword_2000010 ; Timer (Goes up once per frame)
  15. ROM:080007D8 LDR R4, =dword_2000608
  16. ROM:080007DA LDR R6, =unk_200060C
  17. ROM:080007DC B loc_80007F4 ; This will shortly return to the code from when the check made previously returned 'true' and will jump to 08000804.
  18. ROM:080007DC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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