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Aug 9th, 2013
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  1. [19:24:28] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Gulfonodi
  2. [19:35:03] Abrams Elisium > about to happen, yell if you see him
  3. [19:37:45] Lingelyn > o/ locals
  4. [19:57:46] Abrams Elisium > where
  5. [19:58:30] Lingelyn > what what..
  6. [19:58:54] Abrams Elisium > local limpdick attacks miners then logs
  7. [19:59:20] Talathel Avalhar > Viceorvirtue is his name. Just warp-scrambled and destroyed my ship.
  8. [19:59:49] Lingelyn > oh no good huh
  9. [19:59:57] Abrams Elisium > really need this faster
  10. [20:00:16] Abrams Elisium > where were you?
  11. [20:00:32] Arthaughin Moorcastle > I think his looter is Virtueorvice
  12. [20:00:38] Abrams Elisium > yep
  13. [20:00:41] Talathel Avalhar > Gulf 8 Belt 5. CONCORD got him.
  14. [20:00:51] Arthaughin Moorcastle > good
  15. [20:00:54] Lingelyn > nice :)
  16. [20:01:20] Abrams Elisium > not really, the cost of gettingyou was less then he lost
  17. [20:01:49] Lingelyn > true but better then not being shot
  18. [20:01:51] Talho Olari > fun is costless
  19. [20:03:30] Abrams Elisium > well another 14 mins and he'll be out again
  20. [20:04:03] Talathel Avalhar > *sigh* So this is, what, trolling?
  21. [20:04:19] Talathel Avalhar > Attacking miners just because you can, fucking up someone else's gameplay?
  22. [20:04:35] Abrams Elisium > yep, troll
  23. [20:04:46] Arthaughin Moorcastle > Just bullies in the sandbox
  24. [20:05:09] Talathel Avalhar > Fabulous. I'd put a bounty on him, but I saw his security status was already pushing -5 and he had close to 500 mil on his head already.
  25. [20:05:34] Talathel Avalhar > At least I got my drones and a couple of my modules back. Time to go shopping for a new Retriever...fucker.
  26. [20:05:37] Abrams Elisium > any more and he'll collect on himself with his alt
  27. [20:05:49] Talathel Avalhar > I'm sure that's his plan. Either that or a corpmate.
  28. [20:06:11] Lingelyn > they ought to fix that :(
  29. [20:06:12] Talho Olari > Talathel, tank well your new retriever
  30. [20:06:36] Talathel Avalhar > I thought I had. He came at me with a Gallente destroyer, took half my shields with a single shot. And warp scrambled me.
  31. [20:06:42] Abrams Elisium > tanking in a T1 isn't going to work sadly
  32. [20:07:10] Talho Olari > retriever can bring 16xxx ehp
  33. [20:07:26] Talathel Avalhar > Huh. CONCORD paid me 1.3 million from when they killed the fucker. Apparently my drones did *just* that much.
  34. [20:08:03] Lingelyn > not bad right
  35. [20:08:12] Talathel Avalhar > Well, I'd been thinking about pulling back to 0.6 or 0.7 space...maybe now's the time. Not that that would stop a tone-deaf cock goblin like this fellow.
  36. [20:08:32] Talathel Avalhar > <url=showinfo:1373//205659335>Talho Olari</url> what's ehp?
  37. [20:08:44] Arthaughin Moorcastle > Nice name calling there :-)
  38. [20:08:51] Lingelyn > effective hp
  39. [20:08:52] Abrams Elisium > estimated hit points
  40. [20:09:04] Talathel Avalhar > I try for originality. Comes from driving in NE Florida.
  41. [20:09:08] Talho Olari > effective hitpoints
  42. [20:09:09] Abrams Elisium > effective works too
  43. [20:10:08] Talathel Avalhar > At least he didn't pod-kill me; I suppose I should be grateful for that.
  44. [20:10:10] Talho Olari > <url=fitting:17478:2048;1:28576;2:31718;1:6567;1:17482;2:31790;2:2486;5::>Retrier</url> with 3 core defense field extender rigs, f.e.
  45. [20:10:48] Talathel Avalhar > Don't have the skills for about half that stuff, but I saved the fit. Thanks, Talho.
  46. [20:10:56] Talho Olari > np
  47. [20:11:13] Lingelyn > does venture mining bonus from venture count for drones aswell
  48. [20:11:22] Talathel Avalhar > Don't think so.
  49. [20:11:36] Lingelyn > it doesnt clearly say anything about it
  50. [20:16:59] Anoushka Mena > combat probes at belt 8 gulf X
  51. [20:17:37] Abrams Elisium > you mean X 8
  52. [20:17:41] Anoushka Mena > yes
  53. [20:17:46] Anoushka Mena > gone now though
  54. [20:18:27] Anoushka Mena > thanks for turning out though :)
  55. [20:18:44] Abrams Elisium > np, just keep the updates coming
  56. [20:18:47] Anoushka Mena > I would guess I got rejected because I am full tanked
  57. [20:19:06] Talathel Avalhar > Wasn't virtueorvice or whatever the hell he calls himself, was it?
  58. [20:19:15] Abrams Elisium > where
  59. [20:19:33] Anoushka Mena > just saw the sisters combat probes appear on overview is all
  60. [20:19:36] Abrams Elisium > quickly
  61. [20:19:50] Arthaughin Moorcastle > <url=showinfo:1379//303856157>Viceorvirtue</url> is back
  62. [20:19:55] Abrams Elisium > no he's attacking again
  63. [20:20:05] Abrams Elisium > where
  64. [20:20:13] Arthaughin Moorcastle > yeah red flashing
  65. [20:20:45] Talathel Avalhar > Well, shit...I was wanting to get some playtime in today. :/
  66. [20:21:00] Abrams Elisium > damn it, can't help if people don't talk
  67. [20:21:02] Lingelyn > <url=showinfo:1379//303856157>Viceorvirtue</url> <url=showinfo:1378//90511603>Virtueorvice</url> those two
  68. [20:21:09] Abrams Elisium > yep
  69. [20:21:54] Lingelyn > gone again or no?
  70. [20:22:20] Abrams Elisium > not yet, but no one who getting screwed are talking fast enough
  71. [20:22:46] Anoushka Mena > well i tried but he didnt take the bait ....assuming it was him
  72. [20:23:01] Abrams Elisium > he comes there?
  73. [20:23:12] Anoushka Mena > no when the probes came I let you know
  74. [20:23:25] Chakasu Sorrowsong > yeah let us know when the probes show
  75. [20:23:27] Abrams Elisium > yes you did, and thanks
  76. [20:24:09] Abrams Elisium > he lost another ship
  77. [20:24:38] aKa Joker > lol lets go hunting
  78. [20:25:10] Abrams Elisium > been trying, but the one you really one is the looter. that's the profit margin
  79. [20:25:28] Shadow 101 > his alt?
  80. [20:25:36] Abrams Elisium > yep
  81. [20:26:09] Talathel Avalhar > I'm really glad you guys are out there hunting this prick. It's appreciated.
  82. [20:26:13] Arthaughin Moorcastle > <url=showinfo:1378//90511603>Virtueorvice</url> spill if you spot
  83. [20:26:40] Shadow 101 > seen then in destroyers and cruisers
  84. [20:26:48] Shadow 101 > not today tho
  85. [20:27:06] Talathel Avalhar > S/he lost a destroyer to CONCORD on my behalf earlier.
  86. [20:27:38] Shadow 101 > did he get you?
  87. [20:27:49] Talathel Avalhar > Oh, yes. Cost me my Retriever.
  88. [20:28:02] Talathel Avalhar > Warp scrambled me, then assraped me. For fun, it seems.
  89. [20:28:06] Shadow 101 > he got bloody t the other day too
  90. [20:28:27] Abrams Elisium > I get the feeling he's got a bigger plan
  91. [20:28:31] aKa Joker > vice and virtue pick up ur phone im calling u two puss out
  92. [20:28:55] Chakasu Sorrowsong > gankers come out to play
  93. [20:28:56] Talathel Avalhar > I certainly hope so, <url=showinfo:1373//1851142712>Abrams Elisium</url> ...otherwise his sole plan is to lose ships over and over again.
  94. [20:29:41] Abrams Elisium > might be the bounty, might be setup to extortion racket, might be something else
  95. [20:29:45] Talathel Avalhar > Y'all wanna see the fit he used?
  96. [20:29:46] aKa Joker > Froming gulfonodi hunting party pst 4 inv
  97. [20:30:12] Abrams Elisium > already on station for the hunter
  98. [20:30:39] Talathel Avalhar > How do I link a fit to chat?
  99. [20:30:57] Sykyll > you have to save it first in your fittings
  100. [20:31:05] Talathel Avalhar > <url=fitting:16240:3178;8:31538;1:31526;1:10190;3:5439;1::>Catalyst</url> Here we go.
  101. [20:31:28] Abrams Elisium > heavy gank
  102. [20:31:34] Talathel Avalhar > That's what he WAS using. Not particularly cheap.
  103. [20:32:01] asd 995 > Stockholm Syndrome?!11 )))
  104. [20:32:35] Talho Olari > fit about 9 mil, too expensive
  105. [20:32:48] aKa Joker > pst 4 inv to hunting fleet
  106. [20:32:52] Abrams Elisium > seems really wrong to me too
  107. [20:32:56] Talathel Avalhar > *shrugs* It's what attacking me cost him.
  108. [20:33:18] Abrams Elisium > joker throw me a line
  109. [20:34:05] Talathel Avalhar > Good luck, guys; wish I could lend a hand out there, but I'm just a lowly miner. And since I can't even do that now, I'm off to play something else.
  110. [20:34:31] Arthaughin Moorcastle > <url=showinfo:1373//93447718>Talathel Avalhar</url> You need some help?
  111. [20:34:38] Lingelyn > could help but nearest pewpew ship is 5 jumps
  112. [20:35:59] Arthaughin Moorcastle > <url=showinfo:1379//303856157>Viceorvirtue</url> <url=showinfo:1378//90511603>Virtueorvice</url> not flashing atm
  113. [20:36:06] Lingelyn > indeed
  114. [20:36:08] Abrams Elisium > he's on the move
  115. [20:36:42] Anoushka Mena > anyone know what his noctis is called?
  116. [20:36:44] Talho Olari > maybe better wili be to sell killrights to somebody
  117. [20:36:50] Arthaughin Moorcastle > He hit some one new
  118. [20:36:54] aKa Joker > pst 4 fleet inv
  119. [20:37:01] Talho Olari > will*
  120. [20:37:51] Abrams Elisium > where is the fight
  121. [20:38:03] Abrams Elisium > jooker invite please
  122. [20:38:48] Lingelyn > flashing again
  123. [20:39:05] Arthaughin Moorcastle > Both now
  124. [20:39:07] Abrams Elisium > damn, too late
  125. [20:39:20] aKa Joker > calling to vice and virtue come out come out where u are
  126. [20:41:23] Abrams Elisium > red already on station, yellow probably hidden again. got to hit them when red shows up
  127. [20:42:34] Nicolai Leovic > almost had em :)
  128. [20:42:58] Abrams Elisium > you have to shout out faster for a good kill
  129. [20:43:32] Nicolai Leovic > no worries meave
  132. [21:03:58] Talho Olari > or use skiff/procurer
  133. [21:04:13] Lingelyn > just cleared all my contact from before the 3 yr pause :P
  134. [21:07:54] Abrams Elisium > watching for idiot on eve, watching Macgyver on Hulu, and playing skyrim on Xbox. multitasking at it's finest
  135. [21:08:23] Lingelyn > lvl 5 skill ;)
  136. [21:09:53] Abrams Elisium > here we go
  137. [21:10:45] Abrams Elisium > he's in the belts
  138. [21:12:53] Lingelyn > ok i'll watch my back
  139. [21:16:57] Lingelyn > probe in x-1
  140. [21:17:08] Lingelyn > not his, srry
  141. [21:17:35] Abrams Elisium > keeps the eyes open, but good looking
  142. [21:20:05] Abrams Elisium > where?
  143. [21:20:28] Lingelyn > not me
  144. [21:20:42] Malachi Finn > dammit. why don't gankers just go play in low sec and leave us honest workers alone?
  145. [21:21:04] Lingelyn > to earn money or something
  146. [21:21:11] Abrams Elisium > where were you
  147. [21:21:15] Malachi Finn > don't get any if at all
  148. [21:21:16] Lingelyn > x-1
  149. [21:21:20] Malachi Finn > second to last belt
  150. [21:21:31] Abrams Elisium > omw
  151. [21:21:58] Malachi Finn > two ships in one day two separate systems is pretty annoying
  152. [21:22:10] Malachi Finn > <url=showinfo:1379//303856157>Viceorvirtue</url> blow this guy up and I'll pay you
  153. [21:23:30] Abrams Elisium > holding the looter right now
  154. [21:23:44] Abrams Elisium > anyone want a piece
  155. [21:23:59] Malachi Finn > I wanna watch him die
  156. [21:24:21] Virtueorvice > help if you actually point me or i just warp off
  157. [21:24:28] Lingelyn > he'd shoot me on sight :P but nice job
  158. [21:24:31] Abrams Elisium > left, guess my scrammer didn't hold
  159. [21:24:41] Virtueorvice > you didnt scram me at all
  160. [21:24:48] Abrams Elisium > your wreck is safe though
  161. [21:24:51] Virtueorvice > you made no hopstile action
  162. [21:24:53] Lingelyn > oh so he does speak! :P
  163. [21:25:03] Malachi Finn > What do you actually get out of doing this Vice? I mean really?
  164. [21:25:06] Virtueorvice > is your safty set to green?
  165. [21:25:25] Lingelyn > thought u where russian ;)
  166. [21:25:33] Virtueorvice > you would need to set it to red to engage in combat in hisec
  167. [21:25:42] Abrams Elisium > nope, just seeing if you'd try for it. I like my kills clean
  168. [21:26:21] Abrams Elisium > malachi you stuff awaits
  169. [21:26:26] Malachi Finn > coming
  170. [21:28:14] Abrams Elisium > hurry
  171. [21:28:21] Malachi Finn > warping in now
  172. [21:28:31] Virtueorvice > well as long as you are unwilling to lose your ship you will have an exceptionally dificult time killing me
  173. [21:29:13] Abrams Elisium > not if I go for the money, bounties are great
  174. [21:29:15] Malachi Finn > too bad you aren't brave enough to fight in low sec Vice, gotta pick on easy kills
  175. [21:29:51] Malachi Finn > thanks abrams
  176. [21:29:55] Viceorvirtue > if you want to give me easy kills why wouldnt i take them?
  177. [21:30:12] Calus Mcgrigor Atram > he does have a point
  178. [21:30:23] Malachi Finn > <url=showinfo:1373//303856157>Viceorvirtue</url> like I said, makes you lesser than the rest. worse than a carebear
  179. [21:30:36] Malachi Finn > thanks abrams
  180. [21:30:47] Malachi Finn > 50m to the one who shows me a kill mail on him
  181. [21:30:54] Abrams Elisium > np, just waiting for him to slip
  182. [21:31:16] Malachi Finn > that's 50m from me directly, not bounty payout
  183. [21:31:31] Abrams Elisium > which one? if it goes for both I'm good at popping either
  184. [21:31:52] Malachi Finn > <url=showinfo:1373//1851142712>Abrams Elisium</url> if I put a 50m bounty on him do you get the whole thing?
  185. [21:32:27] Abrams Elisium > kill both for the 50, or just one?
  186. [21:32:34] Malachi Finn > both?
  187. [21:32:42] Calus Mcgrigor Atram > both? whos the other one?
  188. [21:32:47] Malachi Finn > yeah lol
  189. [21:32:53] Abrams Elisium > the hunter and the looter. team/alt
  190. [21:33:04] Malachi Finn > oh I'll pay you 50m each
  191. [21:33:14] Malachi Finn > just show me the kill mail
  192. [21:33:23] Abrams Elisium > done, hunting the alt just started paying
  193. [21:33:25] Calus Mcgrigor Atram > whos the 2nd one then?
  194. [21:33:47] Abrams Elisium > Virtueorvice, and Viceorvirtue
  195. [21:33:50] Viceorvirtue > <url=killReport:32512997:89cc4f0018074ffd34ab453316014ee0e952f114>Kill: Viceorvirtue (Catalyst)</url> there now give the guy 50m
  196. [21:34:11] Virtueorvice > you wanted that killmail right?
  197. [21:34:13] Malachi Finn > <url=showinfo:1373//303856157>Viceorvirtue</url> deal was with abrams
  198. [21:34:43] Abrams Elisium > and I'm looking to pod
  199. [21:34:50] Malachi Finn > abrams since he killed his own alt I'll give you a 100m to pod this dipshit
  200. [21:35:02] Malachi Finn > I'll even sell you my kill rights for 1 isk
  201. [21:35:06] Abrams Elisium > the hunter just became really good target
  202. [21:35:20] Abrams Elisium > go for it
  203. [21:35:32] Malachi Finn > as soon as I figure out how to sell them lol
  204. [21:35:36] Virtueorvice > good thing im not in my +5s
  205. [21:36:03] Abrams Elisium > don't think you can, but this just made for a good day
  206. [21:36:04] Sugar Kyle > I hear there is 50 mil being given out for Vov killmails
  207. [21:36:05] Sugar Kyle > I have some
  208. [21:36:08] Sugar Kyle > <url=killReport:31278665:9b545264718fbdacfcec8cd90a98e48987821501>Kill: Viceorvirtue (Reaper)</url>
  209. [21:36:10] Sugar Kyle > <url=killReport:31155608:5f08efd502afc78179665aa75ac9779ca54037ce>Kill: Viceorvirtue (Reaper)</url>
  210. [21:36:11] Sugar Kyle > <url=killReport:31136327:41d383215fd4401158149ed6251f39c26346b64e>Kill: Viceorvirtue (Reaper)</url>
  211. [21:36:15] Sugar Kyle > so thats like 150 mil
  212. [21:36:37] Malachi Finn > that offer expired. deal is with abrams now
  213. [21:36:43] Sugar Kyle > so boring
  214. [21:36:46] Sugar Kyle > /emote rolls her eyes
  215. [21:36:58] Malachi Finn > but I'll give you 50 m just for killing him lol
  216. [21:37:16] Sugar Kyle > I kill him all the time
  217. [21:37:22] Sugar Kyle > when he comes to low sec to have us clear his kill rights
  218. [21:37:24] Sugar Kyle > Pirates and all
  219. [21:37:25] Sugar Kyle > &lt;3
  220. [21:37:27] Malachi Finn > there ya go
  221. [21:37:41] Sugar Kyle > <url=killReport:32447086:c2ff295d7002f36ab20066e8e34bfe55a8100f6d>Kill: canio zarj (Drake)</url>
  222. [21:37:44] Sugar Kyle > normally I just kill with him
  223. [21:38:14] Viceorvirtue > took you 15 mins to help me on that
  224. [21:38:32] Viceorvirtue > if you were dominos i wouldve demanded a free pizza
  225. [21:38:42] Malachi Finn > that's 30 minutes dipshit
  226. [21:38:56] Malachi Finn > get your metaphors right
  227. [21:39:08] Malachi Finn > wow lame AND illiterate
  228. [21:40:49] Calus Mcgrigor Atram > its never good to say how stupid someone is after they blow you up
  229. [21:41:09] Malachi Finn > I do'nt think it really matters to him
  230. [21:41:48] Calus Mcgrigor Atram > fair enough then, i just would rather be killed by a clever person than an idiot as it looks bad on me then
  232. [21:42:08] Malachi Finn > I think he was cloaked....never saw him until too late
  234. [21:42:28] Abrams Elisium > the looter, probably
  235. [21:42:46] Abrams Elisium > using him to find targets
  236. [21:42:52] Malachi Finn > no expiration date on that isk abrams, just so you know. : )
  237. [21:43:17] Abrams Elisium > just waiting on him to come outside
  238. [21:43:31] Malachi Finn > yeah I figured as much lol. too chicken for a real match
  239. [21:43:45] Malachi Finn > can't imagine what type of lame life outside eve he has
  240. [21:44:24] Malachi Finn > probabnly fat, balding, no's me lol
  241. [21:45:38] Malachi Finn > well well he's in the station with me lol. what a chicken shit....
  242. [21:45:54] Malachi Finn > abrams how do I sell kill rights to you so you don't get concorded?
  243. [21:46:09] Abrams Elisium > honestly don't think you can
  244. [21:46:16] Malachi Finn > bollocks
  245. [21:46:36] Abrams Elisium > but the bounty makes this worth it
  246. [21:48:47] Malachi Finn > there ya go abrams, that's for sitting around waiting for his sorry ass
  247. [21:49:11] Abrams Elisium > thanks
  248. [21:49:21] Malachi Finn > my thanks to you sincerely
  249. [21:49:40] Abrams Elisium > np, I like this sort of hunting
  250. [21:49:56] Malachi Finn > us carebears may not have teeth but what we do have is money enough to buy dentures : )
  251. [21:50:13] Ross Taylor > lol i like that
  252. [21:51:23] Abrams Elisium > I'm a U'K carebear. normally I just build them ship to blow up, but I like to show teeth now and then
  253. [21:52:59] Abrams Elisium > that, and time, got lots of that
  254. [21:53:29] Malachi Finn > hm. same here just lack the ability. no worries, making associates like you I can do on a daily basis
  255. [22:02:31] Malachi Finn > abrams do you know which station he is in?
  256. [22:03:11] drxgreenlung Opper > he just got his ship blown up seen his capsule fly by
  257. [22:03:42] Virtueorvice > abrams isnt here
  258. [22:04:11] Malachi Finn > so he isn't lol
  259. [22:04:30] Virtueorvice > talks a big game but he doesnt actualy do anything
  260. [22:07:32] Virtueorvice > hey abrams you missed it
  261. [22:08:39] Abrams Elisium > yea, jogging my DNS and IP is a cute hacking stunt, tell me how'd you break EVE security on that, or did you just run a bypass
  262. [22:09:38] Virtueorvice > what?
  263. [22:10:53] Abrams Elisium > I really need to keep an active tracer running for that.
  264. [22:11:25] Virtueorvice > i dont understand
  265. [22:12:14] Abrams Elisium > so how got gacked by this idiot.. least I can do is sent some of the isk so help since I got log bumped
  266. [22:13:42] Xatox Erata > grab you aluminium hats yall
  267. [22:13:49] Chella Ranier > I just reconnected and I'm dead :(
  268. [22:13:52] Xatox Erata > they ddossing us!
  269. [22:14:10] Xatox Erata > they ddosing us!
  270. [22:14:37] Abrams Elisium > Chella, does it say how?
  271. [22:14:57] Tunkkanen > <url=showinfo:1379//303856157>Viceorvirtue</url>
  272. [22:15:15] Abrams Elisium > T you got hit?
  273. [22:15:48] Tunkkanen > yesterday while watching a documentary
  274. [22:16:01] Chella Ranier > I dont know
  275. [22:16:07] Chella Ranier > I'm just at the station
  276. [22:16:08] Chella Ranier > /emote sighs
  277. [22:16:20] Abrams Elisium > well I was looking for today, while I was out
  278. [22:16:44] Abrams Elisium > Chella check your killmail
  280. [22:16:53] Chella Ranier > how?
  281. [22:17:54] Abrams Elisium > character sheet, kill rights
  282. [22:18:16] Abrams Elisium > you'll have to scroll down to find it
  283. [22:18:21] Chella Ranier > hold on
  284. [22:19:25] Chella Ranier > uhh yeah I think so
  285. [22:19:33] Chella Ranier > on vice something
  286. [22:19:34] Chella Ranier > why?
  287. [22:20:43] Abrams Elisium > have some isk for having issue with this twerp
  288. [22:21:09] Chella Ranier > but I didn't attack him or want to
  289. [22:21:11] Abrams Elisium > what you lose anyway
  290. [22:21:41] Abrams Elisium > no, he's just an opportunitist with very little skill
  291. [22:21:47] Chella Ranier > retriever is all
  292. [22:21:58] Abrams Elisium > his usual target then
  293. [22:22:01] Chella Ranier > I can't afford the T2 ones and the hulk doesnt hold enough
  294. [22:22:03] Alaine Defiane > yup
  295. [22:23:22] Abrams Elisium > yes alaine, sitting on station waiting for him
  296. [22:23:41] Alaine Defiane > what station is he in?
  297. [22:23:47] Abrams Elisium > bottom
  298. [22:24:33] Alaine Defiane > X moon 18?
  299. [22:24:47] Abrams Elisium > yea,
  300. [22:25:39] Abrams Elisium > thgat might be overkill for his little dessies
  301. [22:25:46] Calus Mcgrigor Atram > how many ehps does a usual retriever have?
  302. [22:26:12] Alaine Defiane > mby but he took my retriever out yesterday and this is my pvp ship
  303. [22:26:17] Abrams Elisium > about as much as a frig
  304. [22:43:28] Pitt Ainmire > Mark V
  305. [22:45:55] Abrams Elisium > one inbound
  306. [22:46:10] Kaiden Arsten > where to
  307. [22:46:30] Abrams Elisium > the looter is off station tyingto bait
  308. [22:48:25] Abrams Elisium > left
  309. [22:49:00] Abrams Elisium > it's more valuable to get the bounty too
  310. [22:49:09] Alaine Defiane > yup
  311. [22:49:35] Abrams Elisium > then chase something I can't catch out of range. not stupid
  312. [23:11:31] Tanto Okanata > I have GOT to start paying attention.. armor repairs are expensive
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