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Feb 17th, 2020
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  1. const { lit, raw, transaction } = require('objection');
  2. const _ = require('lodash');
  3. const moment = require('moment');
  4. const Product = require('../../models/product');
  5. const ProductSchedule = require('../../models/productSchedule');
  6. const ProductAllotmentUsage = require('../../models/productAllotmentUsage');
  7. const Allotment = require('../../models/allotment');
  8. const ProductPricePeriod = require('../../models/productPricePeriod');
  9. const ProductUnavailability = require('../../models/productUnavailability');
  10. const {
  11. OK,
  12. CREATED,
  14. } = require('../../common/constants');
  15. const {
  16. addedSuccessfully,
  17. deletedSuccessfully,
  18. errorInDeleting,
  19. foundSuccessfully,
  20. updatedSuccessfully,
  21. } = require('../../common/messages');
  22. const {
  23. sendJsonResponse,
  24. sendNoContentFound,
  25. sendNotFoundError,
  26. generateDaysFromRange,
  27. isDayOfYearInRange,
  28. } = require('../../common/helpers');
  30. const productWord = 'product';
  31. const productOptionsWord = 'productOptions';
  32. const productScheduleWord = 'productSchedule';
  33. const productsWord = 'products';
  34. module.exports.readProducts = async (req, res) => {
  35. const currentDate = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
  36. const dateRange = `[${currentDate},)`;
  37. const allotmentUsageInfo = requestedDateRange => ProductAllotmentUsage
  38. .query()
  39. .select(
  40. 'allotment_usage_per_day.product_id',
  41. raw(`json_agg(
  42. json_build_object(
  43. 'consumption_date',consumption_date,
  44. 'quantity',quantity
  45. )
  46. ) as allotment_usage_info`),
  47. )
  48. .from(raw(`(select
  49. product_id,consumption_date,sum(coalesce(quantity, 0)) as quantity
  50. from product_allotment_usage
  51. where ?::daterange @> consumption_date
  52. group by product_id , consumption_date
  53. ) as allotment_usage_per_day`, [requestedDateRange]))
  54. .groupBy('allotment_usage_per_day.product_id');
  55. const isNotInBlackout = requestedDateRange => ProductUnavailability
  56. .query()
  57. .select(
  58. 'product_unavailability.product_id',
  59. raw(`json_agg(
  60. json_build_object(
  61. 'unavailability_period',product_unavailability.unavailability_period * ?
  62. )
  63. ) as unavailability_info`, [requestedDateRange]),
  64. )
  65. .where(raw('unavailability_period && ? = true', [requestedDateRange]))
  66. .groupBy('product_unavailability.product_id');
  68. const allotmentInfo = requestedDateRange => Allotment
  69. .query()
  70. .select(
  71. 'allotment.product_id',
  72. raw(`json_agg(
  73. json_build_object(
  74. 'allotment_period',allotment.allotment_period * ?,
  75. 'initial_stock',allotment.initial_stock,
  76. 'reassort',allotment.reassort
  77. )
  78. ) as allotment_info`, [requestedDateRange]),
  79. )
  80. .where(raw('allotment_period && ? = true', [requestedDateRange]))
  81. .whereNotNull('allotment.initial_stock')
  82. .groupBy('allotment.product_id');
  84. const priceInfo = requestedDateRange => ProductPricePeriod
  85. .query()
  86. .with(
  87. 'sub_price_info', (qb) => {
  88. qb
  89. .select(
  90. '', 'product_price_period.price_period', 'product_price_period.product_id',
  91. raw(`json_build_object(
  92. 'sub_period', product_price_sub_period.price_sub_period) as sub_periods`),
  93. raw(`(SELECT
  94. CASE
  95. WHEN product_price_period.price_mode_id = 1 THEN
  96. (select price from price_per_occupation where product_price_period_id = and price notnull limit 1)
  97. WHEN product_price_period.price_mode_id = 2 THEN
  98. (select fit_price from fixed_price where product_price_period_id = and fit_price notnull limit 1)
  99. WHEN product_price_period.price_mode_id = 3 THEN
  100. (select fit_price from price_per_pax where product_price_period_id = and fit_price notnull limit 1)
  101. WHEN product_price_period.price_mode_id = 4 THEN
  102. (select fit_price from price_per_age where product_price_period_id = and fit_price notnull limit 1)
  103. END) as price`),
  104. )
  105. .from('product_price_period')
  106. .innerJoin('product_price_sub_period', 'product_price_sub_period.product_price_period_id', '')
  107. .where(raw('product_price_period.price_period && ? = true', [requestedDateRange]))
  108. // .andWhere('product_price_period.product_id', 'sub_price_info.product_id')
  109. .groupBy('', 'product_price_sub_period.price_sub_period');
  110. },
  111. )
  112. .select(
  113. 'product_id', raw(`json_agg(
  114. sub_periods
  115. ) FILTER (WHERE price IS NOT NULL )as price_info`),
  116. )
  117. .from('sub_price_info')
  118. // .where('sub_price_info.product_id', 'product_price_period.product_id')
  119. .groupBy('sub_price_info.product_id');
  121. let products = await Product
  122. .query()
  123. .skipUndefined()
  124. .where('establishment_id', req.query.establishment_id)
  125. .andWhere('product_type_id', req.query.product_type_id)
  126. .modify((qb) => {
  127. if (req.query.is_balance === true) {
  128.'product.*', 'allotment_info',
  129. 'price_info',
  130. 'allotment_usage_info',
  131. 'unavailability_info')
  132. .from('product')
  133. .innerJoin(priceInfo(dateRange).as('product_price_info'),
  134. 'product_price_info.product_id', '')
  135. .leftJoin(allotmentInfo(dateRange).as('product_allotment_info'),
  136. 'product_allotment_info.product_id', '')
  137. .leftJoin(allotmentUsageInfo(dateRange).as('product_allotment_usage_info'),
  138. 'product_allotment_usage_info.product_id', '')
  139. .leftJoin(isNotInBlackout(dateRange).as('product_unavailability_info'),
  140. 'product_unavailability_info.product_id', '')
  141. .innerJoin('establishment', '', 'product.establishment_id')
  142. .innerJoin('provider', '', 'establishment.provider_id')
  143. .where('product.status', true)
  144. .andWhere('establishment.status', true)
  145. .andWhere('provider.status', true)
  146. .whereNotNull('product_price_info')
  147. .whereNotNull('product_allotment_info');
  148. }
  149. })
  150. .limit(req.query.limit);
  151. if (products.length === 0) {
  152. return sendNoContentFound(req, res, productsWord);
  153. }
  154. if (req.query.is_balance === true) {
  155. products = => {
  156. const balance = _.flatten( => {
  157. const days = generateDaysFromRange(allotement.allotment_period);
  159. const balanceArray = days && => {
  160. const quantity = product.allotment_usage_info && product.allotment_usage_info
  161. .filter(usage => usage.consumption_date === day).length > 0
  162. ? product.allotment_usage_info.filter(usage => usage.consumption_date
  163. === day)[0].quantity : 0;
  164. const nBalance = allotement.initial_stock + allotement.reassort - quantity;
  165. if (nBalance <= 0) {
  166. const blackOutDays = product.unavailability_info
  167. && _.flatten( =>
  168. isDayOfYearInRange(unavailability.unavailability_period, moment(day))));
  169. if (blackOutDays && blackOutDays.some(black => black === true)) return null;
  170. const subPeriods = =>
  171. isDayOfYearInRange(sub.sub_period, moment(day)));
  172. if (subPeriods.some(period => period === true)) {
  173. return { day, balance: nBalance };
  174. }
  175. return null;
  176. }
  177. return null;
  178. });
  180. return balanceArray;
  181. })).filter(Boolean);
  182. const nProduct = product;
  183. delete nProduct.allotment_usage_info;
  184. delete nProduct.unavailability_info;
  185. delete nProduct.price_info;
  186. nProduct.balance = balance;
  187. if (balance.length > 0) return nProduct;
  188. return null;
  189. });
  190. }
  191. return sendJsonResponse(req, res, OK, products, foundSuccessfully(productsWord));
  192. };
  194. module.exports.readProductSchedules = async (req, res) => {
  195. const requestedDateRange = `[${req.query.start_date},${req.query.end_date})`;
  196. const products = await ProductSchedule
  197. .query()
  198. .select()
  199. .distinct('activity_date', 'start_hour', 'duration_in_minute')
  200. .joinRaw(`INNER JOIN lateral (
  201. select activity_date::date
  202. from generate_series(lower(period * ?::daterange),
  203. upper(period * ?::daterange) - interval '1day', '1 day') as activity_date
  204. where EXTRACT(DOW FROM activity_date) = ANY(checked_days::INT[])
  205. ) as days on true`, [requestedDateRange, requestedDateRange])
  206. .skipUndefined()
  207. .where('product_id', req.params.products_id)
  208. .orderBy('activity_date', 'asc');
  209. if (products.length === 0) {
  210. return sendNoContentFound(req, res, productsWord);
  211. }
  212. return sendJsonResponse(req, res, OK, products, foundSuccessfully(productsWord));
  213. };
  216. module.exports.readProduct = async (req, res) => {
  217. const product = await Product
  218. .query()
  219. .with(
  220. 'schedules', (qb) => {
  221. qb
  222. .select(
  223. 'product.*',
  224. raw(`COALESCE (
  225. json_agg(
  226. json_build_object(
  227. 'id',,
  228. 'start_date',lower(product_schedule.period)::text,
  229. 'end_date',(upper(product_schedule.period) - integer '1')::text,
  230. 'checked_days',product_schedule.checked_days,
  231. 'start_hour',to_char(product_schedule.start_hour, 'HH24:MI'),
  232. 'hours', (product_schedule.duration_in_minute / 60),
  233. 'minutes', (product_schedule.duration_in_minute % 60))
  234. ) FILTER (WHERE IS NOT NULL), '[]')
  235. as product_schedule`),
  236. )
  237. .from('product')
  238. .leftJoin('product_schedule', '', 'product_schedule.product_id')
  239. .where('', req.params.products_id)
  240. .groupBy('');
  241. },
  242. )
  243. .with(
  244. 'options', (qb) => {
  245. qb
  246. .select(
  247. '',
  248. raw(`COALESCE (
  249. json_agg(
  250. json_build_object(
  251. 'establishment_option_id', product_option.establishment_option_id,
  252. 'is_required', product_option.is_required)
  253. ) FILTER (WHERE IS NOT NULL), '[]')
  254. as product_option`),
  255. )
  256. .from('product')
  257. .leftJoin('product_option', '', 'product_option.product_id')
  258. .where('', req.params.products_id)
  259. .groupBy('');
  260. },
  261. )
  262. .select()
  263. .from(raw('schedules JOIN options USING (id)'));
  266. if (product.length === 0) {
  267. return sendNoContentFound(req, res, productWord);
  268. }
  269. return sendJsonResponse(req, res, OK, product[0], foundSuccessfully(productWord));
  270. };
  272. module.exports.createProduct = async (req, res) => {
  273. const product = await Product
  274. .query()
  275. .insert({
  276. name:,
  277. product_type_id: req.body.product_type_id,
  278. establishment_id: req.body.establishment_id,
  279. tax_profile_id: req.body.tax_profile_id,
  280. });
  281. return sendJsonResponse(req, res, CREATED, { id: }, addedSuccessfully(productWord));
  282. };
  284. module.exports.updateProduct = async (req, res) => {
  285. const updatedValues = Object.assign({}, req.body, { id: parseInt(req.params.products_id, 10) });
  286. const productOptionsTodelete = [];
  287. if (updatedValues.product_option && updatedValues.product_option.length > 0) {
  288. const productOptionsToUpsert = [];
  289. updatedValues.product_option.forEach((opt) => {
  290. if (Object.keys(opt).length === 1 && Object.keys(opt)[0] === 'establishment_option_id') {
  291. productOptionsTodelete.push(opt.establishment_option_id);
  292. } else {
  293. productOptionsToUpsert.push({
  294. id: opt.establishment_option_id,
  295. is_required: opt.is_required,
  296. });
  297. }
  298. });
  299. updatedValues.product_option = productOptionsToUpsert;
  300. }
  301. const productScheduleTodelete = [];
  302. if (updatedValues.product_schedule && updatedValues.product_schedule.length > 0) {
  303. const productScheduleToUpsert = [];
  304. updatedValues.product_schedule.forEach((ps) => {
  305. if (Object.keys(ps).length === 1 && Object.keys(ps)[0] === 'id') {
  306. productScheduleTodelete.push(;
  307. } else {
  308. const productSchedule = Object.assign({}, ps);
  309. if (ps.checked_days) {
  310. productSchedule.checked_days = lit(ps.checked_days).asArray().castTo('int[]');
  311. }
  312. if (ps.start_date && ps.end_date) {
  313. productSchedule.period = `[${ps.start_date}, ${ps.end_date}]`;
  314. delete productSchedule.start_date;
  315. delete productSchedule.end_date;
  316. }
  318. if (ps.hours !== undefined && ps.minutes !== undefined) {
  319. const hourPerMinutes = 60;
  320. productSchedule.duration_in_minute = ps.hours * hourPerMinutes + ps.minutes;
  321. delete productSchedule.hours;
  322. delete productSchedule.minutes;
  323. }
  324. productScheduleToUpsert.push(productSchedule);
  325. }
  326. });
  327. updatedValues.product_schedule = productScheduleToUpsert;
  328. }
  330. return transaction(Product.knex(), async (trx) => {
  331. const productUpdate = await Product
  332. .query(trx)
  333. .upsertGraph(
  334. updatedValues,
  335. {
  336. relate: true,
  337. unrelate: false,
  338. noDelete: true,
  339. },
  340. );
  341. if (productOptionsTodelete.length > 0) {
  342. const product = await Product
  343. .query()
  344. .findById(req.params.products_id);
  346. const productOptionDelete = await product
  347. .$relatedQuery('product_option', trx)
  348. .unrelate()
  349. .whereIn('', productOptionsTodelete);
  351. if (productOptionDelete === 0) {
  352. throw new Error(errorInDeleting(productOptionsWord));
  353. }
  354. return productOptionDelete;
  355. }
  356. if (productScheduleTodelete.length > 0) {
  357. const productScheduleDelete = await ProductSchedule
  358. .query()
  359. .delete()
  360. .whereIn('id', productScheduleTodelete);
  361. if (productScheduleDelete === 0) {
  362. throw new Error(errorInDeleting(productScheduleWord));
  363. }
  364. return productScheduleDelete;
  365. }
  366. return productUpdate;
  367. })
  368. .then(() => {
  369. sendJsonResponse(
  370. req, res, CREATED,
  371. updatedSuccessfully(productWord), updatedSuccessfully(productWord),
  372. );
  373. });
  374. };
  375. module.exports.deleteProduct = async (req, res) => {
  376. const product = await Product
  377. .query()
  378. .delete()
  379. .where('id', req.params.products_id);
  381. if (product === 0) {
  382. return sendNotFoundError(req, res, productWord);
  383. }
  384. return sendJsonResponse(
  385. req, res, NO_CONTENT, deletedSuccessfully(productWord),
  386. deletedSuccessfully(productWord),
  387. );
  388. };
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