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Sep 17th, 2016
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  1. Reading package lists... Done
  2. Building dependency tree
  3. Reading state information... Done
  4. You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
  5. The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  6. acccheck : Depends: smbclient but it is not going to be installed
  7. aircrack-ng : Depends: ethtool but it is not going to be installed
  8. Recommends: ieee-data but it is not going to be installed
  9. android-sdk : Depends: android-sdk-build-tools but it is not going to be installed
  10. Depends: android-sdk-common (>= 24.3.3+2) but it is not going to be installed
  11. Depends: android-sdk-platform-tools (>= 19) but it is not going to be installed
  12. Depends: proguard but it is not going to be installed
  13. Depends: libosmesa6 but it is not going to be installed
  14. apache-users : Depends: libparallel-forkmanager-perl but it is not going to be installed
  15. Depends: libio-all-lwp-perl but it is not going to be installed
  16. apktool : Depends: aapt
  17. Depends: android-framework-res but it is not going to be installed
  18. Depends: libantlr3-runtime-java but it is not going to be installed
  19. Depends: libcommons-io-java but it is not going to be installed
  20. Depends: libcommons-lang3-java but it is not going to be installed
  21. Depends: libguava-java but it is not going to be installed
  22. Depends: libjsr305-java but it is not going to be installed
  23. Depends: libsmali-java (>= 2.1.3) but it is not going to be installed
  24. Depends: libstringtemplate-java but it is not going to be installed
  25. Depends: libxmlunit-java but it is not going to be installed
  26. Depends: libxpp3-java but it is not going to be installed
  27. Depends: libyaml-snake-java but it is not going to be installed
  28. arachni : Depends: ruby-rack but it is not going to be installed
  29. Depends: bundler but it is not going to be installed
  30. Depends: ruby-zip but it is not going to be installed
  31. Depends: ruby-coderay but it is not going to be installed
  32. Depends: ruby-childprocess but it is not going to be installed
  33. Depends: ruby-msgpack (>= 0.7.0) but it is not going to be installed
  34. Depends: ruby-typhoeus (>= 1.0.1) but it is not going to be installed
  35. Depends: ruby-addressable but it is not going to be installed
  36. Depends: ruby-awesome-print but it is not going to be installed
  37. Depends: ruby-nokogiri but it is not going to be installed
  38. Depends: ruby-terminal-table but it is not going to be installed
  39. Depends: ruby-kramdown but it is not going to be installed
  40. Depends: ruby-loofah but it is not going to be installed
  41. Depends: arachni-rpc (>= but it is not going to be installed
  42. Depends: ruby-pony but it is not going to be installed
  43. Depends: ruby-rb-readline but it is not going to be installed
  44. Depends: ruby-watir-webdriver (>= 0.8.0) but it is not going to be installed
  45. Depends: ruby-oj but it is not going to be installed
  46. Depends: ruby-oj-mimic-json but it is not going to be installed
  47. Depends: ruby-http-parser.rb but it is not going to be installed
  48. Depends: ruby-concurrent (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed
  49. Depends: ruby-puma (>= 2.14.0) but it is not going to be installed
  50. Depends: ruby-sinatra but it is not going to be installed
  51. Depends: ruby-sinatra-contrib but it is not going to be installed
  52. Depends: ruby-ethon (>= 0.8.1) but it is not going to be installed
  53. arduino : Depends: libjna-java but it is not going to be installed
  54. Depends: librxtx-java (>= 2.2pre2-3) but it is not going to be installed
  55. Depends: arduino-core (= 2:1.0.5+dfsg2-4) but it is not going to be installed
  56. Recommends: extra-xdg-menus but it is not going to be installed
  57. armitage : Depends: metasploit-framework but it is not going to be installed
  58. backdoor-factory : Depends: python-capstone (>= 3.0) but it is not going to be installed
  59. Depends: python-pefile but it is not going to be installed
  60. Depends: osslsigncode
  61. bbqsql : Depends: python-gevent but it is not going to be installed
  62. beef-xss : Depends: thin but it is not going to be installed
  63. Depends: ruby-ansi but it is not going to be installed
  64. Depends: ruby-dataobjects but it is not going to be installed
  65. Depends: ruby-dev but it is not going to be installed
  66. Depends: ruby-dm-core but it is not going to be installed
  67. Depends: ruby-dm-migrations but it is not going to be installed
  68. Depends: ruby-dm-sqlite-adapter but it is not going to be installed
  69. Depends: ruby-em-websocket (>= 0.3.6) but it is not going to be installed
  70. Depends: ruby-erubis but it is not going to be installed
  71. Depends: ruby-eventmachine (>= 1.0.3) but it is not going to be installed
  72. Depends: ruby-execjs but it is not going to be installed
  73. Depends: ruby-json but it is not going to be installed
  74. Depends: ruby-msfrpc-client but it is not going to be installed
  75. Depends: ruby-parseconfig but it is not going to be installed
  76. Depends: ruby-rack (>= 1.4.1) but it is not going to be installed
  77. Depends: ruby-zip (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed
  78. Depends: ruby-sinatra (>= 1.4.2) but it is not going to be installed
  79. Depends: ruby-term-ansicolor but it is not going to be installed
  80. Depends: ruby-therubyracer (>= 0.11.0beta1) but it is not going to be installed
  81. Depends: ruby-twitter but it is not going to be installed
  82. Depends: ruby-uglifier (>= 2.2.1) but it is not going to be installed
  83. Depends: ruby-dm-serializer but it is not going to be installed
  84. Depends: ruby-qr4r but it is not going to be installed
  85. Depends: ruby-rubydns (>= 0.7.0) but it is not going to be installed
  86. Depends: ruby-geoip but it is not going to be installed
  87. Depends: ruby-mime-types but it is not going to be installed
  88. binwalk : Depends: python3-binwalk but it is not going to be installed
  89. bluelog : Depends: libbluetooth-dev but it is not going to be installed
  90. bulk-extractor : Depends: libafflib0v5 (>= 3.7.6) but it is not going to be installed
  91. Depends: libewf2 (>= 20121209) but it is not going to be installed
  92. cewl : Depends: ruby-mime but it is not going to be installed
  93. Depends: ruby-mime-types but it is not going to be installed
  94. Depends: ruby-mini-exiftool but it is not going to be installed
  95. Depends: ruby-net-http-digest-auth but it is not going to be installed
  96. Depends: ruby-nokogiri but it is not going to be installed
  97. Depends: ruby-spider but it is not going to be installed
  98. Depends: ruby-zip but it is not going to be installed
  99. cisco-torch : Depends: libnet-telnet-perl but it is not going to be installed
  100. Depends: libnet-ssh2-perl but it is not going to be installed
  101. Depends: libnet-snmp-perl but it is not going to be installed
  102. cookie-cadger : Depends: tshark but it is not going to be installed
  103. copy-router-config : Depends: perl-cisco-copyconfig but it is not going to be installed
  104. creddump : Depends: python-crypto but it is not going to be installed
  105. cuckoo : Depends: python-sqlalchemy but it is not going to be installed
  106. Depends: python-dpkt but it is not going to be installed
  107. Depends: python-jinja2 but it is not going to be installed
  108. Depends: python-magic but it is not going to be installed
  109. Depends: python-pymongo but it is not going to be installed
  110. Depends: python-gridfs but it is not going to be installed
  111. Depends: python-libvirt but it is not going to be installed
  112. Depends: python-bottle (>= 0.10) but it is not going to be installed
  113. Depends: python-pefile but it is not going to be installed
  114. Depends: python-yara (>= 1.7) but it is not going to be installed
  115. Depends: python-pydeep but it is not going to be installed
  116. Depends: python-bson but it is not going to be installed
  117. Recommends: python-django (>= 1.5) but it is not going to be installed
  118. cutycapt : Depends: libqt5core5a (>= 5.6.0~beta) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.1 is to be installed
  119. Depends: libqt5svg5 (>= 5.6.0~beta) but 5.5.1-2build1 is to be installed
  120. Depends: libqt5webkit5 (>= 5.6.0~rc) but 5.5.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1 is to be installed
  121. davtest : Depends: libhttp-dav-perl but it is not going to be installed
  122. deblaze : Depends: python-httplib2 but it is not going to be installed
  123. Depends: python-imaging but it is not going to be installed
  124. dhcpig : Depends: python-scapy but it is not going to be installed
  125. dnmap : Depends: python-twisted but it is not going to be installed
  126. Depends: python-twisted-bin but it is not going to be installed
  127. Depends: python-twisted-core but it is not going to be installed
  128. dnschef : Depends: python-dns but it is not going to be installed
  129. dnsenum : Depends: libnet-netmask-perl but it is not going to be installed
  130. Depends: libxml-writer-perl but it is not going to be installed
  131. Depends: libstring-random-perl but it is not going to be installed
  132. dnsrecon : Depends: python-dnspython but it is not going to be installed
  133. Depends: python-netaddr but it is not going to be installed
  134. dotdotpwn : Depends: libnet-tftp-perl but it is not going to be installed
  135. dradis : Depends: libmysqlclient18 but it is not going to be installed
  136. Depends: bundler but it is not going to be installed
  137. Depends: ruby-sqlite3 but it is not going to be installed
  138. dumpzilla : Depends: python-pysqlite2 but it is not going to be installed
  139. Depends: python-simplejson but it is not going to be installed
  140. enum4linux : Depends: samba but it is not going to be installed
  141. Depends: smbclient but it is not going to be installed
  142. Depends: ldap-utils but it is not going to be installed
  143. fern-wifi-cracker : Depends: python-qt4 but it is not going to be installed
  144. Depends: macchanger but it is not going to be installed
  145. Depends: subversion but it is not going to be installed
  146. Depends: python-scapy but it is not going to be installed
  147. fiked : Depends: libnet1 (>= but it is not going to be installed
  148. firewalk : Depends: libdumbnet1 (>= 1.8) but it is not going to be installed
  149. Depends: libnet1 (>= but it is not going to be installed
  150. fragroute : Depends: libdumbnet1 (>= 1.8) but it is not going to be installed
  151. funkload : Depends: python-webunit (>= 1:1.3.10) but it is not going to be installed
  152. Recommends: tcpwatch-httpproxy but it is not going to be installed
  153. Recommends: gnuplot (>= 4.2)
  154. Recommends: python-docutils but it is not going to be installed
  155. ghost-phisher : Depends: python-scapy but it is not going to be installed
  156. Depends: python-qt4 but it is not going to be installed
  157. Depends: subversion but it is not going to be installed
  158. Depends: metasploit-framework but it is not going to be installed
  159. giskismet : Depends: libxml-libxml-perl but it is not going to be installed
  160. Depends: libdbi-perl but it is not going to be installed
  161. Depends: libdbd-sqlite3-perl but it is not going to be installed
  162. gnome-control-center : Depends: libgnome-desktop-3-12 (>= 3.21.4) but 3.18.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed
  163. Depends: libgrilo-0.3-0 (>= 0.3.0) but it is not going to be installed
  164. Depends: gnome-control-center-data (>= 1:3.21.92-1kali1) but 1:3.18.2-1ubuntu6 is to be installed
  165. Depends: gnome-settings-daemon (>= 3.19.1) but 3.18.2-0ubuntu3.1 is to be installed
  166. Recommends: rygel but it is not going to be installed or
  167. rygel-tracker but it is not going to be installed
  168. golismero : Depends: python-docutils but it is not going to be installed
  169. Depends: python-pymongo but it is not going to be installed
  170. Depends: python-simplejson but it is not going to be installed
  171. Depends: sslscan but it is not going to be installed
  172. Depends: python-argcomplete but it is not going to be installed
  173. gqrx : Depends: gnuradio but it is not going to be installed
  174. Depends: gr-osmosdr but it is not going to be installed
  175. Depends: hackrf but it is not going to be installed
  176. Depends: rtl-sdr but it is not going to be installed
  177. Depends: uhd-host but it is not going to be installed
  178. Depends: uhd-images but it is not going to be installed
  179. Depends: libboost-program-options1.58.0 but it is not going to be installed
  180. Depends: libgnuradio-analog3.7.10 but it is not going to be installed
  181. Depends: libgnuradio-blocks3.7.10 but it is not going to be installed
  182. Depends: libgnuradio-fft3.7.10 but it is not going to be installed
  183. Depends: libgnuradio-filter3.7.10 but it is not going to be installed
  184. Depends: libgnuradio-osmosdr0.1.4 but it is not going to be installed
  185. Depends: libgnuradio-pmt3.7.10 but it is not going to be installed
  186. Depends: libgnuradio-runtime3.7.10 but it is not going to be installed
  187. Depends: libqt4-svg (>= 4:4.5.3) but it is not going to be installed
  188. Depends: libvolk1.3 but it is not going to be installed
  189. grabber : Depends: python-beautifulsoup but it is not going to be installed
  190. greenbone-security-assistant : Depends: libmicrohttpd12 (>= 0.9.50) but it is not going to be installed
  191. Depends: libopenvas8 but it is not going to be installed
  192. Depends: texlive-latex-extra but it is not going to be installed
  193. gsettings-desktop-schemas : Breaks: gnome-settings-daemon (< 3.19.92) but 3.18.2-0ubuntu3.1 is to be installed
  194. gtk2-engines-pixbuf : Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.24.30-4) but 2.24.30-1ubuntu1 is to be installed
  195. guymager : Depends: smartmontools but it is not going to be installed
  196. Depends: libewf2 (>= 20121209) but it is not going to be installed
  197. Depends: libguytools2 (>= 2.0.3) but it is not going to be installed
  198. Recommends: udisks but it is not installable
  199. hexorbase : Depends: python-qt4 but it is not going to be installed
  200. Depends: python-mysqldb but it is not going to be installed
  201. Depends: python-psycopg2 but it is not going to be installed
  202. Depends: python-pymssql but it is not going to be installed
  203. Depends: python-qscintilla2 but it is not going to be installed
  204. http-tunnel : Depends: apache2 but it is not going to be installed
  205. Depends: libcrypt-mcrypt-perl but it is not going to be installed
  206. Depends: libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl but it is not going to be installed
  207. Depends: libnet-ldap-perl but it is not going to be installed
  208. Depends: libdbd-mysql-perl but it is not going to be installed
  209. Depends: libclass-dbi-mysql-perl but it is not going to be installed
  210. Depends: php-mysql but it is not going to be installed
  211. Depends: php-ldap
  212. Depends: php-mcrypt
  213. intersect : Depends: libreadline5 but it is not going to be installed
  214. inviteflood : Depends: libnet1 (>= but it is not going to be installed
  215. iphone-backup-analyzer : Depends: python-pyside but it is not going to be installed
  216. Depends: python-imaging but it is not going to be installed
  217. Depends: python-qt4 but it is not going to be installed
  218. jboss-autopwn : Depends: metasploit-framework but it is not going to be installed
  219. jd : Depends: libmigemo1 (>= 1.1.0) but it is not going to be installed
  220. Recommends: cmigemo-common but it is not going to be installed
  221. john : Depends: john-data (= but it is not going to be installed
  222. joomscan : Depends: libwww-mechanize-perl but it is not going to be installed
  223. Depends: libdigest-md5-file-perl but it is not going to be installed
  224. kalibrate-rtl : Depends: librtlsdr0 but it is not going to be installed
  225. Depends: rtl-sdr but it is not going to be installed
  226. keimpx : Depends: python-impacket but it is not going to be installed
  227. Depends: python-crypto but it is not going to be installed
  228. killerbee : Depends: python-crypto but it is not going to be installed
  229. Depends: python-usb but it is not going to be installed
  230. libgtk-3-bin : Depends: gtk-update-icon-cache
  231. libqt5xml5 : Depends: libqt5core5a (>= 5.6.0~beta) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.1 is to be installed
  232. Depends: qtbase-abi-5-6-1
  233. libreoffice-core : Depends: libboost-date-time1.61.0 but it is not going to be installed
  234. Depends: libcmis-0.5-5v5 (>= 0.5.1+git20160603) but 0.5.1-2ubuntu2 is to be installed
  235. Depends: libgltf-0.0-0v5 but it is not going to be installed
  236. Depends: libhunspell-1.4-0 but it is not going to be installed
  237. libreoffice-gtk : Depends: libreoffice-gtk2 but it is not going to be installed
  238. Depends: libreoffice-systray but it is not going to be installed
  239. maltego-teeth : Depends: maltego
  240. Depends: python-mechanize but it is not going to be installed
  241. Depends: python-levenshtein but it is not going to be installed
  242. Depends: python-adns but it is not going to be installed
  243. Depends: msgpack-python
  244. Depends: python-metaconfig but it is not going to be installed
  245. Depends: python-easygui but it is not going to be installed
  246. Depends: metasploit-framework but it is not going to be installed
  247. mfcuk : Depends: libnfc5 (>= 1.7.0~rc7) but it is not going to be installed
  248. mfoc : Depends: libnfc5 (>= 1.7.0~rc7) but it is not going to be installed
  249. mfterm : Depends: libnfc5 (>= 1.7.0~rc2) but it is not going to be installed
  250. miranda : Depends: python-jsonpickle but it is not going to be installed
  251. mitmproxy : Depends: python-backports.ssl-match-hostname but it is not going to be installed
  252. Depends: python-blinker but it is not going to be installed
  253. Depends: python-certifi but it is not going to be installed
  254. Depends: python-click but it is not going to be installed
  255. Depends: python-configargparse but it is not going to be installed
  256. Depends: python-construct but it is not going to be installed
  257. Depends: python-flask (>= 0.10.1) but it is not going to be installed
  258. Depends: python-h2 but it is not going to be installed
  259. Depends: python-hpack but it is not going to be installed
  260. Depends: python-html2text but it is not going to be installed
  261. Depends: python-hyperframe but it is not going to be installed
  262. Depends: python-passlib but it is not going to be installed
  263. Depends: python-pil but it is not going to be installed
  264. Depends: python-pyparsing but it is not going to be installed
  265. Depends: python-pyperclip but it is not going to be installed
  266. Depends: python-tornado but it is not going to be installed
  267. Depends: python-urwid but it is not going to be installed
  268. Depends: python-watchdog but it is not going to be installed
  269. multimon-ng : Depends: libqtwebkit4 but it is not going to be installed
  270. mutter : Depends: libmutter0i (>= 3.21.0) but it is not going to be installed
  271. Depends: mutter-common (= 3.21.91-2) but 3.18.3-0ubuntu2 is to be installed
  272. ohrwurm : Depends: dsniff but it is not going to be installed
  273. ollydbg : Depends: wine
  274. openvas-cli : Depends: libopenvas8 but it is not going to be installed
  275. openvas-manager : Depends: libopenvas8 but it is not going to be installed
  276. openvas-scanner : Depends: libopenvas8 but it is not going to be installed
  277. Depends: redis-server (>= 2.4.0) but it is not going to be installed
  278. pack : Depends: python-enchant but it is not going to be installed
  279. padbuster : Depends: libcrypt-ssleay-perl but it is not going to be installed
  280. patator : Depends: python-crypto but it is not going to be installed
  281. Depends: python-dns but it is not going to be installed
  282. Depends: python-impacket but it is not going to be installed
  283. Depends: python-ipy but it is not going to be installed
  284. Depends: python-mysqldb but it is not going to be installed
  285. Depends: python-paramiko but it is not going to be installed
  286. Depends: python-psycopg2 but it is not going to be installed
  287. Depends: python-pycryptopp but it is not going to be installed
  288. Depends: python-pycurl but it is not going to be installed
  289. Depends: python-pysnmp4 but it is not going to be installed
  290. pdfid : Depends: python-simplejson but it is not going to be installed
  291. peepdf : Depends: libmozjs185-1.0 but it is not going to be installed
  292. Depends: python-colorama but it is not going to be installed
  293. Depends: python-pylibemu but it is not going to be installed
  294. pipal : Depends: ruby-json but it is not going to be installed
  295. polenum : Depends: python-impacket but it is not going to be installed
  296. powerfuzzer : Depends: python-wxtools but it is not going to be installed
  297. Depends: python-utidylib but it is not going to be installed
  298. proxystrike : Depends: python-pycurl but it is not going to be installed
  299. Depends: python-qt4 but it is not going to be installed
  300. python-distorm3 : Depends: libdistorm3-3 (>= 3.3.4-1) but it is not going to be installed
  301. recon-ng : Depends: python-dnspython but it is not going to be installed
  302. Depends: python-jsonrpclib but it is not going to be installed
  303. Depends: python-mechanize but it is not going to be installed
  304. Depends: python-slowaes but it is not going to be installed
  305. Depends: python-xlsxwriter but it is not going to be installed
  306. Depends: python-dicttoxml but it is not going to be installed
  307. Depends: python-pypdf2 but it is not going to be installed
  308. Depends: python-olefile but it is not going to be installed
  309. ridenum : Depends: python-pexpect but it is not going to be installed
  310. rtpbreak : Depends: libnet1 (>= but it is not going to be installed
  311. rtpinsertsound : Depends: libnet1 (>= but it is not going to be installed
  312. rtpmixsound : Depends: libnet1 (>= but it is not going to be installed
  313. Depends: libfindrtp but it is not going to be installed
  314. set : Depends: metasploit-framework but it is not going to be installed
  315. Depends: upx-ucl but it is not going to be installed
  316. Depends: ettercap-common but it is not going to be installed
  317. Depends: python-pexpect but it is not going to be installed
  318. Depends: python-impacket but it is not going to be installed
  319. Depends: python-crypto but it is not going to be installed
  320. Depends: python-pil but it is not going to be installed
  321. Depends: python-paramiko but it is not going to be installed
  322. Depends: python-pymssql but it is not going to be installed
  323. Depends: libapache2-mod-php
  324. Depends: python-pefile but it is not going to be installed
  325. Depends: python-qrcode but it is not going to be installed
  326. Recommends: apache2 but it is not going to be installed
  327. siparmyknife : Depends: libdigest-md4-perl but it is not going to be installed
  328. Depends: libdigest-crc-perl but it is not going to be installed
  329. snmpcheck : Depends: ruby-snmp but it is not going to be installed
  330. Depends: libnumber-bytes-human-perl but it is not going to be installed
  331. Depends: libnet-snmp-perl but it is not going to be installed
  332. sqlninja : Depends: libnetpacket-perl but it is not going to be installed
  333. Depends: libnet-pcap-perl but it is not going to be installed
  334. Depends: libnet-rawip-perl but it is not going to be installed
  335. sqlsus : Depends: libdbd-sqlite3-perl but it is not going to be installed
  336. Depends: libhtml-linkextractor-perl but it is not going to be installed
  337. Depends: libterm-readline-gnu-perl but it is not going to be installed
  338. Depends: liblwp-protocol-socks-perl but it is not going to be installed
  339. Depends: sqlite3
  340. sslcaudit : Depends: python-m2crypto but it is not going to be installed
  341. sslsplit : Depends: libevent-openssl-2.0-5 (>= 2.0.10-stable) but it is not going to be installed
  342. Depends: libevent-pthreads-2.0-5 (>= 2.0.10-stable) but it is not going to be installed
  343. sslstrip : Depends: python-twisted-web but it is not going to be installed
  344. sslyze : Depends: python-nassl but it is not going to be installed
  345. termineter : Depends: python3-pyasn1 but it is not going to be installed
  346. Depends: python3-serial but it is not going to be installed
  347. Depends: python3-smoke-zephyr but it is not going to be installed
  348. Depends: python3-crcelk but it is not going to be installed
  349. tlssled : Depends: sslscan but it is not going to be installed
  350. twofi : Depends: ruby-twitter but it is not going to be installed
  351. u3-pwn : Depends: u3-tool but it is not going to be installed
  352. Depends: metasploit-framework but it is not going to be installed
  353. uniscan : Depends: libmoose-perl but it is not going to be installed
  354. Depends: perl-tk but it is not going to be installed
  355. urlcrazy : Depends: ruby-httpclient but it is not going to be installed
  356. vega : Depends: libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 but it is not going to be installed
  357. volatility : Depends: python-crypto but it is not going to be installed
  358. Depends: python-imaging but it is not going to be installed
  359. Depends: python-openpyxl but it is not going to be installed
  360. Depends: python-tz but it is not going to be installed
  361. Depends: python-yara but it is not going to be installed
  362. Depends: volatility-tools (>= 2.4.1-1) but it is not going to be installed
  363. w3af : Depends: graphviz
  364. Depends: python-gtksourceview2 but it is not going to be installed
  365. Depends: python-webkit but it is not going to be installed
  366. Depends: w3af-console (>= 1.6.54+git20160429-3kali1) but it is not going to be installed
  367. weevely : Depends: python-yaml but it is not going to be installed
  368. Depends: python-prettytable but it is not going to be installed
  369. Depends: python-mako but it is not going to be installed
  370. Depends: python-socks but it is not going to be installed
  371. Depends: python-dateutil but it is not going to be installed
  372. wfuzz : Depends: python-pycurl but it is not going to be installed
  373. wifi-honey : Depends: screen but it is not going to be installed
  374. wifitap : Depends: python-scapy but it is not going to be installed
  375. Depends: python-pyx but it is not going to be installed
  376. wifite : Depends: pyrit but it is not going to be installed
  377. Depends: tshark but it is not going to be installed
  378. wol-e : Depends: python-impacket but it is not going to be installed
  379. Depends: python-scapy but it is not going to be installed
  380. Depends: python-pcapy but it is not going to be installed
  381. wpscan : Depends: bundler but it is not going to be installed
  382. Depends: ruby-typhoeus (>= 0.8.0) but it is not going to be installed
  383. Depends: ruby-nokogiri (>= but it is not going to be installed
  384. Depends: ruby-terminal-table (>= 1.4.5) but it is not going to be installed
  385. Depends: ruby-ruby-progressbar (>= 1.6.0~) but it is not going to be installed
  386. Depends: ruby-addressable but it is not going to be installed
  387. Depends: ruby-yajl but it is not going to be installed
  388. xplico : Depends: apache2 but it is not going to be installed
  389. Depends: lame but it is not going to be installed
  390. Depends: libapache2-mod-php
  391. Depends: php-cli
  392. Depends: php-json
  393. Depends: php-sqlite3
  394. Depends: python3-httplib2 but it is not going to be installed
  395. Depends: python3-psycopg2 but it is not going to be installed
  396. Depends: recode but it is not going to be installed
  397. Depends: sox but it is not going to be installed
  398. Depends: sqlite3
  399. Depends: tshark but it is not going to be installed
  400. Depends: libndpi3 (>= 1.7) but it is not going to be installed
  401. Depends: libpq5 but it is not going to be installed
  402. xsser : Depends: python-pycurl but it is not going to be installed
  403. Depends: python-xmlbuilder but it is not going to be installed
  404. Depends: python-beautifulsoup but it is not going to be installed
  405. Depends: python-geoip but it is not going to be installed
  406. yara : Depends: libjansson4 (>= 2.1) but it is not going to be installed
  407. yersinia : Depends: libnet1 (>= but it is not going to be installed
  408. E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
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