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Sep 16th, 2019
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  1. // XMega65 Kernal Development Template// Each function of the kernal is a no-args function
  2. // The functions are placed in the SYSCALLS table surrounded by JMP and NOP
  3. // Use a linker definition file (put the previous listing into that file)
  4. import "string"
  6. #pragma link("mega65hyper.ld")
  7. // Some definitions of addresses and special values that this program uses
  8. const char* RASTER = 0xd012;
  9. const char* VIC_MEMORY = 0xd018;
  10. const char* SCREEN = 0x0400;
  11. const char* BGCOL = 0xd021;
  12. const char* COLS = 0xd800;
  13. const char BLACK = 0;
  14. const char WHITE = 1;
  15. unsigned char *current_screen_line = $0400;
  16. unsigned char current_screen_x = 0;
  18. // Some text to display
  19. //char[] MESSAGE = "Checkpoint 2.3 by eich0017";
  21. void PRINT_TO_SCREEN(char *message){
  22. while (*message){
  23. current_screen_line[current_screen_x++] = *message;
  24. *message++;
  25. }
  26. }
  27. void print_hex(unsigned short value){
  28. char[5] hex;
  29. unsigned char i;
  30. for (i=0; i<4; i++){
  31. if(value<0xa000) hex[i] ='0'+(char)(value>>12);
  32. else hex[i] = (char)(value>>12)-9;
  33. value<<=4;
  34. }
  35. hex[4]=0;
  36. PRINT_TO_SCREEN(hex);
  37. }
  38. void detect_vicii(unsigned short address){
  39. volatile unsigned char *p = address;
  40. unsigned char v1, v2;
  41. unsigned short i;
  43. v1 = p[$12];
  44. for(i=1;i<1000;i++;){
  45. continue;
  46. }
  47. v2=p[$12];
  48. if(v2>v1){
  50. PRINT_TO_SCREEN("detected vic ii");
  51. }
  52. if(v2<v1){
  54. PRINT_TO_SCREEN("detected vic i");
  55. }
  56. }
  57. void detect_devices(){
  58. unsigned short device_start = $d000;
  59. unsigned short device_end = $dff0;
  60. for(unsigned short i = device_start; i<=device_end; i+=$10;){
  61. detect_vicii(i);
  62. }
  64. PRINT_TO_SCREEN("finish probing for devices")
  65. }
  67. void PRINT_NEWLINE(){
  68. current_screen_line += 40;
  69. current_screen_x = 0;
  70. }
  71. void test_memory(){
  72. unsigned short mem_start = $0800;
  73. unsigned short mem_end = $0800;
  74. volatile unsigned char *p = (unsigned char)&mem_end;
  75. while(mem_end <= $7fff){
  76. for(unsigned char i=0; i<255; i++){
  77. (unsigned char)p = i;
  78. if(p!=i){
  80. PRINT_TO_SCREEN("Memory initilize failed at: ");
  81. print_hex(mem_end);
  82. mem_end = --p;
  83. break;
  84. }
  85. p= (unsigned char)&mem_end;
  86. }
  87. mem_end++;
  88. }
  90. PRINT_TO_SCREEN("memory range: ");
  91. print_hex(mem_start);
  92. PRINT_TO_SCREEN(" - ");
  93. print_hex(mem_end);
  94. }
  96. void RESET() {
  97. // Initialize screen memory, and select correct font
  98. *VIC_MEMORY = 0x14;
  99. // Fill the screen with spaces
  100. memset(SCREEN, ' ', 40*25);
  101. // Set the colour of every character on the screen to white
  102. memset(COLS, WHITE, 40*25);
  103. // Print the "hello world!" message
  104. //char* sc = SCREEN+40;
  105. // Display it one line down on the screen
  106. //char* msg = MESSAGE;
  107. // The messag to display
  108. // A simple copy routine to copy the string
  109. PRINT_TO_SCREEN("eich0017 operating system starting...");
  111. PRINT_TO_SCREEN("testing hardware");
  112. //while(*msg) {*sc++ = *msg++;}
  114. test_memory();
  116. while(true) continue;
  117. }
  119. void main(){
  120. }
  122. void exit_hypervisor(){// Trigger exit from Hypervisor mode
  123. *(unsigned char *)$D67F = $01;
  124. }
  126. // Here are a couple sample SYSCALL handlers that just display a character on the screen
  127. void syscall1() {
  128. *(SCREEN+79) = '>';
  129. }
  130. void syscall2() {
  131. *(SCREEN+78) = '<';
  132. }
  133. void syscall3(){
  134. exit_hypervisor();
  135. }
  136. void syscall4(){
  137. exit_hypervisor();
  138. }
  139. void syscall5(){
  140. exit_hypervisor();
  141. }
  142. void syscall6(){
  143. exit_hypervisor();
  144. }
  145. void syscall7(){
  146. exit_hypervisor();
  147. }
  148. void syscall8(){
  149. exit_hypervisor();
  150. }
  151. void syscall9(){
  152. exit_hypervisor();
  153. }
  154. void syscallA(){
  155. exit_hypervisor();
  156. }
  157. void syscallB(){
  158. exit_hypervisor();
  159. }
  160. void syscallC(){
  161. exit_hypervisor();
  162. }
  163. void syscallD(){
  164. exit_hypervisor();
  165. }
  166. void syscallE(){
  167. exit_hypervisor();
  168. }
  169. void syscallF(){
  170. exit_hypervisor();
  171. }
  172. void syscall10(){
  173. exit_hypervisor();
  174. }
  175. void syscall11(){
  176. exit_hypervisor();
  177. }
  178. void SECURENTR(){
  179. exit_hypervisor();
  180. }
  181. void SECUREXIT(){
  182. exit_hypervisor();
  183. }
  184. void syscall12(){
  185. exit_hypervisor();
  186. }
  187. void syscall13(){
  188. exit_hypervisor();
  189. }
  190. void syscall14(){
  191. exit_hypervisor();
  192. }
  193. void syscall15(){
  194. exit_hypervisor();
  195. }
  196. void syscall16(){
  197. exit_hypervisor();
  198. }
  199. void syscall17(){
  200. exit_hypervisor();
  201. }
  202. void syscall18(){
  203. exit_hypervisor();
  204. }
  205. void syscall19(){
  206. exit_hypervisor();
  207. }
  208. void syscall1A(){
  209. exit_hypervisor();
  210. }
  211. void syscall1B(){
  212. exit_hypervisor();
  213. }
  214. void syscall1C(){
  215. exit_hypervisor();
  216. }
  217. void syscall1D(){
  218. exit_hypervisor();
  219. }
  220. void syscall1E(){
  221. exit_hypervisor();
  222. }
  223. void syscall1F(){
  224. exit_hypervisor();
  225. }
  226. void syscall20(){
  227. exit_hypervisor();
  228. }
  229. void syscall21(){
  230. exit_hypervisor();
  231. }
  232. void syscall22(){
  233. exit_hypervisor();
  234. }
  235. void syscall23(){
  236. exit_hypervisor();
  237. }
  238. void syscall24(){
  239. exit_hypervisor();
  240. }
  241. void syscall25(){
  242. exit_hypervisor();
  243. }
  244. void syscall26(){
  245. exit_hypervisor();
  246. }
  247. void syscall27(){
  248. exit_hypervisor();
  249. }
  250. void syscall28(){
  251. exit_hypervisor();
  252. }
  253. void syscall29(){
  254. exit_hypervisor();
  255. }
  256. void syscall2A(){
  257. exit_hypervisor();
  258. }
  259. void syscall2B(){
  260. exit_hypervisor();
  261. }
  262. void syscall2C(){
  263. exit_hypervisor();
  264. }
  265. void syscall2D(){
  266. exit_hypervisor();
  267. }
  268. void syscall2E(){
  269. exit_hypervisor();
  270. }
  271. void syscall2F(){
  272. exit_hypervisor();
  273. }
  274. void syscall30(){
  275. exit_hypervisor();
  276. }
  277. void syscall31(){
  278. exit_hypervisor();
  279. }
  280. void syscall32(){
  281. exit_hypervisor();
  282. }
  283. void syscall33(){
  284. exit_hypervisor();
  285. }
  286. void syscall34(){
  287. exit_hypervisor();
  288. }
  289. void syscall35(){
  290. exit_hypervisor();
  291. }
  292. void syscall36(){
  293. exit_hypervisor();
  294. }
  295. void syscall37(){
  296. exit_hypervisor();
  297. }
  298. void syscall38(){
  299. exit_hypervisor();
  300. }
  301. void syscall39(){
  302. exit_hypervisor();
  303. }
  304. void syscall3A(){
  305. exit_hypervisor();
  306. }
  307. void syscall3B(){
  308. exit_hypervisor();
  309. }
  310. void syscall3C(){
  311. exit_hypervisor();
  312. }
  313. void syscall3D(){
  314. exit_hypervisor();
  315. }
  316. void syscall3E(){
  317. exit_hypervisor();
  318. }
  319. void syscall3F(){
  320. exit_hypervisor();
  321. }
  322. void PAGFAULT(){
  323. exit_hypervisor();
  324. }
  325. void RESTORKEY(){
  326. exit_hypervisor();
  327. }
  328. void ALTTABKEY(){
  329. exit_hypervisor();
  330. }
  331. void VF011RD(){
  332. exit_hypervisor();
  333. }
  334. void VF011WR(){
  335. exit_hypervisor();
  336. }
  337. void undefined_trap(){
  338. exit_hypervisor();
  339. }
  340. void CPUKIL(){
  341. exit_hypervisor();
  342. }
  344. // Now we select the SYSCALL segment to hold the SYSCALL/trap entry point table.
  345. #pragma data_seg(Syscall)
  346. // The structure of each entry point is JMP <handler address> + NOP.
  347. // We have a char (xjmp) to hold the opcode for the JMP instruction,
  348. // and then put the address of the SYSCALL/trap handler in the next
  349. // two points as a pointer, and end with the NOP instruction opcode.
  350. struct SysCall {
  351. char xjmp;// Holds $4C, the JMP $nnnn opcode
  352. void()* syscall; // Holds handler address, will be the target of the JMP
  353. char xnop; // Holds $EA, the NOP opcode
  354. };
  355. // To save writing 0x4C and 0xEA all the time, we define them as constants
  356. const char JMP = 0x4c;
  357. const char NOP = 0xea;
  358. // Now we can have a nice table of up to 64 SYSCALL handlers expressed
  359. // in a fairly readable and easy format.
  360. // Each line is an instance of the struct SysCall from above, with the JMP
  361. // opcode value, the address of the handler routine and the NOP opcode value.
  362. export struct SysCall[] SYSCALLS = {
  363. { JMP, &syscall1, NOP },
  364. { JMP, &syscall2, NOP },
  365. { JMP, &syscall3, NOP },
  366. { JMP, &syscall4, NOP },
  367. { JMP, &syscall5, NOP },
  368. { JMP, &syscall6, NOP },
  369. { JMP, &syscall7, NOP },
  370. { JMP, &syscall8, NOP },
  371. { JMP, &syscall9, NOP },
  372. { JMP, &syscallA, NOP },
  373. { JMP, &syscallB, NOP },
  374. { JMP, &syscallC, NOP },
  375. { JMP, &syscallD, NOP },
  376. { JMP, &syscallE, NOP },
  377. { JMP, &syscallF, NOP },
  378. { JMP, &syscall10, NOP },
  379. { JMP, &SECURENTR, NOP },
  380. { JMP, &SECUREXIT, NOP },
  381. { JMP, &syscall13, NOP },
  382. { JMP, &syscall14, NOP },
  383. { JMP, &syscall15, NOP },
  384. { JMP, &syscall16, NOP },
  385. { JMP, &syscall17, NOP },
  386. { JMP, &syscall18, NOP },
  387. { JMP, &syscall19, NOP },
  388. { JMP, &syscall1A, NOP },
  389. { JMP, &syscall1B, NOP },
  390. { JMP, &syscall1C, NOP },
  391. { JMP, &syscall1D, NOP },
  392. { JMP, &syscall1E, NOP },
  393. { JMP, &syscall1F, NOP },
  394. { JMP, &syscall20, NOP },
  395. { JMP, &syscall21, NOP },
  396. { JMP, &syscall22, NOP },
  397. { JMP, &syscall23, NOP },
  398. { JMP, &syscall24, NOP },
  399. { JMP, &syscall25, NOP },
  400. { JMP, &syscall26, NOP },
  401. { JMP, &syscall27, NOP },
  402. { JMP, &syscall28, NOP },
  403. { JMP, &syscall29, NOP },
  404. { JMP, &syscall2A, NOP },
  405. { JMP, &syscall2B, NOP },
  406. { JMP, &syscall2C, NOP },
  407. { JMP, &syscall2D, NOP },
  408. { JMP, &syscall2E, NOP },
  409. { JMP, &syscall2F, NOP },
  410. { JMP, &syscall30, NOP },
  411. { JMP, &syscall31, NOP },
  412. { JMP, &syscall32, NOP },
  413. { JMP, &syscall33, NOP },
  414. { JMP, &syscall34, NOP },
  415. { JMP, &syscall35, NOP },
  416. { JMP, &syscall36, NOP },
  417. { JMP, &syscall37, NOP },
  418. { JMP, &syscall38, NOP },
  419. { JMP, &syscall39, NOP },
  420. { JMP, &syscall3A, NOP },
  421. { JMP, &syscall3B, NOP },
  422. { JMP, &syscall3C, NOP },
  423. { JMP, &syscall3D, NOP },
  424. { JMP, &syscall3E, NOP },
  425. { JMP, &syscall3F, NOP }
  427. };
  429. // In this example we had only two SYSCALLs defined, so rather than having
  430. // another 62 lines, we can just ask KickC to make the TRAP table begin
  431. // at the next multiple of $100, i.e., at $8100.
  432. export align(0x100) struct SysCall[] TRAPS = {
  433. { JMP, &RESET, NOP },
  434. { JMP, &PAGFAULT, NOP },
  435. { JMP, &RESTORKEY, NOP },
  436. { JMP, &ALTTABKEY, NOP },
  437. { JMP, &VF011RD, NOP },
  438. { JMP, &VF011WR, NOP },
  439. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  440. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  441. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  442. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  443. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  444. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  445. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  446. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  447. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  448. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  449. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  450. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  451. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  452. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  453. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  454. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  455. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  456. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  457. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  458. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  459. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  460. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  461. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  462. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  463. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  464. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  465. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  466. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  467. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  468. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  469. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  470. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  471. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  472. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  473. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  474. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  475. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  476. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  477. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  478. { JMP, &undefined_trap, NOP },
  479. { JMP, &CPUKIL, NOP }
  480. };
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