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Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. Core/Updater: Clarify even more this error
  2. DB/Gameobject: Respawntimer fix for Quest 11695
  3. DB/Creature: update Drak'aguul script and fix a DB error
  4. Fixed path for world updates (#17639)
  5. Creature/SAI: Add Frostbolt to Gordok Ogre-Mage
  6. Core/Scripts Added Black Temple Boundaries (#17579)
  7. Core/Spell: Quick readability change. Functionality not altered.
  8. DB/Creature: Precious <Simone's Pet> Z coordinate
  9. Core/Vehicle: delay position update in Vehicles, this may be deleted on UpdatePosition, generating a crash
  10. Core/Entities: Remove wrong immunity
  11. DB/SAI: Kilix the Unraveler event
  12. DB/SAI: Drak'aguul
  13. DB/Creature: update trainer type for Botanist Alaenra, was wrongly set as class trainer.
  14. Core/Handlers: actually check allowed trainer classes and races to avoid spoofing
  15. Core/Entities: removed obsolete pragma macro (Ref: ba9e0de36dae55d4399235277df77cd40af3d36b)
  16. Core/Entities: rename ItemPrototype to ItemTemplate
  17. Update ItemPrototype.cpp, codestyle and indentation cleanup
  18. DB/Quest: The Keeper's Favor
  19. Core/Player: Misc codestyle
  20. SAI: Gordok Ogre-Mage
  21. DB/NPC: Quartermaster Bartlett
  22. Core/UnitAI: Removed unneccessary null checks in SpellTargetSelector. CID 1357405 (#17630)
  23. DB/Creature: Add waypoints for Deathguard Molder
  24. Core/Entities: add missing null pointer checks in HandleProcTriggerSpell. CID 1356245 (#17629)
  25. Scripts / Naxxramas : add missing null pointer check. Fixes CID 1354738 (#17628)
  26. Rename 9999_99_99_99_world.sql to sql/updates/world/3.3.5/2016_07_19_00_world.sql
  27. Core/Mail: implement a way to specify NPC sender for mails when they should be different from the quest ender (#17601)
  28. Core/Entities: implement SPELL_AURA_MOD_CRIT_CHANCE_FOR_CASTER, fixes talent Point of no Escape
  29. Core/Entities: Readded check removed in d7460887c84107c9c83a9dd5259c8ab398928711, caused flying ghost players to not move if they died during a root effect, root flag was never cleared clientside and impeded movement.
  30. Core/Loot: fix bug introduced in a49544cc187d3a156b4615907d6b82057364fcc4 in which creatures only having gold wouldn't show lootable sparks, and thus couldn't be looted
  31. Core/UnitAI: #17309 follow-up (#17608)
  32. DB/SAI: Naturalist Bite
  33. DB/Creature: Misc fixes
  34. Core/AI Prevent bosses respawn when BossState is set to DONE (#17616)
  35. Core/Player: fix crash
  36. Core/OutdoorPvP: fix bad storage of guids, spawnId must be saved because that's what is expected
  37. Core/Misc: remove two synch queries and replace them with CharacterInfo cache
  38. Core/Misc: remove unused function prototype
  39. Core/LFGMgr: fix race condition in _SaveToDB
  40. Core/ArenaTeamMgr: fix race condition in LoadArenaTeams
  41. Core/Account: Fix race condition in AccountMgr::UpdateAccountAccess
  42. Core/UnitAI: SelectTarget correction (#17309)
  43. Core/World: fix race condition in _UpdateRealmCharCount
  44. Core/Player: silence warning
  45. Core/Channel: restore accidentally deleted line, fixes channels not honoring ownership setting
  46. Core/Conditions: implement CONDITION_DAILY_QUEST_DONE to check whether or not a daily quest has been completed by a player in that day.
  47. Core/Scripts: Hallow's End Pumpkin Treat
  48. Core/Commands: Cooldown command should fall back to targeting self in case of no valid selection
  49. root@sun:/usr/local/games/wow/src/TC_335a# git log --pretty="%s" --since="2016-04-21" > log_to_jule
  50. root@sun:/usr/local/games/wow/src/TC_335a# cat log_to_jule
  51. Core/Updater: Clarify even more this error
  52. DB/Gameobject: Respawntimer fix for Quest 11695
  53. Update DBUpdater.cpp
  54. DB/Creature: update Drak'aguul script and fix a DB error
  55. Fixed path for world updates (#17639)
  56. Creature/SAI: Add Frostbolt to Gordok Ogre-Mage
  57. Core/Scripts Added Black Temple Boundaries (#17579)
  58. Core/Spell: Quick readability change. Functionality not altered.
  59. DB/Creature: Precious <Simone's Pet> Z coordinate
  60. Core/Vehicle: delay position update in Vehicles, this may be deleted on UpdatePosition, generating a crash
  61. Core/Entities: Remove wrong immunity
  62. DB/SAI: Kilix the Unraveler event
  63. DB/SAI: Drak'aguul
  64. DB/Creature: update trainer type for Botanist Alaenra, was wrongly set as class trainer.
  65. Core/Handlers: actually check allowed trainer classes and races to avoid spoofing
  66. Core/Entities: removed obsolete pragma macro (Ref: ba9e0de36dae55d4399235277df77cd40af3d36b)
  67. Core/Entities: rename ItemPrototype to ItemTemplate
  68. Update ItemPrototype.cpp, codestyle and indentation cleanup
  69. DB/Quest: The Keeper's Favor
  70. Core/Player: Misc codestyle
  71. SAI: Gordok Ogre-Mage
  72. DB/NPC: Quartermaster Bartlett
  73. Core/UnitAI: Removed unneccessary null checks in SpellTargetSelector. CID 1357405 (#17630)
  74. DB/Creature: Add waypoints for Deathguard Molder
  75. Core/Entities: add missing null pointer checks in HandleProcTriggerSpell. CID 1356245 (#17629)
  76. Scripts / Naxxramas : add missing null pointer check. Fixes CID 1354738 (#17628)
  77. Rename 9999_99_99_99_world.sql to sql/updates/world/3.3.5/2016_07_19_00_world.sql
  78. Core/Mail: implement a way to specify NPC sender for mails when they should be different from the quest ender (#17601)
  79. Core/Entities: implement SPELL_AURA_MOD_CRIT_CHANCE_FOR_CASTER, fixes talent Point of no Escape
  80. Core/Entities: Readded check removed in d7460887c84107c9c83a9dd5259c8ab398928711, caused flying ghost players to not move if they died during a root effect, root flag was never cleared clientside and impeded movement.
  81. Core/Loot: fix bug introduced in a49544cc187d3a156b4615907d6b82057364fcc4 in which creatures only having gold wouldn't show lootable sparks, and thus couldn't be looted
  82. Core/UnitAI: #17309 follow-up (#17608)
  83. DB/SAI: Naturalist Bite
  84. DB/Creature: Misc fixes
  85. Core/AI Prevent bosses respawn when BossState is set to DONE (#17616)
  86. Core/Player: fix crash
  87. Core/OutdoorPvP: fix bad storage of guids, spawnId must be saved because that's what is expected
  88. Core/Misc: remove two synch queries and replace them with CharacterInfo cache
  89. Core/Misc: remove unused function prototype
  90. Core/LFGMgr: fix race condition in _SaveToDB
  91. Core/ArenaTeamMgr: fix race condition in LoadArenaTeams
  92. Core/Account: Fix race condition in AccountMgr::UpdateAccountAccess
  93. Core/UnitAI: SelectTarget correction (#17309)
  94. Core/World: fix race condition in _UpdateRealmCharCount
  95. Core/Player: silence warning
  96. Core/Channel: restore accidentally deleted line, fixes channels not honoring ownership setting
  97. Core/Conditions: implement CONDITION_DAILY_QUEST_DONE to check whether or not a daily quest has been completed by a player in that day.
  98. Core/Scripts: Hallow's End Pumpkin Treat
  99. Core/Commands: Cooldown command should fall back to targeting self in case of no valid selection
  100. Core/Commands: Allow .cooldown command to work on player pets
  101. DB/Creature: Delete incorrectly deleted spawn
  102. Update 2016_07_12_01_world.sql
  103. DB/Creature: Fix Runetog Wildhammer
  104. Rename 2016_99_99_99_world.sql to 2016_07_16_03_world.sql
  105. Core/Spells: Fix Roar of Sacrifice damage part (#17519)
  106. DB/Creature: Adjust spawntime of new spawns in Icecrown Citadel 25
  107. DB/Loot: remove wrong loot for item 'Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight'
  108. DB/Conditions: fix cast conditions for two more spells
  109. Core/Spells GameObjects needs to be spawned in order to be acceptable as a SpellFocus (#17594)
  110. DB/Conditions: fix three spells that require a NPC to be nearby
  111. Core/Chat: general cleanup and revamping: (#17576)
  112. DB/Conditions: fix exploit related to quest Disclosure (ID: 12710)
  113. Core/Quests: Failing/abandoning a quest should not unconditionally remove required items, non-quest specific items such as crafting reagents should remain in inventory
  114. DB/Quest: fix required race for two Argent Tournament dailies
  115. Core/Quests: Remove quest items that were looted if they are unique, bound, quest items, when abandoning a quest. (#17556)
  116. Core/Spell: Sheath of Light should add remaining ticks to healing done when refreshed (#17583)
  117. DB/Mail: add Argent Tournament mail sent when reaching level 77
  118. Rename 2016_06_15_99_world.sql to 2016_07_15_08_world.sql
  119. Core/Scripts: Migrate Tanaris NPC's to SAI (#17390)
  120. Rename 9999_99_99_99_world.sql to 2016_07_15_07_world.sql
  121. Core/SmartAI: change SMART_ACTION_RISE_UP (114) to SMART_ACTION_MOVE_OFFSET and implement offset movement via target fields. (#17362)
  122. Core/SpellArea: iterate spell_area entries by player's current area instead of quest id. (#17509)
  123. Core/Unit: remove emote state when creature attacks another unit (#17542)
  124. Change creature guid for previous commit
  125. DB/Script: partly script Shadowy Assassin's event in Southshore
  126. Rename 9999_99_99_99_world.sql to 2016_07_15_05_world.sql
  127. Core/Creature: implement INHABIT_ROOT to apply UNIT_STATE_ROOT to creature (#17543)
  128. Script/Archavon: Implement EMOTE_LEAP
  129. Script/Archavon: Implement EMOTE_LEAP (#17588)
  130. DB/SpellArea: prevent access to Hyjal
  131. DB/Gossip: add npc text for Baine Bloodhoof
  132. DB/Loot: reduce drop chance for many white items
  133. DB/Quest: fix availability for Alliance's breadcrumb quests to Ashenvale
  134. DB/Creature: Fix some ranged creature cast
  135. Core/Scripting: Fix acquiring of references between script swaps * Delay unloading of shared libraries to the next update tick to prevent crashes in the destructor of the last referenced script instance. * Closes #17557
  136. DB/Creature: Add missing spawn for Ribbon Pole Debug Target
  137. Game/Entities: Fix math problem "Disk Point Picking" in GetRandomPoint (#17577)
  138. DB/TrinityString: typo fix
  139. DB/Creature: Add missing spawns on The Crimson Hall
  140. DB/Creature: Add missing creatures before Lady Deathwhisper on 25 difficulties
  141. DB/Creature: Add missing creatures before Lord Marrowgar on 25 difficulties
  142. Core/Quest: implement usage of QUEST_FLAGS_RAID to allow a quest to be completed while in raid. (#17535)
  143. Core/Entities: Fix flag CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_NO_PARRY_HASTEN implementation. (#17548)
  144. Scripts/RubySanctum: Fix missing break reported by Coverity.
  145. Core/Script: add missing say in script for npc Lakota Windsong
  146. DB/Loot: increase drop chance for item "Tender Strider Meat"
  147. DB/Loot: fix drop conditions and chance for item "Cracked Silithid Carapace"
  148. DB/SAI: improvements for quest "Verog the Dervish"
  149. DB/Texts: fix texts for two quests and one item
  150. Core/Movement Fixed minimum speed check (#17555)
  151. DB/SAI: improve script for some ogres in Feralas:
  152. Core/Misc: use enum for UNIIT_NPC_FLAGS' zero values
  153. DB/Loot: Tailoring's bolts should not drop from any creature
  154. DB/Quest: add prevquest to one of the "The Ashenvale Hunt" quests
  155. DB/Loot: those items should only be dropped by gameobjects
  156. Core/Player: Move few logs of loglevel and add few notes (#17554)
  157. Core/Misc: kill whitespace and use enum instead of hardcoded value.
  158. DB/Conditions: spell "Wretched Tap" can only be cast by creature "Wretched Urchin".
  159. Core/Quest: don't save queststatus for autocomplete quests (#17487)
  160. Core/Quests: Fixed crash during loading quest rewarded status added in 7905651b0793d47b4ba040ad6ac47231ad3ec9d2
  161. Core/Scripts: Corrections after 14b93c04ee07e9fe6e2767460e7fc7cc2b3e6808
  162. Core/Handlers: removed useless db query
  163. Core/Units: Fixed autoattack range
  164. Core/Unit: Add proc cooldown to all units (#17546)
  165. Entities/Creature: Add some more std::chrono overloads
  166. Update FindBoost.cmake
  167. DB/Creature: fix InhabitType for Skadir Mistweaver and Winterskorn Raider
  168. DB/Misc: Add VerifiedBuild to gossip_menu/gossip_menu_option
  169. Core/Script: small improvement for quest "The Hunt is On". (#17537)
  170. DB/Quest: improve Alliance's "Morrowgrain Research" quest chain
  171. Core/PacketIO: Fixed crash happening when someone sends too small packet that is processed directly in WorldSocket
  172. DB: Fix DB errors related to quest_details
  173. DB/Conditions: spell Cannon Ball can only hit Daggerspine Marauder
  174. DB/SAI: Webwood Spider and Githyiss the Vile
  175. DB/SAI: Murloc Pets
  176. DB/Creature: Add missing flags to triggers npcs related to the quest Uncovering the Tunnels
  177. DB/Creature: Update Hamat's aura with the correct one
  178. DB/Creature: Add missing Spirit Healer in Grizzly Hills
  179. Update options.cmake
  180. Core/Misc: Coding standard
  181. Core/Misc: Coding standard (#17521)
  182. And another typo fix
  183. Typo fix
  184. Core/Mmaps: Charge ignoring z position of target (#17516)
  185. Core/Unit: remove duplicate resist roll in Unit::MeleeSpellHitResult (#17520)
  186. Core/Fishing: update fishing skill regardless of success or failure (junk items fished) (#17504)
  187. Rename 9999_99_99_99_world.sql to 2016_07_05_03_world.sql
  188. Move file to right folder.
  189. Core/Spells: Fixed spell dest range check failing on 0 distance max range requirement even if standing directly on top of destination
  190. Event/Midsummer: improve pole ribbon functionality (#17464)
  191. Scripts/Commands: Fix build warning
  192. Scripts/Commands: Remove unused argument of .cometome command
  193. SQL: Fix creature GUID from previous commits (in case you already applied the previous SQL)
  194. Derp.
  195. Fix sql for merged PR
  196. Core/Scripts Corrections on Halion's Encounter (#16725)
  197. Core/Quest: do not save/load Dungeon Finder/daily/repeatable quests as completed (#17458)
  198. Core/Spell: allow use of ground mounts while swimming (#17488)
  199. DB/Spell: use serverside spells for Pursuit of Justice
  200. DB/Creature: fix phase for "Siegemaster Fezzik"
  201. Code/Battleground Opening a game object(banner) under absorb effects … (#17459)
  202. README/Logo: update the TrinityCore 3.3.5 logo icon source in (#17512)
  203. Rename 2016_06_14_99_world.sql to 2016_07_04_12_world.sql
  204. Core/Scripts: Migrate Shadowmoon Valley NPC's to SAI (#17373)
  205. DB/Quest: In service of the Lich King
  206. DB/Quest: Remove wrong repeatable flag from "The Legend of Stalvan"
  207. DB/Quest: Add vendor conditions for quest items related to "The Party Never Ends" and "Dry Times"
  208. DB/Quest: Fix availability for quest "Gaining the Advantage"
  209. DB/Quest: Remove outdated quests in Isle of Quel'Danas, and add a missing one
  210. DB: Fix Typo
  211. DB/Quest: Fix availability for quests "Sunfury Attack Plans" and "The Missing Magistrix"
  212. DB/Quest: Replace quest "Trial of the Naaru: Magtheridon" with the newer version from WotLK
  213. DB/Quest: Fix QuestType for "A Cold Front Approaches"
  214. DB/Item: Instant Statue Pedestal
  215. DB/Fishing: Set minimum required fishing skill level for Wintergrasp
  216. DB/Quest: Treats for Great-father Winter (Horde version) shouldn't be repeatable
  217. DB/Object: Add a missing spawn for Pure Saronite Deposit and fix spawnmask and respawn time
  218. Core/EventProcessor: Check whether an event was aborted before aborting it. * Fixes an assertion introduced in commit 1ad73212dca0cf. * Use itr = std::unordered_map<...>::erase for updating the iterator.
  219. Core/Crash reporting: Better handle max nesting level setting
  220. Core/EventProcessor: Wait for non deletable events to get deletable. * Immediate deletion caused issues with the SpellEvent, so we delete it at one of the next update ticks now. * Only affects the unforced cancellation of events. * Ref #16675
  221. Core/Scripting: Don't force event cancellation when swapping creatures. * EventProcessor::KillAllEvents(force = false) should only be used by the EventProcessor.
  222. Core/Misc: Even better description for logs
  223. Core/Misc: Better description for a log
  224. Core/Misc: Better description for a log
  225. Core/Misc: Better description for few logs
  226. Core/Misc: Clarify the use of world_database.sql
  227. Core/Misc: Better description for a log
  228. Update worldserver.conf.dist
  229. Update worldserver.conf.dist
  230. Core/Spells: Fixed spell range check
  231. Core/Spells: Rewrite Steady Shot damage to deal correct damage when using Heirloom Weapons (#17481)
  232. DB/Creature: Add npc triggers for the quest Torch Tossing
  233. DB/Event: Add missing objects for Midsummer Fire Festival world event
  234. DB/Misc: Fix startup errors
  235. Core/Loading: output error when specified emote id for some quest-related tables is invalid (#17469)
  236. DB: Restore Incense for the Festival Schorlings scripts
  237. DB/SAI: Fix model for Earthen ring Guide
  238. DB/Object: Remove double spawns related to Midsummer Fire Festival
  239. DB/Quest: The Honored Dead
  240. Rename 2016_06_26_01_world_.sql to 2016_06_26_01_world.sql
  241. Rename 2016_99_99_99_world_.sql to 2016_06_26_01_world_.sql
  242. Scripts/Midsummer: Burning hot pole dance (#17445)
  243. Rename 2016_99_99_99_world.sql to 2016_06_26_00_world.sql
  244. Core/Scripts Boss Ahune Clean-up (#17320)
  245. DB/Quest: The Eyes of Grillok
  246. DB/Creature: auras/flags for more bookshelves
  247. DB/Quest: improvements for quest "The Warp Rifts"
  248. DB/Creature: add missing aura and flags to Scryers' bookshelves in Shattrath
  249. Build: Throw a fatal error when the SCRIPTS variable isn't a valid option. * Catches issues early that are caused through a wrong configuration.
  250. Core/Common: Add the linkage type to the version string * Add platform strings for intel and apple * Remove usage of underscore uppercase identifiers because those are reserved for the compiler. * Requested by Aokromes
  251. Core/Player: Add option to prevent rename during character customization
  252. DB/Object: Remove duplicate spawns and add missing spell focus for Midsummer Fire Festival
  253. Update 2016_06_22_03_world.sql
  254. Core/Misc: Even better description for a log
  255. Core/Misc: Better description for a log
  256. Update 2016_06_22_03_world.sql
  257. DB/Event: Add missing spawns and Fix quests for Midsummer Fire Festival
  258. DB/Quest: fix availability for quest "The Agony and the Darkness"
  259. DB/Quest: ExclusiveGroups for two breadcrumb quests in Zangarmarsh
  260. Rename 2016_06_23_00_world.sql to 2016_06_22_00_world.sql
  261. DB/Quest: remove duplicate quests offered by some event-related questgivers
  262. Core/Scripts: Fix array out of bounds in boss_mother_shahraz.cpp. (#17434)
  263. Core/Creature: Fix assertion triggered
  264. Add CLion files to gitignore
  265. DB/Misc: Fix some incorrect data
  266. Update 2016_06_15_12_world.sql
  267. DB/Quest: fix chaining for quest "Clamlette Surprise" and related pre-quests
  268. DB/Loot: fix drop chance for various quest-related items
  269. DB/Quest: "Recover the Key!" should not be repeatable
  270. DB/Quest: remove two deprecated quests
  271. Core/Scripts: Fixed non pch build
  272. Update 2016_06_15_12_world.sql
  273. DB/Gossip: Add a missing gossip menu
  274. Core/Entities: Moved PITCH movement flags into TURNING mask (they do not cause movement in any direction alone, only combined with forward/backward/strafe)
  275. Core/Player: Fix ghost players water walking visual bug
  276. Core/Pet: Fix pet at rest distance (#17206)
  277. Rename 9999_99_99_99_world.sql to 2016_06_18_01_world.sql
  278. Script/Quest: Improvements for quest Corrosion Prevention (27347): (#17385)
  279. Core/DungeonFinder: Add new log to allow to debug some issues
  280. Core/Spell: Fix eviscerate AP coefficient, should be fixed, not random (#17085)
  281. DB/Quest: There Exists No Honor Among Birds
  282. Core/Scripts: Tom Hegger must target player in Say text (#17395)
  283. Creature/Loot: Do not display "lootable" sparkles for player even if others in the group still have quest items to be looted from creature. (#16265)
  284. DB/Spell: Add summon unholy mount visual
  285. Merge branch '3.3.5-frogger' into 3.3.5 (PR #17261)
  286. Core/Pet: Fixed pets dont lose auras on join arena (#17185)
  287. DB/NPC: Fix gossip texts for Argent Tournament faction vendors
  288. DB/Quest: It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart
  289. DB/Gameobject: add missing gameobject template
  290. DB/Quest: An Innocent Disguise
  291. DB/Creature: Kill Surveyor Orlond
  292. DB/Gameobject: Fix Forge in Telaar
  293. Rename 2016_06_15_08_world_335.sql to 2016_06_15_09_world_335.sql
  294. DB/Quest: Zandalarian Shadow Talisman/Zandalarian Shadow Mastery Talisman
  295. DB/Quest: cleanup wrong quests in Booty Bay
  296. DB/Texts: fix some quest/item related texts
  297. DB/Quest: Replenishing the Healing Crystals
  298. DB/Misc: Fix a runtime error
  299. DB/Quest: There Exists No Honor Among Birds
  300. DB/Quest: You'll Need a Gryphon
  301. DB/Item: missing TCG loot from Landro's Pet Box & Gift Box
  302. DB/Gameobject: Add missing Obsidian Sanctum's Twilight Portals
  303. DB/Quest: fix availability for some quests
  304. Core/Spells: Implement SPELL_ATTR7_INTERRUPT_ONLY_NONPLAYER (#17160)
  305. Core/Scripts: Extended SMART_ACTION_SET_INST_DATA to also set BossStates. (#16739)
  306. Core/Commands: Implement .neargraveyard (find nearest graveyard from dbc). (#17301)
  307. Core/Scripts: Migrate Professor Dabiri to SAI (#17367)
  308. Fix SQL name and guids
  309. [3.3.5] Core/Quest: A life without regret (#16067)
  310. Adjustment to Player::SetViewpoint to allow for Mind Vision "hops". (#17041)
  311. DB/SAI: "Plucky" Johnson SAI replacement
  312. DB/Creature: Fix mechanic_immune flags for wotlk bosses
  313. DB/Misc: Missing world.commands from auth.rbac_permissions
  314. Core/Spells: Fixed all cases of spells that crash the client when pressing ESC after being cast
  315. DB/Loot: Swift thistle
  316. DB/Misc: Various Fixes/Updates
  317. Instances/DrakTharonKeep: Fix Novos the Summoner. Fixes #17331.
  318. Rename 9999_99_99_99_world.sql to 2016_06_13_04_world.sql
  319. Core/Script: moved SAI to cpp for The Etymidian, closes #17053 (#17330)
  320. DB/Loot: Fix drop chance and quantity for Rough/Coarse Stone and Copper/Tin ore from mining veins
  321. DB/Spells: Renewed Hope internal CD
  322. DB/Spells: Apply Salve / Sickly Critter Aura
  323. DB/SAI: Fix non repeatable event for Jammal'an the Prophet
  324. DB: Typo
  325. DB: Typo
  326. Rename 2016_06_12_05_world_355.sql to 2016_06_12_05_world_335.sql
  327. Core/Spells: fix issue with Illumination talent (broken in #17122) (#17350)
  328. Scripts/UtgardePinacle: Adjust King Ymiron boundaries
  329. DB/Quest: fix availability for quest "The Totem of Kar'dash"
  330. DB/Quest: add race restrictions to many Blood Elf-only quests
  331. Update and rename 2016_05_31_16_world.sql to 2016_06_12_07_world.sql
  332. Core/Scripts: move script 'npc_plucky' to DB/SAI (#17071)
  333. Rename 2016_05_18_09_world.sql to 2016_06_12_06_world.sql
  334. [3.3.5] Core/Scripts: move druid FP NPC scripts to DB/SAI (#17134)
  335. DB/Quest: Fix locales for Nessa Shadowsong quest
  336. DB/Creature: Add FLAG_EXTRA_NO_PLAYER_DAMAGE_REQ to some npcs
  337. DB/Loot: Fix some drop rates
  338. DB: Fix a DB error
  339. DB/Creature: RP event with Jane, Nova & Jessel
  340. DB/Quest: Event for the quest "Testing the Tonic"
  341. DB/SAI: Cabal Ritualists
  342. DB/SAI: Mebok Mizzyrix
  343. DB/Quest: Improvements for quest "Bitter Rivals"
  344. DB/Quest: Earth Sapta
  345. DB/Quest: improvements for "Fool's Stout"
  346. DB/Quest: fix repeatableness (or lack of) for some quests
  347. DB/Quest: fix chaining for "The Real Threat"
  348. DB/Quest: add queststarters for "Regthar Deathgate"
  349. DB/Quest: fix some completion/offer reward quest texts
  350. [Core/Spells]Warrior, fixed bladestorm aura remove due to weapon swap (#16873)
  351. DB/trinity_string: wrong string about character customization + minor fix
  352. DB/Quest: improve chaining for "The Ashenvale Hunt" quests
  353. DB/Item: Fix text in Rune-Inscribed Parchment
  354. DB/Creature: World Trigger (Not Immune NPC) InhabitType update
  355. Core/Movement: interrupt a creature's current cast when fleeing for assistance, and (if spell is not castable while moving) when running random/fleeing movement generators. (#17271)
  356. Entities/Unit: Fix speed update packets if player is being moved by something else.
  357. Merge pull request #17266 from SnapperRy/quest_update
  358. Merge pull request #17312 from Keader/anub
  359. DB/Gameobject: Respawntimer Fix for Quest 2038
  360. Core/Scripts Fixed Anubarak issues related with Leeching Swarm spell
  361. Merge remote-tracking branch 'tkrokli/npc_locksmith' into 3.3.5 (PR #17099)
  362. Merge remote-tracking branch 'tkrokli/npc_grandmother_gossip' into 3.3.5 (PR #17316)
  363. Merge remote-tracking branch 'tkrokli/npc_gregan_brewspewer_gossip' into 3.3.5 (PR #17157)
  364. Merge remote-tracking branch 'tkrokli/npc_sayge' into 3.3.5 (PR #17101)
  365. Merge pull request #17281 from SnapperRy/delay_flee_for_assist
  366. sql fix
  367. Merge remote-tracking branch 'tkrokli/boss_majordomo_gossip' into 3.3.5 (PR #16726)
  368. Merge remote-tracking branch 'tkrokli/zone_loch_modan' into 3.3.5 (PR #16715).
  369. Core/Scripts: npc_grandmother gossip text moved to DB
  370. Merge pull request #16969 from tkrokli/cant_do_this_while_moving
  371. build fix
  372. DB/Creature: Ghostland waypoints
  373. Core/Items: Missing renames 5faaddcf6bba50845f46a98a6387ffcd8abad2b8
  374. Core/Items: Rename some ITEM_PROTO_FLAG
  375. Core/GameObjects: Update GameObjectTemplate structure and defined more GO flags
  376. Scripts/Instances: Fix a bug that would cause the Hodir encounter to never properly begin. Tagging issue #17302.
  377. Scripts/Outland: Fix a potential crash. Closes #17308.
  378. Core/Quest: send SMSG_QUESTGIVER_STATUS_MULTIPLE after a quest is rewarded.
  379. DB/Creature: Ghoul Attack power
  380. Core/Player: Fix duel edge case crash
  381. Revert "PvP/Dueling: Fix an edge case crash that could happen if a duel ended while an aura effect was being removed (Living Bomb, Unstable Affliction and similar). Closes #17177."
  382. PvP/Dueling: Fix an edge case crash that could happen if a duel ended while an aura effect was being removed (Living Bomb, Unstable Affliction and similar). Closes #17177.
  383. Core/Scripts: boss_majordomo hardcoded text
  384. DB/Creature: Fix pathing for A Cry For Help
  385. DB/Quest: Army of the Damned
  386. DB/Quest: Preparin' For Battle
  387. DB/Creature: Plague Scientist spells
  388. DB/gameobject: close "Cage Door" (STV)
  389. DB/locales_item: add missing localization for item "Bamboo Cage Key"
  390. DB/Quest: fix chaining for Blood Elves' training quests
  391. DB/Quest: fix chaining for quests related to Well Watcher Solanian
  392. DB/Quest: fix RewardText for "Beer Basted Boar Ribs"
  393. DB/Quest: fix prevquest for "Rejold's New Brew"
  394. DB/Item: fix text for item "A Letter to Grelin Whitebeard"
  395. DB/Item: fix text for item "Lewis' Note"
  396. DB/Item: fix text for item "Verna's Westfall Stew Recipe"
  397. Scripts/BlackrockMountain: Nefarian. (#16346 f-u)
  398. Scripts/MoltenCore: Fix Ragnaros (#16346 follow-up).
  399. Scripts/Instances: More #16346 follow-ups. Fixed this time: Halls of Reflection, Ignis the Furnace Master, Mimiron and Rend Blackhand.
  400. Core/SmartAI: delay SMART_ACTION_FLEE_FOR_ASSIST if creature is rooted/stunned.
  401. Core/Player: Added support cast spell for some class spells
  402. DB/Quest: A Little Slime Goes a Long Way
  403. Core/VMaps: Fix some vmap height edge cases
  404. Grafana/Dashboards: Fix General info datasources
  405. Update worldserver.conf.dist
  406. Implement real time statistic visualization (#16956)
  407. AI/SmartScripts: Add action_param3 "disablePathfinding" to SMART_ACTION_MOVE_TO_POS (69).
  408. Compiler warning fix.
  409. Scripts/TotC: More follow-up to #16346. Also code style cleanup. Who names all their creature pointers "temp"?
  410. Scripts/Instances: Follow-up to #16346. Fix Illidan and Northrend Beasts.
  411. AI/PlayerAI: Fix potential edge case crash.
  412. Core/Scripts: move npc_mountaineer_pebblebitty to DB
  413. Core/Scripts: remove hardcoded text from npc_sayge
  414. Core/Scripts: remove hardcoded text from npc_locksmith
  415. Core/Scripts/DB: move npc_gregan_brewspewer to DB
  416. Core/Movement: enable item use and spell cast when dismounting
  417. Update worldserver.conf.dist (#17276)
  418. Merge pull request #16346 from Trisjdc/creature_no_flag_reset_on_combat
  419. Core/Creatures: Remove resetting of UNIT_FLAG_IMMUNE_TO_PC on combat clearing
  420. Rename 9999_99_99_world.sql to 2016_06_02_01_world.sql
  421. Core/Scripts Improve Felflame Infernal of Lord Jaraxxus fight (#16998)
  422. Fix SQL name
  423. Merge pull request #17020 from Keader/jormungars
  424. Travis: Remove unneeded apt-get update
  425. Merge pull request #17259 from SnapperRy/smart_ai
  426. Scripts/Naxxramas: Fix Frogger event. Closes #16488.
  427. Core/DB/Updater: engrish corrections in DBUpdater.cpp (#17262)
  428. DB: Fix some DB errors
  429. Travis: Move to Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Travic-CI from Ubuntu 12.04
  430. Build fix for horrendous, outdated, non-standards-compliant compilers. Such as the one in VS 2013. I hate VS 2013.
  431. DB/Quest: Add conditions related to certain kinds of quests
  432. DB/Quest: fix repeatableness for a few quests
  433. DB/Quest: set required profession for quest "Gathering Leather"
  434. DB/Loot: Fix drop chance for quest item "Burning Legion Gate Key"
  435. DB/Quest: Add missing quest giver for quest "Morganth"
  436. DB/Quest: Remove faction requirement for quest "Deviate Hides"
  437. DB/Loot: Fix chance for contents of item "Fireproof Satchel"
  438. DB/Quest: Fix required race for "Report to Tarren Mill"
  439. DB/Quest: Fix required class for "You Have Served Us Well"
  440. DB/Quest: Fix chaining for quest "A Lost Master"
  441. DB/Quest: fix required race for "Travel to Darkshire"
  442. DB/Creature: Fix spawn position for Froggers
  443. Core/SmartAI: remove unneeded check for SMART_ACTION_FORCE_DESPAWN.
  444. AI/PlayerAI: Code style cleanup.
  445. DB/Creature: Fix Unit flag for Lurielle
  446. DB/Quest: Improvements to the Brood of Nozdormu rings quests
  447. DB/Quest: fix prevquest for "Red Silk Bandanas"
  448. DB/Loot: Waterlogged Recipe
  449. DB/Loot: item "Primed Key Mold" should not be droppable by any NPC
  450. DB/Creature: Frogger
  451. DB/Conditions: Add condition target for spell cast by item "Zorbin's Ultra-Shrinker
  452. DB/Loot: Reduce dropped quantity for item "Ravasaur Pheromone Gland"
  453. DB/Creature: Remove and fix some wrong spawns in Eversong Woods
  454. DB/Quest: correct some quests' availability in K3, Storm Peaks
  455. DB: Scripts for teleportation Pads in Storm Peaks and K3
  456. DB/conditions: Fix quest Condition to loot item "Vrykul Scroll of Ascension
  457. DB/Creature: Make some creatures appear dead when appropriate: K3 Snow Runner, Trapped Animal, Marsh Caribou
  458. DB/Quest: Add conditions for quests related to "The Warsong Reports
  459. DB/Creature: Fix positions and movements type for Explorers' League Researcher and Chief Archaeologist Letoll
  460. Merge pull request #16899 from Treeston/3.3.5-morecharmedplayerai
  461. AI/PlayerAI: Finally implement cast logic for controlled players.
  462. Merge pull request #17233 from SnapperRy/heirlooms
  463. Core/World: Remove unused config CONFIG_SIGHT_GUARDER
  464. Core/Player: apply heirloom stat modifiers before maxing out health/power at level up.
  465. Merge pull request #17226 from SnapperRy/client_crash_fix
  466. DB/Misc: Everfrost Chip
  467. DB/Misc: Miscellenous Fixes
  468. Core/Spells: fix client crash caused by pressing ESC after using spells Neural Needle and Flaming Arrow.
  469. DB/SAI: actually execute Technician Zhanaa's script on quest turn-in
  470. DB/Achievement: fix criteria for statistic "critters killed"
  471. DB/Quest: fix wrong questgivers for the "beached animal bones" quests in Darkshore
  472. DB/Quest: Sealed Vial of Poison should be repeatable
  473. DB/Quest: Typo Fix for Quest 263
  474. DB/Spells: fix Searing Wrath's chain jump targeting
  475. DB/Quest: Delete unused values
  476. DB/Quest: remove wrong prevquest from "The Conqueror of Skorn!"
  477. DB/Quest: ExclusiveGroup for breadcrumb quests in Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh
  478. Revert "Merge pull request #16433 from Tonghost/3.3.5"
  479. Update 2016_05_26_01_world.sql
  480. Override and tkrokli again :D
  481. DB/Quest: Thwart the Dark Conclave
  482. DB/Quest: Someone Else's Hard Work Pays Off
  483. Core/Quests: Remove wrong call to SendQuestComplete(). (#17200)
  484. changing creature_text (tk feedback)
  485. DB: SQL rename
  486. Merge pull request #17198 from sirikfoll/Bombs
  487. Merge pull request #17186 from sirikfoll/combat
  488. DB/Creature: Add missing aura for Snorts
  489. Core/Achievement A-bomb-inable and A-bomb-ination
  490. Core/Scripts: build fix
  491. Core/Guilds: Fix Guild::HandleSetMemberNote logic according to method declaration. (#17078)
  492. Core/Units: Renamed and documented UNIT_FLAG_DISABLE_MOVE to prevent people from trying to use this flag to root a creature leaving them wondering why it doesn't do anything
  493. Merge pull request #17138 from ForesterDev/creature_family
  494. Merge branch '3.3.5' into creature_family
  495. [3.3.5] Core/Spell: restore old pet values after dismount (#16551)
  496. DB/Creature: Mebok Mizzyrix SAI
  497. DB/Quest: Tree's Company
  498. DB/Creature: Add missing Ornery Plainstrider SAI
  499. DB/Creature: Add missing Anvilrage Overseer SAI
  500. DB/Creature: Add flag guard Deathguard Elite
  501. DB/Creature: Pathing for Houndmaster Grebmar
  502. DB/Creature: Clam Master K Waypoints
  503. Core/Loot: Fixed resaving looted items from containers
  504. Core/Spells: Implemented SPELL_ATTR1_DISMISS_PET
  505. Merge remote-tracking branch 'Golrag/LoS_object_size' into 3.3.5 (PR #15807)
  506. Core: updated creature type flags enum (#17128)
  507. DB/Creature: Cabal Ritualists don't cast Crystal Channel
  508. Core/Unit Do not allow addition of threat to units in evade mode
  509. DB/gameobject: missing localization for Deathknell signs
  510. Conditions/ConditionMgr: Add a comment so MitchesD can go away.
  511. * DB/Graveyards: Added a comment field to describe the graveyards in `graveyard_zone`
  512. DB/Misc: Fix startup error
  513. Core/Containers: Warning fixes and RandomResizeList with predicate optimization
  514. Core/Spells: Fixed Eclipse after recent proc cooldown changes
  515. DB/Object: Add missing object spawns in Ghostlands & Eversong Woods
  516. DB/Creature: Add missing creature spawns in Ghostlands & Eversong Woods
  517. Update CMakeLists.txt
  518. Changing remove aura method
  519. Core/Auras: Fixed cooldowns for procs calling PreventDefaultAction() in aura proc script
  520. Fix sql name
  521. Core/Spells: Proc handler script converions (#17122)
  522. Core/Spells Make certain spells (e.g. Mind Control) properly flag the caster for PvP (#17145)
  524. Build: Updated boost required to 1.55
  525. Core/Misc: Warning fixes (/W4)
  526. Core/Spells: Perform proc roll after all conditions passed to only consume spellmods when the aura is allowed to proc in the first place
  527. Core/Spells: Fixed flat SPELLMOD_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER calculation
  528. Core/Spells: Fixed spell mod application order
  529. improve error message
  530. Makes travis happy
  531. Scripts/Freya: removed obsolete code
  532. fix build
  533. fix build
  534. Core: define CREATURE_FAMILY_NONE to avoid magic numbers in code
  535. Core/Quests: Fixed issue reported by static analysis
  536. Core/Spells: Fix Blood Tap activation when Blood Rune is in cooldown as Death Rune (#17132)
  537. Core/Unit: Pet shouldn't be notified for DOT damage on the owner (#17133)
  538. Build/GCC: Enforce version 4.7.2
  539. Build: Added 1.61 Boost version to FindBoost
  540. Core/Cinematic: Optimize cinematic loading - Remove pointless cast string->char*->string
  541. Coverity: Correct two static analysis catches #1355242 - Uninitialized scalar field #1355240 Resource leak in object
  542. Seriously, who doesn't support std::string instead of char* in 2016?
  543. Add a LOG_WARN when attempting to summon a non-existing summon group.
  544. Merge pull request #17037 from Keader/TargetedMovementGeneratorFix
  545. Allow BossAI::_DespawnAtEvade to work on creatures other than the boss itself (optional argument).
  546. Core/Scripts: Added reasonable default params to GetCreatureListWithEntryInGrid/GetGameObjectListWithEntryInGrid for ease of use. Also, entry = 0 means no filter now, since we lacked an easy way to get a list of all creatures in grid.
  547. This discussion is more effort than it takes to change it.
  548. Core/AI: Add DoCastSelf helper.
  549. Too many damn stars in that damn argument list.
  550. Core/Movement: Fix issues where creatures cancel spell casts chasing target and Implement SPELL_ATTR5_CAN_CHANNEL_WHEN_MOVING
  551. Creature/CreatureAI:
  552. SQL fix
  553. Build fix
  554. Core/Auras: Renamed fields of SpellProcEntry structure and change types to more appropriate ones
  555. Core/Maps - Improvements to Cinematic function - Moves to own class for reading, storage and player subclass - Proper destruction handling for player (ensure cinematic is ended) - Timeout for cinematic if it reaches past the end without completing - boost::filesystem::path used for path/filename transform - Correct for assert trigger under certain circumstances - Other changes previously suggested
  556. Merge branch '3.3.5-commandfixes' into 3.3.5 (PR #16335)
  557. Core/Game: Remove some unnecessary export macros
  558. Revert "GitHub: Add the linking model to the issue template" * There are not that much issues as expected which are related to the linking model, so this isn't needed for every issue that is created anymore.
  559. Core/Common: Move the query callback header to the database project * Also renames the header to it's correct name QueryCallback
  560. Scripts/Commands: Small QoL adjustments
  561. Another sql fix
  562. Merge pull request #16481 from sirikfoll/muru
  563. SQL file name fix
  564. Merge pull request #16474 from Asterc/Isle
  565. Fix SQL name
  566. Merge pull request #15967 from sirikfoll/3.3.5
  567. Implement Quest Riding the Red Rocket
  568. Merge pull request #16476 from Eliminationzx/FixWrongTotemPlacement
  569. Core/Random: Removed ancient and unused MAP_BASED_RAND_GEN
  570. DB/Creature: Soo-holu & Kartak the Abominable
  571. Core/Battleground Script for Isle of Conquest Bosses
  572. DB/Quest: Fix Garments of Spirituality
  573. Core/Auras: SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_LEECH can now properly overkill
  574. Core: Fixed warning
  575. Core/Commands: Cleanup in 0940f3e0776b58bd7abad472347da7d0dea2ac50
  576. Core/Commands: Allowed .server idlerestart / idleshutdown / restart / shutdown to take another parameter structure:
  577. DB/Creature: Add spawns for Guard Didier & Caravan Mule
  578. Core/Auras: Implemented AURA_INTERRUPT_FLAG_LEAVE_COMBAT
  579. DB/SAI: Rejek (Part 2)
  580. DB/Creature: fix Orgrimmar Grunt console spam
  581. Core/Movement: Do not launch pathfinding for splines turning on the spot
  582. Core/Spells: fix console spam (#17084)
  583. DB/SAI: Rejek (Part 1)
  584. Merge branch '3.3.5-evademore' into 3.3.5 (PR #16834)
  585. align fix
  586. Merge pull request #16020 from Treeston/3.3.5-CharmAiFix
  587. DB/Creature: Flamebringer
  588. Actually add the sql to last commit
  589. DB/Event: Children's week
  590. DB/Misc: The Maker's Overlook
  591. Scripts/Icecrown Citadel: Sindragosa - Ice Tomb should always deal damage to all other ice tombs too
  592. CreatureAI: Adjust AI behavior when a charm ends. OnCharmed will be invoked on the creature's base (non-charmed) AI, allowing the AI to react to the creature no longer being charmed.
  593. Core/Scripts/DB: remove hardcoded text from npc_beaten_corpse (#16907)
  594. Core/PacketsIO: Send correct messages about server first achievements depending on faction.
  595. Scripts/SWP: Remove unused #defines (cherry picked from commit 71a7f96e22a68654edd66ccdb5f6202dec4dfd2c)
  596. DB/SAI: Sholazar Guardians (Summoning on quest accept)
  597. DB/Quest: A Rough Ride
  598. Core/Scripting: Kill pending unit events when swapping AI's
  599. Core/Spells: Fixed overwriting summon requests
  600. Core/Scripts: Cleanup cs_modify.cpp * Removed a chunk of duplicate code * Generalized Message notification * Generalized checking of resources modification with a min-max * Generalized checking of single value modification * Closes #16858
  601. Core/Utilities: Inherit env vars when starting external processes
  602. DB/Creature: Add accessory to Frigid Proto-Drake
  603. DB/Quest: The Drakkensryd
  604. DB/Script: The Etymidian
  605. Update (#17042) (cherry picked from commit 8424e73a108d69ce66332a117a0006f169036e7c)
  606. Core/Misc: Fixed -Wmisleading-indentation warnings
  607. Core/Misc: Fixed warnings found by GCC 6
  608. DB/Pathing:
  609. Core/Misc: Use steady_clock instead of system_clock for calculating ms timers. This makes update diffs immune to systemwide time changes
  610. DB/Creature: Dark Iron Land Mines
  611. DB/Creature: Shadowmoon Harbringer
  612. DB/Creature: add few missing flag_extra
  613. DB/Creature: Shadowmoon Zealot
  614. Core/authserver.conf.dist: missing description line (#17038)
  615. Core/Misc: Move STOP_TIME_FOR_PLAYER value to config. (#17024)
  616. DB/Quest: Blast the Gateway
  617. DB/Quest: A Lesson in Fear
  618. DB/Creature: Force martyr stalker reputation to be invisible
  619. Update worldserver.conf.dist
  620. Merge pull request #16503 from Rushor/evading
  621. Merge pull request #16494 from Rushor/calc
  622. DB/Creature: Steam Pump Overseer
  623. DB/Spell: Fix Hand of Salvation breaking invisibility
  624. Fixing the issue
  625. Core/Utils: replaced std::random_shuffle with our own implementation using SFMT random generator
  626. Rename spell_snakes_spray for spell_jormungars_snakes_spray and cleanup
  627. DB/Creature: Fix some npc flags
  628. Core/Misc: Fix issues reported by static analysis
  629. Core/Common: Fix a std::string -> char* -> std::string conversion * Thanks jackpoz for noticing
  630. Core/Scripts: Process the reset of Mandokir (ZulGurub) * Closes #16640
  631. Core/Updater: Correct the config key hint of a log message
  632. Core/SpellScripts: allow to modify target destination of all target type
  633. Core/Scripts Improve Jormungars fight
  634. Core/SmartScripts: Improve SMART_EVENT_DISTANCE_CREATURE so it can be used with SMART_TARGET_ACTION_INVOKER
  635. Merge pull request #16876 from chaodhib/move_chase_follow_repositioning_fix
  636. Scripts/Spells: fixed Decahedral Dwarven Dice and Worn Troll Dice
  637. Core/Authserver: removed obsolete code
  638. DB/Quest: Hellscream's Vigil
  639. Rename 2016_04_22_00_world.sql to 2016_04_22_00_world.sql
  640. DB/Creature:Gymer
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