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Oct 16th, 2019
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  1. ALTER PROCEDURE xspStyleReconciliationGetList
  2. (
  3. @guid xdtLongName,
  4. @fromPage xdtName,
  5. @pageParams xdtUniCodeMaxText='',
  6. @searchParams xdtUniCodeMaxText='',
  7. @sortParams xdtUniCodeLongText='',
  8. @pageIndex smallInt=1,
  9. @pageSize Int=20,
  10. @errorMsg VARCHAR(1000)='' OUTPUT
  11. )
  12. AS
  13. BEGIN
  14. DECLARE @companyCode xdtCompanyCode,@memberCompanyCode xdtCompanyCode,@companyDivisionCode xdtCompanyCode,@userName xdtName
  15. EXEC xspGetSessionVariable @guid=@guid ,@companyCode =@companyCode OUTPUT,@membercompanyCode =@membercompanyCode OUTPUT,
  16. @companyDivisionCode =@companyDivisionCode OUTPUT, @userName =@userName OUTPUT
  18. DECLARE @StyleCode xdtLongCode, @StyleName xdtText, @BuyerStyleRef xdtName, @StyleClosedDate xdtName
  19. , @StyleClosedDateFrom xdtDate, @StyleClosedDateTo xdtDate, @ClosedBy xdtUniCodeLongText
  20. , @LastETDDate xdtName, @LastETDDateFrom xdtDate, @LastETDDateTo xdtDate, @TranNum xdtName, @CalledFrom xdtName
  21. , @Buyer xdtName, @DivisionManager xdtUnicodeLongText, @Manager xdtUnicodeLongText, @Status xdtName
  22. , @IsExportToExcel xdtTinyNum
  24. IF (ISNULL(@searchParams,'') <>'')
  25. BEGIN
  26. CREATE TABLE #SearchParam(ParamName Nvarchar(1000),ParamValue Nvarchar(max))
  27. EXEC dbo.xspGetTableFromString @details =@searchParams,@rowSeprator ='~',@columnSeperator ='|',@tableName ='#SearchParam'
  28. SELECT @StyleCode=ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colStyleCode'
  29. SELECT @StyleName=ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colStyleName'
  30. SELECT @BuyerStyleRef=ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colBuyerStyleRef'
  31. SELECT @StyleClosedDate=ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colClosedDate'
  32. SELECT @LastETDDate=ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colLastETDDate'
  33. SELECT @ClosedBy=ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colClosedBy'
  34. SELECT @TranNum=ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colTranNum'
  35. SELECT @Status = ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colStatus'
  36. SELECT @Buyer = ParamValue From #SearchParam Where ParamName='colBuyer'
  38. IF ISNULL(@StyleClosedDate,'')=''
  39. BEGIN
  40. SELECT @StyleClosedDateFrom=paramvalue from #SearchParam where ParamName='colClosedDateFrom';
  41. SELECT @StyleClosedDateTo=paramvalue from #SearchParam where paramname='colClosedDateTo'
  42. END
  43. ELSE
  44. EXEC xspGetDateRange @param=@StyleClosedDate, @fromDate=@StyleClosedDateFrom output, @toDate=@StyleClosedDateTo output, @errorMsg=@errorMsg output
  46. IF ISNULL(@LastETDDate,'')=''
  47. BEGIN
  48. SELECT @LastETDDateFrom=paramvalue from #SearchParam where ParamName='colLastETDDateFrom';
  49. SELECT @LastETDDateTo=paramvalue from #SearchParam where paramname='colLastETDDateTo'
  50. END
  51. ELSE
  52. EXEC xspGetDateRange @param=@LastETDDate, @fromDate=@LastETDDateFrom output, @toDate=@LastETDDateTo output, @errorMsg=@errorMsg output
  53. END
  55. if ISNULL(@pageParams,'') <>''
  56. BEGIN
  57. CREATE TABLE #PageParam(ParamName varchar(1000),ParamValue varchar(max))
  58. EXEC dbo.xspGetTableFromString @Details =@pageParams,@RowSeprator ='~',@ColumnSeperator ='|',@TableName ='#PageParam'
  59. SELECT @fromPage=ParamValue FROM #PageParam where ParamName='FromPage'
  60. SELECT @CalledFrom=ParamValue FROM #PageParam where ParamName='CalledFrom'
  61. select @IsExportToExcel=ParamValue FROM #PageParam where ParamName='IsExportToExcel'
  62. END
  64. CREATE TABLE #PendingStyleReconciledData(
  65. [StyleReconciliationID] xdtId, [BuyerCompanyName] xdtUnicodeText, [DivisionManager] xdtUniCodeLongText NULL,
  66. [Manager] xdtUniCodeLongText NULL, [Style] xdtText NULL, [StyleCode] xdtText NULL, [StyleName] xdtText NULL,
  67. [BuyerStyleRefNo] xdtName NULL, [LastETDDate] xdtName NULL, [GMPOETDDate] xdtName NULL, [StyleClosedDate] xdtName NULL,
  68. [TranNum] xdtName NULL, [ClosedBy] xdtLongName NULL, [Status] xdtName NULL, [IsStyleReconciled] xdtbit NULL,
  69. [SupplierShipmentCode] xdtInt NULL
  70. )
  72. IF (@CalledFrom='PendingStyleReconciliationList')
  73. BEGIN
  74. /*Start<IssueID:112364>*/
  75. INSERT INTO #PendingStyleReconciledData(StyleReconciliationID, StyleCode, StyleName, BuyerStyleRefNo, BuyerCompanyName, DivisionManager, Manager
  76. , LastETDDate,GMPOETDDate, ClosedBy, Status, TranNum,IsStyleReconciled,StyleClosedDate,SupplierShipmentCode)
  77. SELECT , st.ArticleCode, st.ArticleName, st.BuyerReference, buyer.CompanyName , ''[DivisionManager], ''[Manager],
  78. ''[LastETDDate],NULL , ''[ClosedBy],
  79. CASE WHEN (IsNull(st.IsRMReco,0)= 1 OR IsNull(st.IsShipmentDelayRemarks,0)= 1 OR IsNull(st.IsGarmentQtyReco,0)= 1) THEN 'Part Reco'
  80. ELSE '' END,'',st.IsStyleReconciled,
  81. Convert(varchar(11),st.LastChanged,106), 0 SupplierShipmentCode
  82. From xtArticle st(nolock)
  83. JOIN xtCompany buyer(NOLOCK) on buyer.MemberCompanyCode=st.Buyer
  84. where Not Exists(Select top 1 1 from xtArticle art
  85. Where art.ID=st.ID and Isnull(art.IsStyleReconciled,0) = 1 And IsNull(art.ReconTranNum,'')<>''
  86. And IsNull(art.IsShipmentDelayRemarks,0)=1 And IsNull(art.IsGarmentQtyReco,0)=1 And IsNull(art.IsRMReco,0)=1)
  89. SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM xtOrder ord
  90. JOIN xtOrderShipment os ON os.OrderCode = ord.OrderCode and os.IsLastVersion =1 and os.Confirmed=1
  91. WHERE ord.OCType<>-1 and ord.IsLastVersion = 1 And ord.OrderType<>6 and ord.StyleID = st.ID
  92. )
  94. SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM xtOrder ord
  95. JOIN xtOrderShipment os ON os.OrderCode = ord.OrderCode and os.IsLastVersion =1 and os.Confirmed=1
  96. LEFT JOIN xtGMPOActualConsASN asn (NOLOCK) ON asn.SupplierShipmentCode=os.GMPOASNSupplierShipmentCode
  97. AND asn.ShipmentRevisedCode = os.ShipmentRevisedCode
  98. WHERE ord.OCType<>-1 and ord.IsLastVersion = 1 And ord.OrderType<>6 and ord.StyleID = st.ID and asn.GMPOActualConsASNID IS NULL
  99. )
  101. AND (IsNull(@StyleCode,'')='' OR st.ArticleCode LIKE '%' + @StyleCode + '%')
  102. AND (IsNull(@StyleName,'')='' OR st.ArticleName LIKE '%' + @StyleName + '%')
  103. AND (IsNull(@BuyerStyleRef,'')='' OR st.BuyerReference like '%' + @BuyerStyleRef + '%')
  104. AND (IsNull(@Buyer,'')='' OR Buyer.CompanyName like '%' + @Buyer + '%')
  105. Order By st.ID Desc
  106. /*End<IssueID:112364>*/
  107. END
  108. Else IF (@CalledFrom='StyleReconciliationList')
  109. BEGIN
  110. /*Start<IssueID:112364>*/
  111. INSERT INTO #PendingStyleReconciledData(StyleReconciliationID, StyleCode, StyleName, BuyerStyleRefNo, BuyerCompanyName, DivisionManager, Manager
  112. , LastETDDate,GMPOETDDate, ClosedBy, Status, TranNum,IsStyleReconciled,StyleClosedDate,SupplierShipmentCode)
  113. SELECT st.ID , st.ArticleCode, st.ArticleName, st.BuyerReference, buyer.CompanyName , ''[DivisionManager], ''[Manager],
  114. ''[LastETDDate],NULL , us.FullName [ClosedBy],'',st.ReconTranNum,st.IsStyleReconciled,Convert(varchar(11),st.LastChanged,106), 0 SupplierShipmentCode
  115. FROM xtArticle st(NOLOCK)
  116. JOIN xtCompany buyer(NOLOCK) on buyer.MemberCompanyCode=st.Buyer
  117. JOIN xtUser us(NOLOCK) on us.UserName=st.CreatedBy
  118. where IsStyleReconciled = 1 And ReconTranNum Is Not NULL
  119. AND (IsNull(@StyleCode,'')='' OR st.ArticleCode LIKE '%' + @StyleCode + '%')
  120. AND (IsNull(@StyleName,'')='' OR st.ArticleName LIKE '%' + @StyleName + '%')
  121. AND (IsNull(@BuyerStyleRef,'')='' OR st.BuyerReference like '%' + @BuyerStyleRef + '%')
  122. AND (IsNull(@Buyer,'')='' OR Buyer.CompanyName like '%' + @Buyer + '%')
  123. AND (@StyleClosedDateFrom IS NULL OR (st.LastChanged) > = @StyleClosedDateFrom)
  124. AND (@StyleClosedDateTo IS NULL OR (st.LastChanged) < = @StyleClosedDateTo)
  125. AND (IsNull(@ClosedBy,'')='' OR us.FullName like '%' + @ClosedBy + '%')
  126. AND (IsNull(@TranNum,'')='' OR st.ReconTranNum like '%' + @TranNum + '%')
  127. /*End<IssueID:112364>*/
  128. END
  130. UPDATE g SET g.DivisionManager=u.FullName,g.Manager = u1.FullName
  131. from #PendingStyleReconciledData g
  132. JOIN xtOrder a(NOLOCK) on a.StyleID = g.StyleReconciliationID and a.OrderCode>0 and a.OCType<>-1 and a.IsLastVersion=1
  133. and a.ID =(select Min(ID) from xtOrder where StyleID = a.StyleID and OrderCode>0 and OCType<>-1 and IsLastVersion=1)
  134. JOIN xtUser u(NOLOCK) On u.UserName = a.DivisionManagerUserName
  135. JOIN xtUser u1(NOLOCK) On u1.UserName = a.ManagerUserName
  137. Select g.StyleReconciliationID, max(dbo.xfGetETDDate(b.ShipmentMode,b.AWBETD,b.SubETD,b.BLMotherETD)) LastETDDate, b.SupplierShipmentCode
  138. INTO #ShipmentETDDate
  139. from #PendingStyleReconciledData g
  140. Join xtOrder a(NOLOCK) on a.StyleID = g.StyleReconciliationID and a.OrderCode>0 and a.OCType<>-1 and a.IsLastVersion=1
  141. Join xtOrderShipment b on b.CompanyCode = a.CompanyCode AND b.OrderCode=a.OrderCode and b.IsLastVersion = 1
  142. GROUP BY g.StyleReconciliationID, b.SupplierShipmentCode
  144. UPDATE a SET a.LastETDDate = Convert(varchar(11),b.LastETDDate,106), a.GMPOETDDate = Convert(varchar(11),b.LastETDDate,106),
  145. a.SupplierShipmentCode = b.SupplierShipmentCode
  146. From #PendingStyleReconciledData a
  147. JOIN #ShipmentETDDate b On a.StyleReconciliationID = b.StyleReconciliationID
  149. --UPDATE a set a.ClosedBy = c.FullName
  150. --From #PendingStyleReconciledData a
  151. --JOIN xtArticleRC b (NOLOCK) ON b.StyleID = a.StyleReconciliationID
  152. --JOIN xtUser c (NOLOCK) ON c.UserName = b.CreatedBy
  154. SELECT * INTO #GMPOData1
  155. FROM #PendingStyleReconciledData
  156. Where (IsNull(@DivisionManager,'')='' OR DivisionManager like '%' + @DivisionManager + '%')
  157. AND (IsNull(@Manager,'')='' OR Manager like '%' + @Manager + '%')
  159. SELECT * INTO #GMPOData
  160. FROM #GMPOData1
  161. Where (IsNull(@LastETDDateFrom ,'')='' OR (LastETDDate) > = @LastETDDateFrom)
  162. AND (IsNull(@LastETDDateTo ,'')='' OR (LastETDDate) < = @LastETDDateTo)
  163. And (@Status Is NULL OR Status LIKE '%' + @Status + '%')
  164. -- and (@searchParams <> '' OR ISNULL(@LastETDDate, '') <> '' OR (ISNULL(@LastETDDateFrom, '') = '' AND ISNULL(@LastETDDateTo, '') = ''
  165. -- AND DATEDIFF(M, LastETDDate, GETDate()) <=2 ))
  167. If ISNULL(@sortParams,'') =''
  168. set @sortParams = 'colStyleReconciliationID|Desc'
  170. Select * into #GMPODataFinal From #GMPOData where 1=2
  172. IF @IsExportToExcel = '1'
  173. BEGIN
  174. SELECT @pageIndex = 1, @pageSize = COUNT(1) FROM #GMPOData
  175. END
  176. Execute xspGetPageData @sourceTable = '#GMPOData',@sortParams=@sortParams,@pageIndex=@pageIndex, @pageSize=@pageSize,@errorMsg=@errorMsg output
  178. SELECT * FROM #GMPODataFinal Order By StyleReconciliationID Desc
  179. SELECT Count(1) RecordCount FROM [#GMPODataFinal]
  180. END
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