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Jul 23rd, 2018
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  1. 18.04-75 0.580: Log file: /root/.yjp/log/app.war-1.log
  2. 18.04-75 0.580: Command line:
  3. java
  4. -server
  5. -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
  8. -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
  9. -XX:HeapDumpPath=/
  10. -agentlib:/libyjpagent=port=8244,listen=all
  11. -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8245,server=y,suspend=n
  16. -Xms512M
  17. -Xmx4G
  20. -XX:+UseG1GC
  21. -jar
  22. app.war
  24. 18.04-75 0.580: Executable: /opt/jdk1.8.0_171/bin/java
  25. 18.04-75 0.580: uname:
  26. sysname: Linux
  27. release: 4.4.0-130-generic
  28. version: #156-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 14 08:53:28 UTC 2018
  29. machine: x86_64
  30. 18.04-75 0.580: Linux; 64-bit process
  31. 18.04-75 0.581: hid: 3602299757ZX87999605Z3Y5521475417V 64-bit machine
  32. 18.04-75 0.581: Today is 20180721
  33. 18.04-75 0.581: full_build_stamp: 2018.04.75 201806291430
  34. 18.04-75 0.581: Agent library path: lib/
  35. 18.04-75 0.581: getTimeNsInfo: "monotonic_raw"
  36. 18.04-75 0.581: Agent_OnLoad: orig_options=port=8244,listen=all
  37. full_options=port=8244,listen=all
  38. 18.04-75 0.720: phase: 1
  39. 18.04-75 0.720: jvmtiVersion: 30010203
  40. 18.04-75 0.720: vendor: Oracle Corporation
  41. 18.04-75 0.720: version: 25.171-b11
  42. 18.04-75 0.720: info: mixed mode, sharing
  43. 18.04-75 0.720: isJava6: 0
  44. 18.04-75 0.824: session_id: 5827130181 (1532162885,1)
  45. 18.04-75 0.857: line_method: 1
  46. 18.04-75 0.857: can_suspend: optional capability is not available; is_debugger=1
  47. 18.04-75 1.071: Jar file created: /tmp/yjp201806291430.jar
  48. 18.04-75 1.072: JVMTI 30010203; 25.171-b11; Oracle Corporation; mixed mode, sharing
  49. 18.04-75 1.100: Successfully registered probes: 27
  50. Registered: .AgentLoadingSupport
  51. Registered: .AsyncChannels
  52. Registered: .AwtEvents
  53. Registered: .Cassandra
  54. Registered: .CassandraLW
  55. Registered: .Databases
  56. Registered: .DatabasesLW
  57. Registered: .Files
  58. Registered: .FilesLW
  59. Registered: .HBase
  60. Registered: .HBaseLW
  61. Registered: .JNDI
  62. Registered: .JPA_DataNucleus
  63. Registered: .JPA_EclipseLink
  64. Registered: .JPA_Hibernate
  65. Registered: .JPA_OpenJPA
  66. Registered: .JUnitTests
  67. Registered: .MongoDB
  68. Registered: .MongoDBLW
  69. Registered: .Processes
  70. Registered: .Servlets
  71. Registered: .ServletsLW
  72. Registered: .Sockets
  73. Registered: .SocketsLW
  74. Registered: .Sync
  75. Registered: .TestNG
  76. Registered: .Threads
  77. 18.04-75 2.567: agentStart: 1
  78. 18.04-75 2.567: agentStart: 2
  79. 18.04-75 2.573: agentStart: OK
  80. 18.04-75 2.637: tracing=off: large method: 3945 sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets$Aliases.init(java.lang.Object[])
  81. 18.04-75 3.014: vmInit: 1
  82. 18.04-75 3.015: vmInit: 2
  83. 18.04-75 3.015: agentInit: 1
  84. 18.04-75 3.016: agentInit: Core loaded
  85. 18.04-75 3.041: setTriggers:
  87. 18.04-75 3.442: setTriggers: to unregister: 0
  88. 18.04-75 3.442: setTriggers: method listeners to register: 0
  89. 18.04-75 3.442: setTriggers: OK
  90. 18.04-75 3.442: ourUnsafe: true
  91. 18.04-75 3.442: shmem 42341490: OK
  92. 18.04-75 3.443: shmem 4234148E: OK
  93. 18.04-75 3.645: socket timeout: 30000
  94. 18.04-75 3.646: YourKit Java Profiler agent is listening on port 8244, "listen=all"
  95. 18.04-75 3.646: *** HINT ***: To get profiling results, connect to the application from the profiler UI
  96. 18.04-75 3.646: agentInit: Core.init() called
  97. 18.04-75 3.647: agentInit: OK
  98. 18.04-75 3.647: vmInit: 3
  99. 18.04-75 3.647: onStartProfiling: entering...
  100. 18.04-75 3.647: onStartProfiling: done
  101. 18.04-75 3.647: vmInit: OK
  102. 18.04-75 5.893: SP: pin java.lang.NoSuchFieldException
  103. 18.04-75 6.309: SP: pin java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  104. 18.04-75 7.488: SP: pin java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
  105. 18.04-75 7.927: GcPauseCounter: installed to G1 Young Generation
  106. 18.04-75 7.927: GcPauseCounter: installed to G1 Old Generation
  107. 18.04-75 9.447: [m: 8100 65] total classes: processed=1000 instrumented=848 263ms
  108. 18.04-75 10.377: tracing=off: large method: 2252, int,,
  109. 18.04-75 12.414: tracing=off: large method: 4108 sun.text.resources.FormatData.getContents()
  110. 18.04-75 21.258: SP: pin
  111. 18.04-75 29.187: [m: 8303 148] total classes: processed=2000 instrumented=1793 572ms
  112. 18.04-75 29.229: tracing=off: large method: 2346$
  113. 18.04-75 29.280: SP: pin
  114. 18.04-75 29.305: SP: pin$1
  115. 18.04-75 37.200: tracing=off: large method: 2186 org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.CronExpression.getTimeAfter(java.util.Date)
  116. 18.04-75 38.378: SP: pin com.lmax.disruptor.TimeoutException
  117. 18.04-75 38.574: SP: pin java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
  118. 18.04-75 40.212: SP: pin javax.naming.NoInitialContextException
  119. 18.04-75 41.780: tracing=off: large method: 8619 sun.util.resources.CurrencyNames.getContents()
  120. 18.04-75 45.973: [m: 8438 300] total classes: processed=3000 instrumented=2737 1174ms
  121. 18.04-75 48.900: SP: pin com.lmax.disruptor.AlertException
  122. 18.04-75 49.550: tracing=off: large method: 4821 sun.nio.cs.ext.ExtendedCharsets.<init>()
  123. 18.04-75 55.358: tracing=off: large method: 3343 org.springframework.asm.ClassReader.readCode(org.springframework.asm.MethodVisitor, org.springframework.asm.Context, int)
  124. 18.04-75 56.109: SP: pin javax.validation.ValidationException
  125. 18.04-75 56.148: [m: 8512 407] total classes: processed=4000 instrumented=3702 1716ms
  126. 18.04-75 81.156: SP: pin java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
  127. 18.04-75 85.451: tracing=off: large method: 2117, java.util.Map, java.util.Map, java.util.Map, java.util.Map)
  128. 18.04-75 91.574: [m: 8582 642] total classes: processed=5000 instrumented=4512 2136ms
  129. 18.04-75 141.731: tracing=off: large method: 2252 org.springframework.asm.Frame.execute(int, int, org.springframework.asm.ClassWriter, org.springframework.asm.Item)
  130. 18.04-75 141.763: SP: pin org.springframework.cglib.core.ClassNameReader$EarlyExitException
  131. 18.04-75 141.822: SP: pin
  132. 18.04-75 142.582: [m: 8588 696] total classes: processed=6000 instrumented=5444 2549ms
  133. 18.04-75 143.238: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException
  134. 18.04-75 151.505: tracing=off: large method: 2179 org.aspectj.apache.bcel.ConstantsInitializer.initialize()
  135. 18.04-75 176.598: [m: 8596 711] total classes: processed=7000 instrumented=6439 3030ms
  136. 18.04-75 177.429: tracing=off: large method: 17798 sun.util.resources.TimeZoneNames.getContents()
  137. 18.04-75 202.802: SP: pin
  138. 18.04-75 208.470: [m: 8801 795] total classes: processed=8000 instrumented=7411 3440ms
  139. 18.04-75 221.437: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException
  140. 18.04-75 252.087: SP: pin java.lang.InterruptedException
  141. 18.04-75 271.195: SP: pin java.lang.SecurityException
  142. 18.04-75 271.383: SP: pin javax.naming.NamingException
  143. 18.04-75 279.845: SP: pin java.lang.NumberFormatException
  144. 18.04-75 331.065: [m: 8944 833] total classes: processed=9000 instrumented=8387 4005ms
  145. 18.04-75 386.618: SP: pin java.lang.NullPointerException
  146. 18.04-75 387.390: tracing=off: large method: 5607, short, short, short,
  147. 18.04-75 387.549: [m: 8950 847] total classes: processed=10000 instrumented=9293 4406ms
  148. 18.04-75 407.688: SP: pin$CyclicPropertyReferenceException
  149. 18.04-75 476.658: [m: 8956 872] total classes: processed=11000 instrumented=10264 4836ms
  150. 18.04-75 525.989: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.NotWritablePropertyException
  151. 18.04-75 525.989: SP: pin org.springframework.boot.bind.RelaxedBindingNotWritablePropertyException
  152. 18.04-75 563.314: SP: pin java.lang.NoSuchFieldError
  153. 18.04-75 563.747: SP: pin java.lang.IllegalStateException
  154. 18.04-75 563.747: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.ConversionNotSupportedException
  155. 18.04-75 563.748: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException
  156. 18.04-75 588.279: [m: 9027 912] total classes: processed=12000 instrumented=11256 5259ms
  157. 18.04-75 611.769: SP: pin
  158. 18.04-75 643.552: SP: pin java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
  159. 18.04-75 655.063: SP: pin java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
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