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Hard Reset Demo Console Commands

a guest
Sep 8th, 2011
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  1. Hard Reset Demo Console Commands
  2. Version: Final 1.00 Demo
  4. quit
  5. menu
  6. arrow_toggle
  7. start_level
  8. menu_objectives
  9. menu_hints
  10. menu_achievements
  11. load_last
  12. menu_upgrades
  13. exec
  14. vid_restart
  15. r_cubeshot
  16. r_screenshot
  17. r_async_io_log
  18. r_video_play
  19. r_video_stop
  20. r_radial_blur
  21. r_list_lights_shadow
  22. r_rain_map_generate
  23. p_show_navi
  24. p_show_graph
  25. p_show_occluders
  26. p_generate_waypoints
  27. p_save_waypoints
  28. p_reload_waypoints
  29. pause
  30. pause_debug
  31. s_time_multiplier
  32. sq
  33. sqrun
  34. sqexportconstants
  35. sqcompile_current
  36. sqcompile_final
  37. sqreloadtemplates
  38. sqreloadai
  39. sqquicklook
  40. sqtool_remove_field_in_hierarchy
  41. imbad
  42. restart
  43. simplify_template
  44. save
  45. load
  46. help
  47. _version
  48. _makekey
  49. _makekeys
  50. log
  51. draw_sphere
  52. buy_game
  53. benchmark
  54. memory_info
  55. message
  56. bind
  57. toggle
  58. map
  59. spawn
  60. log_camera
  61. tex_report
  62. +move_forward
  63. -move_forward
  64. +move_back
  65. -move_back
  66. +move_left
  67. -move_left
  68. +move_right
  69. -move_right
  70. +move_up
  71. -move_up
  72. +move_down
  73. -move_down
  74. +rotate_left
  75. -rotate_left
  76. +rotate_right
  77. -rotate_right
  78. +look_up
  79. -look_up
  80. +look_down
  81. -look_down
  82. +jump
  83. -jump
  84. +sprint
  85. -sprint
  86. +attack
  87. -attack
  88. +temp_use_upgrade
  89. -temp_use_upgrade
  90. +attack2
  91. -attack2
  92. weapon_mode
  93. weapon_mode_next
  94. weapon_mode_prev
  95. select_weapon
  96. ax_start
  97. ax_stop
  98. gizmo_mode_toggle
  99. gizmo_space_toggle
  100. ui_unfocus
  101. dump_strings
  102. profilers_freeze
  103. p_debug_memory
  104. p_debug_ragdoll
  105. p_debug_world_snapshot
  106. a_cache_info
  107. v_activate_occluder
  108. fx_dump_stats
  109. r_sync - Render sync
  110. r_fov - Vertical field of view
  111. r_show_fps - Show frames per second
  112. r_show_cam_pos - Show camera position coordinates
  113. r_show_box - Show object bounding boxes
  114. r_show_box_mesh_skinned - Show mesh skinned bounding boxes
  115. r_show_box_translucent - Show translucent object bounding boxes
  116. r_show_box_particle - Show partcile bounding boxes
  117. r_show_box_offscreen - Show ofscreen bouding boxes
  118. r_show_box_light - Show light bounding boxes
  119. r_show_box_light_shadow - Show shadow light bounding boxes
  120. r_show_box_flare - Show flare bounding boxes
  121. r_show_box_lightning - Show lightning bounding boxes
  122. r_show_box_animatix - Show animatix bounding boxes
  123. r_show_box_animatix_chunks - Show animatix chunks bounding boxes
  124. r_show_box_rain_box - Show rain boxes
  125. r_show_flares - Show flares
  126. r_show_shadow_casters - Show shadow casters
  127. r_show_shadow_casters_local - Show shadow casters local
  128. r_show_basis - Show object local basis
  129. r_show_lights - Show lights bounding spheres
  130. r_show_lights_shadow - Show shadow lights bounding spheres/cones
  131. r_show_lights_shadow_point - Show shadow lights point bounding spheres/cones
  132. r_show_lights_shadow_spot - Show shadow lights spot bounding spheres/cones
  133. r_show_lights_particle - Show particle lights quads
  134. r_show_particles - Show particles quads
  135. r_show_sim_particles - Show simulated particles
  136. r_show_grid - Show debug grid
  137. p_agent_paths - Show paths
  138. p_agent_ps - Show ps
  139. r_triggers - Show triggers
  140. r_show_safe_frame - Show safe frame
  141. r_show_rain_map - Show rain map
  142. _obsolete_r_show_profilers - Show profilers
  143. _obsolete_r_show_profilers_history - Show profilers history (number of entries, 0 to disable)
  144. r_win_pos_x - Window x coordinate
  145. r_win_pos_y - Window y coordinate
  146. r_win_width - Width of window screen viewport
  147. r_win_height - Height of window screen viewport
  148. r_max_game_vp_width - Max width of game viewport
  149. r_max_game_vp_height - Max height of game viewport
  150. r_windowed_fixed_backbuffer - Widowed mode with fixed backbuffer size
  151. r_fullscreen - Fullscreen mode
  152. r_fullscreen_aspect - Fullscreen aspect
  153. r_fullscreen_modes - Fullscreen modes
  154. r_fullscreen_refreshes - Fullscreen refresh rates for current mode
  155. r_fullscreen_monitor - Fullscreen monitor
  156. r_fullscreen_width - Width of fullscreen screen viewport
  157. r_fullscreen_height - Height of fullscreen screen viewport
  158. r_vsync - VSync
  159. r_sort - Toggle draw sorting
  160. r_vis - Visibility toggle
  161. r_mip_lod - Mipmap LOD bias
  162. r_anisotropy - Anisotropy
  163. r_render_thread - Enable rendering thread
  164. r_shader_cache - Enable shader cache
  165. r_shader_cache_preload - Enable shader cache preload
  166. r_mip_cap - Texture quality mip offset
  167. r_mip_max - Max mip map level
  168. r_texture_quality
  169. r_particle_quality
  170. r_sort_mode - Draw fragments sorting mode
  171. r_load_dds - Load DDS textures order
  172. r_max_prims - Max primitives per DIP
  173. r_min_prims - Min primitives per DIP
  174. r_dump_render_lists - Dump render lists
  175. r_wireframe - Enable wireframe mode
  176. r_gamma - Gamma
  177. r_merge_dips - Merge skinned mesh dips
  178. r_discard_buffers - Discard dynamic vertex buffers
  179. r_geometry_force_discard - Geometry force discard
  180. r_preload_thumbs - Preload texture thumbnails
  181. r_decals_z_bias - Decals z-bias offset
  182. r_destro - Force destro texture usage
  183. r_farZ - Camera far z
  184. r_nearZ - Camera near z
  185. r_async_io_enable - Async IO enable
  186. r_async_io_enable_texture_streaming - Async IO enable texture streaming
  187. r_async_io_buffer - Async IO buffer size in MB
  188. r_tex_in_range - Count textures in range
  189. r_tex_lru_size - Textures LRU cache size in MB
  190. v_show_bsp - Show BSP
  191. v_show_grid - Show Grid
  192. v_show_boxes - Show Boxes
  193. v_show_events - Show Events
  194. v_show_frustum - Show Frustums
  195. v_show_beamtree - Show Beam Tree
  196. v_show_halfedge - Show Half Edge
  197. v_grid_check_boxes - Grid check boxes of each object
  198. v_grid_check_boxes_as_convex - Check boxes as boxes (fast) or as convexes (good)
  199. v_grid_sanity_check - Grid sanity check
  200. v_bsp_insert_into_beamtree - Insert occluders from BSP into BeamTree
  201. v_max_occluders - Max number of occluders inserted into Beam Tree
  202. v_show_convex - Show convex by convexId
  203. v_show_split - Show split by nodeId
  204. v_show_object - Show objectId
  205. v_lock - Lock visibility
  206. r_draw_particles - Draw particles
  207. r_draw_meshes - Draw meshes
  208. r_draw_meshes_translucent - Draw meshes translucent
  209. r_draw_dyn_meshes - Draw dynamic geometry
  210. r_draw_level_meshes - Draw level meshes
  211. r_draw_skinned_meshes - Draw skinned meshes
  212. r_draw_lights - Draw lights
  213. r_draw_lights_directional - Draw lights directional
  214. r_draw_lights_ambient_cube - Draw lights ambient cube
  215. r_draw_lights_tube - Draw lights tube
  216. r_draw_lights_angle_tube - Draw lights angle tube
  217. r_draw_lights_spot - Draw lights spot
  218. r_draw_lights_point - Draw lights point
  219. r_draw_lights_particle - Draw lights particle
  220. r_draw_translucents - Draw translucents
  221. r_draw_translucents_gun - Draw translucents gun
  222. r_draw_translucents_gun2 - Draw translucents gun 2
  223. r_draw_opaques - Draw opaques
  224. r_draw_weapon - Draw weapon
  225. r_draw_decals - Draw decals
  226. r_draw_overlay - Draw overlay
  227. r_draw_hud - Draw HUD
  228. r_draw_hud_refraction - Draw HUD refraction
  229. r_draw_hud_console - Draw HUD console
  230. r_draw_flares - Draw flares
  231. r_draw_animatix - Draw animatix
  232. r_draw_flare_occlusion - Draw flare occlusion
  233. r_mlaa - MLAA
  234. r_fsaa - FSAA
  235. r_aa_quality
  236. r_fsaa_fill_stencil - FSAA fill stencil
  237. r_caps_hw_depth - Caps hw depth
  238. r_caps_copy_depth - Caps copy depth
  239. r_caps_nvdb - Caps NVDB
  240. r_quality_lighting - Quality lighting
  241. r_refraction - Refraction
  242. r_refraction_hud - Refraction HUD
  243. r_refraction_decals - Refraction decals
  244. r_debug_render_mode - Debug render mode
  245. r_dummy_mem_usage - Dummy mem usage
  246. r_dummy_video_mem_usage - Dummy video mem usage
  247. pp_enable - Post process toggle
  248. pp_dof_enable - Post process dof toggle
  249. pp_dof_force_quality - Post process dof force quality
  250. pp_glow_enable - Post process glow toggle
  251. pp_sharpen_enable - Post process sharpen toggle
  252. pp_screen_blur_enable - Post process screen blur toggle
  253. pp_radial_blur_enable - Post process radial blur toggle
  254. pp_sun_shafts_enable - Post process light shafts toggle
  255. pp_color_grading_enable - Post process color grading toggle
  256. r_rain_boxes - Rain boxes toggle
  257. r_depth_bounds - Depth bounds
  258. r_refraction_force_fs_copy - Refraction force fs copy
  259. r_rain_lock - Rain lock
  260. r_rain_enable - Rain enable
  261. r_offscreen_enable - Offscreen translucents enable
  262. r_offscreen_force_on - Offscreen translucents force on
  263. r_offscreen_min_distance - Offscreen min distance
  264. r_lights_min_size - Light min size
  265. r_lights_force_cam_inter - Light force camera intersection
  266. r_shadows_quality - Shadows toggle
  267. r_shadows_res - Shadows res
  268. r_shadows_filtering - Shadows res
  269. r_shadows_directional - Shadows directional toggle
  270. r_shadows_spot - Shadows spot toggle
  271. r_shadows_point - Shadows point toggle
  272. r_shadows_format - Shadows format
  273. r_shadows_csm_split_factor - CSM split factor
  274. r_shadows_csm_depth_bias - csm depth bias
  275. r_shadows_csm_depth_slope_bias - csm depth slope bias
  276. r_shadows_csm_force_shadow_range - csm force shadow range
  277. r_shadows_caster_cull_size - Shadow caster cull size
  278. r_shadows_local_depth_bias - shadow mask depth bias temp
  279. r_shadows_local_depth_slope_bias - shadow mask depth slope bias temp
  280. r_shadows_local_force_res - shadow local force res
  281. r_dissolve_border_color - Dissolve border color
  282. r_dissolve_border_color_intensity - Dissolve border color intensity
  283. r_dissolve_border_size - Dissolve border size
  284. r_dissolve_time - Dissolve time
  285. p_fps - FPS for ticking physics simulation
  286. p_max_steps - Max steps for physics simulation
  287. p_particles - Physics particles
  288. p_interpolate_player_pos - Interpolate player position between physics frames
  289. a_show_skeletons - Show skeletons in VisualDebugger
  290. a_show_attachments - Show attachments on skeleton
  291. s_null_sound - Enable null sound engine
  292. s_sound_volume - Set global sound volume
  293. s_sound_cutscenevolume - cutscene sound volume
  294. s_sound_musicvolume - Set global music volume
  295. s_sound_stats - Show sound stats
  296. s_sound_dopplerratio - Dopper effect multiplier
  297. s_sound_forcestereo - Force stereo, need restart
  298. s_console_commands_history - Console commands history
  299. s_console_show_custom_logs - Show custom logs within console
  300. s_console_lines_always_visible - Number of console lines always visible on screen
  301. s_mouse_lock - Lock mouse for mouse look
  302. s_mouse_invert - Invert mouse look Y-axis
  303. s_mouse_smooth - Mouse smoothing
  304. s_mouse_sensitivity - Mouse sensitivity
  305. s_pad_look_sensitivity_x - Pad look sensitivity
  306. s_pad_look_sensitivity_y - Pad look sensitivity
  307. s_pad_look_invert - Invert pad look Y-axis
  308. s_pad_vibration - Enable pad vibration
  309. s_pad_autoaim
  310. s_pad_autoaim_radius - Pad autoaim radius
  311. s_pad_autoaim_speed - Pad autoaim speed
  312. s_pad_layout_buttons
  313. s_pad_layout_sticks
  314. s_pad_look_pow_x - Invert pad look Y-axis
  315. s_pad_look_pow_y - Invert pad look Y-axis
  316. s_pad_look_speed_x - Invert pad look Y-axis
  317. s_pad_look_speed_y - Invert pad look Y-axis
  318. s_pad_look_linear_ratio_x - Invert pad look Y-axis
  319. s_pad_look_linear_ratio_y - Invert pad look Y-axis
  320. s_fly_mode - Free fly mode
  321. s_disable_loading_thread - Disable loading thread
  322. s_profilers_enabled - Enable profilers
  323. s_profilers_history_size - Profilers history size
  324. s_profilers_summarize_calls - Enable profilers summarize calls
  325. s_profilers_summarize_counters - Enable profilers summarize counters
  326. s_scripts_compiled_use - Use compiled scripts
  327. s_scripts_compiled_dir - Compiled scripts dir
  328. s_load_streaming_lock - Determines if load thread waits for all resources streaming finished
  329. s_logs_enabled - Enable logs system
  330. s_simulate_particles - Enable particles
  331. s_use_my_documents - Store profiles in My Documents folder
  332. s_language - game language
  333. s_use_steam - Use Steam
  334. ui_enabled - Enable UI
  335. ui_color_window_border - UI window border color
  336. ui_color_window_top - UI window top color
  337. ui_color_window_inside - UI window inside color
  338. ui_color_focus - UI focus color
  339. ui_color_primary - UI controls primary color
  340. ui_color_primary_ro - UI readonly controls primary color
  341. ui_color_cursor - UI cursor color
  342. ui_transparency - UI transparency
  343. ui_windows_visible - Show windows
  344. ui_default_menu - Enable default UI menu
  345. i_enable_modal - Enable UI modal windows
  346. ui_font - UI font
  347. ui_font_size_min - UI font size min
  348. ui_font_size_max - UI font size max
  349. ui_font_scale - UI font scale
  350. a_curve_default_size - Animatix default curve size
  351. r_animatix_pp_enable - Animatix post process
  352. r_animatix_force_res - Animatix force res
  353. a_atlas_enabled - Animatix atlas enabled
  354. r_animatix_pp_min_distance - Animatix post process min distance
  355. e_selection_color - Level editor: selection color
  356. e_selection_border - Level editor: selection border
  357. e_show_items_range - Level editor: show items range mode
  358. e_undo_restores_camera - Level editor: if undo restores camera
  359. e_visibility_range - Level editor: range of visibility
  360. e_show_children - Level editor: show children
  361. e_show_triggers - Level editor
  362. e_show_animpaths - Level editor
  363. e_show_blockers - Level editor
  364. e_show_occluders - Level editor
  365. s_debug_break - Toggle to make controlled crash when script error encountered
  366. s_new_templates_system - Enables new templates system. It uses less memory (100-200 MB of saved memory space), but as a tradeoff it doesn't support currently our level editor system.
  367. d_physics_collisions - Enable debug physics collisions mode
  368. d_physics_collisions_pin - Force collisions to pin
  369. d_physics_collisions_freq - Detect collisions frequency
  370. d_script_profile
  371. d_show_ai
  372. d_budgets_history - Enable budgets history
  373. d_animatix - Enable debug animatix
  374. d_ui_forms - Enable debug UI forms
  375. d_disable_main_menu - Disable main menu
  376. d_disable_script_cache - Disable fire and forget cache
  377. d_tris_count_placeables - Count tris of visible placeables
  378. d_tris_shadows_count_placeables - Count shadows tris of visible placeables
  379. d_budgets - Enable budgets
  380. d_minigun_sound - 1-6 - change minigun sound
  381. d_visual_debug - Enable visual debug drawing
  382. d_show_hints - Enable debug hints drawing
  383. d_enable_level_select - Allow level select menu
  384. d_reset_steam - Reset Steam stats
  385. d_missing_res - Debug missing resources
  386. d_spawnpoints_xp - Debug spawnpoints xp
  387. d_enemies_xp - Debug enemies xp
  388. g_last_savegame - Last savegame for this profile
  389. g_binary_saves - Binary saves
  390. g_binary_profile - Binary saves
  391. g_enable_rain - Enable rain
  392. g_enable_lightnings - Enable lightnings
  393. g_enable_electricity - Enable electricity
  394. g_enable_hints - Enable hints
  395. g_enable_blood - Enable blood
  396. g_autopause_enabled
  397. g_autopause_time - Game autopause time
  398. g_difficulty
  399. g_radar_shows_all - Radar shows all enemies
  400. g_enable_arrow - Enable direction arrow
  401. g_remains_quality - Remains quality
  402. g_physics_quality - Physics quality
  403. g_explosions_glow_strength_mod - Explosions glow strength mod
  404. g_explosions_glow_threshold_mod - Explosions glow threshold mod
  405. g_autodelete_meshes_min_time - Autodelete meshes min time
  406. g_autodelete_parts_time - Autodelete parts time
  407. g_autodelete_meshes_limit - meshes limit left on level
  408. g_autodelete_meshes_limit_large - meshes limit left on level (large)
  409. g_autodelete_skinned_meshes_stay_onlevel - skinned mehses left on level (not fading out)
  410. g_autodelete_skinned_meshes_max_onlevel - max skinned meshes on level
  411. g_player_acceleration - Player movement acceleration
  412. g_player_backward_ratio - Player backward speed ratio
  413. g_player_jumping_control_direction - Player jumping direction is connected with his look direction
  414. g_player_aircontrol - Air control multiplier
  415. g_player_onground_friction - Player friction, when not moving and when on ground
  416. g_player_onground_force_multiplier - Player reaction on force on ground
  417. g_player_inair_force_multiplier - Player reaction on force in air
  418. g_agent_force_multiplier - Creature reaction on force
  419. g_agent_force_damping - Creature friction after hit
  420. g_color_objective_title - Objective title color
  421. g_color_objective_description - Objective description color
  422. g_color_objective_completed_title - Objective completed title color
  423. g_color_objective_completed_description - Objective completed description color
  424. g_color_objective_failed_title - Objective failed title color
  425. g_color_objective_failed_description - Objective failed description color
  426. g_damage_to_enemies_multiplier - Damage to enemies multiplier
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