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a guest
Dec 15th, 2014
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text 7.28 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ######################
  2. # - Conky settings - #
  3. ######################
  4. update_interval 1
  5. total_run_times 0
  6. net_avg_samples 1
  7. cpu_avg_samples 1
  8. if_up_strictness up
  10. imlib_cache_size 0
  11. double_buffer yes
  12. no_buffers yes
  14. format_human_readable
  16. #####################
  17. # - Text settings - #
  18. #####################
  19. use_xft yes
  20. xftfont Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8
  21. override_utf8_locale yes
  22. text_buffer_size 4096
  23. max_text_width 43
  25. #############################
  26. # - Window specifications - #
  27. #############################
  28. own_window yes
  29. own_window_colour 080808
  30. own_window_class Conky
  31. own_window_type normal
  33. own_window_argb_visual yes
  34. own_window_transparent yes
  36. own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
  38. alignment top_right
  39. gap_x 5
  40. gap_y 25
  41. minimum_size 165 0
  42. maximum_width 165
  44. #########################
  45. # - Graphics settings - #
  46. #########################
  47. draw_shades no
  48. draw_graph_borders no
  49. show_graph_scale no
  50. show_graph_range no
  52. default_bar_size 50 4
  54. default_color a0a0a0
  56. color0 white
  57. color1 CE5C00
  58. color2 white
  59. color3 E07A2F
  60. color5 aff73e
  62. TEXT
  63. #
  64. #
  65. #############
  66. # - RELOJ - #
  67. #############
  68. ${alignc 36}${color2}${font Arial Black:size=28}${time %l:%M}${font Arial Black:size=18}${time :%S}${font}${color}
  69. #
  70. #
  71. ##################
  72. # - CALENDARIO - #
  73. ##################
  74. ${alignc -2}${voffset 4}${color3}${font Zekton:style=Bold:size=9}${time %B %Y}${color}${font}
  75. ${offset 2}${font Poky:size=24}D${font Zekton:style=Bold:size=9}${offset -24}${voffset -5}${color3}${time %_d}${color}
  76. ${voffset -30}${font Ubuntu Mono:style=Bold:size=10}${execpi 600 HOY=$(date +%_d); cal -m | sed '2,8!d' | sed '/./!d' | sed 's/^/${goto 38} /' | sed 's/$/ /' | sed 's/^/ /' | sed s/" $HOY "/'${color3}'" $HOY "'${color}'/}
  77. #
  78. #
  79. ###############
  80. # - SISTEMA - #
  81. ###############
  82. ${voffset -4}${color}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}SISTEMA $stippled_hr${font}
  83. ${voffset 10}${font OpenLogos:size=20}a${font}${color}
  84. # |--KERNEL
  85. ${voffset -30}${goto 32}Kernel: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${alignr}${kernel} ${color}${font}
  86. # |--TIEMPO INICIO
  87. ${goto 32}Actividad: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${alignr}${uptime} ${color}
  88. # |--PROCESADOR
  89. ${goto 32}Procesador: ${color3}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${alignr}${pre_exec grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | sed 's/.*: //' | sed 's/(.* / /'} ${font}${color}
  90. #
  91. # |--CORE0
  92. # nouveau
  93. ${offset 4}${font Poky:size=14}P${font}${offset -19}${voffset -2}${goto 32}Core0: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${cpu cpu1}%${alignr}${hwmon 1 temp 1}°C ${hwmon 1 temp 2}°C${color BE4C00}${voffset -8}${cpugraph cpu1 14,42 BE4C00 F08A2F}${font}${color}
  94. #
  95. # |--CORE1
  96. # nouveau
  97. ${voffset -6}${offset 4}${font Poky:size=14}P${font}${offset -19}${voffset -3}${goto 32}Core1: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${cpu cpu2}%${alignr}${hwmon 1 temp 3}°C ${hwmon 1 temp 4}°C${color BE4C00}${voffset -8}${cpugraph cpu2 14,42 BE4C00 F08A2F}${font}${color}
  98. #
  99. # |--CPUFREQ
  100. ${voffset -4}${goto 32}Reloj: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${freq 0}MHz${goto 105}${exec cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor}${color}${font}
  101. #
  102. # |--MEMORIA
  103. ${voffset -2}${offset 3}${font Poky:size=14}M${font}${color}${goto 32}${voffset -4}RAM: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}$memperc%${goto 105}${color}Total: ${color3}$memmax${color}${font}
  104. ${voffset 1}${membar 4,22}${color}${goto 32}${voffset -1}Usada: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color0}${mem}${color}${font}${goto 105}Libre: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color2}${memeasyfree}${color}${font}
  105. #
  106. # |--GPU
  107. # nouveau
  108. ${voffset -4}${font Poky:size=16}N${font}${goto 32}${voffset -2}GPU: ${goto 58}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C${color3}${goto 105}${pre_exec GPU=$(lspci | grep VGA); GPU=${GPU##*[}; echo ${GPU%%]*}} ${color}${font}
  109. # nvidia
  110. # ${voffset -4}${font Poky:size=16}N${font}${goto 32}${voffset -2}GPU: ${goto 58}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${exec nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE | grep Gpu | cut -c39-40}°C${color3}${goto 105}${pre_exec GPU=$(lspci | grep VGA); GPU=${GPU##*[}; echo ${GPU%%]*}} ${color}${font}
  111. #
  112. # |--HDDTEMP
  113. ${voffset -2}${font Poky:size=14}y${voffset -2}${offset -7}${font Webdings:size=14}·${font}${color} \
  114. # con demonio
  115. ${goto 32}HDD: ${goto 58}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${hddtemp /dev/sda}°C \
  116. # sin demonio
  117. # ${goto 32}HDD: ${goto 58}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${execi 30 sudo hddtemp -n /dev/sda}°C \
  118. #
  119. ${goto 105}${pre_exec cat /sys/class/block/sda/device/model | awk {'print $2'}} ${color}
  120. #
  121. #
  122. # |--ENTROPÍA
  123. ${voffset 6}${color}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}ENTROPÍA $stippled_hr${font}
  124. ${voffset 2}${font Wingdings:size=20}]${font}${color}
  125. ${voffset -20}${goto 32}Tamaño: ${color3}${entropy_poolsize} bits${goto 115}${color}${entropy_bar}
  126. ${goto 32}Disponible: ${color3}${entropy_avail}${goto 112}${color0}${entropy_perc}%${color}
  127. #
  128. ###########
  129. # - RED - #
  130. ###########
  131. ${voffset 6}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}RED $stippled_hr${font}
  132. #
  133. # |--wi-fi wlp0s4f1u1 (antes wlan0)
  134. ${if_up wlp0s4f1u1}
  135. #${voffset -8}${alignc}${font Ubuntu:style=bold:size=8}${color2}wlp0s4f1u1${font}${color}
  136. ${voffset -8}${goto 32}Interfaz: ${font Ubuntu:style=bold:size=8}${color3}${exec ip link show | grep wl | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ //'}${font}${color}
  137. ${voffset 2}${font Webdings:size=18}”${font}${color}${goto 32}${voffset -8}Tx: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color2}${upspeed wlp0s4f1u1}${color}${font}
  138. ${goto 32}Total: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${totalup wlp0s4f1u1}${color}${font}${voffset -10}${alignr}${color BE4C00}${upspeedgraph wlp0s4f1u1 14,50 BE4C00 F08A2F}${color}
  139. ${voffset -2}${font Webdings:size=18}“${font}${color}${goto 32}${voffset -8}Rx: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color2}${downspeed wlp0s4f1u1}${color}${font}
  140. ${goto 32}Total: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${totaldown wlp0s4f1u1}${color}${font}${voffset -10}${alignr}${color BE4C00}${downspeedgraph wlp0s4f1u1 14,50 BE4C00 F08A2F}${color}${voffset -8}
  141. #${offset 2}${font Poky:size=14}Y${font}${color}${goto 32}${voffset -2}Señal: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color3}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp0s4f1u1}%${color}${font}${alignr}${wireless_link_bar 4,50 wlp0s4f1u1}${color}
  142. ${voffset 12}${font Webdings:size=18}¬${font}${color}${goto 32}${voffset -10}Ip Local: ${color3}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${addr wlp0s4f1u1}${color}${font}
  143. ${voffset 2}${goto 32}Red Tor: ${color3}${if_running tor} Activada ${else} Desactivada ${endif}${voffset -4}${color}
  144. #${goto 32}Ip Pública: ${alignr}${color3}${execi 30 ~/.config/conky/conkyIp}${color}
  145. #
  146. # |--SIN RED
  147. ${else}${voffset 4}${offset 2}${font Wingdings:size=20}N${color}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${voffset -6}${goto 32}Red no disponible${font}${voffset 10}${endif}
  148. #
  149. #
  150. ######################
  151. # - ALMACENAMIENTO - #
  152. ######################
  153. ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}ALMACENAMIENTO $stippled_hr${font}
  155. ${execpi 3 ~/.config/conky/conkyStorage}
  156. #
  157. #
  158. # ##############
  159. # # - SONIDO - #
  160. # ##############
  161. ${voffset 4}${color}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}SONIDO $stippled_hr${font}
  162. # |--VOLUMEN
  163. ${font Webdings:size=18}U${font}${voffset -2}${goto 32}Volumen: ${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=8}${color0}${mixer}% ${color}${alignr}${mixerbar}
  164. #
  165. #
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