

Sep 19th, 2019
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  1. MathMatrix mat1 = new MathMatrix(1, 1, 2);
  2. int[][] e1 = new int[][] { { 2 } };
  3. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat1), e1, 1, "Constructor with size and initial val specified.");
  5. // test 2, specify size and values constructor
  6. mat1 = new MathMatrix(5, 2, -3);
  7. e1 = new int[][] { { -3, -3 }, { -3, -3 }, { -3, -3 }, { -3, -3 }, { -3, -3 } };
  8. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat1), e1, 2, "Constructor with size and initial val specified.");
  10. // test 3, deep copy constructor
  11. int[][] data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 2, 3, 4 }, { 3, 4, 5 } };
  12. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  13. data1[1][1] = 5;
  14. // alter data1. mat1 should be unchanged if deep copy made
  15. e1 = new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 2, 5, 4 }, { 3, 4, 5 } };
  16. printTestResult(data1, e1, 3, "constructor with one parameter of type int[][]");
  17. // data1 altered. mat1 should be unchanged if deep copy made
  18. e1 = new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 2, 3, 4 }, { 3, 4, 5 } };
  19. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat1), e1, 3,
  20. "constructor with one parameter of type int[][]. Testing deep copy made.");
  22. // test 4, deep copy constructor
  23. data1 = new int[][] { { 0 } };
  24. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  25. data1 = new int[][] { { 1 } };
  26. // alter data1. mat1 should be unchanged if deep copy made
  27. e1 = new int[][] { { 1 } };
  28. printTestResult(data1, e1, 4, "constructor with one parameter of type int[][]");
  29. // data1 altered. mat1 should be unchanged if deep copy made
  30. e1 = new int[][] { { 0 } };
  31. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat1), e1, 4,
  32. "constructor with one parameter of type int[][]. Testing deep copy made.");
  34. // test 5, testing getNumRows()
  35. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } };
  36. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  37. if (mat1.getNumRows() == 1)
  38. System.out.println("Passed test 5, getNumRows().");
  39. else
  40. System.out.println("Failed test 5, getNumRows().");
  42. // test 6, testing getNumRows()
  43. data1 = new int[][] { { 1 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 } };
  44. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  45. if (mat1.getNumRows() == 5)
  46. System.out.println("Passed test 6, getNumRows().");
  47. else
  48. System.out.println("Failed test 6, getNumRows().");
  50. // test 7, testing getNumColumns()
  51. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } };
  52. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  53. if (mat1.getNumColumns() == 6)
  54. System.out.println("Passed test 7, getNumColumns().");
  55. else
  56. System.out.println("Failed test 7, getNumColumns().");
  58. // test 8, testing getNumColumns()
  59. data1 = new int[][] { { 1 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 } };
  60. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  61. if (mat1.getNumColumns() == 1)
  62. System.out.println("Passed test 8, getNumColumns().");
  63. else
  64. System.out.println("Failed test 8, getNumColumns().");
  66. // test 9, testing getVal()
  67. if (mat1.getVal(3, 0) == 0)
  68. System.out.println("Passed test 9, getVal().");
  69. else
  70. System.out.println("Failed test 9, getVal().");
  72. // test 10, testing getVal()
  73. mat1 = new MathMatrix(4, 5, -1000);
  74. if (mat1.getVal(3, 4) == -1000)
  75. System.out.println("Passed test 10, getVal()");
  76. else
  77. System.out.println("Failed test 10, getVal()");
  79. // test 11, testing add method
  80. data1 = new int[][] { { 2, 3, 4 }, { 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10 } };
  81. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  82. MathMatrix mat2 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  83. MathMatrix mat3 = mat1.add(mat2);
  84. e1 = new int[][] { { 4, 6, 8 }, { 10, 12, 14 }, { 16, 18, 20 } };
  85. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 11, "add method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  87. // test 12, testing add method
  88. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  89. int[][] data2 = new int[][] { { -2, -3, -4 }, { -5, -6, -7 }, { -8, -9, -10 } };
  90. mat2 = new MathMatrix(data2);
  91. mat3 = mat1.add(mat2);
  92. e1 = new int[][] { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
  93. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 12, "add method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  95. // test 13, testing subtract method
  96. data1 = new int[][] { { 2, 3, 4 }, { 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10 } };
  97. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  98. mat2 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  99. mat3 = mat1.subtract(mat2);
  100. e1 = new int[][] { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
  101. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 13, "subtract method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  103. // test 14, testing subtract method
  104. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  105. data2 = new int[][] { { -2, -3, -4 }, { -5, -6, -7 }, { -8, -9, -10 } };
  106. mat2 = new MathMatrix(data2);
  107. mat3 = mat2.subtract(mat1);
  108. e1 = new int[][] { { -4, -6, -8 }, { -10, -12, -14 }, { -16, -18, -20 } };
  109. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 14, "subtract method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  111. // test 15, testing multiplication method
  112. data1 = new int[][] { { 2, 3, 4, 5 }, { 1, 6, 7, 8 }, { 5, 2, 3, 4 } };
  113. data2 = new int[][] { { 7, 4, 3 }, { 2, 1, 7 }, { 6, 5, 4 }, { 8, 9, 1 } };
  114. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  115. mat2 = new MathMatrix(data2);
  116. mat3 = mat1.multiply(mat2);
  117. e1 = new int[][] { { 84, 76, 48 }, { 125, 117, 81 }, { 89, 73, 45 } };
  118. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 15, "multiply method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  120. // test 16, testing multiplication method
  121. data1 = new int[][] { { 2, 3, 4 }, { 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10 }, { 11, 12, 13 } };
  122. data2 = new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } };
  123. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  124. mat2 = new MathMatrix(data2);
  125. mat3 = mat1.multiply(mat2);
  126. e1 = new int[][] { { 42, 51, 60 }, { 78, 96, 114 }, { 114, 141, 168 }, { 150, 186, 222 } };
  127. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 16, "multiply method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  129. // test 17, testing getScaledMatrix()
  130. mat3 = mat1.getScaledMatrix(100);
  131. e1 = new int[][] { { 200, 300, 400 }, { 500, 600, 700 }, { 800, 900, 1000 }, { 1100, 1200, 1300 } };
  132. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 17, "getScaledMatrix method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  134. // test 18, testing getScaledMatrix()
  135. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 } };
  136. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  137. mat3 = mat1.getScaledMatrix(0);
  138. e1 = new int[][] { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
  139. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat3), e1, 18, "getScaledMatrix method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  141. // test 19, testing transpose method
  142. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 4, 3, 2, 1 } };
  143. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  144. mat2 = mat1.getTranspose();
  145. e1 = new int[][] { { 1, 4 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 2 }, { 4, 1 } };
  146. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat2), e1, 19, "getTranspose() method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  148. // test 20, testing transpose method
  149. data1 = new int[][] { { 1 }, { 2 } };
  150. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  151. mat2 = mat1.getTranspose();
  152. e1 = new int[][] { { 1, 2 } };
  153. printTestResult(get2DArray(mat2), e1, 20, "getTranspose() method. Testing mat3 correct result.");
  155. // test 21, testing equals method
  156. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  157. mat2 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  158. if (mat1.equals(mat2))
  159. System.out.println("Passed test 21, equals method.");
  160. else
  161. System.out.println("Failed test 21, equals method.");
  163. // test 22, testing equals method
  164. data1 = new int[][] { { 0 } };
  165. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  166. mat2 = new MathMatrix(data2);
  167. if (!mat1.equals(mat2))
  168. System.out.println("Passed test 22, equals method.");
  169. else
  170. System.out.println("Failed test 22, equals method.");
  172. // test 23, testing toString method
  173. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 100, 104, -100000 }, { 1000, 10, 55, 4 }, { 1, -1, 4, 0 } };
  174. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  175. String expected = "| 1 100 104 -100000|\n| 1000 10 55 4|\n| 1 -1 4 0|\n";
  176. if (mat1.toString().equals(expected))
  177. System.out.println("passed test 23, toString method.");
  178. else
  179. System.out.println("failed test 23, toString method.");
  181. // test 24, testing toString method
  182. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } };
  183. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  184. expected = "| 1 2 3|\n| 4 5 6|\n| 7 8 9|\n";
  185. if (mat1.toString().equals(expected))
  186. System.out.println("passed test 24, toString method.");
  187. else
  188. System.out.println("failed test 24, toString method.");
  190. // test 25, testing isTriangular method
  191. data1 = new int[][] { { 0 } };
  192. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  193. if (mat1.isUpperTriangular())
  194. System.out.println("Passed test 25, upperTriangular method.");
  195. else
  196. System.out.println("Failed test 25, upperTriangular method");
  198. // test 26, testing isTriangular method
  199. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } };
  200. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  201. if (mat1.isUpperTriangular())
  202. System.out.println("Passed test 26, upperTriangular method.");
  203. else
  204. System.out.println("Failed test 26, upperTriangular method");
  206. // test 27, testing isTriangular method
  207. data1 = new int[][] { { 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
  208. mat1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
  209. if (!mat1.isUpperTriangular())
  210. System.out.println("Passed test 27. upperTriangular method.");
  211. else
  212. System.out.println("Failed test 27, upperTriangular method.");
  214. mat1 = new MathMatrix(32213, 32213, 0);
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