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Jun 4th, 2017
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  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Alpha v0.0.10 Patch: 'The Big One'
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Introduction
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. So, Alpha v0.0.10. This massive patch will be the last alpha patch and will mark the end of the alpha thread. For this patch, you will need to delete your old characters.
  9. Going forward, I will be working on the Beta Release. The goal for the beta release is to fine tune balance even further and add more content. I'm also going to experiment with art a bit (I'm actually pretty decent with photoshop ya kno).
  11. After I release the beta, I may have one or two small patches, though I am aiming to only have one beta release and then the final release.
  13. So, enough introduction! Onto the changes!
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Every class can now use all item types.
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. This decision is HUGE and goes against one of the biggest design decisions of the game. But, after much thinking, I decided that I simply disagree with the concept of item restrictions based on class. If you are a wizard and invest 500 points into strength, you should definately be able to weild plate armor. However, you should also suffer the consequences of this. You won't be able to wield top tier wands. You won't have a good mana pool or the ability to easily sustain your mana pool. And, you won't get the innate perception and critical bonuses of intelligence. In order to make such a design work, it is important to drastically revamp how items, classes and some affixes work as a whole. So, here are the changes:
  21. + Items now scale with around 500 points of stats needed to be usable at level 100. So, level 100 plate armor requires 500 strength. Wands need 500 intelligence. Etc.
  22. + Cloth has no strength requirement. (Was kind of pointless). But, leather, mail and plate (obviously) are higher in terms of strength requirement.
  23. + Shields have a strength requirement now. (500 for top tier shield).
  24. + Staves now require strength, dexterity and spirit to weild. But, do not let these stat requirements fool you. Staves are now multi-purpose weapons that excel at physical damage, blocking and spell damage. While you won't reach the levels of the highest wands, 2-handed weapons or shields, you get way more power per attribute point overall, thus making the total payout per stat point invested much higher than compared to other item types. They are not easy items to wield, but the payoff for wielding them is great. Perfect for the budding monk, dark templar or druid to destroy their foes with a combination of blunt trauma followed up with a sprinkling of hell fire raining down from above! (10% less damage compared to 2-handers. 10% less spell dmg compared to wands. Half the defense of shields (About 2x previous amount).).
  26. You will feel all of these changes immediately right from level 1.
  28. -------------------------------------
  29. Major class redesigns
  30. -------------------------------------
  32. I have a 'vision' for classes that still hadn't been realized with my last patches. And, may still not be reached with this patch. But, I think this is the last major push that will be needed to get everything going in the right direction.
  34. Naturally, many changes have been done to classes again. We now have a 'Monk' and 'Sniper' subclass. The paladin class specialises in auras. All classes have an innate passive and I tried to fit in at least one 'Ultimate' tier skill on everybody to incentivize picking one class over another. I've also lowered the starting cost on many skills to make them more accessible while rebalancing others. There are really too many changes to list in 100% perfect detail. But, I did plan all of my changes in advance and this document was updated continually over time. So, while not perfect, it's pretty close. Check it out at the bottom of this post. (Long, so put at the bottom).
  36. I guess my 'vision' can really be boiled down to this. You should be able to hit the random button for hybrid characters and never say 'Wow, that class sucks!'
  38. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. Resistances, armor, life, defense, accuracy, block, health and mana have been rebalanced quite a bit.
  40. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. 1.) Resistances, armor, life, defense, accuracy, block rebalancing.
  44. I rebalanced most defensive and offensive stats in general to provide tangible goals for players. Now, you will seriously need to get armor or else you are going to get 1-shot late game. You don't really have much of a choice unless you have perfect kiting/dodging skills. Yes, this is a 'gear check' level change. But, you get to completely decide when you are ready to advance... and that is when you move to a higher difficulty. Good luck.
  46. In general, flat bonuses are way higher on skills and on items, while percentage bonuses from most sources are way lower. 20% armor might seem like nothing compared to the old 200+ armor. And you're right. 200% armor bonus is op and just makes some classes way too much better than others. But, the good news now though is that you don't need to have a 200% armor bonus to survive the end game. You can be a mage with just flat armor from gear and your ice armor skill and feel really tanky against physical hits. Monster damage is now overall higher. But, in terms of defensive capabilities between classes and damage taken, everything should feel a lot more balanced than before.
  48. I tried to go for around 12 top tier items for armor, resist, attack. Defense is 16. Though, in the end, I wound up doing a lot of tweaking to these values after play testing, so this list below is no longer perfectly accurate. But, you should be able to pick up some of my thoughts on balancing the game.
  50. Affixes:
  51. + All Resists: 3 per resist.
  52. + Individual Resists: 6 per.
  53. + Attack: 26.
  54. + Critical Strike Chance & Critical Strike Damage now have 1/20th of their values on items. (400% on a single item gives you 100%+ crushing blow, which defeats the point of passives/gearing for it entirely.)
  55. + Crushing blow is 1/10th of its normal value.
  56. (Note: Stunning blow is not changed because it works kind of as intended. 450% on an item gives you 10% stunning blow. I don't know if it's bugged or what, but yeah. It's coded differently from most things, so unchanged.
  58. Skill:
  59. + Weapon skills give 300 attack per level.
  60. + Defense skills give 125 defense per level.
  61. + Percent skills give 1% per.
  62. + Armor about 2000 armor per slot (level 100).
  64. + Average item slots for 'top tier' = 12 items investment.
  65. + Defense valued at about 16 points to be 'top tier'. (It's a layered defense that is meant to be only for super late game if one wants it.) (About 2500 for top tier item. Equals 125 per level for skill.)
  66. + Shields are a really, really great way of acquiring defense. (Worth 4 slots of defensive items).
  68. Player & Some on Npc:
  70. + Attack Per Dex: 10.
  71. + Practically all % based stat bonuses are down by 75%. So, 500 strength gives 12.5% crushing blow, rather than an absolutely dominating amount of 50%. (5 items worth of stats). Same for crit, deep wounds, etc.
  73. 2.) Health and Mana rebalancing.
  75. Alright, so we've got those parts out of the way. So now what about health and mana? Well, the good news is that health mods on gear now scale to be a lot higher than before.
  77. No more crappy little '150 hp mod'. Say hello to the JUICY, 600 HP MOD! OH LAWD!
  79. So, yup. That happened.
  81. Now, you're probably asking yourself... why? Why Destro* would you ever do this?
  83. I'll tell you why! It's because I want to take even more power away from attribute and skill based defensive bonuses. Skills and attribute based defensive bonuses should be 'icing' on the cake. Yet, right now, they make up the majority of your defense. Actually, they make up like 99% of it. So, the best way to make a tanky character is to have a class that has a very powerful mana granting passive as well as some kind of life gain. Oh hey, that's Healer+Dark Templar in a nutshell. Plus, Healer even has a shield that gives like 1k+ effective life as well. If not for the severly overpowered ability Gaseous Form, that would be the most tanky class in the game. In fact, I can't even remember a time when I played vanilla Zombasite and cared about the hp mod on gear.
  85. So, yay! Because of this change, you can actually not pick Dark Templar, and not worry too much about not getting that extra 200%+ vitality that it would give you (Just a casual 4-6k life). (Well it's nerfed so it's more like 1-2k, but still).
  87. And, because I'm so nice, I even doubled the spawn chance of the health affix on gear. How sweet am I?
  89. Oh, and of course, all monster damage is 3x higher than normal in champion and higher difficulties. This is compounded on top of my previous buffs... so... yeah. Get HP or die.
  91. On the other hand, mana was actually buffed just a little bit. Mana is complicated. I removed reduced mana regeneration rate in combat, so I have to consider that. Then, I have to consider passive bonuses on skills, the amount from int, flat mana doesn't give any mana regeneration, mana drain from new buff skills and what affixes should give in that whole mix. As a whole, my goal is to have mana not be overpowered when coupled with energy shield while also being a balanced system for spell casting. So, mana can't be too high nor too low. It should be that 'extra layer of shield' if you want it for energy shield and also a very necessary resource for steadily casting high mana cost spells.
  93. So, I thought of numbers. I think 10k health is good for health which was why I set health at 500. (600x12 = 7200 base. Dark Templar = 20% = 8,640. Add 1k base, That's 9,640. Close enough to 10k and you can easily go higher by getting more thna 12 pieces of gear with health.). As for mana, doesn't 3,000-4,000 just sound good? I think so. So, the 135 base is already pretty close in vanilla (135*12 = 1,620). I just took it up to 200 because it's a nice number (200 * 12 = 2400). Then, I nerfed mana granting passives a bit (no more 1k from meditation >.>). And, well, that's it! Depending on your investment, you can still get over 6k mana. But, you're going to always want to strive to get HP. And, because HP and mana aren't mutually exclusive, you can get a very high health+mana combined pool, which will make you very tanky! Though, too many tanky stats and you'll do no damage. Good luck finding a nice balance!
  95. + All mana passives give way less. (Balanced around 300-400 at level 20).
  96. + Deep Thought gives 20 mana a level.
  98. A small consequence of all of these changes is that normal is even easier than ever. But, who cares about normal, right?
  100. -------------------------------------
  101. Lots of Misc Changes
  102. -------------------------------------
  104. == Traits: ==
  106. Had to lock up lucky. Mana Shield + Lucky combined with other changes is simply too op now. You can stay at < 500 life and never take more than 400 damage. Too op!
  108. == Potion Balance: ==
  110. Potions have been heavily revamped and in general nerfed. A top tier mana potion healed 1.1k in 4.2 seconds before. Combine this with a bit of mana/potion % on gear and status effect duration and you gain permanently full mana. Health potions were in the same boat. While you needed more mana/potion % for them to maintain them, you needed less status effect duration. In the end, none of these affixes were hard to stack (at 200% per piece of gear), so it was really easy to have pretty much permanently full resources, leading to death only by 1-shots in the late game. Not very interactive!
  112. Now, a top tier mana pot gives 300 mana over 8 seconds. Health potions are also heavily nerfed to. Combine this with my previous nerf to status effect duration affix and the new large nerf to potion effect affixes, it will be harder than ever to scale potions to ridiculous levels. What does this do? Well, it makes other regeneration options more appealing for one. Second, it prevents the 'permanently full' resources scenario I described above. Overall, this makes the game far more balanced.
  114. == New Elixers: ==
  116. In order to promote 'not logging off', I will be added many new elixirs to the game. I want to have a large selection eventually, but for now, we'll have just 1. It's the "Holy Shield Elixir". Quaffing it gives you percentage damage reduction for 3 seconds. The percent scales with item level of the potion. If you stack up Status Effect Duration substantially, then you can get a long duration on this potion. But, status effect duration has been nerfed, so good luck with that! (I mean you can still pull off like 10 seconds in the end game. But, don't expect to rock 60+ second elixirs).
  118. == Monster Enhancements: ==
  120. + Mana burn is now 1,2,3% for each form. I've always felt that 25% of your mana getting swiped with a single hit was a bit excessive. And, with higher ranked mobs roaming around now in abundance, being able to lose 25% (or 20%) of your mana from multiple sources absolutely kills off the viability of mana shield builds. Now, you will still need to be careful as always around mana burn monsters. But, you won't feel absolutely robbed by them when you get hit.
  122. == Item Affix Balancing: ==
  124. + Curses are less common overall.
  125. + Crystal/Obsidian also less common overall.
  126. + Set/Unique/Artifact/Legendary items can now spawn with 4/4/5/6 random affixes.
  127. + Normal items no longer have any extra affix. Even though I want to keep it on, there is a bug still where potions/gems, etc. pick up an extra affix which makes them unable to stack with each other. In any case, nobody uses white items with this mod anyway so it doesn't really matter in the end.
  128. + A few mods (crushing blow, critical strike chance, weapon speed, movement speed etc.) have been made globally accessible on all items as intended. Yay! (Formatting tool fix above applies massively to this).
  129. + Cast time is now a bit higher than before.
  130. + Life steal item proc has been heavily nerfed. (1% base with +.2% per level) (Still probably really op, will test)
  131. + Pet Damage mod down to 75% max.
  132. + Magic find has been doubled.
  133. + More Items base is now 10 instead of 5.
  134. + Health/Mana affix buffs as listed above.
  135. + Status Effect Duration is way down. (+50% at level 100)
  136. + Combat exp base is now 10%. (from 20%)
  138. == Crafting Balance: ==
  140. + Rebalanced value and drop rate of crafting materials.
  141. + 7.5x more scavanging materials given on average. (I really like having lots of potential to craft).
  143. == Drop Rate Rebalancing: ==
  145. in the theme of 'more', there will now be 'more' variety with drops. Instead of getting mostly weapons, you will now get a greater variety of items.
  147. + Weapons no longer dominate loot tables as much. Havled spawn rate for all weapon types. This 'should' massively increases drop type of nearly every other item type. (More than double because of how drop rates work).
  148. + Rings, Jewelery, relics and necklaces are now much more common. (~3x spawn rate)
  149. + Doors 1/4th spawn rate.
  150. + Zombie potions 1/2 spawn rate.
  151. + Flaming oil 1/2.
  152. + Mana potions double spawn rate. (same as health).
  154. == Vendors ==
  156. Rip.
  158. R. I. P.
  160. I have removed vendors from the game.
  162. Why? Well, because they are just overpowered. As soon as you reach a new difficulty tier, you can just go into the highest level of that area and respawn it until you get vendors with items that you want. This is most noticible on champion difficulty, where you can actually take advantage of this and buy level 40 items at level 20. A level 40 weapon at level 20 is pretty good btw. While my new stat requirements are pretty good at stopping cheese of this nature, it's not enough. And, I don't want to make requirements so ridiculous that you absolutely HAVE to be level 40 with level 40 BIS stat gear (or near it) to be able to wield level 40 gear. So, I just nuked vendors.
  164. In the past, I had made vendors galore permanent in the hopes that it could leverage the field being people who cheese by respawning areas and those who don't. But, I could never agree to balance level 20 areas around level 40 areas, just because such cheese exists.
  166. You can still go into a level 40 area and hunt for level 40 items using various methods (mainly chest hunting and picking up scraps). But, those are a lot more time consuming and risky than just going up to a vendor and buying overpowered gear. This nerf is also why I made scavanging so much more efficient. I'd rather players craft random items, rather than just buy overpowered gear.
  168. ... Vendors are also overpowered for town defense as well. And, they add clutter.
  169. ... I tried to remove vendors by setting all their spawn chances to 0. But, that didn't work. So, I upgraded their monster status effect to instantly kill them. Think of it as the Vendors realizing that their very existance is a sin, so they commit suicide upon spawn.
  171. == Misc: ==
  173. + Secret stashes are a bit bigger now. (.25 to .35)
  174. + Players now get some extra starter weapons (and potentially shield) based on class.
  175. + Avatar spawn chance when on low health decreased to a fifth.
  176. + Avatar heal aura effect now heals only 1% of health a second. (6% is a bit oppresive.)
  177. + Start with 5 recruits now.
  178. + Can only take 1 recruit adventuring with you.
  179. + Rebalanced crafting drops a bit by bringing all drops closer together in rarity. (The least rare are now less rare, which makes the more common more rare).
  181. -------------------------------------
  182. + Formatting Tool Update
  183. -------------------------------------
  185. So, it's no secret that I use a tool to convert the base asset files into a modded format that I can just change on the fly. All of the files that start with '_' are created by this tool, and I even have an assets001 and assets004 database file that has all files merged into one. (Very convenient for using ctrl+f to find things quickly in one file!)
  187. I updated it to properly account for the '/* */' comment type, that I wasn't aware existed or worked. I also use a new technique to clear out spaces at the start of each file. The result is there should be less formatting issues during file conversions in the future. And, as a result, many changes relating to item affixes that weren't taking effect will now take effect. I also rescanned all files with notepad++ ctrl+f search among fils to verify no other formatting issues exist. So, lots of cleanup was performed here!
  189. -------------------------------------
  190. + Things to test/update (for me)
  191. -------------------------------------
  193. + Finish adding in passives.
  194. + Rebalance cost of affixes.
  195. + Add new potions of various types.
  196. + Check status effect duration and new mana/health potion regen mods to make sure they are good.
  197. + All item type balance.
  199. - Choose art, animations and effects of all new skills.
  200. - Add more new potions.
  201. + Play test balance.
  203. Test: True Aim, StatusEffectItemProcBurstOfSpeedPerLevel,
  204. Maybe Possibly Future Todo: More set/unique/artifact/legendary items. (Eternity - Status Effect Duration and Health/Mana Potion Duration)
  206. -------------------------------------
  207. + Class Changes Detailed
  208. -------------------------------------
  210. + Warrrior:
  212. - Savior:
  213. - Description: High utility and jack of all trades. A bit poor defense.
  214. + Passive: -5% attack time, +10% movement speed.
  215. - Skills:
  216. - Remove:
  217. + Remove 6 weapon damage buffs.
  218. x Remove Adreneline.
  219. x Remove Accuracy.
  220. - Change:
  221. + Buff Arms mastery.
  222. + Nerf Accuracy.
  223. + Retaliation and whirlwind are a bit cheaper now.
  224. + Retaliation has lower phys damage bonus.
  225. - Transfer:
  226. x Move arms mastery to gladiator.
  227. + Move bleed over to gladiator as well
  228. + Move Devasting blow over to gladiator.
  229. - New:
  230. + Lesser Heal: Can heal an ally to increase health.
  231. + Buff All: Increase all stats (+2 to all stats, castable buff).
  232. - Ultimate:
  233. x To The Rescue: (Self-Buff) 5 mana a second drain. Increases attack speed, accuracy and movement speed all in one buff. (Would have like 0 skills on class with this design)
  234. + Retaliation + Whirlwind - Balanced skills.
  236. - Gladiator:
  237. - Description: Damage, Chasing, Phsyical Status Ailments (Stunning, Crushing, Armor Reduction & Bleed).
  238. + Passive: 15% weapon damage.
  240. - Skills:
  241. - Remove:
  242. + Focus: Absorb Damage.
  243. + Blood Lust
  244. - Change:
  245. + Focus: Rage: Reduce to 8% mana per level. Give .5 flat mana regen.
  246. + Savage Strike: 2 second cooldown. Mana cost of 30 base with +5 per level. Damage scaling way down.
  247. + Retaliation: Reduce damage to 15% base and 15% per level.
  248. - Transfer:
  249. + Savage Strike to Trickster. (Note, this change was also applied to npcs. Now, thief based classes use 'Blink Strike'. Most warrior based classes won't. (Except for Executioner... because it's meant to kill the crap out you! Beware!) (This decision was made because I don't think warriors being able to teleport makes sense. It seems more logical for the rouge class to have such an ability.)
  250. - New:
  251. + Add Stunning Blow Passive.
  252. - Ultimate:
  253. + Devestating blow will be new ultimate.
  255. - Defender:
  256. - Description: Slow, Defensive, Crowd Control. (Battle Cries?)
  257. + Passive: 2% armor and 2% all elemental resistances. -5% movement speed.
  259. - Skills:
  260. - Remove:
  261. + Parry.
  262. + Gut.
  263. + Block.
  264. - Change:
  265. + Shield Bash: 2 second cooldown.
  266. + Change Shield Mastery, Warding Shield and Blocking into three passives. (Armor, resistance and block chance. Maybe: Shield Mastery: Armor, Shield Mastery: Resistance, Shield Mastery: Block).
  267. + Ripostle has been tested and its been determined that it is actually pretty close to overpowered. So, in the spirit of making defender 'tank/cc' oriented, its damage has been bricked. The good news is that the reuse time is 5 seconds, which is makes the uptime on the skill substantially higher.
  268. - Transfer:
  269. - New:
  270. + Thorns: Returns damage when hit. (3% per level, starts at 10%). damage when hit. (On hold because it doesn't seem to work unless attached to status... will test later)
  271. x Inner Vitality: +3% vitality per level.
  272. + Constution: +4 vitality a level.
  273. - Ultimate:
  274. x Constitution: Powerful passive regeneration buff for Defender.
  275. + Fortress: Replace Block with this ability. Grants huge block bonus and armor bonus, as well as life regeneration. 5 mana a second drain. (Was going to do .5% life regeneration a second per level, but doesn't seem like this works. So, I just put health regeneration at 3% a second.)
  277. Rouge:
  279. - Sniper:
  280. - Description: Long-ranged, slow, high damage.
  281. + Passive: +2% accuracy, +5% damage.
  283. - Skills:
  284. - Remove:
  285. + Lethal Blow.
  286. + Viper Venom.
  287. + Gobs of Damage
  289. - Change:
  290. x Precise Strike: Reduce time to .66. No reuse time. Remains melee, lower damage and has scaling stun chance. No mana given anymore either.
  291. + Precision: Rebalance stats.
  292. + Critical Strike: .66 time, give 100% critical strike chance. No phys damage, increases damage with crit multi. Gives passive crit multi.
  293. x Charged Strike: Make ranged.
  295. - Transfer:
  296. + Critical strike to trickster.
  297. x Add a copy of charged strike to archer.
  298. + Add a copy of Frost Bolt to archer.
  300. - New:
  301. + Frost Bolt - Fires an arrow inbued with ice energy at foes.
  302. + Heavy Draw: A sniper attacks slower than normal. But, each strike deals more damage
  303. + Shank: Melee attack that has a chance to stun enemy.
  305. - Ultimate:
  306. + Snipe: Long cast time. Very high projectile speed. Very high all damage multi. Gives 100% critical strike chance, 100% accuracy. Scales crit multi actively and passively.
  308. [Trickster]:
  309. - Description: Sneaky, stealthy damage.
  310. + Passive: +10% escape notice.
  312. - Skills:
  313. - Remove:
  314. x Teleport
  315. + Evasion
  316. - Change:
  318. - Transfer:
  320. - New:
  322. - Ultimate:
  323. - Smoke Screen remains ultimate. Pretty strong ability, lol.
  325. [Thief]:
  326. - Description: Very versatile support subclass.
  327. + Passive: +2% life, +1% mana steal.
  329. - Skills:
  330. - Remove:
  332. - Change:
  333. + Combat Reflexes: 6 per level.
  335. - Transfer:
  337. - New:
  338. + Situational Awareness: "A tank endures damage. But, you... you are smarter than that! Rather than tank that fireball, you dodge it, taking only the damage of a light graze." (Would do elemental damage dodge, but percent resistance works fine here too. :))
  339. - Ultimate:
  340. Blink: A much cheaper version of teleport with a max range of 250. (Couldn't put range on teleport. :( )
  342. [Priest]:
  344. [Paladin]: Rename to Monk!
  345. - Description:
  346. - Passive: +3% Strength, +3% spirit, +3% dexterity.
  348. - Skills:
  349. - Remove:
  350. + Mail Armor
  351. + Regeneration
  353. - Change:
  354. + Smite: 1 second cast time. Cheaper cost. Rebalanced accuracy.
  355. + Zeal: Make a 4 point ability. Reduce stats appropriately.
  356. + Bravery: Rebalance.
  358. - Transfer:
  359. + Shield Mastery to 'Shaman/Paladin'
  360. + Shield Slam to 'Shaman/Paladin'
  361. + Smite to 'Shaman/Paladin'
  362. + Mace Mastery to 'Shaman/Paladin'
  363. - New:
  364. x Swift Strikes: Buff, reduce attack time. (Gave adreneline instead.)
  366. - Ultimate:
  367. + Qi blast will be.
  369. Test:
  370. True Aim: Make sure it's not op.
  372. [Healer]:
  373. - Description:
  374. - Passive: +10% skill healing. +3% spirit, +3% intelligence.
  376. - Skills:
  377. - Remove:
  378. + Lesser Heal
  380. - Change:
  381. x Area Heal, rework it to be a 'mega skill'.
  382. + Area Heal: Now heals 50 + 50 a level. Mana cost base and per level up a bit.
  383. + Greater Heal: Now heals 75 + 75 a level. Costs 3 skill points base.
  384. + Curse: Now gives 6% skill healing per level.
  386. - Transfer:
  388. - New:
  389. + Summon a guardian: "SkillItemProcSummon - status effect"
  391. - Ultimate:
  393. [Druid]: Rename to Paladin.
  394. - Description:
  395. - Passive: +3% strength, +3% spirit. .5% mana regenerated per second.
  397. - Skills:
  398. - Remove:
  400. - Change:
  401. + Champion = Weapon Damage only.
  402. + Rename Holy Fire to 'Ki Blast'. Reduce passive bonuses.
  403. + Hardiness, all power is in active portion now.
  405. - Transfer:
  406. + Champion to Monk.
  407. + True Aim to Monk.
  408. + Hardiness to Monk.
  409. + Convergence to Monk.
  411. - New:
  412. + Haste Aura: Increase movement speed aura.
  413. + Rejuvination Aura: 5 regeneration a second per level. Mana cost of 2 per second.
  414. + Armor Aura: Armor aura.
  415. + Spike Aura: Thorns Aura.
  416. + Aura Elemental Resistance Aura.
  418. - Ultimate:
  419. + Suppression: Aura. Decrease enemy damage in a huge radius around yourself. 3% + 1% per level.
  421. [Wizard]:
  424. [Fire Mage]:
  425. - Description:
  426. + Passive: +15% spell damage
  428. - Skills:
  429. - Remove:
  431. - Change:
  432. + Shield of Fire is now 1% damage returned per level.
  433. + Meditation - Reduces defenses heavily and completely immobalizes your character. But, you will recharge a huge amount of mana per second. (Went to fire mage because the other mage archetypes have mana related skills. And, it kind of fits the 'huge expenditure' style I'm going for with fire mages)
  434. + Fire Elemental - Reuse time to 1.0 seconds. Each lasts 240 seconds. +1 Fire Elemental per 8 levels. Damage base and scaling lowered quite a lot. Defenses reduced in accordance with nerf in the past to summons. Costs 6 points base now.
  436. - Transfer:
  438. - New:
  440. - Ultimate 1:
  442. - Ultimate 2:
  445. [Ice Mage]:
  446. - Description:
  447. + Passive: 1% of mana regenerated every second.
  449. - Skills:
  450. - Remove:
  452. - Change:
  454. - Transfer:
  456. - New:
  458. - Ultimate 1:
  460. - Ultimate 2:
  462. [Lightning Mage]:
  463. - Description:
  464. + Passive: -10% cast time.
  466. - Skills:
  467. - Remove:
  469. - Change:
  470. - SkillBallLightning, rework it to be a 'mega skill'.
  471. - Lightning Swarm, same, rework to a 'mega skill'.
  472. - Replace all spell damage bonuses and lightning damage bonuses on lightning skills with cast time. (Keep lightning dmg % just make like 1%).
  473. + Stored Lightning now requires only 20 seconds to charge up.
  475. - Transfer:
  477. - New:
  479. - Ultimate 1:
  481. - Ultimate 2:
  483. [Ranger]:
  485. * Most ranger projectile damages have been dropped. If you want high (potentially broken) ranged damage, pick sniper!
  487. [Archer]:
  488. - Description:
  489. + Passive: 10% Movement speed, 10% weapon damage.
  491. - Skills:
  492. - Remove:
  494. - Change:
  495. + Multishoot now gives its projectile bonus to the skill only. Nerfed weapon and projectile passives. Base damage down. Cast time down from 1.24 to 0.85.
  497. - Transfer:
  498. x Poison Arrow to Assassin.
  500. - Copy:
  501. + Multishot over to Hunter.
  503. - New:
  504. + Rapid Fire (1 point): Fires faster than normal but does less damage per hit and has a high chance of missing.
  506. - Ultimate:
  508. - Test:
  509. Eagle Eye
  511. [Hunter]:
  512. - Description:
  513. + Passive: 10% Movement Speed, 15% Escape Notice.
  515. - Skills:
  516. - Remove:
  517. + Cooking
  519. - Change:
  520. x Light Touch renamed to camoflauge.
  522. - Transfer:
  524. - New:
  525. + Nature Affinity: Generic elemental resist.
  526. + Foraging: Item Quantity + Food Sense.
  527. + Metabolic Boost: Food/Mana Potion Boost.
  529. - Ultimate:
  530. + Summon Night Hunter: Using unused 'Summon Chaos Lord' skill. Would prefer to give hunter a wolf. But, oh well! WE DO WHAT WE DO.
  532. [Druid]:
  533. - Description:
  534. + Passive: 20% status effect duration. .5% mana regenerated per second.
  536. - Skills:
  537. - Remove:
  539. - Change:
  541. - Transfer:
  543. - New:
  545. - Ultimate:
  547. [Conjurer]:
  549. x Npcs will get different version of summoning spells that spawn less per level. Meanwhile, players get 2 per level still.
  550. + Fix all summon descriptions to accurately reflect count.
  551. + Always spawn very rare summons
  552. + Switch Magician and Warlock tree locations.
  553. + Summon skills are all down from 1.5 cast time to 1.0.
  555. [Warlock]:
  556. - Description:
  557. + Passive: 10% faster minions.
  559. - Skills:
  560. - Remove:
  562. - Change:
  563. + Summon Scree: Reduced attack time to 1% increase a level.
  565. - Transfer:
  566. + Arcane might to fire mage.
  568. - New:
  570. - Ultimate:
  573. [Necromancer]:
  574. - Description:
  575. + Passive: 10% increased minion damage.
  577. - Skills:
  578. - Remove:
  580. - Change:
  582. - Transfer:
  584. - New:
  586. - Ultimate:
  588. [Magician]:
  589. - Description:
  590. + Passive: .5% mana regenerated per second. 5% cast time reduction.
  592. - Skills:
  593. - Remove:
  594. + Magical Physique
  596. - Change:
  597. + Arcane Might is now at 8% base and per level.
  599. - Transfer:
  601. - New:
  603. - Ultimate:
  605. [Demon_Hunter]:
  607. [Reaver]:
  608. - Description:
  609. - Savior Passive.
  611. - Skills:
  612. - Remove:
  613. + Plate Armor
  615. - Change:
  617. - Transfer:
  619. - New:
  621. - Ultimate:
  624. [Warden]:
  625. - Description:
  626. + Passive: +2% all resist. +2% block chance. +2% armor. -5% speed.
  628. - Skills:
  629. - Remove:
  631. - Change:
  633. - Transfer:
  635. - New:
  637. - Ultimate:
  639. [Demonologist]:
  640. - Description:
  641. + Passive: +5% weapon damage. 1% all resists. 10% status effect duration.
  643. - Skills:
  644. - Remove:
  646. - Change:
  648. - Transfer:
  650. - New:
  652. - Ultimate:
  654. [Death Knight]:
  656. [Blackguard]:
  657. - Description:
  658. + Passive: +10% attack speed, +10% cast time.
  660. - Skills:
  661. - Remove:
  663. - Change:
  664. + Plague Touch: This skill has always been a touchy one for me. It is extremely good, but the rest of the Blackguard tree was always so bad imho that I didn't want to nerf its only selling point. But, now that I've done all of the chnages that I have, it is time. This skill has now been massively nerfed. Starts a 5% and has 1.5% growth rather than 5%. This skill is still really freaking strong and probably overpowered. But, I'll have to test it more. And, again, it's the only 'really good' skill on the tree, so maybe its fine. Though the new Reaper has op status written all over it, so we'll see.
  665. + Agony Touch is nerfed in a similar way.
  667. - Transfer:
  669. - New:
  671. - Ultimate:
  674. [Dark Templar]:
  675. - Description:
  676. + Passive: None.
  678. - Skills:
  679. - Remove:
  681. - Change:
  682. + Remove mana reservation on three buff skills.
  683. + Darkness lasts for 5 seconds and has a 10 second reuse time. It's attack and defense decreases have been nerfed too.
  685. - Transfer:
  687. - New:
  689. - Ultimate:
  691. [Reaper]:
  692. - Description:
  693. + Passive: +3% life steal, +3% mana steal.
  695. - Skills:
  696. - Remove:
  698. - Change:
  699. + Unholy Resistance: 30 per level. 50 zombie res per level.
  701. - Transfer:
  703. - New:
  704. + Staff Mastery.
  706. - Ultimate:
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