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I Can Hear You Breathing

a guest
Feb 11th, 2018
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  1. QCodes:
  3. + - Soros family
  4. ++ - Rothschild family
  5. +++ - House of Saud
  6. 187 - police code for Murder
  7. 4,10,20 - DJT, Donald J. Trump
  8. ADM R - Admiral Rogers, Director of NSA
  9. AF1 - Air Force 1, POTUS plane
  10. AG - Attorney General
  11. AL - Al Franken, Senator of Minnesota
  12. Alice and Wonderland - Hillary Clinton and the Bloody Saudi Arabia
  13. AM/#2 - Andrew McCabe
  14. ANON - Anonymous
  15. ANTIFA - Anti-Fascists, Soros backed domestic terrorists
  16. AS - Adam Schiff also Antonin Scalia
  17. ATL - Atlanta, state capital of Georgia
  18. AUS - Australia
  19. BIS - Bank for International Settlesments
  20. BOB - Robert Mueller former Director of FBI
  21. BO - Barack Obama also Board Owner
  22. BHO/HUSSEIN/Renegade - Barack (Hussein) Obama, Renegade (traitor) was his USSS codename
  23. BOD - Board of Directors
  24. BP - Border Patrol
  25. BUZZF - BuzzFeed
  26. C-INFO - Classified information
  27. CA - Canada
  28. CEO - Chief Executive Officer
  29. CF - Clinton Foundation
  30. CFR - Council on Foreign Relations
  31. Clowns/Clowns In America/C-A - CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
  32. CM - CodeMonkey, 8chan Administrator
  33. COMMS - Communications
  34. *CS - Chuck Schumer also Civil Service
  35. CTR - Correct The Record
  36. DC - District of Columbia
  37. DJT/POTUS - Donald J. Trump, President Of The United States
  38. DNC - Democratic National Committee
  39. DOD - Department of Defense
  40. DOE - Department of Energy
  41. DOJ/D-J - Department of Justice
  42. DOPEY - Alwaleed bin Talal
  43. D's - Democrats
  44. DWS - Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  45. EM - Elon Musk
  46. EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse
  47. EMS - Emergency Messaging System also Emergency Medical Services
  48. EO - Executive Order
  49. ES - Eric Schmidt
  50. EU - European Union
  51. F&F - Fast and Furious (Feinstein's failed gun sale attempt)
  52. f2f - Face-to-Face
  53. FB - Facebook
  54. FBI/F-I - Federal Bureau of Investigation
  55. FED - Federal Reserve also Federal
  56. FF - False flag
  57. FISA - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
  58. FLYNN - Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Trump
  59. GEORGE - GS
  60. GOOG - Google
  61. GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Naval Base military prison and detention camp
  62. GS - George Soros
  63. H - Haiti
  64. HI - Hawaii
  65. HK - Hong Kong
  66. HRC - Hillary Rodham Clinton
  67. HS - Homeland Security
  68. HA/Huma - Huma Abedin
  69. HUMA - Harvard University Muslim Alumni
  70. H-wood - Hollywood
  71. IC - Intelligence Community
  72. ID/IDEN - Identification
  73. IRS - Internal Revenue Service
  74. ISIS - Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
  75. JA - Julian Assange
  76. JACK -
  77. JB - John Brennan, Former CIA Director
  78. JC - James Clapper (Former DNI Director) also James Comey (Former FBI Director)
  79. JFK - John Kennedy, former President of the USA before being assassinated in 1962
  80. JOHNNY - John Conyers, US Representative for Michigan
  81. JK - John Kerry also Jared Kushner
  82. JS - John Solomon
  83. KKK - Ku Klux Klan, started by the D's
  84. L - Lynn Rothschild
  85. LDR - Lord De Rothschild
  86. LL - Loretta Lynch
  87. LV - Las Vegas
  88. MAY - Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  90. MB - Muslim Brotherhood
  91. MI - Military Intelligence
  92. ML - Marshal Law
  93. MM - Media Matters also Million
  94. MS-13 - Latino Drug Cartel
  95. MSM - Mainstream Media
  96. MW - Maxine Waters
  97. MZ - Mark Zuckerberg
  98. NG/NAT G - National Guard
  99. NK/NORK/NOK - North Korea
  100. NP - Non-Profit also Nancy Pelosi
  101. NSA - National Security Agency
  102. NWO - New World Order
  103. NYT - New York Times, American newspaper
  104. OO - Oval Office
  105. OP - Original poster also Operation(s)
  106. P_PERS - President Trump's Personal message to us
  107. PG - Pizzagate/pedogate
  108. PL - Presidential library
  109. PM - Prime Minister
  110. POS - Piece of shit
  111. PP - Planned Parenthood
  112. PS - Peter Strzok, FBI agent
  113. RNC - Republican National Committee
  114. R's - Republicans
  115. RED RED - Red Cross
  116. ROTH - Rothschild
  117. RR - Rod Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General) also Ronald Reagan
  118. RT - Real time
  119. RYAN - Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House
  120. SA - Saudi Arabia
  121. SAP - Special Access Programs
  122. SC - Supreme Court
  123. SD - State Department
  124. SEC - Security also Secure
  125. SESSIONS - Jeff Sessions (Attorney General)
  126. SH - Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit
  127. SID/We Don't Say His Name/John M - John Sidney McCain
  128. SIS - Secret Intelligence Service (in the United Kingdom)
  129. SK - South Korea
  130. SOTU - State of the Union
  131. SR - Susan Rice also Seth Rich
  132. SS - Secret Service
  133. ST - Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6)
  134. TG - Trey Gowdy
  135. TSA - Transportation Security Administration
  136. U1 - Uranium One
  137. UBL - Osama Bin Laden
  138. UN - United Nations
  139. US - United States
  140. USMC - United States Marine Corps
  141. USSS - United States Secret Service
  142. VJ - Valerie Jarret
  143. WH - White House
  144. WL - Wikileaks
  145. WRWY - We are with you
  146. WW - Worldwide
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