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Sep 2nd, 2016
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  1. %=============================================
  2. % created by MuseScore Version: 1.3
  3. % Friday, September 02, 2016
  4. %=============================================
  6. \version "2.12.0"
  8. \layout {\context {\Score \omit BarNumber}}
  9. #(set-global-staff-size 19)
  11. #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
  13. \paper {
  14. #(define fonts
  15. (set-global-fonts
  16. #:music "cadence"
  17. #:brace "beethoven"
  18. #:roman "IM Fell Great Primer Pro"
  19. #:sans "IM Fell French Canon Pro"
  20. #:typewriter "Century Schoolbook L"
  21. #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20)))
  22. line-width = 186.133\mm
  23. left-margin = 14.8836\mm
  24. top-margin = 14.8836\mm
  25. bottom-margin = 14.8836\mm
  26. %%indent = 0 \mm
  27. %%set to ##t if your score is less than one page:
  28. %% in orchestral scores you probably want the two bold slashes
  29. %% separating the systems: so uncomment the following line:
  30. %% system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator
  31. }
  33. \header {
  34. title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "IM Fell French Canon Pro") {Psalm XIX.}}
  35. poet = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "IM Fell Double Pica Pro") {March 2007. Rev. February 2012. Rev. August 2016}}
  36. composer = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "IM Fell Double Pica Pro") {Psalm 19: 7, 8, 9, 14}}
  37. tagline = ##f
  38. }
  40. ATrvoiceAA = \relative c'{
  41. \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Discantus."
  42. \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #""
  43. \clef treble
  44. %staffkeysig
  45. \key d \major
  46. %barkeysig:
  47. \key d \major
  48. %bartimesig:
  49. \time 2/2
  50. fis2 e4( d8 e) | % 1
  51. fis2. a4 | % 2
  52. b8 \melisma cis\melismaEnd d2 e4 | % 3
  53. fis1 | % 4
  54. }% end of last bar in partorvoice
  58. ASvoiceBA = \relative c'{
  59. \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Soprano & Alto."
  60. \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #""
  61. \clef treble
  62. %staffkeysig
  63. \key d \major
  64. %barkeysig:
  65. \key d \major
  66. %bartimesig:
  67. \time 2/2
  68. fis2 e4( d8 e) | % 1
  69. fis2. a4 | % 2
  70. b8\melisma a\melismaEnd d2 cis4 | % 3
  71. b1 | % 4
  72. %bartimesig:
  73. \cadenzaOn
  74. \slurDashed
  75. \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
  77. b\breve a4 b b1
  78. \breathe | % 5
  79. b\breve a4 g fis1 \breathe \bar "|" \break \cadenzaOff
  80. \cadenzaOn | % 6
  81. g\breve fis4 (g) b1 \breathe | % 7
  82. a\breve g4 (a) fis1 \bar "|."
  83. }% end of last bar in partorvoice
  86. ASvoiceBB = \relative c'{
  87. \voiceTwo
  89. d2 d | % 1
  90. cis2. fis4 | % 2
  91. fis8\melisma e\melismaEnd g2 e4 | % 3
  92. dis?1_"D# after v.4"
  93. \cadenzaOn
  94. \slurDashed
  95. \set melismaBusyProperties = #'() | % 4
  96. fis\breve e4 fis g1 | % 5
  97. g\breve e4 d cis1 \bar "|" \cadenzaOff
  98. \cadenzaOn| % 6
  99. d\breve d4 (e) fis1 | % 7
  100. d\breve e4 (e) cis1 \bar "|."
  101. }% end of last bar in partorvoice
  104. ASpartB = <<
  105. \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn
  106. \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn
  107. \context Voice = ASvoiceBA{\voiceOne \ASvoiceBA}\\
  108. \context Voice = ASvoiceBB\ASvoiceBB
  109. >>
  113. ABvoiceCA = \relative c{
  114. \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor & Bass."
  115. \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #""
  116. \clef bass
  117. %staffkeysig
  118. \key b \minor
  119. %barkeysig:
  120. \key b \minor
  121. %bartimesig:
  122. \time 2/2
  123. \once \override TextScript.force-hshift = #-5
  124. b'2^\markup { \box \center-column {"SATB"{"after v.3 & 4"}}} b | % 1
  125. b4( a2) d4 | % 2
  126. d8\melisma cis\melismaEnd b2 b8\melisma a\melismaEnd | % 3
  127. b1 | % 4
  128. \cadenzaOn
  129. \slurDashed
  130. \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
  131. d\breve cis4 d d1 \breathe | % 5
  132. d\breve cis4 b ais1 \breathe \bar "|" \cadenzaOff | % 6
  133. \cadenzaOn
  134. b\breve a4 (b) b1 \breathe | % 7
  135. fis\breve b4 (b) ais1 \bar "|."
  136. }% end of last bar in partorvoice
  139. ABvoiceCB = \relative c{
  140. \voiceTwo \arpeggioBracket
  142. b4( a) g( g') | % 1
  143. fis2. d4 | % 2
  144. g e2 fis4 | % 3
  145. <fis b,>1\arpeggio
  146. \cadenzaOn
  147. \slurDashed
  148. \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
  149. | % 4
  150. b\breve b4 a g1 | % 5
  151. e\breve cis4 cis fis1 \bar "|" \cadenzaOff
  152. \cadenzaOn | % 6
  153. e\breve e4 (e) d1 | % 7
  154. b\breve cis4 (cis) fis,1 \bar "|."
  155. }% end of last bar in partorvoice
  158. ABpartC = <<
  159. \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn
  160. \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn
  161. \context Voice = ABvoiceCA{\voiceOne \ABvoiceCA}\\
  162. \context Voice = ABvoiceCB\ABvoiceCB
  163. >>
  165. ATrpartAverseA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "" Your words, Lord, are spir -- it and life. }
  166. ASpartBverseA = \lyricmode { Your words, Lord, are spir -- it and life.
  167. <<
  168. {
  169. \set stanza = #"1. "
  170. \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT "The law of the" Lord is perfect, reviv -- ing the soul; "the decrees of the" Lord are sure, making wise the simple. }
  171. \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"ASpartBverseA" } {
  172. \set stanza = #"4. " \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT "Let the words" of my mouth "and the meditation" of my heart "be acceptable" to _ you, "O LORD, my rock and" my re -- deemer. }
  173. \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"ASpartBverseA" } {
  174. \set stanza = #"3. " \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT "The fear of the" Lord is pure, endur -- ing for -- ever; "the ordinances of the" Lord are true "and righteous" al -- to -- gether. }
  175. \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"ASpartBverseA" } {
  176. \set stanza = #"2. " \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT "The precepts of the" Lord are right, rejoic -- ing the heart: "the commandment of the" Lord is clear, enlightening the _ eyes. }
  177. >> }
  178. \score {
  179. <<
  180. \context ChoirStaff = B<<
  181. \context Staff = ATrpartA <<
  182. \context Voice = ATrvoiceAA \ATrvoiceAA
  183. >>
  185. \context Lyrics = ATrpartAverseA\lyricsto ATrvoiceAA \ATrpartAverseA
  187. \context Staff = ASpartB <<
  188. \ASpartB
  189. >>
  191. \context Lyrics = ASpartBverseA\lyricsto ASvoiceBA \ASpartBverseA
  193. \context Staff = ABpartC <<
  194. \ABpartC
  195. >>
  198. >> %end of StaffGroupB
  202. \set Score.skipBars = ##t
  203. #(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary)
  204. \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters %%boxed rehearsal-marks
  205. \override Score.TimeSignature #'style = #'() %%makes timesigs always numerical
  206. %% remove previous line to get cut-time/alla breve or common time
  207. \set Score.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
  208. %% make spanners comprise the note it end on, so that there is no doubt that this note is included.
  209. \override Score.TrillSpanner #'(bound-details right padding) = #-2
  210. \override Score.TextSpanner #'(bound-details right padding) = #-1
  211. %% Lilypond's normal textspanners are too weak:
  212. \override Score.TextSpanner #'dash-period = #1
  213. \override Score.TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #0.5
  214. %% lilypond chordname font, like mscore jazzfont, is both far too big and extremely ugly (
  215. \override Score.ChordName #'font-family = #'roman
  216. \override Score.ChordName #'font-size =#0
  217. \override Score.LyricText #'font-size = #1.2
  218. %% In my experience the normal thing in printed scores is maj7 and not the triangle. (olagunde):
  219. \set Score.majorSevenSymbol = \markup {maj7}
  220. >>
  222. %% Boosey and Hawkes, and Peters, have barlines spanning all staff-groups in a score,
  223. %% Eulenburg and Philharmonia, like Lilypond, have no barlines between staffgroups.
  224. %% If you want the Eulenburg/Lilypond style, comment out the following line:
  225. \layout {\context {\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves}}
  226. }%% end of score-block
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