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May 16th, 2018
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  1. "1 print [msg] - Prints a message to the developer console",
  2. "2 warn [msg] - Warns a message to the developer console",
  3. "3 sit - Makes you sit",
  4. "4 god - Activates FE Godmode (breaks tools)",
  5. "5 view [plr] - Changes your camera subject to another player",
  6. "6 unview - Changes your camera back to your player",
  7. "7 gravity [num] - Changes workspace gravity to [num]",
  8. "8 ungravity - Reverts workspace gravity to game's default",
  9. "9 goto [plr] - Teleports you to a player",
  10. "10 fecheck - Checks whether the game is FE or not",
  11. "11 lockws - Locks the whole workspace",
  12. "12 unlockws - Unlocks the whole workspace",
  13. "13 noclip - Allows you to walk through walls and other objects",
  14. "14 clip - Stops noclip, can collide",
  15. "15 follow [plr] / [num] - Makes you follow a player constantly, optional [num] for how far away to follow",
  16. "16 unfollow - Stops you from following",
  17. "17 fling [plr] / [pow] - Uses your character to fling a player, optional [pow] for how much power to put into the fling",
  18. "18 unfling - Stops you from flinging",
  19. "19 trail [plr] / [num] - Makes you trail (walk infront) of a player constantly, optional [num] for how far away to trail",
  20. "20 untrail - Stops you from trailing",
  21. "21 annoy [plr] - Loop teleports you to the player",
  22. "22 unannoy - Stops loop teleporting you",
  23. "23 reset - Resets your character",
  24. "24 grespawn - Respawns your character, best for use after FE godmode",
  25. "25 respawn - Respawns your character, best to use if grespawn fails to work",
  26. "26 speed // ws [num] - Changes your walkspeed (speed or ws) to [num]",
  27. "27 jumppower // jp [num] - Changes your jumppower (jumppower or jp) to [num]",
  28. "28 hipheight // hh [num] - Changes your hipheight (hipheight or hh) to [num]",
  29. "29 default - Changes your walkspeed, jumppower and hipheight back to normal",
  30. "30 credits - Displays admin credits (by illremember#3799)",
  31. "31 attach [plr] - Attaches you to a player, tool required",
  32. "32 fly / [speed] - Enables fly, optional [speed] for how fast to fly",
  33. "33 unfly - Disables fly",
  34. "34 kill [plr] - Kills a player, tool required",
  35. "35 bring [plr] - Brings a player, tool required",
  36. "36 naked - Displays avatar body colours",
  37. "37 nolimbs - Deletes all your arms and legs",
  38. "38 noarms - Deletes both your arms",
  39. "39 nolegs - Deletes both your legs",
  40. "40 antikick [on/off] - Blocks all remotes for antikick when on, disables when off",
  41. "41 blockremote [remote] / [service] - Blocks a remote from firing, optional [service] for where the remote is located",
  42. "42 remotespy [on/off] - Prints all remotes to developer console when on when fired, stops printing when off",
  43. "43 bang [plr] / [speed] - Bangs a player, optional [speed] to set animation adjust speed",
  44. "44 unbang - Stops bang player",
  45. "45 spam [msg] - Spams [msg] in chat",
  46. "46 spamdelay [num] - Sets how long to wait in between spamming",
  47. "47 unspam - Stops spamming",
  48. "48 info [plr] - Creates GUI with information about player account, shows Account age, membership and account ID",
  49. "49 age [plr] - Chats account age of player",
  50. "50 invisible - Enables FE invisibility, by Timeless",
  51. "51 walk [plr] - Begins to make you loop walk towards player",
  52. "52 glitch [plr] / [num] - Glitches a player, tool required, optional [num] for strength of glitch",
  53. "53 tp [plr] [plr] - Teleports a player to another player, tool required",
  54. "54 givetool [plr] / [tool] - Gives your current equipped tool to player, optional [tool] to pick a tool by name from your inventory",
  55. "55 givealltools [plr] - Gives all tools currently equipped and in inventory to player",
  56. "56 blockhats - Removes mesh of all accessories",
  57. "57 blocktool - Removes mesh of currently equipped tool",
  58. "58 orbit [plr] - Begins to make you orbit around a player",
  59. "59 unorbit - Stops you orbiting a player",
  60. "60 pos - Shows your current position",
  61. "61 savepos - Saves your current position",
  62. "62 loadpos - Loads your current position from savepos",
  63. "63 tppos [num] [num] [num] - Teleports you to position [num], [num], [num]",
  64. "64 pmspam [plr] [msg] - Makes you spam a player's pm with [msg]",
  65. "65 unpmspam - Stops spamming a player's pm",
  66. "66 wsvis [num] - Changes all parts in workspace to [num] transparency",
  67. "67 bringobj [obj] / [num] - Brings an object in the workspace to you, optional [num] for how far away to bring object",
  68. "68 cbring [plr] - Brings a player to you constantly on client",
  69. "69 uncbring - Stops bringing a player to you on client",
  70. "70 cfreeze [plr] - Freezes a player on your client",
  71. "71 uncfreeze / [plr] - Unfreezes a player on your cleint",
  72. "72 unattach - Unattaches you from a player",
  73. "73 reach [on/off] / [num] - Activates/Deactivates reach for currently equipped tool, optional [num] for how long the reach should be",
  74. "74 droptool / [tool] - Drops a tool into the workspace, optional [tool] command for which tool to drop",
  75. "75 drophats - Drops all your accessories into the workspace",
  76. "76 hidecmdbar - Hides the command bar",
  77. "77 showcmdbar - Shows the command bar",
  78. "78 prefix [key] - Changes your prefix to [key] must be 1 character",
  79. "79 removeinvis - Removes all invisible parts in workspace",
  80. "80 removefog - Removes fog in lighting",
  81. "81 animation [id/gui] / [speed] - Makes you play an animation with [id], optional [speed] for adjusting animation speed OR [gui] to open Energize animation GUI",
  82. "82 btools - Gives you btools for deleting, copying and dragging (client side)",
  83. "83 esp [plr] - Enables an esp for that player, credits to Infinite Yield",
  84. "84 unesp / [plr] - Disables all esp, optional [plr] for disabling esp just for that player",
  85. "85 dice - Chats you rolling a dice for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6",
  86. "86 random [min] [max] - Chats you picking a random number between [min] and [max]",
  87. "87 closegame - Shutsdown/closes your game",
  88. "88 savetool / [tool] - Saves a tool to your player equipped, optional [tool] for which tool to save in your inventory",
  89. "89 loadtool / [tool] - Loads a tool from your player, optional [tool] for which tool to load by name",
  90. "90 savealltool - Saves all tools in your character/inventory",
  91. "91 loadalltool - Loads all tools in your player saved tools",
  92. "92 clicktp / [key] - Enables click teleport, optional [key] to set a key instead of clicking",
  93. "93 clickdel / [key] - Enables click delete part, optional [key] to set a key instead of clicking",
  94. "94 unclicktp - Disables clicktp",
  95. "95 unclickdel - Disables clickdel",
  96. "96 shutdown - Attempts a server shutdown",
  97. "97 chatlogs - Opens up a chat log gui with options to print chat to developer console",
  98. "98 stopadmin - Disables currently running admin completely",
  99. "99 freecam / [speed] - Enables freecam (like flying but not in character), optional [speed] for how fast the freecam should go",
  100. "100 unfreecam - Disables freecam",
  101. "101 fctp [plr] - Teleports your freecam to player",
  102. "102 gotofc - Teleports you to current freecam position",
  103. "103 cmds - Opens up this GUI with commands",
  104. "104 fullcredits - Shows full individual credits for all help with the admin",
  105. "105 hotkey [key] [cmd] - Creates a hotkey that executes [cmd] when [key] is pressed",
  106. "106 removehotkey [key] - Removes a hotkey with [key]",
  107. "107 removeallhotkey - Removes all current hotkeys for commands",
  108. "108 printhotkeys - Prints all current existing hotkeys",
  109. "109 os [plr] - Chats the current OS of a player",
  110. "110 spin [plr] - Makes you spin with a player, tool required",
  111. "111 unspin - Stops you spinning a player/teleporting to a player",
  112. "112 explorer - Loads DEX explorer",
  113. "113 maxzoom [num] - Changes your maxzoom to number",
  114. "114 stare [plr] - Makes you stare at another player",
  115. "115 unstare [plr] - Makes you stop staring at player",
  116. "116 tempgod - Enables temporary FE godmode, does not work on all games, does not break tools",
  117. "117 void [plr] - Teleports you and a player to the void, requires a tool",
  118. "118 freefall [plr] - Makes you and a player freefall to the ground",
  119. "119 version - Shows current admin's version",
  120. "120 shiftlockon - Enables shift lock if not enabled by game developer",
  121. "121 copychat [on/off] [plr] - Turns on or off copychat, makes you copy the chat player says",
  122. "122 newattach [plr] - Does not FE Godmode you, requires 2 tools, attaches you to player",
  123. "123 newkill [plr] - Does not FE Godmode you, requires 2 tools, kills player",
  124. "124 newbring [plr] - Does not FE Godmode you, requires 2 tools, brings player",
  125. "125 spawn [ws/jp/hh/god] [num] - Sets your walkspeed/jumppower/hipheight to number whenever you respawn, or makes you FE Godded whenever you respawn",
  126. "126 unspawn - Stops you spawning with stats set by ;spawn",
  127. "127 autosavetool [on/off] - Auto saves your tools when you reset",
  128. "128 beginbot / [mode] - Makes you a bot for other players, type just ;beginbot to print available modes",
  129. "129 endbot / [mode] - Ends ;beginbot, optional [mode] to disable one mode only",
  130. "130 stopsit - Disables your ability to sit",
  131. "131 gosit - Enables your ability to sit",
  132. "132 spawnpoint - Sets your spawnpoint for whenever you reset to where you are",
  133. "133 nospawn - Removes your spawnpoint",
  134. "134 chaterror - Creates a chat error, works best first time",
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