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  1. # COIS-3400H: Database Management
  2. ## Lecture 2
  4. ### Recap of Last Lecture
  5. - Table names are unique within a DB
  6. - Column names are unique within a table
  7. - Columns are typed
  8. - The result from a query will **always** be a table (even if it is only 1 row
  9. long)
  10. - Your code does not interact with a database:
  11. - It will either interact over a server (TCP/IP);
  12. - Or it will run locally, through a DB Library
  13. - These "adapters" are what interact with the database itself
  14. - *Be efficient!* You don't want to use tons of memory on a local system, or
  15. use tons of data over a network to get a result back.
  17. ### XAMPP
  18. - Open source x-platform web server solution
  19. - Framework from *Apache Friends* that helps developers test their databases,
  20. etc
  21. - XAMPP allows us to avoid using Loki for development purposes
  22. - XAMPP lets us use
  23. - Apache
  24. - MySQL
  25. - FileZilla
  26. - Mercury
  27. - TomCat
  28. - We only care about the *Apache* and *MySQL* services
  29. - There may be an error with Apache and Skype both listening on port 80. Kill
  30. Skype.
  32. ### PHPMyAdmin
  33. - Developed in 1998
  34. - MySQL administration tool, one of the most popular ones.
  35. - Allows you to use SQL Queries, mess with settings, and gives us a GUI to
  36. interact with
  37. - Once XAMPP is running Apache and MySQL, the service runs locally at
  38. [localhost/phpmyadmin](localhost/phpmyadmin).
  39. - Different databases can be encoded with different standards
  40. - Default is *latin1_swedish_ci*
  41. - Another good pick is *utf8_general_ci* (Python likes this encoding)
  42. - We won't be using the GUI to create tables in our databases because:
  43. - We like to have more control over our columns
  44. - Using an SQL command offers more advanced error reporting
  45. - It's no fun
  47. To interact with a DB, go to the SQL tab. Make sure you have the right DB
  48. selected. If you tick the "Retain query box": this will stop PHPMyAdmin from
  49. emptying the text-area after each query.
  51. #### Naming Conventions
  52. - Columns have Simple, short names. Try to stick to one word
  53. - Columns have `lowerCamelCase`
  54. - Acronyms can be capitalized
  55. - ex. name, date, carVIN, empID
  56. - Tables have `UpperCamelCase`
  58. ### RDBMS - Relational Database Management System
  59. - A database which is stored with tables, which have columns and rows
  60. - Tables are related to one another as well
  61. - There are different types of RDBMS
  62. - Key value databases
  63. - Navigational databases
  65. ### SQL - Structured Query Language
  66. - Lets you access and manipulate databases
  67. - ANSI (1986) and ISO (1987) standard
  68. - It is regulated and standardized
  69. - However, there are still different "flavours" of SQL with slight differences
  70. in notation and syntax
  71. - All flavours support things like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE, etc.
  72. in order to comply with ANSI/ISO.
  74. ### SQL Statements
  75. - What perform the actual operations
  76. - SQL keywords are **not** case sensitive (`selet` = `SELECT`), although it is
  77. convention to put keywords in all uppercase
  78. - Some flavours need semi-colons, some do not (PHPMyAdmin does)
  79. - Important commands
  80. - `SELECT` - Extracts information from a DB (perhaps the most important)
  81. - `UPDATE`
  82. - `DELETE`
  83. - `INSERT INTO` - Insert into the database
  86. - `CREATE TABLE`
  87. - `ALTER TABLE`
  88. - `DROP TABLE` - Deletes a table
  89. - `CREATE INDEX` - Creates an index (search_key)
  90. - `DROP INDEX` - Deletes an index
  91. - Every SQL query returns as a Result-Set, which is a table in and of itself
  92. - In SQL, `*` is called a "Kleene Star"
  94. #### `SELECT` syntax:
  95. - `SELECT DISTINCT` can be used to select only unique values
  96. ```sql
  97. SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name;
  98. SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name;
  99. ```
  100. - We use the Primary-Key (column) to ensure uniqueness.
  101. - i.e., for people, we could use their SIN, since we know it will always be
  102. unique
  104. #### `WHERE` clause
  105. - Basically an `if` statement
  106. - Filters on a specified condition, rather than uniqueness
  107. - ex.
  108. ```sql
  109. SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;
  110. ```
  111. - Operators:
  112. - `=` - Equal
  113. - `<>` - Not equal (could be `!=` in other flavours)
  114. - `<`
  115. - `>`
  116. - `<=`
  117. - `>=`
  118. - Example:
  119. ```sql
  120. SELECT * FROM employees where name = Alaadin;
  121. -- Corrected, this is:
  122. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'Alaadin';
  123. ```
  124. - `where` -> `WHERE`, follow conventions
  125. - Strings should be in quotes
  126. - `WHERE` can use `AND` and `OR` and `NOT`
  127. - You can use brackets when compounding statements, but we try not to use
  128. complicated statements
  130. #### `ORDER BY` Keyword
  131. - Sorts the result-set in ascending or descending order
  132. - Use `ASC` or `DESC`
  133. ```sql
  134. SELECT c1, c2 FROM table1 ORDER BY c1, c2, ASC;
  135. ```
  137. #### SQL `NULL` Values
  138. - A field with a `NULL` value is a field with no value
  139. - Does **not** mean "no value" -- it could mean something in some cases
  140. - This is important when we get to the `JOIN` operator
  141. - White-space is actually data in an SQL table
  142. - We can test for `NULL` values
  143. - `IS NULL` and `IS NOT NULL`
  144. ```sql
  145. SELECT c1 FROM table1 WHERE c1 IS NULL;
  146. SELECT c1, c2 FROM table1 WHERE c2 IS NOT NULL;
  147. ```
  148. - This is useful to check integrity of data
  150. #### `UPDATE` Statement
  151. - Used to modify existing data records in a table
  152. ```sql
  153. UPDATE table1 SET c1 = data WHERE condition;
  154. ```
  155. - Not using a `WHERE` condition will be catastrophic!
  157. #### SQL `TOP`, `LIMIT`, or `ROWNUM` Clause
  158. - `SELECT TOP` is used to specify the number of records to return
  159. - Useful with large tables of thousands of records
  160. - Lets you only see the top ten
  161. - `LIMIT` and `ROWNUM` work similarly
  162. ```sql
  163. SELECT col1 FROM table WHERE condition LIMIT 12;
  164. ```
  166. #### `MIN()` and `MAX()` Functions
  167. - Returns the smallest and largest value of the specific column
  168. ```sql
  169. SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM table WHERE condition;
  170. SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM table WHERE condition;
  171. ```
  173. #### `COUNT()`, `AVG()` and `SUM()`
  174. - `COUNT()` returns the number of rows that match the condition
  175. - `AVG()` gives the average value of a numeric column
  176. - `SUM()` sums numeric columns
  178. #### `LIKE` Operator
  179. - Used in a `WHERE` clause to search for a specified pattern
  180. - Like a RegEx
  181. - `%` - Zero, one, or more character wildcard
  182. - `_` - Placeholder for a single character
  183. - Examples
  184. ```sql
  185. WHERE custName LIKE 'a%'; --Start with 'a'
  186. WHERE custName LIKE '%a'; --End with 'a'
  187. WHERE custName LIKE '%or%'; --Has 'or' anywhere in it
  188. WHERE custName LIKE '_r%'; --Has 'r' in the second position
  189. WHERE custName LIKE 'a_%_%'; --Starts with 'a' and is at least 3 characters
  190. WHERE custName LIKE 'a%o'; --Starts with 'a' and ends with 'o'
  191. ```
  193. #### `IN` Operator
  194. - Allows you to specify multiple values in a `WHERE` clause
  195. - `IN` is shorthand for multiple `OR`s.
  196. - Example:
  197. ```sql
  198. SELECT * FROM countries WHERE name = 'Germany' OR name = 'Algeria';
  199. -- Becomes:
  200. SELECT * FROM countries WHERE name IN ('Germany', 'Algeria');
  201. ```
  203. #### `BETWEEN` Operator
  204. - `BETWEEN` is inclusive
  205. - "45 to 100"
  206. - English: 46, 47, ..., 99
  207. - SQL: 45, 46, ..., 100
  209. #### SQL Aliases
  210. - Used to give a table or column a temporary name for the duration of the query
  211. - Useful for long queries
  212. - Example:
  213. ```sql
  214. SELECT col1 AS alias FROM table;
  215. --could be handy for
  216. SELECT name AS n FROM table WHERE n in ('Germany', 'Algeria', 'Sweden');
  217. ```
  219. #### `HAVING` Operator
  220. - Useful for replacing `AND` and `OR` in some cases
  221. ```sql
  222. SELECT c1 FROM table1 WHERE cond1 GROUP BY c1 HAVING cond2 ORDER BY c1
  223. ```
  225. #### `EXISTS` Operators
  226. - Tests the existence of any record in a subquery
  227. - Returns true if the subquery returns one or more records
  228. - Syntax:
  229. ```sql
  230. SELECT colName
  231. FROM TableName
  233. (SELECT colName FROM TableName WHERE condition);
  234. ```
  235. ```sql
  236. SELECT supplierName
  237. FROM Suppliers
  239. (SELECT productName
  240. FROM Products
  241. WHERE supplierID = Suppliers.supplierID AND price > 20);
  242. ```
  244. #### `INSERT INTO` Statement
  245. - Copies data from one table into another
  246. - Cannot copy in somewhere if the records already exists
  247. - Use `UPDATE` if the record already exists
  249. #### SQL Comments
  250. - `-- words` for single-line commends
  251. - `/* words */` for multi-line comments
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