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Feb 8th, 2013
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  1. Average FPS: 41.6875
  3. benchmarks\BenchmarkDX11GraphicsHigh1080p_preferences.script.txt:
  5. write_preferences_at_exit false; # write_preferences_at_exit <bool>, Write preferences at exit #
  6. app_multirun false; # app_multirun <bool>, Allow multiple instances of the application #
  7. x_res 1920; # x_res <int32>, Fixed window width #
  8. y_res 1080; # y_res <int32>, Fixed window height #
  9. x_pos 0; # x_pos <int32>, Window position #
  10. y_pos 0; # y_pos <int32>, Window position #
  11. vfs_log_level 0; # vfs_log_level <int32>, 0 - off, 1 - mod-user, 2 - dev #
  12. unit_test false; # unit_test <bool>, unit test (for daily build) #
  13. campaign_unit_multiplier 0.75; # campaign_unit_multiplier <float>, Set default unit multiplier for campaign #
  14. naval_fleet_multiplier 0.75; # naval_fleet_multiplier <float>, Set default fleet size for battles #
  15. gfx_first_run false; # gfx_first_run <bool>, First time application run #
  16. gfx_dx11_checked true; # gfx_dx11_checked <bool>, Have we checked that user wants dx11? #
  17. gfx_video_memory 0; # gfx_video_memory <int>, Override available video memory (bytes) #
  18. gfx_fullscreen true; # gfx_fullscreen <bool>, Run the application in fullscreen or not #
  19. gfx_vsync false; # gfx_vsync <bool>, vertical synchronization #
  20. gfx_hdr true; # gfx_hdr <bool>, Use high dynamic range rendering pipeline #
  21. gfx_shadermodel 4; # gfx_shadermodel <int>, Set shader model, 0-SM3LQ, 1-SM3, 2-SM4, 3=SM4.1, 4=SM5 #
  22. gfx_aa 1; # gfx_aa <int>, Set antialiasing, 0-no, 1 = MLAA, 2 = MSAA_2X, 3 = MSAA_4X, 4 = MSAA_8X #
  23. gfx_texture_filtering 4; # gfx_texture_filtering <int>, Set texture filtering, 0-trilinear, 4- anisotropic 16x #
  24. gfx_texture_quality 3; # gfx_texture_quality <int>, Set the quality of textures. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  25. gfx_ssao true; # gfx_ssao <bool>, Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion buffer #
  26. gfx_enable_directx11 true; # gfx_enable_directx11 <bool>, Enable DirectX 11 rendering #
  27. gfx_distortion true; # gfx_distortion <bool>, Enable Distortion Effect buffer #
  28. gfx_depth_of_field 2; # gfx_depth_of_field <int>, Set depth of field quality 0 - off, 2 - high #
  29. gfx_hardware_shadows true; # gfx_hardware_shadows <bool>, Enable hardware shadows #
  30. gfx_tesselation true; # gfx_tesselation <bool>, Enable tesselation #
  31. gfx_sky_quality 3; # gfx_sky_quality <int>, Set the quality of sky. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  32. gfx_unit_quality 3; # gfx_unit_quality <int>, Set the quality of units. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  33. gfx_ship_quality 1; # gfx_ship_quality <int>, Set the quality of ships. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  34. gfx_building_quality 3; # gfx_building_quality <int>, Set the quality of buildings. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  35. gfx_water_quality 3; # gfx_water_quality <int>, Set the quality of water. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  36. gfx_unit_scale 1; # gfx_unit_scale <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  37. gfx_shadow_quality 3; # gfx_shadow_quality <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - off, 4 - ultra #
  38. gfx_tree_quality 3; # gfx_tree_quality <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - off, 4 - ultra #
  39. gfx_grass_quality 4; # gfx_grass_quality <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - off, 4 - ultra #
  40. gfx_terrain_quality 1; # gfx_terrain_quality <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - low, 1 - high #
  41. gfx_gamma_setting 2; # gfx_gamma_setting <float>, Set gamma correction #
  42. gfx_brightness_setting 1.2; # gfx_brightness_setting <float>, Set brightness #
  43. gfx_screenshot_folder ./screenshots; # gfx_screenshot_folder <folder>, Folder to where save screenshots relative to Empire directory #
  44. gfx_gpu "AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series"; # gfx_gpu <path>, The GPU description #
  45. gfx_effects_quality 3; # gfx_effects_quality <int>, Set effects quality. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
  46. gfx_vignette true; # gfx_vignette <true|false>, Enable vignette #
  47. gfx_picture_in_picture false; # gfx_picture_in_picture <true|false>, Enable picture_in_picture #
  48. camera_move_speed 100; # camera_move_speed <float>, Set camera movement speed #
  49. camera_turn_speed 5; # camera_turn_speed <float>, Set camera turn speed #
  50. default_camera_type 0; # default_battle_camera <card32>, default battle camera: 0-totalwar 1-rts 2-debug #
  51. enable_sound true; # enable_sound <bool>, enables all audio content (default = true). If disabled none of the database or sound pack files are loaded. #
  52. fix_res true; # fix_res <bool>, Forbid window resizing #
  53. fix_window_pos true; # fix_window_pos <bool>, Forbid window repositioning #
  54. mouse_wheel_sensitivity 50; # mouse_wheel_sensitivity <card32>, mouse wheel sensitivity: <0-100> default value = 50 #
  55. invert_cam_x_axis false; # invert_camera_x_axis <bool>, invert camera tilting up/down #
  56. invert_cam_y_axis false; # invert_camera_y_axis <bool>, invert camera panning left/right #
  57. minimised_ui false; # minimised_ui <true|false>, show minimised ui #
  58. ui_order_button_mode 0; # ui_order_button_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #
  59. show_selection_markers true; # show_selection_markers <true|false>, Show the selection markers under the units #
  60. show_path_markers true; # show_path_markers <true|false>, Show paths in naval battles #
  61. show_target_zones true; # show_target_zones <true|false>, Show firing arcs etc #
  62. ui_order_button_mode 0; # ui_order_button_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #
  63. ui_card_mode 0; # ui_card_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #
  64. ui_radar_mode 0; # ui_radar_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #
  65. ui_land_unit_ids 0; # ui_land_unit_ids <0|1|2>, 0 = always, 1 = on mouse over, 2 = never #
  66. ui_naval_unit_ids 0; # ui_naval_unit_ids <0|1|2>, 0 = always, 1 = on mouse over, 2 = never #
  67. ui_mouse_scroll true; # ui_mouse_scroll <true|false>, Allow/disallow scrolling of the map by putting the cursor at the edge of the screen #
  68. battle_time_limit 60; # battle_time_limit <int>, Sets the time (in minutes) for each battle. -1 for unlimited #
  69. battle_difficulty -1; # battle_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for battles. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy #
  70. autoresolve_difficulty 0; # autoresolve_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for battles that are autoresolved. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy #
  71. campaign_difficulty 0; # campaign_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for campaigns. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy #
  72. battle_advice_level 2; # battle_advice_level <int>, Sets advice level in the battle game #
  73. campaign_advice_level 2; # campaign_advice_level <int>, Sets advice level in the campaign game #
  74. info_panel_mode 1; # info_panel_mode <int>, Sets info panel options. 0 - only in campaign, 1 - campaign and battle cards, 2 - campaign and battle cards and battle units #
  75. advisor_mode 2; # advisor_mode <int>, Sets Advisor options. 0 - text only, 1 - audio only, 2 - text and audio both #
  76. campaign_time_limit -1; # campaign_time_limit <int>, Sets the time (in minutes) for each round of the campaign. -1 for unlimited #
  77. show_cpu_moves true; # show_cpu_moves <true|false>, Show/hide the movement of the ai pieces on the campaign map #
  78. automanage_regions false; # automanage_regions <true|false>, Let the AI manage taxes etc in players regions #
  79. limitless_ammo true; # show_cpu_moves <true|false>, Enable/disable Infinite ammo on battlefields #
  80. occupiable_building_markers true; # show_occupiable_building_markers <true|false>, Enable/disable occupiable building markers on battlefields #
  81. allow_drop_in_battles false; # allow_drop_in_battles <bool>, Allow invititations to other peoples campaign battles when playing a single player campaign #
  82. friend_only_drop_in_battles true; # friend_only_drop_in_battles <bool>, invite only friends to your campaign drop in battles when playing a single player campaign #
  83. multithreaded_model_enabled true; # multithreaded_model_enabled <true|false>, Run the battle model on a separate thread #
  84. battle_camera_shake_enabled true; # battle_camera_shake_enabled <true|false>, Enable battle camera shake effects #
  85. subtitles true; # subtitles <true|false>, Display subtitles during movies #
  86. sound_master_volume 100; # sound_master_volume <int>, master sound volume 0-100 #
  87. sound_music_volume 100; # sound_music_volume <int>, music sound volume 0-100 #
  88. sound_speech_volume 100; # sound_speech_volume <int>, speech sound volume 0-100 #
  89. sound_sfx_volume 100; # sound_sfx_volume <int>, sfx sound volume 0-100 #
  90. sound_master_enabled true; # sound_master_enabled <true|false>, master sound enabled #
  91. sound_music_enabled true; # sound_music_enabled <true|false>, music sound enabled #
  92. sound_speech_enabled true; # sound_speech_enabled <true|false>, speech sound enabled #
  93. sound_sfx_enabled true; # sound_sfx_enabled <true|false>, sfx sound volume enabled #
  94. sound_provider 0; # sound_provider <int>, sound provider index (0-?) #
  95. sound_channels 256; # sound_channels <int>, Number of sound channels. Fewer channels means fewer sounds but faster performance. #
  96. voice_chat_enable true; # voice_chat_enable <bool>, Enables VOIP functionality in Steam. (default = true) #
  97. voice_chat_microphone_gain 100; # voice_chat_microphone_gain <int>, voice_chat_microphone_gain (0-100). #
  98. voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost true; # voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost <bool>, Boost microphone gain. #
  99. voice_chat_volume 100; # voice_chat_volume <int>, Voice chat volume (0-100). #
  100. voice_chat_quality 2; # voice_chat_quality <int>, Voice chat quality (0-2, 0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high). #
  101. voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed true; # voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed <bool>, voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed (otherwise always trasnmitting). #
  102. bink_use_thread true; # bink_use_thread <bool>, tells bink to use asynchronous update, increased performance on some systems, decreased on others. (default = true) #
  103. number_of_threads 0; # number_of_threads <int>, Set the number of threads <= 0 - automatic, >0 = explicit number #
  104. campaign_camera_edge_scroll_delay 0.5; # campaign_camera_edge_scroll_delay <float>, Set the number of seconds of delay between the mouse cursor entering the edge-scroll zone on the campaign map the camera starting movement. #
  106. C:\Users\V\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Shogun2\logs\frame_rate.log.txt:
  108. Start Logging
  109. 37.000
  110. 38.000
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  114. 45.000
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  191. 36.000
  192. 37.000
  193. End Logging
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