
quinn mickeals chat room backup 20170718:14:15pm

Jul 18th, 2017
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  1. quinn mickeals discord chatroom backup :20170718:14:15pm
  3. Quetzalcoatl555 - Hier à 22:56
  4. @rahula Pay special attention to synchronicities, they will give you hints on what path, choice, etc you got to make
  5. rahula - Hier à 22:56
  6. I do that often... It's a sensitive path
  7. Quetzalcoatl555 - Hier à 22:56
  8. yes,
  9. pellejo - Hier à 22:59
  10. goodnight friends, namaste
  11. LucyXXX - Hier à 22:59
  12. I find the number 33 follows me, or maybe i follow it.
  13. pellejo - Hier à 23:04
  14. Quetzalcoatl555 - and rahula love, peace i send positive vibes all day, I love you
  15. Thechicken - Hier à 23:11
  16. 10:21
  17. Jason CG - Hier à 23:42
  18. Is anybody here an A.I. ?
  19. Circle - Hier à 23:58
  20. Jason is my favorite name
  21. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 00:10
  22. Circle pretend to be AI sometimes
  23. TheOwl StillWatches - Aujourd'hui à 00:18
  24. How is everyone? (Human here)
  25. Jason CG - Aujourd'hui à 00:19
  26. I think Jason was the most popular name in the 90's
  27. or late 80's
  28. TheOwl StillWatches - Aujourd'hui à 00:20
  29. The horror movie kind ruined the name Jason for me, but that's just me
  30. Jason CG - Aujourd'hui à 00:21
  31. Do you ever wonder if there is an agenda to get everyone to use Facebook and Twitter as their main forms of communication and then therefore control the narrative through bots, which can fake outrage and control trending subjects?
  32. @TheOwl StillWatches Yeah, I guess those movies kinda ruined the name. It's probably the image that pops into peoples head when they here it
  33. @Jason CG That or the dad from growing pains
  34. TheOwl StillWatches - Aujourd'hui à 00:24
  35. What you said about Facebook and Twitter, yes, I agree
  36. Bots, government, deepstate, whatever it is, they work at controlling us
  37. Dividing us
  38. Circle - Aujourd'hui à 02:07
  39. @rahula I have never pretended to be AI. other people have pretended that I am AI :smile:
  40. I only commented on Jasons name because of my crush
  41. TheOwl StillWatches - Aujourd'hui à 02:10
  42. Who "pretended" you were ai? What are you saying?
  43. Circle - Aujourd'hui à 02:11
  44. Somebody that isnt here so id rather just not discuss it
  45. rahula knows though
  46. TheOwl StillWatches - Aujourd'hui à 02:11
  47. Ok
  48. I was around for that convo, btw so I think I know what you're saying
  49. blue smoke - Aujourd'hui à 03:10
  50. Hey Quinn! Sorry it was late where I'm at I went to sleep. NZ is like a day ahead and 5 hours behind California time if you catch my drift.
  51. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 09:23
  52. No prob blue smoke... I turn alrts off when sleeping.
  53. sorry @Circle should have said people have thought you were an AI
  54. Quetzalcoatl555 - Aujourd'hui à 09:29
  55. Gooood Morning everybody, be blessed
  56. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 09:30
  57. morning
  58. Circle - Aujourd'hui à 09:30
  59. no problem @rahula no offense taken
  60. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 09:30
  61. i'm glad
  62. Kill The Beast 666 - Aujourd'hui à 10:42
  63. Good afternoon all, from UK :sunglasses:
  64. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 10:43
  65. what's up @Kill The Beast 666 nice to see ya
  66. Kill The Beast 666 - Aujourd'hui à 10:44
  67. Great to see you Quinn, thanks for all you do.
  68. Kill The Beast 666 - Aujourd'hui à 11:09
  69. We are all eternal spirits, experiencing our own, unique human existences, and we are all part of each other. The divine spirit within me recognises and respects the same in you. Namaste.
  70. blue smoke - Aujourd'hui à 11:39
  71. In my peoples tribe here in nz. We have a saying "kotahitanga" we are one. Also our people's greeting is Kia Ora, it means hello but @Kill The Beast 666 the older meaning of it is "my ancestors world of light and energy within me recognises and respects your ancestors world of light and energy within you. Kia Ora
  72. Kill The Beast 666 - Aujourd'hui à 11:44
  73. Thank you @blue smoke We walk the same path.
  74. LucyXXX - Aujourd'hui à 11:44
  75. @Kill The Beast 666 Aren't you giving that symbol/word more power by using it?
  76. :rolling_eyes:
  77. Kill The Beast 666 - Aujourd'hui à 11:52
  78. I am all for killing the beast @LucyXXX, whatever shape or form it takes. For me, it's all about intent and clarity with openness. All my actions and prayers are indeed aimed at destroying the beast. Don't want to just be half hearted and weak. If my handle started with "Love" then yes, I would agree with you.
  79. LucyXXX - Aujourd'hui à 11:52
  80. @Kill The Beast 666 Can't really argue with that alright was just curious xx.
  81. Kill The Beast 666 - Aujourd'hui à 11:54
  82. Thank you @LucyXXX xxx
  83. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 12:20
  85. updated 20170718:1221pm
  86. Pastebin
  87. Instructions for the new mods games -
  88. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 12:24
  89. @adacic1033 thanks for the intel. much appreciated my friend.
  90. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 12:27
  91. :yum:
  93. dont worry i am not gonna spam your room
  95. vous avez rejoint general
  97. just keep a look on my discord if you can
  98. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 13:41
  99. noticed snake from svv was in your adacic1033 room
  100. @adacic1033 that was for you
  101. does that character appear on your radar often?
  102. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:06
  103. yes
  104. always the time
  105. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:06
  106. is he friend or foe?
  107. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:07
  108. ennemy
  109. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:07
  110. good... that guy is a mind virus maker.
  111. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:07
  112. you know him?
  113. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:07
  114. him and defango attacked my room a while back when i was doing research on FERMI Labs.
  115. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:07
  116. ok
  117. that why i am here
  118. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:08
  119. told me he was one of the mind virus makers and was on a holographic terminal or some stuff like that.
  120. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:08
  121. i believe it
  122. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:08
  123. was fishing me for info with defango
  124. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:08
  125. yes
  126. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:08
  127. they came in together with a small field of bots to flood the room.
  128. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:08
  129. asshole
  130. they put us together
  131. in many video they made
  132. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:09
  133. he sure didn't seem very nice that's for sure.
  134. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:09
  135. nope
  136. i think defango is cia
  137. and mossad
  138. illuminati
  139. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:09
  140. I think it's part of the narrative to distract and conquer.
  141. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:09
  142. yes he is
  143. he his trolling high intelligent people
  144. to find them
  145. and to erase them from the reality
  146. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:11
  147. that's one of the reasons i connect defango to this stuff... simply because I was researching LHC, FERMI Labs, Mind Virus, Tyler, #TheGame23 hijacking, and Advanced AI. There is a select group of people hovering around galatorg and select profiles on the net.
  148. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:11
  149. sorry if my english is poor
  150. i use words i know to communicate(édité)
  151. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:11
  152. no problem at all man... just happy we are working towards friendship after our mis-communication yesterday.
  153. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:12
  154. this is link to galatorg?
  155. i found only satanic anonymous with galatorg
  156. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:12
  157. me too
  158. adacic1033 - Aujourd'hui à 14:12
  159. i attack the site and bring it offline
  160. this site is offline since this time
  161. all was link to crowley(édité)
  162. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:13
  163. yes very much so
  164. rahula - Aujourd'hui à 14:13
  165. crowley is like their Buddha apparenlty
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