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  1. %% Q3b
  2. % Name: William Qi
  3. % Date: Nov. 13, 2017
  4. % Assignment 4
  6. % Set up A matrices with varying epsilon values in the lower rows
  7. A1 = [1 1 1; 2*sqrt(eps) 0 0; 0 2*sqrt(eps) 0; 0 0 2*sqrt(eps)];
  8. A2 = [1 1 1; sqrt(eps) 0 0; 0 sqrt(eps) 0; 0 0 sqrt(eps)];
  9. A3 = [1 1 1; 2*eps 0 0; 0 2*eps 0; 0 0 2*eps];
  10. A4 = [1 1 1; eps 0 0; 0 eps 0; 0 0 eps];
  11. b = [1; 0; 0; 0];
  13. % Set up solutions based off of exact solution from 3A
  14. x1 = 1/(3 + (2*sqrt(eps))^2)
  15. x2 = 1/(3 + (sqrt(eps))^2)
  16. x3 = 1/(3 + (2*eps)^2)
  17. x4 = 1/(3 + (eps)^2)
  19. % i
  20. x1_i_err = norm(normalSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  21. x2_i_err = norm(normalSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  22. x3_i_err = norm(normalSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  23. x4_i_err = norm(normalSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  25. % ii
  26. x1_ii_err = norm(classicalGSSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  27. x2_ii_err = norm(classicalGSSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  28. x3_ii_err = norm(classicalGSSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  29. x4_ii_err = norm(classicalGSSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  31. % iii
  32. x1_iii_err = norm(modifiedGSSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  33. x2_iii_err = norm(modifiedGSSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  34. x3_iii_err = norm(modifiedGSSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  35. x4_iii_err = norm(modifiedGSSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  37. % iv
  38. x1_iv_err = norm(householderSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  39. x2_iv_err = norm(householderSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  40. x3_iv_err = norm(householderSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  41. x4_iv_err = norm(householderSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  43. % v
  44. x1_v_err = norm(givensSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  45. x2_v_err = norm(givensSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  46. x3_v_err = norm(givensSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  47. x4_v_err = norm(givensSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  49. % vi
  50. x1_vi_err = norm(qrSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  51. x2_vi_err = norm(qrSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  52. x3_vi_err = norm(qrSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  53. x4_vi_err = norm(qrSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  55. % vii
  56. x1_vii_err = norm(backslashSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  57. x2_vii_err = norm(backslashSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  58. x3_vii_err = norm(backslashSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  59. x4_vii_err = norm(backslashSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  61. % viii
  62. x1_viii_err = norm(svdSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  63. x2_viii_err = norm(svdSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  64. x3_viii_err = norm(svdSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  65. x4_viii_err = norm(svdSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  67. %ix
  68. x1_ix_err = norm(tsvdSolve(A1, b) - x1);
  69. x2_ix_err = norm(tsvdSolve(A2, b) - x2);
  70. x3_ix_err = norm(tsvdSolve(A3, b) - x3);
  71. x4_ix_err = norm(tsvdSolve(A4, b) - x4);
  73. %% Function Definitions
  74. % i
  75. function x = normalSolve(A, b)
  76. % Set up system of normal equations and use backslash to solve
  77. x = (A.' * A) \ (A.' * b);
  78. end
  80. % ii
  81. function x = classicalGSSolve(A, b)
  82. % Compute QR decomposition using classical Gram-Schmidt orthgonalization
  83. [~, n] = size(A);
  84. R = zeros(n);
  86. % r_11 = ||q_1||
  87. R(1,1) = norm(A(:,1));
  88. % q_1 = q_1/r_11
  89. Q(:,1) = A(:,1)/R(1,1);
  90. for j = 2:n
  91. R(1:j-1, j) = Q(:, 1:j-1)' * A(:, j);
  92. Q(:, j) = A(:, j) - Q(:, 1:j-1) * R(1:j-1, j);
  93. % r_jj = ||q_j||
  94. R(j, j)= norm(Q(:, j));
  95. % q_j = q_j/r_jj
  96. Q(:, j) = Q(:, j) / R(j, j);
  97. end
  99. % Solve system Rx=Q^T*b
  100. y = Q.' * b;
  101. x = R \ y;
  102. end
  104. % iii
  105. function x = modifiedGSSolve(A, b)
  106. % Compute QR decomposition using modified Gram-Schmidt orthgonalization
  107. [m, n] = size(A);
  108. Q = zeros(m, n);
  109. R = zeros(n, n);
  111. for j = 1:n
  112. % q_j = a_j
  113. Q(:, j) = A(:, j);
  114. for i = 1:j-1
  115. % r_ij = <q_j, q_i>
  116. R(i, j) = Q(:,i)' * Q(:, j);
  117. % q_j = q_j = r_ij * q_i
  118. Q(:, j) = Q(:, j) - R(i, j) * Q(:, i);
  119. end
  120. % r_jj = ||q_j||
  121. R(j, j) = norm(Q(:, j));
  122. % q_j = q_j/r_jj
  123. Q(:, j) = Q(:, j) / R(j, j);
  124. end
  126. % Solve system Rx=Q^T*b
  127. y = Q.' * b;
  128. x = R \ y;
  129. end
  131. % iv
  132. function x = householderSolve(A, b)
  133. [m, n] = size(A);
  134. p = zeros(1, n);
  136. % Compute QR decomposition using Householder reflections
  137. for k = 1:n
  138. % Define u of length = m-k+1
  139. z = A(k:m, k);
  140. e1 = [1; zeros(m-k, 1)];
  141. u = z + sign(z(1))*norm(z)*e1;
  142. u = u / norm(u);
  143. % Update nonzero part of A by I-2uu^T
  144. A(k:m, k:n) = A(k:m, k:n) - 2*u*(u'*A(k:m, k:n));
  145. % Store u
  146. p(k) = u(1);
  147. A(k+1:m, k) = u(2:m-k+1);
  148. end
  150. % Use QR decomposition to solve least squares
  151. y = b(:);
  152. % Transform b
  153. for k=1:n
  154. u = [p(k);A(k+1:m, k)];
  155. y(k:m) = y(k:m) - 2*u*(u'*y(k:m));
  156. end
  157. % Form upper triangular R and solve
  158. R = triu(A(1:n, :));
  159. x = R \ y(1:n);
  160. end
  162. % v
  163. function x = givensSolve(A, b)
  164. [m,n] = size(A);
  165. Q = eye(m);
  166. R = A;
  168. % Use Givens rotation to zero out a single entry at a time
  169. for j = 1:n
  170. for i = m:-1:(j+1)
  171. G = eye(m);
  172. % Set up G_ij by computing c, s
  173. [c,s] = givensrotation(R(i-1, j), R(i, j));
  174. G([i-1, i],[i-1, i]) = [c -s; s c];
  176. % Apply G_ij on A
  177. R = G' * R;
  178. Q = Q * G;
  179. end
  180. end
  182. % Solve system Rx=Q^T*b
  183. y = Q' * b;
  184. x = R \ y;
  185. end
  187. function [c,s] = givensrotation(a,b)
  188. % Check if a_ij is 0
  189. if b == 0
  190. c = 1;
  191. s = 0;
  192. else
  193. % r = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
  194. % c = a/r
  195. % s = b/r
  196. if abs(b) > abs(a)
  197. r = a / b;
  198. s = 1 / sqrt(1 + r^2);
  199. c = s*r;
  200. else
  201. r = b / a;
  202. c = 1 / sqrt(1 + r^2);
  203. s = c*r;
  204. end
  205. end
  206. end
  208. % vi
  209. function x = qrSolve(A, b)
  210. % Obtain QR decomposition using matlab builtin function
  211. [Q,R] = qr(A);
  213. % Solve system Rx=Q^T*b
  214. y = Q' * b;
  215. x = R \ y;
  216. end
  218. % vii
  219. function x = backslashSolve(A, b)
  220. % Solve least squares using backslash
  221. x = A \ b;
  222. end
  224. % viii
  225. function x = svdSolve(A, b)
  226. % Obtain SVD decomposition using matlab builtin function
  227. [U, S, V] = svd(A);
  229. % Format y and z with the correct dimensions
  230. y = diag(S).^-1;
  231. z = U' * b;
  232. z = z(1:numel(y));
  234. % x = V * S^-1 * U^T * b
  235. x = V * (diag(y) * z);
  236. end
  238. % ix
  239. function x = tsvdSolve(A, b)
  240. % Obtain SVD decomposition using matlab builtin function
  241. [U, S, V] = svd(A);
  242. % Set singluar value truncation threshold to 10^-6
  243. threshold = 10^-6;
  245. % Find the index of the last element in S that is above the threshold
  246. r = find(diag(S) < threshold, 1) - 1;
  248. % Format y, z, and V with the correct truncated dimensions
  249. y = diag(S).^-1;
  250. z = U' * b;
  251. y = y(1:r);
  252. z = z(1:r);
  253. V = V(:, 1:r);
  255. % x = V * S^-1 * U^T * b with truncated dimensions
  256. x = V * (diag(y) * z);
  257. end
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