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a guest
Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. respawn="BASE";
  2. respawnDelay=10;
  3. disabledAI=1;
  4. disableChannels[] = {{0,false,true}, {2,true,true}}; // 0 = global, 1 = side, 2 = command // new syntax: {{channel<number>, disableText<bool>, disableVoice<bool>}, ...};
  5. // side chat is disabled for indies in client\preInit.sqf
  6. joinUnassigned = 0;
  7. enableItemsDropping = 0;
  8. forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; // if you set this to 1, you deny freedom of choice to the players, which is the very principle this mission is built upon
  9. weaponPool = 0;
  10. corpseManagerMode = 1;
  11. corpseRemovalMinTime = 10*60;
  12. corpseRemovalMaxTime = 15*60;
  13. wreckManagerMode = 1;
  14. wreckRemovalMinTime = 5*60;
  15. wreckRemovalMaxTime = 10*60;
  16. enableDebugConsole = 1;
  17. respawnDialog = 0; // do not enable this, otherwise the default scoreboard will overlap with the new one
  18. onPauseScript = "client\clientEvents\onPause.sqf";
  19. class Header
  20. {
  21. gameType=Sandbox;
  22. minPlayers=1;
  23. maxPlayers=146; // 144 players, 2 headless clients
  24. };
  25. author=""; // it would be great if you could keep "" in the name, like "YourName and" :)
  26. onLoadName = "RHS Wasteland Chernarus"; // it would be great if you could keep "A3" in the name, like "ABC A3Wasteland" instead of "ABC Wasteland" :)
  27. onLoadMission = "Wasteland is a harsh survival sandbox where two teams and independent players fight for survival.";
  28. overviewText = "Wasteland is a harsh survival sandbox where two teams and independent players fight for survival.";
  29. overviewTextLocked = "Wasteland is a harsh survival sandbox where two teams and independent players fight for survival.";
  30. overviewPicture = "mapConfig\Loading.jpg";
  31. loadScreen = "mapConfig\Loading.jpg";
  32. briefing = 0; // if 0, skip Continue button
  34. #include "debugFlag.hpp"
  36. // A3W UI color (default = sky blue)
  38. #define A3W_UICOLOR_R 0.27 // default = 0.25
  39. #define A3W_UICOLOR_G 0.38 // default = 0.51
  40. #define A3W_UICOLOR_B 0.15 // default = 0.96
  42. //Dialog includes
  44. #include "client\gui_base.hpp"
  45. #include "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\desc_include.h"
  46. #include "client\systems\ui_toolkit.hpp"
  47. #include "client\systems\common.hpp"
  48. #include "client\items\warchest\dialog.hpp"
  49. #include "client\items\atm\atm_gui.hpp"
  50. #include "client\actions\gui.hpp"
  51. #include "addons\far_revive\reviveBlank_gui.hpp"
  52. #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\player_settings.hpp"
  53. #include "client\systems\groups\dialog\groupManagement.hpp"
  54. #include "client\systems\gunStore\dialog\gunshop_settings.hpp"
  55. #include "client\systems\generalStore\dialog\genstore_settings.hpp"
  56. #include "client\systems\vehicleStore\dialog\vehiclestore_settings.hpp"
  57. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\adminMenu.hpp"
  58. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\modMenu.hpp"
  59. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\serverAdminMenu.hpp"
  60. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\debugMenu.hpp"
  61. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\playerMenu.hpp"
  62. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\vehicleManagement.hpp"
  63. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\markerLog.hpp"
  64. #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\objectSearch.hpp"
  65. #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\respawn_dialog.hpp"
  66. #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\teamkill_dialog.hpp"
  67. #include "client\systems\killFeed\killFeedMenu_gui.hpp"
  68. #include "addons\proving_ground\PG_config.hpp"
  69. #include "addons\outlw_magrepack\config.hpp"
  70. #include "addons\gui\gui.hpp"
  71. #include "addons\parking\list_simple_menu.hpp"
  72. #include "addons\CHVD\dialog.hpp"
  74. class RscTitles
  75. {
  76. #include "addons\proving_ground\PG_rsctitles.hpp"
  77. #include "addons\lsd_nvg\RscTitles.hpp"
  78. #include "client\systems\hud\dialog\hud.hpp"
  79. #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\welcome.hpp"
  80. #include "client\systems\scoreboard\score_gui.hpp"
  81. #include "client\systems\killFeed\killFeed_gui.hpp"
  82. #include "addons\far_revive\revive_gui.hpp"
  83. };
  85. class CfgFunctions
  86. {
  87. class A3W
  88. {
  89. #include "client\CfgFunctions.hpp"
  90. #include "server\CfgFunctions.hpp"
  91. };
  93. #include "addons\CHVD\CfgFunctions.hpp"
  94. };
  96. class CfgNotifications
  97. {
  98. #include "client\CfgNotifications.hpp"
  99. };
  101. class CfgRemoteExec // applies only to clients
  102. {
  103. class Functions
  104. {
  105. #ifndef A3W_DEBUG
  106. mode = 1; // 0 = block all, 1 = whitelist, 2 = allow all
  107. #else
  108. mode = 2; // debug mode, don't touch
  109. #endif
  111. #include "client\CfgRemoteExec_fnc.hpp"
  112. };
  113. class Commands
  114. {
  115. #ifndef A3W_DEBUG
  116. mode = 1; // 0 = block all, 1 = whitelist, 2 = allow all
  117. #else
  118. mode = 2; // debug mode, don't touch
  119. #endif
  120. };
  121. };
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