

Oct 29th, 2018
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  1. <align="center"><size="20"><color="green">[East]</color><color="red"> Bro Average | SCP: Secret Laboratory</color></size>
  2. <page>
  3. <b>Location:</b> <i>Dallas, TX (East)</i>
  4. <b>Slots:</b> <i>20</i>
  5. <b>Discord:</b> <i></i>
  7. <color="red"><size="15">+ Rules +</size></color>
  9. 1. Do not micspam.
  10. 2. Do not teamkill.
  11. 3. Do not exploit the game in any fashion.
  12. 4. Be polite to members and staff!
  13. 5. Any racist, sexist, or derogatory slurs that insult ones gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, or religion are strictly forbidden.
  14. 6. Staff have the final say.
  15. 7. No ghosting!
  16. 8. No delaying the round!
  17. 9. No ruining the round for others.
  18. 10. Do not purposefully kill yourself so you don't have the be the role you don't want.
  19. 11. No spawn camping.
  20. 12. NTF are forbidden from collaborating with SCPs, Class D's or Chaos and vice versa. The only time they may collaborate with one another is to team up to kill an SCP. NTF may also restrain/handcuff a Class D and allow them to escape for them to turn into NTF.
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