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HLTV leftist list

a guest
Dec 9th, 2018
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  1. List of leftist HLTV users:
  3. ///fuck
  4. 1buffen
  5. 20sixish
  6. 4Sweeden
  7. 582664
  8. 74CO
  10. 7hai
  11. 7ieben
  12. 984620
  13. ;mytH
  14. @Deji
  16. AN89
  17. A_lie
  18. Afrousel
  19. Alchemis
  20. Americans_are_not_smart
  21. AndrewLyssunov
  22. AngerProblemsXD
  23. Animal1ty
  24. AnimereTheScientist
  25. Anton1g
  26. Antzu
  27. Apokalypce
  28. ArisA
  29. AstralisEzRa
  31. BBonden
  32. BananaTugger
  33. BeastF
  34. Bennime
  35. Bfrost
  36. Bier
  37. BigBaguette
  38. BigBlarg
  39. Black137
  40. BlueCheer
  41. Bot_Debil
  42. Bouf
  43. BrasCubas
  44. British tea man
  45. Brumafriend
  46. BrunoBronze
  47. Busy P
  49. CallMeTaco
  50. Chylvain
  51. Codex1
  52. ComedyShortsGamer
  53. CommunismBestest
  54. Communism^
  55. CripCleanLockBois^
  56. Cumminosta
  57. Cyasera
  58. Czlowiek
  59. D1v1ne
  60. DC_GOD
  61. Dad^
  62. DadaTOUKAY
  63. DanPP
  64. Danny D3
  65. DarknessMatt
  66. Dawnton
  67. Der_Kleinkuenstler
  68. DesHis123
  69. DexterAlenko
  70. DiVbAnG
  71. Dimwit
  72. Dino1
  73. Donut123
  74. Dowa)
  75. DrLagAlot
  76. Dr_Bob_Vagen
  77. Drizzlerrr
  78. EarthAintFlat
  79. Edin89
  80. ElijahGlass
  81. Encryp7eD
  82. Energy~
  83. EnglishMASTER
  84. EricoviC
  85. Eriscium
  86. Erkki5
  87. Eter49
  88. EtherealCatMeow
  89. EvilDrPurple
  90. Ex6TenZ retire pls!
  91. Exposer_Of_Thots_and_Hoes
  92. ExtremeGDRfan
  93. Ez_4_Pronax
  94. F1XPEN
  95. F1zzz
  96. FLXG
  97. FR1CK
  98. FR33Z3.
  99. F_ANG
  100. FaZe_Top_1_NiKo_Top_1
  101. Farmand
  102. FatWalrus
  103. Fiddy_Cent
  104. Fingernem
  105. FistingEnthusiast
  106. FitDude
  107. FlaMez_Mr_Choose_One
  108. Fleshleaves
  109. Flick
  110. FloridaMan
  111. Foryon
  112. FreeMotherBitch
  113. Free_Swag
  114. Fremdschamen
  115. G2shox
  116. GAITS
  117. GAMIAS71
  118. GKR48
  119. GODcenz0r
  120. Gala0
  121. GamerPlays
  122. GandalfThePimp
  123. Gandhii
  124. Gandhii2
  125. GarlickJam
  126. Gibbie
  127. Gl0wen
  128. Glyphiss
  129. GoochBruise
  130. GoodToBeBad
  131. GreenRanger
  132. H4wkx
  133. HLTVBaitReporter
  135. HLTVMemer
  136. HLTVOnly4SmartPpl
  137. HLTV_BOSS
  139. HLTVisNotReal
  140. HLTVtop1leftist
  142. Hammondo
  143. HarryBotter
  144. HasseHomo
  145. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed95
  146. Heus
  147. Holden4President
  148. HypnoSia
  149. I'm taking the FODDERs to IsenLAN
  150. IE_user_but_now_im_using_edge
  151. I_Luv_Dem_Stripperz
  152. Icrasunshine
  153. ImKuru
  154. ImPeko
  155. ItsKBS
  156. Ivansito
  157. JambonBeurre
  158. Jarrod
  159. JavaCSGO
  160. Jenzn
  161. Jiaod
  162. Jodecast
  163. JollyLilDudeManBro
  164. Jonathan E
  165. Jonty04l32
  166. Joohanen
  167. JuliaFriberg
  168. KKomrade
  169. KLICK_RiGhT
  170. KNightro
  171. Kabby
  172. Kagor
  173. Kakasus
  174. Kasidro
  175. Kenian_nakkikioski
  176. Kick_dosia_ffs_
  177. Kick_edward_ffs_pls_NaVi
  178. KingJr
  179. Klia
  180. Kostasnotkolsas
  181. Krise
  182. KryzzZie
  183. Kumpel_Szalony
  185. LOLTHUG
  186. LaBaNaN
  187. Lallaren1
  188. Langotia
  189. Lantien
  190. Laolon
  191. LastBoyscout
  192. LazyTownZiggy
  193. Lddn
  194. LeafyIsHere
  195. Leftist_but_not_naive
  196. Levinean
  197. Lokomo
  198. LoveSmithzz
  199. Luchingador
  200. M0rkTFH
  201. MBKING
  203. Macbeth
  204. Madse
  205. MajorTom
  206. Manikhat18
  207. MarkusTwoFacedToledo
  208. MarshalUDT
  209. Matiyu
  210. MaxMountain
  211. McLoud_
  212. Meerkat_
  213. Mooksten
  214. More0n
  215. Morocco
  216. MountainDew
  217. MrJoaoV
  218. MrNagFaalx
  219. MurmeliStara
  220. MyDadAbusesMe
  221. MyPlaceInYourSpace
  223. NAisOfficiallyBetterThanEU
  224. NArocksEU
  225. NS! for NoSwear!
  226. NTHNCS
  227. NabasKi
  228. Natemeister
  229. Nation__
  230. Naxalite
  231. Nez_Aigre
  232. NiP2018comeback
  233. NicobFR
  234. Nightli
  235. NightmareSennin
  236. NiiCoB
  237. NikSmoK
  238. Nikodabestou
  239. No5712
  240. Norsk
  241. O1ek
  243. ONYXtsunami
  244. OTAN
  245. Occident1
  246. OfficialLamaSelle
  247. Officialxdlele
  248. Oida
  249. Ojisan
  250. OleHickoryHamMike
  251. OvidM
  252. PSY_brations
  253. PapaPINGU
  254. Payynnkilla
  255. PcPrincipal68
  256. PerrrrrKeLeLe
  257. PeteZz
  258. PewPewKurt
  259. Pickitosnackra
  260. Pini_
  261. PlzShutUp
  262. PmpkN
  263. PowwneD
  264. Pr0Ac1D
  265. ProudAmericas
  266. ProudCuckistani
  267. PsychoLogical
  268. PyroOOF
  269. Qker
  270. R7PTOR
  271. REASONABLEguy
  273. ReSeTerrr
  274. RealCommunismHasNotBeenTested
  275. RealEssin
  276. Real_Brunstad
  277. Reformative
  278. Renegadestop1
  279. Repco
  280. Reqq1
  281. RooseBolton
  282. Rust1
  283. SICKNESSlol
  284. SINAj
  285. SK_TripleMajorChamps
  287. Scvboy1
  288. Sebikator
  289. Shadyy89
  290. Sheld
  291. Sir Slix
  292. SkaMathias
  293. SkylordGuillaume
  294. SoylentGreenisPeople
  295. Spaniard
  296. Spicyyboi
  297. SpiteJ
  298. Spoonman20
  299. Steel_TV_ISellSkins
  300. Stroomer
  301. SupRussian
  302. SupermrNevermind
  303. Swishh_
  304. Synergy_129
  306. TanriBenim
  307. TarjaTurunen
  308. Taylannnnn
  309. TeDiouSn
  310. The Retired Gamer
  311. TheDankLord
  312. TheMannis
  313. TheVyrox
  314. TheYStriker
  315. Thomaszand
  316. Tiabbz
  317. Tommins
  318. Top_Ostrich
  319. Trive
  320. Trkmag
  321. TupacNTC
  322. TwoFaced_Toledo
  323. Tyberion
  325. UNNAMED1111
  327. Valentheon
  328. Valeriana
  329. Vcm
  330. Vechnyp
  331. VeroxZ
  332. VeryJewishGuy
  333. VeryJuanGuy
  334. VeryNiceGuy
  335. VerySadGuy
  336. VeryStrongGuy
  337. Virr
  338. Vladimir Poutine
  339. Vladimir_Vladimirovich_Putin
  340. Waari
  341. WeDemBoy3z
  342. WeabooSlayer420
  343. WhatANiceGuy
  344. WhatsWrongJones
  345. Will767
  346. Wipeout55
  347. WolfofSelite
  348. Wqz331
  349. Wule123
  350. Xaocan
  351. YH!One
  352. YaD_
  353. Yabbahh
  354. You_w0t_moite
  356. Zadro
  357. Zangtar
  358. Zapper1337
  359. Zaser5
  360. Zata
  361. ZoqFotPik
  362. ZuChii
  363. Zythe
  364. __Horizzon__
  365. _natas_
  366. _saddery
  367. aVietnameseGuy
  368. adette
  369. adm1raldoge
  370. adv_OG
  371. afez
  372. aitscheltihwih
  373. albanianmarxist(govegan)
  374. alpha_nerd
  375. anarh1st47
  376. antifamember
  377. anxy
  378. ao1
  379. apEXofPerfection
  380. askir
  381. auctorr
  382. avveh
  383. ba9ma9
  384. baitzera
  385. bambusbjorn
  386. ban_yak
  387. barbao
  388. bbq2213
  389. beastd
  390. berserker~
  391. billthebot
  392. bitchboy88
  393. blaytel
  394. bliplbob
  395. blizaardy
  396. bodyyrpkhappybottom
  397. bolognese
  398. captain yolo
  399. cescy
  400. chainylol
  401. chickenfuckingcoop
  402. choochoopickle
  403. cincinnatus
  404. cleaning_house
  405. cocknballs
  406. coldzerq
  407. copscantcatchmelul
  408. coucoufr
  409. cpl_mill-
  410. crindz
  411. crywolf1337
  412. csgo_dead_game
  413. cuba_libre10
  414. cy_ro
  415. dR_JaCkPoT
  416. decyfeR
  417. dgLLLL
  418. diamat
  419. dickhead200
  420. dindunuffintrihard
  421. dingbats_
  422. djtg
  423. dogboi2001
  424. dont_kick_allu_ffs
  425. dontbanmeplssss
  426. drewcifer
  427. drpD
  428. duffz00r
  429. dxfy
  430. eastern_europian_immigrant
  431. eccentrium
  432. ehdevkoukz
  433. elconjuro
  434. element4s
  435. emeliie
  436. emiliosantos
  437. ez4harimaumuda
  438. ezfaze
  439. fLAKYY
  440. fiff1aren
  441. flakkefagger
  442. flippig
  443. flushadidnothingwr0ng
  444. forget_7x1_ffs
  445. freckinanut
  446. gayretardtrynafuck
  447. generalmajorah
  448. genxsjc
  449. gilisen
  450. glowhand
  451. godnijo
  452. goodyear93
  453. grEminence
  454. grenzor
  455. guaxinim
  456. gully with a leng
  457. h4ndo
  458. happyDane
  459. hekzy
  460. henrikturs
  461. henryG_sadokist_KappaPride
  462. herb
  463. hltv_bait_master
  464. hrnshn
  465. iDKKK
  466. iRolLeX
  467. i_hate_autism
  468. i_like_roblox_tiddies
  469. iamdontfeelingthisthankyou
  470. iammongoose
  471. idontknowaname
  472. iknowit
  473. imfuckinggay
  474. indygoFLOW
  475. itso
  476. ivanpb
  477. jackir
  478. jakem0n
  479. jayfkay
  480. jayquellin52
  481. jeffd
  482. jekl
  483. jia
  484. juanme555
  485. just_many
  486. k4rlsson
  487. kakkopp
  488. kasparama
  489. kebab_b
  490. kelelek
  491. ketamphetamine
  492. kick_MAJ3R_ffs
  493. kick_aleksi_jalli_ffs
  494. kick_friberg_ffs
  495. kick_ngin_asap_ffs
  496. kick_sexer_ffs
  497. kicknitr0already
  498. kicksquad
  499. kimchikim
  500. kingroudel
  501. kingseven
  502. kirathekiller
  503. koobik^
  504. kooster
  505. krea^
  506. krzyy
  507. kthxbye3e
  508. leberkas
  509. lennfish
  510. leodeathhh
  511. locky0000
  512. loonek4
  513. loviac
  514. luffi
  515. lumpy seal
  516. lylimapanda
  517. m0sifer
  518. m8ms
  519. maestroCS
  520. magist3rn
  521. malse_man
  522. manzedluke
  523. marsxwar
  524. megustapelear
  525. melelele
  526. memyselfandI
  527. mick3y
  528. mikeeyyy
  529. mintzz
  530. mitosdann
  531. mobchervenkov
  532. mohzart
  533. moky
  534. mrarrogant
  535. mrschagas
  536. msgr
  537. multiaccountman
  538. muricanmarxist(govegan)
  539. nalleB
  540. ndr[o]
  541. neverlander
  542. new@ac@low@id
  543. noLongerMadeInBR
  544. noahborel
  545. noobhead
  546. norain
  547. northamerican
  548. npo_Nrpok
  549. ntBait
  550. nuoxen
  551. ohai
  552. omniblast
  553. onyango
  554. orlystache
  555. osmanabi
  556. pSilent
  557. paCelman
  558. paumito
  559. payynn
  560. perkelemeister
  561. pescadoinvisible
  562. petrenkoJEEEST
  563. phenom340
  564. physicistttt
  565. pingu7
  566. plc_junkeR
  567. pokerchip
  568. polaker
  569. poland_worst_country_ffs
  570. poocrafter2
  571. poumtchakK
  572. pppzi
  573. prokda
  574. put_sagat_in_csgo
  575. putinftw
  576. qBeY
  577. qwedsa
  578. rEEinolds
  579. rafapsytrance
  580. raffian_
  581. rainGODtop1
  582. raped_by_shrek
  583. raz0r_
  584. razz1elgod
  585. rdss
  586. real_fakeflagger
  587. respectedHLTVuser
  588. robbenmaster
  589. rollofocker
  590. rudak1337's mom
  591. samje
  592. schlork
  593. scrubi
  594. seccaZ
  595. shandallcs
  596. sharik18
  597. shizocs
  598. shroudy
  599. sitarskee
  600. skaven
  601. smithzz_did_nothing_wrong
  602. sn0uby
  603. sofuckingemodude
  604. solanum
  605. sometimesirageZ
  606. spinfas
  607. squatz n oats
  608. squezzi
  609. sryInospeaklondon/sryIcantspeaklondon
  610. ssaH
  611. steven513
  612. superappelflap
  613. sxb
  614. taichou
  615. teco
  616. thelegendhimself
  617. thepriest
  618. thesmartj[v]
  619. thiccboiww
  620. toastedgiraffe
  621. torbensmidig
  622. trareim
  623. tristatider
  624. trophY
  625. tryptamine
  626. tubewoody
  627. tuturs
  628. tweekzter
  629. uRaguuuu
  630. ulfsen
  631. unnamedlolz
  632. v3m4l1
  633. vikingswine
  634. vinz0
  635. visst
  636. vladimirtrump
  637. vols
  638. willynaessen
  639. winghaveN
  640. wintur
  641. wittyusername
  642. worstplayerr
  643. xandecaoo
  644. xiirri
  645. y0fl0w^2
  646. yankkie
  647. yarrakbeyfendi
  648. yourpsychologist
  649. yugoboss
  650. yunfei
  651. zeolikk
  652. zikinu
  653. zilvA
  654. znajder_1_major_niko_0
  655. zooted
  657. Confirmed anti-leftist users:
  659. Apzi
  661. DeVulse
  662. GeorgeWashington
  663. MakeAmericaGreatAgain
  664. MrTasy
  665. NewZealand
  666. Trump2020KAG
  667. bloodwolf1710
  668. dbano
  669. sk0ffin
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