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Oct 17th, 2019
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  1. #include "main.h"
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #include <string>
  4. #include "okapi/api.hpp"
  6. using namespace okapi;
  8. #define LEFT_WHEELS_PORT 2
  9. #define LEFT_WHEELS_PORT_2 6
  10. #define RIGHT_WHEELS_PORT 5
  11. #define RIGHT_WHEELS_PORT_2 3
  12. #define INTAKE_PORT_L 8
  13. #define INTAKE_PORT_R 7
  14. #define OUTTAKE_PORT 20
  15. #define LIFT_PORT 9
  16. #define VISION_PORT 17
  17. //testing something
  18. bool profiling = false;
  20. //ports/encoders
  21. pros::Motor left_wheels (LEFT_WHEELS_PORT);
  22. pros::Motor left_wheels_2 (LEFT_WHEELS_PORT_2,true);
  23. pros::Motor right_wheels (RIGHT_WHEELS_PORT, true);
  24. pros::Motor right_wheels_2 (RIGHT_WHEELS_PORT_2);
  25. pros::Motor intake_L (INTAKE_PORT_L);
  26. pros::Motor intake_R (INTAKE_PORT_R);
  27. pros::Motor lift (LIFT_PORT,MOTOR_GEARSET_36, false, pros::E_MOTOR_ENCODER_COUNTS);
  28. pros::Motor outtake (OUTTAKE_PORT,MOTOR_GEARSET_36, false, pros::E_MOTOR_ENCODER_COUNTS);
  29. IntegratedEncoder enc = IntegratedEncoder(outtake);
  31. //budget motion profiling???
  32. std::vector<int> right_motor_movement_log={};
  33. std::vector<int> left_motor_movement_log={};
  34. std::vector<int> outtake_motor_movement_log={};
  35. std::vector<int> intake_motor_movement_log={};
  37. //various numbers
  38. float SPEED_COEFFICIENT=126/127;
  39. float SPEED_FAST=126/127;
  40. float SPEED_SLOW=0.4;
  41. int INTAKE_SPEED=126;
  42. int OUTTAKE_ENCODER_TICKS=12000;//???
  43. int OUTTAKE_SPEED=126;//????
  44. int LIFT_SPEED=126;
  46. //color codes?
  48. pros::Vision vis (VISION_PORT);
  51. pros::vision_signature_s_t THANOSCUBE = pros::Vision::signature_from_utility(1, 1379, 2243, 1811, 8235, 9945, 9090, 3.000, 1);
  52. pros::vision_signature_s_t ORANGCUBE = pros::Vision::signature_from_utility(2, 6253, 6967, 6610, -2621, -2185, -2403, 3.000, 0);
  53. pros::vision_signature_s_t GREENCUBES = pros::Vision::signature_from_utility(3, -8371, -7575, -7973, -4897, -3719, -4308, 3.000, 0);
  54. pros::vision_signature_s_t PURPLE = pros::Vision::signature_from_utility( 4, 895, 1927, 1411, 8041, 10169, 9105, 3.000, 1);
  55. //motion profiling variables??
  56. auto myChassis = ChassisControllerFactory::create(
  57. {1, -2}, // Left motors
  58. {-10, 9}, // Right motors
  59. AbstractMotor::gearset::red, // Torque gearset
  60. {4_in, 12.5_in} // 4 inch wheels, 12.5 inch wheelbase width
  61. );
  63. auto profileController = AsyncControllerFactory::motionProfile(
  64. 2.0, // Maximum linear velocity of the Chassis in m/s
  65. 2.0, // Maximum linear acceleration of the Chassis in m/s/s
  66. 10.0, // Maximum linear jerk of the Chassis in m/s/s/s
  67. myChassis // Chassis Controller
  68. );
  70. int autoAlignCube(){
  71. pros::vision_object_s_t purp = vis.get_by_sig(0, 1);
  72. pros::vision_object_s_t green = vis.get_by_sig(0, 2);
  73. pros::vision_object_s_t orang = vis.get_by_sig(0, 3);
  74. int size1= purp.width*purp.height;
  75. int size2= green.width*green.height;
  76. int size3= orang.width*orang.height;
  77. float left=-0;
  78. float right=0;
  79. if(size1>=size2&&size1>=size3){
  80. int x = purp.left_coord;
  81. double y = -1.2307*x+128.462;
  82. if(abs(purp.top_coord-y)<10){
  83. printf("true");
  84. return 0;
  85. }
  86. else if(purp.top_coord-y<=10){
  87. return 30;
  88. }
  89. else{
  90. return -30;
  91. }
  92. }
  93. else if(size2>size3){
  95. int x = green.left_coord;
  96. double y = -1.2307*x+128.462;
  97. printf("%d %d %d\n",purp.x_middle_coord,purp.y_middle_coord,y);
  98. if(abs(green.top_coord-y)<10){
  99. printf("true");
  100. return 0;
  101. }
  102. else if(green.top_coord-y<=10){
  103. return 30;
  104. }
  105. else{
  106. return -30;
  107. }
  108. }
  109. else{
  111. int x = orang.left_coord;
  112. double y = -1.2307*x+128.462;
  113. printf("%d %d %d\n",purp.x_middle_coord,purp.y_middle_coord,y);
  114. if(abs(orang.top_coord-y)<10){
  115. printf("true");
  116. return 0;
  117. }
  118. else if(orang.top_coord-y<=10){
  119. return 30;
  120. }
  121. else{
  122. return -30;
  123. }
  124. }
  125. }
  127. void moveIntake(bool dir){//false for reverse
  128. if(dir){
  129. intake_L.move(127);
  130. intake_R.move(-127);
  131. intake_motor_movement_log.push_back(INTAKE_SPEED);
  132. }
  133. else{
  134. intake_L.move(-127);
  135. intake_R.move(127);
  136. intake_motor_movement_log.push_back(-INTAKE_SPEED);
  137. }
  138. }
  139. void stopIntake(){
  140. intake_L.move(0);
  141. intake_R.move(0);
  142. intake_motor_movement_log.push_back(0);
  143. }
  144. void moveOuttake(bool dir){
  145. if(dir){
  146. outtake.move(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  147. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  148. }
  149. else{
  150. outtake.move(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  151. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  152. }
  153. }
  154. void stopOuttake(){
  155. outtake.move(0);
  156. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(0);
  157. }
  158. void outtake_macro(bool state,long encStart){//false for reverse
  159. printf("%d\n",enc.get());
  160. if(state==1){
  161. if(enc.get()-encStart<OUTTAKE_ENCODER_TICKS){
  162. outtake.move(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  163. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  164. }
  165. else{
  166. stopOuttake();
  167. }
  168. }
  169. if(state==0){
  170. if(enc.get()>0){
  171. outtake.move(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  172. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  173. }
  174. else{
  175. stopOuttake();
  176. }
  177. }
  178. }
  179. void outtake_macro(bool dir){//false for reverse
  180. IntegratedEncoder enc = IntegratedEncoder(outtake);
  181. enc.reset();
  182. if(dir){
  183. while(enc.get()<=OUTTAKE_ENCODER_TICKS){
  184. outtake.move(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  185. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  186. }
  187. }
  188. else{
  189. while(enc.get()>=-OUTTAKE_ENCODER_TICKS){
  190. outtake.move(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  191. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  192. }
  193. }
  194. outtake.move(0);
  195. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  196. }
  197. void move_lift(bool dir){
  198. if(dir){
  199. lift.move(LIFT_SPEED);
  200. }
  201. else{
  202. lift.move(-LIFT_SPEED);
  203. }
  204. }
  205. void stop_lift(){
  206. lift.move(0);
  207. }
  208. bool lift_macro_up(IntegratedEncoder encL){
  209. if(encL.get()<500){
  210. lift.move(LIFT_SPEED);
  211. return true;
  212. }
  213. else {
  214. return false;
  215. }
  216. }
  217. bool lift_macro_down(IntegratedEncoder encL){
  218. if(encL.get()>-500){
  219. lift.move(-LIFT_SPEED);
  220. return true;
  221. }
  222. else {
  223. return false;
  224. }
  225. }
  226. void outtake_macro2(bool dir){//false for reverse
  227. IntegratedEncoder enc = IntegratedEncoder(outtake);
  228. enc.reset();
  229. if(dir){
  230. while(enc.get()<=4000){
  231. outtake.move(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  232. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  233. }
  234. }
  235. else{
  236. while(enc.get()>=-4000){
  237. outtake.move(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  238. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  239. }
  240. }
  241. outtake.move(0);
  242. outtake_motor_movement_log.push_back(-OUTTAKE_SPEED);
  243. }
  244. void opcontrol() {
  245. vis.set_signature(1, &THANOSCUBE);
  246. vis.set_signature(2, &GREENCUBES);
  247. vis.set_signature(3, &ORANGCUBE);
  248. int tick = 0;
  249. enc.reset();
  250. pros::Controller master (CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  252. outtake.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD);
  253. intake_R.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD);
  254. intake_L.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD);
  255. left_wheels.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD);
  256. right_wheels.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD);
  257. left_wheels_2.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD);
  258. right_wheels_2.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD);
  259. IntegratedEncoder drive = IntegratedEncoder(left_wheels);
  260. while (true) {
  261. //DRIVE (TANK)
  262. /*float left=(master.get_analog(ANALOG_LEFT_Y));
  263. float right=(master.get_analog(ANALOG_RIGHT_Y));
  264. if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L2)){
  265. int adjust = autoAlignCube();
  266. if(adjust==-30){
  267. right-=30;
  268. }
  269. if(adjust==30){
  270. left-=30;
  271. }
  272. }
  273. left_wheels.move(-left);
  274. right_wheels.move(right);
  275. left_wheels_2.move(left);
  276. right_wheels_2.move(right);
  277. left_motor_movement_log.push_back(left);
  278. right_motor_movement_log.push_back(right);
  279. //printf("%d %d",master.get_analog(ANALOG_LEFT_Y),master.get_analog(ANALOG_RIGHT_Y));
  280. *///DRIVE (ARCADE)
  281. int power = master.get_analog(ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
  282. int turn = master.get_analog(ANALOG_RIGHT_X);
  283. int left = (power + turn);
  284. int right = (power - turn);
  285. printf("%f\n",drive.get());
  286. left_wheels.move(-left);
  287. right_wheels.move(right);
  288. left_wheels_2.move(left);
  289. right_wheels_2.move(right);
  290. left_motor_movement_log.push_back(left);
  291. right_motor_movement_log.push_back(right);
  293. /*bool moveLiftUp = false;
  294. bool moveLiftDown = false;
  295. IntegratedEncoder encL = IntegratedEncoder(lift);
  296. if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L1)) {
  297. encL.reset();
  298. moveLiftUp=true;
  299. }
  300. else if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L2)) {
  301. encL.reset();
  302. moveLiftDown=true;
  303. }
  304. if(moveLiftUp){
  305. moveLiftUp=lift_macro_up(encL);
  306. }
  307. else if(moveLiftDown){
  308. moveLiftDown=lift_macro_down(encL);
  309. }*/
  310. if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L1)) {
  311. move_lift(true);
  312. }
  313. else if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L2)) {
  314. move_lift(false);
  315. }
  316. else{
  317. stop_lift();
  318. }
  320. if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_R1)) {
  321. printf("%s","yay");
  322. moveIntake(true);
  323. }
  324. else if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_R2)) {
  325. moveIntake(false);
  326. }
  327. else {
  328. stopIntake();
  329. }
  331. if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_X)){
  333. outtake_macro(true);
  334. //moveOuttake(true);//controlled outtake
  335. }
  336. else if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_UP)){
  338. outtake_macro(false);
  339. //moveOuttake(false);
  340. }
  341. else if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_B)){
  343. outtake_macro(true);
  344. //moveOuttake(true);//controlled outtake
  345. }
  346. else if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_DOWN)){
  348. outtake_macro(false);
  349. //moveOuttake(false);
  350. }
  351. else{
  352. stopOuttake();
  353. }
  354. pros::delay(10);
  355. }
  356. }
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