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Jul 8th, 2015
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  1. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 set http keepalive handler
  2. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http close request
  3. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http log handler
  4. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http pinba handler
  5. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004D47F90
  6. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 00000000048F0C90, unused: 0
  7. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004954590, unused: 0
  8. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004C2D730, unused: 2058
  9. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004994DB0
  10. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 hc free: 0000000000000000 0
  11. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0
  12. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004E7E4F0
  13. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 reusable connection: 1
  14. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 event timer add: 787: 60000:1436278312209
  15. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http keepalive handler
  16. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 malloc: 0000000004D57010:1024
  17. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 SSL_read: 722
  18. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 SSL_read: -1
  19. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 SSL_get_error: 2
  20. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 reusable connection: 0
  21. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 posix_memalign: 0000000004DE2F90:4096 @16
  22. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 event timer del: 787: 1436278312209
  23. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http process request line
  24. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http request line: "GET /images/th1.png HTTP/1.1"
  25. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http uri: "/images/th1.png"
  26. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http args: ""
  27. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http exten: "png"
  28. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 posix_memalign: 0000000004DE3FA0:4096 @16
  29. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http process request header line
  30. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "Host:"
  31. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "Connection: keep-alive"
  32. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "Accept: image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"
  33. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36"
  34. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "Referer:"
  35. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch"
  36. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4"
  37. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header: "Cookie: PHPSESSID=rmlpao3focu0e1v8vj00plh9sqeb28a3; __utmt=1; __asc=7853a32e14efeddc26dd2de7c48; __auc=41a5650e14efc7846af521391f7; __utma=218428942.1459945284.1438754811.1438784757.1438795026.5; __utmb=218428942.2.10.1438795026; __utmc=218428942; __utmz=218428942.1438754811.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided)"
  38. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http header done
  39. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 generic phase: 0
  40. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 rewrite phase: 1
  41. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 test location: "/"
  42. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 test location: ""
  43. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 test location: ~ "\.(png|jpe?g|css|js|gif|ico|bmp|exe|woff2?|eot|zip|mp3|ogg|wav|cur)$"
  44. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 using configuration "\.(png|jpe?g|css|js|gif|ico|bmp|exe|woff2?|eot|zip|mp3|ogg|wav|cur)$"
  45. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http cl:-1 max:1073741824
  46. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 rewrite phase: 3
  47. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 rewrite phase: 4
  48. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 rewrite phase: 5
  49. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 post rewrite phase: 6
  50. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 generic phase: 7
  51. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 generic phase: 8
  52. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 generic phase: 9
  53. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 access phase: 10
  54. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 access phase: 11
  55. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 access phase: 12
  56. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 access phase: 13
  57. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 access phase: 14
  58. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 post access phase: 15
  59. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 pagespeed phase: 16
  60. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http init upstream, client timer: 0
  61. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http map started
  62. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http map: "" ""
  63. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: "Host: "
  64. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script var: ""
  65. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: "
  66. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: "X-Real-IP: "
  67. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script var: ""
  68. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: "
  69. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-For: "
  70. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script var: ""
  71. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: "
  72. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  73. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  74. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  75. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  76. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  77. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  78. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  79. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http script copy: ""
  80. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Accept: image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"
  81. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36"
  82. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Referer:"
  83. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch"
  84. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4"
  85. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Cookie: PHPSESSID=rmlpao3focu0e1v8vj00plh9sqeb28a3; __utmt=1; __asc=7853a32e14efeddc26dd2de7c48; __auc=41a5650e14efc7846af521391f7; __utma=218428942.1459945284.1438754811.1438784757.1438795026.5; __utmb=218428942.2.10.1438795026; __utmc=218428942; __utmz=218428942.1438754811.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided)"
  86. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header:
  87. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http cleanup add: 0000000004DE4B50
  88. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 init keepalive peer
  89. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 get keepalive peer
  90. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 get rr peer, try: 2
  91. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 backup servers
  92. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 get rr peer, try: 2
  93. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 get rr peer, current: 0 0
  94. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 socket 1363
  95. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 epoll add connection: fd:1363 ev:80002005
  96. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 connect to, fd:1363 #257147662
  97. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream connect: -2
  98. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 posix_memalign: 0000000004C3D850:128 @16
  99. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 event timer add: 1363: 5000:1436278257623
  100. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http finalize request: -4, "/images/th1.png?" a:1, c:2
  101. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http request count:2 blk:0
  102. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http run request: "/images/th1.png?"
  103. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/images/th1.png"
  104. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
  105. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream request: "/images/th1.png?"
  106. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream send request handler
  107. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream send request
  108. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream send request body
  109. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 chain writer buf fl:1 s:758
  110. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 chain writer in: 0000000004DE4BC0
  111. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 writev: 758 of 758
  112. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
  113. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 event timer del: 1363: 1436278257623
  114. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 event timer add: 1363: 240000:1436278492702
  115. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream request: "/images/th1.png?"
  116. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream process header
  117. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 malloc: 0000000004EE55F0:32768
  118. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 recv: fd:1363 823 of 32768
  119. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy status 400 "400 Bad Request"
  120. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Server: nginx/1.6.2"
  121. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 14:10:54 GMT"
  122. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Content-Type: text/html"
  123. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 672"
  124. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header: "Connection: close"
  125. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy header done
  126. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 headers more header filter, uri "/images/th1.png"
  127. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0
  128. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 xslt filter header
  129. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
  130. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000000004DE4E68, pos 0000000004DE4E68, size: 183 file: 0, size: 0
  131. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:183
  132. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http proxy filter init s:400 h:0 c:0 l:672
  133. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 posix_memalign: 0000000004EED600:4096 @16
  134. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http upstream process non buffered downstream
  135. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http output filter "/images/th1.png?"
  136. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http copy filter: "/images/th1.png?"
  137. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 image filter
  138. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 xslt filter body
  139. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http postpone filter "/images/th1.png?" 0000000004DE4F48
  140. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 write old buf t:1 f:0 0000000004DE4E68, pos 0000000004DE4E68, size: 183 file: 0, size: 0
  141. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 0000000004EE5687, size: 672 file: 0, size: 0
  142. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http write filter: l:0 f:1 s:855
  143. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http write filter limit 0
  144. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 malloc: 0000000004EEE610:16384
  145. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 SSL buf copy: 183
  146. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 SSL buf copy: 672
  147. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 SSL to write: 855
  148. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 SSL_write: 855
  149. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http write filter 0000000000000000
  150. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http copy filter: 0 "/images/th1.png?"
  151. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 finalize http upstream request: 0
  152. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 finalize http proxy request
  153. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free keepalive peer
  154. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free rr peer 2 0
  155. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 close http upstream connection: 1363
  156. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004C3D850, unused: 48
  157. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 event timer del: 1363: 1436278492702
  158. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 reusable connection: 0
  159. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http output filter "/images/th1.png?"
  160. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http copy filter: "/images/th1.png?"
  161. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 image filter
  162. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 xslt filter body
  163. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http postpone filter "/images/th1.png?" 00007FFFCBEDC890
  164. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 0000000000000000, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
  165. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:0
  166. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http copy filter: 0 "/images/th1.png?"
  167. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http finalize request: 0, "/images/th1.png?" a:1, c:1
  168. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 set http keepalive handler
  169. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http close request
  170. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http log handler
  171. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 http pinba handler
  172. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004EE55F0
  173. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004DE2F90, unused: 0
  174. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004DE3FA0, unused: 56
  175. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004EED600, unused: 3459
  176. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004D57010
  177. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 hc free: 0000000000000000 0
  178. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0
  179. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 free: 0000000004EEE610
  180. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 reusable connection: 1
  181. 2015/07/07 17:10:52 [debug] 30118#30118: *257100135 event timer add: 787: 60000:1436278312781
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