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Jan 18th, 2019
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text 14.79 KB | None | 0 0
  1. /*##############################################
  2. _ _ _
  3. | | | | |
  4. _ __ ___ ___ __| | | ___ __ _ __ _| |_ ___
  5. | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \/ _` | |/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \
  6. | | | | __/ __/ (_| | | __/ (_| | (_| | || __/
  7. |_| |_|\___|\___|\__,_|_|\___|\__, |\__,_|\__\___|
  8. __/ |
  9. |___/
  10. made by: Needlegate
  12. 2019-01-05
  14. for Arduino ATmega 2560
  15. */
  16. #include "Motors.h"
  17. #include "Program.h"
  18. #include <Braccio.h>
  19. #include <Servo.h>
  20. #define CLS "\033[2J"
  21. Servo base;
  22. Servo shoulder;
  23. Servo elbow;
  24. Servo wrist_rot;
  25. Servo wrist_ver;
  26. Servo gripper;
  27. Motors Robot;
  28. Program Prog;
  29. int x_axis = A0; //joystick pin
  30. int y_axis = A1; // joystick pin
  31. int x_pos;
  32. int y_pos;
  33. byte axis_choice = 0; //manual mode
  34. int button1 = 30;
  35. int button2 = 34;
  36. int button3 = 38;
  37. bool bt1_Tick; //high or low every loop
  38. bool bt2_Tick; // --II--
  39. bool bt3_Tick; // --II--
  40. bool lastBt1;
  41. long last_bt1_highFlank;
  42. long last_bt2_highFlank;
  43. long last_bt3_highFlank;
  44. bool lastBt2;
  45. bool lastBt3;
  46. byte lvl_one_ptr = 1;
  47. byte final_lvl_1 = 0;
  48. byte lvl_two_ptr = 0;
  49. byte last_lvl_two_ptr; //special for manual menu
  50. byte final_lvl_2 = 0;
  51. byte lvl_three_ptr = 0;
  52. byte final_lvl_3 = 0;
  54. byte program_amount;
  55. byte program_choice;
  56. bool program_running = false;
  57. byte program_nodes;
  58. byte current_node;
  60. int lastCheck;
  61. byte tick = 0;
  62. long last_tick = 0;
  65. void setup() {
  66. Serial.begin(57600);
  69. Serial.println("##################################################################");
  70. Serial.println("################ NEEDLEGATE ROBOT TOOL 1.0 #######################");
  71. Serial.println("##################################################################");
  72. Serial.println();
  73. Serial.println("robot starting up, stay away..");
  74. // Braccio.begin(-70);
  75. pinMode(button1, INPUT);
  76. pinMode(button2, INPUT);
  77. pinMode(button3, INPUT);
  78. }
  80. void loop() {
  81. bt1_Tick = false;
  82. bt2_Tick = false;
  83. bt3_Tick = false;
  84. check_button_highFlank();
  86. menus();
  87. if (!program_running) {
  88. if (final_lvl_1 == 1) { // manual mode
  89. manual();
  90. move_robot();
  91. }
  92. if (final_lvl_1 == 2) { //programming
  93. manual();
  94. move_robot();
  95. menu_logic();
  96. }
  97. if (final_lvl_1 == 3) { // load program
  98. menu_logic();
  100. }
  101. if (final_lvl_1 == 4) { //Erase memory
  102. print_menu();
  103. menu_logic();
  104. }
  106. if (update_screen()) { // only updates if something changed (not perfect)
  107. print_screen();
  108. }
  110. } else {
  111. menu_logic();
  112. if (program_running) {
  113. if ( run_program(program_choice, program_nodes)) {
  114. Serial.println("program done");
  115. delay(1000);
  116. } else {
  117. print_screen();
  118. Serial.print("running next node: ");
  119. Serial.println(program_nodes);
  120. }
  121. }
  123. }
  124. }
  125. boolean run_program(byte program, byte nodes) {
  127. if (current_node > nodes) {
  128. program_running = false;
  129. Serial.println("program completed");
  130. return true;
  131. }
  133. bool moving_to_node = true;
  134. byte actual_pos[7];
  135. byte goal_pos[7];
  136. for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
  137. actual_pos[i] = Robot.get_motor(i); // get actual pos
  138. goal_pos[i] = Prog.get_axis(program, current_node, i); //error <<... node 255?
  140. }
  141. byte completed = 0;
  142. for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
  143. if (actual_pos[i] > goal_pos[i]) {
  144. Robot.decrement(i);
  145. } else if (actual_pos[i] < goal_pos[i]) {
  146. Robot.increment(i);
  147. } else {
  148. completed++;
  149. }
  150. }
  151. /// just 1 degree per lap
  154. if (completed >= 6) {
  155. current_node++;
  156. }
  158. moving_to_node = false;
  160. // move_auto(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6);
  161. return false;
  162. }
  163. boolean update_screen() {
  164. long this_tick = millis();
  165. if (this_tick - last_tick > 1000) {
  166. tick += 1;
  167. last_tick = this_tick;
  168. }
  169. int a = digitalRead(button1);
  170. int b = digitalRead(button2);
  171. int c = digitalRead(button3);
  172. int tempx = analogRead(x_axis);
  173. int tempy = analogRead(y_axis);
  174. tempx = map(tempx, 0, 1023, 0, 100);
  175. tempy = map(tempy, 0, 1023, 0, 100);
  176. int r = 0;
  177. for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
  178. int R = Robot.get_motor(i);
  179. r = r + R;
  180. }
  181. int checkSum = a + b + c + r + tick;
  182. if (checkSum != lastCheck) {
  183. lastCheck = a + b + c + r + tick;
  184. return true;
  185. }
  186. lastCheck = a + b + c + r + tick;
  187. return false;
  188. }
  189. void manual() { /// manually run robot. menu 1 /2
  191. x_pos = analogRead(x_axis);
  192. y_pos = analogRead(y_axis);
  193. long currentMillis = millis();
  195. if (y_pos > 490 && y_pos < 520) { //return if joystick is untouched
  196. return;
  197. }
  198. boolean increment;
  200. if (y_pos > 520) { // determine if we want to increment or not
  201. increment = true;
  202. } else if (y_pos < 490) {
  203. increment = false;
  204. }
  206. if (increment) { //increment robot pos for axis of choice
  207. int value = map(y_pos, 521, 1023, 1, 3);
  208. long thisMove = millis();
  209. long lastMove = Robot.get_lastMove(axis_choice);
  210. boolean timeToMove = false;
  211. if (thisMove - lastMove > 50 / value) {
  212. if (Robot.increment(axis_choice)) {
  213. //Serial.println(Robot.get_motor(axis_choice));
  214. }
  215. }
  216. }
  218. if (!increment) { //decrement robot pos for axis of choice
  219. int value = map(y_pos, 490, 0, 1, 3);
  220. long thisMove = millis();
  221. long lastMove = Robot.get_lastMove(axis_choice);
  222. boolean timeToMove = false;
  223. if (thisMove - lastMove > 50 / value) {
  224. if (Robot.decrement(axis_choice)) {
  225. ;
  226. }
  227. }
  228. }
  230. }
  231. boolean save_node() { //send the axis positions from Robot class to Prog class
  232. byte temp_axis[6];
  233. for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
  234. temp_axis[i - 1] = Robot.get_motor(i);
  235. }
  236. if (Prog.set_node(temp_axis[0], temp_axis[1], temp_axis[2], temp_axis[3],
  237. temp_axis[4], temp_axis[5])) {
  238. return true;
  239. } else {
  241. return false;
  242. }
  243. }
  244. boolean save_program() { // let programmer class know that the program is done
  245. Prog.set_end();
  247. }
  249. void move_robot() {
  250. byte m1 = Robot.get_motor(1);
  251. byte m2 = Robot.get_motor(2);
  252. byte m3 = Robot.get_motor(3);
  253. byte m4 = Robot.get_motor(4);
  254. byte m5 = Robot.get_motor(5);
  255. byte m6 = Robot.get_motor(6);
  256. Braccio.ServoMovement(3, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6);
  257. //delay(5);;
  259. }
  261. void menus() {
  262. ////////////return button 3
  263. if (bt3_Tick) { //return 1 level
  264. if (lvl_one_ptr > 0 && lvl_two_ptr == 0 && lvl_three_ptr == 0) {
  265. final_lvl_1 = 0;
  266. }
  267. else if (lvl_two_ptr > 0 && lvl_three_ptr == 0) {
  268. lvl_two_ptr = 0; //return to level 1
  269. final_lvl_2 = 0;
  270. } else if (lvl_three_ptr > 0) {
  271. lvl_three_ptr = 0; //return to level 2
  272. final_lvl_3 = 0;
  273. }
  274. }
  276. ////////cycle menu level - button 2
  277. if (bt2_Tick) { //cycle menus
  278. if (final_lvl_2 > 0) { //we are in level 3
  279. lvl_three_ptr = (lvl_three_ptr + 1) % 4;
  280. if (lvl_three_ptr == 0) //make sure we dont get zero
  281. lvl_three_ptr = 1;
  282. /////////////////////////////////////////////
  283. } else if (final_lvl_1 > 0 && final_lvl_3 == 0) { // lvl 2
  284. if (final_lvl_1 == 3) {
  285. lvl_two_ptr = (lvl_two_ptr + 1) % 4;
  286. if (lvl_two_ptr == 0) //make sure we dont get zero
  287. lvl_two_ptr = 1;
  288. } else if (final_lvl_1 == 2) { // special - create program
  289. axis_choice = (axis_choice + 1) % 7;
  290. if (axis_choice == 0) {
  291. axis_choice = 1;
  292. }
  293. }
  294. ///////// end special create menu
  295. else if (final_lvl_1 == 1) { //special - manual menu
  296. axis_choice = (axis_choice + 1) % 7;
  297. if (axis_choice == 0) {
  298. axis_choice = 1;
  299. }
  300. }
  301. ////// end special manual menu
  302. } else {
  303. lvl_one_ptr = (lvl_one_ptr + 1) % 5; //lvl 1
  304. if (lvl_one_ptr == 0)
  305. lvl_one_ptr = 1;
  306. }
  307. }
  308. //////chose menu - button 1
  309. if (bt1_Tick) { //select button 1
  310. byte temp;
  312. if (lvl_three_ptr > 0) {
  313. final_lvl_3 = lvl_three_ptr;
  315. } else if (lvl_two_ptr > 0 && lvl_three_ptr == 0) {
  316. final_lvl_2 = lvl_two_ptr;
  318. } else if (lvl_one_ptr > 0 && lvl_two_ptr == 0 && lvl_three_ptr == 0) {
  319. final_lvl_1 = lvl_one_ptr;
  320. if (final_lvl_1 == 3) { //special for loading menu
  321. program_amount = 0;
  322. bool check_program = true;
  323. while (check_program) {
  324. temp = Prog.get_program_list();
  325. if (temp == 254) {
  326. program_amount++;
  327. }
  328. if (temp == 0) {
  329. check_program = false;
  330. }
  331. }
  332. }
  333. }
  334. }
  336. }
  339. void print_screen() {
  340. delay(5);
  341. Serial.print("\033[2J"); // clear screen
  342. // print_logo();
  343. print_axis();
  344. Serial.println("");
  345. Serial.print(lvl_one_ptr); Serial.println(final_lvl_1);
  346. Serial.print(lvl_two_ptr); Serial.println(final_lvl_2);
  347. Serial.print(lvl_three_ptr); Serial.println(final_lvl_3);
  348. print_menu();
  350. }
  351. void print_menu() {
  352. char arrow = '<';
  353. char spear = '-';
  354. Serial.println();
  355. ///main menu
  356. if (final_lvl_1 == 0) {
  357. Serial.println("__MAIN MENU__");
  358. Serial.print("* manual drive ");
  359. if (lvl_one_ptr == 1) {
  360. Serial.print(arrow);
  361. Serial.print(spear); Serial.println(spear);
  362. } else {
  363. Serial.println();
  364. }
  365. Serial.print("* create program ");
  366. if (lvl_one_ptr == 2) {
  367. Serial.print(arrow);
  368. Serial.print(spear); Serial.println(spear);
  369. } else {
  370. Serial.println();
  371. }
  372. Serial.print("* load program ");
  373. if (lvl_one_ptr == 3) {
  374. Serial.print(arrow);
  375. Serial.print(spear); Serial.println(spear);
  376. } else {
  377. Serial.println();
  378. }
  379. Serial.print("* format EEPROM ");
  380. if (lvl_one_ptr == 4) {
  381. Serial.print(arrow);
  382. Serial.print(spear); Serial.println(spear);
  383. } else {
  384. Serial.println();
  385. }
  386. }
  387. // level 2 manual menu
  388. //manual menu
  389. if (final_lvl_2 == 0 && final_lvl_1 == 1) {
  390. Serial.println("__MANUAL MENU__");
  391. Serial.println("manual drive");
  392. Serial.print("axis choosed: "); Serial.println(axis_choice);
  394. }
  395. // create program menu
  396. if (final_lvl_2 == 0 && final_lvl_1 == 2) {
  397. Serial.println("_Create Program_");
  398. Serial.println("manual drive - save node by clicking bt1");
  399. Serial.println(", hold bt1 2 secs to save program");
  400. Serial.print("axis choosed: "); Serial.println(axis_choice);
  401. }
  402. // list programs om EEPROM
  403. if (final_lvl_2 == 0 && final_lvl_1 == 3) {
  404. Serial.print("number of saved programs: ");
  405. Serial.println(program_amount);
  406. Serial.print("load program: "); Serial.println(program_choice);
  407. }
  408. /// erase EEPROM menu
  409. if (final_lvl_2 == 0 && final_lvl_1 == 4) {
  410. Serial.print(CLS);
  411. Serial.println("WARNING");
  412. Serial.println("this will erase all stored data on EEPROM");
  413. Serial.println("press 1 to ERASE or press 3 to go back to menu");
  414. Serial.println("continue?");
  415. delay(100);
  416. }
  417. }
  418. ////////////////////////
  419. ////LOGIC//////////////
  420. //////////////////////
  421. void menu_logic() {
  422. byte temp = digitalRead(button1); /// for reset for save button
  423. long currentMillis = millis();
  424. /// Erase menu
  425. if (final_lvl_2 == 0 && final_lvl_1 == 4) {
  426. bool choice = false;
  427. while (!choice) {
  429. if (get_bt3_highFlank()) {
  430. final_lvl_1 = 0;
  431. choice = true;
  432. }
  433. if (get_bt1_highFlank()) {
  434. final_lvl_1 = 0;
  435. Prog.format_EEPROM();
  436. program_amount = 0;
  437. choice = true;
  438. }
  439. }
  440. }
  441. /// programming menu
  442. if (final_lvl_1 == 2 && lvl_one_ptr == 2) { //prog menu
  443. if (bt1_Tick) { ///set node
  444. if (save_node()) {
  445. Serial.println("saving node in program");
  446. } else {
  447. Serial.println("failed to save node");
  448. }
  450. delay(300);
  451. } else if (temp == 1 && currentMillis - last_bt1_highFlank > 2000 && currentMillis - last_bt1_highFlank < 3000) {
  452. Serial.println("Saving program");
  453. Prog.set_end();
  454. last_bt1_highFlank = millis();
  455. final_lvl_1 == 0;
  456. lvl_one_ptr == 0;
  457. }
  459. }
  461. /// load program
  462. if (final_lvl_1 == 3 && lvl_one_ptr == 3) {
  463. if (bt2_Tick) {
  464. program_choice = (program_choice + 1) % ( program_amount + 1);
  465. if (program_choice == 0) {
  466. program_choice = 1;
  467. }
  468. }
  469. if (bt1_Tick && program_choice != 0) {
  470. program_nodes = Prog.get_program_node_amount(program_choice);
  472. program_running = true;
  473. current_node = 2; ///<<<<----------2 because of error in program class
  475. }
  476. if (bt3_Tick) {
  477. program_nodes = 0;
  478. program_running = false;
  479. program_choice = 0;
  480. }
  481. }
  483. }
  484. void print_axis() {
  485. Serial.println("axis angles:");
  486. Serial.print("M1"); Serial.print(" M2");
  487. Serial.print(" M3"); Serial.print(" M4"); Serial.print(" M5");
  488. Serial.println(" M6");
  489. Serial.print(Robot.get_motor(1)); Serial.print(" ");
  490. Serial.print(Robot.get_motor(2)); Serial.print(" ");
  491. Serial.print(Robot.get_motor(3)); Serial.print(" ");
  492. Serial.print(Robot.get_motor(4)); Serial.print(" ");
  493. Serial.print(Robot.get_motor(5)); Serial.print(" ");
  494. Serial.print(Robot.get_motor(6)); Serial.println(" ");
  495. }
  496. void print_logo() {
  497. Serial.print("\033[2J"); // clear screen
  498. Serial.println("##################################################################");
  499. Serial.println("################ NEEDLEGATE ROBOT TOOL 1.0 #######################");
  500. Serial.println("##################################################################");
  501. Serial.println();
  502. delay(1000);
  503. }
  504. boolean get_bt1_lowFlank() {
  505. bool b1 = digitalRead(button1);
  506. // delay(5);;
  507. if (!b1 && lastBt1) { // low flank
  508. lastBt1 = b1;
  509. return true;
  510. }
  511. lastBt1 = b1;
  512. return false;
  513. }
  514. boolean get_bt1_highFlank() {
  515. bool b1 = digitalRead(button1);
  516. // delay(5);;
  517. if (b1 && !lastBt1) { // high flank
  518. lastBt1 = b1;
  519. last_bt1_highFlank = millis();
  520. return true;
  521. }
  522. lastBt1 = b1;
  523. return false;
  524. }
  525. boolean get_bt2_highFlank() {
  526. bool b2 = digitalRead(button2);
  527. // delay(5);;
  528. if (b2 && !lastBt2) { // high flank
  529. lastBt2 = b2;
  530. return true;
  531. }
  532. lastBt2 = b2;
  533. return false;
  534. }
  535. boolean get_bt3_highFlank() {
  536. bool b3 = digitalRead(button3);
  537. // delay(5);;
  538. if (b3 && !lastBt3) { // high flank
  539. lastBt3 = b3;
  540. return true;
  541. }
  542. lastBt3 = b3;
  543. return false;
  544. }
  545. void check_button_highFlank() {
  546. if (get_bt1_highFlank()) {
  547. last_bt1_highFlank = millis();
  548. bt1_Tick = true;
  549. }
  550. if (get_bt2_highFlank()) {
  551. last_bt2_highFlank = millis();
  552. bt2_Tick = true;
  553. }
  554. if (get_bt3_highFlank()) {
  555. last_bt3_highFlank = millis();
  556. bt3_Tick = true;
  557. }
  558. }
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