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Nov 21st, 2019
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  1. var retina = window.devicePixelRatio,
  3. // Math shorthands
  4. PI = Math.PI,
  5. sqrt = Math.sqrt,
  6. round = Math.round,
  7. random = Math.random,
  8. cos = Math.cos,
  9. sin = Math.sin,
  11. // Local WindowAnimationTiming interface
  12. rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame,
  13. cAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame,
  14. _now = || function () {return new Date().getTime();};
  16. // Local WindowAnimationTiming interface polyfill
  17. (function (w) {
  18. /**
  19. * Fallback implementation.
  20. */
  21. var prev = _now();
  22. function fallback(fn) {
  23. var curr = _now();
  24. var ms = Math.max(0, 16 - (curr - prev));
  25. var req = setTimeout(fn, ms);
  26. prev = curr;
  27. return req;
  28. }
  30. /**
  31. * Cancel.
  32. */
  33. var cancel = w.cancelAnimationFrame
  34. || w.webkitCancelAnimationFrame
  35. || w.clearTimeout;
  37. rAF = w.requestAnimationFrame
  38. || w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
  39. || fallback;
  41. cAF = function(id){
  42., id);
  43. };
  44. }(window));
  46. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  47. var speed = 50,
  48. duration = (1.0 / speed),
  49. confettiRibbonCount = 11,
  50. ribbonPaperCount = 30,
  51. ribbonPaperDist = 8.0,
  52. ribbonPaperThick = 8.0,
  53. confettiPaperCount = 95,
  54. DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180,
  55. RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / PI,
  56. colors = [
  57. ["#df0049", "#660671"],
  58. ["#00e857", "#005291"],
  59. ["#2bebbc", "#05798a"],
  60. ["#ffd200", "#b06c00"]
  61. ];
  63. function Vector2(_x, _y) {
  64. this.x = _x, this.y = _y;
  65. this.Length = function() {
  66. return sqrt(this.SqrLength());
  67. }
  68. this.SqrLength = function() {
  69. return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
  70. }
  71. this.Add = function(_vec) {
  72. this.x += _vec.x;
  73. this.y += _vec.y;
  74. }
  75. this.Sub = function(_vec) {
  76. this.x -= _vec.x;
  77. this.y -= _vec.y;
  78. }
  79. this.Div = function(_f) {
  80. this.x /= _f;
  81. this.y /= _f;
  82. }
  83. this.Mul = function(_f) {
  84. this.x *= _f;
  85. this.y *= _f;
  86. }
  87. this.Normalize = function() {
  88. var sqrLen = this.SqrLength();
  89. if (sqrLen != 0) {
  90. var factor = 1.0 / sqrt(sqrLen);
  91. this.x *= factor;
  92. this.y *= factor;
  93. }
  94. }
  95. this.Normalized = function() {
  96. var sqrLen = this.SqrLength();
  97. if (sqrLen != 0) {
  98. var factor = 1.0 / sqrt(sqrLen);
  99. return new Vector2(this.x * factor, this.y * factor);
  100. }
  101. return new Vector2(0, 0);
  102. }
  103. }
  104. Vector2.Lerp = function(_vec0, _vec1, _t) {
  105. return new Vector2((_vec1.x - _vec0.x) * _t + _vec0.x, (_vec1.y - _vec0.y) * _t + _vec0.y);
  106. }
  107. Vector2.Distance = function(_vec0, _vec1) {
  108. return sqrt(Vector2.SqrDistance(_vec0, _vec1));
  109. }
  110. Vector2.SqrDistance = function(_vec0, _vec1) {
  111. var x = _vec0.x - _vec1.x;
  112. var y = _vec0.y - _vec1.y;
  113. return (x * x + y * y + z * z);
  114. }
  115. Vector2.Scale = function(_vec0, _vec1) {
  116. return new Vector2(_vec0.x * _vec1.x, _vec0.y * _vec1.y);
  117. }
  118. Vector2.Min = function(_vec0, _vec1) {
  119. return new Vector2(Math.min(_vec0.x, _vec1.x), Math.min(_vec0.y, _vec1.y));
  120. }
  121. Vector2.Max = function(_vec0, _vec1) {
  122. return new Vector2(Math.max(_vec0.x, _vec1.x), Math.max(_vec0.y, _vec1.y));
  123. }
  124. Vector2.ClampMagnitude = function(_vec0, _len) {
  125. var vecNorm = _vec0.Normalized;
  126. return new Vector2(vecNorm.x * _len, vecNorm.y * _len);
  127. }
  128. Vector2.Sub = function(_vec0, _vec1) {
  129. return new Vector2(_vec0.x - _vec1.x, _vec0.y - _vec1.y, _vec0.z - _vec1.z);
  130. }
  132. function EulerMass(_x, _y, _mass, _drag) {
  133. this.position = new Vector2(_x, _y);
  134. this.mass = _mass;
  135. this.drag = _drag;
  136. this.force = new Vector2(0, 0);
  137. this.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
  138. this.AddForce = function(_f) {
  139. this.force.Add(_f);
  140. }
  141. this.Integrate = function(_dt) {
  142. var acc = this.CurrentForce(this.position);
  143. acc.Div(this.mass);
  144. var posDelta = new Vector2(this.velocity.x, this.velocity.y);
  145. posDelta.Mul(_dt);
  146. this.position.Add(posDelta);
  147. acc.Mul(_dt);
  148. this.velocity.Add(acc);
  149. this.force = new Vector2(0, 0);
  150. }
  151. this.CurrentForce = function(_pos, _vel) {
  152. var totalForce = new Vector2(this.force.x, this.force.y);
  153. var speed = this.velocity.Length();
  154. var dragVel = new Vector2(this.velocity.x, this.velocity.y);
  155. dragVel.Mul(this.drag * this.mass * speed);
  156. totalForce.Sub(dragVel);
  157. return totalForce;
  158. }
  159. }
  161. function ConfettiPaper(_x, _y) {
  162. this.pos = new Vector2(_x, _y);
  163. this.rotationSpeed = (random() * 600 + 800);
  164. this.angle = DEG_TO_RAD * random() * 360;
  165. this.rotation = DEG_TO_RAD * random() * 360;
  166. this.cosA = 1.0;
  167. this.size = 5.0;
  168. this.oscillationSpeed = (random() * 1.5 + 0.5);
  169. this.xSpeed = 40.0;
  170. this.ySpeed = (random() * 60 + 50.0);
  171. this.corners = new Array();
  172. this.time = random();
  173. var ci = round(random() * (colors.length - 1));
  174. this.frontColor = colors[ci][0];
  175. this.backColor = colors[ci][1];
  176. for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  177. var dx = cos(this.angle + DEG_TO_RAD * (i * 90 + 45));
  178. var dy = sin(this.angle + DEG_TO_RAD * (i * 90 + 45));
  179. this.corners[i] = new Vector2(dx, dy);
  180. }
  181. this.Update = function(_dt) {
  182. this.time += _dt;
  183. this.rotation += this.rotationSpeed * _dt;
  184. this.cosA = cos(DEG_TO_RAD * this.rotation);
  185. this.pos.x += cos(this.time * this.oscillationSpeed) * this.xSpeed * _dt
  186. this.pos.y += this.ySpeed * _dt;
  187. if (this.pos.y > ConfettiPaper.bounds.y) {
  188. this.pos.x = random() * ConfettiPaper.bounds.x;
  189. this.pos.y = 0;
  190. }
  191. }
  192. this.Draw = function(_g) {
  193. if (this.cosA > 0) {
  194. _g.fillStyle = this.frontColor;
  195. } else {
  196. _g.fillStyle = this.backColor;
  197. }
  198. _g.beginPath();
  199. _g.moveTo((this.pos.x + this.corners[0].x * this.size) * retina, (this.pos.y + this.corners[0].y * this.size * this.cosA) * retina);
  200. for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
  201. _g.lineTo((this.pos.x + this.corners[i].x * this.size) * retina, (this.pos.y + this.corners[i].y * this.size * this.cosA) * retina);
  202. }
  203. _g.closePath();
  204. _g.fill();
  205. }
  206. }
  207. ConfettiPaper.bounds = new Vector2(0, 0);
  209. function ConfettiRibbon(_x, _y, _count, _dist, _thickness, _angle, _mass, _drag) {
  210. this.particleDist = _dist;
  211. this.particleCount = _count;
  212. this.particleMass = _mass;
  213. this.particleDrag = _drag;
  214. this.particles = new Array();
  215. var ci = round(random() * (colors.length - 1));
  216. this.frontColor = colors[ci][0];
  217. this.backColor = colors[ci][1];
  218. this.xOff = (cos(DEG_TO_RAD * _angle) * _thickness);
  219. this.yOff = (sin(DEG_TO_RAD * _angle) * _thickness);
  220. this.position = new Vector2(_x, _y);
  221. this.prevPosition = new Vector2(_x, _y);
  222. this.velocityInherit = (random() * 2 + 4);
  223. this.time = random() * 100;
  224. this.oscillationSpeed = (random() * 2 + 2);
  225. this.oscillationDistance = (random() * 40 + 40);
  226. this.ySpeed = (random() * 40 + 80);
  227. for (var i = 0; i < this.particleCount; i++) {
  228. this.particles[i] = new EulerMass(_x, _y - i * this.particleDist, this.particleMass, this.particleDrag);
  229. }
  230. this.Update = function(_dt) {
  231. var i = 0;
  232. this.time += _dt * this.oscillationSpeed;
  233. this.position.y += this.ySpeed * _dt;
  234. this.position.x += cos(this.time) * this.oscillationDistance * _dt;
  235. this.particles[0].position = this.position;
  236. var dX = this.prevPosition.x - this.position.x;
  237. var dY = this.prevPosition.y - this.position.y;
  238. var delta = sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
  239. this.prevPosition = new Vector2(this.position.x, this.position.y);
  240. for (i = 1; i < this.particleCount; i++) {
  241. var dirP = Vector2.Sub(this.particles[i - 1].position, this.particles[i].position);
  242. dirP.Normalize();
  243. dirP.Mul((delta / _dt) * this.velocityInherit);
  244. this.particles[i].AddForce(dirP);
  245. }
  246. for (i = 1; i < this.particleCount; i++) {
  247. this.particles[i].Integrate(_dt);
  248. }
  249. for (i = 1; i < this.particleCount; i++) {
  250. var rp2 = new Vector2(this.particles[i].position.x, this.particles[i].position.y);
  251. rp2.Sub(this.particles[i - 1].position);
  252. rp2.Normalize();
  253. rp2.Mul(this.particleDist);
  254. rp2.Add(this.particles[i - 1].position);
  255. this.particles[i].position = rp2;
  256. }
  257. if (this.position.y > ConfettiRibbon.bounds.y + this.particleDist * this.particleCount) {
  258. this.Reset();
  259. }
  260. }
  261. this.Reset = function() {
  262. this.position.y = -random() * ConfettiRibbon.bounds.y;
  263. this.position.x = random() * ConfettiRibbon.bounds.x;
  264. this.prevPosition = new Vector2(this.position.x, this.position.y);
  265. this.velocityInherit = random() * 2 + 4;
  266. this.time = random() * 100;
  267. this.oscillationSpeed = random() * 2.0 + 1.5;
  268. this.oscillationDistance = (random() * 40 + 40);
  269. this.ySpeed = random() * 40 + 80;
  270. var ci = round(random() * (colors.length - 1));
  271. this.frontColor = colors[ci][0];
  272. this.backColor = colors[ci][1];
  273. this.particles = new Array();
  274. for (var i = 0; i < this.particleCount; i++) {
  275. this.particles[i] = new EulerMass(this.position.x, this.position.y - i * this.particleDist, this.particleMass, this.particleDrag);
  276. }
  277. }
  278. this.Draw = function(_g) {
  279. for (var i = 0; i < this.particleCount - 1; i++) {
  280. var p0 = new Vector2(this.particles[i].position.x + this.xOff, this.particles[i].position.y + this.yOff);
  281. var p1 = new Vector2(this.particles[i + 1].position.x + this.xOff, this.particles[i + 1].position.y + this.yOff);
  282. if (this.Side(this.particles[i].position.x, this.particles[i].position.y, this.particles[i + 1].position.x, this.particles[i + 1].position.y, p1.x, p1.y) < 0) {
  283. _g.fillStyle = this.frontColor;
  284. _g.strokeStyle = this.frontColor;
  285. } else {
  286. _g.fillStyle = this.backColor;
  287. _g.strokeStyle = this.backColor;
  288. }
  289. if (i == 0) {
  290. _g.beginPath();
  291. _g.moveTo(this.particles[i].position.x * retina, this.particles[i].position.y * retina);
  292. _g.lineTo(this.particles[i + 1].position.x * retina, this.particles[i + 1].position.y * retina);
  293. _g.lineTo(((this.particles[i + 1].position.x + p1.x) * 0.5) * retina, ((this.particles[i + 1].position.y + p1.y) * 0.5) * retina);
  294. _g.closePath();
  295. _g.stroke();
  296. _g.fill();
  297. _g.beginPath();
  298. _g.moveTo(p1.x * retina, p1.y * retina);
  299. _g.lineTo(p0.x * retina, p0.y * retina);
  300. _g.lineTo(((this.particles[i + 1].position.x + p1.x) * 0.5) * retina, ((this.particles[i + 1].position.y + p1.y) * 0.5) * retina);
  301. _g.closePath();
  302. _g.stroke();
  303. _g.fill();
  304. } else if (i == this.particleCount - 2) {
  305. _g.beginPath();
  306. _g.moveTo(this.particles[i].position.x * retina, this.particles[i].position.y * retina);
  307. _g.lineTo(this.particles[i + 1].position.x * retina, this.particles[i + 1].position.y * retina);
  308. _g.lineTo(((this.particles[i].position.x + p0.x) * 0.5) * retina, ((this.particles[i].position.y + p0.y) * 0.5) * retina);
  309. _g.closePath();
  310. _g.stroke();
  311. _g.fill();
  312. _g.beginPath();
  313. _g.moveTo(p1.x * retina, p1.y * retina);
  314. _g.lineTo(p0.x * retina, p0.y * retina);
  315. _g.lineTo(((this.particles[i].position.x + p0.x) * 0.5) * retina, ((this.particles[i].position.y + p0.y) * 0.5) * retina);
  316. _g.closePath();
  317. _g.stroke();
  318. _g.fill();
  319. } else {
  320. _g.beginPath();
  321. _g.moveTo(this.particles[i].position.x * retina, this.particles[i].position.y * retina);
  322. _g.lineTo(this.particles[i + 1].position.x * retina, this.particles[i + 1].position.y * retina);
  323. _g.lineTo(p1.x * retina, p1.y * retina);
  324. _g.lineTo(p0.x * retina, p0.y * retina);
  325. _g.closePath();
  326. _g.stroke();
  327. _g.fill();
  328. }
  329. }
  330. }
  331. this.Side = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
  332. return ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y2) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x2));
  333. }
  334. }
  335. ConfettiRibbon.bounds = new Vector2(0, 0);
  336. confetti = {};
  337. confetti.Context = function(id) {
  338. var i = 0;
  339. var canvas = document.getElementById(id);
  340. var canvasParent = canvas.parentNode;
  341. var canvasWidth = canvasParent.offsetWidth;
  342. var canvasHeight = canvasParent.offsetHeight;
  343. canvas.width = canvasWidth * retina;
  344. canvas.height = canvasHeight * retina;
  345. var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
  346. var interval = null;
  347. var confettiRibbons = new Array();
  348. ConfettiRibbon.bounds = new Vector2(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
  349. for (i = 0; i < confettiRibbonCount; i++) {
  350. confettiRibbons[i] = new ConfettiRibbon(random() * canvasWidth, -random() * canvasHeight * 2, ribbonPaperCount, ribbonPaperDist, ribbonPaperThick, 45, 1, 0.05);
  351. }
  352. var confettiPapers = new Array();
  353. ConfettiPaper.bounds = new Vector2(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
  354. for (i = 0; i < confettiPaperCount; i++) {
  355. confettiPapers[i] = new ConfettiPaper(random() * canvasWidth, random() * canvasHeight);
  356. }
  357. this.resize = function() {
  358. canvasWidth = canvasParent.offsetWidth;
  359. canvasHeight = canvasParent.offsetHeight;
  360. canvas.width = canvasWidth * retina;
  361. canvas.height = canvasHeight * retina;
  362. ConfettiPaper.bounds = new Vector2(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
  363. ConfettiRibbon.bounds = new Vector2(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
  364. }
  365. this.start = function() {
  366. this.stop()
  367. var context = this;
  368. this.update();
  369. }
  370. this.stop = function() {
  371. cAF(this.interval);
  372. }
  373. this.update = function() {
  374. var i = 0;
  375. context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  376. for (i = 0; i < confettiPaperCount; i++) {
  377. confettiPapers[i].Update(duration);
  378. confettiPapers[i].Draw(context);
  379. }
  380. for (i = 0; i < confettiRibbonCount; i++) {
  381. confettiRibbons[i].Update(duration);
  382. confettiRibbons[i].Draw(context);
  383. }
  384. this.interval = rAF(function() {
  385. confetti.update();
  386. });
  387. }
  388. }
  389. var confetti = new confetti.Context('confetti');
  390. confetti.start();
  391. window.addEventListener('resize', function(event){
  392. confetti.resize();
  393. });
  394. });
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