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Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. # Overflow Config File
  2. #
  3. #
  4. # Theme = Overflow Theme, you can change in game by doing /Overflow gui and clicking the wool
  5. #
  6. # Prefix = Changes the default Overflow theme prefixViolationSplit = The spilt between violations
  7. # BanViolation = Max amount of VL to be banned by Overflow
  8. # autoBans = Enable auto-bans true/false
  9. # banMode = Normal - 0, JDay - 1
  10. # violationReset = Seconds until all players violations get reset
  11. # banBroadcast = Message that gets sent to the chat when a player gets banned by Overflow, for no ban message put banBroadcast: [] , variables are - %LINE% - creates a line, %PREFIX% - Overflow's current theme prefix, %PLAYER% - Players that got banned
  12. # banCommand = Command that gets executed when a player gets banned by Overflow, variables are %PLAYER% - the player that got banned, %PREFIX% - Overflow's theme prefix
  13. # minTPS = Minimum TPS value
  14. # TPSMode = Normal - 0, Slow - 1
  15. # TPSProtection = Enable / Disable TPS Protection
  16. # APIEvents = Allows the API events to run
  17. # DataCollectionMode = Only logs does not ban and does not alert
  18. # banWait = Seconds to wait before banning a player when detected!
  19. # StatsCollection = Allows the developer to collect statistics about Overflow (anonymous)
  20. # Client = enabled - enables / disables the authentication client , bans - enables / disables HWID bans (GLOBAL)
  21. # Hider = enabled - enables / disables the overflow hider , spoofPluginName = Spoofed plugin name when you do /pl or /plugins , anti-tab-complete - enables / disables - prevents tab complete , noPermissionMessage = the no permission message for overflow commands , customMessage = enable / disable the custom no permission message
  22. # CustomTheme = prefix - the custom prefix message for the custom theme option , alertMessage - the custom alerts message for the theme option , variables are - %PREFIX% - returns the custom prefix, %PLAYER% - returns the players name, %CHECKNAME% - returns the check name, %CHECKTYPE%, returns the check type, %VL% = returns the violation level of the flagged player, %TPS% - returns the server TPS, %PING% - return the players ping
  23. # Lag-LagBack = enables / disables the lag back when someone is lagging (does not lag back for short lag sessions only extreme lag (ONLY DISABLE IF PEOPLE ARE GETTING A FALSE LAG BACK OR TOLD TO DISABLE) , MaxTime = The max time between packets for the anticheat to start thinking a player is lagging, MaxMagic = The max packet between the magic lag system, MinMagic = The min packets between the magic lag system
  24. # ASyncCalculations = enables / disables the async calculations (ONLY DISABLE THIS IF YOU GET RANDOM ERRORS IN CONSOLE!)
  25. # Regions = enabled - enables / disables the region disabler , regions - the list of all the disabled regions for Overflow to work in
  26. # AntuVPN = enabled - enables / disables the AntiVPN system , email = Some AntiVPN services that we use to detect VPNS require an email , checks - disable / enable checks , kickCommand = command that executes when a VPN is detected for the player (variables: %PLAYER% - gets the players name , %CHECK% - gets the flagged VPN checks) , whitelist = the VPN bypass list you can add / remove with /overflow antivpn
  27. # Bungeecord = enabled - enables / disables the Bungeecord sync system , ServerName = the name that will be sent to other servers , AppendEnable = enables / disables the server at the end of the alert , AlertAppend - the message that gets added at the end of the alert, there is only 1 variable and that is %SERVER_NAME% it will return the servers name
  28. # Banwave = broadcastMessage - the message that broadcasts when a player is banned by the banwave (put [] if you want this disabled), commands - the command that executes whem the player is banned by the banwave (put [] if you want this disabled), Variables are %PLAYER% - gets the players name, %PREFIX% - gets the current prefix used by the anticheat, %LINE% - a line, %NUMBER%
  29. # LunarClientDisable = enabled - enables / disables the Lunar Client check disable system, checks = The checks to be disabled for Lunar client users (CheckName-TYPE)
  30. # Bypass = enabled - enables / disables the bypass permission, permission - custom bypass permission, ops = should ops bypass the checks?
  34. Theme: SOLENT
  35. Prefix: '&c&l[&4&lOverFlow&c&l] &8ยป'
  36. ViolationSplit: 5
  37. BanViolation: 300
  38. autoBans: false
  39. banMode: 0
  40. banWait: 15
  41. violationReset: 180
  42. banBroadcast:
  43. - '%LINE%'
  44. - '%LINE%'
  45. - '%PREFIX% &c%PLAYER% &6has been removed from the server!&r'
  46. - '%LINE%'
  47. - '%LINE%'
  48. banCommand:
  49. - ban %PLAYER% &c(OverFlow) &6Cheating -s
  50. minTPS: 17
  51. TPSMode: 0
  52. TPSProtection: true
  53. APIEvents: true
  54. DataCollectionMode: false
  55. StatsCollection: true
  56. Client:
  57. enabled: false
  58. bans: true
  59. Hider:
  60. enabled: true
  61. spoofPluginName: Reflex
  62. anti-tab-complete: true
  63. noPermissionMessage: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  64. customMessage: false
  65. CustomTheme:
  66. prefix: '&c&l[&4&lOverFlow&c&l] &8ยป'
  67. alertMessage: '%PREFIX% &c%PLAYER% &7has failed &c%CHECKNAME%&8(&c%CHECKTYPE%&8)
  68. &8(&c%VL%&8)'
  69. Lag:
  70. MaxTime: 99
  71. MaxMagic: 100
  72. MinMagic2: 5
  73. LagBack: true
  74. ASyncCalculations: true
  75. Regions:
  76. enabled: false
  77. regions:
  78. - spawn
  79. AntiVPN:
  80. enabled: false
  81. email:
  82. checks:
  83. IPIntel: true
  84. IPHub:
  85. enabled: true
  87. ProxyCheckIO:
  89. ProxyCheckIO:
  90. IPHub:
  91. enabled: true
  92. kickCommand: /kick %PLAYER% &cVPNS are not allowed &3(%CHECK%)
  93. whitelist: []
  94. Bungeecord:
  95. enabled: false
  96. ServerName: KitPVP
  97. AppendEnable: true
  98. AlertAppend: '&6(%SERVER_NAME%)'
  99. Banwave:
  100. broadcastMessage:
  101. - '%LINE%'
  102. - '%LINE%'
  103. - '%PREFIX% &c%PLAYER% &6has been removed from the server!&6 [BanWave]'
  104. - '%LINE%'
  105. - '%LINE%'
  106. commands:
  107. - ban %PLAYER% &c(OverFlow) &6Cheating -s
  108. LunarClientDisable:
  109. enabled: false
  110. checks:
  111. - AimAssist-L
  112. Bypass:
  113. enabled: false
  114. permission: overflow.bypass
  115. ops: true
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