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a guest
Jan 12th, 2018
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  1. i := 1;
  2. a := 0.03;
  3. c := 2;
  4. A := 0;
  5. Subscript[E, CX] :=
  6. i (Cos[\[Gamma]] (Cos[\[Theta]] Cos[\[Phi]] - A Sin[\[Theta]]) +
  7. Cos[\[Theta]] Sin[\[Gamma]] Sin[\[Phi]]);
  8. Subscript[E, CY] := i Sin[\[Gamma] - \[Phi]];
  9. Subscript[E,
  10. CZ] := (A Cos[\[Gamma]] Cos[\[Theta]] +
  11. Cos[\[Gamma]] Cos[\[Phi]] Sin[\[Theta]] +
  12. Sin[\[Gamma]] Sin[\[Theta]] Sin[\[Phi]]);
  13. d := {{0, 0, 0, 0, a, -c}, {-c, c, 0, a, 0, 0}, {a, a, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
  14. f := {{Subscript[E, CX]^2}, {Subscript[E, CY]^2}, {Subscript[E,
  15. CZ]^2}, {2 Subscript[E, CY]*Subscript[E, CZ]}, {2 Subscript[E,
  16. CX]*Subscript[E, CZ]}, {2 Subscript[E, CX]*Subscript[E, CY]}};
  17. p[\[Gamma]_, \[Phi]_, \[Theta]_] = 2*d.f;
  18. r[w_, z_] := {{0, 0, 0}, {Cos[z]*Cos[w],
  19. Cos[z]*Sin[w], -Sin[w]}, {-Sin[w], Cos[w], 0}};
  20. e[\[Gamma]_, \[Phi]_, \[Theta]_, w_, z_] :=
  21. r[w, z].p[\[Gamma], \[Phi], \[Theta]];
  22. grid1 = Panel[
  23. GraphicsGrid[
  24. Table[PolarPlot[
  25. Norm[p[\[Gamma], \[Phi], \[Theta]]]^2, {\[Gamma], 0, 2 Pi},
  26. ColorFunction -> GrayLevel, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
  27. PlotRange -> All, PlotTheme -> "Monochrome", FrameLabel -> None,
  28. PlotLabel -> None, Ticks -> None, PolarAxes -> False,
  29. PolarGridLines -> {None, {Norm[p[0, 0, 0]]^2}},
  30. PolarAxesOrigin -> {0, Norm[p[0, 0, 0]]^2}], {\[Theta], {0,
  31. 2 Pi/20, 4 Pi/20, 6 Pi/20,
  32. 8 Pi/20, 10 Pi/20}}, {\[Phi], {0, 2 Pi/10, 4 Pi/10, 6 Pi/10,
  33. 8 Pi/10, 10 Pi/10}}], Spacings -> {0, 0}, Frame -> True],
  34. Background -> White, ImageSize -> Full]
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