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a guest
Feb 4th, 2016
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  1. // Piercing Blow 3.3+
  3. .text:00786DF0 sub_786DF0 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_9C2030+35p
  4. .text:00786DF0
  5. .text:00786DF0 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
  6. .text:00786DF0 arg_4 = word ptr 0Ch
  7. .text:00786DF0
  8. .text:00786DF0 push ebp
  9. .text:00786DF1 mov ebp, esp
  10. .text:00786DF3 push esi
  11. .text:00786DF4 push edi
  12. .text:00786DF5 mov edi, [ebp+arg_0]
  13. .text:00786DF8 mov ecx, 6
  14. .text:00786DFD movzx eax, word ptr [edi+7]
  15. .text:00786E01 cdq
  16. .text:00786E02 idiv ecx
  17. .text:00786E04 movsx ecx, [ebp+arg_4]
  18. .text:00786E08 inc edx
  19. .text:00786E09 sub ecx, 0Dh
  20. .text:00786E0C push edx
  21. .text:00786E0D push ecx
  22. .text:00786E0E lea ecx, [edi+0Dh]
  23. .text:00786E11 push ecx
  24. .text:00786E12 call dword ptr ds:0E977C0h
  25. .text:00786E18 mov ax, [ebp+arg_4]
  26. .text:00786E1C add esp, 0Ch
  27. .text:00786E1F pop edi
  28. .text:00786E20 pop esi
  29. .text:00786E21 pop ebp
  30. .text:00786E22 retn
  31. .text:00786E22 sub_786DF0 endp
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