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Oct 13th, 2019
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  1. # This is an example mods.toml file. It contains the data relating to the loading mods.
  2. # There are several mandatory fields (#mandatory), and many more that are optional (#optional).
  3. # The overall format is standard TOML format, v0.5.0.
  4. # Note that there are a couple of TOML lists in this file.
  5. # Find more information on toml format here:
  6. # The name of the mod loader type to load - for regular FML @Mod mods it should be javafml
  7. modLoader="javafml" #mandatory
  8. # A version range to match for said mod loader - for regular FML @Mod it will be the forge version
  9. loaderVersion="[28,)" #mandatory (28 is current forge version)
  10. # A URL to refer people to when problems occur with this mod
  11. issueTrackerURL="http://my.issue.tracker/" #optional
  12. # A list of mods - how many allowed here is determined by the individual mod loader
  13. [[mods]] #mandatory
  14. # The modid of the mod
  15. modId="amav" #mandatory
  16. # The version number of the mod - there's a few well known ${} variables useable here or just hardcode it
  17. version="1.0" #mandatory
  18. # A display name for the mod
  19. displayName="All Mobs Attack Villagers" #mandatory
  20. # A URL to query for updates for this mod. See the JSON update specification <here>
  21. updateJSONURL="" #optional
  22. # A URL for the "homepage" for this mod, displayed in the mod UI
  23. displayURL="doesntexist" #optional
  24. # A file name (in the root of the mod JAR) containing a logo for display
  25. logoFile="examplemod.png" #optional
  26. # A text field displayed in the mod UI
  27. credits="TallestEgg" #optional
  28. # A text field displayed in the mod UI
  29. authors="Humanity" #optional
  30. # The description text for the mod (multi line!) (#mandatory)
  31. description='''
  32. all this mod does is make mobs attack villagers, thats it.
  33. '''
  34. # A dependency - use the . to indicate dependency for a specific modid. Dependencies are optional.
  35. [[dependencies.amav]] #optional
  36. # the modid of the dependency
  37. modId="forge" #mandatory
  38. # Does this dependency have to exist - if not, ordering below must be specified
  39. mandatory=true #mandatory
  40. # The version range of the dependency
  41. versionRange="[28,)" #mandatory
  42. # An ordering relationship for the dependency - BEFORE or AFTER required if the relationship is not mandatory
  43. ordering="NONE"
  44. # Side this dependency is applied on - BOTH, CLIENT or SERVER
  45. side="BOTH"
  46. # Here's another dependency
  47. [[dependencies.amav]]
  48. modId="minecraft"
  49. mandatory=true
  50. versionRange="[1.14.4]"
  51. ordering="NONE"
  52. side="BOTH"
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