
Deep Web list [Mega dump]-[20/Jun/2015]

Jun 20th, 2015
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  1. ####################################################################
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  3. ## ___________ ##
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  6. ## | |( <_> ) | \/ [*] ##
  7. ## |____| \____/|__| ##
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  9. ## ________ UPDATED: 20/06/15 ##
  10. ## \______ \ __ __ _____ ______ ##
  11. ## | | \| | \/ \\____ \ ##
  12. ## | ` \ | / Y Y \ |_> > ##
  13. ## /_______ /____/|__|_| / __/ ##
  14. ## \/ \/|__| V2.0 ##
  15. ## Greetz: ##
  16. ## Cyber54170||xBalban||FreakBizarro||h4x30||scout039 ##
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  20. ¿Cómo entrar a la red Tor (Deep web) con algo de seguridad?
  22. 1- Utilizar una máquina virtual y correr OS T.A.I.L.S. (The Amnesic Incognito Live System).
  23. 2- Evitar el uso de Javascript, bajo ninguna circunstancia debe permitirse.
  24. 3- Verificar que se posea la última versión de Tor Browser y T.A.I.L.S.
  25. 4- Entrar al blog de Tor Project y revisar si hay nuevas alertas de seguridad
  27. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  28. Clearnet directory
  29. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  30. - Tor Project
  31. - The Tor Blog
  32. - The Amnesic Incognito Live System
  33. - Virtual box
  35. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  36. Security
  37. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  38. - Check your security
  39. - Check Tor
  41. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  42. Sitios oficiales
  43. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  45. http://idnxcnkne4qt76tg.onion/ - The Tor Project Website
  46. http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ - DuckDuckGo
  48. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  49. Buscadores y sitios con links a otros sitios
  50. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  51. http://ffi5v46ttwgx3fby.onion/ - Some .onion links by Smarky
  52. http://hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion/ - Not Evil
  53. http://tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt.onion/onions.php - Onion link list
  54. http://bdpuqvsqmphctrcs.onion/ - Onions DataBase
  55. http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/ - TorLinks
  56. http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/ - The Hidden Wiki
  57. http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/ - The Hidden Wiki - uncensored on TOR
  58. http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ - Search engine .onion (TORCH: Tor Search!)
  59. http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion/ - Onion Url Repository
  60. http://dirnxxdraygbifgc.onion/ - OnionDir - Deep Web Link Directory
  61. http://jh32yv5zgayyyts3.onion/ - OnionList
  62. http://wikitjerrta4qgz4.onion/ - Hidden Wiki - Tor Wiki
  63. - Tor Hidden Service (.onion) search
  65. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  66. Venta de armas & pasaportes falsos
  67. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  68. http://abbujjh5vqtq77wg.onion/ - Onion Identity Services - Get your fake passport and a new identity today
  69. http://en35tuzqmn4lofbk.onion/ - US Fake ID Store
  70. http://vfqnd6mieccqyiit.onion/ - UK Passports
  71. http://xfnwyig7olypdq5r.onion/ - USA Citizenship
  72. http://tuu66yxvrnn3of7l.onion/ - UK Guns and Ammo Store
  73. http://2kka4f23pcxgqkpv.onion/ - EuroGuns
  75. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  76. Venta de drogas y otros
  77. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  79. http://newpdsuslmzqazvr.onion/ - The Peoples Drugs Store
  80. http://s5q54hfww56ov2xc.onion/ - BitPharma
  81. http://25ffhnaechrbzwf3.onion/ - NL Growers
  82. http://kbvbh4kdddiha2ht.onion/ - DeDope - German Weed Shop
  83. http://fzqnrlcvhkgbdwx5.onion/ - CannabisUK
  84. http://smoker32pk4qt3mx.onion/ - Smokeables
  85. http://rso4hutlefirefqp.onion/ - EuCanna
  86. http://k4btcoezc5tlxyaf.onion/ - Kamagra For Bitcoin
  87. http://ll6lardicrvrljvq.onion/ - Brainmagic Psychedelics
  89. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  90. Ventas
  91. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  92. http://ltxocqh4nvwkofil.onion/ - DreamMarket
  93. http://mobil7rab6nuf7vx.onion/ - Mobile Store
  94. http://storegsq3o5mfxiz.onion/ - SamsungStorE
  95. http://tfwdi3izigxllure.onion/ - Apples 4 Bitcoin
  96. http://cstoreav7i44h2lr.onion/ - CSTORE - The original CardedStore
  97. http://ramp2bombkadwvgz.onion/ - RAMP: Russian Anonymous MarketPlace
  98. http://amberoadychffmyw.onion/ - Amberoad: anonymous market
  99. http://iacgq6y2j2nfudy7.onion/ - C'thulhu (Criminal group "Killer")
  100. http://zzq7gpluliw6iq7l.onion/ - $$ The Green Machine $$
  101. http://3dbr5t4pygahedms.onion/ - ccPal Store - PayPals, CCs, CVV2s, Ebay accounts
  102. http://shopsat2dotfotbs.onion/ - TorShops - Create your own .onion store
  104. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  105. Bitcoins y otras monedas
  106. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  107. http://y3fpieiezy2sin4a.onion/ - HQER - High Quality Euro Counterfeits - best counterfeit bank notes in europe
  108. http://qkj4drtgvpm7eecl.onion/ - Counterfeit USD
  109. http://usjudr3c6ez6tesi.onion/ - USJUD
  110. http://lmkn4jwrtb2s62yy.onion/ - The PaypalDome
  111. http://rxbnonlo56vhmkk2.onion/ - The Bitcoin Laundry
  112. http://hbetshipq5yhhrsd.onion/ - Hidden BetCoin
  113. http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/ - Bitcoin Fog
  114. http://easycoinsayj7p5l.onion/ - EasyCoin Bitcoin Wallet and free Bitcoin Mixer
  115. http://jzn5w5pac26sqef4.onion/ - WeBuyBitcoins - Sell your Bitcoins for Cash
  116. http://ow24et3tetp6tvmk.onion/ - OnionWallet Anonymous
  117. http://samsgdtwz6hvjyu4.onion/ - SafeCrow
  118. http://torbrokerge7zxgq.onion/ - TorBroker
  120. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  121. Servicios
  122. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  123. http://2h534razojirctlv.onion/ - Ctl-V
  124. http://pasterlczk6anaqz.onion/ - Decentralized pastebin
  125. http://postits4tga4cqts.onion/ - Post it!
  126. http://sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion/ - SMS4Tor Secure Messaging System for TOR
  127. http://2ogmrlfzdthnwkez.onion/ - Rent a hacker
  128. http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion/ - [TorBox] The Tor Mail Box
  129. http://bitmailendavkbec.onion/ - Bitmessage E-Mail Gateway
  130. http://ih4pgsz3aepacbwl.onion/ -
  131. http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion/ - Torbox
  132. http://mail2get4idcbfwe.onion/ - Mail2Tor
  134. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  135. Media & downloads
  136. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  137. http://eny5fgvoslpdzyc5.onion/ - ANTIGUO SERIES.LY MIRROR (Cultura)
  138. http://lolicore75rq3tm5.onion/archive/ - Lolicore /archive/
  139. http://wuvdsbmbwyjzsgei.onion/DOWNLOAD/ - Download music free
  140. http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/ - The Pirate Bay
  141. http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/ - MATRIX Image Uploader
  142. http://imagexutrag65hxl.onion/ - Free Image Hosting
  143. http://vt27twhtksyvjrky.onion/ - lol 20th Century Western Music Recordings and Scores (lol20cm)
  144. http://76qugh5bey5gum7l.onion/ - Deep Web Radio
  146. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  147. Hacking e informática
  148. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  149. http://binario5yvaed5ie.onion/ - Elbinario
  150. http://zupyv3e5spdok6nw.onion/ - Datenhangar
  151. http://hackcanl2o4lvmnv.onion/ - HackCanada
  152. http://3vnjj7h6c6vw2yh5.onion/ - Forum hacking French (Liberty's Hackers)
  153. http://67p4weg7hoowpvc3.onion/projects/cor/ - Michael Blizek: COR - connection oriented routing
  154. http://pyl7a4ccwgpxm6rd.onion/ - Code:Green
  156. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  157. Foros
  158. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  159. http://tmskhzavkycdupbr.onion/ - DreamMarket Forum
  160. http://abraxasgacelesox.onion/ - Abraxas Forum
  161. http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/ - Intel Exchange
  162. http://cipollatnumrrahd.onion/ - Cipolla 2.0
  163. http://r2d2akbw3jpt4zbf.onion/ - R2D2
  164. http://germanyhusicaysx.onion/ - Deutschland im Deep Web - Informationskontrolle, nein danke!s
  165. http://vt27twhtksyvjrky.onion/forum/ - 20th Century Western Music Recordings and Scores - forum (lol20cm)
  166. http://2gxxzwnj52jutais.onion/phpbb/ - Rock FM
  167. http://ocu3errhpxppmwpr.onion/ - AnonGTS: The anonymous GTS forum
  168. http://fcnwebggxt2d3h64.onion/ - Kategorier
  170. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  171. Foros Chan
  172. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  173. http://g7m3t4two7wmmmmm.onion/ - TorChan
  174. http://2i7aalqdpiuw36nu.onion/ - Sipulikanava
  175. http://fullchan4jtta4sx.onion/ - 8chan
  176. http://s6cco2jylmxqcdeh.onion/ - Cebolla Chan 3.0
  177. http://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion/ - Anonymous BBS
  178. http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/ - TorChan:torchan2
  179. http://zqiirytam276uogb.onion/ - Thorlauta
  181. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  182. Documentos, político, libros & leaks
  183. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  184. http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/ - Imperial Library of Trantor
  185. http://fappen53mnvayq4o.onion/ - Fappening: celebrities pictures leaked
  186. http://lulzwrzcle5ks3se.onion/g/w/pub// - The Fappening 2014-2015
  187. http://lolsonynnslow5lt.onion/ - Archive of the Sony files leaked by GOP
  188. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/files.html - Forbidden Files Collection, format: pdf, txt, etc...(ParaZite)
  189. http://c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/ - Jotunbane's Reading Club
  190. http://wi7qkxyrdpu5cmvr.onion/en/index.html - Autistici/Inventati (A/I)
  192. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  193. Storage file upload
  194. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  195. http://tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt.onion/upload.php - Upload files
  197. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  198. Blogs
  199. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  200. http://tigas3l7uusztiqu.onion/blog/ - Blog: Mike Tigas
  201. http://3cq3wjge224wqxfq.onion/ - My Bitches Memoires
  202. http://mpf3i4k43xc2usxj.onion/ -
  204. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  205. Social
  206. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  207. http://tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt.onion/chat.php - My Chat
  208. http://tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion/ - FreeFor
  209. http://tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion:8080/ - FreeFor: IRC - #beer_pretzels
  210. http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion/ - Eliza Chatbot - Chat with V.I.K.I.
  211. http://e266al32vpuorbyg.onion/index.php - Dark Nexus Chat
  213. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  214. Normal p0rn
  215. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  216. http://k4jmdeccpnsfe43c.onion/ - Girls Released
  217. http://mjt54q6pagohhimn.onion/ - TORs oldest p0rn site
  218. http://mjt54q6pagohhimn.onion/pics/ - TORs oldest p0rn site: pics
  220. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  221. Papers
  222. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  223. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/iNFeCTioN_CooKBooK.txt- Infection Cookbook
  224. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/molitov.txt - The Molitov Cocktail
  225. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/success.txt - How to succeed without talent!
  226. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/fuksomeone.txt - How To Get DETAILED Information on ANYBODY
  227. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/lyingninja.txt - How to be a lying ninja!
  228. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/thebook.txt - Pipe bombs
  229. http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/aow.html - Sun Tzu's The Art of War
  231. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  232. Random website
  233. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  234. http://wd43uqrbjwe6hpre.onion/ - Kognitionskyrkan
  235. http://ezzzzzzeiu3exd2y.onion/ - Cresil's Projects
  236. http://2jv5r7k66ralyk3g.onion/ - [$$$]
  237. http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion/ - AgoraBeta
  238. http://74ypjqjwf6oejmax.onion/ - Exploring Virginia Tech's steam tunnels and beyond
  239. http://y5fmhyqdr6r7ddws.onion/ -
  240. http://pja3dhxxpn4cba63.onion/TSSA/index.html - The Secret Story Archive
  241. http://p56soo2ibjkx23xo.onion/ - Will the real tup please stand up?
  242. http://rzb5nlpvy5oqnket.onion/ - Fundacja Panoptykon (Foundation Panoptykon)
  243. http://2gxxzwnj52jutais.onion/ - The Nowhere Server (restored from FH)
  244. http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/comsense.html - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
  245. http://4fvfamdpoulu2nms.onion/ - Lucky Eddie's Home
  246. http://qizriixqwmeq4p5b.onion/ - Tor Web Developer
  247. http://xiwayy2kn32bo3ko.onion/ - ONION Channel
  248. http://wtwfzc6ty2s6x4po.onion/ - Sea Kitten Palace
  249. http://lulzwrzcle5ks3se.onion/ - The Beauty Onion Compilation
  251. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  252. Servers running
  253. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  254. http://wiki5kauuihowqi5.onion/ -
  255. http://6w6vcynl6dumn67c.onion/ -
  256. http://ffi5v46ttwgx3fby.onion/ -
  257. http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/ -
  258. http://t4is3dhdc2jd4yhw.onion/ -
  259. http://newsiiwanaduqpre.onion/ -
  260. http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/ -
  261. http://zce2gyru25cvynqc.onion/ -
  263. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  264. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  265. Visit:
  267. [#]
  268. [#]
  269. [#]
  270. [#]
  271. [#]
  272. [#] http://
  273. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  274. You are free to copy and repost it!
  275. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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