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a guest
Sep 29th, 2010
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  1. Jealousy - Lowers Encounter Rate By 50%
  2. Drizzle - Causes Rain (Not Used)
  3. Speed Boost - Raises Speed By One Stage Per Turn
  4. Guard Armor - Prevents Critical Hits
  5. Sturdy - Prevents OHKO
  6. Damp - Prevents Usage Of Explosion Or Self-Destruct
  7. Limber - Prevents Paralysis
  8. Sand Veil - Raises Evasion Under Sandstorm
  9. Static - 30% Chance Of Causing Paralysis When Hit Under Contact
  10. Volt Absorb - Absorbs Wind Type Moves
  11. Water Absorb - Absorbs Water Type Moves
  12. Oblivious - Cannot Be Attracted
  13. Unconscious - Prevents Weather Effects
  14. Focus - Raises Accuracy
  15. Insomnia - Prevents Sleep
  16. Mysterious - Changes Type to The Attack Last Hit
  17. Immunity - Prevents Poison
  18. Flash Fire - Raises Fire Type Moves When Hit By A Fire Type Move
  19. Advent - Prevents Added Effects
  20. Own Tempo - Prevents Confusion
  21. Gate Keeper - Sticks Firmly To The Ground
  22. Intimidate - Lowers Enemy Attack By One Stage
  23. Shadow Tag - Prevents Escape (This Version Of Shadow Tag Is Not Used)
  24. Doll Wall - Touching Causes Damage Back
  25. Playing Ghost - Super Effective Hits Only Count
  26. Levitate - Prevents Damage From Earth Moves
  27. Infection - Touching Causes Status Ailments
  28. Synchronize - Reflects Status Ailments
  29. Hakurei Miko - Prevents Stat Lowering
  30. Natural Cure - Switching Out Cures Status Ailments
  31. Lightning Rod - Draws In Wind Type Moves
  32. Serene Grace - Doubled Added Effect Chance
  33. Swift Swim - Raises Speed Under Rainy Weather
  34. Chlorophyll - Raises Speed Under Sunny Weather
  35. Diva - Raises Encounter Rate By 200%
  36. Trace - Copies Enemy Ability
  37. Unzan - Doubles Attack Stat
  38. Poison Body - Touching Causes Poison
  39. Inner Focus - Prevents Flinching
  40. Fire Veil - Prevents Freeze
  41. Water Veil - Prevents Burn
  42. Magnet Pull - Traps Steel Type Characters (Not Used)
  43. Soundproof - Prevents All Sound Based Attacks
  44. Rain Dish - Heals Under Rainy Weather
  45. Sand Stream - Causes Sandstorm
  46. Pressure - Doubles PP Usage
  47. Wall Of Ice - Strong Against Fire And Ice
  48. Early Bird - Wake Up Faster
  49. Flame Body - Touching Causes Burn
  50. Run Away - Guaranteed Escape
  51. Keen Eye - Prevents Accuracy Loss
  52. Unnatural Strength - Prevents Attack Loss
  53. Pick Up - Picks Up Items After Battle Randomly
  54. Fretful - Moves Every Other Turn
  55. Hustle - Increases Attack, Lowers Accuracy
  56. Cute Charm - Touching Causes Infatuation
  57. Plus - Boosts Sp.Att If Minus Is Out
  58. Minus - Boosts Sp.Att If Plus Is Out
  59. Forecast - Type Changes Depending On Weather (Not Used)
  60. Collector - Prevents Item Loss
  61. Maintenance - 1/3 Chance Of Losing Status Ailment
  62. Guts - Raises Attack While Inflicted With A Status Ailment
  63. Spring Charm - Raises Defense While Inflicted With A Status Ailment
  64. Strange Mist - HP Stealing Effects Are Reversed
  65. Overgrow - Raises Nature Type Moves In A Pinch
  66. Blaze - Raises Fire Type Moves In A Pinch
  67. Torrent - Raises Water Type Moves In A Pinch
  68. Inner Power - Raises Dream Type Moves In A Pinch
  69. Rock Head - Prevents Recoil Damage
  70. Drought - Causes The Sun To Appear (Not Used)
  71. Shadow Tag - Prevents Enemy From Escaping (This Version Of Shadow Tag Acts Like Arena Trap And Is Used)
  72. Vital Spirit - Prevents Sleep
  73. Magic Barrier - Prevents Stat Lowering
  74. Pure Power - Doubles Attack Stat
  75. Shell Armor - Blocks Critical Hits (Not Used)
  76. Hisouten - Prevents Weather Effects
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