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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. 168:memcached ingenthr$ git checkout -b mergingwin32again
  2. Branch mergingwin32again set up to track local branch master by rebasing.
  3. Switched to a new branch 'mergingwin32again'
  4. 168:memcached ingenthr$ git status
  5. # On branch mergingwin32again
  6. # Untracked files:
  7. # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
  8. #
  9. # .buildbot/
  10. nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
  11. 168:memcached ingenthr$ git describe
  12. 1.4.4
  13. 168:memcached ingenthr$ git pull capt win32
  14. From git://
  15. * branch win32 -> FETCH_HEAD
  16. First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
  17. Fast-forwarded mergingwin32again to 9c660c0d4c5b5fd8db6357cd75409ffcb5e1dbad.
  18. 168:memcached ingenthr$ git describe
  19. 1.4.4-14-g9c660c0
  20. 168:memcached ingenthr$ git show-branch HEAD memc/master capt/win32
  21. ! [HEAD] Found an error in the compile, post merge. WIN32 define needed to be extended
  22. ! [memc/master] Allow noreply mixed with 0 delay.
  23. ! [capt/win32] Found an error in the compile, post merge. WIN32 define needed to be extended
  24. ---
  25. + + [HEAD] Found an error in the compile, post merge. WIN32 define needed to be extended
  26. + + [HEAD^] Fixed the stop_sever() function, using event_base_loopexit()
  27. + + [HEAD~2] Fixed issue with even_loop() by using event_base_loop()
  28. + + [HEAD~3] Added NTService hooks
  29. + + [HEAD~4] Making sure everything is committed and up to date
  30. + + [HEAD~5] Bumped win32/version.h to show correct version
  31. + + [HEAD~6] Changes to config.h
  32. + + [HEAD~7] Added Makefile.mingw
  33. + + [HEAD~8] Clean, fresh, win32 patch applied!
  34. + + [HEAD~9] merge fixes
  35. + + [HEAD~10] Fix bad merge.
  36. + + [HEAD~11] config.h for windows is hand-crafted for now.
  37. + + [HEAD~12] Updated build batch and instruction files to go with MinGW.
  38. + + [HEAD~13] Added support for WIN32 compilations
  39. +++ [memc/master] Allow noreply mixed with 0 delay.
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