
TWW Heaps

Jul 5th, 2019
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  1. Ass Dupes work at Max alloc below 36.98 KB. An arrow takes 5.02 KB
  3. Heaps have a free list and a used list which supports cached(free) and used blocks?
  5. TWW:
  6. CommandHeap: 0x1000
  8. ArchiveHeap: 0xA3F000 = 10743808 = 10743,808 KB (80364ADC) (+0 = heapNamePtr, +4 = HeapPtr, +8 = totalUsedSize, +C = freeSize) (pos(HeapPtr) = functionPtr = pos(functionPtr) + 0x40 = functionRef to do_getFreeSize__10JKRExpHeapFv)
  9. (pos(HeapPtr) + 0x18 = mutexPtr; pos(HeapPtr) + 0x78 = ptr to first free mem slot, pos(HeapPtr) + 0x80 = ptr to first used mem Slot) (if ptr to first used mem slot is empty range has nothing used so far, if set, then pos(memSlotPtr) + 0x3 = isSlotFree, pos(memSlotPtr) + 0x4 = slotSize, pos(memSlotPtr) + 0xC = ptr to next slot, if empty no more next slots, pos(memSlotPtr) + 0x8 = probably ptr to prior slot. Slot desc is 16 bytes big and counted towards total size used)
  11. ZeldaHeap: 0x63D580 = 6542720 bytes = 6542,72 KB (80364A94)
  12. GameHeap: 0x2CE000 = 2940928 = 2940,928 KB (80364AB8)
  14. mDoMch_Create__Fv
  15. 002a8804 00002c 802adee4 4 getFreeSize__7JKRHeapFv JKernel.a JKRHeap.cpp calls do_getFreeSize__10JKRExpHeapFv (find biggest free slot and return its size)
  16. 002a8830 00002c 802adf10 4 getMaxFreeBlock__7JKRHeapFv JKernel.a JKRHeap.cpp calls do_getMaxFreeBlock__10JKRExpHeapFv (find biggest free slot and return the ptr there)
  17. 002a885c 00002c 802adf3c 4 getTotalFreeSize__7JKRHeapFv JKernel.a JKRHeap.cpp calls do_getTotalFreeSize__10JKRExpHeapFv
  19. Memory Errors thrown by:
  20. myMemoryErrorRoutine
  22. REL stats:
  23. dump__24DynamicModuleControlBaseFv
  25. Loaded Actor List:
  26. dump__14dRes_control_cFv
  28. Heap dump?:
  29. dump__11JKRAramHeapFv
  32. TP:
  33. CommandHeap: 0x1000
  35. ArchiveHeap: 0x8DF400 = 9303040 = 9303,04 KB (803D3380) (+0 = heapNamePtr, +8 = HeapPtr, +C = totalUsedSize, +0x10 = freeSize)
  36. (pos(HeapPtr) = functionPtr = pos(functionPtr) + 0x40 = functionRef to do_getFreeSize__10JKRExpHeapFv)
  37. (pos(HeapPtr) + 0x18 = mutexPtr, pos(HeapPtr) + 0x78 = ptr to first free mem slot, pos(HeapPtr) + 0x80 = ptr to first used Mem Slot) (if ptr to first used mem slot is empty range has nothing used so far, if set, then pos(memSlotPtr) + 0x3 = isSlotFree, pos(memSlotPtr) + 0x4 = slotSize, pos(memSlotPtr) + 0xC = ptr to next slot, if empty no more next slots, pos(memSlotPtr) + 0x8 = probably ptr to prior slot. Slot desc is 16 bytes big and counted towards total size used)
  39. J2dHeap: 0x7D000 = 512000 = 512 KB
  40. GameHeap: 0x44E000 = 4513792 = 4513,792 KB (803D3358)
  41. ZeldaHeap: 0x528a0c = 5409292 = 5409,292 KB (803D3330)
  43. Ordon Day 2 (Layer 0) has low DYN!
  44. Lanayru Main Field has low DYN!
  45. Kak Twilight has low DYN!
  46. Outside Castle Town (Layer 0) has low DYN!
  48. Outside Zoras Domain has low DYN!
  49. Lake Hylia Post Cannon has low DYN!
  51. Zoras River (Layer 1) has the lowest DYN! (819 KB)
  53. A Visible fishing rod uses 5,79 KB
  54. Can drop max 47,64 KB by shooting arrows into the distance
  55. Can drop max 9,46 KB by dropping 3 bombs
  58. free flow:
  59. -removeUsedBlock(). Alters list by pointing the next slot back ptr to the slot before the freed block and the prior slot next ptr to the next slot after the freed block
  60. -recycleFreeBlock()
  62. 80023AA0 fpcFCtRq_Request__FP11layer_classsPFPvPv_iPvPv: is the leak target (if delete is called instead of cancel as it should)
  65. TP Wii NTSC 1.0:
  66. CommandHeap: 0x1000 = 4096 = 4 KB
  67. DynamicLinkHeap: 0x180000 = 1572864 = 1572,864 KB = 1,572864 MB
  68. ArchiveHeap: 0xf20c00 = 15862784 = 15862,784 KB = 15,862784 MB
  69. J2dHeap: 0xbb800 = 768000 = 768 KB
  70. GameHeap: 0x74e000 = 7659520 = 7659,52 KB = 7,65952 MB
  71. ZeldaHeap: 0x8FF76C = 9434988 = 9434,988 = 9,434988 MB
  73. TP HD:
  74. CommandHeap: 0x1000 = 4096 = 4 KB
  75. DynamicLinkHeap: 0xA000 = 40960 = 40.96 KB
  76. ArchiveHeap: 0x1720C00 = 24251392 = 24251,392 KB = 24,251392 MB
  77. J2dHeap: 0x8E57E0 = 9328608 = 9328,608 KB = 9,328608 MB
  78. GameHeap: 0x1B4E000 = 28631040 = 28631,04 KB = 28,63104 MB
  79. ZeldaHeap: HUGE
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